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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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in these communities that have been pushed to the margins for far too long. the is really strikes across the gaza, kill at least $28.00 palestinians. thousands are fleeing the violence, but say they have no, we're safe to go. the, you're watching ultra 0 light from the headquarters and downtime during navigate is also coming up. israel pushes on with it's offensive in the occupied westbank, despite widespread global condemnation. a push to stabilize relations. the us national security advisor meets president change and paying as he wraps up his visit to a china on spain's prime minister is in senegal, trying to stop the flow of illegal migrants from
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the beginning. because our 28 palestinians have been killed and is really attack since thursday morning, several people were killed after strike on tenths housing displaced people near the city of con unice. since october, more than 40600 palestinians have been killed. most of the victims were women and children. meanwhile, the world food program has suspended the movements. if it staffing gauze after that is really military shots. that's one of its vehicles, cracked window show the impact of a police 10 bullets fired at the car. that was marked as a un vehicle. the attack happen near and is really check points on tuesday nights. no one was injured. the wsp says, but it coordinated its movements. width is really my latrice ahead of time and do what that is. life for us, not from data, but
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a has central. does that to tell us about the latest is where the air strikes under after mountains. with video, this has been an escalating task. where, where are the, is there any horses just targeted, a roof stop and no flight off in a, on a tower where 3 children were actually killed. there were also a group of hollis pinions that were targeted in east or for and for palestinians were killed. they're saying that those that policy news were securing at a that was entering from a car. um, so no, they have been also a couple of targets in the middle area. and as the why the and also in the big come in there is but not at most. so there has been a target in the gaza, the where, where there has been at least a policy in killed in a hotel. now this is all happening. what was the r tele res setting continues
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in the eastern parts of the club and specially in the eastern parts of dropbox and also con eunice and it's not only the 3rd year today, the palestinians were allowed to go back to their houses in the eastern parts of the buff after the is there any forces mentioned that they would do from that area? and there has been a massive destruction that policy can use. we're only going back to set up their tents on the rubble of their houses. the dean, thank you so much and without any reporting from dated by now in gaza and across central gaza is really bombardment has reduced entire neighborhoods to rubble. honey, my phone has been speaking with palestinians who've been forced to flee multiple times and say they still have no, we're safe to go. the stockings level of that decision here is there is bella city based on part of the full. i have been rows for a week is really military has operated aggressively here, and as you can see,
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it has destroyed almost all means of life in this neighborhood, the residential buildings, infrastructure, public facilities. and we can see entire, entire buildings have been a flap in completely this has led to enforcing people into further internal displacements. the what we're looking at is more of a waste land, even if the war has going through. and people are coming back to more of the waste land. this is more of an, an i a lation of this entire neighborhood. and we're just still at the, the in front of this residential, the block at the eastern part of the city. i know really shocked by the level of the structure and residents of this neighborhood and making their way back to circle in their home and just see what they're able to salvage from whatever belongings are lifted inside. we could hear people talking about this really military has left nothing for them. it either. it's either burn their belongs inside the their homes or this fully,
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all of their houses and flattened them to the ground. and this isn't enough property, but when we were forced to evacuate our homes, 5 days later, we came back to see it all in ruins. this picture speaks volumes, and we're now homeless. know where to go. we are now living in the open with no roof over our heads. the job we're looking visiting my family's other home in the east. a 4 story building was leveled to the grounds of my father and mother, nephew's nieces, cousins, brothers and league, or all killed. my family had lost more than 800 members. when i came to this, my family, 2nd home, it is also flat and the what we are left with, nothing, nowhere to go nowhere to say. this huge hole on the ground here is caused by at least one ton bonds that'd been deployed and used by these really military. they're just not totally destroyed buildings, but the saves the very foundation of all the residential buildings in the area. what you're seeing here is the aftermath of an intense bombing campaign carried out
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by these really military for the past week. all of that non stop violence and non stop genocide the last on the ground here because the aftermath of we're looking at here, not just the physical landscape of this area hasn't changed, but the psychological and the physical trauma cause the reason is here as they are pushed into the internal displacements, israel says it's military operation in the occupied westbank will continue for several days or longer. it's the 2nd day of israel's largest military operation in the territory in more than 20 years. at least 18 palestinians have been killed in rates on cities and refugee camp since wednesday morning. need that, but i am reports in the occupied westbank on long as the dead here, a bushy job, the leader of the to look at him, but till the end of palestinian fighters, his best was confirmed by his family along side those or 4 other members. for those
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dropped in the middle of the rate in which they were killed, fear a new well and his brother model. so we are spending a number, they couldn't find their house outside. the windows is with no family wants their children to experience reading soldiers and bulldozers accompanied by thrones and fight. they're just old storming digital refuge account. we usually distract them by getting them to play. we'll let them watch tv and turn off the volume so they don't listen to the sounds of explosives and shooting. this is our home. we have nowhere else to go. described as role biggest $3.00 to $3.00, as told on the occupied west bank in more than 2 decades. israel's foreign minister has said the army should deal with what he called thrusts from the okay. if i to us bank like it have even garza, the foreign policy chief says such words could be worthy of sanctions. i initiated the procedures. i know that the laws demand the stage if they want you to
