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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 26, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the cut all, i'm about this and this is the news on life from doha. coming up in the next 16 minutes. at least $33.00 people are killed and 2 attacks in pakistan's largest province, but not just on liberation armies, separatists claim responsibility. and is really evacuation order for us is injured . palestinians to flee likes the hospital in central garza ministry of health says the hospitals, work will continue. dozens of people are swept away after a dime collapses and ports to done after days of heavy rain and funding. and russia once again targets ukraine's capital key power and water supply. so being
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disruptive, i'm trying to just go with this full level pool boss on a slot, says there's still a lot supreme phone still watching his team, the french for 2 new and his 1st premier leave much until the so we're going to stop with the developing story from pakistan, we're a gunman to have killed at least associates where you, people in 2 attacks in the last system province. a separatist group called the deluxe just on liberation. army has claimed responsibility, a police station, and a rare we try caribbean among the targets. but the worst attack happened on the highway in the most go hell, district gotten in there, order truck drivers and passengers off vehicles check their identities before opening fire on migrant workers. at least 23 people were killed in that attack. the subject by the gunman 1st targeted the trunk, the bundle,
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an off to that they stopped the buses. any passenger who came from punjab was supposed to get off before they shot them dead shape. give you. welcome on this. we're going to go straight to a correspondent, come, i'll find out and it's lemme, but what more do we know about the attacks? come on of the very 1st the for the 1st the guy took place at night time window and very good were stopped on our list, stretch of the road and most of the district of pollute, just on which is bordering defined job province. just people who are traveling to quite uh, a government dropped uh a truck as well as the boxes. uh the door to the paper to get all those boxes. they checked the identity papers and then short granted to the people at point blank range. most of these people were from the bun, job province, also, and another deadly attack which took place and got a lot the district which is uh, another district of new just on there was
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a gun backdated and which at least are 10 people located, including 5 civilians there was an incident on a railway bridge, the main road to credit from garage a instead of blocked and the military saying that they have engaged several fighters of the nation. all me who is now claiming responsibility for the deadly attack, saying they have good credit of of doors fight. ted bernart revealing all the locations ready and attacks took place except for the one and a lot. i'm most stuck in which the grades need be, but it was good at close range to model. i understand that. but let's just done this practice tons largest province. it's also it's for us, there's a long history of ethnic violence. just talk to us about some of the underlying tensions that they 1st of all it's interesting to note that below just on and conferences, 42 percent of the focused on landmark as
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a big gorsline along the a, b, and c. uh, the 80 i had said a separate as 5 to the $1.00 to $5.00 uh for an independent but no, just on that. but those labor days are now me at the forefront of that. this is a group that had been banned even by the united kingdom. the united states and focused on declared that the credit is dollars based, but they've been able to carry out or districts attacks against that to go to the for k targeting civilians. are you reading chinese engineer? they've read so indeed this particular problems i've seen a low level intensity. um uh, sorry, of the intensity conflict for the box view is and of course that there's something now. so there's something we did escalating now focused on believes that the balloons liberation army is operating from bases. and i've run this on focused on
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a complaint or the i've run in debt in government to do more to try and created these groups or to push these groups out of uh yeah, run this on territory. that also includes the, that dollar bon focused on a dread to come all. thank you very much. indeed that's come on, hard to talking to us from this one. the bad news. several people have been killed in as early as try some con eunice in the southern gaza palestinians gather to mourn their loved ones who died. and this strikes at least 40405 people have been killed in gaza since october. i found a standing and i lost his child, and his drives, he described. what happened when the guy, the, we were sitting that children were in the tempest, and suddenly a caught comforter came and they started shooting in the area. i do a mazda is among those people who have been displaced. one of them was my son, a,
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the, the get the i'm a father, like any other father who lost the children. i have lost someone from my life. my soul. a lot was for me and for his mother and siblings, she was the 2nd amount of the house. we lost all a life, a lot died and we almost died with him. this is our situation in our country. this is the situation of gaza and gaza. the ministry of health says all likes the hospital in general. bala, in the center of the strip will continue operating us despite israel issuing mass evacuation orders for parts of the city, including areas near our lock. so hospital patients and many of the space palestinians, assault shelter there, it's the only medical facility still functioning in the central garza and my moods got moved from the butler. the ones that over crowded inside this particular location has turned into a waste. land is hundreds of displaced families, one filtering inside this 10 gap made their wave searching for
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a new place to protect their families. it from the on a predictable following bonds is really military issue. evacuation orders that are largely perceived as in force displacement orders for the really traumatized, displace. more than one time population control invented on know in the box measure the table that we talk to have no idea where the are going to stay in the coming days. i said, i'm going to did. this is the stuff it's time with dissipates to get start. well, i don't know where to go. we finally have a to trying to find a safe area. this is a tragic situation. we are left and open for days. even the zones alleged to be safe. i'm not safe for toil. there's not a single face inch, and the entire goal is to strip it's old lies. it's hard to imagine what these people feel right now as the know they're running for their life. we're running it from an area that lives in the past months inside here seeking filters and
