tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera September 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:28pm AST
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passionately bye and is very smart press is not clear which reports mutual thoughts or reports, it was good for it and because now we're talking about 2 reports. the 1st one, the 1st autopsy, what's conductive in the west bank by the west bank capital authorities. and that's what talk to the 4th was saying that pertinent wasn't optional. it was the rack i bought last night's truck is a lot of these also have contact them as opposed to on items by the here it is ma'am. so it's not clear whether the parliament speaker was referring to this or the westbank autopsies for the films that has been done in turkey. and now i shouldn't, was, body is now being taken to the cemetery and in her hometown and shortly she's going to be buried. and that it's going to be the end of her journey russell for night. thank you very much. indeed the rest instead of talking to us, they are from the time of duty unless bringing i'm a costume hahn is a professor of international relations and took he is very close to diversity is joining us live from symbols. so thank you very much indeed for being with us. i
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want to talk to you more about the level of pressure the took here is about kind of expect to put on israel. and of course on the us as well in order to be able to carry out their investigations as well. uh, talk dishes uh later relations are as a historic flow right now. so i don't expect them to go further south if i may. uh, but turkey is definitely going to put pressure on is right. and or at least try to put it on his dr. true international low. which means that the south african case in to, in the u. n. cord will be again, uh, trading in with uh, evidence uh from ation was murder and turkish officials are going to bring to be sure in the deliberations with the us. so it shows this case more open
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than they do any other uh thing saying that uh, this may turkey party to, uh, what is happening uh, in, in palestine. uh, i have to say that this case differs from uh, some of the earlier incidents that has been experience. uh, concerning, took a citizen, the citizens in the palestine. and it is right. uh, there has been to report 2 cases of turkish citizens to together actually been honest. or can y'all compare the on the board the oven on while trying to pass the gross? it is always that the nature of i should use a merger while she was put this thing peacefully, but a being westbank against the land dress, illegal land dress of uh today is riley size. uh,
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without resorting to any sort of part of the uh, united incident in which is riley's, i saying that uh they are nice but it was part of the thing. it actually uh, another uh for sister who was an instigator of violence activity while the whole framework that this incident happened was at her leave of stones by both these rallies and palestinians in the area. uh and so not without the molding any kind of firearm song. so for the is actually a direct competition that is sold just or targeting civilians without any reference . uh, why are their thoughts not correct? so this incident, brand frame like this difference from anything that turkey has been criticizing,
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decide for concerning its own citizens. thirdly, and makes the key a legal part to support this happened and also unit. the isaac is july event at the maple started to put the additional patient on washington. so we're going to hear more about the shipments case from turkey show towards. i also have to add that i should get is coming from a visit, which is a very small town, actually almost as big as the gods the uh, which is largely secular. the leader of the deal position as well as the spokesperson of the parliament. and the foreign minister then, actually the widespread is a $10.00 to $15.00, which makes, i should use case also one that probably be easily turned into an argument that the entire c o, the country, despite the polarization into the case politics today,
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is going to embrace and that is why i wouldn't believe that the turkish government designs were also going to find it calling lenient to bring about. i should use case when it comes to defending development sports. these feelings, the molding you'll citizen, this is a much more a reflection of the structure of the us policy towards the conflict in palestine is right. the mothers, you've seen the cases in the previous case, the all the, say rachel corrie, who was also actually uh, with the international sold at the moment that i figured was working. pretty cool. was it a by any standard uh, advice and american citizen uh, a blown blue eyed girl that, as i said previously,
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i was no different. i'm in the us. the action was no different that's, that's fine to uh, when it came to, to come handle, for example, the british photograph, it's been student who was killed by a sniper. actually, the reaction was not different. so i think that is this overall by, it's been great. this is in the western and the us policy against the this issue, which makes all these murders the easily get a, slept under the wrong if, if i'm a unfortunately, uh, as i say, there is riley position on i sugars tending is, is coming from the office 2 miles a day is highly investigated thursday is that a military spokespeople is that the slide was part of a thing, an instigator of violence. so there is deliberate action taken by these riley parts
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. uh, but we also know that the uh p both what was happening on the ground in terms of this demonstration was for legal spots. so no weapons. 34 is right. snipers actually at that point we're targeting people cooler on the arm and i should use united should use case i believe. what's new moncrief too much the spokesperson of turkeys parliament as the paring too is also the forensic investigation and tell you about in is made by perky show towards these as well. so everything that uh that that surrounds the case. that speaks to what unfortunately has become the standard of uh, international uh, western uh us reactions uh towards uh, what is happening uh, in, in, in augusta and in palestine by a lot because uh westbank is witnessing
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a higher end of this land grab, which is completely against international law, by the way, completely against us though. uh as well. uh, i wanna, i wanna interrupt you there just briefly because it, you've raised 2 or 3 interesting points, but i wonder wiping this out a little bit more as well. um, in terms of the action, the turkeys, uh, that can take in response to this relationships with israel as you were talking about, were already strange, both politically, diplomatically and also in economics play as well. because that presidents rise up to our, the one had decided to stop the exports of turkish goods to israel for a period of time earlier on this. here it's not any of this month. talk is foreign minister address the audibly same title. and that was the 1st time that did happen for over a decades. how likely is it these things as a result of incidents like this, we're going to see took care reassessing its relationships within the region.
