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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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along with the strategic downstream industry on the clock in the news, your better tomorrow the the i'm sammy's a them. this is the news. our live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. and is really offensive in multiple sites easily occupied. westbank co fuse are imposed in people to, to leave that homes. now many die, but a human to boss in the occupied the west bank where israel has started its biggest military assault in more than 2000. and the wave of his riley strikes,
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killed thousands of palestinians across garza. john lives is among the victims, refusing to be silent, small position values them on soft index. less for those re election is bend this way, this presidents and that the games begin to count down is on. so the kick off of the power olympics in congress. the this now is ready for us is a stepping off of the tax on palestinians as the war approaches the 11 month lock. thousands of people were killed in dallas on wednesday, but it looks like the west bank is now becoming more of a target. this route is conducted its largest managerial preparation. they're moving to decades as strikes and the cities of to boss. and janine is killed at least 10 people. that abraham begins on coverage of what's being called
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israel's hidden war and the occupied west bank enters in you feelings is really media are calling this assault the largest since 2002, concentrated around to boston, the jordan valley jeanine scene here and to cut him it involves drones, fighter jets, and the large contingent of soldiers ambulance workers run systems. how the we used to the weight is really occupations. violet. all international principles break the law by targeting civilians, medical teams, and ambulances. we have seen this in gaza over the 11 months and the doing the same thing now and occupied westbank palestinian fighters say the attack then is really mandatory bulldozer in the account. but the dust all among palestinians is mounting late. this was a raid was carried out on
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a neighborhood by surprise. before hand some young men near my house asked me for water to drink. i went to bring them a bottle of water when i opened the door to give it to them and stick ins very fast . we felt like something came down on us from the sky and there was an explosion. i didn't understand what was going on when i put my hand on my chest. i felt shrapnel and blood. israel's foreign minister is real cats, has called for palestinians to be forced from areas in the northern occupied westbank, comparing the situation to the countries war ongoing. so it's the clearest indication yet that as well as why you're getting a tour on this trip to the west bank, such as condition may alarm the international community, but will come as no surprise to palestinians living here who have seen rates intensify and expand every day since october, the 7th, the that, but i came and just needed to boss the occupied westbank palestine. the united
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nations is just commented on these radio operation in the occupied westbank gave her the others on though is that you in headquarters in your for us? so gabriel, how all these is ready, raids, resume thing that and the whole is a power of the un as well as the spokes person for the secretary general issued a statement on camera about this, the u. n. is watching the events in the west occupied westbank very closely. the secretary general is travelling right now, but he's been briefed on the situation. and the un, the big picture is to you and it's counted since october 7, 630 palestinians who have been killed in the occupied westbank since october 7th. but the u. n. is particularly concerned about israel's latest escalation in the last 24 hours taking their gravely concerned. they said that the u. n. a. so they've seen reports of palestinians killed by air strikes and sniper
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fire as well in the last 24 hours. this listens to a little bit more about the un spokesperson had to say we've been following the developments since this morning with grave concern and are very worried about what we're seeing or humanitarian colleagues at o char warning, the people there are increasingly exposed to deadly warfare tactics that seem to exceed international standards for law enforcement or human rights colleagues, remind us that in the west bank is really forces must adhere to international policing standards where um, leave full force and firearms or the last resort. it can only be used. it gets imminent threat of death or serious injury. the un also announcing something else very troubling. that transpired in guys on tuesday as well. the un saying that one up there clearly marked un, humanitarian convoys was hit 10 times by is really military gun
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fire on tuesday, the un saying that their con boy was clearly marked with un insignia. and also that the u. n. had coordinated the movements of this convoy with these rarely military. so the 2 un officials who were in the vehicle, luckily, were not injured. however, the u. n. is calling for an investigation into this incident because clearly, something went terribly wrong. so un, this, this took place, i should say, around the area of why the guys at some point on tuesday, i should point out that over 200 un staff members mostly from the and rather you and really relief and works agencies for cost. any refugees have been killed in gaza since october 7th duty is rarely bombardment and at least one international
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staff member as well. only thanks so much gabrielle. i was on the that the un headquarters now most of about a whole to use the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. these as well as violating and actionable by launching a war and occupying population. these are not just today. it is, it's a huge military operation. it's actually on act before. and that is taking place in reading sort of major areas. but not only that, they are envisioning so many communities and villages all over the west bank to address people. and the most important thing here for the audience to understand is that the west bank is a no q by 33 by that is that are in the army. we've been on that. is that in the military. okay. patients since 1957 years. and what is that i is doing now is going back to our own occupied people, which is a total violation of any international law. the tools. how on okay,
