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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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of projecting and growing this mangrove forest. is it community efforts in the name of food security and job creation? a crucial realization that by taking care of nature, it gives so much more back the gum and kill it needs 23 people in an attack, targeting buses in vehicles in south west and boxed on the i. my name's side. this is all it. is there a life from dell also coming of things and that lives the engine, palestinians out alex scott hospital in central gulf cse supposed to be displaced again while the is really on the what is the evacuation of nearby areas. russia has ukraine's capital power and water supplies and keep on disruptive. and the
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challenges facing rescue teams in bangladesh with devastating spots have washed away entire communities. the that's a gmc, we begin in south west and talk a stone where a gunman have killed at least 23 people. the attack happened in the midst of a whole district of pollute just on coming before us an old and trunk. 4 avis and passengers, all physicals checks their identities. before firing up the subject by the gunman 1st targeted the trunks. yeah. they bundled an off to that they stopped the buses. any passenger who came from punjab was supposed to get off and out before they shut them down. to 50 again to let's go straight to a corresponding come all hide to in this i'm about to not particularly brutal
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attack. what moon can you tell us about what happened? yeah, it's a brutal attack and a happening in the district of below just on board during the punjab proven. are they people were traveling on dies highway from the fun job on the way to what uh what stopped by this um gunman. uh they were going to get it off the rate goes and then they were short, dr. that identity papers with jack now, they said not the 1st time they're touching the jag has taken place earlier to neighbor 9, people who are taken off a bus. that identity papers checked in the same way and they were all a surcharge, but that's not all today. we have seen yet, reports go for another gun back there. that took place in the district of polluters, dawn, and cannot enrich at least 10 people were killed including 5 civilians. now the military is reporting that there's been a number of attack drew out below just on. and that the main highway from quite
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dido garage is drunk. there was an incident in richard railway bridge was also brought up in ridge one person worst case. and that those are disruptive, trained traffic from below just on show indeed a deadly day. and that happening all and below just on, on tomorrow is the indication that these attacks were linked. and do we have any idea of who may have been behind them as well in the far they've been deadly attacks gather dog. same pattern by the by lords liberation army. these are both fighters. it's a band outfit even by the united states that have been responsible for getting all these attack. but so far there is no claim of responsibility. however, the spike and the violence suggests that they are on an offensive and therefore the
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number of attacks taking place. the security forces have also claim that they have given at least credit of the attack goods in different locations and below just on . so that would show that the security forces are also operating their operation against these uh 5 days. okay, thank you for that. i'll correspond to come all height of the in a slum about and the patience on many displays palestinian speaking shelter along to the hospital, which is the only medical facility. so functioning in central garza happened sling . the facility is off, the is rarely false as issue mass evacuation orders for parts of their on by the including alex. the hospital health authorities in goal is to say the hospital will keep running from now. if for some gwen fed reports patients to week to be moved. your loved ones won't leave them behind is will issued new orders
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to evacuate parts of the forcing. the displacement of thousands of palestinians, the army warns it will launch attacks against from us in areas close to this hospital. its forces of damage, multiple hospitals across the strip. since the start of the room is mine is nice, with him was being treated for injuries, panic, he took her but says he feels powerless to protect her, the displacement again and again from con eunice to rough, uh, from rough foot to the side of it. we went back to our house and decided by attracting to my brother on her uncle's head. the father and mother were killed. no, i'm responsible for the evacuation orders have come almost daily, shrinking, so called saved zones by tens of kilometers. each time the alexa hospital is the only functioning health facility in the area, a lifeline for
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a 1000000 people crammed into central gaza. it had also become the last refuge for the displaced, many sheltering there for months. don't know where they'll sleep tonight. they have shut, i don't remember on the street. imagine i'm with my 6 kids on the street and we were displaced 4 times from north and concepts from con unit settings and del bell . nobody's taken care of us. people want to live a normal life. people are looking for money and government and then stand a tie on the streets. health authorities in gaza say for now the hospital will keep running. but for and medical staff to delta 0. they have received calls from these really military. they were told to leave the facility for their own safety. something these patients are still to helpless to do some good food. i'll do 0, honey, my maid has the latest on the fullest evacuation orders,
