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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 28, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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direct the phone, i'll just see around the israel launch is a large scale right across the northern part of the occupied westbank killing at least a kind of the news the on the cloud. this is out there a life from dell also coming up israel sense of attacks and central and southern dogs. it could be at least 4 to palestinians across the street. it varies impacts for the tv and is there the consequences would be extreme d. c. a warning from the u. n. watched august fine to rages, there are russian,
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youtube and federal prosecutors fund refined documents of james, donald trump, accusing him of 14 to wherever through the 20. explain the . all right, so it'd be gained in the occupied westbank where at least 8 people have been killed in their logical operation by these read the army. it involves multiple raids with hundreds of troops and that strike tugged to the new shams refugee camp and to cut them elsewhere in that city is ready. bulldozers have been rebuilt. the pavements and vehicles supposed have been entering the city to boston jeanine. there are reports of vehicles being targeted by explosives. listed in fight is confronting soldiers. the abraham reports from bethlehem and the occupied west back since midnight. these really forces every 3 areas, simulate pena sleep. we are talking about june,
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who's getting the jordan valley. they've been reporting that they face some at arm confrontations with palestinian fighters. the they have been over, it is working against and intensifying their grades in the occupied left bank. you know, we always talk about reads in the occupied with bank stuff since the war started. the numbers of these rates have more than 2 pools. we're talking about 30 to 4380 lead to an average book. in the past few weeks, we've seen an intensification in the use of aerial strikes against palestinian fine to do forces has been saying that they are combating the use of i. e. d. through each of the inter improvised explosive. detroit devices often used my policy by to, against the, the agencies really close to mount. we have are seeing that these are the forces
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are talking about the largest operation in the north of deal could reply to respond since the 2002, which is when the 2nd intifada broke out. and these are the forces, have launched a large military operation that included in reading the many cities around the occupied westbank. ultimately, we are talking about the situation with tell us to me and feel that the under the threat of these really forces bottles. so they've been on the fire by these really close, who has been rampaging and in the, talking close to the cities in town and making positive lives more and more difficult. a. m a by the is the middle east political land listen says he is ready . prime minister is looking for a political victory of defending to achieve his will goes and gone. so israel is
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under tremendous pressure of the fact that they are stuck in gaza without a strategic victory. they promise that they will be able to defeat thomas quickly, that they will be able to free the hostages. they've been able to achieve neither of these things in the north, they're stuck in a status where they're supposed to restore their deterrence and intimidate, has been low across the loving on board, or they have failed miserably at that. and i think whenever israel find yourself cornered and is in desperate need for a victory for its public, all they know how to do is i'm these indiscriminate violence against palestinians. and this is the playbook that they actually go to. and i think that this is the moment that we find ourselves in is doesn't have to be on who is desperate or some sort of image of an accomplishment. and he thinks by launching this mass of large scale operation in the us bag in which relatively speaking, given the dynamics under occupation. israel can claim some sort of victory out at the end of this that this is somehow going to play well for an attorney all politically. but until now there have not been meaningful consequences from the
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world. it's only been condemnations and criticism. and unfortunately is where i've seen that they can get away with this. they don't know for how much longer. and i think that they're still there reading it to try to get as much lot as possible while the world will put up with this government without imposing any meaningful consequences. and i think that the recipe for changing that would be ending all military funding for israel, all diplomatic relations with israel, until it's recognized coughing in humanity and starts dealing with palestinians as equal who can be used for deserving of the same dignity and respect in human rights that is really enjoy the quality is the only way the most that we currently found ourselves us the same does is ready for us as of killed at least 40 palestinians and sadly on choose day among the crowded sites hits was a home in the middle of a market and then destroyed refuge account. hundreds of thousands of fled pushed out of areas once considered safelite con eunice in darrow paula target boom reports from central gulf the the blows so screwed