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i think by what should behave they are using expedite, they are using the ad force they are using. thank you. i'm using windows and what that i to do now in the rest the bank is to transfer here the acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing that they are doing in does that in to the bank. and that is all done by this is what are the fascist government, which is that on by in the gum set, the likes, most of the time being view, who are trying to destroy the whole infrastructure of these areas. and their goal is gonna be a catch to the foot in minnesota visiting and has just declared that if mickland thinks would be conducted sort of the citizen of the west bank. and to do these that a few times, we have to stand up to them. we have to say that fast, we have to do this because we will not leave our country and we will not be of our homes. and we will not accept will be slaves of the system of apartheid and discrimination that is right and is conducting. so we have, i've done nothing,
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but what is this the stead of an impression understood, have been genocide that is imposed on us as i keep on dot is a physical analyst and contribute to to these riley daily newspaper ha writes, he joins us from tel aviv so we've seen, of course, the spike in attacks by the army as well as by settlers. now the light is lines all the us is imposing sanctions on a set to the group. how effective do you think it will be in detouring violence in the west bank? it was somebody i, i'm afraid there's, it's too little and may be even too late because what we are looking at right now is uh, closer to uh, the low end of the year. then what uh we uh follow in in gaza because uh uh, i live in garza and the west bank. the settlers outside big gas is riley.
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oh me. and these riley police and the there are members of the police and the only beds. uh they go home is nights uh after they finish the duty to a settlement. oh doing the legal out of those. so what, what do we see is kind of an i repeat that. it's not just these riley's governments. i am afraid that these ready governments lost control over not only the settlers, but even some of units in the army and in the police. sorry. so the international community will have to wait probably until the reason your government did as well. that will be a partner to uh, uh, to, to some oh there in the occupied territories. the keep,
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let me jump in and say what you described this kyle? is that justin? could that really just be an oversight by these ready minutes? which has a such a serious presence in the west bank given want international human rights groups like amnesty international say, in their report, april 22nd. that what they called states backed set flow violence is occurring to quote, dispossess and displace palestinians on the want. honestly called israel system of apartheid. you know, is this an, an accidental actually state policy as well? the, sorry, we don't have to go so far. these ready. i had all this feedback of the secret service just the 10 days ago sent a letter to brian me to send it to you know and said that there isn't exist. central's trends on the is riley of troy
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d on these ladies sovereignty. these people, i believe in kind of a maggot on the jury. so promises sitting in the cabinet meetings and what they want is chaos. i mean, they're not afraid of the international community. they don't believe not only in the international the just really low is not the human error commendation for them . they believe that they take direct orders from god. they are actually the uh, uh, immunization. both of the ices of the i mean committee does jihad and the prime minister probably feels himself that the genie is out of the bottle. and it's very difficult to put him back. so unless we will have a goal that the book order in august is what we see now is just
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a promo of what we seen the scene the last 10 months in the government. actually, i was surprised that it took so long the to penetrate the co seen garza and the war and guys up. i can't believe that the, the but a senior as in the west bank will seat back and we'll just why is where is looking up. it so from point a senior as to what can go in there as well. there are 100000 households in the west bank that uh, are actually slowly. so uh it was really surprising that uh, it was a miracle that it took so long and meanwhile, while it's taking so long as you put it, all we actually seeing these groups actually effecting policy change on the ground . if you look at watch view and humanitarian coordinates, lynn hastings mentioned in september 2023. the complete or partial displacement
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of 10 palestinian communities. are they not in, in fact actually effecting policy on the ground of displacement in the west bank? oh, um. well, i see those sent me uh we are waiting for the international court of justice and the international criminal court even uh to, to issue a restoral answer. engagement on the out and uh, the defense minister, god. and these really public opinion haven't seen it all. i think that uh uh, after the american elections even is done on the drum will be re elected. it will not be, you know, business as usual. president trump was in favor of a 2 state solution. and i think the national community is fed up where it is,
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nathaniel and his gang, and the price that these really public and these reading industry are paying now for what's happening in new york. you buy very dollars probably is too low. then the political price that they will have to pay if they wouldn't follow the international law and these rarely low and would put all this into the occupied fairly gods. because right now i think that the nothing else feels very comfortable with come us. um, as long as the whoa is in gaza and the the worst bang is continuing to save because uh the is ready, but big is not ready at this time to go for elections. so i think that it will take more than sanctions on individuals in the west bank. we just heard that mr. burrell is suggesting to put sanctions on me on is ready
