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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 31, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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cynics there in the front of the book because of the possibility to see how the system works. it is the 1st place of regeneration from the scenes of devastation on disposition in the janine refuge. account controls must of assault on keep quiet of westbank and says, is full day. the hello and satisfied with this is all to 0 life from the home. also coming up electricity slowly retires to some parts of venezuela off to a power outage plunges much of the country into darkness. preston stripes on the east and ukrainian city of call keys cuz at least 6 people, including
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a 14 year old girl in the playground. and the u. n. lawrence has a huge appeal to feed millions of people facing severe food shortages in nigeria. the now we begin in the occupied west banquet, israel's large scale ministries soldiers entering its full date with no sign of letting off. now at least 20 people have been killed with intense gone, baffles between his rady forces and palestinian fights is confronting them. scenes of devastation have been reported in jeanine with some neighborhoods are experiencing severe shortages of food and water. no, andre has this latest report from ramallah. it's the largest is really military offensive in the occupied west 9th. since 2002 all lies
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orange and need more than half of the palestinians kills so far are from the refugee camp there. and these really army continues to send and reinforcements. entry into the camp is nearly impossible. but scenes emerging from their reveal author devastation, scenes of dispossession. familiar in gaza over the past 11 months. repeated here in the west bank. families carrying what they can as they're forced out of their homes under the threat of is really gunfire. why do you do much? do you mean you only said that we'd like to do a one when we walked for 3 to 4 kilometers. we've been calling the military coordination number since tuesday to coordinate our evacuation, but they haven't been able to coordinate. we rang the civil defense but it wasn't in their hands. same with the red cross. none of the official organizations have been able to organize our evacuation and that's despite the difficult situation. we're in gunfire. horrible killings,
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destruction of property destruction of roads and even the mosque wasn't spared. the targeting of medical workers is being repeated to columbus to assure paramedics are shot at as a retrieve the bullet written body of an 82 year old non you and experts have repeatedly condemned. these is really tactics as war crimes with little effect. the hello cynthia, se governments need to do a lot more. that express concern section is right now we have to international court of justice orders. i'm finding the possibility of genocide. the northern is ready to stop. it's kind of started an ox and that is was presence in bulk. if i started to, is this legal, it calls on the 1st stage to impose sanctions, economic, diplomatic, financial, and the military and bought it on as well. this must happen right now. of night. full suckles gunfire is heard across the janine refugee come. sounds of a normalized and relentless reality that is up on the people's lives. the impact of
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these repeated is really military assaults is devastating. the economy has shrunk by a 3rd family's experience, constant loss, fear, and repeated dispossession. and with nothing in the horizon to offer a break of this deadly pattern. palestinians fear the worst is yet to come. not all the address ita drama. palestine was ready forces of console foxes to the west banks. biggest city. hebron that's off to to attack smit illegal is re b supplements a call exploded as a gas station and the goose as the on settlements near bethlehem. a man opens fire the scene and was killed separately though that was also another call explosion. settlement outside of hebron, a palestinian fights infiltrated the settlement, injuring to his ready soldiers before being shot dead. now also a is ray,
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the strikes targeted to boss to cut them. and janine 3 palestinians were killed in an attack on the call south of jeanine. israel says one of those killed was a hamas local come on, the box from us. hasn't confirmed it. now let's abraham reports from the north stands for a few to come in to cut them, and that's with palestinians all picking up the pieces of to one of the most destructive is really raised in recent memory. this is yet another episode of a series of destruction that has been targeting refugee camps during is radio aids to the occupied westbank. but people in nor sams web already seen a lot of damage and destruction to their homes. say that this one was by far the most destructive, they say if israel is targeting palestinian fighters here in the occupied west bank, then why would they create so much damage to the infrastructure to the roads they're digging them up. and the smell here is really bad because the sewage lines
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have been destructive as well. that in the last raid they threw a missile at my house. i want to fix it, but i didn't think i should. i'm scared, they'll come back as a civil defense themes try to assess the damage and bring back some sort of infrastructure facilities back to people in the camp. everyone is taking part in the operations in the cleaning up and trying to bring some normalcy to the abnormal situation in the refuge account that i'm moving always stones. and so people then cause can move during the rate is really pulled as arrive to this area. and i thought they demolish my home. i see us that you, this isn't intentional, is really policy to expel people from the refugee camps, but it's not working. yes, some families have left out of fear, but they returned as soon as the raids and austin years. we've been speaking to say
