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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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ranging from infrastructure to health and education. these initiatives ultimately help to rather keep poverty and promote sustainable development. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm real about this and this is the news or life from joe. i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes, the sheltering the head to buy in is where the soldier during a peaceful protest 26 year old american turkey. shocked to this auction on s p. i relates to rest and so keep your monetary and zones refugee camps on homes come
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under is ready assault. and yet another night of attacks across the guns and strip hunger, dehydration and disease. and ne, in nigeria are under, is rising over the face of rescue efforts, often devastating floods. we want to build a cd, especially might people and patient americans in high or feel for the safety of the republican candidate. donald trump says he'll default them if he becomes president, [000:00:00;00] the american turkish activist, killed by and is really soldier will be buried in our hometown in the coming hours 26 years old. i shall not s the id as well. we shall send it had a week ago in the occupied westbank. she being part of a peaceful protest against it. illegal is rarely sacraments. r carolyn has prompted
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international condemnation should be laid to rest in the city of dizzy where she was born. so kit has lost its own investigation into the attack. my parents say the only thing they want is justice bridges have been taking place in the us where the by the ministration is called the kenning. a tragic ad or non self to the is really army. investigate to the actions of the soldier involved. hundreds of motors have been gathering in seattle, but auction or lived. many of them are calling on the us government to launch an independent investigation. bought over in the occupied west bank, where she was shot is ready, soldiers prevented palestinians from attending prayers in the city via so i'll just as i said, as life and satisfaction was finally home and it took you tell us what's being happening.
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unfortunately we seem to have lost the faith to a russell, but russell did give us a report earlier on and here it is. it has taken more than a week for the body off american turkish citizen. i should do is get a gate arriving to you transferred to the city, what is meant for forensic examination. it was then taken to the final destination . her hometown did put it as gather to her family's house to mourn her in grief, love, and anger. i should've was shot and killed by and is rather small. i put on september the 6th in the occupied westbank. she had gone there to protest against the actions of indigo his right accept those and bear witness to pettus dean is suffering on the occupation. these rarely made it to be serious. i shouldn't, was likely shocked in directly, unintentionally by soldiers. but i know towards the report, at least by the helpless sort of these into westbank save the bit that killed i shouldn't travel left to right through her brain in
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a nearly straight path. suggesting i should, i was kidding. was direct and international. it has lost an independent investigation into our killing shingles. father has cooled all united states to do the same cause i learned that i was states is not letting go of this arbitrary mother by opening an investigation. i was very pleased, i hope, and expect the same from the united states. i feel that she got a very good education in the united states financially speaking. she was doing well . she was married. she could have lived a comfortable life, but she pursued her ideals. she left everything and went to the middle east. how she was that much of an idealist. chicky is also doing a tops the on ice in was buddy i send it. busy or if he shall save the finding,
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would be submitted to the international court of justice and ongoing war crimes trial against israel. so many people are expected to gather for i shouldn't use funeral here in her hometown. she's now close either the national hero and i corner speaker enter key, whose people from left to right. i'm really just a 2nd or, or expressing sort of attitude which our family especially said that i'll just 0 didn't an item problems. what we can now go to that. so sorta who's outside action was family, home and into okay. are you saying they're the people are going to be attempting to be with the family today and do them to be able to more in width and talk to us about what's going to be happening as well. now we are in front device and whose family house in her hometown, indeed him. and now the preparations are on the way to receive her by the because now her bodies and the more give the city more and she's about to be taken to our
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family house right behind me. you can see that are the officials here making the preparations and right over there. her family, her husband, her father, or friends from the united states and from churches. they have been sitting there, receiving people seems days and of course a long day. they have waited for, i said it was by the travel drive and check here yesterday that finally happened. and now they're still waiting to receive her by the i was talking to them. still you can see that this belief on that phase that i should know is a no more. so the officials are serving food, the route they're at and t to the people here it's heavy security measures are being taken around. so because that will be several state dignitaries, the, the, the, the, the local track ish and the international state dignitaries. odd, expect it to be here, present the time. they are feeling it all the parliament speak at the wise president of the company. several ministers, the leader of the physician, some of the american officials,
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they're all going to be about the on that the n g o is, are making cost and clothes and announcements now across the country to come to do them and to attend. i shouldn't, who's sooner all here. so good expect in a mass mass gathering today here. so then once heard about these in is taken to her family house around one hour later that she's going to be taken to the central mosque in the city. and after the noon prayer, she's going to be taken to her final destination. let's say you were mentioning before that there is an investigation that is going on by the turkish authorities. what else are they saying about this coming as well? the main driver behind the investigation is the, the lack of the thrust through to where the is riley investigations. so just remember that these rallies have said that for killing was nothing passionate. it was in direct and even some of the american officials say that it was