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well turkey is already going to uh that 3 assessment and trying to normalize its relations with syria, even though there are problems and the pace is slow. so i would not say that this is going to alter what is already altered in terms of thirty's policy towards the reach. uh that is why i don't expect that any drastic changes or perhaps apart from uh, growing simple things uh towards uh, turkey from diarra world is 30, becomes the louder spokesperson, who is also a member member of may. so against the policies of is ryan in i in post on the car. some honda is a professor of international relations that appears very close university and sir, we appreciate your time. thank you very much indeed. thank you very much. joining
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us here in the studio is mark owen jones. he's associate professor of media analytics at northwestern university and catch a good to have you back. so one of the key elements of this is all the demands for the family, for justice. and following this case, i want to talk to you about the way that the americans have responding to this because matthew met at the state department spokesman, who said that they want a quote from cetera, i'm transpiring to investigation. we've also heard, however, that they are already describing this as a tragic out or, and to me that sounds like they've already made their decision. they haven't already made that decision. the fact that they're asking or saying they're waiting for the outcome of an is really an investigation or what he means. they made the decision because there is only one outcome of in his ready investigation. and that's essentially to exonerate the adf on a system in the level the west. but, i mean, the most, i suppose that could happen is that a low level is really soldier. well, maybe spend some time in prison. that's the worst that could happen. and i doubt
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that will happen anyway, because as we've seen in previous cases, such as, for example, the mother of a, is there a shoot me an outline, even when american rhetoric was it, it strong. this which briefly was calling for an independent investigation, which then that you kind of renee, done. the outcome was that yes of the is really invest a foreigner image, evidence of criminality, and then the us accepted us. so what we're going to see here is the us probably just accept and is there any investigation that fundamentally exonerate soldier? and it's important to remember that went through and i will actually was killed. this was before october, the 7th. right now there is unprecedented pressure in ero domestic pressure in support of the armed forces, especially among the rights when we saw, for example, visual evidence of is ready soldiers sexually assaulting palestinians torturing them in prison. what was the outcome by the is ready? soldiers were reprimanded. they were that you had a group of, of, of right wing, his rabies, who went to the, the prison, the detention center to try and get them free. so there was this tremendous
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domestic pressure as well, not to hold the idea of accountable. and let's not forget that there is a lot of discussion about intentionality here. of course, it's intentional. you have a group of on demand soldiers pointing their weapons at a group of unanswered and pulling the trigger. the fact that they pull the trigger has a level of intentionality. the fact there was a head shot at a distance suggests who was deliberately targeted, right? so in the public domain, the public fed even american newspapers about the washington post have documented substantially that this looks like the deliberate killing, waiting for it is right. the investigation is simply saying, we want to postpone this. we will hope this dies down in a few weeks when we get the outcome of it is really investigation. people probably have moved on with the district and delane type in large, moving, obviously covering the the funeral is taking place in a eisner's hometown and those of data in talk here at the same time, she is a jointed citizen with the united states, and they'll have individuals that are being held in the whole heart hometown of us,
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of seattle, or given what you were saying about that did not make between the us and israel and, and so on. this is to some degree remove attention away from the us if the focus isn't so key that instead, i think it does. i think it's an interesting dynamic. obviously, it makes sense from a has point of view who, who knows that the palestine issue is, you know, a huge kind of political issue. i spoke to the tech of citizens and he needs to make the most to, to, to be seen that he is actually trying to work in interest of a national here in a box. because of this, it does take some pressure off the us and the sense that, well, it's almost the same type of claimed action or we have dismissed her and the justice that for should be sought by tucking not by us in any way. that's what's happening because, you know, we've seen that tech again to sort of try to get an independent investigation on this and anyway, it does absolve us who can kind of distance themselves from this unfortunately.
