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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:53pm AST

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the, the, there's no limit to how far a dream contains sta in your own adventure. now counter and wayne, the hometown, and the coming out as 26 year old. i should know as a gate with shops in the head a week ago and occupied westbank. she'd been part of a peaceful protest against illegal his writing settlements academy has prompted international condemnation ticket has launched a thorough investigation into the attack. i should know it would be laid to rest and hometown of them. the body was brought to a family home where hundreds of mourners gather the head of the funeral procession . apparent and say the only thing they want is justice. we'll join now by let's custom hon. he's a professor of international relations and took,
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he is baker's university. and he is joining us live from assemble. thank you very much for your time. we have been watching for the last few hours. and in fact, since yesterday, many people gathering outside, i should know, as the eighty's family home in didn't where she's from then west and take a and the last hour we've seen had body being brought to helen. have family members hugging the coffin? it's really clear just how people into a key, i don't. johnston didn't, but we can see that people across the country a morning, her desk can you give us an idea? talk to us about how much that highlights the solidarity that people into a key a few with the palestinians, why i should or has become a hero and took here as well. actually. uh, i think that on the issue is uh, tell us fine uh, to our kids citizens have shown that grades uh solo the,
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to with the palestinians. this is not only about an ideological or religious solo di this year. it is also about the turks longstanding tradition of spending with the weaker side in international politics. this is embedded in the culture i have to say. and totes are also uh, people that belong to a culture which puts a premium on parents. and what is happening in uh, how this bind right now is not only illegal in terms of international law, but also i'm just and that it is quite old views. and given the political climate in turkey, i also have to add that uh, usually it might seem like, uh, the more uh,
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is that miss politics and people leaning towards them as politics. more conservative spots of the society are more sensitive about what is happening doesn't uh if you take it as a whole goes in the west bank, the whole palestinian uh area. uh, but i sure actually stands out. uh she doesn't weigh ahead. scar, which is actually uh like a very much opposed to size symbol in turkey. she was standing for human rights. so she's an easier to get her for the techs to come together around a, to show solidarity with what they see as an on just, you know, legal situation in the pay. so despite, or despite the political, a consolidation of turkey's political moments. and so all those reasons and we
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decided that we can finally pull the rug. and for one of those reasons that you mentioned mr. how no doubt the people of ticket will be supporting the government's action when it comes to carrying out an independent investigation into action or death. tional was an american citizen to do you expect to adhere to put pressure on the u. s. it's the nato ally to investigate to attending well, i would expect that to happen, and there is no doubt that the tech spelled b behind the government's move for a escalating legally. uh the situation. uh, but i do not expect any uh, positive reactions uh, from the us administration to be on or yeah, they've already said we've heard from president biden. and so far he seems to be,
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well, he is going for what the is really on a has said, which is that it was unintentional that it was an error. but how much would you say that the target investigation for the ex phones is the us lack of action in protecting their own citizens abroad when they killed by, as really forces. i don't expect any. uh, how should the reaction uh, compare to the previous uh, attitude towards such killings from the us administration. think about the case. so for example, the 2003 case of the 24 year out activists racial cory, who was basically the part by an armor bulldozer in dropbox in gaza. uh, the us reaction was actually not strong to say the leads of those killed uh, either the us citizens killed uh,
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on the ground in palestine has not changed that situation because the united states a attitude towards the whole issue that is not being impacted by the identity or who is being killed, that are those who would say that i shouldn't, but being a turkish muslim woman, it is not reason enough for the united states, the changes that could do, i would say otherwise, if i mean rachel corrie was there was a loss but by all accounts, and she was a graduate again of a liberal college. it's a us citizen from the state of washington, a 24 year old, long blue eyed girl. that was still not enough for the united states to change. it's set to do so i don't expect what is happening around i she goes,
