tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera September 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST
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wayne says global audience, how does this impact the lives? this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good the bringing the news to the world. from here, the israel is accused of intensely cooling and american took his activist. i found the goals for us investigation, the, the clock. this is out 0 line from the halls to coming up schools and businesses closing haitian immigrants in the us states. they've been living in fear of the donald trump's false accusations. death sentences for 37 people convicted by military cult of an attempt to cued the democrats. republicans congress. and the
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challenges for rescue is trying to reach thousands of people still trapped in a flooded nigerian since the se in american took his rights was killed by and his ready sniper will be buried. the next few hours since took a launch is an investigation into tests. i should know as he was shot dead in the occupied westbank a week. well protested, concede, diego is rarely several months or so said reports from home time did it has taken more than a week for the by the off american turkish citizen, i should ask ag, arriving to pierre, transferred to the city. what is meant for forensic examination? it was then taken to the final destination. her hometown did put it as gather to his time and his house to mourn her in grief. love and anger the the,
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the, i should've was shot and killed by. and he's rarely somebody put on september the 6th in the occupied westbank. she had gone there to protest against the actions of indigo. these wrap this up, there's the witness to pay this thing is suffering on the occupation. these rarely made it through series. i shouldn't, was likely shocked in directly and unintentionally by your soldiers, but an autopsy report, at least by the help of 2 of these into westbank, save the billet that killed i shouldn't trouble left to right through her brain in a nearly safe path suggesting i shouldn't was kidding, was they wrecked an international a g, a has lost an independent investigation into our killing. i said it was, father has cooled onto united states to do the same. because i learned that i was states is not letting go of this arbitrary method by opening an investigation. i was very pleased, i hope, and expect the same from the united states. i feel that she got
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a very good education in the united states financially speaking. she was doing well . she was married. she could have lived a comfortable life. but she pursued her ideals. she left everything and went to the middle east. how? she was that much of an idealist. trixie's also being on the top see on iron was buddy. i said that it will, if he shall save the finding, would be submitted to the international court of justice and the ongoing war crimes trial against israel. so many people are expected to gather for i should use funeral here in her hometown. she's now close either the national hero and i corner sticker inter kia who's people from left to right. i'm really just a 2nd or, or expressing sort of attitude which our family, especially said that i'll just 0 did in an item problems. but it's enough. reynolds who looks bank and what blood dice note to support palestinians,
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and why summer cues in the us of double standards when it comes to its citizens killed by israel. demonstrators filled the streets of downtown, seattle, washington, where i should newer i grew up, attended the university of washington and became a palestine solidarity activist and supporters. held a vigil along the shore line, holding portraits of id. she just loved life. every aspect of it, she pursued things in life, most people would or not because they were afraid, but she was one of the bravest people i knew. and she really did stand up for her beliefs and held them as cord tenants to how she went about her life every single day us officials condemned is killing. but for us plans to rely on the results of it is really investigation. rather than launch one of its own. you do
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need to wait to see the results of an investigation to know whether there need to be any specific criminal criminal consequences for the part the, the individuals involved. it's important to that investigation play out. and i, as i said, it ought to be prompt and thorough and transparent is friend says the us response is totally inadequate. i am ashamed of the us government, and i am ashamed of president biden as present harris and 2nd, secretary of state lincoln. i want justice for i should, nor no, sir, it's not the 1st time a us citizen protesting israel's occupation was killed by its forces in 2003 activist rachel cory was crushed by an it's really bulldozer while protesting the demolition of palestinians houses in gaza. no one has been prosecuted for killing what it brings that for me is the pain of that day that we got word and the pain of the days that followed. but it's very painful to see another family going through
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this and to remember that pain. tori's parents suggest the international criminal court should investigate is death in a statement posted to social media, i should or i use family called upon the us government to mount its own independent investigation into her depth and to insure full accountability for those responsible rob reynolds l g 0, los angeles, this is really a strikes and now why see in solving causative killed at least 5 pallets? thing use these ready all me previously designated the area as a safe side for this place, palestinians, but it's frequently attacked tense. where the sheltering at least 16 people have been killed across the gulf strip since friday morning. target was the room has moved now from the of the is really plus string strikes continue to how much residential houses and the news of the district during the past couple of hours is specifically in and say, 2 neighborhoods were