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concede that have created including, you know, a list of sanctions from either way, the meanest this has been ad launching hate to messages. those are all says it's main target. this policy and fighters in full refugee camp. the military says the armed groups are planning attacks against as rainy targets are getting better at making improvised explosive devices for palestinians. these groups are part of resisting israel's decades of occupation. the above is weighted road hovering overhead. the piercing sound of explosions are remind her that would be when described as a silent moore is not so silent anymore either abraham and josie don't. who's got in the occupied westbank palestine? oh for cass, this is a kinetic member for the jewish era of how this part is. she says israel's raids
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and the occupied westbank have nothing to do with is really security. and the only reason or the only intention of this fascist government the island yet and not that much seemed violent and debbie. i talked on that, but a senior depot is the routing station of the day. it is so called decisive of subjugation plan that was presented by that solace mortgage in 2017. i've been saying that for 10 months, just immediately after the domestic commit to buy from us, which we owe against a close in once the a thoughts a by use i begun against the people of gaza. i immediately said that this government lived by fuzzies like that. then you know, bend via smart. each of them is yeah, the most interested the security of anyone including these lives and their best example is the negligence on these various pages. and the date
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a test the with any kind of commitment to the secuity over the so it isn't the 1st thing that these govern would, they would have done is to release those pages. but they're not interested in that . they are interested in the subjugation of decisive blame. which void is down to a annexing the color scheme. yeah, they all to bite, but it's, tina territory is default the policy is from the home live and killing them. that's the reading tension of these government. the one of the united states top security officials has about chinese presidents. you, jim ping, jake sullivan's 1st trip to beijing is the us national security advisor and to ease mounting tensions between the 2 superpowers. officials have confirmed that the us president joe biden and she's been paying we'll hold the phone meeting in the
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coming weeks as president biden is committed to responsibly managing this consequential relationship. to ensure that competition does not beat or into conflict or confrontation and to work together. we're interest align our white house correspondent, kimberly how can i join us on washington dc. so how is the strip being viewed there? kimberly, well, it's being viewed as somewhat positive and that the relationship between the united states and china is maintained, but it's not 100 percent successful in. but as in terms of any sort of tapping down and tensions that has not been achieved, what you heard from the national security advisor, jake sullivan, is that there is vigorous given take. but in terms of a sort of coming to an understanding about the concern. 6 as of the united states on the part of china, that didn't happen, they did not come to an agreement, is what the national security adviser said. what was being conveyed by the united
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states is that there is still an ongoing view that china is still of grave concern to the us when it comes to economic security. specifically, when it comes to chinese tech imports into the united states. so that is still of a national security concern on the part of not only divided ministration, but law makers on capitol hill. and that is certainly something that remains a major issue and a friction point between china and the united states. so what do we make of the fact that the 2 leaders are due to have a phone call the joe biden and changing things out as well. what would you make of this? is that really there 2 things to make it this number one? this is kind of an ongoing process for joe biden, in the binding to ministration and managing this relationship, how they have chosen to manage the tensions with china is very different from what
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we've seen with donald trump, where we saw the former president escalating tensions with the adding of parents the by the ministration didn't really remove them, but what they did instead was continued to communicate at the highest level. so that's what this telephone call that is upcoming is about is the, the chinese president in the us president will be communicating again because they believe that that avoids dangerous escalation. but what also is going to be achieved with this phone call is that we're leading into what could be a to most us time in the us election cycle. and so in order to make sure that there are no further misunderstandings, that is also what is going to be discussed. and there's also going to be the further message and that is going to be communicated in. but the 5 minute ministration is trying to send the message that should come to la harris when the next selection that she shares the similar economic view of the united states. she
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shares and has the experience to deal with the leaders of china as to by does and then it would be a very similar hand over should she win the presidency. all right, thank you. kimberly how could, as well as thought us presidential campaign, he'd stop. analysts have pointed out star differences in the style and messages from the 2 candidates. carla harris and donald trump are trying to appeal to their support bases are also winning over and decided folders. rob reynolds has more donald trump's rallies are full of dark pronouncements and personal attacks. we're very close to world war 3 and people don't realize it. we're closer than we've ever been in our country is going to hell. that's all i can say we're a nation in decline, while campbell harris has a different kind of messaging. our nation with this selection has
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a precious fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and divisive battles of the past. america, we are not slowing back. let us know each other in the world who we are and what we stand for freedom, opportunity, compassion, scholars of political rhetoric here, appeals to opposite emotions. he has told us repeatedly that everything is now worse than ever, and the we're on the edge of the of the s and that are, we're a 3rd world nation. donald trump represents dues, rolling harrison walls represent hope scrolling. when trump goes all the scripts he often flings insults. have you heard her laugh?