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a protection. and right now they don't know where to go with. they don't know whether the, the areas they're going to vary or they're going to set up. their tens are going to be feed for them for their children, and more important and before the vulnerable groups here for the women, for the l one here for the children who are paying, you'd be surprised as the war continues to raise across the gaza. sarah davis is a spokeswoman for the international committee of the red cross. he's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. thanks very much indeed for being with us. i'm one of us who 1st of all about the, the story about getting out of guys at the moment that alex the hospital says it will continue to operate despite the fact that there is an evacuation order being put in place by the is very military. how concerned does that make you for the safety of the stuff on any remaining patients and palestinians who might be sheltering their to thank you so much for having me. on the international
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humanitarian law, hospitals do have special protections. they have protections for their patients, for the medical stuff will civilians who may be sheltering there. unfortunately, we do know that i'll also has at least in part, been impacted by the facilities and the recent evacuation orders maybe not directly, but because stuff. local staff who live around the area, i've had to leave, they have families, they care about. so they help now low on human resources. patients sometimes panic and they feel the need to leave. they don't feel safe. and we just heard very few people. if anyone in does all currently feel safe or feel that there is a safe option for them to go through. so it isn't close concerning to us when any hospital, any medical facility in the current state of health care in gaza is impacted in any way. it puts more pressure on about hospitals, other medical facilities of a health points. and people simply don't know if that hospital is a, it's a safe place to go through if they are wounded or if they need need shouts out. if
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that is placed, one of the big considerations that the guys experiencing now is of course, the sprite of illness is despite of bad disease. there is one case we hear of, of polio, for example, there are vaccines that are supposed to be delivered box in the face of evacuation orders that are being issued on the deluxe. the hospital area is just one of those . how difficult does it make the job of delivering the vaccines and actually giving them to the people who need them right now to deliver any type of vaccine in gaza, or any medical care in general is incredibly challenging. but particularly for something with children on the 10 or younger children need this vaccine. it is a very daunting task. i know that many international and local organizations are involved in this uh, the international committee of the red cross is also supporting health facilities where these vaccines uh, plans to be distributed. but people move around certain much because they don't
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feel safe, and they don't have the luxury of, of thinking about a vaccination appointment that trying to survive the next hour and the next day and the next week and keep the family's immediately face. so it really is a very, very challenging task right now. and of course, we are urging all discussions that would allow the unimpeded access and the vaccination to reach the most vulnerable in the situation. of course, being young. got children who really need the trucks. nation, just very briefly, they consider ways one of the considerations with, in terms of people consistently having to moves, of course, that many people are living in tens. for example, one would imagine that it is very difficult to, to, um, set me to set up the trends and then take them down again without some of these damage happening uh, plus the, the lack of availability to, obviously water supplies and so on. i can send all you about the, the impact that these evacuation orders are having in terms of the facilities that
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people have at their disposal. and we are incredibly concerned, and we have been full weeks and months that we've seen these evacuation orders and just general displacement when people feel they have to leave. as he said, putting up or taking down a 10 is not a small feet, particularly for a large family. some people don't have tense, they have plastic or toppling, or the or the sticks. every single time people have to leave. they have to pack up the family, grab them most present possessions, whether that be a foreign charges to stay in contact with people, whether that be food, would that be safe? both all and they have to find a new place. they then have to know where the next safe water access point is, where the next available. a 3rd or market area is where they can buy doctors for their children where they could access the nearest medical point. and this is not just physically exhausting for people, particularly people who maybe have been made by hon. bye this conflicts,
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those who was wounded, those who have left limbs, those who already suffered from chronic illnesses or diseases. but it is sort of emotionally and mentally draining to constantly be on high alert for when you need to pack up your entire life in your hands and tearing target to the next point. we also know that 10th uh on disintegrating from your be damaged. it's been a very flipped summer. we are moving towards the winter season where we are also concerned about what that will bring the different types of challenges, sort of really every single day that civilians in gaza, a living and having to flee own group is a nightmare really that they are unable. unfortunately, to, to wake up from san davis, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just in a mind, thank you very much indeed for your time. i. the white hi is national security advisor james sullivan says the us is concerned about the guys a conflict spreading to the wider region. it says efforts are still underway in cairo to secure a ceasefire. deal during those talk,
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thomas demanded. israel commits to the proposal put forward by us president joe biden earlier in the statement. the group says we confirm our readiness to implement what was agreed upon in order to achieve the interest of our people and stop the aggression against them. we stressed in cairo, the necessity, but any agreement include a permanency spar and a complete withdrawal from the gaza strip. us and it must include the freedom for residents to return to their homes for relief and reconstruction and a captive present or exchange. we're going to bring in um the allow that and he said associated professor of history, georgetown university. and cassandra is a specialist in the modern middle east, a good to have you with us again on alda 08 sons from that state from palm us. that the responsibility lies with israel, but do you think in your assessment that that is actually for the responsibility lies to move towards form as well as we've been saying for months, we know exactly what the terms of a cease fire deal would look like. we know exactly what the stages would be,
