tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera September 3, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST
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the. ringback the palestinian boys killed on the 7th day of israel's large scale, military raids in the occupied westbank, the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the y z. this is alger 0 life from dell also coming up on the program. benjamin netanyahu was saying that his governments were on cause it will continue ignoring pressure from protesting is race report from saddam this now when moving a 100000 people have been displaced by floods and the getting little health also coming up, the thousands of hotel work is it
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going on strike in the united states, demanding basses salaries and black in condition the welcome to the program. we begin in the occupied westbank was riley force as a continuing the raids and arrests for a 7th day. one boy was killed in the tow. come, come is really military is confirmed that it used to drone to target palestinians who they say were firing of soldiers. palestinian fighters have been exchanging gunfire with the army. meanwhile, these writing prime minister benjamin netanyahu continues to defy domestic and international pressure to assign a ceasefire. deal with him us in gaza have been mass protests in israel itself. triggered by the recovery of 6 captives, found dead in gauze on saturday. mess and yahoo made remarks asking for forgiveness, but insist all will continue to jo. castro has this report now.
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thousands of israelis took to the street for a 2nd day pushing past police lines and converging near the home of prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem. many blaming his delay and signing a ceasefire deal for the discovery of 6 more dead captives in garza. the government, the reserve is correct. the world peace for the 1st time since mass protests and the labor strife broke out following saturdays news of the dead captives, then yahoo addressed the country. i'm ok, let me support all the families and it will say it again tonight. i apologize and ask for your forgiveness because we couldn't bring them back a life. we would close, close, but we failed to hold on. let me say this again. tonight is where i would not remain silent from best buy 2nd. how much would pay the price a very high price? protesters say $9.00. yeah. who is prioritizing military gain over the return of
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kept is pointing to his continued insistence. that israel maintain control of the philadelphia core door as part of a cease fire deal. that's a non starter for him off. and a recent us lead negotiations had been stalled for weeks. us president joe biden said he was close to presenting a final proposal, but that these rarely prime minister hasn't been doing enough to move the deal forward. for for 5 minutes or no, according to the is really health ministry. the 6 captives found over the weekend were shot at close range, one or 2 days before their bodies were discovered. mazda, military spokesman says nothing. yeah. who's delay in signing a ceasefire and prisoner exchange? deal made him responsible for the death in that there's rarely prime ministers. insistence on freeing the capt is using military pressure would mean more.
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returning home in coffins as 23 year old is rarely american hersch. goldberg, poland was buried in jerusalem. the aunt of another young has really taken captive in gaza, said she feared for him, the same fate. good crying the morning will make it so frightening. the sitting that in one minute. things can change and people can die and we know we hope really life where we can save you israel believes a 101 captive remain in gaza, including 35 for thought to be dead. heidi joe castro, out a 0. the united nations is saying nearly 859000 children have been vaccinated against polio in central garza since sunday. you and agencies are hoping to inoculate all these children across garza, under the age of 10. the vaccination campaign was the only start of the 1st case of
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polio, was confirmed in july 25 years after it was 1st eradicated from casa target. i assume joins us now from darrow by law in central garza. how's it going on? on the 3rd day of this next nation campaign of the world, marianne too now medical teams and field crews are still touring that we in the streets of dairy by the hand of activation census defects tonight. golf has children who are trapped in darren as we have heard from kansas hill ministry that a 160000 palestinian children managed to get the vaccination during the 1st days of the campaign. and now they are soon going. palestinians, a palestinian, if lovely to these senses to keep primer citizens also to all medical points that have been recently sits in the nitrous trees of deputy by law and order to reach for every single child in that sits the. now we also hear from the w h o that they
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will move to the 2nd site shortly at the end of the sweet a, to con eunice in order to start. the 2nd phase that i'm going to move to the news of the district in order to vaccinate the remaining children in the very marginalized cost of the charts are now to city. and parents are very optimistic about this is step being taken by the by the military and medical organizations effects tonight, the children because they were terry find from the idea that their children might not seem to be important from the insect choose diseases that had recently started to flow between the surface here and there in front of the say that we are, we're not trying to predicts our children from the bombardment they was only from these diseases. and it's absolutely a very good a step on the right track in order to immunize, palestinians as a, the main reason for all the oceans of diseases broke out to in districts is due to the ongoing offense that, that had no response on the ground floor fund. area and as you say,
