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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  September 9, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the . ready the only crossing between the options on was fine. can jordan? well partially reopened on monday morning and it was closed up to 3 is ready for shot, dead by a jordanian. the madison. this is on 0 life they'll have also coming up is where the forces continue raising the occupied westbank, destroying streets and homes. and the talk that i'm refugee count on the sheet double is return to power. and l julia winning 94 percent of the vote in the presidential election plus i'm how much on the land waste from top to bottom and
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experiencing of the west routes decades. i'll tell you how fab any the the government of jordan says this investigation beginning of 3 is rarely is it a border crossing between jordan and the occupied westbank is the 1st incident of its kind there since 2014 is called the island, the border crossing the island be bridge crosses the jordan river. israel controls the sides, which lies in the occupied westbank. a gunman said to have a ride from jordan by truck. then open fire and a cargo area under is really control it 53 times before being shot. that is real, close all line crossings with jordan and responds. there's no airport in the occupied westbank. ality crossing is the only one that palestinians can use to get to and from the outside world. the government's being identified by jordanian investigators. as mach outsourcing, he's
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a citizen of georgia living in the city of mon authorities say they're working to return his buddies for burial and jordan and that investigations are still going on today. but who report somebody occupied westbank? i have an idea of what a hobby is. really security presence in advance mandatory technology could not prevent this attack. coming through jordan, a truck driver opened fire at this way. the guards at the l. m. b crossing. the only border control between the occupied west bank and jordan. a rear of salt closing panic and we're using a lot of questions and it is a difficult day, a vile terrorists, cold bloodedly, met at the 3 of us citizens on the house of the government. and myself, i send condolences to the families of the victims. we are besieged by murderous ideology, led by a ron's access of evil. after the shooting these really airports authorities closed all other land crossings with jordan,
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the gun man jordanian citizen. not only the attacker managed to smuggle a weapon into a highly secure, highly, but it's a rise the area, but he also managed to kill 3 people. this is considered a major is really security failure. these read the army published a picture of the weapon. it said the shooter used investigations are under way into how security systems that multiple checkpoints inside failed to detect the attacker before he opened fire with out there on airport, thousands of palestinians and the occupied west bank cross allen be on a daily basis. the only gateway to the rest of the world, dozens of trucks across from jordan every day, sometimes through israel, most travelers to and from the occupied westbank were sent back. one of them is it, on his side, is students about to start his 2nd here at the university in cyprus, numbers, they were some of the few people in the world who can't travel somewhere on the
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same day. we have to leave a couple of days before so we can guarantee we catch our planes. are planned to parts from jordan on the 10th, and now we have no idea if we'll make it there on time on the shooting comes days after is the way the forces ended. they tend, they made it through operation in the northern parts of the occupied, the west bank, described as the largest as radio sold in more than 2 decades. it destroyed homes, roads, and infrastructure in the cities of geneva for cutting to boston. since the war and gallagher began 11 months ago, if you attempt to cross into the occupied westbank from joint the worst off. this time though, the attack shook these rated security establishment, escalating tensions in a region already on edge need that but he does eat on the occupied with bank kind of thing or does it as honda, so who reports from i'm on in jordan is really officials have confirmed at the border crossing will reopen on monday at 10 am for passengers only. they're also
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saying that the 2 other crossings they share with the jordanians, both in the north and the south, will also reopen for passengers. only meaning that no cargo trucks will be let through at any of the 3 crossings. and it comes after the jordanian foreign ministry has announced the findings of their initial investigation into the shooting that killed 3 is rarely if they're saying that they are confirming the identity of the shooter as masthead and jazz the saying that he acted alone and that he was in fact driving a cargo truck that was on the israel, we side making its way through the jordanian border, the door danny, and say they are now coordinating with is really authorities on how to bring back his body for burial in jordan. and all of this comes after both sides of the border were closed on sunday, rendering thousands of palestinian travellers stranded with not just not the king for same border crossing, but also the crossings in the north and the south. so now posting you will be able