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a number of residential houses have been completely selection doses of casualties being transferred to the front line hospitals. of course the know that part of the central areas of goes, i know the focus of these really strikes or so on. the southern costs of district from the city upon you in a sweat, drones alongside with that center units. keep hitting a palestinian gatherings along side with the residential houses without any sort of risk. probably even morning for the residents that we have been hearing from medical sources, that situation is getting much more grim with the high rates of casualties amongst civilians. as the w to has released a new report saying that more than 22500 palestinians have been suffering from life changing injuries. which means that those people will use in order to receive medical rehabilitation. again, as these injuries including may depend on to take action and to metric brain
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injuries, tarika, but assume out how to sign the haitian immigrant se then living in fear of to repeated races claims by us presidential candidate donald trump, the best dealing an 18 people's pets. some businesses and schools have shut down and in springfield, in the state of a higher author receiving threats. so the leaders reject the conspiracy theory, but trump doubled down on the anti immigrant rhetoric during choose days presidential debates with come a hers. some patients say i may leave the area, we will have to build the city, especially my people. what now we need to all the job. and then we got these, they have to enjoy that don't make no sense to me. i would understand if someone
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decided to express it because the threat, like i said before is well, but for myself, i don't think it's the, it's the best decisions because i know what's happening right now. it's not. it's not like the entire community, like for american citizen type jesus, it's like the timing. so and why don't running right now could spend to any, any more the cdn. and i'm going to type it into words. what on the campaign trail and california donald trump was challenged for making false accusations. the mayor of springfield, ohio, the police chief, the public and governor of i have all the funk this story about people leaving pets . another from threats at schools and kids being evacuated. why do you still right now? notice no, the, the real threat is what's happening in the board. because you have thousands of people being killed by illegal migrants coming in and also dying. you have women
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dying as they come up there coming up in large groups. we called a caravan, i think i came up with that name, but it's really what it is. 10015020000 people and you have large numbers of women being killed and those caravans coming up to this country. and then when they get here, they can go into the country and they, they end up being sex, slaves, and everything else. those are real problems. while speaking of the white house events, president a bite and condemned trumps of times on patient immigrants and pointed out the haitian roots of the white house press secretary green jump. yeah, i was say, take about to say something like so many americans like to read as we point out, a proud asian american community is under attack in our country right now. simply wrong. there's no place in america. this has to stop what he's doing. that's a stop. let me show the graph is
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a patient american professor blink listed to mit. he says trump's speech of the human ising, the haitian community, the kind of people that you hear today from the chapter, calling trucks and vans also echoes the blood labels. we heard about the jews in matthew gemini, you know, is the same sort of rhetoric. i'm actually, i'm doing assuming that a good semester can i see under the use of language for gigabyte vision integration . and that's the kind of speech that we're looking at the way that to the fastest use language to do human eyes. the other, you know, so that's the use that notion of jewish people. it has um, roaches as cockroaches and, and we're the, we're trying to enhance that, the judgment of toughness. and now we hear in our shop and do the bands. we're trying to haitians as the epa is that's pointing the blood of,
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of the scenario. he wants to be able to make friends again and if you remember that mission of wanting to but of america in the 90s, we have sions, we have to face, it's glenda that we're responsible for the, the, the h i v virus. you know that that was back in the ninety's patients were for people to give blood. you see, so it gets a long history of land the whether the rad move pay upfront is condemn face us presidential candidates, the head of the roman catholic church. excusing donald trump, i'm coming hire so being against life made the comment when he returned to room after 12 dates who are the asia pacific region and they do it showing up on the v. both are against life, one to scott's migrants and one kills children. both are against life. i cannot decide, i am nothing american and i will not be voting there. but let it be clear, but it's sending my parents away and not giving migrants the ability to work. a
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welcoming them is a send it a serious. and i'm on the police and political morality. it's generally said that not voting is bad. it's not good if one has to vote, and one has to choose the lesser of 2 evils. who is the lesser that lady or that gentleman? i don't know. everyone has to think and make this decision. according to the concept in mind. it's unlimited cold and the democratic republic of congo sentence, 37 people, the death of what the army says was an attempt to cuba in may. 3 of them, i, us citizens, malcolm web as more mobile. the suspects have to wait for hours to find out that fate. the military cool sas in the capital kinshasa with 4 months ago on demand a tank, the home of permanent politician for child commentary. then they live streams themselves, entering the office of president felix to security, which was on occupied and on got it at the time. the presidential god arrived.