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a tragic mistake. a tragic error. however, that is not the believe here. when you talk to our family, when you talk to the touch officials, they believe that our keenan was international and was direct. so new to these lack of trusting to the israelis investigation trust. i've seen that they have lost, they've separate independent investigation. now the chief justice in on kinda has been in charge of conducting this investigation, but more over turkey just yesterday has done his own a topsy on her body as well. and all of this evidence says, or the findings or for killings off the door tops are going to be provided to the, to the international court of justice. that is being taken extremely serious and tricky because now turkey will officially has applied to be a 3 in bold in the core, the war crimes trial that is going on against israel in the international court of justice. and this evidence is turkish officials believe that are going to be an
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additional prove about the is rad is war crimes against the innocent peoples over here, we can see that there is really an anger and a disappointment, particularly when it comes to the us is double standards, so even the officials at the top level are expressing concerns. but also thank you very much. indeed. that's very so santa talking to us from talk to you there as the critics of choosing the us of double standards when it comes to the killing of its citizens by israel, as russell was saying, they say it was a lack of accountability is well battles, demonstrators filled the streets of downtown seattle, washington, where i should newer i grew up, attended the university of washington and became a palestine solidarity activist and supporters. held a vigil along the shore line,
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holding portraits of id. she just loved life. every aspect of it she pursued things in life. most people would not because they were afraid, but she was one of the bravest people i knew. and she really did stand up for her beliefs and held them as cord tenants to how she went about her life every single day us officials condemned is killing. but the us plans to rely on the results of it is really investigation. rather than launch one of its own. you do need to wait to see the results of an investigation to know whether there need to be any specific criminal criminal consequences for the part the, the individuals involved. it's important in that investigation play out. and i, as i said, it ought to be prompt and thorough and transparent is friend says the us response is totally inadequate. i am ashamed of the us government and i am ashamed of president biden. as present, harrison tech secretary is the point can,
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and i want justice for i should, nor no, sir, it's not the 1st time a us citizen protesting israel's occupation was killed by its forces in 2003 activist rachel cory was crushed by an it's really bulldozer, well protesting the demolition of palestinians houses in gaza. no one has been prosecuted for killing. what brings that for me is the pain of that day that we got word and the pain of the days that followed. but it's very painful to see another family going through this and to remember that pain for his parents suggest the international criminal court should investigate is death in a statement posted to social media, i should or i use family called upon the us government to mount its own independent investigation into her depth and to insure full accountability for those responsible rob reynolds, l. g 0. los angeles. say that ended up as
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a professor of political science that isn't university and she's joining us live from istanbul. thank you very much indeed for being with us relations between 50 and israel were already strange to some degree politically. where does this put to talk here with regards to israel now? yeah. first of all, thank you for having me. um, yes, what's happened? eisner's feeling really caught the government in the middle of the dilemma as has been already um trying to handle. here's the dilemma. on the one hand, the government has been wanting to resort relationships with israel, normalized relationships with israel, mainly because of the economic costs that this was the, the problems of israel brought about 5 billions exports on money. and the twin turkey stopped praise relations with israel lately. so
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a duration, 7th being well and so um 2020 to 2022 is when the government try to normalization. mainly because of the economic problems it has been facing since 2018, but most particularly after 2021. so on the one hand, there is this demand, there is this concern to normalize relationship, which israel to do um, to handle the economic crisis to make the can not make prices more manageable, but don't the other hands. the government wants to push israel to improve relations which palestine and push. these are the government towards the 2 state solution, not just because the government's ideological proximity uh to a certain groups in your state, especially from us. but also because the,
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because of the domestic pressures, the government has been facing a lot of pressure from more conservative groups in part 2, such as the new were welfare park unit on the south part. just the, the, the most recent 2024 elections. and so to show the governments that they attempt to normalize relationship with israel and how the political costs, that's home to government last. so it's 2 more conservative parties because because of the criticisms that they come to being too soft towards israel, so the discounts just need. so if i want, just want to interrupt you that because you're advising a couple of interesting points. so in, in one respect, politically and in economic terms, uh, this is a relationship that is so strange and yet it is important to, to, to you. and yet one would imagine that they're going to be this going to be a tremendous pressure within tokyo,
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for the government to respond in some way to what has happened. if the times, if things are so tens, shall we say, if things are so difficult, what can the government do to show that it is responding? well, it's tricky, as you know, to apply to support south africa's case against israel as the international court of justice and the hey and um, now action or case will be included to this folder to this case. that's what the minister of foreign affairs explained. but um, overall this coming go farce and there is definitely the increasing pressures of domestic audience, domestic groups. and also because the issue is a non partisan issue because i shouldn't, are coming is claimed. and um and i reacted to from