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there is no respite because the bombing attacks have continued in gaza. how is that affecting people's access to these vaccinations and has that of the bottom? it says that in every way we are talking about those as opposed to means being killed in every single day and these uh, just to rates awesome. so ring day by day a with no any sorts of a respite on the ground. now we, we know that this into an area is the main focus of defects and ancient component because 1st phase, but there are 2 areas that are still excluded from receiving the specs and nations that all of the range of my guys are working to come there but by the way, finally from us a few kilometers where it's residents often wish to leave under the compartments in order to r, rawlings to different by law to receive the vaccination. so basically, the ongoing subject offensive is humphrey in the process of vaccinations and families that sometimes are forced to not leave the houses because they might not
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safely access these medical centers. in the devin bye, this is a very controversial parts of the humanitarian post that you are executing some subs in areas from receiving the specs, the nation under the claims that they are an active ministry. so now we also know that palestinians, he are saying that as soon as the vaccination campaign will end endeavors by immediately the bombardments will resume again with more high momentum. and we need to remind all of us that yesterday we were reporting about the ongoing covering abuse stroke. the surveillance of drugs on just offset the end of humanitarian. this time they is ratified to just start get to a residential house. so close to august, almost because i'm very close to the gates of this hospital in the very busy street . that is all that crowded with displaced families and passes by so basically from bomb it continues with no site, keep up police any sense of
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a const. busy pro palestinian is what truck things arizola even produce. children for trying to get the vaccination now. yes. and it's not just polio that is causing much concern and gaza. tell us more about the urgency of this public health catastrophe facing people there, especially children, mary, and we need to return everything back to the cloud one. when do you spend a minute to announce that they are about to retain garza to the stone age and this is basically happens because they have destroyed also on signs of light. and the noise from the central area on the far south of the stripe are talking about the vast majority of causes, healthcare, key senses have come out of service. the main main largest medical complex, which is as you thought, hospitality indeed onto this trip. had been completely destroyed and recently they are working on renewing some and rehabilitate things. some of its buildings at least to be as an imagined states building to receive the palestinian victims are
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resulted from the attacks. and we have been hearing is many media report saying that the all me may thoughts a new minutes rate, a fence up in the news of this trip specially up to the use of the claims that thomas has been building up its ministry capability. so ident are attracting palestinians and then also the district and the central area on the south. there are very a marginalized hospitals with a very minimum big capacity with a very old project to reduce with patients with interest people with people with the chronic diseases which were really upset and even more burdens only that are really for jobs, medical sector. and we have been as part of city of health ministries that that'd be holding the international community to a whole them protection to a know fed sufficient to flow of humanitarian and medical supplies to these hospitals. but that did not happen. drugs are running out from pharmacies, the 1st the strip, hospitals being destroyed. now field hospitals that have been recently established in the out just because of garza cit to you,
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are not sufficient to much. the admin needs of gauze, as medical as supplements, and even medical needs for everyone in the strip and area. thank you so much. all right, god bless him, reporting comes from daryl by that and go as us. what do we need more now? what's been happening in the occupied westbank, where they've been continuing raids and arrests and bots of the occupied westbank. this resulted in the deaths of palestinians was that one boy was killed in the tow chrome camp and didn't need to ever, and has been following developments there and joins us now. and actually in this talk are in the area, these riley army withdrew some 2 days into this latest push in the occupied westbank. what have you been seeing then now as well, we are here in the, nor some sort of fuse. you can one of the places that has been rated by these really forces and they've with, through of the 48 hours. and the picture speaks for itself when it comes to the destruction and the damage. this is just one small example of the destruction that
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has been taking place here inside has been there. we've shown you how bad this is, but now these really poses, after they've withdrawn from that area. they came back again, not here in the north, some stuff you jacob, but to the toys, cut in refuge account that is nearby. and the destruction and damaging is continuing. palestinians thought that these rated forces when they've left it, that they are not going to come back again. so they started going back to their lives. some were going back to their schools this morning. a 14 year old boy was going to the mosque for prayers with his father when he has been shot to the neck. and his father was soft in the abdomen. and the 14 year old boy has to come to his voice telling you about the intensity of these is ready. read. there is also an announcement by these read the army inside the cab for a curfew of southern people,
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not to leave their homes. so it remains a very tense situation, and this is another reminder that notions and to get them refugee camps have seen the largest home, the munitions since the war started in the occupied to us bank. or palestinian said that the main goal is for is rule to make those specifically in refugee camps. know that they're going to be paying the price for supporting these on palestinian men. remember, we're not talking about highly militarized and equipped palestinian infections. we're talking about young men who decided to pick up arms and fight these really forces militarily, despite the lack of training and the lack of system and, and management of these bruce. but it remains really a target. the focus for these really forces to try and correct down on any resistance against these where the occupation. so how serious is that crack down?
