tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera September 22, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST
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the i'll just the is there any forces storm alger 0 is bureau in ramallah, in the occupied westbank and shut down operations that the hello i'm sorry i minimize the, this is alger 0 life from del also coming up on the program. has paula fi is real kids deeper into israel, a good size it targeted an ad based near the northern city of high side
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is comes off to these right, minute trace trucks, 1011, and its largest exchange of fi with has far less than salt tova also coming up this, our left us in order to come out of this and i, aka, as a commanding lead, as a result is coming from sure line cause presidential election the we begin in the occupied westbank. what is right, forces it stormed. alger 0 is bureau in ramallah early on sunday, and shut down operations. stuff were given 10 minutes to gather that belongings and leave. the military is ordered the bureau closed for $45.00 days. earlier in may these right government bad algae or from reporting inside israel. here are the moments off to is ready. soldiers presented alger 0 is bureau chief wiley, honorary with the order to close the bureau as
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a i'd rather than i'd love with my idea of who this is with statement that was brought to us by the israeli army. the statement includes, in order to shut down our elders here, office for 45 days, buying a young woman. well, as i thought i was getting, you saw that this is a decision that was made by one of the is really generals. he is ordering us to immediately leave the office phone and take our personal belongings and cameras. and that was the other. i don't a subsidy. yeah, i mean who i was coming out. i said that, but i, i told him that as the client the, the army says we have only 10 minutes to take our belongings and leave the office so they can shut it down and then send out on the 28th of the office will be closed . for $45.00 days, about setup. love you? yes. okay. and what uh, what is the reason most of the reason is in the statement you can have a look at it down or something to give us a copy of it. let me know and i can see i will keep a copy of the statement with you and for any concerns or issues. you can go and
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speak to our ministry. come on bob at the army headquarters. i'm with the data that comes out of being a own man to walk and he says that the order is to shut down the office for $45.00 days and the rest of the details are at their headquarters. and the reason is that let me see the reason for the design was there whether you can keep this coffee that's now bringing home to sell his his life ice from amman, jordan, because he's ready government, his band elders are from reporting inside israel. and some extraordinary footage we're seeing there on a to on murray, the bureau chief, being presented with the order to close the b. i. what else has taken place? the that's right. pretty remarkable scenes as a group of these really forces came in guns drawn with these huge weapons in hand, ordering the closure of edges ito's office into my law in the occupied west bank.
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now since then, that raid had lasted for several hours and ended with his really forces putting metal plates against the office door and welding it shot, as well as putting the military order on those lives of metal. to say that this office has been closed by is really forces. but look, this is not the 1st time this has happened and just need his office and occupied east jerusalem. it was shut down by these really government, after a new law was passed in these really parliaments known as the can. it said, this happened back in may, which is why we've been reporting from i'm and jordan for the last nearly 5 months . but this didn't all start then it actually started in october when a lot of the incitement against them just the, the end is journalist began, but then the communications minister introduced a new law in april, which eventually went into action in may only likely to get any of the reaction from israel as a given any more explanation as to why this has happened. well,
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when is real past this new law, the edges ita law as it's known, they said that essentially during emergency measures, they would be able to shut down international networks operating in israel, that they deemed a threat to their national security. of course, to all of those claims and allegations that these really government has put forth are false and have no backing to them whatsoever. but it's important to note that this is something israel does. they say that they are beacons of the free press that they are the only democracy in the middle east that we have seen the tax on press freedom, time and time again over the last several years. just look at our own colleagues shooting over optics, who was brutally murdered by is really forces back in may of 2022. and in fact, during the raid on and does he does office in drama law, is really forces were tearing down her photo from the balcony of the office just to