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what's required from the various parties, but there's been a lack of political well, certainly on the part of the united states to enforce terms that age itself has pushed forward. right. and, and part of the problem of course, is the fact that israel continues to change the terms intentionally as a means of sabotaging these talks. they want to cease fire deal without a cease fire the the right to continue to, to prosecute this genocide and gaza at its own term on its own terms. and it wants to maintain an occupied force there. we're seeing even the groundwork being late for that us throughout the territory. i'm so within those confines there's really no room for any kind of an agreement to emerge. and in the meantime, i think it's becoming more and more clear that in fact these talks are actually just serving as a kind of distraction from the ongoing events. and in a way to paralyze the international community from taking action on their own terms . and they, there has been long speculation to benjamin netanyahu. his motivation, or at least one of them in delaying the talks, is to try to wait for
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a trump administration to get in elections in the us. in november we have had just the democratic national convention that is being held campbell, a house they the vice president who is not of a democrat presidential nominee spoke how strongly are i strongly as she has before about the situation with regard to israel with regard to guys, that it is, of course, raising questions, would it make any difference whether or not it was a harmless administration or a trump administration offered to remember to further and not a ceasefire deal is actually agreed? well, i mean, i think for everyone who's watching it would be really hard to top. the unconditional support that the bite and administration has given to israel. right. that there there's, there are not necessarily degrees of, of the kinds of genocidal war that's being wage on palestinians to such an extent that they would favor a continuation of this administration versus what may or may not happen under a trumpet administration. i mean, if we want to look very or want to be generous,
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we could suggest the fact that the democrats, at least historically, have wanted to maintain what they refer to as the rule based order. right? that a certain way of doing things internationally that would preclude the kinds of just massive, unchecked violence and destruction that israel has been waging. and yet, despite that, the current administration and conceivably, even given the fact that harris has not really distance himself in any meaningful way from what bite is doing, let's keep in mind. she is the 2nd most highest ranking member of this current administration. and therefore, is very much a part of the ongoing policy. but they have seen no reason to uh, you know, put any kinds of constraints on israel to bring an end to the genocidal word that's been taking place and to try it in as much as possible to maintain or preserve this order. that is fracturing all around us, right? so we're not saying that they would even do this out of any kind of commitment to the palestinians, to human rights, to any kinds of moral reasons, but in fact, very much to preserve the same exact system that has for instance,
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justified the intervention in ukraine. right? the idea of maintaining this kind of rule based order, something that we're told that from certainly is not committed to at least in terms of maintaining us roll through other countries. and so as a result, i think it's, it's quite clear that the differences so far at least don't seem to be very significant at all. as always, we appreciate your analysis on this of the and we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed. the around 40 people have been swept away after a dime bust incidents, the box dime, north of ports, the collapse of the heavy rains residence that many people were unable to escape from the vehicle. it was because of the fast flowing waters. john on his son, we received a message saying that were people who was stuck and 7 calls on that we tried to get the amounts but couldn't. so it was 7 low. it's covering families, elderly people and children. that's around 12. we were told at the time of collapse, so we came to see the situation that was selves,
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but we couldn't reach them because that was so much water out in the morgans. joining us out from the southern east capital thoughts whom have what else can you tell us about this? down bursting you posted on the 1st of all by them is the major water supply for the city of ports it. and that's the capital of red sea states. and the temporary administrative capital up to them because of the ongoing pricing in the capital costume. and because it's the major source of water, i'm thinking lots of for the millions of people there. you can imagine how much water was being held behind them before it's collapse. in the early hours of sunday morning, now we know that's a real siblings have found a far as you say, that at least 4 people have found as a result of the breast thing of a diamond. it's collapse people local residents in that. but that still is likely much higher because there are so many people who haven't reported missing and are yet to be found. search and rescue operations are ongoing, but then again, the area is very montane is the terrains and it makes movement very hard. and with
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ongoing floodwaters and with ongoing rains, a search and rescue operation teams are finding it very hard to reach those who are trapped in the montana's areas. any areas around the, the damn that has collapsed. now they all can sense that because of them has collapse. that will be an issue of printing, want to which the city of forts then will face it's already facing um, shortages of drinking wants it because it's, most of the water needs to be purified as it comes from the red sea. but now they all concerns that a lot of people there, especially those who have been displaced by the complex, will have a hard time getting clean and pure drink and wanted to keep on surviving. especially since it's not clear how long this them will take to be fixed, and if it can be fixed, that's all or isn't tentative, what means or source of water will be found for those living in ports advance. kevin logan, talking to us from a call to him, have a thank you. of 61 drugs carrying food and medical supplies across and to sit down from chat. they're headed for communities in the for address,
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confirming and follows of an agreement between sedans, warning policies on 2 routes for age to enter. the country, the fighting between the army and the pot of military rapids support forces and recent flooding have made a delivery even more difficult. a lot of fighting incidents forced more than 12000000 people from their homes. many are still seeing it in neighboring countries . the mine says nearly a 100 fires uncertainties. refugees have recently crossed into olivia. also one of the is one of them. and here's our story. so um, so then uh, along with this and then i sit in the center of the flu. but let's assume that a little photo, but by then it will pass that up. and so, but with a head this side set in outline this to then does the need really and sort of if somebody wants how i live, i said, am the status of a said ok that you know a lot of us and can be the kind of solution to solve cities, minnesota, because it's kind of the reason why we can see them about and said i'm,
