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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 23, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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to match up by the price of junior, the color harris is set to make the biggest speech of a political career as the 1st black women on the 1st asian americans accept and major functions, combination the west preston, democrats around the 5 to 9 palestinians, a chance to speak on the convention, the spark pressure from uncommitted votes was outrage, as well as one gosh, the carry johnston. this is i'll just say with the items that are also coming up. a
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vicious cycle of death and displacement in guns that is ready for us is killed at least $47.00 palestinians. tens of thousands of people are forced to forget. precious precedence accuses ukraine of attempting an attack on the coast nuclear power station. head of international nuclear watched office. i think the next week, [000:00:00;00] the coming us color harris's set to be the 1st african american and asian american women to fully accept to major parties. nomination for president to return to the main stage of the democratic national convention in chicago. and if it was obviously the biggest speech of a political career, this is expected to reveal more about a personal journey. and also her vision to take on have a public and revival donald trump a whole lot spring in that timberly. how could now,
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who's installed the convention venue in chicago? so the main event is not far away. now is the con, the higher set to take to the stage? that's absolutely right. cala harris will be the keynote speaker, and there is a lot of anticipation. it was already filled up in this convention hall about an hour ago, and couple of harris is not expected to speak for at least 3 and a half, 4 hours. and maybe even 4, given the fact that they have been running behind every evening in terms of the schedule. now there are a number of celebrities that are expected to appear on her behalf. we've expecting that there will be a pink who is well known around the world, and even there's a surprise block where there could be other famous names appearing as well. we also know that there will be the appearance of a bar, kelley, the senator democratic senator,
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who was river to be one of the possible running bates for comma le harris. he will be speaking alongside him, will be his wife, gabby gifford, too, did survive being attempted mass shooting. she will also be period to talk about the importance of gun control. but of course, what everybody is waiting for us to hear from comma, la harris. and what her vision is for the future, if she is to become president of the united states, can we find something much indeed for now? while the democrats, so trying to show a united front is discontent among their own party members of a denying any palestinian american, the charles to address the convention of the spark voices. supposing is roseanne roach, i'm is of captives being allowed to at least 40 democratic that a good say that uncommitted and have withheld the supports to come in to have a so the by the administration stands on israel as some democrats have open to
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express their frustration with the highest was campaign and a treat us house, democrats, count them, said the democratic party is making quote, a tragic mistake that pets you. 18 your rage of palestinian voices, likening it to the range of protestants. difficult advice by breton, come across that house representative in michigan abraham ash. also right. it is so the and see cannot claim to one pacing garza but actively swartz the ability for pot as things to speak. the truth. also the group muslim women for harris and how they are the spending and withdrawing support for him. and the statement they say the family of the israeli hostage that was on the stage to nights has shown empathy towards protestant americans and protestants and candidates. all the d n c has okay, but others on there was outside the venue in chicago and our protest is of gather
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that every day of the conviction. gabriel, what's been the scene of that? yeah, that's right to this. but protest is happening in a park about a kilometer away from where the convention is taking place. and there are uh, a little more than a 1000 protesters here. i would say that's a rough estimate. oh protesters that are calling for an in to, to israel's war on god's this is going to be a protest. i can be walking down the streets or holding signs, chanting a very much in atmosphere if you will, of the and, and um, and then i'm sorry i just was interrupted. i'm sorry. i think you can still hear me . so let me bring in a guest right now. it's gonna talk a little bit more about this. a glo choice you're on us here, which non partisan immigrants rights and justice group. let me just ask you 1st. why are you here today? well we,
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we see the struggles connected between what's happening and gaza as well as the immigrant just as move in as a whole pot of center is and endorsing organization. all of the march on d and c, coalition. and we joined because, you know, immigrant rights are human rights and what's happening in gaza, what's happening to the black community members in america. what's happening to clear and transpose what's happening to women and abortion rights, and what's happening to the environment. we see that at all as all connected. that's right. it, it gets well very well put and it's really the immigration issue is so key in this election. we see donald trump was actually down at the border today. um, tell me, what are you thinking when it comes to coming about harris and her stance on abortion? what's kinda your viewing on this? what do you want to see from her? well, what we certainly want to see from all elected officials is that they support the immigrant community. time and time again when it's time for elections,