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give you an idea. there has still been no accountability whatsoever for her death. but at this point in time is still quite early and is real and they're dealing with a lot that's going on on the northern border. so there's still hasn't been any government reaction on the military order to close edges, you know. all right, thank you very much. for now, honda, so who according to is from amman and jordan, what list of about of who's who is this after general of the palestinian national initiative? he joins us allies guide from dow. huh. why might as well be doing this now? i think it's very clear, is it or it was to separate us. i mean, it, i mean for the voice was to suppress the freedom of press and wants to separate us . anybody who tries to bring to the truth about what's happening in palestine, and by that is an ideal corporation forces. it was old and i just see it as being and the other one god and the buildings of tools to the people of the world. not
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only in the world but worldwide, and the that annoys is what it is and wants to cover what's going on. let's remember that as a did not allow any st good photo and jet and others to enter the guys and killed up to now 174 in the list, including some general distort conclude. i just need a long time. you could, could i ask you about that because it's not just the killing and the targeted killings of john les, what else have we seen in terms of enforce disappearances on record high arbitrary detention? i think at least 49 jonas, media workers have been detained for that. journalism is not going to be detained this way to detain. what touch should, uh, and is there any presence on those of them who are still in the presence of suffering from terrible instead of in treatment? and the look to me saying that the in addition to that,
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to that is that any army has closed before some of the stations like i might and may have seen. and the they are trying to prevent anybody from getting vegetables. and they've, they've clauses done just hit offices in the 19 sort of days, areas and enjoy those. and am, i know they're comfortable molar. why? because they were afraid of this very important and up i just realize bleeding and bringing that to the, to the old. but as you have said, the correspondence said this is the picture to visit or is it, is that the claims to be a democracy that claims to be a support to include the most press? no, we are dealing with a fascist system, a fascist government. that has no limits to how far it can go and stuff. but i think that's what i'm most of, i guess the location is very significant in the occupied westbank because as right officials of have said that their actions that are part of the account to terrorism, operation security related, but the fine minnesota is relo cods. he went even further than that because he said
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that israel quote ms deal with the threat in the westbank just as we deal with the terrorist infrastructure in gauze there, including the temporary, the tempo, evacuation of powder city residents. how, how wiring is that? could we be about to see something much more dangerous, possibly in the west bank that includes the displacement of many more palestinians to yes. and we had ordered do with missing to that because the what we see practically is that, is it, or it has the or to buy doors to bank compete. we to back to the situation that existed before to start agreement. by the way, the office is run to do the law under my life. is it a according to us not agreement, which means it is on the palestinian authority security on civil lies. and the license of the office of jersey, the amount was issued by the police to minnesota. as a matter of fact, it was issued by me when i was minister,
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information minister of information and the on the nice and the government, the fine. i was the only so the license lunches either so is there and has no rights, legally speaking, to close any office and any place in the area a or b a yes, isn't that? and that means that is right and has practically eliminated annual or annual sort of deals up at a sitting in a sort of team. and we added back to the situation of fund occupation. and the yes, it is expected that there would be more attacks morales motor. how to estimate those people because they are the imposing population. but with one difference, this time the governor of the west bank is what strict smarter it shows that am fascist. and he hides it, he does not tie this intentions. it clearly says that he wants to offend the bank with such lips. so the 1st thing is would lose any hope and then have to leave more to die on a subject to is there incomplete?