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welcoming jones as always we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed. thank you . and god, is there any forces, have once again attacked a narrow strip of land in the south west with tens of thousands of palestinians of sheltering intense the middle trees targeted all the more wasi several times in the past few days. earlier in the war, israel designated the area a safe evacuations on palestinians, forced from their homes, are living in chronic conditions with little access to running water and sanitation . this was the same one, such as when the attack or socket at the time is kind of overnight fire spread quickly, and then a few teams have been struggling to reach the wounded. at least one person was killed and several others were injured. it's just 24 hours ago and all my washing is really artillery, showing killed 5 members of the same family. children were among the dead and the northern jobs of civil defense, proofs of and recovering bodies from under the rubble. after more is rarely a tax over night. the military talkative, dishes and neighborhoods,
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that's east of gauze and city. march of the area was flattens, chicken is really offensive in june, a name, gaza city. this being and is there any attack on the facility for items like plastic converted into liquid fuel? at least 5 people have been killed in that strikes. the newly established facility is being used by civil defense, cruised power, the vehicles. if not, we should have warning their rescue operations may be effected. israel's post 2nd with severe restrictions on the entry and fuel into gaza since the war began. pretty much mode has the latest on those attacks. in general, bala in central gulf more death and destruction from overnight attacks and early hours of this morning that continues to cause more atrocities and further civilian casualties, the interior level of destruction. i agree with that. is it quite visible just within the past hour? this really monetary carried out the talks in the eastern part of the central area, mainly concentrated on a highly refuge account where residential buildings were targeted and destroyed to
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people arrive to the hospital in very critical conditions. and within minutes of their arrival to the emergency department where for now instead was august with silver on the other is critically injured. one of them is in bad conditions right now at the i to you unit in this scenario, keeps repeating itself as the talks continued to pound across the garden. as to the earlier a talk, this really military destroyed a preschool facility that how many of the displays families in north thank god, as well as the residential home and eastern part of the city that's up to 5 neighborhood were 11 people from one family were killed including 4 women and 3 children, and 4 young adults were killed among the casualties that were killed and for now killed right at the, at the squads is really military, continue to carry out attacks and separate on different locations, including the laws. evacuations over 5 members from one family were killed as well,
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causing more difficulties on the ground and pushing people for further civilian ties. with these more families are being targeted and they may be too little too late for many of the victims. then i get in military and civilian volunteers have been leading rescue operations because government agents is what you have prepared . distressed people being sent to the pumps. that's how black comes out. being open, what hundreds of thousands of move to temporary accommodation, hundreds of thousands of all desperate for help. all features are still touchy about the casualty numbers from this tragedy. they say they are focusing on rescuing the thousands who are still trapped. but reaching the for, i mean to challenge degrees, i will do that. my degree, my time is commodity is a proof of project coordinator with the doctors without borders in middle grade. he says the funding, the slowing down efforts to try to help people what we do know is that the main food market, the 3 main food markets of my jewelry, has been washed away, needing
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a, what was already a federal situation into something that is yes or all the daunting and, and scary to face, the infrastructure is being destroyed. and this means from a medical perspective is that the referral pathways on very hard to access um, 9696. i was off the flood. uh you now have a such an idea as to who was injured and who needs immediate help, but 96 hours. now, the old, the pathologies that kick in following the flights of the water born diseases, the malaria, the people who have chronic illnesses that are in need of the, of the drugs no longer have access to it. the tertiary the main, tertiary hospital that exist in my degree university of my degree teaching hospital was completely flooded. um and so were quite a few of the structures. therefore it is, it is very hard for us to be able to, to refer patients. we can, we can deal with primary health care, but anybody who needs for the, let's say,
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for the and more complicated to access to health care is a rather big issue. at the moment. the patient emigrants say they're living in fear in the us state of ohio after repeated racist claims by us president presidential candidates. donald trump, you says they're stealing, i'm eating people's pets. some businesses and schools are closed in town in springfield, after receiving threats. city leaders reject the conspiracy theory, but trump double down and is on to amazon graduate during the presidential debate with carla holling some tuesday. some patients say they may leave because they're so scared. we will have to be able to see the, especially my people, what now if you need to all the job and then we not be, they have to enjoy that. no make no sense to me. i would understand if someone decided to express it because the threat, like i said before, is well, but for myself, i don't think you'd see to it's the best decisions. because i know what's happening
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right now. it's not. it's not like the entire community, like, or american citizen try to jesus. it's like the timing so and why don't running right now could spend to any, any other cdn, and maybe even and work on the campaign time in california, donald trump is being challenged for making false accusations as the mayor of springfield, ohio, the police chief, the public and governor of, i'll have, i'll, defunct, a story about people leaving pets. and now there are from threats of schools and kids being evacuated. why do you still spread? oh, no, this, no. the real threat is what's happening and i board because you have thousands of people being killed by illegal migrants coming in and also dying. you have women dying as they come up there coming up in large groups. we called a caravan. i think i came up with that name,