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i'm seeing us and helena as soon as possible. and then, and we'll do that, i can think of a nanny i. so the best way to do to but loved and it said us little houses. so why didn't instead of i last summer? wow, well i mean, i guess i'm thinking of the mouth and the kind of one of them is pick it up and going in me. i mean, it was a fatality by any service. when life is me, that has to think of all the kind of whole side like and by the end comes in and it gives me the serial interest of a to z, a n a new. so i can have been so you could have kind of have been kind of that meaning and seek it again. this is and i'm kind of in and like you said in what he did say the, what's the name, the last of them. i'm a little bit how i use it to the i'm of the, the guys can see it in this and that is thinking a deal out of the stuff i've ever done. monkey medicine for me for somebody to 0. so if i get the, we can send you an listen, so we can assume a headset of above my i have bubble missing a head, a, any has a new leg in, assess, he needs ship the y n a need been do the football. i'm going to get some allison to
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them and as i say, we are a national with an outside of us headquarters sooner than me. it has in any secret, occlusal, or 11. so let me go in and was also witnessed if that was sent to me. yes, that's a way to use was a lot of guess on him and over to get this melissa for me for sale. that if that to a make a good us, i'm for listen. so i left the at least 3 people have been killed and ukraine and what officials are calling a large scale russian attack loud explosions have been had and keep in the past few hours. there are 4 sizes defense systems engaged in repelling the rate. raso says it's force has targeted infrastructure linked to ukraine's military and the russian military. he says it's destroyed more than 20 ukrainian attack drones over several of the southern regions. but it shows bloss hitting buildings and the city of sort of thought must go says 9 jones were done. now leave it to correspondence covering
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developments. in a moment, we're going to speak to josh as a body, and course, but 1st, we're going to go through all these gets off of this in key. so there is this mazda of air results in your train in recent hours. what else can you tell us alex, of the, the largest ever sold in months. so there being strikes right across the country. the 50, the post border is being hit themselves. odessa on, the black sea is also being hit, power out there also pump. so the city without water for people have been killed, confirmed dead now across the country, but also in the pro austin separation. and in the capital itself, we've been hearing loud booms earlier in the morning is a defense, he's been engaging missiles. now this is a complex russian attack involving hypersonic missiles, cruise missiles, and wave of the wave of the wave officer head drones and confirmation. now the latest wave of drone is still on the way towards the capital. so yes,
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an ongoing attack and very, very much the most powerful in the last few months. alex, let's talk about briefly about the, the, you can't even corrosion into russian land that any more. any more developments with regard to moving further into the trust region. the president zalinski said they have moved to columbus to all 3 for the in. so this pocket is increasing very, very slowly. but russian resistance is stiffening dramatically. know early on the renew that said the boat off power troopers from other parts of russia to be able to try and spend the crating, the phones they put in a tennessee they've been digging in complex trends positions as well. so the fighting is really quite intense. and ongoing, and these troops, for the way, the russian troops, very disciplined, very different to the troops in those early days. they're able to fight their way out of bad situations. they're able to repel ukrainian attacks, and they have been as well. so you creating the balance is very,
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very incremental at this stage. that sounds good job of talking to us from a key bodies. thanks a lot. going to bring in dosage of bodies in the city of coast. so we were talking earlier about the attacks inside of 12, i believe that are being taxed in the place called angles as well. can you tell us more about those? yes, rob. the attacks in sarah top 1st 9 draws relaunch towards the city, and 2 of them actually hits civilian infrastructure. so they had to large residential high rise building injuring the woman seriously, and for other people were also injured in that attack. now, this city sarah top is about 900 kilometers from the ukraine border, so it gives you an idea of how far in the russian territory this attack took place . also, just south east of saratoga from the city of angle, which is home to a military base by the russian military. there was also an attack there. there are
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no reports of any injuries there. as of now, what is important to highlight is that there were 20 drawings launched from ukraine towards the russian territory in 7 various regions of this country. now most of them were repels by russian and air defense systems. but if fields and manage to get through and no fatalities as of yet now the russian defense semesters say they've carried out the biggest tr. 1 road and miss all attack across ukraine, 15 regions of ukraine, where hits by russian miss housing drones, as in the early hours of this morning. and according to officials here, they were targeting military infrastructures and also in special infrastructure that belong to the minute military, including the factories that were building you avi's draw. 1 phones you printing drones. this is the single most serious attack by russian forces since they
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launched that invasion into printing february of 2022 gives you an idea of how serious and dangerous the current escalations have been. dose as a body and coast. thank you very much. still ahead on all does it a state of emergency is declared and presents itself all over agents to fight a wreck on the number of wild fires and clocking off. we're going to have more and how employees in australia now have the right to ignore what related calls and emails, often officers and sports. the goals that maybe they all madrid history will explain all of the facts of somebody's football action when they certainly are in availability. to be able to offer the the, now it still halted much as central and eastern europe. and despite,