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this is the only home they knew after they've been displaced from their homes in 1948 when the state of israel was created and that they know the israel wants them to leave their homes. and this is precisely why there's intending to stay that, but he just eat all the occupied to us bank. how to sign. and now since going on fridays ray, the forces of killed at least $29.00 palestinians and knots across the whole of because the strip and his radio strike hits an apartment building in the on the site on the refugee camp. and that's in the central garza now. 9 members of the same family were killed. 5 children and the pregnant women among them. also in the south is ready forces of withdrawn from the eastern parts of con eunice. and that softer a 22 day offensive palestinians who return, they say they found their homes and was the supplies completely destroyed. now, these righty all me is also a tax,
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a group of palestinians on the streets. and the strips lodges refugee camp now lease full people have been killed in that attacks. and all just there is on us of studies reports from the scene in zavala and a warning system of, of use. some of you may find and be just serves by pulse of this reports of the football lot. the saw, easy to jump on is really war plain spite of me thought to group of civilians in jabante, a refugee come in northern cause. as a result, a number of them were killed and others enjoy. the map of these are traces of that blood. a civil defense team came to their rescue and wanting to help paramedics take the victims to hospital. the rates of his radio stripes on temporary shelter gatherings and residential home has intensified filled up medical video only has time to practice for these really occupation forces on the day, if not hourly basis in moving cause. oh no i. but when i look even animals,
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the sped, i'm just cause carrying firewood was i'm the don't kill more money yet. also from was the middle continuous mess list from boston, and nothing is sacred. nothing is spent. women, children, most one schools on even animals, many calls elected. i'm sorry, i missed the sherry deal. i am sure that the american, the east refugee age groups is full palestinians in an age home. they will come, boy are all the, were killed by his ready forces. and a statement the group says and his radio strike killed a full palestinians in the lead vehicle of an an hour, a convoy carrying food and fuel to the and they are all see red crescent hospital. now the coordinated and cleared transport plan, hold full on on security guards in the convoy. it also added as radio authorities initially said the lead call was carrying new russ wesson's. and this is randy
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strike, who's cars out without any prior warning or communication. now the spokesman's view and secure secretary general says the tax on aid workers office in millions of displaced palestinians, asterisk, all of salvation as the ones that these incidents normally endanger the lives of 8 workers with this ongoing crisis being the deadliest on record for the un but also limit the capacity for us to help more than 2000000 people who are engaged in a daily struggle for their survival. the now power is returning in some parts of when is way to alter a nationwide out. so the government is blaming on sabotaged. now, most of the country has been affected by the blackouts, including the capital, caracas, and the government hasn't provided any evidence of political rivals all responsible have in 2019 venezuela experience 3 nationwide. how the counts the longest. last
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thing for 3 days, authorities also linked to those to government opponents. on the when i stopped feeling the air from defend this one, i knew we had no power, but i thought that it would come back. but when my alarm went off, i woke up and realize it was a power outage. first of all, i have to work to get the bus, then i will because the make sure it wasn't working. and now i have to go up 14 floors on that building that go to work because there's no elevator nobody to go to the 1000 pounds of the tunnel, but a c i o 24 states are reporting total or partial last from increase the supply at 4 45 am, all teams and public services were already active, as well as the entire government to overcome this new aggression and to bring you your tricity service and your peace of mind, which is what they basically want to take away from us with these actions of buying
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violence that are going nowhere, as well as sons or other son to run pass. he joins us from bullets on in neighboring cut on the sands. or what's the latest on this sitting the moment across the country? what are people facing right now? look right now, terry team our same to this crisis somewhere and 13 hours since the start of the blackouts. and while there's through that, the electricity has been returning to some parts of the country a most of it, it's fail a waiting for the electricity to come back in this obviously as already have major consequences, for example, an oil production or on the matter of the system in the capital, cut out cash, or simply on and products going by that into people's fridges. and i can tell you that a lot of people that we've spoken to and cut off because they're still without electricity in parts of the city. that electricity came back intermittently,
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and the government has failed to present an exact map of what the situation is across the country about a digital rights organization that monitors they have any sort of i'm power grid of the saying that we're probably just around 20 percent of the private are great functioning normally at this point. so evidently while things have him fear, it has been something improvement since the early hours of the morning. the crisis is continuing. okay, alejandra oversee the venezuelan government and we were just saying this is accusing, sabotaged is who could those sabotage is be and also the infrastructure is quite pull certainly. um, since you know, we've had use of functions as well, but who could be behind these when they are to sabotage is about are right that while the government been present any evidence,
