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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 5, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the, the, or the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters and del, find a navigator. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. the 1st i'm fox vaccines arrive in the democratic republic of congo, the center, or if an outbreak that's killed through hundreds. israel is accused of refusing to coordinate the entry of polio vaccination teams and southern gospel intense gun bottles on the explosions in jeanine as israel's assaults. on the occupied west bank entrance, it's nice day. and michelle barney is chosen, as francis knew, prime minister after more than 50 days of a caretaker, government,
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and piece of same it's still useful to use a moment to remember this paralympic debbie. it's on the secure egypt 1st gold medals at the power of scale, the how that would be 1st impulse vaccine supplied by the european union and have arrived in the democratic republic of congo on the 2nd batch of 800000 doses is scheduled to reach control so on saturday, around 15000 people around the world are confirmed to have been infected. bernard smith reports both of 19000 people in the democratic republic of congo, have and pulse. a virus transmitted to humans by animals and to other humans through close contact. more than half the reported cases are in children. according
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to the health ministry, they account for most of the $650.00 that's attributed to the virus. so the 1st batch of a consignment of more than half a 1000000 doses of vaccine from your is welcome by bill far it is inc. shasta on thursday, but for now its own intended for use on adults. trials that taking place for potential use on children over 12 biase puns to start its vaccination campaign at the beginning of october. and this listed, it is seeking the wish would be that we could have the vaccines because i see patients asking for the vaccines themselves. at the moment it's a wary and it will be desirable for it to be given as a matter of urgency. as i said, that will be huge, logistical challenges for the d. all see, the vaccine must be transported in, freezes across the country, 4 times the size of friends with paul rhodes and infrastructure. the several and pulse epidemics in central and west africa. according to the world health
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organization, this latest outbreak seems to be from a strain that spreads more rapidly. bernard smith, how does it? well, impulse was 1st discovered in lab monkeys in 1958 and is endemic, and parts of central and west africa. but cases have been increasing in recent years. in 2022, the world health organization declared a global epidemic. initial symptoms are similar to the flu, including ex fever and swollen glands. and they're often followed by a painful ras that forms blisters. and pulse spreads through physical contact with infected people, as well as contaminated surfaces and objects. and it can also spread through contact with infected animals. we cannot speak to lynn. this room is the field coordinator for north key fluid doctors without borders. joining us from drove a welcome child to 0, just 1st tell us about the situation where you are and also now that the 1st batch
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of these vaccines have a ride, however, arrive, how challenging is it going to be in terms of the logistics of getting the vaccines to areas around the country. let's thank you. yes. so here i am basing go ma, in the it's been combo. and right now she where i am the situation then both situation is not the they don't have that many cases. yes. they have a few confirmed cases and the sofa, no, no mortality registered. and that said, this is the dense population to open population, no close to 2000000. and in addition to that, behind close to 1000000 displays, people come in to go my from the surrounding provinces and due to the ongoing conflicts. and this, despite the population live in dire living conditions, very closely together with the very no, no, no access to clean water. and of course, if there's a virus bird to spread in this population,
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it will be potentially careful at the store for it. so the news of the vaccines, the arriving today, that that's good news, special. it's a tool that we need uh, in this response that said, uh its um, uh, so far, uh, the, it's quite insufficient the number that sort of more of a. com. and then let's just say it will be logistically, challenging to, to get this flex things out, but the, we up to speed up orders and all the actors. we also used to those challenges in this country. so i think the is not necessarily the logistics that are the most challenging, it's more of the, the number, the accessibility of the exceeding themselves. according to some reports, the impulse is spreading more than twice as fast in children as in the general population. i wonder if you can tell us why that is on how concerning that is for you. i think it's important to understand of this new versions of the inputs
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virus is new, so there's quite a lot, we don't know. i'm not the doctors of borders, not the show, the minister of health and the population themselves. it seems to be spreading more easily between humans and it seems to be more affecting children on the 15 or they are more at the risk. and when they come to the context of ours to, to, to die from the virus. but the data is the sofa of by the institutions due to low surveillance and also quite to lack of lab capacity to actually concern the cases. so as of now we don't really know how this, how the situation is, but for sure it is a of a, a high concern. and these, the ability isn't within children. and specifically also pregnant women and children. and you know, people living with the lower in the email, depressive, uh,