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as the incoming weather from the atlantic, those temperatures are being maintained with occasional significant thunderstorms. that's for the most part, admittedly across the british house and scandinavia, when the winter weather seems the more co on price, but even here didn't necessarily feeling anything other than an occasional interruption to some of these. a blue dots here would suggest big funds to i'm trying to creep down into croatia, but really probably any reaching, so they need to be honest. and even they get childs breaking, i think remained in panic. both recently, the case in northern greece attempt is returning to a high so peaceful number is pump, sir, i remind this is not change of season yet, because less than that she goes up to about 27 by wednesday, and the average is $23.00. so it's to pretty nice weather, at least for the, basically not the case everywhere in the northwest. the weather in africa is showing up again and cannot cree which is not pinched. i just saw guinea that's flooding from what has been coming out of the east and that still going. so for
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places like nigeria, again, there's a huge amount of reading coming through it to be sundry right. and that muscle keep going through these to how and event she again came out towards guinea. again, be all set to go. the, the, the latest news as it breaks, according to you and it says the rate of, of children dason. this complex is unimpressed. attempted in the history of modern wars with detailed coverage as well. what do we think it's so cold? humanitarian phone has led to less access to nearby who says from the hoss of the story, people come gets exercised, but it's also important for mental health. the gym for, for a brief respite from the heroes of war. the
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. the, you're watching or is it a reminder of our top story is this uh, the last hassan liberation. armies. claims responsibility for a series of attacks across pakistan's largest province. 13000000 people have been killed and attacked some way away, bridges police stations, and on a major highway are on 40 people have been swept away after that. first in sit on
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the out of box down north of ports today, collapsed off the heavy rains. president said many people were unable to escape from the vehicles because of a fast blowing was in central gas of patients. and just based upon a standing and seeking shelter of a b, i likes a hospital and dental bulk on leaving. the facility is where the forces of issued mass evacuation orders for parts of the ballot including near the hospital and is really as drugs had a caught insight on that's in the southern lab. and we're going to go to say in his folder inside and then of what more do we know about this? but what we understand that this was a failed assassination attempt to by israel and the southern and city of rome. it was parked on the side of the road. the authorities have seen, have since taken the car away, we are, as you can see in
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a residential neighborhood. so there is quite a lot of damage in the area to nearby cars, as well as a nearby building found security sources are saying that the target survive and that he sustained minor injuries. they are not saying who the person is, but they're saying that he belong a to a not less than in the section. some sources are saying that he was a member of the palestinian movements. how much? so what are the reports that we are getting from the ground this that this was a sales assassination? that wasn't the price of its kind in recent weeks. in fact, these targeted killings have been happening on a near daily basis. but here inside, then, just for think along with this house of baby booth, there have been 3 assassination attempts. and in recent weeks, just a few days ago, we were inside in when haley and myself, he is a he was a commander in the alex. so martha's brigade, he was killed in a targeted strike
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a few weeks before that another her mouse commander was killed. so these targeted killings have really become a near daily occurrence and there is no front line. as you can see, we are kilometers away from the border. the main battle ground between israel and the 11th has the law. what is who is wrong? has been targeting, they've been targeting hezbollah commanders, has the fighters commanders and fighters belonging to the different palestinian groups involved really in the armed resistance against israel. santa thank you very much indeed. zanna honda inside and obviously we're going to be coming back to you as soon as we get more details about what's been going on for now. thank you very much indeed. well, the tensions are heightened that these are 11 on board, or there's been a major escalation in violence, leading to heavy exchanges across the board of fire on sunday, between israel and has bought them. rather, the guys penfold is a lecture in peace and security and tell them university is joining us live from dunham. thank you very much indeed sir,
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for being with us. um give us some context if you would. how does this compare to previous escalations that we've seen over the border as well? this is the worst escalation by both sides and fox since 2006. we know that that has blocked 5 hundreds of rockets as round as a claim. somewhere in the $300.00 category is row claims somewhere in the $200.00 categories. that is a significant escalation. though the number of rockets that has not been following is ro each day has been building gradually, you know, remember that this is a conflict that has been staggered since october the 7th every day. and that husband has blood toxins ready to counter attacks in southern lebanon as the northern israel border a. but we also saw a 100 is ready will planes involved utilities is row claims to destroyed thousands of hezbollah launch size. now that is very much a new precedent at 1st in terms of the number of his radio buttons involved. but also the fact that um this it, this round of escalation seems to have gone relatively well for israel has buller
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and claiming success. and they claim this attack causing difficult disruption within israel, but that actually was the case. and we know that rockets were prime things the find a israel central region around 5 am. local time news simons went off because those missiles were intercepted, the launch size were destroyed. so is ro kind of want to buy this one and claim the wind. but the message we hearing from has books is that they also consider the matter closed for now. and so we'll be looking elsewhere, but potentially escalations from the radians and also the who, the so this is very much not about the low level. conflicting is what it has, blood continues, but this relative escalations seems to be over for the time being. and given what you're saying about they, they almost immediately escalation. we saw off to the initial kind of latest running of, of a rock is going backwards and forwards over the border. is there anything to suggest that both sides are essentially setting the stage for a conflict that they see as an negligible as well?
