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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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0 now the the, the seeds on jeanine markets set on fire and families forced from their home as well as the largest assaults on the occupied west bank continues for a 4th. the answer of any is good to have you with us. this is else has your life and also coming up is really strikes near a host of the compound in gaza city. at least 61 people have been killed across the strips since really on sensory. and the polio vaccination campaign begins in garza, israel's war has destroyed much of the strips of water and sewage facilities
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putting 650000 children efforts. i'm dumb when it came to the old east, germany where the far right. if the may be a back to when to keith states electric, the beginning, the occupied west bank where israel's military operation is known as 4th day at least 24 palestinians have been killed since wednesday in major assaults across the area. families are cut off from food from water and electricity in janine city. well, she's here as nor day reports. janine is like a ghost town. during the largest is really military assault in the northern occupied was find in more than 2 decades. the refugee camp is largely destroyed is rarely occupation forces block the entrance to jeanine's public hospital and
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sending reinforcements. the sounds of gunfire and explosions puncture the eerie silence that prevails. one is where the soldier is killed. others injure and the number of palestinians killed. the injured isn't clear though paramedics are not allowed into the comp and have come under fire from is really soldiers. some people were forced from their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs. we have been besieged for 4 days, unable to leave the refugee camp. these really occupation forces to warm the area without warning. things got heated as these really soldiers opened fire on our house. we 1st took shelter in the kitchen, but later these really soldiers opened fire from all directions. palestinians view this assault as part of a big or is rarely strategy. and they put it to kind of plan is much think about
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the expansion of and you've got supplements all over the west bank and expression of the west bank is gradually piece by piece destruction of any palestinian kind of authority as the military assault drags on tens of thousands of palestinians are impacted displaced, distraught, perhaps love, love 5, give them it's hard. it's very hard for children and for everyone else, we're all good with terrified. look at the destruction the my, you gone a lot and yeah, the whole set, alec tricity and sewage no longer exist on basic necessities, on non existent to non neighborhood. we have not breed, we are cut off from the world. we're living the trauma from 22 years ago. how the vine, who is this aggression is similar to the is really aggression on the janine camp in 2002, which reflects in the camp to the ground and resulted in the depths of 58 people.
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no letter in the islands here and your name hands are under locked down and is ready, occupation soldiers on the streets for now there's no break for the residents here . not all the address data. junior, a hello sign. doctors without borders say it had to stop key medical operations in janine in a statement they said the scale and intensity of israel's for the incursion. and janine is very alarming. is really forced as keep obstructing access to health facilities in the lives the layman, hospital, electricity, and water supplies are compromised. the medical team has been forced to hold dialysis operations. israel must adhere to its obligations as an occupying power in the west bank, including access to medical care, hospitals, ambulances, and the medical humanitarian mission must be respected and protected over to the gaza strip. now in gaza, city is really a tax of killed at least $61.00 palestinian since early saturday. the latest strike
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hit near the last leave baptist hospital, at least 3 people were killed and dozens more injured. the same hospital compound was hit back in october last year, killing hundreds of palestinians. it's one of the few partially functioning hospitals in gaza. city rescue worker say is realist targeting hospitals and medical centers across the strip within the community. one. this constitutes another bull crime added to the many crimes committed by israel and the gaza strip is riley will find targeted and destroyed the building next to the baptist hospital . it reminds the medical facility catering to patients and the wounded and guards, especially since of chief a hospital was fashioned by his writing faucets and fence. some guys that have started getting their 1st polio vaccines, the head of a plan rollout for children on sunday. the you and let the immunization campaign will be held over 3 faces honey mountain, with reports on the staff and dog and author hospital in con eunice
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are trying to save lives on 2 fronts. they have loans that desperately needed vaccination campaign to stop the polio outbreak. a while at the same time dealing with the everett a casualties of israel's devastating horse, the bodies of at least 27 palestinians were brought to the hospital on saturday. after being killed and his really air strikes. pull you had not been detected in garza for 25 years before the war. reduce much of the territory, sewage and water facilities during the campaign was loans after a 10 months old. palestinian baby was paralyzed. after contracting the virus, palestinian parents says they are worried about how they will bring their children to a vaccination center. or even if their children will survive attacks by these really army at night. and now they are in fear of their kids being affected with a virus that had been contained for decades,