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been particularly in jeanine, why 70 percent of the streets have been destroyed and people can access food or water. what's happened there in the last 24 hours? well posted is continue to report more destruction, more a really damaging of 3. so infrastructure of homes by these really forces the mayor has been speaking about damages that will cost at least $13000000.00 to repair. we're talking about that you need refuge account that has been one of the main targets of these really forces throughout the war and before it's a place where there are high levels of unemployment, high levels of poverty. hosting is there were telling us that they don't feel that they have a future. they don't feel that you know, the negotiations of the piece talks. it's has been going on for decades or leaving them to anywhere. they say that is really only in the sense the language a force, and that's why that's going to be giving it to them. but we are talking about high
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level of intensity used by these really forces, particularly in the janine 80. and we've heard insights and about jenny and before and we've heard even government officials calling jeanine as a mini garza, which is why we're seeing a lot of air strikes. the tag is it bulldozer is damaging and destroying and effecting posted ins lives. the end of the all right, thank you so much need to everyone avoiding to us. i mean, off your mind westbank. thank you, that you have, i'll just say are lie, some dog also bring you of and use this now as been chaos in the democratic republic of congo officer and attempted prison break with at least a 129 inmates killed the well, the fonts got caught on sunday was actually on monday with the big some of the stones
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of brewing. as the atlantic moisture comes of it gets the heat has been sitting of a central year. this is a hail storm in the middle of its language to a road into a river. that is clearly a series of cold fronts coming in from the atlantic. but the wolf hangs on the balkans in eastern europe. we don't often talk about the nice we've got new september will nights. this is new records for hungry and probation. the capitals of bikes. now there is a change taking place slowly in the small, right, and coming in through france and spain, and eventually is going through into austria and germany. and that will drop temperatures behind it to some degree, but it's coming up against what appears to be rather stuff in areas of heat, which should go. but i'm also going to, i think this is how i look on wednesday. thirty's, proc eastwood's and twenty's in front. they're pretty good to be a bit warm about in the south. i suspect that this is a cooling trend, all the se,
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budapest, and shows maybe a slow drop off stand about 30, but it should be $24.00 this time of the year. still in north africa, the amount of rain is quite tremendous, is going from major slow us was the was a journey through every story. every step is to the celebration of what we can choose when to reach the well to simmons and exclude. does the redesigns luxury living trust, you know, future today we create the
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the come back into the i'll just say or i'll top story. now, is there any forces or continuing that raise and arrest in the occupied westbank for the 7th day? the t people have been killed since last wednesday. among the dad was a boy who was killed in the tow chrome camp on monday. that is there any 5 minutes? so benjamin netanyahu was pushing back against the rising domestic and international pressure to sign the seas 5 deal with him. us the mass protest in israel, triggered by the recovery of 6 captives, found dead in gauze or on site today. now the you k government as an outset suspending the t of it's 350 licenses to export alms to israel from 2022 to june.
