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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going back to russia's will, is broken, but is that strategy working for us? there is no day after israel's war on cause a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the . ready ready the hello until mccrae. this is been use our life from coming up in the next 60 minutes . this rounds biggest attack on the west bank and decades into it sick and died. 18 palestinians have been killed since wednesday. the assault on guns a grinds on all, even though it is rarely strong skills. 15 palestinians bringing the total desktops of $40602.00 in 10 months before. one of to hong kong, jealous,
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found guilty of suspicion in a case that strong international screws in a and a bits system. the flaw with west african migrant science. part of the surrounds office 2 of the region with a visit to synagogue. as for the paralympic games are officially on the way for thousands lined the streets of paris for the opening ceremony. more than 4000, these are due to compete and the 11 day event as we begin this news out and the occupied westbank is rails into the 2nd day of its largest military operation in the territory. more than 20 years, at least 18 palestinians had been killed since wednesday morning and rides on cities and refugee camps of its rising phases around may destroy much of the territory as it's done in gaza. is ready on me, says it killed 5 pellets and you can find his animal skin the notions refugee camp
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. early on this day it says one was the late of the to chrome battalion, an affection link to as lubbock, g has when need to, abraham the joining us from to carmen the occupied with banking data. i know you've covered these ready rides in military operations in the tax they have for, for a long, long time. so how of these the last 2 days, how they different and intensity in scale than what we have seen before, especially since the start of the war in october? yes, indeed. yes, we've been reporting on massive as rainy raids, sometimes as long as 3 days consecutively, in one place, including he'd would, we are standing right now, but this is by far, the largest know me in terms of what these really security establishment has announced in the are the hours of wednesday, of this being the largest military operation in more than 2 decades, but also in the numbers of the places that they rated at the same time. did
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intuitive get him behind me is that those getting nephew jacob, as well as english and stuff you jacob, but also in gene and in la cs. and they've withdrawn from the was in the air the hours of the morning. and palestinians have been to poor thing, massive damage, but here is really forces us. they've left the inside of the to and cut them refuge account, but they are the outskirts and still people are scared that they would be going back in just a few minutes ago. the, what's up groups that are working from we've been in the refugee camp where people are checking on one another, have reported a loud sound of explosion. it could be an improvised explosive device, which is the case we see with palestinian fighters put these explosive devices usually there and provide who made one to it try and for the is really forces from entering further and further. it's not clear what has been
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happening there, but also in gene in the is really both, those are is have re that and, and really duck of dug up the road damaged the infrastructure, leading the telecommunications to be caught. it remains a very tense situation specifically here, and to tell him which has seen the most is ray, the ray that since the beginning of the war can you just took us through how people are feeling about all of this. i mean we, we mentioned that they refused it as well, could destroy much of the territory a bit like what they've been doing in gaza. how people feeling in terms of that and, and what potentially could happen next. indeed this is the biggest fear that posting is do not know what to expect, what's going happen? what can they tell her children about the sounds, the fear or the anxiety that they cannot leave their homes feeling of these really retaliation. but also that these reinforces,
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yesterday when they started the operation, they started talking about allowing people to leave that a few g kept where they knew this is the place that policy means it know to be their home for decades. and for many of them, they have nowhere else to go. that's why they decide to stay. but for some families fearing the worst and living through more than 11 months of terror after these really forces have been reading time. and again, these places they've decided to move away, try to find the relative home. and again, seeing what's happening in the besieged because this truth is something on the back mind in the minds of how this thing is always thinking about what could happen next . then it's seeing here that the latest is really announcement of this being the major, a major assault and the fact that they want to crockett down on palestinians and the occupied the west bank. the way they are in upper aging and gaza is not making it any easier for palestinians who feel that this rule is just why ends ending it's
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more on guys and expanding it here in the occupied with back as well. thanks so much for giving us a sense of exactly what it is like the intel core and that is new to abraham. thank you for your opinions. foreign policy chief, just a bar i'll say is reading ministers have been issuing hate to messages against the palestinian people. for l says he is asking member states if they want to impose sanctions on some is rarely politicians who was speaking and brussels. we're a you foreign ministers, a major. i did the procedures. i know that was the amanda, the stage, if they want you to can see the did including you now, least of sanctions from either way, the meanest this has been ad launching a 2 messages on acceptable hate to messages. a gauge of, of experience. i'm proposing things that grows clearly. it gains into
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a national law and there's an easy taishan to commit war crimes. but is there any foreign minister as wildcat says this country is working with? it's your opinion allies to prevent the block from adopting and t. israel decisions pushed by n t as well elements when diplomats meet on thursday, kansas is ralph, i says multiple threads from around and it's proxies in the region. is huge. the free will to stand with, as well as north against the you and secretary general has expressed concern and says, as well as the actions of fueling and already explosive situation. antonio gutierrez is urgent as well to comply with international humanitarian loan. gabriella alexander has moved from the you in headquarters in new york. you and the secretary general. antonio gutierrez is traveling, but he has been briefed on the situation in the occupied. westbank is spokes person here at un headquarters in new york says the secretary general is gravely concerned