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video shed on social media showed them killing several of the attackers were trying to escape in the congo river. others were taken prisoner. the court said they're responsible for an attempted to the sentence to death penalty for criminal association death penalty for terrorism. the penalty for attempted to 20 years of principal penal servitude for legal position of women. so ammunition of war, the attackers were led by christie and mulanda, opponent tish, and these being on the periphery of congress opposition for years and lived in the us. he was killed during the attack. the suspects included, come to these british, canadian and belgians citizens, and milan goes on each one of 3 american citizens sentence to death. he previously told the court he was forced to participate by his father. these tactful foss, sure has taken control of the government,
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is not clear who provided the fights as in the weapons. defendants have 9 days to appeal to judgment, congress minutes because a widely criticized for the lacking transparency. the entire incident has raised more questions than answers. melton web out to 0 as a sort of head here now does. they're losing the spending power of the worries. the indian easiest quest to become higher income nation. i'm hungry for more cool for help from people running soup kitchens, poverty stricken project. the pod came in to be say, say that your government has repressive policies, respect of human rights, with this most important task mitel with them in facing realities. what you're saying is that you are restricted by the is released in terms of your movements at the time that so i would tell you was that the thoughts provided king on says,
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how much with trick do you think impulse is right now to us? it seems to be spreading more easily. here the story on talk to how does era use you? k probably minister keystone to aim to inspire party members. but the annual late the ponti conference gave me the thought with tax rises on the horizon. and this quiet over the policy and gaza is the u. k. getting set the tough times ahead. notices on our $20.00 on look, exclusive off is we'd be up to 25 percent off. or freebie in books. get ready to watch the champions of a thrilling season between the european leaks asian and european 2026 will qualify as the best of the tennis will be the one move
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subscribe. now the, the, are you watching out 0 reminder about some stores as a and a witness to the killing of the american that took a shot to the size, you know, is in the occupied. westbank says, these really minute truth claimed that it was unintentional. it's a lie. detailed on the 0 he saw have been shot directly by 3 soldier rooftop around 200 meters or is ready for the zip killed at least 5, putting into the nav stripe on was seen in southern guns that are in the army purposes. it's very safe to displace patient and immigrants in the state of ohio se then living in 5th following conspiracy theory. states by donald trump for
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president has repeatedly claimed immigrants in the area for stealing and 18 people's pets. damages to damage to bridges and roads is humphrey efforts to rush through thousands of people still trapped in a flood? if not, you're in city resident say more lives are at risk because of delays in getting a into my degree. following tuesdays, dime collapse warning, some of you may find images um it addresses report distress, rescued from the flood waters. and now we can shop for days of dehydration and hunger have taken their tools. aid workers. here she'd be a for me to come a to if she doesn't receive medical attention, it's right behind. yeah, i get a book. and the baby she get best to teach for us before said i would it by. i see it was because the and i put in my own book and i went into labor to day after the dumb broke. i gave birth to the baby on wednesday. the clothes on me and on the
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baby are all borrowed right now. i con, producing a fluid for the baby. those who have made it to safety said they left behind, does those possibly hundreds of people trapped in their homes. the slow piece of rescue and relief is leading to frustration. and in some places, watch the body shop while we're doing what, what has no water, no food, no shelter. homes have been destroyed. no one's helped us with anything. officials wait for us to bring out the victims and then they use them for a photo op. on tuesday, a section of the allowed gave way, sending a huge torrent of water into the city of my degree. 4 days later, thousands of skill unreachable receding waters are slowly revealing the magnitude of this disaster. many parts of my degree remain on the water. people have been trapped in their homes for 4 days and have not received for a water emergency. if you should say they have received more boots to help rescue
