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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 24, 2024 1:00am-1:31am AST

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which allows you find this on the or also the child. how does this have gotten me? did you send it to you without going to look at the the more is really only selling more death and destruction in northern gauze. are many seeking shelter from violence become targets at least 24 palestinians being killed. the head of them are a kyle, this is officer alive from the also coming up. yes. present job eyes and has a phone call with the leaders of castle and egypt server. the efforts to secure
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a safe fund and garza and endorsement for trump, an independent candidate from a us political dentist. the r s. k. junior suspense has come paying for the presidency funds. the co signed a dash effect. hundreds of thousands of people, westfield operations are on the way to help those stranded the we begin in northern goals or whether it's being heavy selling 5 is really on me. is there any forces targeted by law has to be placed in the border? i'm to bonnie of which was once cause as long as this refugee comes at least 24 people have been killed across the strip on friday. and goals associated palestinians, a thing to say to neighborhood has been heavy as rarely on the operations in the area. several buildings have been leveled in strikes is where the forces of
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a fortunately trying to expand a minute trick car and all that meant to separate north and south garza. well, people are playing with southern city of con units due to as well as expanding ground defensive as well, had issued a displacement older that on wednesday, women and children were seen escaping on foot many a moving westwards towards alma y c which as well, has attacked repeatedly, despite declaring it's a so called safe, so as a central golf, as largest city general bother is ready, forces have stepped up their attacks on palestinians, a court and the fighting around them. was there as hard as boom. send this report. these very home easy to read beyond the smell it 3 great sions including bland and aerial bombardment, since the central area had pub in the north and in the even a south part of this trip long as it is video, keep ation forces. now, the often there, but i city here, which has, is more than 2000000 palestinians off to the new displacement for this. for 1000000
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teen stops in the 60 or farm units now posting. if somebody is trapped in the western side of derek, been a while, the minute to be now is a freight thing in the eastern areas. now we have been witnessing a service or rustic of whom bump lives in the hours of noise and even the hours of this morning, we continued to loud explosions every now and then pointing. is this really raging really, how much points is ation forces in the eastern areas? we can also see if the sound of the east wing chose is 3 days of freak out here. but we continue to see it as will that the only is a great thing in the city of hon. you in this way. no, teen folks have been told a by these very occupation forces to flee. and now it's residents are also hitting to the wish to side 100, as opposed to other moments suggested a has to be the funds, i think is very fun, especially the buying piece for the minutes. we quite hope to join people. i'm
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wondering about this very growing humanitarian depression. that is, that is, is that thing on civilians now the f pru one is exhausted. everyone is looking for the hot toast, but be relieved. that is very sweet attendant to keep up the fight thing. that's why palestinians no longer believed that there might be a ceasefire because they are right now trapped, they're very small depths of land and they are subjected into a bunch of mentally sorts of areas. and then from above minutes, we have a very growing sense with frustration day by day, due to the continuation of the flight to the ground with no, so 1st flight so far. tar typically would do 0. there's been a pedestal. hedge of one of the largest hospitals, and nolan garza says that it will be forced to hold operations within days because of alaska few incidents here is one of the few still remaining in the area that's
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tracing interest palestinians as well. steps up as the tax and the news as well as restrictive re entry of fuel and pressed for medical supplies into this trip for months stairs where the time since my pros leave seems to the hospital in bate law here the days leaving it severely damaged. what i will call, who is outside the hospital in northern golda as census this report. the engine agent hospital will be out of service within the next 24 hours of this facility would not be provided with the fuel. i'm talking to you from the underneath the hospital and we also spoke to the doctor, the little one of those on the director of the and the median hospital. and he told us about the dire situation on down to median hospital. and he also told us about, discuss with you of a fuel and how dangerous to make it the i do needed hospital out of service. he told us if this facility would not be provided with you well within the next 24 hours. and then agent hospice,
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i will be out of service and thousands of people die were talking to the one with the patients and one to people. and they told us how guy of the situation here. and they told us that they just struggles of them. why living here without any electricity people fans at this facility? consider one is made all 3. indeed, nothing does a script. and if this facility will not be provided with the fuel, that will be held catastrophe. well, i think i feel i just need a lot. think as a script all is fine. tens of thousands of palestinians or crumbs together and make shift tents under intense on the heat. as there is dish tool pot form a j plus spoke to families who was surviving without any basic necessities has been sent out as report. this is the sound from does what i'm still life, and i know that you are living in the hottest ada in this world. i mean,