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about the events in the occupied westbank. he said that the un has counted palestinians in the last 24 hours that have been killed by error strikes as well as sniper fire. now the un says that since october 7th, they've counted $630.00 pallets indians that have been killed in the occupied westbank. but they say the last 24 hours have clearly been an escalation. we've been following the developments since this morning with grave concern, and we're very worried about what we're seeing or humanitarian colleagues at. oh, sure. warning. the people there are increasingly exposed to deadly warfare tactics that seem to exceed international standards for law enforcement or human rights colleagues. remind us that in the west bank is really forces must adhere to international policing standards, where lee full force and firearms or the last resort,
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it can only be used. it gets imminent threat of death or serious injury. meanwhile, the us state department has impose new sanctions linked to is rarely state level islands in the occupied with bank and government organization that's provided support. the cit, the groups is included on the list. but the guy, so now we're organized strikes by the israeli army, have killed at least 15 palestinians, a strike on a home in the town of l as a way to it. and central guns, a killed a young girl, an injured more than 10 people. they were taken to the nearby locks, a hospital and down by law, as well as the oldest load on guns that has killed more than 40600 pedals to me. and since october, most of them women and children to the world food program is suspending the movement of its employees out to these rarely, military talks with one of its vehicles on tuesday. nice. it happened and just rarely check point shortly after stuff had a score and trucks caring, commended terry and supplies from the crumb. i'll be silent,
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border crossing the vehicle was hit at least 10 times. no one was injured. the w if paces it was targeted despite cold, and i think it's movements with the is ready military. so honey mac moved to is joining us from de paula in central garza now. honey, can just give us an update on the latest strikes from last night and into this morning. well, tom, you know, it's not only they are as tracts are causing, may have been causing further tragedies across the gods for the aftermath of these areas, spikes, and the art tillery is the eastern part of the sense from the area. not all do with looking at further civilian casualties. it's your level of destruction. cost old means of live, but the fact that these actions are leading to a suspension of a human 3 and a like what the on or what has a now is because it's becoming large data and save the fact that we have a 20 plus the valuation centers have been pushed into into further internal enforce
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displacement the deputy f b as well suspended. it's for delivery program because it's becoming a clearly unsafe so it's actually bits and pieces of everything that are creating these difficult conditions. if has been one sided for the most part, the gum dominated by these very military has been conducting these major areas, twice they against the 1000000 population. and we've looked at not right now, is the concept of a civilian population that is exposed to the war for toxic fight. these really military, the most concerning of these is the tox, happening without prior warning, whatsoever. we see an example of this people inside the residential loans being killed like the one that happened overnight, a talk with a young girl being killed in this residential. i'm another young girl like what about 12 years old in western part of the but i did it more people in an area better known as in golf as the elemental deals district in western part because we're a people reported killed that burned inside the house as the bond caused the building
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to catch fire, and it was until 3 hours later that the paramedics and civil defense, we were able to remove people that fully burn from and under the rub, those towards them inside the burning building in gauze and city. meanwhile, discriminatory struck twice psych. busy and in a rough city, the rest of our typically gets free people to bring in the, to the number of casualties. and those have been it for now instead of 15 people. but again, the after max, there's always more people that do the less because either health facility is unable to provide proper medical care. or because people are stuck on the rubble simply because of the intense bombing campaign and the sheer level of destruction caused by a honey as it was a thank you so much for bringing us the latest the from gaza. honey, make me for us. and to all final, as a dell of the look of is the director of the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council in global affairs. thanks again for joining us here in the
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studio. first of all, if we can go back to what is happening in the occupied with bank, how troubled you and how trouble should we be about exactly what is happening there and, and i guess the scale and intensity of these military operations by as well, when it's the very top, like in the sense that the highlights, the potential and the expansion of the conflict into the westbank. think these ratings here are pursuing 2 objectives. first of all, and they're speaking, the objective is to go after the management's in the west bank, but more widely, really. this is the continuation of the war against the palestinian people and the potential expansion of the settlement. you know, so it seemed the increased such and in the secular violence against the people in the west bank. the expansion of the settlements are increasingly harsh, treacherous from the far right. the view this and you know, government towards the, the west bank and we potentially see the expansion of the conference to the west bank. well, i mean, 10 months into the small ones as well. doing this now,