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to the school and get in the students full. so as well as some, some waiting to go to 2000 pounds each one of the tray to this area of the news around which we can have said is really problems and the other, my goal is the refugee come killed 6 men, those of the family night please gather around the body, the full who relatives say good. boeing one way offensive and i've seen has this is their target. a women her children and her sister in law, sleep in their home and messiah hits them what religion or law could possibly allow this. even the laws they uphold. what do they target? children? a 4 year old boy, an 8 year old girl, and the eldest son was 12 is very seriously scary though to see was a truly exclusively goes on tuesday, killing dozens of people who show these people,
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including unit struggles to comprehend what happens the residential block is in boons, the flash f 16 rocket contained in the area and destroyed the food safe. we can't get the march is out of here. still lots of people in there. this house was full. i tell you, there's young people, old people, women, 4 homes cubes, and the whose sites hundreds of thousands of times can use out trying to escape still being pushed out of parts of darren. and i am telling eunice whose bike is red evacuation, food is into the remaining 11 percent of the goals a strip was come up. i don't have that because you can see this piece is full of people that do to fits and talks about entering the security and what that is. completely evacuated, people almost 90 percent of the people. and so just was left. we're looking for a safe place and to lead me i could is no safe place and the entire guys us jump is
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ready ventilation orders on making families desperate as they look for some way to sleep soon they will get another challenge getting route to with 70 percent of disciplining, see the plans and what to wells in goals are located instantly evacuation areas. they have been caught from the main sources. some people even considering getting back the risk of getting killed. tar recognizes, which is 0. there is the palestine. israel says it's free to come to live in southern guns, but the conflicting reports of how the 52 year old was found. now the families of does and still being held to pushing for sci fi to ensure a more return home in life. and my colleague has this these ready allow me says this video shows the moment guide for the hon. i'll call the was rescue. cooling it a complex rescue operation. however,
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of the report suggests that he was alone with no captive or no captives, which seems to contradict the military statement as suggest he had been released or escaped. private to benjamin netanyahu was quick to call the success, both of them by the front cutting. welcome home, far home l kaji. i commend the audience and the i say for another successful rescue operation, we're working relentlessly to or to an all of our hostages. we're doing this in 2 main ways, negotiations and rescue operations. the 2 of these together require a military presence on the ground and constant military pressure on him us. we will continue to act until we were to and all of them home. the hostages finally form the umbrella organization that represents the families of resort and captives with critical thing. that's and you know, who simply isn't doing enough to get a c spy and to bring the captive. so will cause family a bed to in a community long discriminated against by his right you far as he's according to
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look like human rights groups that have long criticizes rose destruction. a better when village is in the homes. today though, i feeling of relief that he's back safe and wishes that the $108.00 remaining captives would also be home soon. the yes and for this policy and this happiness will be for all the hostages. we hope that it will come to them today before tomorrow that there will be a deal of reading and all the hostages will be released. and all the happiness that we feel is felt by the families and parents of the hostages. according to these ready meet, so to 3 of the remaining captives, a dead with sci fi tools bogged down and is right, insisting on changing the structure of the deal and immediate ceasefire. it seems unlikely. so was this release is being celebrated to catch his family. the only serious option ahead is a truce similar to the one last november, which led to
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a 105 captives being exchanged the palestinian prisoners and wrote the code or does it the, the, you and atomic. what still, chief referral grossi has raised concerns when you create incident following a visit to pop lawn to the russians cost region course. he says that he saw evidence of drug and strikes nit facility. most could accuse ukraine enforcers of attacking the plot last week as their incursion into russian territory continues. dosage by reports now from the city of a country where the new decide is located. as a city of nearly 40000 people, named after the father of the soviet nuclear weapons program, igor chord shots of his larger than live statute greets visitors as soon as they entered the city, about 6 kilometers from here lies the 3rd largest nuclear facility and russia