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a cup out of the circle of the apartment, there was danger. every 2nd for our children, as the wall continues and the strikes are everywhere. there was a risk to bring my child to nasa or hospital when the vaccination campaign started to move from one place to another. palestinians, health officials are skeptical of the camp and success. given the horrific conditions in gaza caused by israel is more natural in uh last not how we can for real ceasefire for this campaign to succeed without this will the arrangements that have been made cannot qualify this campaign for success regardless. i would seize, we'll go everywhere. wherever there is a promise to new needs this recommendation, our teams will reach them despite the rest. as well face, it will have a 3 consecutive pauses in the fighting during certain hours. the 1st of those pauses is expected in central garza followed by the south. and then finally,
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in the north, the world hill organizations phase at least 90 percent of the children in golf and need to be vaccinated twice with a 4 week gap between was is the vaccination campaign face has many challenges since israel destroyed most of the medical facilities an old roads in garza, in the last 11 months and even more data from the central area of the gauze and strip palestine. a doctor more cash could feel it is the former emergency director of the world health organization. he says, aid workers will struggle to meet the demand for vaccines. this morning. schedule makes like even more complicated. good. one would be the very moment to pauses a morning till mid afternoon in each area and considering the logistics of travel people. this is going to make it easier for them to come and go uh, safely and then of course, so we already have
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a case and maybe several of plastic morales is. so this is literally a race against trying to get the job done. you need at least 95 percent of the eligible vulnerable population. good. now what that means is that we probably have the themes reluctance only get to at least 90 percent of the $614000.00 the children and they have identified. so either the 2 doses, as everybody knows who knows by now. so i think the people have been told that the distribution kills over to the present documentation given to the children. so i think this is not going to be easy. a mazda warranty is not why we have this amount of debt in folders, rolling questioning, done so. so what's going to happen as well? the thing is we have a dispute that this is really different, which is real good and they use it in the west bank. all the how much my guess going to done over the continuation of the 3 day pauses?
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if for example, we had the situation of the people in, in the westbound getting worse as we some of the backs of indicated. so i think this is not just a drops for a few 100000 treating. but, you know, as this is, this is not just a practical logistic issue, which everybody knows. but also it's a very significant political and sprint digit com. blitz issue, which i just hope it's the brand, hope that the people get on the job, but so inherently risky. and what is going to be happening. at least 4 people have been arrested during demonstrations until the protesters were calling to these really government to do more to release captives still held in gaza. the sister of one captive was taken to hospital being trampled by a police of a c is one of the few reliable sources of food for palestinians in gaza. that fishing can be a life threatening task under is really a tax with most votes,
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either destroyed or unsafe fishermen have had to improvise as a bringing mostly the reports. how senior official remaining guys are using whatever the can to get out to see this all door is now i'll make shift both the facility has force them to use whatever the have to continue fishing and you're on the 2nd level said the in this war we have lost all of our boats and fishing, yet. we are left with nothing. fishermen started to improvise using very primitive methods. i'm even using this noise, the raw, i guess it's simply the floats on the water and try to catch some fish to feed our children. the fish for a minute say this way, the forces were team yet pac. i mean one whole ventures beyond the harbor when i bed. but despite the danger, the do what needs to be done? hope of a fellow thought when we go on a fishing routes,
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as soon as we leave to port these ready navy starts firing on us indiscriminately. it will we ask for us to go out to get some food and come back safe to our children . we want to have a future very little aid is getting into gaza. that means finding food can be the difference between life and death a while here to now to see has westcott on the sale. there's no safety to be found . ensure either the danger is always present, for example, only 2 days ago. this is our neighbors shed. they were sitting here trying to mend their fishing. that's when it's really drone fired a rocket at them. and here's the blood of the pool and fisherman. he was sitting on this chair at the end of the day, i will just catch, but enough to make the trip worthwhile. coming back alive is more important than seeking more fish in deeper waters. many palestinians take their
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chances on the sea, although they can't go far. these really ministry has made it virtually impossible . regardless fishermen to enter their waters in search of food, they just put the li need. they've tried to return without the least some fish. yet most often it's barely enough to feed themselves and their families. the situation is discrete, but that's course people here could be resourceful. and even without poets, the fishermen of guys are still finding ways to survive it, but a human really does your port of gaza, palestine the in the us be latrice is 15 spiders armed with grenades and suicide bills have been
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killed in an operation targeting, i saw in iraq, it happened in the and bar desert during a joint raid with the rocky forces. us central command says 7 of its soldiers were injured in the operation. they were in a stable condition in the hospital who de why had reports from baghdad, a lucky defense ministry as well as the intelligence apparatus. i have confirmed that the operation was conducted by a counter tourism perhaps as the iraqi counsellor tourism throughout us, along with the the us forces that since we have combined forces and also in code nation at with and the assistance of by the international coalition for a fighting get ice so they and manage it to that, kill 15 ice of members, a number of problems according to the sent to come. but the rocky intelligence up or up to says 14 by so the members will with killed in this operation according to