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to go back to that crossing monday morning at 10 am. have a son who is the 0 a man? is there any military is pressing on? was ways across they occupied westbank. is there any forces, box bible, those have again, strong dental crime, refugee camp streets. some properties have been destroyed. all right. it's also going on in the ballasa. the neighboring numbers in gaza is where the ball plains have bottomed, the residential tower in the southern city of con eunice, don't care how many people are being killed or injured. at least 15 palestinians have died as a result of as many attacks across gaza over the past $24.00. that's how they call boom reports, some dental bottom, a very slow d, a tag that was carried out by east valley fight suggest that had launched that troy by using 3 messiahs that completely destroyed a number of residential houses, including a residential tower in the southern part of gauze and stripping the city of con
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eunice, at least 2 palestinians, happy consent, killed, including a mother along side with adults attack, in fact, had left behind the great deal of destruction. piles of ruffles are scattered around the spelling of the strife with families around the neighboring area. had been going through enormous amount of show and fee because of that strikes that have been carried out extensively in the past couple of hours. also, the city of connie was had benefits for the east valley strikes during the past the 24 hours. i just have to confirm that is very quite quotes is, has been used extensively to attack a low once the area families, as you know, had been trapped in that very, telling you back to blondes, off to the is very the military encourage. and a rough district where now con eunice city is one of the most densely populated areas. similarly to there has been a while we are right now while the focus as well isn't the north of gong as a we're a supper and as a to and neighborhood in the southern side of going to city have been on the intense, i'll see,
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read abutment some say the hours of this morning for palestinians have been killed in one of the latest. i flush attacks on a sobre neighbor who were medical teams along side with emergency. what does have been cleaned in order to recover those injuries and victims from under the degrees of these destroyed houses? situation does getting much more day by day with families are absolutely talking about very telling the corner of the goals a strip of the nations as 85 percent of the schools in gaza has been destroyed or damaged by israel's war. the few that are left to be used to shelter, palestinians have lost their homes, but some costs is also going on, and students are eager to learn a lot of comp reports that i saw with a cheerful greeting, mathematics teacher. let's just go into the close of schools and children came to learn foster lars to the she teaches most of the 300 in this company to call eunice
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one or both the parents killed or missing israel's foreign concept. it's a hi emily mathematics to real world applications, but the lives of paul from normal, especially since october the 2nd half, we were displaced due to this stuff war. we left off and ended up in this or funds comp after had lost my father. now i am living in starting here. today we're trying to learn and remember what we started before the war which destroyed our future dreams, but it was make ship closer and the children into despite the loss. the tragedy said pay some merit in her own life. her husband and 3 children were killed, and these ravens showed the hood during the war beside him, but i have suffered deluxe in this, for despite my grave loss, i'm doing my best to get back on my feet again to raise my 3 year old daughter who had survived the air strike, mathematics is not only a passion, but a profession and
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a petri arctic responsibility. i'm teaching the orphan children despite the harsh living conditions, lack of food and water, and widespread disease. while these traumatized children survived almost 10000 wrecks, that students had been killed along with hundreds of teachers and stuff as children across the world into a new academic year. schools and girls a hit the headlines for other reasons is ready targeting like the educational instruction in ruins. the un says around 85 percent of schools a damaged or destroyed those barely left standing being used as displacement shelters. and even those are this ray, the cross has done, and $88000.00 older students will miss out on the studies of 2 of 12 of goals. universities were destroyed in hon. eunice, the children walk in small groups solving numerical problems. the plastic sheeting
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instead of needs provide little security. all these people can do is focus on the subject to mentally block the reality and the other team. i study at america camp for orphans. we're define all odds and adamant to march forward despite the hard living conditions under the war. continues with their lessons during the children have the right to education and a will wage by adults. it's a children who are bearing the brunt lore home i'll just 0 is ready as twice and killed at least 5 people in northwest and syria, according to syrian state media attacks targeted assign, typically search center. i'm defense level auditors in and around the city of my cf . several people have been injured. some of them are reports to be in critical conditions.