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various parties including go position parties because i shouldn't or is a are supported by both left and right, the same groups. but there is also a non partisan uh, so porch to uh, to, to the is a student in case. right? so that's a, that's making the situation even more difficult. i should or is not the typical, this is let me pull this equal. active is she is. uh, she has both um, left and right. um sensibilities. i mean that's her physical past that termination . let me try to use refunds. i mean, down here this month, took his folder in minnesota hopkins for don, had to dress the out of league in colorado numbers the 1st time that that happened in about a decade of more than a decade. i believe. how likely is it as a result of what we've been seeing and, and they're kidding oh, i should know that we could see. okay. moving towards we assessing its
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relationships within the region. it yeah. i think i mean the lately, thirty's, the 1st month, which egypt uh, that was framed as a, as a response to the war. and guys saw, you know, um turkey in egypt coming together to support the policy unions that was motivation for these 2 countries to come together. i think now this is i say, to keep going to that direction with even more motivation. i think turkey is, are we can expect take your turkish government to see more normalized simulations with muslim countries in the region to unite perhaps the case, the grease israel alliance and the, the submitted her in and the region. so did the pressure to normalize relations with israel is still there economically, but i think since 2024 elections,
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you've seen the government um, slowly making a choice towards normalized simulations with muslim countries which was which was also in the government's agenda, post election agenda perhaps the relation of israel, the way to is gold. um and yeah, yeah. so to them are we appreciate the stance. we appreciate you being with us and i'll just see them on thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. have a good day and god is ready for 6. have once again, i talked to nato strip of line in the south west or tens of thousands upon a citizens or sheltering intense dimensions. targeted alma wa seat several times in the past few days. during the war, israel designated the area at safe evacuation zone. pato stands flows from their homes are living in chronic conditions with no access to amenities such as running water and sanitation. this was the scene of one, such as really a tankless talk is at the time camp overnight fires spread quickly and rescue.
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teams have been struggling to reach the wounded. at least one person was killed and several others have been injured. it's just 24 hours ago. in milwaukee is really artillery, shutting killed 5 members of the same family. children were among the dead. i didn't. northern godsa, civil defense groups have been recovering bodies from under the rubble. often more is where the attacks overnight, the military targeted. this was a neighborhood that's east of guys. the city, much of the area is in sauces. juniors. really offensive. in june, we're going to go to central guys. we're going to speak to, i'll just get us call him of what his life is. in daniel bala, the attacks continue honey, the yes and this time it happened to be on a free school facility in the eastern district of java city. that's at the bar district. very close to a neighborhood that sold more over the eastern part than the central part of the city where according to i wouldn't visit the facility itself. it's
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a preschool facility was over crowded with many of the families, it from different parts of golf and city. been pushed into internal forces. they've been seeking shelters of protection inside this facility. so far, the confirmed report that we have it from the baptist hospital. the 10 people were killed the that that includes the 4 children who are inside this facility with their families. the 3 women and the 3 adults were inside the facility and just this it just says, see, i'm full of the ongoing get talk for the past couple months that i've been happening without any prior warnings whatsoever, including areas that have turned into shoulders. so what we're talking about here is a more of a, a preschool facility, but in the past with talked with the evacuation centers. these are honor was schools and because god, the holding parent goes, it doesn't have any proper shows. there's. we're talking about children that are equipped with, with, with, with the,
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with materials that are fully prepared for it for display population do not exist across the guster. but that's why we're seeing more people are seeking to, if there's any protection insights on what facilities inside and privately owned the clinics or privately own the case, you know it's, it's usually like this preschools facility, but there is no protection, there is no safety whatsoever. and that's one more thing and one more in the kitchen that is really military with its deadly attack, does not have any plan to slow down or give a respite for. and really this plays the trauma type population on a separate attack. these really monetary carried out that they are a taco lot of milwaukee evacuations on, on last evacuation is not safe at all a 100 percent unsafe right now. it'd be turned into a more of a death trap were, but people look have any other options, but to seek protection. and sol filters inside that area where tents were attack and not only causes the destruction and damage to nearby events,
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but also cause further civilian casualties. deepening this, the shadow sense of safety again for an already displace, more psychologically from the type population has been almost for almost a one year long of genocide the were. and the reason what we're seeing on the ground is more of the fact it says of the genocide of practices and acts on the ground has been taking place and drop by city for the southern part of the city, the paramedics and civil defense to were able to retrieve bodies that were killed within the past few days. and it's a transfer them all the way to an officer hospital. it wasn't that long ago, honey. we were talking about the polio vaccinations that were taking place in jobs and those inoculations have not ended. but at that time the is really mandatory. it said it was going to pose the attacks whilst the vaccinations were being carried out. so the occupations have not rendered what's been happening often done of the well, let's not forget that the positive in the findings were not holding up very well.