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that is the laugh of a crazy person. you know why he hasn't ordered it to be because she's not smart. she's not intelligent. i'm a better looking person, said pamela. let's take some shots to but it's less personal near policy. he doesn't actually fight for the middle class, not. he doesn't actually fight for the middle class. instead he fights for himself and his billionaire friends. in many ways, donald trump isn't on the serious man. to find some of their stuff to just be plain weird. an ad hominem attack is attacking the person instead of their argument and what the other responses saying they're out of their mind saying they're weird is actually directly attacking their their argument, right. it's about policy, the question is which rhetorical approach will strike a chord with undecided voters in a handful of swing states?
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and we won't know the answer to that, to election the rob reynolds how to see the still ahead on how to 0. 1 of 2 phone conk journalists found guilty of sedition and a case that's drawn international scrutiny on south korea's top court rules, climate long, etc. emissions targets in a landmark case where an embryo is named as an effective party, the the, a tad low that was not in south asia where a deep depression has moved its way of western parts of india, causing flooding in places like good. you're right now the red warnings on friday, all 4 roster up at southern parts of pakistan. we'll also see those terrain show
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rains now. that circulation is set to pull out into the raving st where it could become a tropical system. but on saturday, the red warnings switch it to the east for telling gonna that's where we're going to see the heaviest of the rain falling through the we can not as wet down in the south, but west uh, across japan. that size to tie food essentially is bring you some strong winds, but to wrench will rain because it's a slow moving a tie from. we're not predictable pos, but it's set to move from chicago on woods to hunt shoot, taking some very heavy rain flight schools flooding and land slides. we'll see that in tokyo, that weather on friday with fun. this one is very schuman as well with heat. still the through to sunday, and i'm down in southeast asia. we've seen some heavy rain flooded in indo china. heavy and silver falls to come for southern parts of can bodya and vietnam on saturday. actually weather update. the
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was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative, a separation of what we cannot change when to reach the welcome. to send me an extra re, does that a little redesigns luxury losing, trusting l a future? today we create all the the problem again. the top stories on al jazeera is really
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a tax on god's. i'll have killed these 28 palestinian since thursday morning. several people were killed after a strike on the tenants. housing displays people near the city of ton unit. israel says it's military operation and the occupied west bank will continue for several days or longer. at least 18 palestinians have been killed in raids on cities on refugee camp since wednesday morning. us national security advisor james sullivan has met president. she jumping in china officials hop confirm, she will follow the phone meeting with us president joe biden in the coming weeks. spain's prime minister petra sanchez is visiting center goal as part of this tour of west africa aimed at curbing migration. sanchez says he wants to fight human trafficking between africa and the canary islands. earlier in the week you travel to the gambia until mauritania. nicholas hawk has more from the car. the senate
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golf, for instance, has one of the fastest growing economies in the world is just recently discovered oil and gas. and yet it has high unemployment rates among young people. and that's where migration comes for them, because it's very hard to get through to, to get legal visas to say, to or to europe. the illegal migration through using these wooden boats, or fishing vessels to europe, is the best way forward to support their families back home. so in order to send that out, spain is doing what most european countries are not. it's alone. very labor, seasonal migration, visas for people from where soft credit comes this thing to work in the fields insane. and there's another big difference with the spanish prime minister here, which that they do the african migrants to work the field in order to fuel the economy at home. so right now there are talks being held the right behind me in the
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presidential palace between the spanish prime minister that wants to stem out migration. but also the senegalese president who has some demands to the europeans, notably when it comes to fishing, when it came to power best, they were doing my 5 by he revoked oh, fishing rights to european vessels. and we know that a lot of fishermen are the ones that are migrating over synagogue, more tenure and again yet what a more equitable economic relationship with europe, especially when it comes to fishing and to the rights of, of the fishermen on the seas. a drone attack, just north of suzanne's capital cartoon, has killed at least 12 people. the strike was carried out by the sudanese army in the city of gary. it's trying to reclaim the area from the parent military rapids support forces, and the violence follows flooding that's forest. more than a 100000 p people from their homes. the un says sedona suffering,
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the world's worst humanitarian crisis. people who have fled, say they have nowhere to go to the citizens choice. they have gone to 40 people have no food, they sit on high places and they have nothing, no food or water. there are people who died that has not been buried yet. there are people who are missing. there are collapsed houses, and others was swept away by the floods. i could even have a morgan has more from the capital side of tomb, a heavy rains and so rental floods have killed at least 140 people according to this it needs government and has this place more than 30000 families across them safe in the country and has destroyed infrastructure, including roads and highways, the time needed to deliver assistance to those in need. now this fighting and the fact that the flooding has cut off, people from the interior assistance is one of the issues that the you and deputy secretary general will be discussing with government officials and put them she has met the head of the sovereignty council. general. i have to put the whole behind