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what kind of a strange that scenario where i think both sides see conflict as inevitable, but no, i just saw, i wants a conflict on the move and i would say whenever long side escalates in response to an escalation by the other side, they try and calculate the escalation, so it will get to the other side. but at the same time it was that the new stuff is close, the escalated things to the next level and brings us closer and closer to war. and the fact that neither side, once the war is not necessarily does not necessarily mean that we won't get to war, there's plenty of examples in history histories listed with examples of night aside, one thing, a war. but now i decided feeling like they can button down, and the result being at the, the situation escalates into an a. lat, was about something that the mediators and the lebanese stage. i, i know the regional parent was, will be trying desperately to avoid the chances of abutting that though all the bullshit late they have taken a but because the ceasefire negotiations become us and israel have not reach an
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agreement. and if they, what if they were to you and agreement, i think we could see a simmering of tensions, not as well as in the south and goes on as well as the board as best that hasn't happened. meaning we reboot those daily attacks by israel and has learned this new stuff is quote of low intensity conflict rug guys. 10 fold is electro piece of security. i tell them university, we're grateful to you for being with us on up to 0. thank you very much. indeed, during strikes and northern molly have killed at least 21 people. it happened to need a pharmacy in the time the teams watching the border with all julia, the molly, an army, counted out the air, rage targeting taught a rebels. most of the victims of children, security forces, along with the russian muscle is i've suffered heavy losses in, in tens fighting for the fighters in the past months. we're going to cross live to nicholas hackers joining us from car. tell us a little bit more about the attack and the use of combat drawings in this
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yes, the use of combat drones? rob is a game changer for the mounting army. we saw them on the tarmac. it's shortly after they were purchased from turkey, turkey a, back in january. these are by rock chart to be to combat drones. and now we see them finally in action. in this remote region, in near the algerian border teams that watson, i spoke to canadian special forces a piece keeper that was active in that region. and he describes that area as being like the far north of canada and desert area and to the have these on man come back drones in this area where we know that our tour a rebels that are active but also an arm groups linked to i'll tie an ice, so in the region is certainly a game changer for the molly, an army. according to the malia and a security forces, they say that they've attacked and they've neutralized, would they describe as terrorist but according to the tour i rebel,
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these were civilians that were targeted. but the timing of this attack is certainly interesting. it comes almost a year after pre goods and the leader of wagner was killed. and a month after there was a deadly attack there against a wagner's mercenaries and the molly and ard meeting. rob nick, if i remember correctly, that is what we became known as this a hell a lions was created last year. has the security situation improved? told susan as well? yes, we've seen multi bertino 5 so and usually are these 3 countries and this will help . so there is severe their ties with the west and it come together to trying to find back these increasing attacks from arm groups. and what we're seeing since the creation of this alliance is a large purchase of weapon to rely drones. but also other types of webinar we to
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try to neutralize these attacks previously to that they were really dependent on the french that were active in the region, but also western forces. and so what we're seeing is that the armies in these regions, taking weapons in their own hands to try to really try to send out these attacks. but we've seen also an upsurge of attacks, specifically in the last 2 months in moultrie molly, but also in virginia. foster where there was a deadly attack yesterday, where over 300 people were killed just a few 100 kilometers from the capital. want to do good, rob nicholas hacking duck on nick, thank you. in bangladesh, one of the most devastating floods in more than 30 years as trying to do the 5000000 people and killed these 20. the 5 voters have destroyed homes, agricultural lands, roads, and critical facilities. masculine relief efforts are underway time you're charging reports from camelia in eastern bangladesh of the floods,
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among the worst in recent memory, have devastated 12 district across bung with this heavy rain overflowing rivers and water released from a den up stream in the indian state of paper. i have led to the disaster, more than a 1000000 people are still without electricity, water supply or mobile phone network. like many others, just spend big them has lost everything that has no place to go. just taking shelter by the roadside in the open air with 4 other family members, including her 2 year old daughter, unsure of how to protect themselves from the environment. the couldn't get anything out of a home. everything got washed away. my child doesn't even have anything to where right now, and we also lost all of poultry and livestock. the loss of communication and strong water currents are hampering rescue efforts. among the many challenges the ball in terms of pricing is getting the really materials for the most effective people in
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the remote location. because access to boats are very limited and they tell and the road networks are badly damaged. the army navy coast guard had been working around the clock to assist in the rescue and relief efforts with the support of volunteers and workers from 8 agencies. due to the strong parent, the army is not allowing volunteers to enter the remote submerged areas for the safety. there is an urgent need for more boats and professional rescue teams. the widespread flood waters of submerge best agriculture, land and fish farms. many of those affected are too poor and need to urge and government have. basically, what we observed is with most of the women, had to leave their homes and those most affected our economically disenfranchised and pool. their husbands were either ritual polos or di labor. as with somebody, the waters in low lying bung,