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they have accused they are political opponents and they believe they could be behind that but this is the same tactic, the government use back in 2019 when there was the last major nationwide, the blackout the at the time the country was also in the middle of a political 5. the same thing that is happening now happened then and the government at the time also said this was the, the consequences of a sabotage that their opponents were, were behind that, but then nobody got arrested or effectively blamed for it. and if you talk to people on the streets, they'll tell you that they believe that what's behind this is the, the conditions of the power grid, the years of neglect miss of mismanagement, lack of me. they meant to lack of you know, just the work to maintain the power grid in the country. and there was another
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blackout just a couple of days ago, not as big as this one. but it shows just how fragile the system has become due to the economic slump in the country. that was then wor, send by a, obviously the international sanctions. so this is where we are again today. i in a moment thing which this adds to the been a sweat ends rows that are, you know, already in a very hands fully to cause a situation with the president my boot or clinging to power and insisting that one july's presidential elections. even if these under pressure vote nationally internationally to prove indeed that he was the victor to show that publishing the votes. how these as required by the swelling law. something that they haven't done in that they don't seem to be interested in doing on friday. all. so there was expectation for the opposition, a presidential candidate at the window gonzales at to show up in court to respond
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to 2 questions. these being investigated for a conspiracy since the elections he's been in hiding since then, escaping from a government to crack down. we know that he didn't appear in court for a 3rd time today on a friday. it's not clear if that someone remains valid even during the blackout. but what we're going to have to see if now he will be issued with a possible arrest warrant. okay, well site slope, so i just wanted to run to see the answer will be updating us as and when you get more information from the neighboring columbia. now brazil supreme court has ordered the suspension of the social media platform. x judge said it defied orders to a points lawyer. he also accused the company of failing to block accounts, link to some misinformation x are not, you don't, most of the suspension stifles free speech and he added that it's politically
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motivated. results president no says, mosque must be local laws to keep the quote cash it that that will you will get back to every single citizen from anywhere in the world that has in basements in brazil is subject to the brazilian constitution and brazilian roles. so if the supreme court makes a decision for a citizen to do a certain thing, it's not either complies or actions will be taken. having a lot of money does not allow you to disrespect if you don't. musk is an american citizen. he is not a citizen. of the world, he can't defend president, congressman and it's a simple for both of the supreme court. and who does he think he is afraid of him? well, still a heads on al jazeera, anger in south korea, over deep fake images on the social media platform, defining teenagers and big game owners in south africa are concerned.
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so that financial future is the government phases out the breeding of lions income tibbetts. he, the us, welcome to look at the international full cost. it's looking like a rather lively, i live at a, a we can across so good parts of the us this weather system. here's a very active one or the last of the larry of live pressure to the central parts of canada. just around on terry i pushing a little further east was west of weather, will drive its way into the east, the side of canada, around the northeast corner of the us. and moving parts of the appalachian snow away down to the southern plains. if possible, it says some flooding coming in here, then as we go through the next day, i will say behind that we have brought this guys dry weather coming back in as we
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go on into sunday. more of the assignment, west of weather will continue to just trouble its way of the east with coming down across, seized disabled by the time, become somebody off. new story will live the showers has developed results of that . they see it around $31.00. so she's going to see big down pools across a good part of the deep south, some big down pools. 2 in 2 pos of the caribbean bahamas, saying some live here, right, pushing across cuba, scattering a shower as the anti jamaica. so i'm showing a shows for the time being across the 8th and august, i think will become a little more wise. but as we go through sunday and into monday, a lot of scattering and showers to central america the
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the you watching on is there a reminder about 12 stories, the sour, israel's military assault on the occupied west spine. cars ended is full, full day. although there's been heavy gun bottles between his ready forces and palestinian appliances, at least 20 people have been killed. powers returning in some parts of venezuela.
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officer a nationwide out says the government is blaming on the sabotage spots. it hasn't provided any evidence that political arrivals are responsible. the russian attack on ukraine. the 2nd biggest city has killed 6 people, including a child and a playground. the bomb hits a 12 story apartment block and a pay area in call keys, vice spread through the building, following the bloss with at least 47 people injured. the strike pump for the cranes president for less than this and then skates a renewables for western allies. so allow long range of types on russian military advertises. oh, does there is huffman must or would, has this report from call keith? we are here now in clark of cities used to ukraine, that was targeted by
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a massive effect. as you can see in the space. that 12 story building was targeted by a boy boom. according to the monitor administration that said that subaru, casualties occurred during this massive attack on car codes and several areas of the city, among them severely injured beds. and even children's president didn't commented on this at that saying that's russia is attacking civilians in their houses. and asked for a support to ukraine. was long range weapons that can, that's ukraine, attacked the russian jets. is there locations now? why we are recording this message?