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and then we've seen almost daily ride since the since october, the 7th. but this is like, i've mentioned say on a scale that we haven't seen before. so why is this while doing this right now? when this is really important parts of the collective punishment of some kind of thing and people, you know, i've seen 40000 dead function of passivity and infrastructure. the return of for you uh, useful starvation as a weapon of the war. and really this is reed on the export to, to the west bank to highlight that is or can simply do this. you know, very us is not able to stop it. the international community is not able to stop it and really, really puts on the doubts. the sincerity goes into the whole government to pursue the ceasefire negotiations as it expands the war to the west bank. and what about the role of the pell us and in or far as the here if they've been far too passive? since this, these light of some of these real prices began willing to be realistic. the 1st thing i'll talk to you really has no authority or right now and is standing back as this unfolding conflict. the goal is, you know, actually the person you're talking is supposed to play some sort of park in the
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cause of the conflict, but they don't want to complete the play the part. so they're really being very, very positive at this stage. thank you so much. we really do appreciate your insights and to all of this. thanks so much for going to stay with us and go to more of this on sean who is a senior as well analyst at the international crisis group. she joins us from tell of a thanks very much for being with us here on out to 0. can you just give us a sense of what the reaction has been inside as well to this mess of military operation in the occupied with banking? how has the military and government been explaining or trying to justify this to these really people? well, to be frank, uh and israel, it hasn't really been an issue, something that has domestically discussed. obviously it's made headlines. but this isn't really on his release radar for them. it's business as usual. most israelis aren't affected by it. they may not even be aware of it. as far as is really security officials and political officials. i mean,
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they're telling us that there is terrorism and that there's all these kinds of what they call kind of like, uh, beds of terrorism and janine and novice and other places that need to be dealt with . um and so that's how they explained. and the timing of it, i think, is not necessarily related to an uptick in the incident. since we've seen that, you know, gradually over the course of the last year and especially since october 7th. but what we do know is that we have is really government that is openly and actively looking into a next the westbank to expel post indians and to destroy the posting in authority, at least certain elements within that government. probably the dispute is hardly, i mean actually have the capability to carry out a lot more on, on 3 fronts, you know, guns, the, uh, the lebanese border and, and now the occupied with banking to see if even a will to actually do this. i mean, i think that the does really military would probably say that they're doing what
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they're doing now in order to prevent it from bubbling up even more, an escalating even more. i would argue that as rose approach in the west bank and elsewhere is actually only creating more resistance, creating more motivation for people to arm themselves for kids in the west bank to, to raise arms up against idea afraid. so it's not necessarily, you know, creating a maybe what the idea of goal is, which is to de escalate, which also makes me wonder whether israel is actually interested in the escalating, or it's actually promoting a further escalation. but this is kind of the, the pattern of what we see israel says it's trying to root out to her, and then we just see it continuing and even escalating. thank you so much. we really do appreciate your inside. that's more of sunshine senior as well analyst for us from television. thank you. so there's plenty more here on this. these are including the ukraine sees
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there's more territory and rushes coast can region. the use of trojans is becoming an integral part of the war. south korea is constitutional court will find that the legislation needs more stringent emissions targets. landmark case we're an embryo is named as an effective policy. the a bomb attack of just north of saddam's capital has killed at least 12 people. the strike in the town to volunteer little was carried out by the sudanese army. it's trying to reclaim the urea from the paramilitary rapids of support forces mobilized his fathers, fathers flooding, that's displaced more than 100000 people. the you in says to down to suffering the world's worst humanitarian crisis. those are for the conflict, say they have nowhere to go to the side that have gone and people have no food,
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they sit on high places and they have nothing, no food or water. there are people who died of molten buried yet. there are people who are missing. there are collapsed houses and others was swept away by the floods . we'll have the morgan joins us now from the sudanese capital cost to him. and if it can, you just bring us up to speed on the lightest and the sizing, but also the damage that's being done from the flooding as well. a while there is, of course, the floods that are happening in various states across the country. but the focus right now is on the fighting tom. and that's because, just in the past few minutes, drones strikes targeted positions officer, the news army in the city of cindy in river now states that's just up north from the capital costume. there were also, or to louis tracks. that's what launched by department through rapid support forces going to i'm doing mind that's on our that is listed in these army positions as well as areas where the ost of buildings and that happened reports of injuries as artillery selling types of civilian homes. here in the city of the mind,
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now this fighting is making it difficult for 8 agencies to deliver assistance to those in need. but then there's also the floods which we just mentioned. the the, the government says that nearly 140 people have been killed as a result of the floods and that more than 30000 families have been effected across the 10 states since the size of the reading season last june. so many destructions the government saying over 20000 homes destroyed as a result of the floods, but then with the fighting with the fact that there's so many displaced people. so many people in hard to reach areas, guessing, assistance to them is very difficult. so many of them right now are trapped waiting for assistance waiting for some kind of evacuation because of the heavy rains and the terrestrial floods. because it doesn't seem to be coming any time soon. have a the you in deputy secretary general is there and sit on what are we expecting from her visit and how come to you and actually help people right now of the year. and deputy secretary general is here to meet with the civilians, off