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the all julia's electoral authority says present that the law should tumble, has secured the 2nd term and offers official results show the national liberation front leader as 194 percent of the votes of the for sunny cities from the movement of society for peace received in just over 3 percent of votes and socialist candidates use of always she go to about 2 percent voter. turnout is reported to have been 48 percent or so i'm a bunch of age reports from the capital of chairs. 94.65. 9 is the percentage of both secured by the incumbent president of the jeep the bone. according to the victorian commission, the other candidates secured only a small percentage, a said to burn up to measure. let me stop the magic, the bones secured. 5, medium, 320. $9253.00 votes, which means so 94.65 percent. the 2nd candidate restart i've the it has and shit.
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if for i may be 40 secured 178700 and 97 votes, which means 3.17 percent. we spent last fall as close to campaign done by half on the should eve. and i would come to the, to the president said they recorded a number of violations. those included pressure rising pointing stations to inflate the number of fords, getting people into going for proxy voting, as ben is not shooting the results of the electoral vote, counting with the representative of the party. and then the result enhancement is a farce. we are astonished by these outrageous numbers. unfortunately, it has nothing to do with what was advanced before. specifically with regard to the right of participation and it contradicts our own records. 16 candidates from the beginning of the race trickled down for just 3 of them actually taking part. it will not be an easy right for president of the machine to bone to carry out the 2nd 10 according to experts. you will have to make sure that the use of as you are on
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board a visual work very quickly a to a it has the conditional commitment plus having more visibility and stability for their daily daily life. the 2nd one, i mean, shouldn't be the, uh, the communication. i mean the government is doing lots of things, sort of the society and should be more inclusive with the, especially the, the, the younger population. unlike 2019 and other incidences of destruction during the presidential race, this seems to be a smooth transition president of the deductible. and if these votes are officially recognized as the final tally will now have to approve. all of the campaign promises of stability of intrusion and making sure as area fights all of his challenges as an entire nation, united behind its leadership. so i'm a job without 0 as years. southern africa struggling with his worst drugs in years . the region seen it drives february in decades and could only 20 percent of the
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rain he usually gets during his cold growing season emergencies are declared. and what's one of the soto and then maybe malawi is onvia, and zimbabwe kind of more task that has more from national and west province in symbolic way. my niecy belkora has grandchildren at home, who need to eat if we blow from the hole could make that possible. so find me. she hits something roots and that's not usually plus they died so right. so these are disparate times in zimbabwe. then bobby, like other countries in southern africa is experienced and the new and just droughts. it was dropped in dickens many families hungry. it was so 5 that find that a day when i look at my grandchildren, i asked myself, what am i going to feed them? i stay up all night worrying about what am i going to give them the next day. this
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drought is terrible. most people in some bobby live in rural communities. agriculture is a major source of food and income. people in this area have started preparing the fields. this one is for may's them always staple food. they dug holes in a straight line and when it rains they'll put they seeds and foot lies. they need toll and they'll do this. cover it up and hope for good harvest. imagination is more than half a 1000000 children in symbolic risk of mountain nutrition. there is a risk of increased morbidity and mortality among children. here's a bubbly due to the drought. and in addition, as to 60 percent of the cups that were planted for basically lost, it has been a fairly poor harvest. and that has an impact on the income of the households. women in the village prepay, so you'll mix the root, they dug up with some parts. that will be the main meal for the day,
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or whatever. finding more food for the children will be another challenge. my mobile off one to let, had them toss out of their much our language problems. the moment the still ahead and i'll just say that protests and the mexican capital against the outgoing presence funds for a big legal overall. plus some sharif in india is eastern city of coal, cut off with protests and marches. a mocking one month since a doctor was raped and killed the day sworn to protect the american constitution. so why would they take up homes against their own country? and stayed back in standby. youtube hot series excludes the role of military venture and us far right column. good. we're going to i