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they were, there were many times these really military is violated. these pauses in the fight is supposedly they were supposed to hold up for the, the window of the vaccination where they're here in the central area. and you, in the southern part of this tribune tonya and his city nearly and for the northern part are really many of the challenges phase the vaccination campaign. but the w h o. other leading partners have managed to vaccinate large number of people. there's still many of the children who are not able to get the vaccination and we understand that there is at 4 in 4 weeks. the 2nd dose of this vaccination has to be given to children to make sure they're not contracting the polio buyers. but there are no confirmation notes or anything, whether that is really monetary, we'll have to get, we'll get more positive for defining or stop at talks in areas that are densely populated right now, the population across the gulf, fifty's tons and crated in different areas because they've been told to be back
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with a certain areas because they are safe that they turn out, they're not safe. so this whole thing of whether people are safe or not. and with the, there's a need for medical intervention to stop. the spread of the polio virus is also a question of a right now given the, the current situations and the fact the attacks are continuing to happen. even at the time when there were, it talks about pauses in the fight thing, whether it's here on the northern parts, in addition to the obstruction of medical comb, voice to uh, to manage and operate the vaccination campaign and northern gospel. honey, thank you very much indeed. 100, welcome to talking to a some dental obama there. as well as you've heard from honey you and agencies are calling on israel on how must oppose the fighting to enable another round of polio, vaccinations the world health organization says children will need a 2nd. those within 4 weeks to prevent or not break it for him all holiday and reports from northern garza,
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on the difficult conditions under which health workers have been operating the last day of vaccination campaign that should never have been necessary. told you was already created in 25 years ago, but is what use will list warren gaza as it brought it back. from nevada, we went through out to the dangers and districts to help the children and to get her blessings from our almighty. my message to the world is to move quickly and save the rest of the posting in children. enough is enough. it's been a difficult job. you want me to go with that that have 3 this campaign. the environmental situation here is very dangerous, is we must have portable water here and we must get rid of the sewage and the waste water. and the streets must be cleaned of the waist, it fails, then there must be more efforts to eliminate all the threat. select the severe shortage of food. the health care workers haven't been attacked and harassed by is what you made it to repair. so now
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a monday is way the army stop the call avoid that included vehicles and if you for the vaccine nation campaign, warren health organization, officials say they are confident. it's a 3 phase volume vaccine nation driving gaza has hit its target. i'm united the more than 90 percent of the children aged under 10 with the strip land it was the disease had spread, and most of its 2400000 residents had been forced to leave their homes, taken refuge in the crumbs century conditions. despite the relative success to the campaign, scientists for your pull you could return because of the wide spread destruction, unsanitary states of the gaza strip and other diseases that could be prevented by vaccine nations such as measles. i wrote a virus all now have the potential to emerge. and by humans,
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i really know guys of palestine, the touch of ne and nigeria. how about bruce at tens of thousands of people from their homes. authorities are trying to investigate those still trapped the damage to bridges and votes as hampering rescue efforts is um address reports from a degree rescued from the flood waters. and now in shock. for days of dehydration and hunger have taken their tools. 8 orchestra. she'd be a full into commer too. if she doesn't receive medical attention, it's right behind her. yeah, i get the book and the baby, she get this to teach for us before said i would it by a sea of water. because the and i've been in my own book and i went into labor the day after the dumb broke. i gave birth to the baby on wednesday. the clothes on me
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and on the baby are all borrowed right now. i can't produce enough fluid for the baby. those who have made it to safety said they left behind, does those possibly hundreds of people trapped in their homes. this little piece of rescue and relief is leading to frustration. and in some places, watch the body shop while we're doing what, what has no water, no food, no shelter. homes have been destroyed. no one's helped us with anything. officials wait for us to bring out the victims and then they use them for a photo op. on tuesday, a section of the allowed gave way, sending a huge torrent of water into the city of my degree. 4 days later, thousands of skill unreachable receding waters are slowly revealing the magnitude of this disaster. many parts of my degree remain on the water. people have been trapped in their homes for 4 days and have not received for a water emergency. if we should say they have received more boots to help rescue
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the victims. but local say, it may be too little too late for many of the victims than i did in military and civilian volunteers have been leading rescue operations because government agents is what you're prepared to distress people being sent to the palms. yes of that comes out being open, what hundreds of thousands of move to temporary accommodation. hundreds of thousands of all desperate for help. obviously as i still talk to you about the casualty numbers from this tragedy, they say they are focusing on rescuing the thousands who are still trapped. but reaching them for i mean to challenge degrees out. is eda mae the good thing is acting police chief has been sentenced to 6 months in prison for contempt of court . judges suspended the sentence for 7 days to give them one last chance to report to court. give us muscling de hayes, convicted of repeatedly found defying orders to testify about the disappearance of 3 activist rights groups. say police officers,