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leave us on basically a smoke bridge and perhaps it wouldn't make these reading public opinion. bush for elections because what happens in october 7 is probably um is not enough. are all right, thank you so much feel sold, signed analysis of that akiva and awesome. all right, thank you so much. i just refer to the state department imposing sanctions on this, right? the organization does providing support for satellite groups. so let's take this now to our white house correspondent, kimberly how could she joins us from washington, dc. so all that is the state department saying about this group and about the sanctions of the yeah, well. 1 in terms of this group of what the and the sanctions itself, they're really designed to try and contain the knowledge of violence, but to get the as really government to try and contain the violence and to bring
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these groups to keels. so what the state farm has done is sanctioned, not only the group this n g o known as has shown me or yours, but also a 3 individuals within it, as well as another individual who is a security coordinator for westbank settlement to the united states. the ledges has acted outside his scope of law enforcement and is alleged to have led an effort to prevent $250.00 pallets simians from returning to their village. now, what we know from all of this is that the united states believes that it was necessary to put in place these sanctions because there is a feeling that this escalating violence that is occurring towards palestinians of the west bank. what the, what white houses and the by the ministrations calling civilians is an undermining a in terms of this. violence is violent acts is really undermining the broader effort for peace within the region. and so as
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a result of these have been put in place as an effort to try and encourage these really government to do more. now just very quickly, with regard to this and to go with the united states and saying is that is funded and there is fundraising that is done in the united states as online it's affiliated with these really government, including with these, the seniors, really ministers, smart, rich, as well as bank beer and b is really government is denying of much of this, saying that they view this with the utmost of concern and they will be taking this pointed conversation up with the united states government. right. thanks so much. kimberly. how could that now john list and his sister are among the laces victims of his right. the strikes and central garza though it killed in the family home and then the side of refugee can 59 people have been killed since the early hours of wednesday. adults, his age day is
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a struggle to find space for the wounded medicine and fuel to run the hospitals. i mean, i've moved reports from a lot of the hospital and then the site often central garza a this is the hospital, the only remaining operation of host facility interruptions, drugs area. what you see behind me is the facility itself, design and one building here designed to accommodate a hungry case on daily basis. but judging it from what we're seeing, the hospital has been pushed to operate beyond this capacity is just from the crowd behind me. right here at this health facility. we're looking at 30 times more than its capacity. and just to show you the extent of it challenges and difficult conditions, this hospitality is going is true. we're taking you inside the emergency departments of the hospital right here. that gives you an a from what we're seeing. a large number of people are waiting in line here and 6,
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when the large numbers of people here at the reduced rate is because of the evacuation orders. if advisors really in the military, the 1st, the vast majority of, from a law offices on whether the injury is the patients the box. we believe the hospital immediately just adding more pressure on this most health facilities in the central area and making it very difficult for the patients to begin. it's difficult for the medical and everybody to receive a proper medical care. this is the pediatric department at the hospital here and as you'll see it in the frame of the camera, there's so many people here and when, when we just talked to a doctor inside the hospital describe the situation as they horrific here. there was never seen this large number seen in one place at one time. here it goes on to explain. this is because of the box, which in order to place the hospital pushing more people to move to and they'll say
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it off in other parts of the central area. really those who are in need of medical care. and then up in this cost is on a hospital that is designed for minimum of a maximum of a $100.00 case on a daily basis. now is sad to provide medical care for a close to 3000 people on daily basis, just adding more pressure on our really crippling health care system across the golden rule. and is there any drones drank on the boat or between syria and lebanon, is killed for people? syrian sources say a call was hit on the road between damascus and the lebanese capital bay route, as well as stepped off. it strikes why the cross neighboring country since the war and gauze has started in october the, the f b. i says, the gunman who tried to assassinate donald trump to spend months looking for information on the us presidential candidates campaign schedule. he also search for
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jo biden's events, but sort funds riley last month as a target of opportunity. and fisher is in washington dc. so what are these details tell us about the attendance on donald trump? well, there has been this widespread investigation ongoing since july. the 13th and the f . b i during that time has obviously scanned through everything that the sure to put on social media, his computers, his bones and a thing they could access. the spoken to more than a 1000 people. and they say that his ideology is not clear, but what they did find out was that he had googled and set for events that both presidential candidates would be involved. and when he realized that donald trump would be in his home state, on the 13th of july, he became laser focused on that, that these investigations are still continuing. but they say there's no clear idea