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murder to change that in a profound way, independent of whatever the secretary of state or the president of the united states are taking. is there an initial or a re adjusted position with custom home joining us live from assemble there? thank you very much for your analysis for now. we appreciate it. thank you. and as of in here in critics are accusing the us of double standards when it comes to the killing of its citizens by as well. they say it is a lack of accountability, is rob rentals. demonstrators filled the streets of downtown, seattle, washington, where i should newer i grew up, attended the university of washington and became a palestine solidarity activist and supporters. held a vigil along the shore line, holding portraits of id. she just loved life, every aspect of it, she pursued things in life that most people would
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not because they were afraid, but she was one of the previous people and now and she really did stand up for her beliefs and held them as cord tenants to how she went about her life every single day as us officials condemned is killing. but the us plans to rely on the results of it is really investigation rather than launch one of its own. you do need to wait to see the results of an investigation to know whether there need to be any specific criminal criminal consequences for the part the, the individuals involved. it's important to that investigation play out. and i, as i said, it ought to be a prompt, and thorough and transparent is friend says the us response is totally inadequate. i am ashamed of the us government, and i am ashamed of president biden as present harris and 2nd secretary of state blinking. i want justice for ation nor no sir. it's not the 1st time
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a us citizen protesting israel's occupation was killed by its forces in 2003 activist rachel cory was crushed by an it's really bulldozer, well protesting the demolition of palestinians houses in gaza. no one has been prosecuted for killing what it brings that for me is the pain of that day that we got word and the pain of the day is that followed. but it's very painful to see another family going through this and to remember that pain. tori's parents suggest the international criminal court should investigate is death in a statement posted to social media, i should or i use family called upon the us government to mount its own independent investigation into her depth and to insure full accountability for those responsible rob reynolds l g 0, los angeles to the 26 year old, i should know as the ag is the 3rd member of the international solidarity movement
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to be killed by as rarely falls into decades as not only activists. that is very ami also targets journalists with jewel national nationalities and may 2022 is really false. a shot and killed. i'll just be our correspondence shitting of lockley while she was reporting in the occupied westbank. in march, 2003 american active this rachel cory was crushed to death when she tried to block and it's really bulldozer and garza the military label. her deaf an accident and an april of the same. yeah. and his very soul just shot brush citizen tom handled the head to dive in hospital 9 months later, the soldier who killed him was sentenced to jail for 11 years, but was released early as well. joining us here and the studio is michael and jones associated professor of media analytics at north west and university quarter. always good to have with us mock. so firstly,
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let's start with what we've heard from us. officials so far, president joe biden saying that, you know, that as rainy investigation says that this is most likely unintentional and era an accident on how investigations, how eye witness accounts by all the protest as who with the human rights organizations. but even western media outlets like washington post have done the on investigations. what show that the is rarely account just doesn't stack off. it doesn't stuck up. i think there's this thing, right. there's 2 things that certain in life death and taxes. i think you can add a 3rd thing to that, which is the us basically coming out and defensive as well as actions. and as you mentioned, the washing post have done an investigation. what it clearly shows is that i should always shop in the head at the distance. the video documentation of is already soldiers, sexually assaulting palestinians, which is reporting has many media. what happens you have is rarely citizens go into that detention center to try and get the soldiers have. so it's
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a really unlikely that's gonna happen now. but just that final point is if it does happen, if it does get prosecuted, he will be released early. and what this doesn't show is that the systemic, the reason i should know which shots was because she was protesting and illegal occupation. there was no reason that solely on shoulders should be pointing guns at, on protest, as a protesting against something that's illegal in international law. absolutely. which has assessments and it's most likely the only reason there was an investigation is because she is an american citizen. we have to remember that the village of beta that she was protesting and they have been 17 palestinians killed in this village alone and data since 2021. and by its very forces and, and is there any human rights organization? yes, then said the likelihood of any investigation culminating in an indictment, something is really soldier who causes any harm to palestinians. is point 87 percent less than one percent. yeah, i mean,