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it's old world is melting due to the global learning. and i know that this is a common thing. i mean, if one in this world is suffering from the high temperature during the summer, best. imagine living this extremely hot weather as it goes on in the genocide. and much is spending the summer in a plastic then 24 hours, 7 days a week. for months now or even not having attend because you are moving all the time due to the continuous displacement mentioned being a dozen without an electricity for 10 months. that means no ac is no funds. even the cold water level bins, you publish less than that as we put in the pool and help them figure out why the some of that off for me to send the bad the 2nd 10. but when i was to head that way and then i'd be able to, if it gets visible, hooked up in a book open. but then how about it this way? half as if to feed the buckle 3 months. really? my youth that met the leisure and it might still a little help the but i said it,
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but at the time of us on your i showed this emotional time was the of, of a human what a fish and brought to the for someone to officially smile at the head with a shovel, resubmitted check and looks like a through z past. nobody comes with that being said, your name is moving to the him of what we have. sure. but not a comes out to the forgot to say i'm gonna have to say, i find a guy valuable funny i'm, i'm us, but you missed the above or the ana. what also the, the project that, that you guys to see when one know where i see your mind that nobody showed up for the 3. but the other day. my 1st, what else live order chapter we put the idea. and so because i know what the. yeah, i'm so that going towards, i mean, i know why, but this has a bottle of snuff mean age and how many came on the show, a bit of him and the been the daunted, a flock when the was highest man and fish have telemundo. and the bottom of the
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problems. but if it's on the show bull mind 6 children middle kindly month, the bad of the day, my offer to show way up to then you hardly one dad. but looks like the next summers would be even hotter, because the twin size is still ongoing. and israel booms goes low so far, like in 10 months by more than $70000.00 tons of explosives, video environments, or results architect passed. so i'm so sorry, but looks like the heat will be even harder. and the lighthouse as us present joe biden has spoken to the mayor of console and egypt, president about the ongoing cease fund tools. but it's kinda on the egypt, kiwis, no mediation between as well, and how much they've been working for months to end. the blood shed and garza wasn't. jordan joins as live now from washington,
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d. c. these high level phone calls rose, showing that the us is really keeping up the pressure as talks us. that's a continue in colorado to given up the usaa is the one that convened this latest series of meetings. it is no surprise that the u. s. president joe biden has spoken to his coterie ended chips and counterparts. the white house has yet to release retails of those separate phone calls. but we do expect that there will be 2 readouts coming in the coming hours if not late on friday, then perhaps on saturday, early or on friday, the national security council communications advisor, john kirby said to reporters in a telephone briefing that the meetings so far and tiro that took place on thursday and on friday have been constructive. they will continue on sunday with the c i a director of william burns, as well as the white house of mid east adviser, brett, regard, taking part in those talks. one thing that has been stressed according to
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a report from the a gyptian media, is that a, the presidente, i'll cc, and the president biden agreed that there needs to be more flexibility on both the part of israel and her malls, in terms of trying to wrap up these talks and to bring about a ceasefire, a release of the captives from her most attention and the bringing in of humanitarian aid to gaza as quickly as possible. but again, we are still waiting for those white house read out for the us as perspective on those conversations. okay, well then jordan, that in washington d. c. thanks for that. update. rose as riley strikes have hit the lebanese town of l. hey, my in the south has ready for says tom is what appears to be a fuel that post as well. and the lebanese on the group has. but i have exchange and then daily funds since the will on dollars that began. the frequency of those cross border strikes has intensified since the israel assassinated,
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one of his blood top come on does and very last month. this is, randy major was a forcing around 20 real pittsville ford from lebanon towards knowles. and israel german media is a full saying that several people have been stopped in the attack in the west of the country. it happened at a festival. mom came to the city of the building and 600 and 55th anniversary. local media reports the amount of tax pedestrians that police have yet to confirm. those details. people have been told to leave the downtown area. the f kennedy julia has suspended his long shot presidential campaign and endorsed donald trump, the former independent candidate, maybe announcements and a news conference in arizona on friday. kennedy says, internal polling showed staying in the race would hush the trump campaign. and so
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he's removing his name from the ballots in the around 10 battleground states. in my heart, i no longer believe that i have a realistic patch, the electoral victory in the face of this relentless, systematic censorship and media control. so i cannot in good conscience as my staff and volunteers to keep working their long hours are as my daughters that keep getting what i cannot honestly tell them that i have a real path. that whitehouse all seen off the announcement. donald trump finance kennedy for his endorsement, and we just had a very nice endorsement from r s. k. and i'll be talking about that right after this. we're going to be going to arizona. we'll be talking about that and, and a lot of other things too, but i just want to thank everybody and i want to thank bobby those very nice that
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was really big is a great guy, respected by everybody. world rentals was at kennedy's news conference in phoenix. of robert f. kennedy junior suspended his independent bid for the white house and endorsed donald trump. he blamed democrats of the democratic party and the major media outlets in the united states reporting his independent bid for the white house. and kennedy said that he had spoken several times with trumpet, strongly implied that if trump wins the rates, the trump would be open to the idea of giving kennedy a significant job in a possible future. trump, administration, since kennedy's campaign has really revolved around issues of health care and chronic disease, it stands to reason that if such a job offer offer is forthcoming, it would be something in the vein of health and human services or the food and drug