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occurs because nuclear plants is the 4th biggest producer of electricity in the country. the front lines are just 40 kilometers from here. since you create launch, it's incursion into russian territory in the car screeching on august. the 6th, across this lake is the curse can nuclear power plants where russia says fragments of u. crating droves were found 100 meters away. serious accusations during dangerous times. again, putting the safety of nuclear facilities at the forefront of this war. that's why the head of the u. n. nuclear watchdog is here to find out what happened does not deny the fact that there has been a activity near here. i was informed about the impact of drones, how he was shown, some of the remnants, those signs of the impact they had, the director general. what on to express concerns for the safety of the plants,
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which he explained is different than most nuclear facilities. the court reactor of the curse, nuclear facility is not protected by special, don't making it much more susceptible to any kind of attack. but nuclear safety is not the only concern here. can you snider demtrius of video and the state of emergency redeem is introduced as a customization, including our city security measures. us tip top schools will start with a book loading to prevent unwanted defense for children or lots of public offense of prohibited while the city continues to function. despite the threats, it is clear that with each passing day and the increase in fighting between russia and ukraine in force is only about 40 kilometers away. these are difficult times, not only for officials, but for those living here. door such a for alpha, 0 court shots of city, russia rushes for him, and as to his will in the us. it gains to allow ukraine to strike deep into his territory using western weapons. a 2nd leg perhaps. as world war 3 would not be
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confined to europe. when i 1st saw you, we have our own document including the document of using nuclear weapons, which by the way is now being clarified and which american officials know very well . but this is simply for jensen. you know, the 3rd world war is bad because we do not want to up to suffer. so is the entire american mentality of the master, who sits on the other side. you convinced of the safety and confidence test for him to do is to work won't be done. and not only will, luke ring is dikes, but now, so when we go to the answers, as it turns out this to this one of the slides you intensifies and these new crane is a renewed focus on the price that you have to cross out as can topless is more from case the war and the east of ukraine is the next. because reaching, reaching a critical juncture, the russians are advancing or leave because know behind the russian folk lines as the russian units and bonds west towards port cross across is the grand prize. here
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the russians need to take it. ukrainians need to defend it. on both sides, bring up most of amounts of troops hangs artillery because the bottles of across is about to begin. now this is absolutely vital because we have a controls for cross controls. the net, it's a by full logistics hub, a rail hub, route road cross roads. it is absolutely crucial. now, it is also crucial for the russians, so they take this within the next month or so, because the offensive will start to run out of steam or offensive. do men get exhausted? troops of depleted supplies are depleted and everything grinds to hold. you, craig knows it has to defend across up until then, but that's the big if kindly hold onto the across the jewel jeanette. before the russians run out of steam, will the russians overrun them. so this is what we're going to be seeing in the next few weeks, and this is the vital point of the war. this is the crucial point of the boy here,
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right here in the next note in cross where are the thousands of fighting. it's an important area, but so net is the absolute focal points for the, for the moment, alex was helpless out to 0. keep as a sort of head hair analysis era, just purchased in mexico over plan traditional eva whole that is lead to diplomatic spent with washington plus a 100 crisis in nigeria. one is that more than 26000000 people will not have enough to weeks within weeks the the now last texas has lost lots of its heat. it's sitting in the offer up in the midwest. the world of the wind is generated big thunder storms. now the state fair
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in minnesota was affected by the bolts and the thunder stones, minneapolis itself. but after for these thoughts, the shower still lofting into what's the state of the temperature has come down from 53 to about 26 or 255 more reasonable. but still the potential was a cuter, at coming down across the plate and states. and this rough around here means big send us don't stretch from north dakota all the way down to was the desert southwest. and you'll notice it's not covering texas and probably the easy on it, which means nothing like this. all but still humid. we send the stalls throughout the counter be in the shower is a pretty wide spread, but not particularly heavy. the small items get quite a few, i think. and on the pacific coast of mexico in excel, he went to possibly that's true. in guatemala or as well south america, seasonal rains, are still alone. baseline, more or less for k into it's more towards bulk of tar south. is that pretty dry looking pictures still halts and some parts of brazil,
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puerto fellows warmer than the average was suggest south of this deep midwinter. but the sun is shining through most of option. tina just a little bit of snow right down the path to go to the for countless refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring of desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a young tracy onto the same is brother's life. as he sofas the sold to provide for his family. this the phone scare us with this on a jersey the