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this is not an issue of accountability adjust this, that will be no, just that i should know. but as you said, the double standards the author did. we double standards in the sense that the americans have mentioned this publicly. but in the case of the well, thousands of protestant new skills, but hundreds in the west bank. often the fact of an investigation being announced won't even happen. right. so the fact that an investigation big amounts is a difference. but the reality is that there won't be as expensive amount of justice in the end, regardless of whether you're thomaston or american, and it seems, is all in this case, the american or the american government campbell that is very hostages, then they do about their own citizens. and even their own laws because us laws prohibit us weapons being used against any civilians, any way not would have to leave it there for now. we know don't be coming back to you a little bit. and they said, we're going to go now to our correspondence. russell says that he is joining us live outside the mosque and didn't in west and took care of we pray is being held
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for i should notice. and i know that you've just travelled from her family home to the mosque. so tell us about the journey that her body has taken and what's happening behind you there. so there's several miles here. you didn't move just 10 minutes, drive away from her a apologize of lost connection with our correspondent who was attending the funeral. all of i should note as the ag in west and that took here. this is our ongoing coverage of a funeral and we will go back today so that so we're trying to establish the connection with they. so like, so can you hear me? can i have the program i can hear the program, the program. i can hear the program may so tell us what's happening behind you there. of the, i don't know. well now i guess the just the position leader has just arrived to
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attempt i should was sooner all her body was at her family's house. i lived, i go, then they have taken her to the central malls right behind me here in the, in her hometown did him send people are getting prepared for or gen as a pre of that's going to be the firewall for her. i can see 7 old parliamentarians, they are position lee, they're here some of the ministers, they have jobs to arrive and of course, have family members as well. one of the tragic incidents right off to her, but they have left her family house for father. i should, whose father mamma, swap a has just said that it was quite a dramatic scene. so that is becoming more and more keys here. manual for our close friends for family members are having to say move. the next stream. start will grieve now the morning and for her and the spice. so tight security measures
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old around there are a barriers and trying not to laugh people to get here that much because the high state official, senior politicians are now present that to her funeral, bought the around me. i can see how that is that indeed houses of people poured in the streets and attending her funeral. so now it is a time for the noon pay a here in the them, in the item provost west in costa western cost to set you up to tier right to off there to the noon prayer or jan as i pray that is going to be that i'm going to see her coughing right over there. the company is going to be put there. and then that is what would be the firewall for her. right, dr. dash, she's going to be taken to the central cemetery in the them. and that is going to be the end of i should news i should. it was a joy, me, it's been a long journey, hasn't it wrestled since her death and the occupied westbank?
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a body had to come, i believe from via us or by john. we know that took a cancelled flights between the, between israel from as well because of as well as one, gaza. it has taken all the actions to since the world again, like cutting off trade relations with as well. you say that there are thousands of people that we sold out for the grief outside her home when her body was brought to her family home for the last time. her family members hugging the coffin, you say that her father has fainted. tellos about what people are telling you about how they feel about i should know what's happened and her coming of the 12th. i was talking to some of her family members, some of the neighbors. and of course, are friends that are here present the to that has a ride from the united states and for them, different cities, officer to yeah that's, that's really a side
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a moment for them. so when i should've was shot and killed by an inside a sniper in the westbank, while on the 6th of september, when she was protesting against the legal was riley settlers passed, trying to convey the message of the suffering of the palestinians in the occupation . so right off that, that moment on that scene, everybody has been taken to the hospital in the west bank. the 1st i'll talk to was contacted over there. then the westbank authorities. they have handed over her body to these rallies and sees that moment on that had been intensive direct, any direct diplomatic, a force from turkey to ride states and several other companies also involved box it too much longer than expected is riley's before had been over the body to say that they are going to contact their former topsy and they are on investigation. so based on the initial invited to investigation, are kidding, was likely,