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a shelf. she will be maintained with the general i have them put the behind the army cheese and the head of the sovereignty council to also be meeting with his deputy as well as other government officials and assuming these foreign ministry. and all of that is to talk about the issue of access to humanitarian aid by those affected by the conflict. and that's because over the past few months are over. since the stars of the fighting rather guessing is to do is affected by the fighting has been difficult. it's been very difficult to get secure with the guarantees from both sides of the news army and the current military rapids support forces. aid workers who been trying to deliver assistance have either been arrested, detained, tortured, or killed as a price is deliberate assistance and is the issue of the military inquiry drawers. despite the fact that both the student needs army environment as we are, as they have agreed to open humanitarian craters, when they signed what was done, if they did a declaration of a corporate section of the building last year, there's never been, he would've turned quarter that has been opened, so if that is in the area of the army cannot reach areas of our assess, i'm
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a just that is coming from the areas of our stuff kind of speech areas that are under the control of the army. and that is one thing. and the major thing that the un secretary, the deputy secretary general will be talking about with the signees government here in sudan. but we will also be visiting ad ray after her visits here to try to ensure that we'll just deliver the message. that's guessing that's 8 across it's very important to ensure that those in areas are fighting, whether they're in our assess areas or army areas are not killed due to the lack of humanitarian assistance. thank you so much of a so bring us the light. is this from pseudo the spines prime minister pedro sanchez's visiting synagogues as part of his to of west africa aimed at coping migration to spine. sanchez was in more tenea and again the earlier this week, he announced a series of agreements to reduce the surgeon migraines. crossing the atlantic to reach the canary islands. within 22000 migrants of arrive to the island since january,
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the spanish police have been uprising throughout west africa to strengthen. border control is that the biggest departure points for migrant bites the route from west africa to the canary islands. so we're at 154 percent increase in traffic. this year. almost $22000.00 people made the dangerous journey in the 1st 7 months of this year. in spanish authorities 5150000 more migrants from africa may try to make the perilous crossing in the coming months. when it's a across to nicholas hockey, joins us from the con. now, nick, this is obviously a huge problem, is the spanish prime minister's agreements that he's trying to put in place the actually going to do anything? is it going to make a difference slow? that's certainly what he's hoping to do. i mean, those are staggering numbers that you just gave out to end the beach where i'm standing in right now is a place where we met a few migraines just yesterday, one for molly. the other from egypt to very different countries,
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one for the long and the other, closer by both of them here in san diego, hoping to embark in on one of these wooden boats to make it to europe. and so, despite the risk, despite the dangers, it seems in despite these agreements made by the spanish prime minister, it seems that there is no stopping of these people wanting to embark in this dangerous journey. we know that there are certainly some plans in the days to come right here from this beach. now, joining us now to explain this more on why this has happened to you is julie kleinman from fordham university or professor. they're focusing on migration from west africa. the 1st question i have for you is we're seeing migrants from all parts of africa and coming to san diego or to this coast to meet kits, to europe. why is this specific route? why are they coming here? well, 1st of all, we have to ask, why are these migrants leaving in the 1st place and why are they trying to leave
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from here? well, one reason is because of profound uncertainty about their futures. we have to understand that for various reasons, across the continental, people are just uncertain about what their futures will bring. the have economic uncertainty because you have in the rural areas you have on certain rainfall. you don't know what the props are going to hill the year to year. and then you have a growing populations in urban areas where there's just increasing reliance on informal markets and people don't know if those informal markets and those, those informal jobs that they haven't even from the sector are going to be there tomorrow. they have changing agreements, changing politics, which means that people just don't know, even if they have a live living today, will they have it tomorrow? will they be able to provide for their families and communities tomorrow and coming through here to senegal as a relatively affordable route to take the boat to get to the canary? i know since despite the danger and it was seen the hundreds of people that died trying to make this crossing, we see various agencies in including the spaniards trying to explain to people that this is an extremely dangerous way to get to europe,
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to try to prevent people from going people keep on taking this journey, why? yes. well as a conundrum, as to why you know so much money thrown out these kinds of raising awareness campaigns to be your opinion will carry out why don't things ever seem to work? why don't there ever seems to be any measurable results from this campaign? and it's because there's actually a cultural script for my reading here that's existed for hundreds of years where young men will come of age through migration. in fact, that's how they become non, that's how they gain status and prestige in their communities. and that's exactly what they're seeking. when they migrated broad, they're seeking voyage, they're seeking to discover new places. they're seeking to go to places like london, paris, new york place, those that, you know, i would also like to go to, you know, we, we also migrate for all these various reasons. and thus they want to consent. risk confronting risk during our journey is, makes it even more presto, just makes it show that they can overcome that risk. and these people in many places across the west africa come from communities, we're not migrating is not living. so, you know, there's been