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the, the delivery like people leaving here at w for instance. right. so for those people they shouldn't be specifically um varied. i wonder if you can just uh, sort of broaden this out for us a little bit. i know you're focused on the d. r c and go my but globally, how much of concern do you think this is? and i think that this is the specific details concerning and in the r c a. and then this region where most of the health systems a week or i don't think the rest of the world should be. and i said, have a great worry because it is, uh it is. and it is possible to contain the virus and stuff transmissions ends. and it's a site that's where we have access to the health and strong health systems. so i think we should focus on the population living in this part of the world, and also not to forget that they already have a full range of and,
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and challenges to begin with even before the end books. this is a very well known proof of glazing, as i said, up to a 1000000 people displays. and they all worried about also other diseases like color eyes. and that makes the rain as these things coming. measles just to survive till next to the next week because of the lack of food and clean water. and other health issues is already a big concern for this population. so the situation is really complex for the people themselves. first of all, but also for us to try to help them. okay. understood. thank you so much for speaking to us from going the well the world health organization says polio vaccinations have begun in con, you and us and southern gaza. but the palestinian health industry says is really forces are refusing to coordinate the entry of vaccination teams into the area. and
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the ministry is appealing to concerned parties to intervene. more than a 189000 children had been inoculated against the disease. so far in here that he has more from central garza, we're currently in is the why the in one of the make shift cabs here during the polls you box, the nation that ended in the central areas of the gaza strip here in the international medical corpse hospital is one of the field points that we're receiving children for the part of your vaccination campaign, at least. according to the health ministry, there were at least $187000.00 palestinians, so got boxed in a hub. however, now, today was the 1st day of the party vaccination campaign. income unit, according to unit says they are willing to box anything at least 400 pounds and add children where there are at least 3000 employees working on this box and
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basically some pain. however, according to the ministry there is saying that people who are in the eastern parts of the dead and biolife are on able to get the vaccinations because it's a very dangerous area. and that you and then the employees and the minister of housing needs are not getting access to give the people there the vaccination and also they're not having the safe access to reach those points and the minister of housing a p and they have that international community to give access to these policy means to reach that po, box nation campaign. however, so far, according to units of they say that the poly bucks a nation campaign so far is successful. but here, this is the reality of the policy. i mean children that they're still infected by
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the collapse of the humanitarian situation and how situation, because district, sewage is everywhere. garbage is part everywhere. college student parents or yes, setting us to call you back to the nation campaign is very important. but what's more important is a ceasefire and is protecting their children from the airstrikes and the it's really nice to force the odyssey to as to why the palestine is really attack near a hospital in the north of gaza has killed at least 3 people. the attack happens in big la here near the come out allowed one hospital children who were playing on the streets or among the injured 21 people have been killed and is where the attacks across the gaza strip since dawn on thursday and international doctors returning from gaza say they're shocked by the number of children they were operating on. that includes doctor victoria rose. she was the only plastic surgeon, the largest facility in southern gaza at northside hospital. she says 80 percent of
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victims were children. it was show me the most this time was the number of children that i so and, and in fact operated on what i've been and the are paid goes and especially in march and it was a, it was a lot of children then. but now in august, i would say that 80 percent in fact we want to increase it was under the age of 16, all of the injuries were explosives related and then said there was no real of the injury apart from explosion or of the sort of sorts of things that i was and she is mainly treating where so this 3rd degree, burns 3040 percent. i saw a lot of lynch for my children losing legs and losing owns we had a couple of um entities and the facial injuries. i had
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a 7 year old that most of his nose blowing off and they called him just let him go . that looks quite a lot of the skin down to the done on had on his forehead. and so what 10 to top is in the explosions. the children would either get but for shot . no. oh cool. that's the building that trembles would that be weaponized and held at them and then inflect to sort of soft tissue a with or without an underlying thought. any injury, a lot of the children are so young. i don't think they understand the significance of some of the injuries that they've sustained. a large explosion and gone fire has rock be occupied. westbank city of janine as the is really army carries out. it's large scale military assault for a 9th day at least 39000 units have been
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killed and they occupied westbank since the rates began. most of them in janine is real says it's targeting palestinians who they accused of attacking is really civilians the palestinian se janine has been turned into a prison. and that is really sage has less money without food, water, or electricity. the crowds are gathering in israel for a 5th consecutive day of antique government, protests demonstrators, blaine prime minister benjamin netanyahu for failing to bring home that is really captain's. held in gauze on israel has seen a general strike and hundreds of thousands taken through the streets. after 6 more captives were founded in garza and the assumptions of joining us from the jordanian capital online because that is really government has banned all to 0 for reporting inside israel. from that, to what extent was the killing of the 6 captives in gaza? a turning point for the is really is that we see coming out for a 5th consecutive night. well, it's certainly been