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the, a rocks intelligence apparatus, as a, by virtue of but it accurate information, the manage it to that spot. and i need to apply for a height out of i. so he was the by i still members in the desert of above province in western a lot. and then they manage it to aid them on the 29th of august with this recent to operation. so it seems that i sort of still poses a threat. it's remains a threat not only in bought a province because we have been witnessing a lucky counter terrorism, perhaps engaging with you so fighters and also reading isolate outs in other locations, especially in the province and also in the disputed areas between the at central government in baghdad and also the areas disputed by that it is similar to one of us could this region between the 2 regions. and also that this also means that the
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rocky forces are on the flat, not only the iraqi forces, the american allies and the international coalition. for fighting ice and as the central command says, and it's a page that this operation it aims at to disrupting and degrading ices. the ability to the attack to conduct attacks against the iraqi forces under allies, including the american and international coalition for fighting get ice. some. this powerful explosion has hit a residential area in the southern the m and the city of aiden. the bloss at a gas station sent shock waves through the densely populated neighborhood witnesses described seeing flames engulfing the area just moments before the explosion. the cost remains unclear, but there are reports of multiple casualties. still ahead on house 0. a virus endemic in the amazon is spreading across south america with hundreds of cases reported in cuba along
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the pod came in to be used as israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in cost, no doubt it should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important factor. he had the story on talked to al jazeera, the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator here on now, news the you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines for the 4th day is really forces of carried out major results in the occupied with at least 24 pallets. themes have been killed since wednesday. people in janine have been cut off from full water and
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electricity. it is really soldier was also killed in janine on south today. it is really strange on this tennessee of the last of the baptist hospital compound and gaza city is killed at least 3 dozens more have been injured. at least 61 ellis student's have been killed across the strip since really sense infants and gaza has started getting their 1st polio vaccines and of a plan rollouts of children. on sunday, the immunization campaign will be led by the united nations over 3 states. the rape and murder of a junior doctor at a hospital in co kata has thrown a spotlight on the problem of sexual violence against women in india. oh, experts say the country's laws or not detouring the perpetrators of such crimes. victoria getting the reports to hardy, so okay, is a junior talk to the same hospital in cold casa where another medic with right to murder 3 weeks ago. she says she and many of her female colleagues have enjoyed use
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of sexual harassment by man. i work at surgery, so i used to work at trauma that has the space in parties the have me causes are also see me and also as nurses, do they need to do my so they have me as positive their married officer gomez. c the attack on august, the 9th treated widespread strikes by g, the adult does across india, demanding justice and best of safety provisions that what the cases are so amplified and elevated the problem is sexual violence against women in india. rebecca, mom and joan has represented many rate victims. she says some rape is still believe they can get away with the crimes. these are systemic issues of policing is very poor. you don't know how to guard seems of crime. you don't know how to collect evidence. uh you find it very difficult to trace who the offender is. sometimes you may have reasons for that, but policing by and large in our country is,
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is extremely poor. print a decrease in how def, um and is a survivor of sexual abuse. she now supports other women to raise awareness about abuse online, which she says has increased significantly in recent years. it's very difficult for the survivors to speak god, because in most cases they are the victimized by the system by the authority in many cases also by their own family is because there's so much ignorance around the issue. but there's also a lot of enabling or on the issue, which we don't talk about. we don't talk about the fact that sometimes when someone is being assaulted or someone has been, had us on the internet, it is a so it's the gang rape. imagine a young woman on a bus and you daily move in 10 years ago, let to changes to the criminal justice system, including top of sentences and the death penalty for repeat offenders. the campaign is saying this one has changed despite the type of news and they'll continue to make their voices heard until the government, adequately tackles the problem is sexual violence against women. victoria case and
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b, l g 0 in germany. polls suggest for the 1st time, a for right party is on track to winning the most votes in a stage election. the alternative for germany party or a f. d a poses immigration and is critical of the european union. on sunday, millions of voters will like new assemblies in the states of saxony and the richer donut cane reports from saxony. the slogan is, it is time time for the eye of day an anti immigrant fall right policy that no other policy will work with. who is lita in the ring, yet has recently been convicted of knowingly using nazi slogans and his campaigns to begin. heck, at what seems to matter most is not what the quotes say, but what the people say, let's make the ring the family friendly state the most child friendly one. we don't accept that we so ring. humans and germans are simply dying out. we don't want to