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we can also hear the silence in hark, if again, in a heavy attack, that's happening all over ukraine, especially the border regions. since the ukraine attack on coolest region is the 6th of august has them as old as just the, you know, pockets. and another russian attack of these 2 people have been killed and several more injured in the city of assuming in the north of ukraine. the strike hits factory on the russian side of the border. the governor of belgrade is reporting that ukrainian shelling is killed at least 5 people. officials say dozens more have been injured. the reporting fires in the number of buildings and emergency services have also been detroit. president zalinski has followed the heads of the ukrainian efforts that c sites come on to my colors shop full days. also the crash of an f. 16 jets which also kills the pilots. ukraine receives the costs across from western
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allies. now do you and has rooms in agents appeal for hundreds of millions of dollars to help people facing severe food shortages and nigeria doctors are reporting arise and the number of people being admitted to hospital with acute small nutrition by the threes reports from my degree. if this market comes to me, say you do a shopping for health problems next to you and she is not happy with what she see when the 24 hours ago, a measure of rice was about 1 dollar $0.40. now they say it's around $1.55, that's more than a 10 percent increase in just the day. and that's despite the arrival of newly habits that foot in the markets. i live because this is timely, missed the previous night and breakfast this morning. the day it was within these days a meal of days and luxury. it's almost impossible to meet 3 times today. this is
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particularly hard for us arising for prizes or forcing more people into honda and media you think for that's cheaper. but as the investment push it together, that's increasing on this and leading to the hospital admissions one day to say several factors of pushing of foot prizes. now juniors agricultural production costs typically decline because many farmers can't afford seats. supplies and equipment added to these are the effects of climate change and the volume stuff is kept hundreds of thousands of families from deadlines based practice. analysts say contribute to the consistent increase in the number of malnutrition cases recorded every one of those stages. stuff like 15 years of an insurgency by the vocal, hard on, on, the government is intervening directly to feed people that especially the volume or
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need to protect the manufacturer so they can go back to that farms. but this is a rat case. in many other states and that jetta, hundreds of thousands of people having defend for themselves. but the reason i'll give you that way to go to the world health organization is trying to speed up testing for the impulse virus, especially in the democratic republic of congo, which has the highest number of cases. health officials say they're struggling with low rates of testing and the delay in vaccinations move and 600 people have died from and pokes in the d all see. and the viruses also spread to several of the african nations, as well as parts of europe and asia. as the director of the central bank says he and other senior staff i've left the country and that's because of threats by on the groups last week. the presidential council, based in tripoli, or just the removal of the director and the points in new boards. now that to
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increase tensions between rival functions of functions rather over who should control it and it is got cash reserves. french president, ammonia when crohn is defended, a decision to gronk citizenship to the chief executive of the telegram messaging up pop out 0 was born in russia and is also a citizen of the united arab emirates. he was detained in front last weekends and faces a possible trial related to illegal content hosted on the app. i'll focus cute and that's why these assume sit regarding naturalization. it's a decision that we took and i fully stand by law. this decision was possibly a deliberate strategy. it's a grunt, french nationality to women and men, whether they are artists athletes, or going to ask them to make the effort to learn the french language and contribute to wealth and innovation, and have a global impact because like rounded french nationality tends to do rough who if by the way you took the effort to learn from being on that all the forward season,
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south korea has promised to crank down on deep fake images being spread on the messaging outside of ground units. kim has moved from so no. there was shock in south korea this week as reports of telegram channels showing the big generated pornographic content failed the media. the subjects are every day people, usually female students, teachers, soldiers, whose faces were applied using artificial intelligence or a i to sexually explicit content and shared with users. and the possibility that people, the victims know, could be involved is worrying many, you know, maybe when i got on this now the person i should fear is not the one training me wearing a black hat. but it's because everyone in my circle failed. how are women supposed to live in a world that slow so much of our trusts? lee is among people gathering out this night live hot spot chanting. you can't
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humiliate me out with the faceless dfcs 6 criminal condensation. agra 10 has become a symbol of sorts of violence against women. after a woman in her twenties was stabbed to death in a nearby bathroom by a mass you did not know 8 years ago. today, some males with violent tendencies against women are operating online. and disturbingly many of them are young police. a most of the perpetrators arrested says 2022 have been people in their teens and their victims were also miners read on this math marks the schools effected across the country. suggesting students who may know they face a lower threshold of legal account ability are using new technology to create the fake images, problems i'm running out some, some may dismiss these as me a products, but that clearly criminal acts that exploit technology under the shield of an imitation home jane. the national police agency has launched a cracked on the activity and
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a 24 hour hotline has been set up. politicians are considering new rules including harsher punishment from minor offenders. the paper from the i'm somebody we are going to double the number of personnel monitoring, telecom and major social media platforms to quickly detect and remove such videos. but women in south korea say society also needs to change to stop them being regarded unexploded as objects. you to skim oh to 0. so south korea says it's going to phase out the breeding of lines in captivity, but we'll conservation groups of welcome to the decision saying, the breeding is cruel and it exploits the big costs. bought some in the industry say they're all benefits and they all concerned about how it will affect the income to meet them in the reports. about 8000 lines live in captivity in south africa. it's the largest captive population of the big caps in the world. bigger


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