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and the to discuss the issue of humanitarian access, especially because getting access from one area to another uh from under a control of a different force has been difficult since the south of the fighting aid from us to these army territories into areas controlled by the iris that has been handed, as well as a from areas controlled by the iris of into areas controls by the signees army has been very difficult to deliver aid workers. when it's tammy the workers have been killed as they try to reach those in need of assistance. and the fact that the 2 sides, the signees army and the r as have agreed to open humanitarian carters in may last year, is yet to actually happen on the ground. so one of the issues that the un deputy secretary general is discussing or has discussed with the government officials. and so that is the issue of humanitarian assistance, especially lights of the fight. but in addition to the fighting, there's the flooding that has affected civilians. many of them in hard to reach
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areas a wasting, evacuation a wasting, who inherent assistance. but knowing that the funding is poor for the agencies and the fact that they are so many in need. they may have to wait for a while before they get any assistance people morgan onto 0 have to flash floods across northern nigeria, have killed at least 6 people and less thousands homeless homes for alonza and critical infrastructure had been washed away. officials say the floods have come earlier unexpected and took residence by surprise, and they've urged those affected to relocate to emergency displacements accounts due to climate change and a lot of what else up to this loads have come in yet that we a big thing. i need caught from a lot of people on our west, and we have seen the days, the north side of destruction, of the houses. it means the exposed to decode to this on the european union's foreign policy. choose the chief as written calls to list restrictions on ukraine's
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use of western weapons inside russia. she says it's still gaining ground and occurs screeching more than 3 weeks after launching a surprise incursion into western russia. ukraine and military video released on thursday shows bombs being dropped on homes in coronado, as were russian soldiers were set to be hiding. which by to the most part, we are working with partners to supply the front line supply it not only with width and not only with channels, but also with the power of our unity or the we continue to insist the restriction should be lifted on long range strikes will help us to in the war soon as possible, and the fair way for ukraine and the world as a whole. the ukranian president of a lot of his landscape is urgent countries to allow his troops more freedom to use western weapons. while the cord in hong kong has found 2 journalists guilty of publishing seditious contents on their news website. this was chung few cran as he
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entered courts. he and patrick lam or editors if the pro democracy publication stand news that was critical of beijing. and they were charged under colonial era rule that critics say is being used to curb to send laura westbrook has the latest from hong kong or so this was the 1st ever a suggestion trial that was used against hong kong journalist and editors here in hong kong since it was hunted by the chinese rule in 1997, it was really watched very closely. we had a diplomats coming into court today to watch this as it was a taste test of alertness tests of press. freedom in the cities has done uses a very popular and well known online news outlet. it was shut down in 2021, following a raid by some 200 national security police where we uh, which,
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which file edit view shut down and its 2 editors and its parent company were charged with conspiracy to publish to dishes materials and quote, today we had from one of the cities designated national security judges. you said that when he was looking at the political atmosphere in hong kong at that time, that's a many residents were unhappy with the cities, governments and even against the cities and staging authorities. and it was in that context that they found that he found 11 out of the 17 off the coast seditious. the prosecutors had pointed to 17 news, commentaries, and articles, as proof that's done. these had instigates a contempt and hatred towards aging and funk homeless ortiz. some of these articles included, interviews was now jailed and self exiled pro democracy activists. 5000000 people
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have been told to leave their homes as japan's been hit by one of the strongest type foods in decades. sunshine last the south west on thursday, cooling at least 4 people and injuring thousands of others. at least 237000 homes are without power. the type who has now week into a severe tropical storm. what his name was, this type food is scary. intensive disaster. we're getting a large amount of rain so i don't know what will happen going forward. i really hope everyone will stay safe to tie fluid has changed its course frequently and stayed in the area for a long time. so the amount of rain has increased dramatically. that's what i'm concerned about. i mean, i'm concerned because i obviously do not want to miss our flight back to new york on september. second south korea's constitutional court has made what's seen as a landmark ruling in favor of young environmental is a judgment, found the country's climate laws aren't enough to protect citizens rights units.
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kim has more from sole south korea's climate legislation, does not adequately protect basic human rights. that's the unanimous ruling by the constitutional court, which has called on the government to do more to curve greenhouse gas emissions. specifically to expand it's carbon reduction plans. beyond the year 2030 young activists have welcome the verdict saying this is just the beginning of the law. i hope this ruling will bring about grades and changes. so children like may won't have to file constitutional complaints in the future. the climate crisis is not a future problem, but a reality that everyone is facing right now. south koreans like much of the world have.


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