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of what his ideology awards. and we know that the house is already conducting an investigation. in fact, within butler this week, taking a look at the actual site, there's a number of parallel investigations on going to. and it could be some time before we get to the bottom of this because the house committee is not due to the port to sometime in december. so after the election itself. but donald trump speaking, you're on american media in the last 24 hours. the owner was blamed joe biden and coleman the hottest saying that they had refused to increase the secret service detail around him, even though there is absolutely no proof of that. so these investigations continue . the allegations continue, but what is clear is that the shooter has looked for both events involving both joe biden and donald trump before settling on that event, which changed american history on july, the 13th. all right,
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thanks so much on fisher. and now the opposition in venezuela is refusing to back down the spine pressure to accept the re election of president and the customer duda mall riley is taking place a month off to the vote on position the to say was widespread votes of fraud. but the electrical council says madura one more than 50 percent of the poll sounds i'm factory joins us from neighboring colombia. well positioned activists have held their own randy that and so i sandra today marks a month since the elections. how is momentum looking? i'm on the phone is indeed sammy, this was the 4th time that the opposition leader in minnesota mighty equity. not much of called for major riley saint venezuela and across the world in other countries where the business wetlands are leaving. they almost 8000000 that have fled the country in the past specular. so fleeing a very deep economic,
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social and political crisis back at home. this one was smaller and a cut out cuz mostly because, or as a consequence of the own, with some precedent that campaign track down campaign of immunization and part of the government on the opposition activities. there have been almost $1600.00 people that have been arrested since the votes happened now a month ago. my. the equity, not much of the the position leader and a few years in the east of cadillac. it's, she's in hiding because she's also being investigated by the government officials for allegedly spreading panic and of forging the voting tallies that the opposition has present that as evidence that they have won the presidential election as she spoke from above a truck, as she has been doing and previous okay,
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so it's surrounded by their, her supporters and she said that they will continue to fight for the rights of a venezuelans. and she said not, not a single government. the democratic government across the world has recognized my daughter's a victory. and she also said that they will continue to fight in the streets another rally of my daughter support this instead of is expected later today. all right, thanks so much. charlotte sound on the, at the from boca tom, the grinding and drones of his oil deaf hose in 2 regions of russia. the kid of region is around 1500 kilometers from ukraine's bullet to the death row in the kaminsky districts of rust. of was engulfed by flames. russian authorities say a defend systems in deceptive 12 drugs and the last of and what all nash ukrainian
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drug in stock did the area 10 days ago. the governor of care of says via time did not cause any casualties or fires. the facilities, operations were not disrupted. the still ahead on al jazeera to redemption, betsy planes arrive in some of the as regional tensions fly with the c o. yeah. and it's day 3 of the us open in new york state, and we'll be here with the best of the action, including the wind for a former world. number 2, the that off today is is not weeks of giants under storms and west and saturday and west. and you have an, i think the full cross might be turning them down just a little bit. they'll still be around maybe not the same extent. possibly on the
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other side of the red sea, that would be that biggest, the same time, this circulation you see in something pakistan which is part of the policy, the circulation is produced, letting go drop off a meter of writing this stuff do the same out through the middle of practice done both time types, letting on the streets as well, and that will carry on for next day as i but if you don't hear as you're not in the read so your chances are you're just sitting in hot dusty, hazy weather. does it breeze coming out to be rock that's pick you up on friday and come down the golf, which means you minutes? you'd probably be a bit reducer to come down a little bit. and that's the worst thing this time of year for these gulf states. but that preschool big enough to pick up some dust or maybe light sand and it's flow and possibly risk even worse than conditions in riyadh. the tropical i forget the she has always been out there west. the last couple of weeks, northern side of the course of the coming side of 3, but on the now and those and the see, but sort of a list. it's a generally dr. picture of this times a year. and the last,
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the temperature coming down in zimbabwe and botswana, the, [000:00:00;00] the once a journey through every story, every step is a narrative celebration of what we cannot change when to reach
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the welcome to cities and exclude does un redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future. today we create the the the welcome back here watching out 0 time somebody capital headlines, as many as strikes and braves across the occupied westbank killed at least 10 palestinians. his rel says, the ministry operation, easy law of despair since the 2nd into fall the molding 2 decades ago. a gen less than his sister are among the lights,