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the centers this update from there all by the expense to be is really ongoing. horrific math is placing a policy and keeps on folding of right. now, we know people here this place families inside of loc, the hospitalized vicinity and the eastern part of beer. the city. when the evacuation owners were a, were published by these really military, along with massive movement, not only they've been misleading and contradictory and vague for the most part, but the fact that these people have no clue where they are going. we're talking about a shrinking size of human history and zone and eastern part of the central area. there are many there, but after the end of the off evacuations and that has been a re side do all the v right now, almost 11 percent of what used to be the initial week of this genocide of what a keeps is shrinking and what looks like there's really military, it's more, it's pushing more into concentrating how it's done and in the small pocket the plan gathered across this been from area on the southern part of the,
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of this trip. there is a sense of this truth, a sense of panic, has been still uncertain idea of where is this going to a, in the where is this the going to to lead? but there is 15 that we've been says we talked to people the permanent that sense so that the sense of permanent displacement along with the shutter sense of safety people don't feel safe anymore. be aware of the hospitals here and it's definitive with the evacuation center. then we're talking about the size of one square kilometers at the vicinity of along the hospital. the from the western part of the law had been go. it was this area is part of the re done. the hospital by the way, is only a 400 meters away, a from the red zone that is really monetary has designated as an area of military operations within the coming hours. but it is still at the extent of about how the fire line extends right here in deluxe to has a, which is 4th,
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which has 4 people into leaving it and seeking shelter elsewhere to cause us health ministry says it's receive more than a 1000000 doses of the pony it was back seen, house ministry says as preparing to launch account, paying to administer the job to children and groups of blame, the re emergence of polio and the strip on israel's destruction of water and sanitation infrastructure. whitehouse national security advisor jake sullivan says the us is concerned about the goals and conflicts spreading to the wind. a region he says, efforts are still underway. inquiry to secure us these fund do. during those talks a most demanded israel commit to the proposal performed by us president joe bought an earlier in his statement. the group says we confirmed readiness to implement what was agreed upon in order to achieve the interest of all people and stop the aggression against them. we stressed inc. kyra, the necessity that any agreement include a permanency spot and
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a complete withdrawal from the gaza strip. must also include the freedom for residence to return to their homes for relief and construction on a captive prisoner exchange. i think all hayton has moved on the tulips from washington. the by the ministration was put in a lot of emphasis on this latest round of negotiations. we heard from your secretary of state and to the blinking say that this could be the last best hope for cease fire deal. so now that the talks have concluded, the binding ministration is trying to send a message that the talks will continue and that they're not giving up. here's what we heard from national security adviser to president joe biden, jake sullivan. we are fever, actually working in cairo as we speak with our team and the teams of the other mediators, as well as with the israelis to get to a cease fire and hostage steel along the framework. the president biden laid out to get calm between is real and it along that border between israel and web and on,
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on top of hearing from souls. and we also got a statement from a senior administration official and the language is notable. i'm gonna read it to you about the tox, including with representatives from home, off, and israel. they've been constructed or conducted in a spirit on all sides to reach a final agreement that would seem to be divided ministration. speaking about him off in a positive light, something that it never does, the statement goes on to say that the talks are going to continue at the working level. patio, hey, i'll do 0. washington. rhonda slim from the middle east institute in washington dc thinks that a cs 5 deal is unlikely for now. the 2 sides are too far apart. there's very wide gaps between them on could you can issues and despite the bridge and proposals put forward by the night states, cup of and egypt, i don't think those report is when able to bridge those gaps. the only effect party that seems always so that the to inject upcoming them and talk about the progress