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a lot of efforts from europeans to fund developing projects here on the continents and to try to make people stay here, insight where we stand in, senegal. it's one of the fastest growing economies in the world. so why is it that people are leaving despite there being some level of economic opportunities right here at home? yeah, absolutely. i mean, that's a great question. i think people ask that a lot in the real reason is because people aren't seeing the benefits. these people who are leaving are simply not seeing the benefits of this economic growth. there is significant economic growth, but unfortunately, the way the people end up seeing that are often not from not from these countries. for example, the agreements that have been made with previous governments aren't always the most advantageous, and they're just not frequenting down to people to, you know, who are seeking somebody right now. for the 2nd law, people know that if they migrate, the kinds of, you know, jobs that they can get in europe, which by the way, needs of their labor. in many ways. they know that they can be net much more money
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than these. uh, 8 packages will ever get, i mean the amount of money they were meant, as you know, it just makes what, what european and american a give. so that seemed so much smaller. and so people much prefer, in fact, to migrate as opposed to experience that kind of social desk. they might experience here, even risking, you know, actual desk. they don't want to, you know, it's tough for that kind of social desk of failing nearby their families and community professors really climb in. thank you very much for this. now the amount of money that migrant send home is much greater as a professor climate explain, then the money that development and aid is brought to this country. and that's a key factor. now that the prime minister of spain is going to meet the president of center go in one of the key questions. and one of the key issues that's going to be raises greater economic trade between the 2 countries. and also the ability for people from who have citizen ships from west african nations,
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to have the ability to have legal visas in order to go to europe. and there's been a negotiations and, and deals made in mauritania, where the prime prime minister of spain was an in game. yeah. to do so. but there's another key factor. the west africans wants to see better regulations of that ocean right behind us, which is a huge resource. many of the migrants that are leaving this country are fishermen. but they cannot compete with these deep sea trawlers coming from the here. and who in a matter of minutes can plow the sea floor, the size of a football football pitch. and so the small boats are no match to the deep sea trawlers. and that's one of the key factors that african nations, whether it be more tenure down. yeah, and sending don't want better equity when it comes to trade with european countries . and that's the hope that,
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that this will end the flow of migration from africa to your thanks so much on to thank you, nick, uh, the latest the, from the com associates here on that, which is here at the founder of telecom is put on a formal investigation for legs, criminal activity in the popular messaging app in order to not to leave from our country is going to hell. that's all i can say. freedom, opportunity come pass in to pass these 2 candidates and 2 completely different messages. we look at couple of harris and donald trump's rhetoric and the rice for the white house and defending jim and cough champions. finally, the crews and when they 1st round match against a full 10 minutes, now like the action coming off like the the, the
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hello is a, let's have a look at the weather forecast. the europe over the next few days and summer has central areas. finally, in its grid, we've seen lots of fine dry, sunny weather here with temperatures continuing to rise, certainly across the eastern areas, but we're still seeing some stormy weather biting at the edge. this is what warnings out. facilities are southern parts of it to me, seeing some storms on says that it will push a further east into greece. we've got the eastern hop on a lot, amber that for that. whether as we go into friday and you can see the west to weather as well, gathering around the black. so you know, behind that things are looking mighty fine and driving out from over parts of france. we all go and see. so what weather here on it? so some of the story for the i do in punch that some welcome. what we're moving into spain, the, as we go towards the end of the week, but it's looking much dry and settled because person on the island of islands. what the weather moving across into scanned an agent in terms of temperatures. they have
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been below average for spain, and portugal will come up slightly in the days ahead. but the heat is really blasting into the balkans and what temperature warnings out for soviet and you can see bell great. continuing to see those temperatures, roy's will be at $35.00 degrees on sunday. the as the world economy, those strikes are those with
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a strong result. indonesia is where such resolve about the right place for your business to get off the race. otherwise, with the strategic downstream industry on the client, your better tomorrow the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching it, which is here. a reminder i found top stores the ssl overnighted strikes by these ready on the guns i had killed at least 15. tell us simians, an attack on
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a home and the town develops a way to kill the young girl. and in truth, more than 10 people is rouse into the 2nd day of its largest military operation and the occupied with bank. i'm old and 20 years. at least 18 palestinians have been killed since wednesday morning and rides on the cities and refugee camps. it's rising phase as well, may destroy the territory as it has done in gaza. with more on this with joints now by diana boucher who joins us from, from all a she is a pillow, cindy and lawyer and full, full legal advisor to the palestine liberation organization. thanks very much for being with us. can you just give us a sense of how worried people that this could potentially just be the standard as well, could actually try and destroy much of the territory, like what we have seen in gaza over the last 10 months. this is precisely what they are going to do. look when you see what has happened in israel and the fact that
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israel's been allowed to get away with genocide for nearly 11 miles where they've destroyed practically all of the hospitals in the gaza strip. where they from each and every university. and they found over 70 percent of the schools, including those schools that were being used to shelters with very little condemnation by the international community. of course they're going to turn their sides to the west bank because their aim is to try to get rid of as many palestinians as possible. and so we've seen over the course of the past 2 days. it's just a magic attacks on these 2 major 3 major cities in the west bank, including attacks on the hospital system, turning off the water, cutting off the electricity with, with no end in sight. and so it's not at all surprising that this is happening because it's really been allowed to get away with it in the gaza strip. so given all of that, how people feeling there about what is happening and what, what's happening over the last 2 days and what can happen next? it's terrifying,