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all right, for now. thank you very much, much difficulty. thank you. and we have this report coming from magazine, but strongly he's described some of the work done from the room. i left bureau in the occupied westbank to after shutting down old is 0 in jerusalem. the is really government has ordered the closure of our offices in ramallah, where we are now in the occupied westbank is the core of unused gathering hub from where ultra 0 has carried out uninterrupted story telling, spending 3 decades. in that time, our journalists of were to bring our viewers stories about the palestinian experience. everything from home demolitions to air strikes, rates and assassinations, the construction of separation barriers and the absurdity of occupation in the 21st century. the expansion of illegal settlements and the terror of settler violence, the humiliation and economic burdens checkpoints, the suffering of thousands of incarcerated post indians and the impact on their
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families. the pain and anger of the people that un officials have described as living under a part time behind the our team's regularly face threats to their safety and to many who may be ultimate sacrifice for telling stories about people fighting for their freedom. all just ear has been accused of harming is really security of inciting against israeli soldiers. but to quote, our bureau chief, you're always been doing is reporting and with the israeli military has been doing to people in the occupied posting and territories. and if they stop doing it, we can stop reporting it same bus route, the older 0 romanella the occupied westbank palestine are as out as there is bread and ramallah was right in these riley minutes. we continued to pound southern lebanon. the israel says that it striking region extensively earlier explosions, willhide and towns across southern lebanon. it's been described to some of the
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largest exchanges of cross board of fi, us since october, when the lebanese group open to funds and to show of supports for its ally have mass and gaza as bought or is also find rock is a deeper into israel, is fee is grow of a great escalation between the $2.00 sides groups as it was targeting the run that david as a south of haifa. most of the rockets were intercepted with some fragments, sparking fires in power outages. sirens have been activated in numerous towns and villages in northern israel, so that speak to a no hold there who's in bay route now. and i suppose that has been a lot with the strike just at, at next to the city of high. so showing that it is still able to carry out a sustained a sold in israel off to the attacks that it has suffered in the past week. a yes, no doubt, a significant escalation in the cross border fire between has bala and is relatively early hours of sunday morning. has the le carried out an hour long,
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sustained a sold on targets in northern israel as well as in central israel, hitting for the 1st time, 50 kilometers south of the border. that's the for there's the strike. yes. and the ongoing 11 months of confrontations, hezbollah saying that it targets into an air base south, east of hay, for that as well as 3rd largest city. it also said that it hits a military industrial complex north of hateful. but what is important is the messaging and hezbollah um, you know, is delivering a few messages here to the is right. the some back is we are still able to operate . we are still able to launch rockets across the border despite the wave of air strikes that is really fighter jets have been carrying out on what it calls as well as infrastructure across southern 11 on the latest wave was late yesterday. but really in the past few days we've seen an intensification of is where the strikes
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as well as also saying that it's come out and controlled as intact as leadership is intact. and it's quite important to point out that on friday, the friday striking base route, which targets are the leadership meeting of the red one force the red one forces as well as infantry unit. and so far they are really not playing a very big role in the war efforts. it is the missile units, the drum units that have been involved in this war effort. so as well as say, we are, you know, still able to fight back. we are still strong, we are still here in southern 11 on but the is really military is now accusing has a lot of targeting civilians, which means we could expect, you know, counter strikes by the israeli army. and they could be of, you know, get another attack that crosses yet a another, a red line. all right, the thing is, is i know is ro as failed to prevent hezbollah from launching these ms cells, which is, is kind of from what we seen in recent hours, but also southern lebanon pots of lebanon are suffering from some of the worst
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bombing attacks since the start of the war on gaza. i guess it was a difficult week in 11 on a route as well. we saw the explosions, walkie talkie pager explosions, thousands of explosions, members of hezbollah, whether the civilian or military institutions wounded and killed as well as civilians. and then we saw that the air strike in the hearts of a root which caused tremendous damaged and resulted in the depths of the dozens of people. uh yes. so many of them were hezbollah fighters, with many others, were a civilian civilians. were you know where the victims of that, of that strike, what both sides appear to be doing this new strategy, if you like, is to put pressure on each other as they try to negotiate. because what is ro wants is to be able to return residents to their homes in northern israelites. what has well as faith, this will not happen unless you end the war on garza and by striking deeper and
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side as well as well as trying to cause uh further displacement and buy is about targeting basically that is also trying to cause further displacement. thank you. so much dana dana funder reporting to us from the route and also have been more is riley attacks in gauze targeting the solvent in central parts of this trip. an attack on a school is a tune and causes that he killed at least $22.00 palestinians and injured thousands more. the schools, housing, thousands of displaced families, 13 children and 6 women were among the dead. just as abraham are highly has moved from is a tune in gaza. i am here stand inside, i'd say to school, located and as a to neighborhood. as you can see behind me, this is the offer math of a brutal air strikes for i get it. this is cool. and this is the belongings of the civilians. here who have been a really displaced from i'd say, to neighborhoods civilians are taking this is,
