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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  September 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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not only ignores reality, but also gives fortune the political space to continue the war and pressure the will to bring more nations on the control. any part of the well or alternative attempts to see these are in fact efforts to achieve allow, instead of an end to the war as a global initiative. the beast formula as already existed for 2 years. and maybe somebody was a nobel prize for their political biography. for frozen tools instead of real p us, but the only prices put in will give you in return on more suffering and disaster, we must restore nuclear safety and our g must still being used as a weapon. we must ensure food security. we need to bring home all our cap shipped
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soldiers and civilians, possibly deported to our shop. we must uphold the un charter and guarantee our right ukraine's right to territorial integrity and silver and t. just as we do for any other nation, we need to withdrawal the russian occupies, which will bring an end to the facilities in ukraine, and we must hold those responsible for war crimes accountable. we need to prevent a side and stop that destruction of nature caused by the war. and we must not allow a 2nd or sword phase of these russian invasion. and we need to make it clear the war is, or this is the piece formula. what part of these could be unacceptable to anyone who polls the un charter?
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if someone in the world 6 alternatives to any of these points or tries to ignore any of them, it's likely means they themselves want to do it bar. so what would you know is doing the point they ignore, reveals that desire them hiding. and when the chinese brazilian dual tries to grow into quiet or voices with someone in you or with someone, you may have the recall seeing something alternative to a full and just these, the question arises. what did the through interest? everyone must understand. you will not boost your power at ukraine's expense. and the world has already been through colonial wars and conspiracies of great powers. and the expanse of those who are small in every country, including china,
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brazil, europe, and asia is african nations middle east. oh, understand why this must remain in the past, and your greenhouse will never accept. will never accept why anyone in the world believes that such a brutal, colonial boss which you, it's no want to do. okay. can we're going to need the president to lensky, that the united nations and go straight to babies and 11 on where we all going to hear from the lebanese health minister. let's have a listen to what he has to say about the crisis and nothing on to pray to god almighty to accept in his mercy the for the mazda rides, and grand speed that are covered to the one to then, i will also report on the latest the status takes of the day, the salt as we speak since the early hours of the morning. and as we speak 50, the students have been killed and 223. and this is only today
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due to the various attacks. so invited back or other southern parts of living. and the basic issue is what is a plan? land handed down by the ministry for the displays and how to cater with the basic services i. once again, i would like to remind you of the health line dictated by the administrative head of the the displays to which is 1787. i repeat what? 1787. this is a health line service dedicated to that and toner displays. as we speak, we have received 372 telephone calls. uh, this has helped a lot. the 2 in terms of the dialysis patients or uh, women uh with pregnancy they would, they would act it to that little event hospitalization. before we delve in the details, like i said earlier, the minutes sort of help you put an emergency room to direct to the end.
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and as the one did, we have created crisis management. the seller commission for the displays, this was booked into action over the past few days. this mickey is based on the, at the parameter of k or then this healthcare plan. so this is what is a main concern of the health ministry. we have coordinators on the ground in addition to that makes sense to linux and the southern positive. what about the 28th or 29 and may 5th, clinics and other parts of living. and these mates, if tough does or makes you clinics with increased, then over the past few days, a new ones will come into service. all the sort of thing said was uh oh, the says the excess is centers created for the intent that it is placed directly
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connected to the nearest appointment. this kid or dentist health care center statement will be handed down by the administrator with the national agency where it shows that in center will have the sufficient information on the need, his medical center together with the contact best and all of the of the code. the nato dedicated in this and health center there any internally displaced, citizen can establish contact with that goes in a that in addition to that, our teams will pro, to the sheltering center themselves as the intent of the display, as it is, metric was the pro, to the centers, we will continue to pay another visit to the sense that i'm centers, collect information and the rec citizens as necessary. at the same time, within the said thing, centers the pandemic monitoring team will pay