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it's terrifying to be posted in and it's terrifying to be posted in knowing that it's real can do whatever it wants to do and the truly quite literally get away with it. and so we seen got a how students who are in the camps are the ones who are the most at risk. because israel's trying to systematically attack the palestinian refugee count somehow is out a claim to try to get rid of palestinian refugees, although they won't be able to get rid of austin in refugees. and so we see that people are quite terrified of being a being done down in their, in their own homes as the army goes in and waits these raids, these camps and raise the cities. well, what can palestinians actually do at this point in time? in the occupied with bank, i mean, what sort of resistance can they put up to these rarely military? here's the problem is that the palestinians do have the right to resist. but the problem is, of course, that nobody in the international community is supporting palestinians in their,
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in their right to resist. and nobody, on the other hand is protecting palestinians either. so we're left with a situation where palestinians are effectively sitting ducks when you don't have anybody in the international community willing to put sanctions on israel. and when you have, instead people wagging their fingers at palestinians and telling them that they should not resist even when there is a foreign engaging army coming into their cities or towns their homes, then you can see what the rest of he is. and this is precisely what, what, how seems likely lawyers like me have a warrant against when you have a breakdown and the international legal system as israel has made a mockery of it. and this is the inevitable. diana, thank you so much for your insight. uh and sense of what it is like that in ramallah. it is stein up there to post an employee. thank you. thank you. so many palestinians in jobs, i receive the salaries and donations through bank transfers, but
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a major cash shortage across the strip has made it extremely difficult for them to get their money to erica bozer. and has this report from dell by the central cancer in goes is cash based solely economy? was it truly money can be a match to the lowest and is military has this to meet the boss printer, which is the banks of course goes according to the palestinians, want it to be authority. these made shift age and people now have to be only commissions to access the money on the subject. then the situation is very difficult. if you need to get your salary or do any transaction, you'd be charged a fee or a percentage, a cash. ssl is also say, bank notes are in short, supply and boost remaining are increasingly wound out to the name is a good in. this is a big problem for us. all cash notes,
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even organizations of damage, then we are unable to do business. we need a bank to open and help us by collecting these currency notes and read us of this problem. people are unhappy with us. we have no because of his problem. the need for home currency has sewage since is let's make fence it into roughly the coastal tens of thousands of postings from 8 and force them to evacuate to simply go. so this thing towing prices for basic only to keep pleasing of each escalation in the 14th, i saw that a lot of people are suffering a lot old on the marketplace is incredibly high and people don't have income to buy . i'm not sure. pull them out. so don't care the increase and decrease prices up the a will in the he is before the will to strips because and they had become to improve . despite the multi pronged is bailey locate. now,
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any hope of financial your recovery is far from solely. the book is very restrictions have prevented the palestinian once we get through it, see they used in romana le, from sending you cash into the strip like used to and as bills for like the finance minister business which, which has written the banking restrictions that's good, excessive paid the proximate after almost 11 months to who are the i know i'm functioning in the interior gauze for the expansion of it's really a tax means that bang some h as has been only the destroy donald painted in areas that own currently active military zones cutting off tens of thousands of palestinians in need of humanitarian support. another source of a direct them a zoom out to 0. there is that how to sign? the,
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the code in hong kong has found to june less guilty of publishing seditious content on the news websites. this was john q q and as he entered the court, hey, and petrik language editors of the pro democracy, publication stands news that was critical of beijing. they were charged on the colonial era rule. the critics science used to curb the sent. it's lauren, this laura westbrook joins us from hong kong. intel or what exactly did we here from the quote and what does it mean for these 2 journalists now? well, this was the 1st for a sedition trial. that was used against hong kong journalists and editors here in hong kong since it was kind of by the chinese rule. in 1997, it was really watched very closely. we had a diplomats coming into court today to watch this as it was a taste test of this test of press freedom in the cities as time use was
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a very popular and well known online news outlet. it was shut down in 2021, following a raid by some 200 national security police where we uh, which, which file edit view shut down and its 2 editors and its parent company were charged with conspiracy to publish the dishes materials and in court today we had, it's from one of the cities designated national security judges. he says that when he was looking at the political atmosphere in hong kong, at that time, that's a many residents were unhappy with the cities, governments and even against the cities and aging authorities. and it was in that context that they found that he found 11 out of the 17 off the coast seditious. the prosecutors had pointed to 17 news, commentaries,