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of thoughts as being the united states. i haven't heard such optimism being expressed by either these re lease or buy from us. in fact, the mistrust between them, the enmity between them is that continues to grow and, and i, i did not to you. also the same optimism expressed by the other mediators. meaning cut that into each egypt when we have only most of the u. s. officials continues to be trying to be optimistic and i wonder whether this has to do with our own election cycle with what's going on domestically and with, you know, uh mr. by that himself. and every american president has always, and we always have leverage over it's about any prime minister. the question is, you know, i mean, i mean, especially for example, conditioning committed to the aid a, i mean that's the biggest leverage and so far it has. yes, proven to be willing and they all can pod west buying to palestinians have been
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killed by israeli forces navy, illegal sacrament of aerial as well. says a 2 men from jeanine attempted to ram on the post on the road that the palestinians were then repeatedly shot medic say, assess, he 9, your mind was also injured in the attack. at least 3 people have been killed in ukraine and what officials, according a large scale russian attack, loud explosions, hud, and keep the post a few hours. the apple says its defense systems have been engaged in repelling the right. the may of keith says the city is now facing pallet in most accounts. the reuters news agency says one of its safety advises has been killed to all the stuff, all injured in a russian missile strike on the hotel and the crating. and since you have come to us,
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ukrainian president brought him is it as gives the keys rush of deliberately targeting the hotel ways things you wouldn't have come up. those could throw off what has been all day today. debris was being cleaned in clement task after the russian in the style striking to enlist through among the casualties the video, cooper. i'm going to have some great citizens, ukraine, america, and britain. a normal city hotel was destroyed by a russian scanned miss silent. absolutely, deliberately, in a pre meditated way, 7 people were wounded, the ones died in the strike, my condolences to friends and families. and this is every day tara, which still goes on because russia has the means to continue to keep an adult or the western military. it says this destroyed more than 20 ukrainian attack trends over several southern regions. video show laws heading buildings and the city of set of tools. when most goes as 9 drones would destroyed. the defense ministry says similar attacks were upheld in belgrade. and in cask,
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let's go down to there is alex can popular, see joins us now from cave and ukraine. so a massive air results by russia on ukraine of the last few hours. what moved can you tell us? very much. so this is the largest attacked by russia in months when we've seen attacks right across and impacts, more importantly, right across the country. in live, one person was killed in luke. 2 more people were killed in the pro. and so for easier, we've been hearing the bangs of defenses in the capital engage with missiles coming in. and this is a, a potent mix. we're talking sure. head drones. we're talking cruise missiles and also hypersonic missiles coming in as well. so that bush is really, really making the effort. but unfortunately some of these missiles are getting through as well. if the structure is being targeted electricity volta with some parts of the capsule without both. and also
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a dresser in the south is being hit several times and also is partly without electricity. so a huge coordinated attack by land cnn, by russia right across today. and in terms of the ukrainian ami have a still been making inroads into cost. well they have a big president, zalinski said the ukrainians that had bounce between one and 3 kilometres intercourse and launching the pockets. but busher now reports that they brought up ebelin power troop is if you will troops disciplined troops to fight on site the marines that have been there for some time. they both about hillary, they're digging in complex the trench positions, so they're making ukraine's life far for far more difficult. and the thing about discipline troops is that if you're in discipline, then you'll surrounded likelihood is you'll surrender. but these units off by 2,
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they way out of in circle minutes and then living to fight another day. they're also repelling ukrainian attacks. the fighting is becoming a lot harder and the movement is becoming a lot slower for ukraine as a struggle to be able to keep this advance going. and to add to tensions alex the votes, have been some developments on the border with better ru skinny drawer because through what's happening now. yes, and this has been going on for days. normally we're seeing bell ocean accusations of or with ukrainian troops, a 120000. you called them right on our board or we don't like it couldn't. is the saying? absolutely, you know, a military disposition hasn't changed one bit, but ukraine is now saying, well, it looks like bella, russia has brought up a complex group of artillery special forces, units, engineering units, tanks. exactly the sorts of grouping that you would need, full potential offensive action. some sort of invasion,
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the bellow or so say that they haven't done this. and if they have move troops up to the border, it's only for defensive reasons. so tension still high, neither side, backing down, both sides accusing each other of brings midship. thank you for that update. alex gets helpless. that for us in the still ahead on ours is there. a state of emergency is declared in brazil, south polar region to find a rank code number of 15, the the. now it still halted much as central and eastern europe. and despite, as the incoming weather from the atlantic, those temperatures are being maintained with occasional significant thunderstorms. that's for the most part, admittedly across the british house. and scandinavia,