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last year the you k sent me an e $75000000.00 worth of weapons to israel. roughly $25000000.00 was for ad prompt, including helicopters and drugs. the license is being suspended include components for online drones and f. 16 fights a jet. sales of naval systems and targeting equipments have also been halted. but u. k. funds that could re, david, allow me says this is north of blanket bond and will only affect weapons that could be used in a serious breach of international humanitarian law. as well. john, as a car is here in a studio with me. he's an associate professor of golf politics at cats hall university. so will this partial suspension of alms exports by the u. k. government have any effects on the war and gaza? know the practical aspect of the world mean $75000000.00 in 3 years. it's not that much at the end of the base, not a one of the maintenance or biases that us on germany. but if it is
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a single call uh and action that was taken by the government, one western go over one of the most a close allies of his route. and claiming that they are really concerned about how they're that this i'm sort of being used to by a late the international law is always the 1st time that this betty keeps sticking with an actual vacant. i mean, we remember that by then fed into or, or the late one week or something like that. some of the bill i'm somebody was just one week on just was a warning done. yeah. in this case it says suspension. let's see how it only we think about it is that the 1st step from it was so comforting that can lead the way for others to close to. there was something to see me and some of the latest remarks from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he's continued to call for the destruction of a mass. does this give him comma to essentially continue with the war and perhaps eventually the complete re occupation of gauze or even in the face of this general
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strike and sort of mounting private testing site as well. yeah, i mean, uh, anybody who never a bundling this uh main objective was that the west of destroying how must politic on immediately a and his expanding this set of fights against how much in the west bank by trying to, to bring the wheel of the policy and people in the west bank in order to avoid their supports of what is going on in gusta eh, any of what is happening in terms of the price to extend the pressure is affecting the continuation of these objective items that we see that keep he keeps repeating that she will never, i want them together to cover that. go to the, the will be old with new that process in gus that from his friends. he, i mean he very clearly saying that he doesn't want to, to, to, to follow up with the notion. washington says it's continuing expression for a ceasefire deal. but what are the obstacles here? cuz we, we hear continuously netanyahu. and his insistence of is writing ministry occupation of the philadelphia, colorado, which runs along the cause of egypt board. that is the more crucial issue related
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to the east west. net serene car, dual that allows these riley all me to divide and control cause a house series. an obstacle is that now, what if we can see that they meet the presence is for with something that will prevent that, that the gus how to re record it onto the reconstructive. and these preventing the mobilization of people to return to their homes because it is going to be a screening of everybody who is moving from the south to the north. so of course, he's a beginning payments and how much has still deliveries and negotiations, but he cannot because he can't do anything about that that the space from, from, from, from yesterday. and we had barely products and complaining from a bite and said that she knew that every something enough to the soul claiming that we understand that this is because of this red light. he doesn't want to add to cross or doesn't want to, to negotiate the we have us in this case for the 1st time we hear by this and not,
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or the baby is on the homicide. but we see is i could send that. and if i knew who has, there's lots of things, it goes, well, thank you so much, professor luciano, is that correct? for joining us? we go to the philippines. now. tropical storm yoga is it the country triggering floods and the land slides at least 13 people, including a 9 month old baby of died. the eastern city of now go was also among the places hardest hit. the capital middle schools and government offices closed on monday as a precaution. and then i've also been these heavy rains and floods continuing to buy to several pots as to don. a 16 months of fighting limits, the government's ability to respond. at least 177 people have lost their lives since the start of the rainy season in june and more than a 100000 have been displaced many and effected areas of lost all of that prophecies . as had been working reports from those land sedans, northern states. this is what remains of posley village in middle we in sedans,
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law than state homes, reduced to rubble and debris, due to heavy rains and floods. 65 year olds ask him how much shows us what remains of the home she's lived in all her life. she says the rains and floods this year is unlike any she's seen in her life time. how does this got me down before the light? how you feel? we lost everything in the house. the rooms have gone the bathrooms, everything. we left the house with need to close on the box. it's the 1st time in my life that i've seen. torrential floods like this. everything has been carried away. the only way to move around the parts of the village is on tractors due to the high water levels. the locality is one of several in northern states. affected by this is rains and floods that has so far killed more than 170 people. an injured 100, others, as the damages here are just a fraction of the devastation caused by the reins and floods. more than 50000 homes
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and several villages have either been damaged or destroyed since june when the reins began. many families who are already struggling are now displaced, once again, as the humanitarian situation gets worse. so dan is already going through a crisis as a result of fighting between the army and the parent military rapids support forces that's led to the displacement of more than 11000000 people. the readings and floods have left to many in need of assistance. and i the, i don't, we don't have medicine, there's a right crescent, tend to, but very few get medications. there's an eye infection going around. so we need medicine. we also need that thing and then we know 10 people here are really suffering and some are concerned about the future. we need engineers to let us know if we rebuild and move floods come in the future. will we be able to stay in only without damage or loss of life? because if the area is no longer habitable, we need to find other solutions. the government needs to help us find solutions.