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the dash part was sitting after days of severe floods, but more than 300000 people still remain in emergency shelters needing aid for 75 year old child. i beg them, it was her 1st full meal in nearly a week. she has taken shelter in a school with 8 other family members. it happened to one of a sudden the rush of water came so quickly that within a minute my home and everything else was swept away for the road. oh, poor who have lost everything. it will take months, if not years, to rebuild their homes and livelihoods. they need all the system they can get, but for many help is you have to come temperatures rate oh, just a coming la, eastern bung with dash walters and brazil surface and sal pablo state have killed at least 2 people. more than 35 cities are not on high alert as only consume shalise reports. it's why fi season in brazil, below humidity and
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a blistering heat wave have resulted in a record number of fires. it's false the government to declare war on them. military aircraft are being deployed to stop these fires, ravaging south polo the country's most populous city. started historically in the month of august. we have at around $600.00 to $700.00 fires this year. have been full 1700 outbreaks here in the region. the result of this very heavy draft tobacco press to a city about 300 kilometers north of south paula was also heat from fields have boned and capitol have died around the region on friday to factory book has died, but trying to put out the flames and to shoot the mail in the northern part of the state, these terrible fire is a very difficult task. they're out of control, the firefighters can't handle it, and we just observe the situation unable to do anything. so palos was month, full size and decades comes as a battles, a prolonged trout present, louise,
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enough to let the silver direct, convinced the situation to climate change and his promise federal assistance. the involvements minister says the government is preparing for the situation of extreme climate volatility. nice thing. this is in a typical situation. and one week, particularly in 2 days, several minutes, apology started building up the same time. that's not possible experience, covenant you should be able to say many years of dealing with fire. dense smoke has been drifting across a wide swath to brazil, even reaching its captor brasilia more than 700 kilometers away. schools have been closed, several flights, kansas and travel on some roads has been halted. police are also investigating people suspected of starting fuzz, deliberately in some areas. yay all for the 1st time. i felt very afraid because i had never seen such a seen. southern brazil is indeed only region played by why fi?
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a record breaking sizeable to consume, pumped and all into not region conceded the was largest tropical lackland navia because some sharif objects. eva the still ahead and i'll just see them in sports. this friends world come when it is looking good in the united states details coming off in a few moments. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination, and due by the
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business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the stipends bought. and here's joe, real thing to look for boss on his lot says there's still lots of prove off the
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winning, his 1st leak match. it feels difficult between friends, the 2. no. they took just 30 minutes to go in front as low as the full the i know on the counselor at the time. and i just moved in the opening day victory against it. switch these on target again, to ins, out of to for level in the post test era, to, to good wins against difficult moments because um, ben for that a very good opening game last week. but there's still a lot for us to prove that there's a whole season coming up because i said of the few times already. i think both of them team, both of the teams which, which and benefits does have respect for the way they've played against us. but i'm not expecting one of the 2 in the top 6 in the upcoming season, so there's still enough proof for us. and then what else can join his 1st
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permanently win? as chelsea had coats and in some style, i could have sought to live its concentration where he loves to know for months to see the iris or 6 to thrust scene gets here. because jackson cold palmer is one of the check for many months of sick, a soul. them get old 3 points. you have yet to register points. 18 year old enrique has schooled. he's supposed go around the grid is they beat rail via lead 3 now in lundy, go and what was the colon and by police 1st game at the front of bayard. he watched his teammates deal with show as for the, the day of the scoring he's, he has made it to know the young brazilian strike a enrique made sure of the 1st win of the season. so 110 again to your last week we became edwards youngest. ever phone class came, we went up 8 times and he looks good. definitely. he has great potential. he showed it when he scored. he's very fast controlling the bull. a very good hard shot to i
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think those are his qualities. he's the typical center food and moves well in the opposing box. he's very, very good when there are no spaces as well. this incident from 0 and a goalkeeper paolo's got soniega, approves cautiously and then match against a physical address. you had lucky not see. read for humble thoughts, antoine grace on school. the results in pre k, make it one mill, august 7th, and smashed. and after the 2nd, before cook k added a subsidy, a guys, 2 medium sized smyrna, look championships attempt to sneak this season. but without the lead wing cipher. french woke up with only olivia's yuru has scored his 1st goal for major league soccer team, l a. f c, the, for my also mind, found the net with one of his trademark headers in the league comp final against columbus. true, this is the 1st thoughts. the phones is all time leading scorer meetings,
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united states, his assets, and i don't know, however, it is too much 31 with maybe the final 10, his grandson, but so you can get some the way on mondays. the world's best play as assemble in your the us open. now about joe, which begins his hunt for 5th title at flushing meadows. when he meets multiplan qualifier. i do elbow under the lights of, of the stadium in the women's tournament. golf kicks off his high school defense against principal, and it's not about going to change on the big chum him can win. jen opens the action at the louis armstrong stadium and she plays amanda and the see most of them as well in the morning antics center, opens his campaign. on tuesday, the thailand has been focusing on his preparations and the control, the se, surrounding is positive drugs test image last week said i had tested positive for band substance twice in march. it was created from doing by tennessee as integrity and it, he maintains, he did nothing wrong as well,