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on international him directly. however, that did not the mood here and the turkish officials for france, her family. they believe that it was a direct and impassioned old kevin. so the sniper who has shot and killed, i shouldn't knew what she is doing. but people saying that the reason that he has done because of the talk to infinity for these various actions, the sonata knew that there's not going to be accountability for him. so that's why he active and then i'll be through the manner that is a common belief here. and that's why the truck is what facials have invested as long as they are on independence investigation. and the family is now quoting, quoting on the united states, also to do the same because they believe that these, that investigation is not thus transparent. there are lots of ambiguities around that and they are calling for the justice now. so and was talks to her friends and the witnesses who were with ashley west who was killed. they also said price center
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was posing no to that to these rather security voices. and that was not any competitive reason for any is rather soldier to shop, to shoot, to kill, i should, or this will thank you very much for that. that is vessels have the joining us live from. i should note as a funeral in didn't west and took a let's go to gaza now is really full, says have once again attacked now strip of land of the south west with tens of thousands of palestinians of sheltering and tense. the military has targeted on the wasi several times just in the past few days, early in the war as well. designated area. a safe evacuations on palestinians, full strong day homes, and living and cramped conditions with little sanitation or access to running wolf . this is the scene of one, such as by the attack which targets with the 10 to cancel the night will phosphate quickly and rescue. teams have been struggling to reach the wounded. at least one
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person was killed and several others injured. and just 24 hours ago. and out of the wasi is radio, tennessee showing killed 5 members of the same family. children were among the dead and a northern gaza civil defense close to being recovering bodies from under the rubble . often more is rarely attacks of a nice the military target to be sure to in neighborhoods that's east of the city. much of the area was flattened during and is really offensive in june. that's had to central gaza and bringing on correspondent, hunting muscle with he's joining us live from that. i'll bala and just in the last 19 minutes or so more deadly is one of the attacks honey yes, done. the day progresses we're seeing is search in the talks across the golf, the thread right now, it seems to be concentrated in defense from the area and just the seeing here at
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the hospital turn it from a relatively called one as there are the hours of this morning, going to see, you know, a us here as more of the surviving family members came out for followed the ambulance were dispatched from the hospital here to the bond side of the as the right did you get me brought back in those who were critically injured removed it from the bond residential homes in the other, not have directv cam here, as well as 2 of those who did not survive these attacks and the elderly and the young adults who were pronounced right away did. as soon as they entered the emergency department, we're all holy soaked in blood, removed it from the emergency department to the more of the hospital, but a scene of the crying survive, surviving family member or those who survive the tax. here these are the results of the art still, or is that could be heard the clearly from early hours of this morning. but within the past half an hour they were deliberately and then,
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and targeting residential homes, you know, not as a refuge account. this is not the 1st time we're seeing this confidence as well as in deception systems, but no casualties have things reported as well as hasn't deployed 5 digits to attack sites and never known from where the rockets were launched. the lebanese group has ball and is around have been trading 5 since the one goes up again. the moving on to the news now and salons in northeast and nigeria have options of tens of thousands of people from the hollins. authorities are trying to rescue those to trapped the damage to bridges and roads as hand cling rescue efforts as well. this reports from my duty rescued from the flood waters and now in shop for days of dehydration and hunger
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have taken their tools. aid workers. here she may fall into comma to if she doesn't receive medical attention, it's right behind her. yeah, i get the book and the baby, she get this to treat for us before said i would it by a sea of water. because when the and i put in my own book and i went into labor the day after the dumb broke, i gave birth to the baby on wednesday. the clothes on me and on the baby are all borrowed right now. i can't produce enough fluid for the baby. those who have made it to safety said they left behind, does those possibly hundreds of people trapped in their homes. this little piece of rescue and relief is leading to frustration. and in some places, watch the body shop while we're doing what, what has no water, no food, no shelter. homes have been destroyed. no one's helped us with anything. officials wait for us to bring out the victims and then they use them for a photo op. on tuesday, a section of the allowed gave way, sending