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a shift among the protest movement. us now and it's 5th consecutive night of the spontaneous demonstrations. the public is blaming that's in you all directly for the depths of these captive after is really military intelligence said that they were alive just a few days before their bodies were recovered. and according to weeks, within is really media and how mazda officials, we spoke on the record, some of those captives were actually supposed to be released in the 1st round of a ceasefire deal that never happened. they say that netanyahu was the main obstacle that remains as to why there hasn't been a ceasefire deal just yet to bring about the release of the remaining captive. tonight at the rally, there were coffins that were carried by the is really public 27 of them to represent the 27 captives who are deceased. but their bodies are still being held in gaza. and the crowds after family members of captives were speaking or calling netanyahu a quote, murderer blaming him directly for their depths. so with all this domestic
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criticism that he's come under, as well as international criticism as well that he could be obstructing a potential cease fire deal any sign that it's putting any pressure on him at all as well. look, there is pressure on us and yahoo that has been mounting over the last 11 months or so, but in the face of any sort of international criticism in the face of domestic pressure by his own population, that's and you all remains on phase. then in fact is still as early as today is pointing the finger at him a saying, but they are the reason why there hasn't been a deal in an interview with american media saying that he's not to blame though his red lines are quote, only getting read or that a mass is the reason that there are still obstacles in the way, even though it was really officials upset. but nathaniel, who has come out time and time and again with new conditions that were added on
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into with deal in several press conferences to both is really media for and for us this week it's and you also maintain that and to all of the goals of the war are cheap, he's going to prosecute the war. however, key c split we are getting word though from is really media. but nothing yahoo is going to hold the smaller security cabinet and assessment tonight. not really including members of his own cabinet. it's going to include the national director for strategic affairs, israel defense minister, and a few other top security officials. and the focus of that according to is really media's button. it's in your who wants to quote, avenge the depths of these captive, but it's not really known exactly how that's going to be possible without a ceasefire deal according to these really officials. okay, honda, you'll keep us across that story for the time being. thank you for that reporting from i'm on. we can now speak to him. how about and most of the who is a professor for media studies at the door hi is this was for graduate studies joining us here in the studio. and so how, thanks for your time, is it fair to say that for nathan yahoo to accept any ceasefire deals?
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and that would essentially mean the collapse of his government and the end of his but his political career? i think so. i think that's fair and you don't have to take my word for it or the word of analysts in the air region. but this is what that is really a political figures i've been saying and, and is really, is really media is right. when coalition have been threatening to pull out of the government. absolutely. right. so it's, it's a 50 plus one sort of situation as if more than 50 percent of the members of the can. i said, i want to want to call for early elections then. then they're obligated to call for the election. so what is it that is going to get them to agree to see as far as the online? look at these like pictures right now from tennessee for testers. have been coming out for 5th night after. as we've been saying, the, the best of the 6 captives in israel, there's all sorts of domestic as well as international pressure on him. yet he doesn't seem too much. well, the pressure isn't if i, i don't want to exaggerate the extent of the pressure. i mean, these are
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a significant process, they're certainly a new sense, but i don't think they are strong enough to to force netanyahu's hand if there would have been a sustained nationwide straight. for instance, i think that could potentially force forces han because that hits the economy so hard, but that obviously didn't, didn't materialize. i still, you know, say the same thing that i've been saying for months and that is that nothing will force nothing. yeah. whose hand like the us applying serious pressure, and that would have to come in the form of suspending arms. and if they did that, i think the war would end almost immediately because netanyahu israel would not be able to wage war without those american weapons. but there's really just no indication that the us is, is willing to do that. some, you know, empty rhetoric aside. interesting. the polls according to one full in israel. this is by the democracy institution, august 2024 saying that almost 80 percent of respondents don't believe
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that there are. or rather they express pessimism regarding the possibility of a cease far the are almost 12 months into this war. right. but i also think it's important to can to contextualize the result, like that, right? because there are other polls you, you just did a poll as well in, in israel. and what it shows is that overwhelmingly is really, is, are still pro war they are, they want to cease fire to get the hostages back, but they don't necessarily want an end to the war. they actually support the government's war efforts. in fact, 74 percent of the is really jews that were surveyed, that were pulled by few i think the government has done a fine job. they haven't gone too far and attacking their attacks on gaza. that compares with the error population inside of israel. their results are almost polar opposite. they overwhelmingly think that israel has gone to far and its, its military attacks on, on, cause i so i think that's an important point of clarification, right?