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this is full of shows our author the own going around encouraging of as a to never. that has been seeking a place for more than one months. i'm not the sort of we were shocked and stunned by to me, so i was hitting the school. we are not terrorists and we are not part of the resistance. we are nothing but normal displaced people. these raiders have left nothing for us. they have destroyed our houses, schools, hospitals, universities, and most only god can help us when we were in the playground and the children blow around us suddenly too is where the massages hit. the school blood was all over the place. people were killed out this toner pop pieces of flesh was catalogued over bowls and even on our faces, a woman was due to give birth in a few days was killed, visible effect targeting this thing resulted in many killed civilians and does is injured listed skills instruction this is
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not more than 17 school have been targeted. dividends forces are trying to make the flush of camp civilians. here in northern go to see if i am heading to a da 0 to northern guys. off pad is fine. still, i have for you to a quick break as well. it has received people in poland, assess the devastation caused by days of severe flooding. the that the one, the average person to know what the truth was. scientists dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by leaders seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is dying of last futures
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on outages era as world readers gather in new york for the un general assembly escalating situation in the middle east, the ongoing conflict and ukraine and climate change will be top of the agenda. can a consensus emerge or will political agendas prevail? stay tuned for regular updates on out. just need to unlock exclusive offices. we'd be up to 25 percent of our free being folks get ready to watch the champions of a thrilling season between the year be leaks, asian and european 2026 will qualify as the best of the tennis will be the one to subscribe. now the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back challenges here i live from dell. i'll top story is riley forces have stormed algae 00 in ramallah in the occupied westbank and shut down operations self were given 10 minutes to gather that belongings and leave the military is owed at the bureau close for $45.00 days as well as 5 rockets deep into israel to groups as it was targeting the run like david at base south of haifa simons have been activated across numerous towns and villages in northern israel and is really as strikes pounded some 11 in light into saturday evening. the army said it hundreds
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of as follows. rocket launch sites are the result central line cuz the presidential election show the marxist leaning calendar. it has taken a come on thing lead. i know the come out of this and i, it is head of the main officer shouldn't candidate. i'm the subbing president. right. and i will look on this thing on the side. nayoka has promised to crack down on corruption and institute policies to benefit the pool. shanker is recovering from an economic crisis. it was forced to cut spending and raise taxes to get a bailout for means national monetary fund. a correspondent been l fernandez, has more in this now from the capital columbus. so when you look at the sort of numbers right now, it's very clear that under commodities on like a, has a pull. the highest number of votes are the only issue that many people are sounding a note of caution with is has he paused that's magic, 50 percent number and for that we need to wait until the a complete picture imagines so obviously we've been speaking to the, to sound like
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a can, there's a lot of, um, sort of celebration that, but they are also conscious of waiting for that final picture of the to say that the result is very much in affirmation, a confirmation of the platform that does sound like a took to bring change to the country to, you know, sweep away the old, a, bring in the new system, doing away with corruption and things like that. but they're also waiting for the final results. now obviously the other 2 can have more or less realize that they haven't come very close to this on like a but that, uh the, the mean sort of people, even in the vic i'm missing as well as in the subject can who have admitted that it can be, has one and congratulate to them, but obviously a more information and more results to come. the people in the hungary and poland are assessing the damage off to the west floods in central europe and move in to decades. european union is probably just millions of dollars in a to the affected regions. so when i get a go,
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has more the remains of what was once the home and the polish village of which allows no wolves ripped away by the sheer force of flood waters caused by torrential rains that led to rivers busting that banks. as those watches receipt, the damage done is immense. as it is in the nearby town of stone, yet shanowsky. when the down bust it swarmed the town, leaving it barely recognizable residents left homeless by the floods clearing off what they can. so they can move back in before the winter. one still owner showed how much work there is to be done. ready ready it was the back to the back room of the show here with the freezes the dishwasher. here's the warehouse, the food products can the various things and it's still on the shelves. and here with so much water we have them can be as in the building on the street is
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completely destroyed. nice for those. a couple why survives 40? the husband was taken away by the water. we found his buttons down. the street in hungry farm is about to harvest. the crops were left with little to salvage and a financial disaster, especially those with small holdings for the crew to come because of that, they will have lots of earnings because of the lack of harvest. because about 60 percent of the growing gland is flooded, we cannot do the new. so in the store preparation works for next year. and then the capital budapest, the down you river rose to record levels. while the city has been sped, the worst of the floods, the search is never the less assigned that it may not be sped in the future. if such, torrential rains become common. sonya jago out his era. frances new government is finally taking shape with the announcement of ministerial positions.