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they'll share either how critical immigrants are and then when it doesn't suit their needs, they throw them under the bus. and we've seen that, you know, from various administrations going decades back. and one thing that our organization is calling for is a pathway to citizenship or all 11000000 on documented immigrants. and we don't want that predicated on on increase militarization or border enforcement. we don't believe that just because people are leaving their homes for a better life that they should be criminalized for it. do you think that faxed it kamala harrison comes from an immigrant family? her parents came to the us from india, helps to inform her so far as her governing and what it could if she becomes present or not. well, i certainly hope those live experiences as an immigrant would inform her. but i, at the end of the day as an elected official, she has to remember that the people that she represents are immigrants. and she has
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to listen to the immigrant justice community. when we say what both democrats and republicans have done to the border is unacceptable as clearly the border is a big, big issue. and there's so many immigrants that just want a chance at the quote unquote american dream. i think that's what we're really you seem like you're advocating for. um, well the american dream is a complicated one. is it? is it literally over simplified, isn't it? but yeah, well the just the other day i was sharing how the american dream is often possible because it creates a nightmare, a scenario of exploitation for so many people, the american dream. the idea of it is, if you work hard enough, you'll get all of the, you know, you'll get, you'll be able to pay for your house, you'll be able to pay off your mortgage. but that's simply not true. and it hasn't been for a long time, whether you're a long standing citizen that's been here for decades for your and your recent arrival. last question is you're going to take part in the protest it's going on now for, for, for guys. that last question is,
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how does it feel to be part of this movement here in chicago right now? well, cook county of chicago as one of the, if not the largest palestinian community largest, right? the largest, the in the, in the nation. and so many of our allies, our dearest friends, are from the palestinian community. so it's truly an honor to be here in solidarity with them because we know they're certainly in solidarity with us. low joy, thank you very much for speaking out here. we appreciate your perspective can speak really well. thank you so much. so that was of course one perspective there from one of the protesters is main issue is immigrant rights that you could hear. but he was really talking as well about how that really also really dovetails with the the other protesters here that are calling for an in stage rios war on gaza. gabriel, thank you. that's spring and i'll start her son. now he's a democratic political strategists. he's also a delicate from the moment. he joins us live from the convention in chicago. welcome to the program overall, then sofa has a convention going to plan this?
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part of the democrats are concerned a oh yeah, this is a convention that if it's possible to go better than planned, at least both aspects, i think they've nailed it. the atmosphere here is absolutely electric. it's energized, it's joyous, it's determined. i don't know that you could hope for more of a political convention like this. i hope it comes across that home, but i will tell you what. here inside the hall, people are absolutely driven. they're motivated, they're happy they're, they're so happy to be here. actually. you say they've nailed it, but no protest in american was allowed to address the convention. what do you make of that? do you think that is a mistake? right, so we had a family who had themselves experienced violence, right? their, their son was taken away and is being held hostage. there are also families where palestinian who are sitting face the same dilemma. and many more this could have
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been an opportunity to show that if the administration is serious but a to say. so we said that we've got to consider people on all sides of the, of the divide here. that wasn't something that was planned. i do think it's another site. i've actually signed a letter saying, so i, i will note that with the family that spoke on the stage, they themselves also support a ceasefire. and they talked about that the best solution here is a cessation of violence from the state. so there's some things there. it's not enough, but as it comes to most issues, we just sort of immigration, there's a lot that we have left to do and the people in this hall and around the country. now that we have 2 options, 2 ways forward, which is the one that we think that we want to have as a negotiating table. the purchases are outside this, this whole right now weren't outside of the trump protests. for the most part. that's because they know that it's come with harris and this administration where they're actually going to have any leverage in an alternate immunization 100 trump
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. they would have no leverage at all, things would get worse and they said, so to call the house is due to speak fairly soon. of course. so what will be the democrats main strategy then from now, until election day when it comes to efforts to defeats donald trump? what is generally this 2 buckets of voters that you need to you need to sort of, you can break it down much further than that. but you just, 2 buckets of the people that you have to persuade and the people that you have to get out to about now obviously is way more complicated than that. but right now, the base of the democratic party for the most part and again, not everybody, but for the most part is highly energized. and you see that in movement in the polls that makes the job easier for the campaigns themselves, easier to get volunteers. it's easier to get people out. there's also the persuasion aspect, and you can see that changing as well in the polls to. that's where you see these 234 point bombs, people changing their mind. what changes are undecided to moving over to?