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a huge torrent of water into the city of my degree. 4 days later, thousands of skill unreachable receding waters are slowly revealing the magnitude of this disaster. many parts of my degree remain on the water. people have been trapped in their homes for 4 days and have not received for a water emergency. if we should say they have received more boots to help rescue the victims. but local say, it may be too little too late for many of the victims than i did in military and civilian volunteers have been leading rescue operations because government agents is what you're prepared to distress people being sent to the pumps that several outcomes are being open what hundreds of thousands of move to temporary accommodation, hundreds of thousands of mole desperate for help. all features are still touchy about the casualty numbers from this tragedy. they say they are focusing on
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rescuing the thousands who are still trapped. but reaching the for, i mean to challenge my degrees, i would use either my degree multi as going as a project coordinator with the doctors without borders in my book, it in his joining his life from there. thank you very much for taking the time to talk to was can you tell us about what the gracious need saw there now? well, at the moment says we are 96. i was a officer. the floods the greatest need is still assessing what is, what is revealing itself for the moment we are focusing on is a lot of send it taishan, a lot of prevention. the sending treat conditions that are hearing all very, very poor. and the biggest few is water born diseases, malaria. and since we had the tail end of it, mom nutrition crisis is, was made reviewed itself. also, it's just how much you know, you told him about the tail end of amount nutrition crisis,
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just how much has the flooding exacerbated the existing crises in my body because of things like now nutrition because of the very high food and security that existed the already it is, it is a bit too early to tell. i mean if it, on your program about 3 weeks ago, hoping for the holidays to come in and deviate the current situation with this sliding coming in. now we do not know what the effective will have on the holidays . what we do know is that the main food market, the 3 main food markets of my delivery, has been washed away, needing a, what was already a federal situation in choose something that is yes, wrong or all that daunting and, and scary to face. especially given the you're talking about, you know, the gracious needs, but the challenges, the great challenges in meeting those needs with so many roads and bridges destroyed. indeed the referral,
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i mean the infrastructure has been destroyed. and this means from a medical perspective is that there are federal pathways on very hard to excess on 9696, i was off the floods. you now have a such an idea as to who was injured in who needs and needed help. but 96, i was now in the old, the pathologies that kick in following the flats of the water born diseases, the malaria, the people who have chronic illnesses that are in need of the, of a drive. it's no longer have access to it. the tertiary the main, tertiary hospital, that exists in my degree university of my degree teaching hospital was completely flooded. um and so were quite a few of the structures before it is it is very hard for us to be able to, to refer patients. we can, we can deal with primary health care, but anybody who needs for the, let's say, for the and more complicated to access to health care is a lot of the big issue at the moment. matthias gomez and doctors without borders. thank you very much for joining us on the story. we really appreciate it. thank you
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very much. goodbye. know haitian immigrants say then living in fia into us soft over painted races, claims my presidential candidate, donald trump. he says this digging an 18 people's pets. some businesses and schools have closed in springfield and the state of ohio after receiving threats. so 2 leaders rejects the conspiracy theory, but trump double down on his anti immigrant rhetoric during the presidential debates with come on a house on tuesday. with some patients say they may leave because they're so skid we will have to build this cd, especially my people. what now we need to all the job and then we not be they have to enjoy that no make no sense to me. i would understand if someone decided to express it because the threat, like i said before is well, but for me,
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i said, i don't think you'd see the best decisions because i know what's happening right now. it's not. it's not like the entire community, like for american citizen type jesus, it's like the timing. so and why don't running right now could spend to any, any more the cdn and maybe even in the world. but on the campaign trail in california, donald trump has been challenged for making false accusations. the mayor of springfield, ohio, the police chief, the republican governor of, i'll have, i'll, defunct, a story about people leaving pets. another aplomb, threats in schools and evacuated. why do you still spread? no notice, no. the real threat is what's happening in our board. because you have thousands of people being killed by illegal migrants coming in and also dying. you have women dying as they come up and coming up in large groups, we called