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is victims of israeli strikes in central gone. so it was killed in the family home and in the silence for a few g temp 61 people have been killed since early wednesday. the f b, i says the government and tried to assassinate donald trump spend months looking for information on the us presidential candidates campaign schedule. he also search for jo biden's events, so thomas riley last month as a target of opportunity. oh, the opening ceremony for the past part i'm thinks is on the way some supposes may have difficulty. just getting that spin. smith reports the french capital, still not easy to navigate for people with disabilities. the parish gets another chance to show off the summit. this time it's the power olympics, but still with the same spectacular backdrop. wednesday's opening ceremony will again make use of the city's landmarks. it's the 1st time in history that the vibrating opening a painting, power and big 70 yes,
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is in the center of the city. and that's very political and like a big mock because we know that or just sit down, not a deputy, it completes the fault. that's going to be disability. yeah. tonight may be like going to change the, the look of the society about bessengers disability. and that's very important for me. moving $4400.00 asked me to take the cost of the game. they arrive in a city notoriously difficult to navigate, but those with disabilities. positive council such as made improvements. for example, you cannot become lines that help to get on to trains. most of the underground system is not wheelchair friendly. we are very on cd and we have a very old metro. we have very old streets and we needed to work adults with our, our team. and it's a really legacy for us. thanks to the farley games a to have transformation. came to organize the say. several events are already sold
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out. there are a record number of participating countries and organizations. had of a lympics parisians fled the city in drove spearing inconvenience and traffic. kyle, they were on the games. were a hit so much so that the majority of tickets sold for the power olympics. i've gone to people living in the powers region, but i'll just air pars. it's about as far as joins us now some of funds done in paris. so bennett, how much transformation has power some they've gone to become a little more powerful and pick friendly well, the city is in china and we think it is going to be a challenge. 350000 disabled visitors are expected head during the power olympics. the had a power as is transport system admits the metro system. the underground system is impossible. visits is only 25 percent of the railway is also
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a wheelchair accessible. and uh, you know, just a few metro stations, all of the boxes, all wheelchair accessible. um for the power olympics they've laid on that 100 extra mini policies that will, that will ferry spect site is to and from various menus along without a cause power. it's opened up again, it's box. is it that with a lympics the people able bodied, i'm disabled. who wants to come and watch the event solely opening ceremonies. they are this evening and that's proving very, very popular. but yeah, i'm gonna try and school front. it's going to be enormously challenging the organizes say of this event they want to change the way people look a disability. and that is going to be one of the themes we understand what is going on during the opening ceremony. athletes currently making the way down the shows a lease a this event will take a couple more hours and there is one advantage. it already has over the olympic opening ceremony. and that is, it's not writing is
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a beautiful girl power. it's late summer evening. perfect for the pilot picks opening, sir, and that's fun. it's miss from a warm summer evening. paris for us. have us national security advisor and chinese volume is the one. yeah, holding a 2nd day of talks and aging jake, sullivan's visit comes as regional neighbors accused china of fueling tension. soon this kim explains us as a us security advisor and china is top diplomat engaging closed door meetings. they do so against a backdrop of heightened tensions between beijing and america's allies in the region. on sunday and again on monday, the philippines and china created blame after back to that maritime skirmishes at the sabina show, one of many hotly contested areas of the south china sea, of which beijing takes a large claim. the philippine defense secretary at a military confidence tuesday set the solution is stronger,
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collective multilateral action against beijing in the 3 john china. although without saying it, then i'd say, as the saved for you is the biggest disrupt, or of even their national beast in the sea. of japan and the philippines upgraded their military relations last month. green lighting was typical access and joint exercises. tokyo zone suspicions of beijing flared on monday when a chinese wind 9 reconnaissance played fluid to a squarespace in a 1st ignoring warning calls to the space violation is a threat to our security and we consider it totally unacceptable. china responded to japan's dismay by pledging an investigation into what clearly it said was not intentional. it's a delicate dance that sullivan and one will have to make a deep distrust, including concerns over chinese interference and us elections via mis information
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campaigns. we are working to ensure the competition is not here in the conflict and find ways to work together. interest align whether or not the to a ground work for our final joe biden. she just being summit before the us president leaves office. the main mission remains clearing the air to keep their intense competition from entering our red zone unit skim. alda 0 tanya is managing partner. the asia group is also a former consul general for the us. and hong kong joins us now from new hampshire in the us. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, the lines that we're hearing out of jake sullivan's meetings. the us in china have agreed to direct talks between ministry commanders. and so we've been talking about the countries to lead is meeting all tensions deescalate thing i think the, the, the level of tension is high,