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feel job gaps with migrants. we want to produce the skilled workers of the future, ourselves. never mind that some of these policies policies seem contradictory, judging voters to fight for freedom here, but ukrainians not to fight for freedom that because ending that war is popular in the old east germany. it's a key planck because of i can connect also to the people to new far left potty is attacking the if day while proposing some policies. similar to this, the social democrats, free democrats and greens of fighting just to get any seats in the selections. while the christian democrats are struggling to retain 1st place in saxony against the if day. we won't let anyone tell us how we should live, how we should talk, what kind of car we should drive or what we should eat, neither from the left door from the right. we are sextants, we go our own way. we do our own thing. we have to leave for a permanent christie and democrat to use such language demonstrates how powerful the extreme parties have become. and this comes, i think,
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from this immense transformation experience of many east germans of the reunification of being kind of the losers in a new system. of feeling marginalized and insignificant, and this collective feeling amongst growing parts of the population remains following the recent standings and sewing on which is syrian failed to assign them . c, g, a has confessed to carrying out, but as the fall left and the far right st. immigration is not working, the federal government has no tough on the immigration rules and started the pulsing ask and offenders back to the home country. the people being elected on sunday will take the seats here and for the 1st time the f. d has a realistic chance of being the largest policy and supplanting the routing. kristi and democrats, a result that would reverberate around this country, don't want it. kane al jazeera in the sex and parliament. the world health
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organization is optimistic, the influx of brake and african countries can be contained within 6 months. the 1st shipments, the vaccines are due to arrive in the democratic republic of congo within days. but 15000 infections had been confirmed globally, most of them in d. r. c. health officials say they are struggling with low rates of testing. regret late fee is you'd assess, representative in democratic republic of the congo. and he explains why children in new york are particularly vulnerable to the more deadly variance of inbox. with children uh, living in the equity. so as far as both um with sometimes um, uh, access to a range of all the um, uh, illnesses such as uh, measles. but also many something from the cute, both nutrition. them. making that immune systems way more vulnerable to uh,
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this new barrier box. and we'll see the 80 percent of the fatalities related to the children of the 5. the majority of these, sorry, $150.00, the majority of which the children under fire will certainly in areas affected by conflict and unrest. we tend to see the uh, to the delivery on basic so social services we can understand the children with, with all the including impulse but also all the aliases. the 1st question is the, the, the effect of this i'm trying to the diagnosis. so the supervision systems in early diagnosis is the practice. but then simply not, not necessarily having access to the effective health care as you would expect. uh, it is far easier to deliver in more stable regions. 12 authorities in cuba or
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baffling the, or a push a virus which is spreading rapidly in central and south america. the government workers are a few be getting the homes of patients in havana. more than 500 cases have been reported since may know the viruses endemic and the amazon region. it's transmitted through bytes from midges, and mosquitoes and symptoms include headaches, fever, and joint pains. but the disease is rarely faithful. doing this for me as well, on my side, on the us a month before all the blogs with the family k to weekly, so that they would make announcements through lots because all local would know ahead of time they would get ready and come and we would fumigate concrete blocks, but now due to the lack of fuel, we are only fumigate in pacific places. only if someone comes down with fever symptoms. for example, if you're starting a flooding, and ne sedan has killed at least 30 people, it's due to the collapse of the are about dumb and red c states on sunday. you an
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official say the number of that could be much higher, or that's it for me. so then yea, the news continues after 120000, the hello welcome to another look at the international forecast. we have a so we're warding info's the pots, the southeast and australia. bands of cloud and rain showers rattling their way through is looking pretty nasty tight. they packed the ice of bossa at me some very, very windy weather winds. gusting and it says a 125 kilometers per hour. positive tasmania, maybe also into the coastal areas of victoria. this cold front goes through things really freshening up with a team degrees celsius on sunday, full melvin shala's. they'll raffle away across victoria along a spouse of frame a into a task mania. and as we go on into monday,
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there's not pressure rack coming into melvin 15 degrees, still quite breezy. things will improve as you go into middle part of the wake, some places i by tuesday it should be a good deal dry. and the williams easing off, still very warming to a good part of the central northern parts of australia, but too bad on the temperatures that for these. and if it's what windy weather just putting across the islands as we go through the next couple of days, we have what, when the weather coast with what is now tropical depression shot and shaft making its way into southern parts of japan. it will wake and as we go through the next couple of days, but still plenty of weather. the central hunch you the,
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