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there's only a certain degree of opposition here and it's only a certain kind of opposition that non yahoo is facing. and uh, just uh, one final thoughts from you on uh, the us you were mentioning to us just a moment ago. mean we know that they are putting forward some sort of a proposal. mm hm. and perhaps in the next few days regarding a ceasefire. why is that us putting forward yet another proposal when there has been one in the past that has been accepted by hamas as well as the us and that you want security counseling? what do you think is going to be in it? yeah, i mean it's, it's going to be more more of the same. there probably be some more a piece minutes for it for is real. but this is all just a lot of theater, a lot of charade, the us, we already know that there's a proposal that's been on the table. we know that i'm as accepted and we know that on yahoo, torpedo data on more than one occasion. and that's according to these resources, right? so, um, you know, the reality is i don't think we're going to move anywhere on this unless the us has
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a change of heart. and so far there's no, there's no indication that they are going to force and that yahoo is hand. okay. how about most of the thank you. so, as all the french president, somebody wrote a micro has a pointed michelle barney as prime minister virginia. it was the european union's chief negotiator and dealing with britain's exit from the block and has been the commissioner is also held other government positions. and the move comments after weeks of talks following a snap election that led to a home to parliament. because you have the people, it will be a question of responding as much as we can to the challenges to the anger, to the sufferings, to the feeling of abandonment of injustice which crosses our cities, our neighborhoods, and our countryside. far too often, we need a lot of listening and a lot of respect. first of all, respect between the government and the parliament. respect for all political forces were presented there. i will get to work this evening. good bye. and again, it's also butler is running us now from paris with more and what barn you have to
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say. and also what, what more we know about him for body adults. and last about respect to about having to listen to all sides of the political landscape. he is promising change a new chapter, the sort of thing that any new prime minister might say. but what we know is it is going to be extremely challenging for him ahead the next few days weeks because he is going to have to form a government. there could be supported by a majority of m p as in paul elements. and that's not necessarily going to be easy to know. the reason you might know macro has chosen vanya is, or is it because he believes that vanya will be able to form a majority, there is no doubt suppose sections on the rightful support. same as seems the positions on the far right also, even though the left are not happy with. vanya is appointment devonjay low key is
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a veteran, politician. 73 becomes fronds as old as the prime minister, a conservative called to the hybrid decap policy use main breaks. it's a negotiator full, so he's being administer full times and frauds. so he said he knows the french political landscape well. so what has been the reaction though, across the political landscape to this appointment? so politicians on the right also need the lights, the age of the bon. yay, has been appointed. he is one of that right. and politicians on the left. so all furious angry and bits of the new popular front fonts has left reading lines. one of the most foods in july, it's not selection. they say that a prime minister should have been picked and they right inside is the tradition for within policy monumental refused to do that. she said elect, wind, government would probably collapse. they probably couldn't get a majority in parliament, so he's gone and chosen someone else will that a has really and good the last they already promising tokenize st purchased. they
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say they feel that the election has been stolen and the democracy is being made a mockery of. okay, thank you. in a joshua butler reporting from paris, still ahead on the alta 0 news. our china as president talks of a new era and relations with africa as he pledges $50000000000.00 of investment on the u. gonzo. limping ghastly rebecca checked to gaze, dies after allegedly being set on fire by her. boyfriend's coming up and support will bring your goals from the latest around the world of qualifying, including a big win for japan over china. the the daily event of may just under storms in west and society,
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continue to just start picking up in the satellite picture. the heat of the day produces them. they have some fishes ones recently causing wind damage and of course, funding anywhere between medina and mecca. you can see this and a few weeks ago for the science constructs for the science, but it looks there in the full costs. we'll see the ease down little bit temperatures and dropping a little bit. i mean, it's no longer the hardest part of the world, either drop in iraq, a beacon by mexico, by the house in the middle east, 46.5, i will keep those temperatures going, but we're feed maybe more of a dry, noisily breeze down the red sea, which might suppress the shelves a bit of a bit, so that is still catching the edge of them on. so let me get some pretty big chas and pots of them on every now and again. but it's a fairly dry looking picture. otherwise, even in some pakistan and with them on sunni starting to retreat night. so the pictures, as you might expect, it was a few shots and took you otherwise pop from the road fence. don't a dry looking picture. now, if we dropped down to this part of africa tropic left,
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if you'd like just north of the crate to the south here on his biggest day, where do you see a peer with sassy down there concentrated more in the shape or not jerry, but we will see some bull right head size, and then we get to the cultivating food is the foundation of human civilization. but food today is a global commodity. if the industry did not make money, how many people would be? and how it's cultivated, the contentious debates, public interest and the public safety is definitely not taking precedence and in depth examination into agri business. and the conflicting interests play industry doesn't want any regulation. they just want to put the products on the market. the price of progress on outages, era too often of kind of style and it's put right through the prism of war. but there were many of the kind of stuff thanks to the braves,
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individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archives funding for decades reviews the forgotten truth of the countries. modern history. the forbidden real part 3, the rise of the mercedes on us just either the the, on the top stories on how to 0. the 1st them, fox boxing supplied by the european union have arrived in the democratic republic of congo. another 100000 doses are due to reach kinshasa on saturday. around 15000 people around the world are confirmed to have been infected.