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but fairly stable actually in the region. and, and jake sullivan's visit is intended to maintain that atmosphere of stability in the relationship. so that things as, as a reporter said to not escalate or, or become a self perpetuating cycle of action and reaction. the bite administration has made a clear choice, a couple years back to really a concert at lee engage with china in china has risen to that occasion. and, and they've had some product useful outcomes from these discussions, particularly after but. and then she met in san francisco last year, but, but it is an ongoing and then difficult process of maintaining communication so that things don't get out of hand and, and, and visiting and revisiting the same, talking points over and over again in a way that, that 6 to establish
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a stable baselines. all right, so that has been useful outcomes. you said, but differences remain over. things like trade, a recognition of sovereignty in the south china sea and so on. how likely is it that those kinds of gaps will be breached any time soon? are not quite unlikely. the, the fundamental differences about the large u. s. military ford presence in the western pacific about trade and an investment issues about us technology, denial strategy towards china. these are deep seated problems, and the buying administration has indicated that they're not open to negotiation. and china has indicated that on, on the matters where it is offending us, the interest that its positions are not open to negotiation on these most fundamental of issues. so what the 2 sides are seeking is stability rather than breakthroughs. now i do think that jake sullivan made
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a special effort on this trip to try and reinforce the point that the united states is making. the china, the china is implicit, and, and material support for russia, even as it pursues or a regression against ukraine is probably the biggest single problem in the relationship right now. and it is something that china could have been chose to to do, so could change its direction. and i think that the us will continue to push hard on that. i'm not optimistic for any breakthroughs, but i think that's a high priority issue. does that the risk alienating china, which is not necessarily in the strategic interest, right? because that could push paging close at the moscow. so it's a, it's a question of managing competition and trying to create a checks and balances and indicate to china that there are linkages between its
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approach on issues like support for russia and the kinds of economic relationships that china can expect with united states. but i don't expect a drastic moves in terms of applying pressure, and i also don't expect any dramatic breakthroughs. as you know, we're not in a transition season in the united states and it makes every sense from the china's perspective to wait and see who will be the next president and then work with that person. all right, thank you so much for your analysis. could tongue that from a console general for the us in hong kong. pleasure take care. now the us china rivalry also playing out at the summit of pacific island lead is see some of and duels to $270000000.00 plan funded by straight to improve police training leaders of tongue of fiji powwow and the path. when you get a said it will help pilot and stays, tackle drunk traffic and illegal fishing across millions of square kilometers of ocean. that comes as
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a straight it looks to reduce china. security presence in the area aging is deployed police on the solomon islands and kitty boss. the entire pacific is the biggest, unpolished space in plenty of this. and considering i was s, space m, c space. it is a bigger space. and this it is, it is really important to be comfortable in this manner. and i think one of the he started call him a key outcomes of this 50 ted p. i have used to have some of this one of the pastry police initiative. and we just want to comment, i'll be putting us in, you know, and region, especially australia and the dylan for all is being listed in, punches of the needs in the region. and now those career says is tested as upgraded rocket launch system days off the training, so called suicide drones state media reports data came drawn loan as described as having superior mobility and abilities of concentrates,
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attacks south korea and media says the weapon could put cities like it's capital sol within range to egyptian metric planes that arrived in somalia as capital longer the issue. so part of a ministry cooperation deal to both countries agreed on earlier this month was off . is the deal could escalate tension in the region if you oh yeah, i'm good some all there when it signed the preliminary deal with the break way region of small the line that accord with allow landlocked c c o. it's at least coastal land. egypt is also at all with e c o p, a over its construction of a dime on the nile river. the web is following developments from neighboring kenya to addiction, military transport planes landed at the apple of somalia as capital mobile issue on tuesday. small the federal government sources told us that the cdn egyptian ministry offices were on board that came for me. thing which is nice agency is
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reported domestic and somebody government associates saying that the cost to say carried weapons and ammunition as well as a recent by last through deal signs between egypt and somalia. for security assistance, i need you to go say plants to provide troops to the international african union, united nations force that supports somebody is government in securing the country in troops make of a significant part of that force. it will 7 small area on the bilateral agreements . small area has recently said that the and sweeps must leave. meanwhile, media has tensions with the idea of buttons. here is grand renee some time on the upstream part of the river nile, which need it says is an existence with threats to the volta. it depends on for agriculture. now this military support from ac, i 2 is the 1st to come to some of the are in mold in full to yes is why do you see