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it's a comma harris, so the persuadable is or begin to move over slowly. what you can't measure quite as much in the polls is it kind of thing that you can see behind the and susie as i'm of our own base people here are. and i'm included, people here are emotional in a way that we haven't selves in well over a decade. okay. with the with that also pass on. thank you very much for joining us . my pleasure. meanwhile, republican, that presidential candidates donald trump has visited the us mexico border. and the swing state of arizona integration has been a hot button issue. this selection republicans have criticized come of the house, isn't mcglatian policies the keys in care of failing to protect the border? well, speaking next to a pile of metal for the portable trump blank democrats for failing to finish it. if you take a look interestingly at the all of the wall that's lying on it side, that could have been put up in
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a matter of weeks. it was all set to go. it was all cut out. and if you look at the top of the mountain behind us, is all shaped all ready to go. could have been put up in a few weeks. much of its been sold for $0.05 and the dollars very expensive about bundles followed that from visits to the border and has more a visit to an unfinished section of border wall here in swing state, arizona, candidate donald trump repeatedly called campbell a harris is opponent comrade campbell saying she is a left wing radical who wants open borders between the united states and mexico and says that she is directly responsible for floods of immigrants coming across, who he said uh, within quite gruesome detail in fact have committed multiple crimes. at least a wave as he put it or an onslaught of immigrant crime as usual with donald trump,
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the facts are somewhat in variance with is rhetoric. the figures from the border authorities here in the united states show that over the past 5 months, border crossings have been dropping sharply and in fact, they were down in july to their lowest level in 4 years. similarly, crime has been dropping gradually in the united states and was again down sharply over the past several months of this year. now, in terms of the drug trade, it is also a described by a law enforcement officials and border officials as being the product of us citizens who are smuggling fentanyl and other types of narcotics across the border . not migrants, so that, well, the, the federal is coming in is being made in mexico. it's largely being brought in of the
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a trucks or other vehicles through ports of entry by us citizens of mr. trump will uh show more of his concern for this crucial swing state with a big rally plan in glendale near phoenix on friday in the same large arena where uh campbell harris spoke before 15000 people several days ago. rob riddles out to 0 co cheese county, arizona. the is ready for assistive kills nearly 50 palestinians as they intensified the offensive and what is once cooled safe areas in the central and southern guns are densely populated areas teeming with internally displaced, palestinians. i've been told to leave, depriving families access to what's in vital health services, different gaza around the move once again, even as they buried that loved ones. so i'm going to have it begins our coverage
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here. the theme repeated many times and going to be more than $40000.00 palestinians of being killed. the bodies of the dead are taken from alexa, hospitalized for burial. afraid is radia tax in the block. the world is upside down and save these parents as the old continue to bury the young. busy people decided to return to their homes and got some of the story. the army saw them walk in on the street and executed some parents, a motion to the the smallest coffins with the heaviest, as increasing numbers of children are killed in this war. and this all. busy to come, but if you will, all the, the own. i'm sitting on the rubble of my house and the remains of my children says this father, the 70 year old has lost several family members at his home in the block. yeah. the address a we were at the school, the whole family when they began to hit schools,
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the children and my grandchildren came to the house to sleep. i was sleeping outside the soft of midnight. we heard a sound. and the school is mia. we looked over from the school and it turned out to be our house that we came to what you see here, rebel with us in the body, parts left of some others. i enjoyed the health industry says at least 11 people were killed by is really strikes here. as the forces continued to hit a number of neighborhoods in central and southern gaza. the hospitals, schools, most churches, everything has been attacked all over the receipt strip. and know that it's safe. 1 it's a vicious cycle for many civilians who survive. each night strikes wake up, carry the dead crate and then move. once again. people don't have enough time to warn, as they receive more is really orders to evacuate. some have been forced to move dozens of times since october. is there any time simple to push for any areas of