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when the winter weather seems the more co on price, but even here didn't necessarily feeling anything other than an occasional interruption to some of these. a blue dots here would suggest big sandstone, trying to creep down into croatia, but really popularly reaching slovenia, to be honest. and even they get shelves breaking. i think romanian and it was recently the case in northern greece. attempt is, are returning to a high studies for the most part, sir, i remind this is not change of season yet because lot into that she goes up to about 27 by wednesday and the average is 23. so it's 2. pretty nice weather, at least filled out and basically not the case everywhere in the northwest. the weather in africa is showing up again and cannot cree which is not pinched. i just saw guinea that's flooding from what has been coming out of the east and that still going. so for places like nigeria, again, there's a huge amount of reading coming through the be century. right. and that, and that's so keep going through the say how an event she again came out towards guinea. again, we're all set to go once
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a journey through every story. every step is of narrative. a separation of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to submit an extra re designed redesigns, luxury leasing, trusting of future. today we create the the the
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fucking back you're watching out. is there a mind to our top story is based our, the value just on liberation on me is claimed responsibility for a series of attacks across pocket stones largest provence. 33 people have died on a tax on well way, bridges police stations. i'm on a major highway and central guns with patients and displaced palestinian seeking shelves that alas, the hospital and they're on the sling. b, tennessee. charlie full says issued mass evacuation orders for pumps of 0 by including nick, the hospital trained people have been killed in the crane and what the officials to launch scale russian attack. loud explosions have been had of achieve in the past few hours on the 16th. and now facing pilot invoice, it counts in monument dash, one of the most devastating floods in move in such a years has stranded nearly 5000000 people in killed at least 20 p 20. the flooding
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horses have destroyed homes, agriculture lands, roads, and critical facilities rescue. and relief efforts underway. tumbler chatter reports from camilla eastern bangladesh of the floods among the worst in recent memory, have devastated 12 district across bung with this heavy rain overflowing rivers and water released from a den up stream in the indian state of sleep. where i have led to the disaster, more than a 1000000 people are still without electricity, water supply or mobile phone network. like many others just been big them has lost . everything has no place to go. just taking shelter by the roadside in the open air with 4 other family members, including her 2 year old daughter, unsure of how to protect themselves from the environment. the couldn't get anything out of a home. everything got walked away. my child doesn't even have anything to where
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right now, and we also lost all the poultry and livestock. the loss of communication and strong water currents are hampering rescue efforts. among the many challenges the ball in terms of pricing is getting the really materials for the most effective people in the remote location. because access to boats are very limited and they tell and the road networks are badly damaged. the army navy, cause god, had been working around the clock to assist in the rescue and relief efforts with the support of volunteers and workers from 8 agencies due to the strong current, the army is not allowing volunteers to enter the remote submerged areas for the safety there is an urgent need for more boats and professional rescue teams. the widespread flood waters of submerge best agriculture, land and fish farms. many of those affected are too poor and need to urge and government help appreciate what we observed as with most of the women,
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had to leave their homes and those most affected our economically disenfranchised and pool. their husbands were either ritual polos or di labor. as with somebody, the waters in low lying bung, the dash part was sitting after days of severe floods, but more than 300000 people still remain in the emergency shelters needing aid for 75 year old child. i beg them, it was her 1st full meal in nearly a week. she has taken shelter in a school with 8 other family members. it happened to one of a sudden the rush of water came so quickly that within a minute my home and everything else was swept away for the road. oh, poor who have lost everything. it will take months, if not years, to rebuild their homes and livelihoods. they need all the system they can get, but for many help is you have to come to your child's re,