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a caravan. i think i came up with that name, but it's really what it is. 10015020000 people. and you have large numbers of women being killed and those caravans coming up to this country. and then when they get here, they can go into the country and they, they end up being sex, slaves, and everything else. those are your real problems. it was speaking as a white house event, president joe biden, to condemn tom's attacks against haitian immigrants. why say, take about and say something like, somebody american about korea. as we point out a proud asian american community, it is under attack in our country right now. simply wrong, there's no place in america. this has to stop what he's doing. that's a stop for the russian president, dmitri negative says russia could destroy keys and reduce it to quote, a giant melted spot in response to any use of long range. western weapons by
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ukraine has comments, comments the leaders of the you can us method in washington to discuss your claims requests to use as the weapons to hit targets deeper inside russia. but there's no indication when o s. president biden will agree to keeps request as he called haines reports. what do you say to the man? as the meeting between the leaders of the us and u. k. got underway? it was clear ukraine was top of the agenda. hi, stacy sandy, when you helped you created a defense against versus alpha regression clear for making for him to not prevail. and as for the people in the train, half this time folk about the issues you have just added to flight stung, costly ukraine, where i think the next few weeks a month for feed, crucial, very important. we for, to train in this fight of freedoms. the question,
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what kind of support should they provide? should they allow ukraine to use western missiles to strike deep into russia? specifically the british franco stealth missiles called storm shadows. they've a range of 250 kilometers. and it's like close to the speed of sound. these are typically launched from the air and has been integrated into you crate in fighter jets. you can, it has also been supplied with american made army tactical missile systems known as attack comes. these missiles can travel up to 300 kilometers and carry 225 kilos of explosives. both the attack comes and storm shadows have already been used against russian targets in crimea, some 165 kilometers from the ukrainian front lines. however, they have the capability to strike deep into russian territory dependent trade bunkers and munitions stores and damage air bases. so russian president vladimir putin has warranty use of these missiles will alter the nature of the conflict,
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and that the west would be directly fight in russia. a sentiment, the russian ambassador to the united nations repeated friday doors to graze, given the fact that you're training and nationalists, formerly press the button, does not matter. nato will become a country of military operations against the nucleus state. i think it's not necessary to explain what consequences this may have. experts war, any potential strikes may have little effect will. the presence of attack comes fundamentally alter, is defined as it has not yet been officially announced. and may know by announced g to, to, to see is of escalation. but that doesn't mean that the decision hasn't been made anywhere. the stress of west long range missile strikes and russia is closer than ever. according to military, on the main target of the missiles should be admitted, treat as hills and russia because plays from vote from that seem an i c. e, korean population. according to the russian side,
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those potentials try deeper into rush to stay with truth. will inevitably bring a lot of civilian casualties and demolition of civilian infrastructure. national pop oliver ultra 0 most are we more canada has thrown at full support behind you claims request to use long range western weapons from minutes to just intruders. as you claim most when the boil, canada fully supports ukraine use a long way, long range weaponry to prevent an interdict. russia's continued available, a continue the ability to degrade ukrainian civilian interest infrastructure and mostly to kill innocent civilians. we're going to take you back now to our top story, which is the funeral of american to location activists. i should note as the ag, these are live pictures from the turkish municipality of them in the west of the
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country. this is iesha nose coughing, being bruce out of an ambulance wrapped in the took his flag. her body was brought to a kia. yes, today she was killed and the occupied westbank. a week ago, her body came back to a kia via azerbaijan, because took a canceled or flights to and from as well off to as well as one garza again, her body was brought to her family home and did in just about an hour ago. we have family members said that final good byes to her at the home. it's now being brought to the grand mosque and didn't where the funeral procession is going to take place . or a correspondence, russell says od has been in to them for us over the past few days, and he's joining us live from the funeral. thousands of people have turned down to