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abducted the men last months of to anti government protests. hundreds of phases of payments to the streets in june to protest against a controversial finance bill. operating electric code and democratic republic of congo has sentenced 37 people to dare for what the army says was an attempted crew in may. 3 of them are us citizens, malcolm web reports a long business. the suspects have to wait 5 hours to find out that fate. the military cool stuff in the capital kinshasa with 4 months ago on demand a tank the home of permanent politician for child commentary. then they live streams themselves. entering the office of president felix to security, which was on occupies, and on got it at the time. the presidential god arrived. videos set on social media, showed them killing several of the attackers were trying to escape in the congo river,
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but all others were taken prisoner. the court said they're responsible for an attempted to the sentence to death penalty for criminal association death penalty for terrorism death penalty for attempted to 20 years of principal penal servitude front legal position of width and so, and munition of war. the attackers were led by christie and mulanda politician. he's been on the periphery of congress opposition for years and lived in the us. he was killed during the attack. the suspects included come to these british canadian and belgians citizens. and milan goes son. he's one of 3 american citizens sentenced to death. he previously told the court he was forced to participate by his father. these tactful foss, sure has taken control of the government. i mean, it's not clear who provided the fighters and the weapons. defendants have 9 days to appeal to judgment. congress ministry calls
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a widely criticized for lacking transparency. the entire incident is raised more questions than answers malcolm web alger 0. so i had an order 0. the 1st shot against the impulse of all is health organization approves of vaccine from providing a northern or add on the offense of your pregnancies with western allies to let it far, long range weapons deeper into russia. the the hello that may still be somewhere across europe. but winter is certainly showing its hankle central areas. we've got a slow moving cold front that's done snow on the alps and put some very heavy rain to places such as a check republic, southern portion portions of poland. you can see it's still that on such a date, sitting pretty stagnant as we go through to sundays. so we read warnings out for southern parts of poland, the czech republic,
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all the way down to both mia and has of, you know, you can see the weather pushing across into ukraine as well. but it's looking much better behind that, on sunday, for it to the west and pots over france as well, lots of sunshine dominating across the iberian peninsula. there's a kula and course the field, however, to the north west for britain on the island, divine in some moray net, but some sunshine that peking through. so i'm trying to cross, i'm not just scandinavian, not the west, and parts of norway. however, we're seeing the heavy rain here now is that system pushes its way further east. we're going to see temperatures come down, but that we on the output cross the library and peninsula for places like portugal . we have a look at the 3 day for this, but what about the average temperature wise with sunshine, through to monday of the
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too often of con, it's done, it's portrayed through the prism of war, but there were many of the kind of stuff thanks for the braves, individuals who risk their lives to protect it from destruction. an extraordinary film archives funding for decades reviews the forgotten food of the country's modern history. the forbidden real part for the error of darkness on a just as the world economy. those strikes are those with a strong result. indonesia is where such resolve about the right place for your business to get off the ground right? otherwise, on. so with this strategic downstream industry on your
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better tomorrow, the know about this and you're watching out a 0 reminder of our child. so is this uh, an american circle. shots of a skilled vine is where the stipends will be buried in our hometown and to appear in the coming hours. i shall escape like it was shot dead and the occupied was find a week ago. but protesting against illegal is really supplements. is there any forces have killed at least the several palestinians, and then the talking on my wasi in southern johnson, is there any army had previously designated for the sake? so for palmerston, unplugged some ne, in by june i thought was a tens of thousands of people from
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a homeless of cultures are trying to rescue those. so traps obviously damaged to purchase and votes. timeframe investigative is going to return to adult story, the killing of american turkish activists. i shouldn't, or as the, as the, the 26 year old is the 3rd member of the international solidarity movement is to be killed by his really forces in 2 decades. and it's not only active as these really ami. also target some journalists, they may 2022 is very 4th is shot and killed all just got a correspondence should be novel. actually, while she was reporting in the occupied westbank in march 2003 american activist visual cory was crushed to death when she tried to block. and there's really bulldozer in garza, the military label turned deaf an accident and an april of the same year. and is really soldiers shots, but she's such as in tom handling the head. he died at the hospital. 9 months later, the soldier had killed him, was sentenced to jail for 11 years, but he was released early as well. joining us here in the city was mock. owen jones is associate professor of media on, on the 6th at no less than northwestern university in cash out. good to have you
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with us, the family of eisen or is saying that they want some accountability. that'd be once an independent investigation. what are the chances given what we just had, that there will be some sort of accountability ultimately? unfortunately, i think the chances of accountability on know, the only way the accountability can happen is if there's actually significant pressure from a strong is really ally or is rarely domestic audiences full accountability. we know historically and from the examples you just gave with, with virtual car, in some handle that this does not happen. right. and even when the someone is for example, taken to prison or imprisoned, they are released early and more recently because of a since october, the 7th. we seen that is there any soldiers who have been documented, engaged in violence and sexual assault against kind of thing, is not only don't get held accountable, but you have is ready. citizens going to the place where they are incarcerated are being held to try and demand their release. the idea of that being any