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and articles. as proof that stein news had instigated contempt and hatred towards staging and hunk homeless ortiz, some of these articles included interviews with now jailed and self exiled pro democracy activists and and in court. today we had some mitigations. please from post defendants. sentencing has in a john since september and in one of the lapses that was reads out by patrick lam. he said that uh the uh that john lewis on loyal to anyone fail loyal to the public and see freedom of expression. but we also heard from the chief national security police today. he said that those freedoms aren't obsolete. thanks so much laura, laura westbrook for us there in hong kong. in the land, my case, south korea is constitutional court has ruled the country's climate change law was unconstitutional. it says more quantitative emission targets are needed for future
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generations. now the case was filed by 200 people, including 62 children. activists accused the government of filing to meet legally binding commitments to reduce carbon emissions, violating human fronts. it's kim has moved from outside the court, and so as a partial victory for the young plaintiffs, as the constitutional court has unanimously ruled, the government needs to further outline greenhouse gas reduction targets. beyond the year 2030, the countries climate crisis law and its current form falls short of ensuring the basic rights of its citizens, which includes environmental rights. the ruling is title, the ministry of environment and response that it respects the verdict ad will take necessary action of all doubt and the government's port. it will need to work with a national assembly to come up with a revised climate crisis law by the court mandated deadline of february 2026. now critic saved the south pre and government is still quite far from
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reaching its current un mandated a commitment of cutting emissions by 40 percent of 2018 levels by 2030 active as say now with this legal mandate in hand, they will keep sliding to urge action by the government to change the future that their young people will encourage you to skim. alda 0. so one of the united states most senior diplomats has made chinese president chasing, paying jake sullivan's 5th trip to beijing. as us national security advisor, i'm to a's mounting tensions between the 2 superpowers. the mason comes ahead of a phone call scheduled between us present jump button and choosing ping in the coming weeks. president biden is committed to responsibly managing this consequential relationship. to ensure that competition does not be or in the conflict or confrontation and to work together where interest align the use of
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drones has become an integral part of the war. and you cried. both russian and ukrainian forces are trying to utilize the latest inventions to gain an advantage. as a result, ukraine's drone industry is expanding rapidly with new designs developed almost daily. alex topless reports from keith on display for all to see the latest generation of land sea and the address being shown to the ukrainian public. the war and ukraine is triggered an explosion of designs and now hundreds of small companies. so how did work developing unmanned system that will help you create in sold to get the edge of the battlefield they so desperately need? um, remind me of where you want them to send them or we have to fight with machines with knowledge, not with people. when we send our 1st prototypes, the guys gave feedback, there was a lot of information in the process that and tried to ensure that knowledge was incorporated to keep the guys safe. i'm around the gathering of information of what
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works and what doesn't is collected on the front blowing to then given to design and then tweak existing models to produce something more useful to ukraine's on forces. this feedback is of vital components and rapidly speeding up design. i'm while you're doing cool, i think then you fix your was need to offer solutions based on feedback. but this week is also in parallel bases from the top there is communication to the manufacturer, but some ideas from the manufacturer can go the other way. the bottom of strategies yielding tangible results relevant. the defense industry telling design is for the bones. and i'll ask you for designs, and we'll take to him to be approved loose code line to issued to many small companies competing with each other to produce working models that are quickly improved on the result is not so much a drug at pollution revolution drone does ally and it's not just about
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weapons seen here this in 50 as altering vehicle, can transport food into munition, to ukrainian units on the front lines. it can also take good soldiers quickly from the battlefields to waiting aid stations. the 3rd year of the war and ukraine is seen an explosion in designs of unmanned systems, from se and land. what sort of his crude weapons, and are extremely sophisticated, integrate to the old levels of the battle field for not just weapons. they could also deliver supplies and save lives. how do you could helpless how to 0 t? the french cold has placed the founder of telegram and a full investigation for allegedly allowing criminal activity to take place on the messaging app russian bone pedal. the roof was the times the parents on monday as well. so he's investigated, telegrams, possible involvement and organized crime throughout his lawyer says it's absurd to suggest he is responsible for any offences committed using the app. he's been granted bio on condition. he paid $5500000.00 and bod,
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from leaving front as the us presidential campaign hate sounds. there is a stock differences between the style and messages from the candidates. us couple of harris and donald trump hoping to appeal to some to the support bases all single time you say, trying to win or undecided versus but that going about that and very different weiss is rob reynolds explains donald trump's rallies are full of dark pronouncements and personal attacks, we're very close to world war 3 and people don't realize that we're closer than we've ever been in our country is going to hell. that's all i can say we're a nation in decline. well, conbal harris has a different kind of messaging. our nation with this selection has a precious fleeting opportunity to move past the
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bitterness, cynicism and divisive battles of the past. america, we are not slowing back. let us know each other in the world who we are. and what we stand for freedom, opportunity, compassion, scholars of political rhetoric here, appeals to opposite emotions. he has told us repeatedly that everything is now worse than ever, and the we're on the edge of the, of the s and that are, we're a 3rd world nation. donald trump represents dues rolling harrison walls represent hope scrolling. when trump goes all the script he often flings insults. have you heard her laugh? that is the laugh of a crazy person. you know why he hasn't ordered it to be because she's not smart.