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a large explosion on gunfire has rock feet occupied westbank city of janine as the is where the army carries out its large scale and the luxurious salt for an 9th day . there has been heavy gun battles between is really forces on palestinian fighters who are confronting up on crowds or gathering in israel for 5th consecutive day of anti government protest. demonstrators are marched through the streets of tel aviv would make shift coffins representing the captives who are held in gaza. china as president, has pledged $50000000000.00 a further funding for africa to be issued over the next 3 years. she jumping was speaking at a summit with african leaders, but underscore as beijing's influence in africa. iran pond reports the $50000000000.00 investment and an elevation of africa. china relations, chinese president as the gym,
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paying kicked off the african summit invasion with a declaration of a new era community with its future growth in mind. i propose that by natural relations between china and old african countries having diplomatic types with china be elevated to the level of strategic. however, the continent owes $230000000000.00 already. and so what china is doing is investing to allow that debt to be paid off, which would include the new debt by no means is this charity or debt relief. so what it's intended is really to invest in at least in syria, into areas that generate growth and facilitate other on what investment in economic activities such that those loans can be paid back by the return they generate. so the deal has been heralded by african leaders. we have driven by a desire to achieve shed prosperity while recognizing our
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individual developmental aspirations for china, the, it's an opportunity to assert an alternative to us domination and solidarity with the global self whilst making billions the balance is still remains instead of china. i think largely because of the net all day a commodities that they are probably exporting to offering us. i think we need to enhance our industrial capacity a we need for the best buy our economy is we need to improve competitiveness. china expects all deals will be finalized by the end of the summit in 2 days time. and we're on con, which is there the 3 scenarios out with a view from nigeria for some estimates that and i did it was china more than $5000000000.00 us dollars. much of the money, according to the general, the features have been pumped into infrastructure development in the area of rail and road network from apple. it's 2 ports,
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as well as other key infrastructure development in nigeria, especially the power sector. now jenna will want to see more of these investments, and that's the reason why i did as president signed 5 member and up understanding with a chinese, especially in the area of infrastructure development as well as agriculture. this is important. the chinese loans in part, in fact a critical to nigeria infrastructure development at the time when it's struggling to obtain paper below and with favorable conditions from international institutions backed by the west like the international monetary fund. and the world bank of china provides easy lows, was loan repayment plans and low interest rates. that's what i did is looking for. however, that concerns within the niger and society, especially from economies, they want to see the balance of trade improved much farther. they want to see more chinese investment in manufacturing within the country to utilize local real materials for exports and full look of development that in, in they say we also encourage job creation in the country. there is also that
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concern that much of the, uh, some substantial amount of the lowest being taken from china have been mismanaged by officials in previous governments. and that is a big concern for many, many degrees. i'll just say that about, as well as the for a many leaders will plead for major concessions on debt restructuring, a more infrastructure investment among them sent a goal will be hosting the next you olympic games. nicholas hawk reports from its capital the car. it's a race against time in less than $1000.00 days. 1400 athletes age between 15 to 18 will take part. in the car 2026 youth lympics. it will be the 1st time the gains will be held in africa. thanks to chinese loans. stevens are being built with the construction effort, installing. then it goals bill doesn't have a functioning olympic sized swimming pool. that means the country's young athletes
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are being forced to train out in the ocean, much to the coach restoration. we need the chinese and you see the results during the powers that i'm facing the now the minute swimming, especially the funded route, is free. start over the pins and americans. we need them to share the knowledge and filled out foods we need to in. but cynical, like many other african nations, is drowning in chinese debt. last april to form or tax inspectors took office as the new president and prime minister, they're trying to get people here to pay taxes in order to reduce sending goals that the china the challenge is many people here work in informal markets like this one and are struggling to survive, such measures triggered to riots in kenya and nigeria this year at the form on china, african cooperation between african leaders will call for concessions to help them
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stay afloat. public and leaders are going to be king to be negotiate. you know, some of the times of this month with regard to rescheduling the payments of some of the loans. but at the same time, i think i from countries are so keen on pushing the changes government to double the investments. especially in critical areas of infrastructure with china has excel. but after record growth that rec, next speed china as own economic boom seems to be running out of breath and new facilities present. it goes to us and then picks are no longer a priority. if we had a pool, it would be a game changer. we can only win competitions the maybe even get a middle. despite the obstacles. these athlete still hope to make history. edwin, a 1st olympic gold for their country and to do it at home. nicholas hawk algae, right? the car, the us secretary state antony blinking is in hate. c,
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blinking has met with the haitian prime minister gary coney and the transitional counsel. and they're set to discuss the further deployments of international troops to help restore a security as a country ground struggles with gang violence. we can now speak to danny shaw is the professor south american caribbean studies at city university of new york. joining us by skype from new york, welcome to alj, a 0 mister shaw. so the us assistant secretary for the western hemisphere affairs brian nichols gave an on the record briefing to report a reporter is about blinking visit. and he painted a pretty rosy picture, saying hates he has taken important steps forward in the last few months. there's also been economic activity, but the prime minister gary coney gave an interview saying the situation is the worst i've seen in my lifetime. what do you make of that sort of disconnect there and what's going can hoping to achieve the readings doing both secretary of state anthony blinking and brian nichols s feet for the interests of washington