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accountability for whoever shot ocean or is not going to happen. unfortunately, there is this allegation is being made about against the us that they are there is double standards that because she is an american citizen, that for the americans are treating this differently. but we have seen, as you've just mentioned in the past, that at each stage the us has broadly accepted the explanation that these really military are the, is really a government has applied. so therefore, you gotta cation to double standards, actually accurate. given the fact that they maintain the same position in every single case. no, i don't think there are double standards that play here. i think it doesn't matter . you know, is real quick, kill dozens of americans and best, that would be no response. and we have to bear in mind that that is, well, i've already killed several americans. i mean rachel carr was mentioned, but we have to remember since october, the 7th. we're talking in palestine, which includes the west bank and gaza stiff codes to american public opinion. citizens, one of the wealth, central kitchen, 8 workers who was killed by his ro,
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uh, several months ago was canadian american. not to mention, for example, the 3 of the britons, opponents national, that were killed by as well. so they've been several examples of american citizens being killed by israel with no accountability america. that default position is to say we trust is route to investigate, right? which one is nonsense? but to there's another underlying the political reason. basically, america have to say that they trust this route to investigate these crimes. why not? because if they don't, their best accepting that israel are not capable of independently investigating these killings. and what that means is that cases, it gains like netanyahu and guidelines by the icpc have more validity because the international criminal code i'll just fight in stepping in when they believe that a country cannot independently the investigates of death, will carry out justice against a 2nd to buy if america to accept, for example, an independent investigation, they also be accepting the fact that is well cannot independent and investigate. and that would be accepting the icy sees argument that that needs to be someone to
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hold these ready authorities accountable because they are unable to do so. while the funeral of eisner is to take place in the next hour or so, we're going to be bringing some coverage of that. but for now demarco enjoys. thank you very much. indeed. the ukraine says he wants to use weapons to talk a deeper into russia, and that's being the center of discussions in washington, d. c, between the us and the u. k. prime minister. but there's no indication when or if president joe biden is going to agree to keep this request, that you go hand reports. what do you say to the law services? as the medium between the leaders of the us and u. k got underway? it was clear, ukraine was top of the agenda. united states, as for standing with you, tilting crane is a defense against russia is on farther aggression, clear for making,
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for prevailing as for the people in the train, half this time folk about the positions you have just added to flight stung, costly ukraine, where i think the next few weeks, a month for feed, crucial, very important. we for, to train in this fight of freedoms. the question, what kind of support should they provide? should they allow ukraine to use western missiles to strike deep into russia? specifically, the british franco stealth missiles called storm shadows. they've a range of 250 kilometers. and it's like close to the speed of sound. these are typically launched from the air and has been integrated into you create in fighter jets. ukraine has also been supplied with american made army tactical missile systems known as attack comes. these missiles can travel up to 300 kilometers and carry 225 kilos of explosives. both the attack comes in storm shadows have already
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been used against russian targets in crimea, some 165 kilometers from the ukranian front lines. however, they have the capability to strike deep into russian territory dependent trade bunkers and munitions stores and damage air bases. so russian president vladimir putin has warranty use of these missiles will alter the nature of the conflict, and that the west would be directly fight in russia. a sentiment, the russian ambassador to the united nations repeated friday to graze, give up to the fact that you train the nationalists, formerly press the button does not matter. nato will become a country of military operations against the nucleus state. i think it's not necessary to explain consequences. this may have experts war any potential strikes may have little effect. will. the presence of a tech comes fundamentally, all during the introductory, this war, the entries absolutely not. resort of attrition between 2 countries. one of which russia has a population 3 times the size of ukraine's and
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a much larger industrial base. at the end of their meeting, fine was asked about pollutants, comments about a potential direct more with russia. i don't think much about satellites, but for now it appears he won't publicly at least cross pollutants latest red line . political aim al jazeera washington problem solving. how is the defense analyst and calling? this is the phone to buy, i guess, because i think he's joining his live not from las go. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. we were just hearing impact his report there by starting the brain. see a deduction in baset it with you and saying, nature would become a country of military operations against a nuclear state. obviously, people are going to be very concerned about how russia may react to the prospect of having long range missiles fired into a territory. but dmitri medford of the deputy chairman of russia security council has just made a couple of statements to the largest news agency is quoted as saying that our
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patients has its limits. our response might come in a non nuclear farm. what phone could that be? the she's considering of course rock to do if we went to the west to especially with united states um but that will allow the. ready wide range, most size, most likely the most dangerous of them would be these crew screws, my size a call to storm shadow embedded in our scope in france, because the giant friendship, british a weapon because they cannot basically reach moscow. and that's, of course, it is very sense. so rush is using it's a new career potential for nuclear brain friendship, which is quite normal. that's what you intended to do to try to prevent the united states to make that ultimate decision up to. now