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pay their respects to, i should know this will tell us what's happening there. and well, now that seeing that's for everybody has been taken by the security member as forces here from that vehicle. and now they're, it's coughing as right in front of him. now this is the final spot a well, we can see that the ceremony is also becoming a military one, because now turkey is regarding this as a matter off the stage so we can see it up for the minister tickets for the ministers here. the weiss, president of the company is here, the leader of the opposition department speaker. several other parliamentarians and the minister of senior officials, politicians. they are old here,
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the members of the leading, the members of the leading n g o was also here. now the coffin is just yeah, we can see a picture of her. i shouldn't. whose picture from the her graduation and with that policy and cut the air on her, her shoulder. now mom is delivering as a peach them shortly. her body is going to be taken from them through this cemetery and in her hometown, and that's going to be the end of her her jordan journey. so this time of the members are here for franz from the united states and took care because just let's remember that i should know how to do of citizenship. she was an american citizen and also a turkish citizen. and even also for killing, there has been so much diplomatic force and some disputes as well between tricks here. united states and israel pulled her body where she's going to be taken and
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where she is going to be. she's going to be buried. but finally, the agreement that has been raised between the parties, it has been decided that she will be buried in her hometown where her family leaves what her sabbott house is. and now her body is taken to her hometown often a days. so when she was killed on december, the 6th, so that the 1st of the top see one, her body has to be conducted in the west bank by the westbank house or forward it is. and then her body has been handed over to the as rallies. son, his rallies didn't last heard body to be transferred immediately. the said that they are going to initiate an investigation and do an autopsy over that despite the whole objections from the family, from turkish government as well. so it was
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a set off to the magic a full. so regulating directly is that somehow has agreed to transfer the latter bodies to be transferred from that need to the capital off us. that'd be john by cool. and then put them back who put body has the phone to stumble right off that that should it has been taken to the city or is mere for and for top 6 that last night the forensic experts here in the city or is me or has done or top see and her body that has been transferred to her hometown. so texas government now saying that it has lost its own investigation as well because they do not trust these valley investigation that said, well it was this man who has killed here. and now them to launch it on investigation means almost nothing to discover meant for somebody. they believe that the is that investigation is having lots of them to do it. the in itself is not transparent and it's never going to deliver. and that's why texas government
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has it last is on investigation on the findings of this investigation. and of course, the top see that has been done in the city, or if he has met, quoted infectious offrey shoals are going to be provided through the international court, international court of justice to be used in the ongoing your crime trials against israel. so now back here we have been talking to our family members per father for husbands, for close friends, that i scream and a sad cedar. can't see that this belief on the face that i shouldn't or is no more . it's tragic moment for a family to lose a young woman and being shot and killed by in his violet sniper. so now the prayer, the gen, as a prayer for what i said, who has just started to see that a mom is now late in the print air. this is the firewall for i showed
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you at one a 6 years old, 9 widens activist that was killed by his riley, smart person to do the
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so we are watching the funeral, pres, for the 26 year old. a macintosh activist, i should know is get a good that is the mom speaking at her funeral. pres, have thought we can see, i should know, was father standing behind the mom and today a joins you can see in the pictures there. they are joined by thousands of people who are attending her funeral and they sold. this is just such a moment of solid actually, isn't it? because i tional an american citizen who grew up in america was in the occupied west bank because she was protesting against in legal is really assessments. she was killed by and is waiting, sold a wall, taking positive protest and went ahead body is bruce, back to hometown that we're seeing pictures of now did in thousands of people,
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i should know died because of her solidarity with the palestinian people. and here we have thousands of people who are literally attending have funeral, but millions of people across to a care morning desk because they also stand in solidarity with the palestinian people. we are listening now to the turkish parliament speaker. let's, let's listen and to what he's saying. that people, they are less this is because any subsidies pleasure assisting you today. yeah. here visit. and if we did not move the inside, as we know tag is here. this all our house, especially even for everyone. so i need him to is he, is this the hard thousands of them i should or oh us,