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as posing a risk, to increasing tensions in the region? malcolm web, i'll just say era. my baby, kenya, nigeria is on the verge of a 100 crisis view and says, more than 26000000 people won't have enough to wait in the coming weeks. and so it's so generally a painting for more than $300000000.00 to help save lives. to warn you may find some of the images distressing. and i did research reports from my to go to most patients here office and nobody's, i guess time or the hospitals to the intensive care unit conte take in any more get hundreds, all waiting outside. desperate to get a symbol in that i'll come in. okay, so, so i'm coming from one thing. so i'm coming in severe the head. the reason i'm so so it's, it's very,
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very by that's in the number of people suffering malnutrition and hungry nigeria is wise and sharply those in the northeast. that's stuff with a 15 year in so you can see by the book on, on, on the group. and also the northwest way. i text by bended coming are suffering the most. the number of patients admitted to this facility run by doctors without borders, anybody's 100 a day. and for every patient given a bed. yeah. 5 more waiting for one more than 13000000 nigeria is estimated to be facing severe pulled shortages. you'd have failure, rising foot prizes, and because the conflict of preventing promises from guessing for their, from their doctors expect the number of children and adults is suffering from severe acute malnutrition, to continue to grow until they go by what slots reported in green producing areas of the country 8 agencies consent nigeria may experience more, increases with prizes and cases of savannah latricia. and they are already almost reached a there's
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a near certainty of one of the most of the biggest fund is pulling off, which would result in a very much limited number of bits in my degree. and as we know without the capacity to refer and the beds being full, the whole system might not be able to give the quality of care to the patients that they're not getting government as we do to use on some for imports and started distributing greens to the most vulnerable people it says it's now looking at ways to increase agriculture, low output, electrically. it's already been been been being subsidized. be because of how much they've been given, implement the progression land progression. these is happening comedies investing heavily in mechanization, but it will cause a much more is needed to stabilize the situation. i don't see this a beat because the factors that drive it not addressed.
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right. and not on seen factors that we even don't know about for many disparate mothers fighting to save their children's lives. that's not the kind of use they want to hear. how many degrees of to do that right now, micro women are finding lucrative construction work in the us once traditionally been a male dominated industry to mon growing is it coincides with the arrival of tens of thousands of people from live across the southern border. how to zeros kristen salumi has more a wendy event. the media is lucky. she's one of just 40 women to win a spot in this monthly construction safety class conducted by the workers justice program in new york. waiting list 2000 women, wrong. well, construction work is physically demanding and often dangerous. it's also among the
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most lucrative and accessible for recent arrivals. don't have work authorization yet from ecuador is waiting for her paperwork to come through for the most, but i was, we can do the job and things to this foundation. there are new opportunities for women, so they can work and help their families. well that i do that i looked up on the us construction industry is increasingly reliance on immigrants to get jobs done. women make up only 14 percent of this workforce, but lately, more and more of them want in construction of jobs still pay more than all the traditional industries that women have relied to being able to earn a living, such as cleanings, factory restaurants and women who probably can earn $15.00 an hour in the cleaning industry can go and make about $2530.00 an hour in the construction industry. even with the surge of migrants crossing the border and 2023 economists.
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madeline is of odd new size. the demand for construction workers has continued to grow split. it certainly suggests that the inflow of unauthorized immigrants and asylum seekers into the country is probably not depressing wages in the sector. there's a lot of pent up demand. recent arrivals desperate for work have traditionally broken into the business by picking up day jobs and environment that can be intimidating if not downright hostile to women. but learning their rights is part of the safety training. for an board workers now account for 30 percent of the destruction industry nationwide. ringback percent here in new york, and for many immigrants getting that safety certification card in their tickets to the industry and the american dream, the number of men and women seeking certification has more than tripled since 2019 that's the hope of wendy and so many others seeking to build
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a better life in the united states. kristen salumi alger 0 new york that i had on al jazeera in sports meet the one that estimate some guys are taking calls from the tire olympics, hoping to bring some joints these people's in the the cloud of nuclear war. separate press. what if this is the beginning of one of those accidental wars? what if this is the beginning of the end of life? because we know it from the hall roots of recent history to the rising covered threat apocalypse maybe discovers the impact nuclear weapons have functionality. our failure to keep humanity safe is by sitting down to the individual on the street. this is not to drill on out to 0. the
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the the or i football fans us find out what's going on in the green is here now. thank you very much. your guy strike adult with nunez has been suspended for 5 international matches. nunez and his teammates were involved in a role with fans during the couple american semi final against colombia last month for the players have been given similar suspensions south american football, governing body con lebow, has also find nunez and 7 other uruguayan players. $5000.00 each mean while you're going football play at one is kid though has died in the hospital 5 months of to collapsing and imagine result in sell pound of the national defend. it was on duty and a couple of bits of doors match when he went down during the 2nd huff he was