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that has to be actually working because a refresher base, the use of both doctors use during the code one by both sides a lot and with a lot of the sick. but what happens when this, if and when they say you must, it's changes is position that was house gives the go ahead closer to the british to a so. ready now the use of. ready a long range here to is miss. i was also possibly against moscow. that's another thing. i don't think that the rush is ready to step . ready for the new career threshold, but there are other things that can be done, though much less spectacular, basically more touch on grain with long range weapons though best has been happening basically from the beginning, the war. i want to ask people how rush it seems this threat of this potential threat from long range missiles should they be used? because one would imagine an eye on the spark. anything, of course,
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that it is unlikely that ukraine would attempt to use them on a civilian populations, places like moscow, but military targets would be affected. if i understand it correctly. russia has already moved much of its military aircraft, at least i was a range of these weapons. so if you train is allowed to use these rockets, how effective or how much difference is actually going to make of the most, most likely it would be limited because the yes russia is now. ready the aircraft away from your brain, and it says start bows out the bombs do because you create has been that that g. d been to russia using its own homemade guam range drones. and also she lives, she has, most of them have develop that, but we stick miss, i'll meet you range. know that use it yet and cruise miss. i was also so
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that's being already worked. but of course in moscow there are metric targets. and you create into the idea that the fresh is the new brain answer these ideas and say that, but um m deals uh, a fresh power stations are considered low latrice. the restaurant has the already possible has been hit by a premium drum it thing or finds already on the outskirts of moscow. and there was a fire there that was the english that eventually a so yes, that's the possibility of such just weapons being used. this is going to be a bad for russia motor. we don't really significant loss likely is going to be marginal. what 3, the more troubling for the graham and most by police farther integration mode, street, factual integration, your brain in to,
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with western move up trees that seem as of now. no, that's why russia basically went to war to prevent the integration of your brain. the fact of integration into nature without to be coming up for it. we go minor burns, but uh, being integrated the fact you're buying more and more on the ground cooperation with major military structures. having the defense down the list and columnist from avaya is that to please forgive me for interrupting you, but thank you very much indeed for being with us. patient am i going to say they're living in fear of to repeat advice is claims about us presidential candidate, donald trump. he says those stealing and eating people's pets. some businesses and schools have closed in spring fields in the state of ohio after receiving tribes. city leaders rejects for conspiracy theory, but trump double down on his anti immigrant rest of it during the presidential
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debate was kind of the house on tuesday. some patients say they may leave because they're so scared we will have to build the city, especially my people. what now we need to all the job. and then we got these. they have to enjoy. that makes people living fat. and now they are fond threats of schools and kids being evacuated. why do you still spread? no, don't this. know. the real threat is what's happening and i border because you have thousands of people being killed by illegal migrants coming in and also dying. you have women dying as they come up there coming up in large groups. we called a caravan. i think i came up with that name, but it's really what it is. 10015020000 people and you have large numbers of women being killed and those caravans coming up to this country. and then when they get here, they can go into the country and they, they end up being sex, slaves,
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and everything else. those are your real problems was behavior whitehouse event presidential binding condensed john so attacks against haitian immigrants. while i say take above, i'll just say something like so many americans like to read as we point out, a proud asian american community is under attack and our country right now simply wrong. there's no place in america. this has to stop what he's doing. that's the stop the world health organization is drawn to its 1st authorization for the use of a vaccine against inbox. it says it's an important step towards fighting the virus in africa, which is seen a resurgence of cases. but nobody ratio has come under criticism for declaring a global public health emergency for impulse, but not approving the vaccine, which was submitted last year. democratic republic of congo, as opposed to more than $20000.00 cases of the virus with at least $635.00 depths us. joining us from compet, i'm is dr. sunset center. you all can use the vaccine expert and he's associate
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professor of infectious diseases out of sterling in the national university. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. it seems to be conflicting criticism. here on one hand, the w h o has been criticized for not having approved this particular vaccine. oddly enough, there are critics who say this is, but this vaccine is being pushed out too quickly. what's your assessment of what's going on? i think it's a very reasonable thing to use this vaccine now in the democratic republic of congo, that having a huge problem, se correctly said wrong a to 20000 cases, all this monkey. and this kind of monkey box outbreak about $600.00 and so about a 3 to 4 percent case fatality. right. and the majority of those dates are insurance. and in all terrible depths, do some of them have a subsidy of blistering inside the mouth and throws that they just top peach or creek. so it's, it's, it's not, not a pretty situation at all. we have