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other day you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories is uh and is rarely for assistive killed at least 8 palestinians. target launch scale operations across the occupied west side. um with vehicles have been to multiple cities and then s tri kits. the nations were fiji. repeat, intensified as really of types and the central and southern gaza. at least 40 policy needs to be killed since i'm young. she's the head of the you and youtube watched dog is voiding. that fighting could lead to a serious accident in russia's test region. preferably, garcia visited a new clip pop around to the area, creating launch sits and coast to coast 3 weeks ago. now donald trump has responded to a revised federal indictment brought against him in the 2020 presidential election . the difference case,
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he describes it as an unprecedented abuse of the criminal justice system. indictment keeps the same criminal charges, but not rosy allegations against them. the supreme court ruled in july, the presidents have broad immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts, while an office, mike kinda has more from washington, dc, in what is called a superseding indictment. the special prosecutor has brought a new indictment against donald trump written with the supreme court judgement back on july. the 1st in mind. in that judgement, the supreme court said that a sitting president can be immune from actually carried out in his official capacity, though not in a personal capacity. the special prosecutor has taken out those sections in terms of which trump was relating to the department of justice in an attempt to undermine the results of the 2020 election. that section has been taken out completely. however, the full felony charges remain including crumbs roll in the events of january the
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6th, as well as this attempt to get mike pins to not certify the election results. the prosecute to arguing that these are ex, carried out by a political candidate not by the president of the united states. this will now go back to judge time, your check in who will decide whether or not to proceed with the case. it comes to respond says be absolutely looks like in a series of lengthy post on his cruise social media channel. he has described this as a continuation of a witch, and he says that the special prosecutor is the range. he also puts us on his challenge in november, come on the harris saying this is part of a width and i is ation of the political process by the none the less the judge in the case time you check in will decide whether it's now to go ahead on it, remembering to the this as a result of a special gerry investigation, a new special jerry looking at evidence it had not seen before. so she will now
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decide whether to proceed, but no doubt comfortable as will attempt to get back to the supreme court, montana which is the era washington or how does the people are protesting in mexico against propose judicial eva whole that is president congressman will live with overdose controversial reform make judges subject to election demonstrate as roles are concerned, authorized he's wanting to do way with the independent regulatory agencies. changes require proof of by my excuse, congress or the governing coalition has the majority. but let's go, his pulls this relationship with the us and canadian embassies off to the american ambassador to criticize a plan, to elect judges. the mexican president insists it's a matter of self governance. didn't he didn't get put in? did they have to learn to respect? mix goes solvency. that's no small thing. we're not going to give them advice over
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the last spring, not to grace a. jeremy a who's a professor at the school. the public policy in global affairs at the university of british columbia. she joins us live from vancouver and kind of a welcome grace. good to have you with us here in ounces here. tell us, 1st of all, if you would, why this such opposition to the plan, what are the fears about as well? this is a long time planning of institutional encroachment into inches essentially show branch and the judiciary. busy for a shot and functioning of mexico, that was their name because of the history of mexico, of trying to control the different branches of government on the, in the last 20 years that they do the sharefile at a cheap grades independence. so that was the main concern, but most importantly there was and there were many cases in right now as the supreme court and related to for option charges and the duck on sales and the
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relationship with mexico and the united states depend on those cases, especially because that means the selection of drug traffickers and drug being there are human profiting and that's why the relationship became so entrusted and did you, they show respond. okay, so, so great. um the president himself says is needed. this reform is needed to roots out corruption. he says that he's accused judges of couch how into organized crime in the country. so it's, it's a necessary reform pieces. of course, i mean the reform is always necessary and that was the point. besides many of them bosses arkansas last time about mexico. they did you the show reform was needed, however, it was some other reform as well as consensus or out of a dialogue of the web seeking society organizations on the, the parties in the apple session. so that was the main point. it wasn't posed by