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in haiti. the truth of the matter is that the united states government has given $333000000.00 for this occupation of haiti, a foreign military occupation. the 1st uh about 500 change in troops have arrived. the canyon governments of william road show is looking to play a big international role. they feel like they think cashing from the west and receive hundreds of millions of dollars by sending their own sons and daughters to occupy haiti are these canyon troops can only bring more violence to violence, play country, we would haiti needs, is solidarity and investment. the united states, this is the 4th time that the united states carries out a military occupation of 80 in the past 100 years. and every time the colonial quagmire deepens, yeah, i mean, of course, if you would ask with us,
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or even the county and they would say, look, that forces bear to stabilize and help the country. and certainly is not an occupation. but many haitians, when they do look at the record of for an interventions in their countries, say they're not to infuse the aspect about them. and there's been a history of for an intervention, including by the us. so with about a month remaining on the mandate for that multinational security support mission led by the kenyans and with the us being the top funder, what do you think is going to happen next? the united states is trying to exercise what's called the global for jill lity act. if they can demonstrate that, have the quote unquote represents the threats. and they would frame that is a threat because of the bill of lading of thousands and thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of refugees. then the united states can exercise this act and they can love to justify military occupations in the name of quote unquote
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humanitarianism picture. if they then try to exercise flex these military, quote, unquote humanitarian muscles in a country like cuba, like venezuela, countries that are victims and survivors of us, hybrid war is of us economic terrorism. and the same thing in the havi, this is close to a 1000000 illegal guns, a wash in hey, this is something that i've been documenting since 1998. the 1st time i visited haiti. so united states is the problem in the predator in haiti. and i think that's what an international audience should understand. first and foremost, since you say you've been documenting what's going on and hate see for a while now, just um, can you elaborate on the situation today as it stands? because since the assassination of president event juvenile movies, in 2021, it was estimated, the gangs controlled up to 80 percent of the capital as well as surrounding areas. how's the government been able to claim back some of those areas or what's going on
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on the grounds right now? the 1st and foremost, the rain. i would say these are not games, these apparent militaries. these are right desk wides, using high caliber us uh, automatic weapons. um, katie has not been able to secure its borders. its been a very porous new colony. we've seen how all of these random shootings have impacted those within the united states. so i think we should love to mexico in a, in the other us neil colonies to see how the top manufacturer of guns and violence . a cruise in the world that is in the united states have their foreign policies impacted haiti. the situation on the ground in porter prints is more dire than ever . these parent, military desk wise, is cut off the ability of the population to work, access water, things the here in the west, we would certainly take for granted. there are different neighborhood alliances.
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they are exercising what's called walk hotly. what color is every day popular citizens movements with the people themselves armed themselves with machetes, briggs, any guys that they can get in to fight off these marauding paramilitary games, led by the can passes in the barbecues. and these other individuals was been stocking and playing the haitian population since 2021 was to how much these gang leaders actually worked for a job. and then we use, we use was assassin in july of 2021 was no friend of the haitian people. either that doesn't mean he deserve to be assassinated by the united states and their colombian paramilitaries. but the problems in haiti, i certainly go come from before the assassination of always. okay, thank you so much. danny shaw, thanks for speaking to us from new york, it's in columbia, a truck drivers have blocked the roads to the capital of boca top. they've been angered by an increase in diesel prices. very action could result in disruptions to
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operations of the state run oil company, which would interrupt fuel supplies across the country. president gustavo petros, as the diesel increase is fair, and that a longstanding subsidy on fuel needed to be listed on a sunroof pets. he's running us now from both us, so it's been 4 days of protest on the price type of diesel. tell us what you're seeing and what's going on behind you. yes, everywhere as one of but doesn't road blocks that are currently active here in the capital for both sides, especially on the outskirts of the city on the main road in and out of the west side. you can see that the trucks are in the middle of the road. they're blocking the entrance and the right now we and they've just the whole frame for motorcycles and bicycles and people walking that have been waiting for hours to go through. it's a very confusing and very messy situation,
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but they're letting them go through pretty much every hour. i said there are cars and buses goes by that i've been waiting here since last night. i have very, very, the events the do ation. i'd be rock blocks, obviously, and people the processors are saying that they will continue until the government decides to and that, that hike which the government says it'd be negligible if necessary. because it has been part of the subsidies that have been in place for over 20 years now. and that have created a huge hold in the finances of the states. so the government is saying it's time to bring the prices to ad closer to the international level, but it has created this, this process that's been ongoing for 4 days now. so do we, we expect to a more, a for government, for sponsor what's going to happen next. that have been negotiations.