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the victims by local state, it may be too little too late for many of the victims than i did in military and civilian volunteers have been leading rescue operations because government agents is what you're prepared distressed people are being sent to the pumps that several outcomes are being open. what hundreds of thousands of move to temporary accommodation, hundreds of thousands of people are desperate for help. appreciate i still talk to you about the casualty numbers from this tragedy. they say they're focusing on rescuing the thousands who are still trapped. what reaching the for, i mean to challenge degrees data me to go to the saucy, done has been paying the elections schedule for the same, but by another 2 years. it is the 2nd time the government has delayed, but since setting and transitional care within 2020, this was off the president's healthcare and his deputy signed a piece deal ending a 5 year civil war. a judge,
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a sentence kind of design team police chief to 6 months in prison for contempt feel, but my singly was convicted for it repeatedly defying orders to testify the disappearance of 3 actors for his group saved. the men were abducted by officers last month following antique government protest. engineers who is facing challenging times and as goal of becoming a high income nation. dramatic dropping the number of people the middle class is expected to have significant economic implications. jessica washington reports now from chicago. history to the entities and capital, disappointment, and disability. so pre, you know, had worked at a century that made gas stoves for almost 3 decades. we have, i feel very, very side just as i'm approaching the time and it turns out the company's going bankrupt for his colleagues have gathered to protest, but the factory director says the business had been struggling with weak demand in
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2019 the factory experienced a steep decline and product because people's purchasing power went down until now we've had difficulties in 2019 more than 57000000 innovations were classified as mito cloths. the latest data indicates that number has dropped by about 9500000. experts say the decline is mostly due to increasing numbers of layoffs and fewer job opportunities. some sectors, like the take sales industry are seeing there was redundancies in more than a decade. denisa is one of the world's largest consumer market for private consumption. see, try the economic growth. it accounts for more than the countries and that's largely college by the middle class. the economists say this shrinking middle class may make it more challenging for the government to achieve its television, indonesia becoming a high income nation. by 2045, if the consumption
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a private consumption growth is not increasing. so uh, meaning that these, you know, a drop in a middle income class, a population, meaning that the, the, the source of economy growth, indonesia is also weakening. so i think it's, it is more difficult for indonesia to achieve higher economic growth with the situation. the government considers those who spend between $130.00 to $640.00 a month to be middle class. those just below this bracket are classified as aspiring middle class, meeting them, move hon to economic shocks, and the less likely to spend a lot my so i mean for us my husband still can find another job in his salary has not increased. my son is still unemployed, just meeting all day the needs is on the affordable president, joe, could we do since the declining middle class is not a problem that's unique to indonesia,
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to something affecting many countries. he blames a global economic slowdown. incoming president proposed to be enter was due to take office in october. it is promised to boost economic growth at create $19000000.00 jobs. for super you know, he can't help but look back to when times were easier. when his children would ask him for cash to buy snacks, and when he had the money to indulge them, jessica washington out to 0 to come to now the people running steve kitchens for the poor analogy and tina, feeling the pinch of drastic economic cut backs and they're charging the president of the miller to restore the food distribution program. holton in december, tries to buy reports from one is yours. are there a lifeline for millions of people in that time of economics drive soup kitchens in argentina, showing the impact of precedent. have you had a maze intensive force terry to policies or mean that in my these pregnant and