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earlier this month, the presence of manual platform chose michelle bonnie, i was prime minister. his appointment has an good many people because the left wing, new popular front lines came mountain top in those parliamentary elections. natasha butler explains more about this now from paris. what we now have to make up open, you a french government, 39 ministers, and junior ministers. many of the names would really be known to the wide public eye in frogs, that may need politicians and some senators in the 2. but what is most significant is this is a government that really leads to the rights michelle bond. a. the prime minister has picked a number of ministers amongst as a conservative policy, a lot of sentra send that to, from the french person. emanuel mac rolls policy vanya says he wants to put the accent on things like integration, security, and that no less links. because though, in the base government that is not a surprise, frances left wing, it lines very angry about the july. it's not the election say say they won the most
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folks they were waiting for the french present to a point a left wing prime minister instead of point to the right wing prime minister. and that is why they've refused this for this government. the main issue now full, michelle bon, you're going forward is going to be, can he's government survive will, is simply collapse because one of the issues he has is he does not have a majority of a fraction to paul limits. he's going to need the support to fall right to the left wing and pays that unlikely to really wants to co operate with him as i should. butler, i'll just say we're a paris a just a bit of news from america. the democratic presidential candidate cumberland harris has agreed to a 2nd debate with a republican rival. but donald trump is the one who's refusing harris county and says he's willing to participate in a televised survey on october 23rd. but donald trump says it's too late for now. the debate as the voting is already underway in the country, not included galloway's. well, that's it for now, but i'll have another program for you in about 25 minutes time for you all the
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latest on developments in the southern lebanon, atlanta fitness right strikes and then also in the northern is right. the city of high stuff, that is right. it was all of this been that been watching real kids on the realm on the days that military base is just not far from that. sitting on the, we're still getting the daily dose of fund the stalls in western society, which could be flash bloody. but most significant, whether it's been showing up recently in talk here. this is on the north coast, the black sea coast. and this is what's happened. so far, obviously the shots taking a night's beating, flooding in trap as on. however, it is not the end of it. the development in that part of the black sea looks like turning into
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a proper little spinner. so in the same sort of area you want risk of stronger wins and yet more right. i doubt sweat into a few of the shingles are showing up moving studies and stretching down through 11 and possibly be on that with the breezes bit windows full. but i don't think they'll be, and i think significant to you. so is that carries on south of that's affectively. as dr. pop from the channels i mentioned that still might show up in high ground, arrested. you haven't. the edge of the monsoon is so weak now that sequence he very much from it anyway. so our included little difference during the except for that circulation which has not gone away. might even have grown to twin if you like. so wet long and those kinds of turkey tropical after knows where his it was, but aristo sharon was a right now. jerry or, and the south india still at main risk. and the recent snow that so on the eastern side of south africa has gone, attempts to recover the sun, his heart,
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they feel remote to defend the american constitution. so why would they take up homes against the country as the us heads towards the presidential election? a new series explodes, the role of military veterans in far right column groups. that's a crew to the potential threat to democracy. against all enemies on al jazeera, no refuge for enemies in his fellow strong holes is rose warning of the foaming of
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