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for now, many see all they need is assistance to help them cope with their losses and keep them alive until they can rebuild their lives. he but morgan, alta 0 was li, northern state of the company's interior minister has confirmed that at least a 129 people have been killed. jeremy and attempted prison break. people living close to the mcculla president, a capital controls reported hearing done fire in the early as of monday morning. bob brian go for has more on this. the inmate space to this images from inside my kind of prison. the largest channel in the democratic republic of congo, pasha kids, but he's a heap to look around and pull it williams can be seen on some of them. people live in place to the prison. so they had gone fire before dawn on monday. about police back up for slow to arrive. what is the need to prison go too far when the
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police arrived like before 5 o'clock, there was no police. we could see people running away, prisoners escaping. we didn't understand anything until we noticed i blocked the road. there was no access at the height of the attempt to present break. the administrative building was on fire. and officials say some female prisoners were raped. confidence, media reported more than 150 prisoners have been killed. government says the situation is now under control of trade initially suggesting the need to death. it promised to punish what that cold acts of sabotage lose of all the responsibilities in particular we show we have set up the smoke commission which is in the process of following up, especially the follow up of the investigations. because it must be remembered that there was damage the loss of human life, the injuries, and especially material damage at the central prison. my collect present has been plagued with overcrowding for yes,
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to typing up to 15000 inmates. 10 times the capacity it was built to hold more than $4000.00 prisoners escaped the facility of 2 months to him. the building in 2017. this time, it seems that bid for freedom to send in tragedies, barbara and go past. oh, just sarah. ukraine says roger is known she more than $300.00 strikes in several areas in the past 24 hours. at least 3 people, including a child, were killed in operation, and demi pro and electric substation has been repeatedly talk is in the region, causing a fire even most of intensifies that cross border attacks since ukrainian forces launched offensive in russia's course region in august. meanwhile, rushes the russians, the president, letting the prisoners arrived in montgomery up despite the risk of arrest under an icy c warrant for suspect of your crimes. this is his 1st visit to a member country of the international criminal court since the restaurant was
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issued last year. you quite in this quote on longer earlier to arrest 210. but the claimant has said its not worried about a visit. i cc numbers a balance of the team suspects, but the court does not have any enforcement mechanism for this. as well in america, thousands of hotels, stuff have taken to the streets as the rest of the country celebration of labor day cooling on major hotel chains to do more to improve salaries and working conditions, logical, high reports from the east coast to the west. as far away as hawaii workers are on strike this labor day about 10000 hotel workers are using the day and it's significant to send the message, restaurant, workers cleaning and front desk staff for the biggest hotel chains. walk, you know, the job and 8 cities across the country targeting for months with a hotel. they haven't even given us an economic proposal yet. and the workers
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really felt like they were being disrespect this district. he's only expected to listings. the union says it has a long list of demands from area highest hilton in fairmount. so that's right, right now is about better living way, just for hotel workers, a better health insurance uh, better pension. also to fix that, i do not disturb this has been housekeeping where hotels are, are charging you guys, charging the guest to not pay, not get their rooms clean. and then also severance pay and hiring the hotel companies have insisted in statements that they are negotiating in good faith. the majority of american support unions. but according to 2 research union, membership has fallen by road half and the last 4 decades. meaning only about wanting 10 adults report.
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