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travel for more than an hour to pick up food for her 5 children in the capital. that's because the soup kitchen in her communities no longer getting supplies from the national government. so then you have come in and go to ensure that we had set up a place to feed dozens of people in the community. but since the late took office, we had to close it down because we were not getting food. so i come here to take back with icons for my kids and other children there. the government has hold to the distribution of food. i started to investigate soup kitchens and those running of them accusing them of the regularities mean a continues to push ahead. he's economic agenda by providing incentives for forwarding investors and with a 0 deficit plan that includes increases in the price of health care medicines and food was flashing subsidies for utility services in transport. that's the most for me to come to me soon that we're making the most ambitious and profound structural
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reforms and recent decades that will encourage innovation, the codes of companies and ultimately the growth of full origin times. but this is happening as levels of poverty have jumped to at least 55 percent of the population . millions of people, you know, i didn't see and i depend on food banks and soup kitchen like this. when i'm told that over 3000 people are coming to this place to pick up food every day. it's just an example of the economic hardship that people in this country are facing. this things might of already already in those runs 3. so teach and seeing when a site is she has been working to help people in her community for years. rather say per game. i am worried you know, fine because malay as a man who does not care about poverty. in fact, he thinks very badly of the pool. i requested some milk a while ago, and of course they take it doesn't the talk. this is a government made of notices that don't know the reality. don't know if some don't know poverty,
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an old soup kitchens struggling the government says there are signs of economic recovery in the country. but among those coming here, those signs are not visible. and many fee or their situation. we get even worse really. so i'll just see that when a site is to nasa astronaut stranded only international space station have opened up for the 1st time about how the coping come on. the books, wilma is co pilot, so they wouldn't expect with reporters from all that they were set for just an 8 day journey into space on a test flight and building start lining now be closer to 8 months and it was trying at times it was uh over some tough times, all the way through. you certainly is the commander of the appeal to have your spacecraft. you don't want to see it go off without you, but that's why we wound up us what we missed, right. of course, you know, the things that we always miss our families. i missed my 2 dogs and missed my friends. but you know what?
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lake bush said there are so many people on earth that are sending us messages and it makes you feel just right at home. that's it's the interested was coming up. donald trump's refusal to enter a 2nd debate with comma harris. it's a focus see soon bye, for now the had a lot of they will have a look at advocate and environment refers to the middle east and live bands and philosophy. quiet picture, barely a cloud in the sky on the satellite image, but we will see some showers continued to pour into western parts of human and tickled up the coast of saudi arabia as well. we could see some breezy conditions across the golf over the next few days, but temperatures fitting in the early forty's is not as hot as it has been, and temperatures all set to come down across till event was the breezy and cloudy
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conditions moving in. and that's thanks to unsettled weather across the mediterranean. that will also bring some showers into places like out juliet to new z a and libya with a chance of sand storms from those stronger wins as well. but it's not of what appears what we're seeing down in the south across the western parts of africa. you can see some very heavy rain starting to move into molly as well as mauretania on sunday, as rains continuing. a full set central band for the south of this very houghton fly picture to places like what's want to bring it to northern parts of south africa as well. cool. around cape town with the development of some rain on saturday. moving into the suit as well. but the heat dominates for the north of the a fox sports one with gabber, rowe and c temperatures. what about the average to monday? is troops truly the 1st casualty of war. a series of media lows introduce dr.
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rushes invasion if you crane of stifled independent journalism. witness chronicles the near impossible personal and political choices of a nobel peace prize winner and his colleagues in the media organizations find old days before forwarding. silence of caravan under dogs on now to sierra donald trump says no to another debate is coming to harris in the us the presidential election. he claims he one choose days, head to head, but fundraisers tell a different story with a deluge of donations for her as the next day. so what's next for both campaigns? this is inside store the . a lot of the airline james bays, donald trump says he won't do
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