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could see against the coming soon. i'll just say or die. i saw this place the was paradise. i fell in love with cuz we got, i decided i was going to go ahead and try to create a, a could the what is french. people call it a lot of a resort of farm and living university. and it's all those things for me, benchmark artist living more. and this is an experiment graduate book because of the possibility to see how the system works. it is the 1st place of regeneration from
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the the you want to know just need a reminder of ourselves. so is this our is what was expected to reopen, the only crossing between the occupying west bank of georgia and up to 3. it varies with shot dead retaining. and investigators have identified the gunman as a month on shots and he said, he's a citizen of jordan and that he acted alone. is there any amenities pressing on with raids across the occupied west bank, its army backed by gold? those stones that took them refuge, account streets and properties to be the strong agility is electrical authorities as president to optimize. the trouble has secured a 2nd time in office. official results show 194 percent of votes and saturdays
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election voter turnout is reported to been 48 percent in mexico. they'll be large protests in the capital over plans by the outgoing president to pass controversial judicial reforms. the changes would mean that federal judges would be elected by popular vote on the term limits of the script. critics of one of the firms for the road, the independence of the dungeons overall as being championed by president under this manuel lopez opening the door is time and office ends in 3 weeks ago. you all know supports from the protest in mexico demonstrator here. many of them are the agree that this country, perhaps an effective traditional system that lead urgent change. but the problem starts long before the cases reached the courts. and instead of the police and the prosecutors that need performed here outside the senate demonstrator say it's mexican democracy. if that's a state. if this reform is passed,
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they say this debate has become completely politicized as a brilliant party is to exert more control over the dish. every branch of government, the senate is one vote short of the majority. they need to approve this reform. and demonstrators here know that they have basically been calling for the opposition senators to close ranks not allow the ruling party that last vote. they need the government and the other meanwhile, have over the last week, expressed confidence that they'd be able to get that final boat about to perform this coming week. and they insist this measure will help bring justice to millions of mexicans that have been victims of fine and whose cases have never gone anywhere . at the heart of this measure, the most controversial points for sure is the election by popular vote of some 7000 judges across the country, including supreme court judges, and also oppose this reform, many of whom are here today. say that will turn judges into political candidates
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that can be manipulated by outside interest. do you value? i know i'll just euro mexico city was a few of us cuz it's a mexican political on list and she says president lopez over at dar once the total control of the judiciary system. there are 2 of 2 main sites of a to that story. so people think it's kind of a revenge because a guy the, his term under the person rather, uh, a lot of reforms were halted by that you, the sherry and especially the electoral reforms, were stopped there at the he face of the level of the fiction. and by the get the sure you to the, to it's measures to its infrastructure work. so if he, during all his period all his term, he grew on, i'm in the versity tours that you the 3 and the other is because he wants to
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concentrate power for the next term for the next president in order to have a to make her way easier it then make could, could, she can make the constitutional changes. he didn't have the chance to president of the supreme court present as an alternative to a constitutional amendment. that one of the things the year reporter and the most recent phone service. if you really want to change the job, the hearing system in mexico, the justice system in mexico and make it a cleaner or less corrupt, more transparent that you have to take into account prosecutors. and you have to take into account all the branches that are related to justice, and they're not just solely the judiciary, a president, so candidate as one of the gonzales has arrived in spain knew where he would be hoping to get political asylum and have cut office on saturday nights in the wake of
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a government cracked on an opposition leaders gonzales had taken refuge inside the spanish embassy. cuz also the venice, while in court issued a warrant for his arrest, president and nicholas, my daughter declared victory in july's election. the opposition insist that gonzalgo won the vote. it's been a month since the rape and murder of a young doctor in the eastern indian, the city of cole cottage, many doctors and medical stuff have been going on strike to the amount of better working conditions. and protection, i suspect is in custody, but they haven't been charged. they'll be a hearing on the case in india supreme court on monday. and of course, some sharif has this report from cork on. a busy day of this makes shift clinic in india's eastern city of co cutoff. despite being on strike for a month, junior doctors often desk services for free at discounts on sundays. they have been demanding justice protocol need was raped and killed one on duty at the government