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i'll just say to coming la eastern bangladesh. well funny district in eastern banquet dash is one of the areas west affected by the floods. tundra child dri is that they follow this update. the logistic is one of the biggest challenge we are in the should our own doc, a highway which actually kinda expand e, camilla and normally that's the worst affected the district by the floods. so there's a major grid locked in the highway, big of southern areas where underwater, some of the roads that damage lot of cargo van taking relief, as well as commercial cargo van, moving it this route to go to the post city and taking relief to the affected areas as well as normal traffic, normally it's a 60 kilometer from criminal off to penny. we are already 3 hours and we still haven't rich for any town. so this shows a logistical nightmare. the target is on, in general. everyone is facing to get things to the right places. the communication
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disruption is a major at opposite goal telecommunication powers. i've done many pots, i without electricity, the government and outside is i've got the, in the local authorities trying to restore those in a lot of the internal roads that also damage, which is making it very difficult to get really to that needed people. and some of the remote places are still stuck in those that stop much houses. there's not enough boats to go there or they have too much current in the river to reach those people. these are some of the challenges right now. the alternatives are facing. i have them the volunteers are facing and people are still trying the best to reach people to get their really fresh water. dr. foot and even rescue people tell now to mention rains of trinkets slash floods in indonesia is east in to mount region. and these 13 people have died 6 or missing the floods, diamonds, homes, and buried people and non rescue workers have been using s cause ages to take out
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some of the bodies authorities, a warning of more heavy rain this week to 6, you and charles, scattering food and medical supplies have crossed into pseudo from chop. they all headed full communities in del, for risk of funding. it follows an agreement between c jones warring policies on 2 routes for aid to enter the country. the fighting between the main power military rock that supported forces waste and flooding have made a delivery much more difficult. on the slicing in the see don, his full stay, the 12000000 people from the homes many also fling into neighboring countries. the u. n says nearly a 100000 cities refugees have recently crossed into libya. a sound way of doing that is one of them. this is how story. so what i'm the la um, so then listening, i sit in the center of something, let's say, let's assume that the photo, but by then it'll have set up as the bus or the head,
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the size setting offline. this who then does the need really, you know, sort of, if somebody went, how i lived, i said am for set of as the head. ok that you know, but a lot of us and can be to kind of finish and establish cities, minnesota because it's kind of the different advocacy. then we'll go in and said, i'm a senior citizen and as soon as possible. so i did. and when did that? i hadn't think of a nanny i. so the best way to do to but loved and it said a little house as simple as why the summer. wow. well, i mean, i guess i'm thinking of the miles look on the mainland to get a status on in me. i mean, you must have finality but any service when life is me, that has to think of them all the kind of whole side black and by then come, then use me severely because of a to z a n and me so i can have been so kind of kind of have been kind of, i mean then thinking again this is and i'm kind of in and like you said in what he did say the orthodontist and it's less than a manual that how i use it to the i'm of the same. so the guys can see the enemy
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said that it is, he couldn't do that other stuff. i never done monkey mid to late a 0. i get the can cynthia and listen. thank goodness to go ahead. sorry about my i have but wouldn't listen to any. has the new lag in assess he and it should say why in a need been do the football i'm gonna try to get some allison could, i mean, does it say we're a national with an over the side of us have question or them he, it has in any secret, occlusal as well, let me so let me go in and was also an assistant, looked into me. yes. that's the way to view. was a lot of guess. i didn't even know where to get this melissa for me for say, a lot of that to a make a good us. i'm for alyssa. and so i left the bodies of more than 200 people killed by an i'll call you to link owns group has been recovered in the central burkina faso. the attack happened in the town of bows to load. busy on saturday, soldiers and civilians with digging trenches to protect the security outposts. at
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least 300 people have been injured. several soldiers are missing. the attack is also still weapons and a minute treat and being it's more than a 100 people who've been rescued from the ground. tanya national park and the us off the flashlights. one pass and down it up to being swept away. find the waters in the state of arizona sky operations were concentrated around the has austin creek and the colorado river theory is one of the most remote in the us and is accessible only on foot or by headed to walls, size of spread across brazil's most popular states, so palo kidding to people fires have prompted the highest level alerts inside the cities. so the originals, capital skies, with slope at least 7003 and government work is involving to have been deployed to contain the place. also it really does say as an independent janice, she says the size with treated by combination of factors in some follow there was
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yesterday acquired black smoke and a smoke ring that happened.


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