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but it's really what it is. 10015020000 people. and you have large numbers of women being killed and those caravans coming up to this country. and then when they get here, they can go into the country and they, they end up being sex, slaves, and everything else. those are your real problems, especially the white house. if i am the president joe biden condemned to trumps or attacks against asian immigrants. why say, take obama to say something like so many american right grade. as we point out, a proud asian american community is under attack and our country right now simply wrong is no place you in america. this has to stop. what are you doing best to stop? the chief of me in was junk, has made a rear request for fault on age to cope with deadly fights, triggered by typhon yagi. the military says 53 people have been killed. more than 235000 people have been forced to flee the homes of to typhon. yeah,
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he hits the country, bringing heavy rains and southern. it's the most powerful storm to hit. so if he stays up this year and drive some water shortages have become more frequent and a more severe in greece. but all concerns but water supplies may have to be cut for parts of the day. john set off with us reports from central greeks, a constantino's good tomb. this feeds his 600 animals every evening and watches them from his own. well, he's also responsible for the water supply of his village of the very key in central greece and a string of neighboring villages that live from castle sheep and goats. and from the time of the bla, into the day, i keep it as we have lots of issues. when it doesn't rain, we use springs. and well, when i look at the 2 or 3 years ago, they were barely sufficient. it's of when the see if there isn't enough water and we need to from water time because i'm driving on time villages hiring the trucks
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are expensive when you're just a few 100 yards away from control. and best fun is, greece is biggest artificial lake, but he and the other villages and the area onto allowed to touch it. most lake was damned and flooded. 45 years ago to provide drinking water for athens were about half of the creases population lives. some 5 and a half 1000000 people. it's a full thing. good lake whose fingers have been growing. sure. so because of a series of dry winter has, the village of condo was flooded when the time was built. but the fresh water muscles that grew on it was on now. good. that's because a 3 year drought has since the most in this river that feeds this lake and deprived the surrounding mountain sides of snow full that would have melted into it for the full that droughts. the surface of the lake would have been about 10 meters above my head. the lord knows where the is now so slight. it dissipates into the lake, but before reaching the body of water and consumption and athens is tapping it daily. and while i'm no better, i've been,
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i've been the while i pull to the rock by the water's edge. when i got here 2 weeks ago, as my house is by the lake shore, the water level has gone down by half the height of my book and stick in the time. science has to worry that if climate change brings more such winters, athens may be left without drinking water. according to the athens observatory, this has been the hottest greek summer on record. we've temperatures 2.3 degrees celsius higher than the summer average since 1960 and climate model to suggest that rainfall in the eastern mediterranean will fall by 20 to 40 percent in the coming decades. the government is responding with at least a $1000000000.00 worth of new dams. dozens are planned to provide irrigation and drinking water and some of them to store renewable energy. the question is, by the time the boat, will there be enough rain to fill the rest of the was jumpstart, off los altos, 0 utility, and central grease. whether it's nice that inside story is going to re examine and
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this has been a defining week and the us presidential election campaign. don't forget the website . of course you can get more and our coverage of the presidential campaign on the website. obviously don't, don't com on robotics and stay with us the the had a lot of that. let's look to each day. is it web bellanca is set to become a typhoon, often moving across japan's re, you cool islands. it's moving in the east china see strengthening as it does so we're looking at wins of a 120 kilometers per hour. by the time it makes land full, that's expected in g yang province is going to resolve a storm surge, potentially brittany flooding as well. thanks to the very heavy rain to areas,
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not to shanghai, we are expecting some disruption to transport that it will continue to work its way across most central parts of china in the new way. also seeing some west of weather from that system, pushing across into japan, but it is still a very hot and humid story here and across the korean peninsula. now we're also set to see further flooding across the north east of india. naps, thanks to monsoon depression that's already cause flooding me in my cost pots a bundle dish as well. you can see the very heavy rain here that spot red warnings for the likes of west bengal and d show on sunday. it will move into most essential areas monday into choose day before the rest of the country. we are seeing some showers, but no. so the warnings out so much to wire up in the north now and launch the dry across much of pakistan on monday. this is true, it's truly the 1st casualty of war. a series of media laws introduce dr. russia's
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invasion, a few cray of stifled independent journalism. witness chronicles the near impossible personal and political choices of a nobel peace prize winner and his colleagues in the media organizations. final days before forwarding silence of kind of refund on the dogs. on out to 0. donald trump says no to another debate is coming to harris in the us presidential election. he claim, see one choose days head to head, but fundraisers tell a different story with a deluge of donations for harris the next day. so what's next? the boat's campaigns. this is inside store the .
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