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this is from now on the go to images and some of humanity. may she rest in peace and hope for the gods? meaning may just an agenda. she cost me lesson in paradise, but come by my office. i don't have a verse expressed myself this. however, i am very pleased here too, but we've got out of lebanon, tennessee, the videos, and they've signed those. we have completed an autopsy. may our nation know the block of our society should not have been not dispute in rain. this been be investigated internationally, according to allow us to vision be on the have. pres,
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may got there was a box that will be listed in the us. now. that's all you've done it exposed so you can still get the following. the pos of i should nurse striker is. so you, if it came down, we are not d on except for you saw the end do so i can fall apart. a side won't be thousands of pows. unfortunately, a new version that he cannot even keep track of these that's a 6 of how many depos back pills in gauze um as far as occupying process, the modem is. uh no, i was slowly step by step, continuing to occupied. the is the spines and all us that i should know
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was that in all of the, to be pushed out. there is the johnny johnny. it must be that the attention was the legal occupation of the best spines. this is the force of the tower of the faith as far as the lives of the know that the presence of a very powerful stays on the rose has diverted from humanity. however, according to those of see, i should know he was killed by a, by the bullet which fix her from underneath her left ear fitness and as long to pay the price for this the palestinian cause of struggle when eventually soon or later reach
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victory. a love it can be made like a hearty awesome. now pay for i shall know. to rest in peace. the the, the, the,
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the, oh the oh. the home. oh the home
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you watching. i'll just say to we're bringing your live coverage of the funeral that's being held of turkish american act to this i should or ascii i you who shot and killed by. and his, when his soldier accidentally occupied was buying car. she was protesting against a legal is really such a special set or is life for side side the most things it in less than took here for prayers have being held for i center just talked us through some of the speeches that we've been hearing. russell of the well the, the turkish parliament numa includes with most has the just deliver brief speech right off the funeral. pay or off. i should news. so he has cooled, i showed as a martyr. so i have been reporting that now the direction leaders are calling her as a national hero. so today, the part of the there has cooled her as
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a martyr. and she said that now palestine is not a matter of the foreign affairs. for us. all assigned is a national cause for the state of uh to to yeah. so then he also said that took his government is not going to lot is just go, it's going to follow off. and the trying to document all the crimes that has been committed by the red army by these various governments. and it's the circus government's going to gather the findings. and this findings are going to be provided to the international international course. yeah, it's been quite critical to where is riley and also the american or officials who have been repeatedly saying that it was a tragic error. it was a tragic mistake. it said that it was not a mistake. and the valleys and the american officials are aware of that,
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that this was not the tragic. adler bought to rob the rubber it was at the ceiling . so it was a direct and passionate killing. and that's why now we said that, according to this, for folks the report that they have, they have received the ocean who was killed directly. and that the bill that's, that traveled from left to right to hurt brain has traveled on a misplaced path. once again, he's confirmed that that he said he suggested that it's, she has been killed in a short distance directly. i mean, passionately by and it's very smart for, it's not clear which reports, mutual thoughts or reports. it was good for it. and because now we're talking about 2 reports, the 1st one, the 1st autopsy, what's conductive in the west bank by the west bank capital authorities. and that's what talk to the 4th was saying that pertinent wasn't optional. it was the rack i
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bought last night's truck is a lot of these also have contact them as opposed to on items by the here it is ma'am. so it's not clear whether the parliament speaker was referring to this or the westbank autopsies for the films that has been done in turkey. and now i shouldn't, was, body is now being taken to the cemetery and in her hometown and shortly she's going to be buried. and that it's going to be the end of her journey russell for night. thank you very much. indeed the rest instead of talking to us, they are from the time of duty and let's bring in i'm a costume hahn is a professor of international relations and took, he is very close to diversity is joining us.


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