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a vaccine develop for small thoughts, which can also work for monkey pulse. we know that from the 2022 outbreak, which is a different, some type of impulse to the one that we're talking about now in congo. and that is the data that we will need as well to see if this back same will work as well with smallpox and the impulse claim to as it does for the claim, one outbreak that's happening and i forgot the law and you were talking there of course about the the corporate outbreak and the outbreak of smallpox ality of on if we hadn't had the experience of those 2 outbreaks. do you think that this particular virus would have taken longer to get onto the become available as well? i think yes because of the info outbreak in 2022, which window all over the world. so append damaged. it allows rich nations to look
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into research vaccine production. and we've got a very effective what we call the generation vaccine denials at the moment. and we know that so many people around the world have received the spectrum that we've got good safety dots are related, not just in, at all, saving with the sort of off label use insurance. so we know good things about it. as i said, we still don't know, we claim one, this form of impulse, this is causing the big outbreak of the moment. they can come to, congo, how well they will treat that. but if you can look at the data from the small box and the inputs claimed to from 2022 and hopefully she'll be affected. but just briefly, the supply is going to be key. obviously, are they going to be able to, in your estimation, be able to supply enough and vaccines to be able to do with $20000.00 cases in democratic republic of congo? yes, so it's a tricky situation. democratic republic of congo, very populous nation, of around a 100000000 people in it. and we've got areas of conflict and people living very
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closely together. a lot of refugees has been displaced as well, with infection could spread easily. so it will be a challenge if this hadn't happened, hundreds of thousands of doses of vaccine from various potties was going to be sent to the sea. but now i believe that with this announcement, hopefully tens of millions of vaccine will be limited to susceptible populations by the end of next week. and that's what the vaccine manufacturer is telling us to send out to you. okay, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just, you know, thank you very much. indeed sir. thank you so much. i, a dozen water shortages have become a regular recurrence in greece. there are concerns of water supplies may have to be taught for parts of the day. john said, i'll publish reports from central goods constantino's costume. this feeds his 600 animals every evening and watches them from his own. well, he's also responsible for the water supply of his village of the very key in
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central greece and a string of neighboring villages that live from castle sheep and goats at home with him on the block and see the day i keep it as we have lots of issues when it doesn't rain, we use springs and well with that over 2 or 3 years ago, they were barely sufficient. it's of when the see if there isn't enough water and we need to from one to time because and drive you into the villages. hiring the trucks are expensive when you just a few 100 yards away from. could you invest fund is greece is biggest artificial lake, but he and the other villages and the area onto allowed to touch it mostly was damned and flooded. 45 years ago to provide drinking water for athens were about half of glasses, population lives, some 5 and a half 1000000 people. it's a false and good lake whose fingers have been growing shows up because of a series of dry winters. the village of condo was flooded when the time was built, but the fresh water and muscles that grew on its wills on now good. that's because a 3 year drought has since the modem,
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this river that feeds this lake and deprived the surrounding mountainsides of snow full that would have melted into it. but before that drought, the surface of the lake would have been about 10 meters above my head. the model for the is now so slight, it dissipates into the lake, but before reaching the body of water and consumption and athens is tapping it daily. while i'm no, i'm not bet that i've been, i've been otherwise appeal to the rock by the water's edge. when i goes here 2 weeks ago, as my house is by the lake shore, the water level has gone down by half the height of my book and stick in the time. science has to worry, the climate change brings more such winters. athens may be left without drinking water. according to the athens observatory, this has been the hottest greek summer on record. we've temperatures 2.3 degrees celsius higher than the summer average. since 1960 and climate model suggest that rain full in the eastern mediterranean will fall by 20 to 40 percent in the coming
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decades. the government is responding with at least a $1000000000.00 worth of new dams, dozens of planned to provide irrigation and drinking water and some of them to store renewable energy. the question is, by the time the boat will that be enough rain to fill the rest of the was jumpstart, awful us algebra, either the key and central grease. and i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more on hold the stores. don't forget the website, of course i'll just come. i'm robust us and stay with us to me and then send us your nominated decisions made from the white house, the same meetings around the world. stay without your 0 for life, coverage of every twist and to the special programming and correspondence across the country. both parties are looking for any small group they can get to put them over the top. god bless the united states of america are great. the us elections on,
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i want to see a unique perspective, the american stablish when it's going to go into the dr. using kamala harris's identity of the black women on heard voices, people who have close political affiliations can get a way that can connect with our community. and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. are we going to live in a world where it absolutely normal journalists are targeted and blamed for their own little place on our is changing the world of order. the stream on out to 0. they for another to defend the american constitution again. so why would they take up homes against their own country? as the us heads towards the presidential election, a new series explodes, the role of military veterans in far right column groups. that's a cool potential threat to democracy against all enemies on outages
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era. the . ringback the shots in the hair define is where the soldier during a peaceful protest 26 year old american turkey shots of his action or s b. i will
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be laid to rest into the office. and this is obviously


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