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administration, or one of those other major federal agencies. so the big question really is how does this affect the race here in arizona, an important swing states and across the country? it's difficult to say exactly because robert f kennedy junior, would be voters don't fall into any particular category. and there's not really that many of them, but posters we've spoken to said that at least here in arizona, it could add a point or more to trump's margins. but everyone is emphasizing that this is a race that is on a razor's edge with extremely been margins. and there's less than 70 days to go before election day. rob reynolds, l g 0, phoenix, arizona, as well. come on her as well. now turn her attention back to campaigning. next month's presidential debate after accepting the democratic nomination on the final nights of the policies convention has spoke about many issues,
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including the will on garza immigration, and her vision for the country can be. i'll get reports from chicago. it was the biggest speech of cala harris's career chance to convince us voters. she's the agent to change. they've been telling posters they want and need a lift gate. let's get the business. as harris accepted the democratic parties nomination for president, she shared stories of her childhood, witnessing her mother being treated differently as an immigrant from india. she taught us to never complain about injustice, but do something about it. she also told us, and never do anything have asked for tre, herself, since the body meant the american dream. she promised voters she would restore hope
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and prosperity. we know a strong middle class has always been critical to america's success and building that middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. she cautioned against what she sees as the dangers of the 2nd donald trump administration. warning, the consequences of a 2nd term could be more severe than the 1st. consider the power he will have, especially after the united states supreme court, just read that he would be immune from criminal prosecution. imagine donald trump wouldn't no high rail. terrace also condemned the october 7th mazda attack on israel calling the humanitarian crisis cause but israel's war and gaza. devastating some shouted free
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palestine as she spoke. president vitamin i a working to in this war such that israel is secure, the hostages are released the suffering and gaza and, and the palestinian people can realize their right to the public can challenge or don't react it to come to a harris's speech on social media a question why harris hadn't implemented her policy proposals as vice president? it's a question she can respond to directly when the to meet for their 1st presidential debate next month. kimberly, how could l g 0, chicago? so it has hell analysis, era engine 5 minutes to meet. so you cranes, lead and cave weeks often run domady health folks in most good.
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the on counting the cost control of harris's economic plans, tackle inflation improves the world's largest economy. to meet producers leads to commit to climate change targets, plus the western layer of around sort of supported as well as war on garza, begin to see a fully profits. counting the cost on how to 0. once himself coerced into toiling on the coffee plantations under intolerable conditions, a brazilian advocate for workers rights which his life on the line by taking on powerful land owners in the hope of cracking down on modern slavery the, the human costs of coffee, a witness documentary on a jersey to the
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of the annual watching alex's era has remind you of on top stories this hour. is there any forces? zip codes that these 20 full palestinians across garza and force move people to see the homes and shelters. law here says he plays to the border until vanya,
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which prevents gauze as long as this refugee comes, have own, come under attack. is there any mishaps of hit the town of our home in southern lebanon, which is near the border with as well? the frequency of cross border strikes between as well and has pulled out, has intensified since one of the groups to come on. this was assassinated in fact route last month and robert f. kennedy junior, have suspend it as long as on presidential campaign and endorsed donald trump. kennedy says, internal polling showed staying in the race with the trump campaign. so don's army and the permit to rapids support forces have agreed to provide safe humanitarian access to 2 routes. this follows us let peace talks in geneva, which began in mid august. we got agreements along with many people around the world in the region to open andre commitments from the, our staff and staff, and others to activate around that. and for the 1st time in 4 months,
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trucks moved across the border into areas wherever 500000 women and children faced starvation. nigeria is bracing for more devastating floods as the rainy season heads towards the as peak moving $120.00 people have done so for officials. a warning about the increasing loss of life and damage to buildings and roads. the destructive flooded waters have been searching and correspond with ashley bailey's 15 people, dads, and millions console from essential services. some of the challenge he has the latest from dot com best areas of bangladesh of eastern north district and southeastern regions are under water. it will, it's caused by heavy rain and sides of water from upstream india. tens of thousands of people that stranded stella waiting for rescue. many government buildings on schools that been converted into temporary shelters. sorry, the bedroom and their families said the barely escaped the sudden flash floods with