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one unit? any here say, is really gunfire from several friends, herded them to work this area. and there's a honda because it's not bad that it just broke off displacement cost as humiliation and suffering. we spend our time on the shelves and gunfire and moving from one area to another and we see no benefit in the negotiations. the talks on a possible ceasefire, set the resume in egypt from the wounds of his house of the shining. how move that says he has one message for the world. it's enough. have mercy. some of the job aids out of there. the escalation of the war beyond causes, borders, unassuming threats of a polio outbreak donated today's un security council meeting on the situation in the middle east. i was just, there was a christian. so letting me reports from united nations. there's growing concern on the international stage, a mid faltering cease fire talks that war will spread beyond garza despite mountain
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criticism. that is, israel's government that appears to have been stalling. the united states called on him aust to accept its latest ceasefire proposal. thank you. prime minister netanyahu confirmed that israel accept the bridging proposal that the united states guitar and egypt put forward last week. the proposal is consistent with the principles outlined by president biden in may 2024. and that this council endorsed in resolution 2735. and this bills on areas of agreement from tops convened in doha last week. but russia choose the united states and changing it to turn the global just leaving the security council. never bless the deal formulated in this way. and why, when you called upon all of us to accept pressure exclusively on how much leadership to make sure that the movement accepts a new is ready when you consistently refused to work with west in jerusalem. which critically depends on you for width and supplies. but it is something that well
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intentioned, and impartial mediators do. unfortunately, conflict isn't the only thing that spreading. the polio virus is now circulating in the occupied territories, prompting concerns of an outbreak of this preventable paralyzing disease, $50000.00 palestinian children born since the start of the conflicts have not been vaccinated. the world health organization and unicef have 1600000 doses ready to distribute. but agencies say it is impossible under the current conditions. that is the key. we should not need because she ations special permissions to bring a lot of sending medical supplies to the liens. she might have pairings and medical teams like my i and she's not spend on is the leading to the rules to be of help. i talk to the company, it's a letter signed by 28 organization says they'll need at least 7 days with no fighting to administer the 1st dose to children, but also called for
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a permanent ceasefire. kristen, so me, me, i'll just era united nation. so the head, donalds, they're us supreme court's revise and knowing our center requiring votes, just to show proof of citizenship before registering uncontroversial internet personality. andrew tates is based on the house to rest and remain out of the pro. it's a human trumpeting the hello. we are looking at more intense, hates across central eastern false if the us at present try whether now cosette, eastern, seaboard, we have got some areas of cloud and raised some like these storms of rumbling out to central canada across the prairies using down across the northern plains, but the little disturbance just around the full corner space. you can see that line
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of shows we stretch up towards the lakes as we go on through friday. more the west show us just around the rockies and up to was the pacific northwest. and that went to web will just a little further north was getting into the west side of canada as we go through. satisfied as the haber into the thirty's, mid thirty's, the, for kansas city, for example. 31 celsius the and they say no to south continue just around the southeast and cooling a southern parts of georgia, florida still looking pretty wet, wet, wet weather, extending down across the bahamas longest spells a frame big from the stalls, rolling across southern cube or over the next couple of days easing for you, the guys ran to suspend the older looking pretty this. the scotts ring a shelves into the east, an honest but not too bad. yeah, i mean i'm off of central america. have got a little bit of weather system in place just across the southern parts of mexico, stretching right down into panama.