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they haven't moved that much further already. the government says now saying, look that up, but at the increase of $0.50 of the gallon, which they were trying to impose their now saying, we can do a gradually increase of pretty much 5 us cents on the gallon from here until the end of the year that with the reduction in less than half of what the government was proposing. but so far that offer has been rejected. now the government is worried by the fact that the cities like vogue attack schools have been closed for at 3 days. universities. a lot of. 3 people have not been able to reach their job and also they're not letting through checks that are not participating in the processing that are carrying food or gasoline. and so there's also a worry about thing coming days. the possibility that the adult supplies could be the fleet, the price is going up with the long lives of colombians. in some cities,
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especially in the city of look at our mind got where already a fuel was cars. the same is happening in navigation fuel for uh, for airplane. and so it's a situation that the government is hoping to take on their control before the situation becomes even more chaotic. all right, thank you. i'll listen to repair, to reporting from bogo top, and then pick athlete has died and cut me off 4 days after her former boyfriend, allegedly those are and petrol and set her on fire. rebecca chipped take a representative, uganda and the paris games in july. catherine, sorry, reports a family in morning for arising athletics. the long distance runner, rebecca chipped a gay, had represented uganda at several international competitions, including the powers olympics to gaze, relatives se had death was
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a combination of a beetle on dispute without estranged boyfriends. he's accused of 1000 her with kerosene and setting her lights. hi children. was there at the time scale or not could you do it? i believe the government because we reported the abuses and threats my daughter was getting from the mad. we told the police about the harassment doctors tried to save ha, she had that seen via bands of a significant portion of a body. so they see via binds legs to my deal getting failure. this is not an isolated case. to thing a is a said prominent sports woman to be killed in case we as it had agnes to die in in 2021. we've got temporary switch to a die in 2022. and now there's a catch up today. and so we need to have targeted efforts for athletes to know how to get justice and how to get out of situations where their lives are arch risk.
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many spots women based in west and kenya, said they are sexually and financially exploited by coaches, money, just and partners in the mail domain name to training comp. i know why does that go, does, why it's up to you as well. make a note to, of course miss you on the web going through a lot because of the customs where the women are such subject to them and, and you know, they go out there. um we might have the ones we enrolled races when. so i competitions get very good income. all these income goes to their husbands, their bank accounts. i have the names of their husbands to gaze loved one, see they want justice but fast. they want to give her a b, c thing burial. when i had a cheese meant both on and off the truck, cathy, sorry, all the 0. and here's what's coming up on the news hour. the 1000 celebrate mass in jakarta with pope
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francis on his last day of his visit to indonesia. and this chinese printer puts in its dominance performance, the wind goals at the perio. the mistakes will wrap up the best of the action from paris in a moment. the the
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the color again, time for the sports news years. peter 3, thank you so much. i tional the l menu. all we has one egypt, 1st gold at the powers paralympics. the 25 year old competing eddies. first tired of the games,
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took the main. so 59 kilogram power. lifting title unit to 201 kilograms to change the gold medal. and you can see here, just what it mean. same kilograms. well, it was also if it's cold in paris for morocco, courtesy of sprint admin, se food. just the 35 year old winning the for the media type in the t. 12 category budget taking gold with the time of 48.62 seconds finishing move and off the 2nd. hate. always close. describe what a performance here from the youngest member of great britain's paralympics team, 13 year old diana, when he 1st, the teenager has one sofa in the women's s. b 7100 means of breast stroke. she produced the lifetime base to see in the middle china dominating the middle table with 71 golds winchell. yeah. and again adding to that sally by winning the women's one underneath that c, $57.00 events. she broke and paralympic record in the process talking at time of
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12.52 seconds. it's a 3rd goal of these games having already one to 200 meters and long jump events. algeria is associated zillow also broke around paralympic, re, quote that was in the women's, if $57.00 shot puts the 41 year old, successfully defending the title. she went and took it 3 years ago, shallow pension, back to back old. so the pro will be living point 56 meters as well. it's an ease on a to p, a has one. he's 1st paralympic gold and the if the live in discuss events, will champion change the type of with a pro 41.92 meters. 48 year old, who was born in cuba, new to italy, to play professional baseball. last the sites in 2011 and a weird face accidents before taking up the discuss. 2 years later when he a ball rain and full of a mess of upsets in asian world cup qualifying by beating australia. but the school was level in the dying minutes and with a strategy i haven't had
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a play of saying so about rainy's were given a gift. terry c. so scoring an own goal in the 89 minute one, the find the school. it's bahrain. suppose when ever the so cruising 7 the thing that was also when for japan in group see, and it was a big one. they thrashed and visits as china says, no left side thomas stadium. monica was the, could me mean, i mean, a among the school was with 2 goals in group i either you, a e came from behind to be the agent champions, costa, uber, him a son, put concert i had in the 1st off but the youth and things around off to the break, highly about that uh making it one 0 another. let me start here this time from salad. able to him who put the you a, you have a 10 minutes to go before the seller made its 31 in stock each time