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what little they have. so you see the time we came here to the school shelter late last night with all belongings, including a live stock, as our homes went on the water. and now we're worried about the future, how we're going to get food and why we're going to live because everything got washed away, roads and highways, electricity and internet service is cut off in many of the flowers, effective areas, tens of thousands of heck does a farmland live stock and fish farms were washed away in a matter of hours. we've lost 3. hi bree tacitly in the flood. the cooks a lot of money, a most of the funds being damaged by the water. in response to the crisis. the government has set up thousands of shelter. hundreds of medical teams have been deployed. volunteers along with army, navy, and coast guard, rescue as a scrambling to rescue people in flooded communities. i wanted, i kinda will start with the hold off the area i am in is in
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a really bad way. some of the village homes are submerged up to the roofs. as part of a team of 25, we've rescued many people and brought them to shelters. a sum in bangladesh or blaming india for the flash clouds, claiming that the southern slabs were caused by the opening off it's dunbar them upstream of the going to revert into the products uh that we noticed the water from upstream is causing these flash floods in bangladesh. without providing any kind of early warning or allowing time for us to prepare, they've opened the floodgates and it reflects the humane and uncooperative attitude of india. india has dismissed this requisitions. bangladesh is among the top 10 countries most vulnerable to disasters and climate change. according to the global climate risk and us on friday at the bottom of the semester, logical society, we're under heavy rain fall in the next 3 days because of active monsoon condition which go to our some the floods situation. the main challenge for about start is
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now is to rescue people who are still stranded into flight effected areas. time each audrey i'll just say the doc of india is prime in center and provide a has made a trip to to ukraine is the 1st such visit, fine indian prime ministers and 2 queens independence in 1991. it comes to 6 weeks . ultimately, these trip to russia, a visit key of criticized helpless rebels. smiles and hun shakes as indians leaders will, coming to you by ukraine's president loaded me zalinski on friday, just weeks off the bat hugs with the russian president to moscow. with this visit to ukraine, there's no surprise zalinski emoji has spoken several times on the sidelines of international summit. and keeping regular context by phone. with india was maintained a delicate balancing act between the west and russia. new delhi is deep, totally as to moscow the go back decades. most of india is tags come from russia,
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russian jets from the back boat of its air force. but india, the world's most populous nation, wants to move center stage diplomatically acting as a possible mediator between russia and ukraine. for the time. yeah, the key engineering, the matter of ending this war and a fat piece is a priority for ukraine. we have the 1st integral piece summit. i want to thank india for being present at the summit developers. yeah. moody has practical reasons for wanting it into the bull. india wants to sell more goods to russia because india is being buying a lot of cheap russian oil. the trade deficit has gone from less than 5000000003 years ago to almost 60000000000 dollars into year to just end as in, in march. for some indians with ties to ukraine, the reasons for moody's visit a much simpler the firewall nearly by new studies meetings to go and slick, make it easy and finish all of this. i hope this will be finished soon after this
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meeting. most indeed in ukraine are looking to deepen economic and defense trade ties in what president zalinski has colton. historic visit. the question is, can the render moody navigate the diplomatic type book between the west and russia without alienating either side, could helpless out to 0. keith volcano is a routing north of us land, a town of greens of it for the 6th time and 8 months. the town is home till 84000 people. that's one of iceland most important fishing port interruption happens. stop tourist from smoking to the side to witness the spectacle. we just thought that it was the northern lights we were in vic and drove down here thinking it was the northern lights. and as we got closer it was a little said mister robinson. it is like the coolest place i've seen in my life. it was very random honestly because we didn't know that it's happening. and out of
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the view like our, our friend here, like from iceland, he's sending us there is like any other option. so we're like okay, let's go quickly. well that's it for me, laura kyle: counting. the cost is next and then circles here with more details. the how i we are looking at a real blast of winter heats across much of a stray area over the next couple of days. i can't say the same full southern the areas here, but it's looking a little unsettled. welcome rain coming in to southern positive w way. know the positive w y on the other hand could well say temperature is close to 40 celsius as we go into the pothole next week. this associate, their conceptual pops up to was an old little pockets of very high temperatures
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across the northern parts of south australia because of the docket colors just a little further east. with this we go one through sunday going into monday, but it's been taught to 29 sales just maybe even getting up to 30 as we go one through monday on into tuesday. and some of that he's taking a little further south west by that states that you could even see 4122. the in adeline further south, i think, is going to be a little cooler studies last week that was rattling the cost of much of victoria has made the west to where the grass he making his way towards these aliens as we go on through the next couple of days that you got another round to show us the for the se on sunday brought to us guys to come back in on monday. it will stay on the fresh side here. anything but fresh across japan over the next couple of days. it stays hot. shumate and fund re of the listings in the gaza strip as is continues. there is
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a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to turn away, tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, that's the hello i'm adrian said again, this is counting the cost on l. just a road you'll we can look at the world of business, the comics. this week. the economic vision set out by democratic us presidential candidate, cala harris is in the spotlight but is she offering enough to boost the world's.


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