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fresh from winning gold at the powers olympics pole. vault champion onto planters has raised the ball on the weld records at a diamond league rates in poland. suite could 6.26 maces on sunday, a send to meet the high of and the previous test set in paris. this month. as the 3rd time, the 24 year old has broken the world record, the season and 10th of room. and it wasn't the only one noisy, inc, britson brooks, the $3000.00 b to wells. rec, hold by mazda 3 seconds, crossing the line in disbelief for the smash them on. that it's just for 28 years that have been the longest standing men's athletics world record and an individual truck event until now integrates in one goals in the 5000 meters at the apartments and then takes another olympic champion, considering how winning streak is go for lydia carr, who kept to the women's birth to sharpen title at son. andrew's new zealander came out on top and a tight final round, which so full past and present. well,
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number one's shed lead at one point, winning by 2 strikes to take us a major title, and fuss is quite a turnaround. so keegan, bradley with the pga tools bmw w championship. us write a cup captain. when says nelson with fedex called payoff event as the last month in the field, i need to go when it's on sunday that cut shots into the pole 517th over the ceiling. the 7th factor is, is to create as the piece increases 3 other players by single. so take a look at his know, see injury to a major lead faithful on pi, who was on home, places and he dentist leave the colorado rockies. the slide my shows john carlos johnson, son broke in the barrel, hit me on part in the face barrel given him concussions hit play down pyre and find the new york yankees. josie won't buy m l b legend favor if during the 1932
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championship has sold at auction 5, a $24000000.00 rates, who is widely regarded as the greatest baseball player. full time, all the shots in game 3 of the world series against the chicago cubs the and he's won the series $75.00 and it was roots 7th and final world series. title is the most expensive sports, collectible episodes. all right, that is all useful for now. i have mostly like several jo, thank you very much indeed. now employees in australia now have the rights to ignore what related calls and emails after officers. it follows the introduction of a so called right to disconnect long some employees say the lowest being rushed and they say it's confusing. victoria gave them because the story it's increasingly difficult for many employees to disconnect from work. and it's a trend that 6 celebrated since because it 19 pandemic. so many workers in the australian capital sydney. welcome the introduction of a new right to disconnect rule,
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which means employees can't be punished for ignoring what related calls and emails outside office hours. we spend so much about 5 connected to our farms connected to our emails on all day. and i think that it's really hard to switch off as it is. so having these laws coming to a place where you know, we, we, we really do disconnect is really important. australians worked on average 281 hours of unpaid, over time. last year was the equivalent of more than $88000000000.00. australia joins around 2 dozen countries, mostly in europe, and less than america, which have similar rules. it should help web places work out, managers and employees work out together between them. what's needed and what found necessary and better ways of doing things. that's what i would hope that the slides too, but some a skeptical about whether the new route will what i think it's an excellent idea. i
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hope the catch is on. i thought it a catch on in our industry to tell the truth. we are professionals. well paid are expected to deliver. and uh we'd be, we'd have to deliver 24724 hours a day. if you have 2 employees will still be able to contact workers in an emergency. and an employee can only refuse to respond wherever it is reasonable to do so. defining reasonable will be up to a straightly as industrial regulation, which must take into account the personal circumstances that the worker and how and why the contact was made. both these say the new rule is ambiguous and we'll create confusion. but many employees say, well, give them the confidence to create the best of what lies balance. victoria gay to be out is there. the body is going to be here in a couple of minutes, has more and all the stories, of course, don't forget the website as well. audra 0. don't. com and robots and stay with us. and i'll just say that we'll be back up to the break. the
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in the stillness, think them documenting 2 decades and one of the most in baffled coolness of the globe child of afghanistan, 20 years of war follows me from boyhood to manhood. a life that has no no peace shaped by hardship, resilience and adventure. the unique zoom, the cap just the complex in a way it has never been seen before. witness on al jazeera, the 10s of thousands of children were born in to well lived on. do they always still regime in iraq and syria? now many are in kemp. i the role funds of with the, with the mothers, rejected by their own communities checking the things that people are going to welcome them after that. of course not an emmy award winning documentary. here's that shooting and traumatic story for children throw stones at me erects last
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generation all now just teachers protesting in front of ideas. congress are met with strong resistance by the company. they've come here to demand better wages and to protest against and you know, if the government wants to pass that will be clear education and essential service, which would deny teachers the right to strike the government of heavier meanings influencing of every harsh austerity plan to renews government spending on fight inflation, it has reduced the funding of public universities around the country by 30 percent . and that's one of the reasons why the university of one of site is as follows. price. the only funding that's arrived is to pay for electricity. and most of the professors have received a minimal raise in spite of the inflation relays plan is a disaster for us. have you had any lays convinced and will stay with the plan could and the high inflation rate. but universities in the public sector saying they need more resources now. and many are not convinced monet's radical,
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liquid nomic plan. we succeed the police, the t 9 people are killed in a space of attacks and pocket stones, not just provence, religious stones, never ration on the separate, says claim responsibility the on, on the inside. this is out. is there a life from dave? also coming up on his riley evacuation order forces, engine, palestinians to flee a lot. so hospital central goes to the ministry of health, says the hospitals will, will continue. thousands of people are swept away off the dam collapsed and we'll see john off the days of heavy rain. i'm funny i'm close.


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