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from hospital on august the 9th as the book, the haunted by the loss of the medic and have a great sense of here. very unfortunate because it's very easy. it's almost please live on the supposed to be c, and one is working so many people. so now we don't have to go back and work on this and that's as a matter of this for the me lots prep protests have led to a federal agency investigating the crime. it has arrested, the former director of the hospital was accused of corruption to medics. a holding for the police commission of cold cut that to resign. after repeat the pay is indeed investigation. the government has been criticized of to develop and goals. state assembly post a bill proposing capital punishment for some rates. and most of the cases it needs to precedents approval. so we need just, it doesn't,
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doesn't mean hanging one or 2 buses by the neck within a month and then finish. that's just the soft got the junior doctor's weight and killing has exposed other challenges. medical stuff face such as booking 36 to 48, all ships. didn't know where to rest and not enough targets. there's also the issue of insufficient security measures at hospitals, medic so also rejecting the government plan to stop them and doctors working night shifts, but nothing has been taken care of. now. the, the basic security guards protesting the day and riley's at night the old demanding justice for the doctor who was raped and killed a month ago in the city. this rarely reclaimed denied is also calling for safety
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a phone a similar ronnie was held on august the 14th on the eve of india's independence. the mobs vandalized, the hospitals with doctors will protesting. but if promised to continue, the fight for justice is not above claiming the night it is about claiming the right. because we think that the night has been taken away from us. said 14000. so marching again in a show of solidarity and support for the victim of consumption, grief, i'll just say the cold cut the india. it's a good time because exploded in nigeria monster colliding with another truck killing at least 48 people. some of the bodies were covered at the scene are set to be burned beyond recognition. i mean buried in a mass grave nearby and the weather is next to then it's inside story, which is going to look at what could forced prime minister benjamin netanyahu to finally assign a guys
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a cease fire deal as is really demands that the captive should be released continue to grow and robust us and stay with us. and i'll just here the hello. welcome to look at the international forecasts. the sky is allows the clear across the middle east hazy sunshine. for the most part, we have got one or 2 showers, just creeping the way into the supplement to the red sea, but nothing too much to speak of. went off here even though how it around 30 i celsius and it's a 100 and fahrenheit to still as we go into choose die holes enough to it's a q. i need to back that a lot of dry and settled weather here and trying to settle to for much of that is the side of the mediterranean, up towards the black. so you could see some showers along the spouse of frame. but as i move out of the way, while you can see what's coming,
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whether that will push this way in the crusty edge and i'm running across the walls . the boss was easing into that western side of the timing to filter out as we go on into the middle, the latter parts of the week. that same area of wet weather that so running in across the pond, north west of africa, northern areas of algeria pushing into tennessee, northern areas of libya, seeing some wet weather, but nothing, not a heavy rain that we do half across central africa, of course, just pushing across towards liberia, more of the same whether that is coming in because molly deposit mortality as we go through wednesday. it stretches into the gulf of guinea, one of the showers to been to the east to side of south africa, slowly tearing away the, viewing the facts. people with disabilities, the jobs are the most vulnerable groups in is really relentless for asking questions. why couldn't you know that number right now?
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what is the issue that we're proposing from the actual best feelings and also can have the worst? i'll just say it was teens across the world within the local news. i didn't like from document to he's. when you close to the house of the story, the largest anti government protest. yes. in israel 5 minutes, the benjamin netanyahu was refusing to accept the gauze as the spot deal with some of the tables, which includes the release of captives. what could forces kind or even force them out of office? this is inside stored the


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