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hospitalized but passed away late on tuesday. as a result of claudia was through the tree arrest. escape though it was 27 to hold the with chaotic scenes as remedy to call to arrive and it's a need to complete his transfer from chelsea to not only the belgian strike, it was moped on his way to his medical helping one friend back onto receipt of to be knocked over by the crowd, natalie reported the close to completing the signing of the company from interest to united as well for the hold of a to tennis, the apollo, but also it has advanced into the 3rd round of this is us open. the spaniard had american taylor townsend as the opponents in round to at flushing meadows, but also able to keep the new york crowd rented to the bay as he wrapped up the 1st 6 or 6 games to 3 the the world in between 9 and we see to 26, the new york in for back from
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a breakdown to win. the 2nd said 75. how to match, but the concert and she will be saying mixed doubles with her boyfriend maidens will number 11, stephan. it's at 60 plus. yeah, i'm confirming that i think hopefully we play tomorrow. um we're looking forward to it. it's really nice to be able to share the car together. i mean we spending time off board, but also on course it's really especially in islam. so it's like um, a dream come through also um big shuts out to him that he's going through tough moments, but he's a champion and he will always be a champion. is always attempted, but also it will take on romania is gabriela rue, say also the 26 year old, qualified ousted wimbledon champion bulb over at craig, take over the remaining and taking the on a 6 to and 75. this will be the 1st time in her career. let me say we play at the food round of a grand slam events. even though hoping to win the 2nd faced against the sweet
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length of starting on thursday at loads and wrap up the series. the home team won the 1st of 3 faces last week by 5 weekend. it was a full success of taste when of the season of the beating, the west indies. 3 mill spending skip all the purpose. on the brink of these 1st scenes, i've kept some of these countries as what the story line comes. they will need quite the turnaround. they haven't beaten england in england since 2014. that's also the last time they beat the english and a series captain. down on july, the silver fancies who seems john says that loads that i did earlier. you have to be accurate of that, you know, and then be executing a glance, either expecting a bullying. we had to bring all a game in into the 1st ending side of the building on board. and so that's the point we missed in the 1st match. i think in manchester we haven't did vain diverting. so you know, by the bedding and boating and we have to bring it in to the 1st sitting here. they'll be one athlete from gaza. competing at the paralympics out to 0 is digital
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platform, a. j plus schools up with 40 o b who lift the strip a few years ago. he cannot, however, escape the pain of the ongoing more savvy. i'll be busy only awfully from golf. competing at the power lympics and power, as he left the strip in 2016 to play basketball in new york. but his qualified for the shop for the event to be the only one in this bought a limbic baby. it's too much responsibility in my shoulders because i'm here not for myself. i'm paired for my country on one for raising my listing, and it's like there. i'm hairs in line so many things with my, with the chairs, the sure the people, the should the live, the she, the world that is life. think of a deep was the paralyzed waste down off to be shot defined is really small. i put in 2001. he now lives in front, but he's being separated from his wife and children were stranded into kia. he's doing his best to get everyone back together. i'm head alone and my family is left
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to me because i don't have funding fees or payments on my funding to brings and i'm, it's 10 after 3 years in the process to get my pay about to, to still stay in the floss and to bring my family to be with me. most of his relatives are in gaza when more than 40000 palestinians have been killed by israel's will on the strip. among them 17 members of his family, including his brother. by 5 minutes and gather every moment i can see if it was that one is killed. so it is not intended for sometimes 2 or 3 days to get some news from them. how i can focus a more place for with this baby by the news and with the situation. returning to gaza to open a sports academy is one to 5 the stream for his future. for now, he's focusing on making people in his homeland field proud of a competitive performance at the paralympics. okay,
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that's all the supposed to be semi. thank so much faith of what i say. so this news sounds good news is getting is back for the full shelves to stay with us. the wave of primitive violence has exports to the drug talk tells, raising the challenging authorities prison rights for political assassinations. ecuador has plunged from one of the safest countries in latin america to one of the most dangerous, with the government, declaring war on the guns and corruption. people in power investigates with causes behind the search environment. and it's devastating impact on the nation. ecuador, on the fire, on that jersey, you know,
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the defense, the monk, adult people is coming people. moya, nice to match up by the brush. junior, the, the,
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the safe them even from it as an international insight. corruption excellence award. nominator here on now. the this is all to 0, i'm 30 and applegate, that with a truck on your world headlines is really forces are stuffing up a tax on palestinians as the war approaches. the 11 month mark. dozens of people were killed in gauze on wednesday, but they occupied westbank is becoming more of a targets. israel's conducted its largest military operation there in more than 2 decades. air strikes and the cities of pool bus and jeanine have killed at least 10


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