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she's not intelligent. i've a better looking person. then pamela, paris, take some shots to, but it's less personal near policy. he doesn't actually fight for the middle class, not. he doesn't actually fight for the middle class. instead he fights for himself in his billionaire friends. in many ways, donald trump isn't on the serious man to find some of their stuff to just be plain weird. an ad hominem attack is attacking the person instead of their argument and what the other responses saying they're out of their mind saying they're weird is actually directly attacking their their argument, right, it's about policy. the question is which rhetorical approach will strike a chord with undecided voters in a handful of swing states? and we won't know the answer to that. to election the rob reynolds l g 0. also a hit here on the, on to 0, defending us open champion, the big chunk of which keeps his bid for
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a week or 25th grand slam title and track will be action coming up. the . the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the so at this point now his on that thank you very much tom, while the power limpid games are officially underway in paris. as the 65000 people lined the french capital for the opening ceremony on sides of the test, the name of the car is 2024 hour lim thinking
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11 days of school thing action has commenced as power as host the power olympic games. and for the 1st time you are opening ceremonies, city events has been staged. outside of the stadium. a warm summer evening will convey the full 1000 power athletes along the she wants to these a and through to the plus the concord dividers that define frank society carries stronger meaning than ever before. leaving us in the rights to leave freely and without oppression. they got to every person with a disability deserve the opportunity to thrive and leave life free from barriers, free from discrimination and free from marginalization. the olympics. opening ceremony space along the river, sending to rental conditions 6 weeks ago, was heavily criticized wednesday night spectacle was treated as a success. organize this over $2000000.00 tickets of being sold for the event sofa . that was a crazy good, wonderful,
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wonderful. i need to get some of the nancy uh with the toner where, where the x e, and that's a visa on jones china. be the dominant force of the game stretching back to 2004. bill looks to keep that record going. as the parent athletes compete for 549 gold medals. across $22.00 paralympics sports pump size and out to 0. on the sending time didn't know that duel coverage kept his bid for reco 25th grandson, title, and track. as he reached the 3rd round of the us open last year, the serbian, that had to battle through 5 sets to overcome his compassion last thursday and said wrong. and it seems like the pet was set for another and 10th showdown. however,
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an injury house would take care of his efforts, joke of which was leading 6464 to loves us before jerry retired with abdominal pains, stroke of which will take on a 28th, a seed alexi hopper in next. it's not what we want, so the crowd wants to see it. well for but you know, see obviously had an injury that took him out of the tour for some time and he is struggling to come back to, i guess physically, to his level. i mean, he's such a good player, especially in these conditions. well, how about this from cost of who the and what might go down as one of the points of the tournament, vh. c, the issue to the 3rd round offset. if you can get him on the face in full set, but not before somehow winning this point. and the legion reached the final and 2022. he'll be looking to go one step closer and his pursuit of the grand slam title.
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the and the women enjoy reading champion, coastal golf continues, have great format, flushing, meadows ashy, eases into the fed run. the american cleaned up a few early mistakes to beat on see that the drum and touch on them are yes, 646 of the will. number 3 will face and then on. so if it's only in a next or defending drum and cup changes the bottle of occlusal naturally to the 2nd round of the hard 4th went against the 4th to middle, shabby as long as those men who famously wanda bun does league without losing a match. last season were drawn away to car tires. jenna join us huffman, the man to eventually break through the southern home teams defense to ensure a one mill with us. so useful for me and get back to them. thanks so much on that. so for me to mccrae for this news hour, you can find much more information and you said outside engineering dot com. my
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colleague nodding site will be here in just a moment. so. busy much more of today's news book to stay with us the stairs from. i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we live from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from alta 0 new at using is it the harmful passages are increasingly affecting our lines? we've terrible consequences. a documentary asks whether we've learned any lessons
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from the h. i. p. as in the fight against coven 19, we ignore the global side to port products for 4 people added more to cost the time of $10.00 dentex on ologist. ready too often of kind of style and this put trade through the prism of war. but there were many of the kind of stuff thanks to the brave individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archives funding for decades reviews the forgotten foods of the country's modern history. the forbidden real part to the communist revolution on a jersey to the latest news as it breaks, according to you. and it says the rate of it shows rent death and this complex is une president in the history of modern wars with detailed coverage as well. what do we think it's so cold?
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humanitarian phone has led to less access to nearby. we'll just sort of says from the heart of the story people come gets exercised, but it's also important for mental health the gym for, for a brief respite from the heroes of war. the israel's biggest attack on the west bank and decades this into its 2nd day 18 palestinians have been killed since wednesday. the main site is out. is there a life and don't also coming off the cast crossing cause of the struggle for palestinians. alt is rarely forces destroyed, most of the banks trying to stem the tide of michael in spain's prime minister
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isn't gonna go on. his nose stone off in west africa countries go in


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