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on your on or off, the mocking that group that's nice to catch and it may be tell they may slowing the only goal of the game against could you spell on enough without shaw won the final scope? iran some expansions against the u. a. e in 5 days time. oh thing group a it was becky stone took the lead against north korea off the finishing of the nice policy move the 3 i had the chance to get back in it when they were awarded a penalty that the septic was easily saved. does the match finished one, the nfl season kicks off on thursday when super bowl champions, the kansas city chiefs. how's the baltimore ravens? the chance of getting for 3rd time in a row? they will once again be laid by star coals to back. patrick, my homes games also seems to take place in europe and historically result, but it all starts with the chief and the ravens. it's exciting is the 1st, the 1st game of the season. everybody wants to come out and, you know, show alex because they are, show, are great. they are how much better they got from last year. and it's, uh,
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it's just a great opportunity to be going to have a sense of a guess as a great team coach hardball, everybody over there and, and baltimore is just, you know, top tier. and they've got some of the best players in the league on both sides of the ball. and it's just going to be a great challenge for us. but i think everybody's has fired up the, to get out in front of arrowhead and get the season started. of a major league baseball, the chicago white sox find the snap de 12 game losing street they home at 3 times as they cross the baltimore orioles, h one ray bright spot. it wants me to miserable see from the white socks or rock bottom of the american league central division. and this was, they stood losing streak of at least 12 games this season. something no team has done since 1900 taken a to or that's what was full of things for the time being all of another updated bit later the read. thank you so much. peter. will po francis, a celebrated mass for tens of thousands of people at a stadium in the engine easy and capital?
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the head of the roman catholic church is on a 12 day tour of the asia pacific region spreading a message of interface harmony. it's the 1st people visit the ends in easier and more than 3 decades. as jessica washington reports from jakarta and enthusiastic wilson frances, at the good of them, cut a new stadium into come to me. yes, it's an extraordinary opportunity to be able to participate in mass with francis. it's an on now for our families. throughout his papacy, the leader of the roman catholic church has stressed the importance of interest. faith dimer. hey, cool, pretty close to how much waste i encourage you to associates of love, confident it should. the positive dialog continues to show your goodness and kindness, and be billed as of unity and patience. his trip was long anticipated delayed by several hughes because of the cove of 19 pandemic. catholics make up 3 percent of
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the engineers as population. roughly 8000000. this visit is the best buy of pope and move in celebration to the community. thousands have traveled from all over the country for the town. pray with hope from the earlier catholics, and wilson's gathered mew the stick. lo, most with pope frances participated in an interstate meetings the most is the largest in southeast asia. it was designed by a christian architect and stands just if you meet his from the church as on lady of the assumption catholic cathedral, the 2 buildings of shit and underpass cooled. the tunnel of friendship. as the pope's visit is an opportunity for entities or to showcase its commitment to religious harmony, sometimes undermined by sporadic attacks against minority groups. yeah, temper units have to call them because this is the honor and itself because we're not a majority catholic country. we are a country with the largest muslim majority in the world,
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but we are chosen for the pope to come here. in the past 11 years, po francis has visited asia several times and done like many parts of the world. here the catholic church is growing, both the number of people being baptized and those pursuing religious vocations. so the interest to, to go face it or me or listen to for francis is, is really a high just because he's a, what the better with the compassion of messages. all of these fine performances will continue his journey through the region. the longest trip of his papacy with stumps into more list a public, mckinney and single jessica washington, which is 0 to kata or from oral not story, as well as the days other top stories on all the latest headlines you can head online. our website is all just the results on there it is on your screen. that's it for me, for the time being up next is my colleagues, volleyball tivo. she'll be back in
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a moment with much more of today's news. thanks for watching elgin 0. i'm bye for now. from here, the narratives to media was from propaganda to the changing face of journalism. i have never seen the lead media consensus change, so click finish me post the codes the media. hold on just either a get an idea of the friend who public his loan for claim the just what is more than friends in a full hot series. the big picture takes in, in depth ness, france insight episode one analogy. sierra was a journey through every story. every step is in there to the celebration of what we can choose when to reach
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the welcome to simmons and exclude does the redesigns luxury losing trusting of future? today, we create the safe them even comment as an international insight, corruption, excellence award,
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nominator hero. now, the to so i'm fairly valuable in doha with a look at the top stories on algae 0. the 1st and punk succeeds supplied by the european union have arrived in the democratic republic of congo. a 2nd batch of 800000 doses is scheduled to reach can shasta on saturday. the outcome goes the at the center of the disease which the world health organization has declared a global imagine sea island way economy has more from the capital contrast. we have the cases in the area like if what the for example, this is the press was if you want me to go with the board or a cop does, then now this is also one of the incident and then the other side that we've visited last week for the stuff with enough keywords, so people don't.


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