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the the of the watching. i'll just here remind to about top stores the so that a 50 palestinians have been killed across kansas
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a day off the israel issued you displacement towards this is very ami struck highly populated areas and the sentence sounds coming to harris's set to be the 1st african american and asian american women to fully upset from age of properties from a nation for president, to return to the main stage of democratic national convention and coming to deliver what's all the good speech and let us republican presidential candidates. donald trump has visited the us mexico border in the spring state of arizona, speaking next to a ton of metals for the affordable trump blaine's democrats for failing to finish. the us supreme court has revived parts of an iras, though no, nor requiring some, but it has to show proof of american citizenship to register. to vote the quotes routing photos and appealed by the republican national committee and the states. they just such it was, the owner is a key battleground states in the us selection,
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and the republican party is pushing for nationwide proof of citizenship. bill the public gonzalgo. it's necessary to prevent the americans from costing their products and occupies westbank is where the forces of killed at least 3 palestinians during a raid is ready, but it should. vehicles blocked the roads in and out to the to con refugee count finale 14 hours. and i submitted treating the assembly gates of posted video, showing its fights is fire, and yet is there any troops or dozens of buildings were destroyed? at least one is very soldier was injured, and 40 pounds of students had been detained. neither abraham was at the scene of that she's waiting right into commonsense as difficult another day in the occupied west bank. another is ready read this time to the to we've got in refugee tab that has the north of destruction to the homes, but also through the infrastructure. we've been speaking to people who say that
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these really soldiers set homes on fire on purpose and we were talking to them as they were trying to put all the fire. also another is really air strikes that left 3, palestinian, that we are talking about in increasing the use of is really area and hits against palestinian target since the war started, the un fingers speak about 50 is really ariel targets an area hit against palestinians that left $113.00 that but since august as of august we did report that the on average one cal assuming is kills per the you to these is ready to air strikes and we've been hearing these really defense minister view off. glancing that he is green lighting in the use of aerial strikes against palestinian targets to combat the palestinians. use of a i. e. d. 's, which are the improvise exclusive devices that they're offering through at the is really,
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really 3 vehicles. when they read how to simeon villages at home and repeat, you can do that, but he just need all the occupied with bank. how does fine the russian president, vladimir putin, is accused of training forces of trying to attack the course of nuclear power plant . the font is located inside rushes west and coast region, which has been the targets of the ukrainian incursion. facility is about 40 kilometers from the city of coast summit, 50 kilometers away from russian territory that is held by ukrainian forces. it houses 2 working reactors, powering 19 russian regions automated system. the enemy tried to strike the kids can nuclear power station. the international atomic energy agency has been informed the promise to come themselves defend specialist to assess the situation. i hope that in the end this will be done on their part. when you are in
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that nuclear inspectors will visit the coast. so next week he has not responded to pollutants, accusations lights. ministries says it's taking another settlement in the coast region. people that have been forced to flee their homes. though such a body spent the day in the shelter that incense us. this report saelens you know, used to live in the la sky region. and course now she lives here. a private boxing club turned into a shelter. she is one of more than 50 people, forced from their home since ukrainian forces launched that incursion into russia along the border with the curse region just over 2 weeks ago. you know, how does she kind of use nicer participant? i'm grateful for the health we receive, but i feel bad that i'm here. i would prefer to be my own home. i want the war to finish as soon as possible. there's nothing else i want more than for this war to be over. the 9 year old gladly be too young to fully understand what's happened. he's passing the time perfect thing, his gaming skills,
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others spend their days fine tuning their boxing techniques to grow for a little while i had no option to help the people who were affected by the ukrainian armed forces invasion. people here all stressed or frightened, they didn't understand what was happening. i feel i have to help people in every possible way go to infinity. most people in this mix of shelter have been here since the incursion started and say they are hopeful, they will be able to return to their home. so this is their reality for more than a $130000.00 russians, forced to flee their homes along the border with ukraine. and the 1st screech of the front lines maybe about 90 kilometers from here. the one consensus to shock and hardship they've lived through across town. katrina and the latino is one of 200 volunteers who come here to help distribute aid. they lost their cheese houses. they lost the old. and i think that many people to come in uh the deal, not that bad,
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but uh they cried. this facility assist near the 1000 people and gives out nearly 15 tons of 8 every day with no sign of an end to the fighting between ukrainian and


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