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the government, it was not and part of the plan of the full transformation and the, the theme supposed to be an issue of getting di know, as small changes into such a reform is what caused this occurring crisis. and that re my and we have to remind . 0 on the audience that is that right now, it's not only the united states and boss of or for the size, and there was for, it's may source on for most that you, these are shelves, branches in mexico and they usually share it is, is a, in the strike out of the reforms of different opposition bodies have. okay. also this is, it is open, does it fit that amendment and behind the opposition? so what do you think is going to happen? where, where is this going to need? so i don't think it's going to these 2 to any changes. so we have to remember also that and i'm know on the party move in or has one the majority of seats in congress,
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in both chambers and in order to pass such and all the reforms that 20 reforms on the line, they just need that super majority in the lower chamber, they are a bar to good that the, the upper chandler, and they already have the support of the majority of the states. that was all what is needed. what is z for and in this case is the lack of institution that's for veterans. it was a usual elisa, a part of the tradition to wait until the next president comes along. we are within less than 30 the east from my and the shame bond. and in being evaluated, so everybody was expecting here to take the leading send. is it a form the it was expecting a little to do it to run through the reforms in the last month of his presidency just because the new presidency and just a few weeks on october, the 1st that that begins. all right, the more. okay, we're going to leave the do appreciate your perspective. thanks very much. indeed
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for joining us here at out as are i thank you. thank you. now, the democratic republic of congo is delaying a vaccination campaign against them. polk, the united nations is worried that any further delay could devastate displays. people in refugee comes out. is there as gabriel? as under has this report in the democratic republic of the congo delayed a plan roll out of the inbox vaccine until at least next week. congolese officials blamed the delay on processes and regulatory matters. the un says the delay could be devastating. india sees uh, south cable province, one of the regions how does teats buy and books are least $42.00 suspected cases have been identified among that are pretty population on positive suspect of cases that will also be reporting. so earning countries in republic of congo as well as in girl and according to the world health organization, there are over $18000.00 suspected cases. and more than $600.00 dis,
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attributed to inbox. in the d r c, the country has over 7000000 internally displaced people fleeing war. many that are in refugee camps are particularly vulnerable due to overcrowding, shelters, pour water and overall unsanitary conditions. so that gives a need mean it doesn't. immunological deficit. it's an immunological weakness, which makes them more likely to become more ill with anything they get in south kiva. province, doctors are doing all they can under difficult circumstances. allow say they pause . now, we have more people here under treatment and we didn't have a choice to put them all together here as there's no spaces due to the number of patients forgetting. others are even waiting outside as this is the only place to treat and fox for now. all patients are referred here and this is exposing more patients to the infection. some patients are getting treated my job, which in over 2 i started feeling time without knowing that it was the beginning of
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empathy expires in my body. i am getting better under the treatment, but we need more, especially the vaccine in order to protect others from infection and to vaccines can reach those who need it. the virus could spread, putting more people at risk of death gabriel's on to just eat a. this no jury is on the verge of hunger crisis. do you and says more than 26000000 people, banks have enough to wait in the coming weeks. i would address reports. now for my degree, this is one of the dozens of health facilities across nigeria, struggling to deal with the increasing number of children present severe electricity doctors in this hospital for those that on average they receive 100 new patients and they are running. they've already run out of bed space to take care of new arrivals in pride. and lots of patients are outside waiting for one patient to be decides for another to take
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a test page pretty. we understand they come in very conditions. now doctors, i say the situation started this. yeah, the situation started earlier. i think it's usually in the month of july when they start to see this number of children coming to hospitals for support or medical care. what's the problem? the model impression imprint of 24 thought it's 12 months before july. in fact, it started even april, which is 3 months before the original time. and they don't expect this ease until probably the month of november when probably people will start toughest and crops from the farms and probably will be a little cheap off by the time. but right now what they say is that what the doctors all say is that it does which.


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