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a regular, frequent visits to the sheltering, sent that a symphony. because we know what the sense that incentives would be overcrowded. and this when a given opportunity for diseases and add button dynamics to spread. and that's why we're deeply concerned that we will continue to pay a facial visit. where will our team's wasn't coal on these set. that extent that is still monitored of the situation. in addition to that, that it gives a sense to be handed down to this, and they said, tad or a mental health get a services with together with the liaison officer to this list. or these regulations will be updated on a daily basis every single day of the list or they get a sense would it be updated? miss, especially if i the liaison officer and there. so, so the information, once again, i remind you, any a so related to the displays to the can is any good back to us on the hub line to
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the gated, the them 17, a 7. the consented episode of that then to what needs, what are the needs and what is the ministry doing? the 1st issue is via those with chronic disease, displaced persons with good chronic disease. those who used to carry out dialysis and the southern hasse with those those. what displays, what them know, but the other parts of the site that live in, in the day. for example, we have received at 11 calls from 11 this base since with good on a disease, all those hold a glass dialysis will be secured and they will be dedicated directed to the nearest medical center to close the cell cutting center. just you have to contact us on the health line and we will do with the necessity at re
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instruments according to your needs as to cancer patients. first of all, those who are way of subjected to a deal as a, namely, and then the but the government passed with, as we have created a number of plans for them at a number of costs. but those are corporate thing with the ministry of health and visited god at the same time. we have good back to them, but the government hosted with us to obtain a list of all the cancer patients. and we will do the necessity, advantage events for them to direct them to the need his medical center close. so the setting setting has a center they are a residing in the same applies to beta and other areas accordingly. teams in case those kinds of patients. uh, lots subjected to the deal is it, but they are subject to k, most data be those will be transferred to other medical centers again. so centers
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in the government hosted with those a number of guns. so the units were put up at the number of government hosted with those like said me in the therapist, hospitality today valley and uh the hospitals dedicated to a 10 day to cancer patients to be it, whether they do all a z or cable. that'll be the same time. we have a kid, he used the capacity of the government tossed as to up to a model then 1000 those cancer patients who are receiving regular medications for federal pharmacies. we will contact them or again, they can contact us on 178741214 dedicated to the scan set of faces, one severe to establish contact with us. we would direct them to the nearest pharmacy where they can obtain their medication. and still pregnant women today
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where they saved 9 cases, they was a cute and that is necessity to cover it. and it says that a treatment was provided to them. again, they can easily establish contact with the health line and they would be directed to the need is government hospital. i have that be my, if i look at this is what is related to the displays patients or the 2nd issue is that uh, the basic necessities required by the displaced citizens. the like baby mailed out uh the regular medications for example, a uh, a nursing woman of the whole are in need for the baby medical to other patients who are required or but they get are made the case. i like that of that a or else. those can be easily provided through the may accept the linux or the
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pharmacies need is the sheltering centers. again, this input and into another displace, citizens recorded and they are giving uh, dedicated health care number. this will a streamline our work. we are receiving many calls that many of the displays to basic what other health services can they approach? how's those? yes, they can easily approach any hospital in case of emergency or live saving condition or live saving issue. we have handed down instructions through the government, through the government, hospitality to do that necessity any based on sort of glad or the treatment or recovery. you can easily establish got that size on the health light and 1787 who is covered in these cases. in this case, if that base and is uh,
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covered by some insurance coverage. uh, this can be at a if not the administrative health way to pay, then it says at a cost i made a lot of number of display citizens. we have themes, duplicated and administrative health and those themes. and as a matter of fact, on the 1st, 1st days this we may see some is going to use m o k us. however, our teams doing that it says city on the net relevant solutions have been put down in order to streamline our work again. i didn't mind d o 1787 a is the halt, lie and indicated to the internally displaced citizens. once again, i prayed to god almighty to accept in his most of the phone and monitors and grand speed the recovery to the wanted. if you have any questions, we have a status fix updated at the sell cutting, sent as a,
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as of now the number has come close to 40000 yet. so we know for sure that other people who were forced to forcibly displays, but they not a pro to the felts, they being sent as they headed straight to their family, extended families and relatives base. these numbers will be reported to the administrative waiting period, and they would be consolidated with our records and then the final numbers would be established in due course. thank you. a guy we've just been listening to the lebanese health minister, just updating us on the latest number of people that have been injured and killed in is rarely strikes on 11 uninstalled 11 on today. uh so he said just today uh, 51. people have been killed in is really strikes thats just today and the number of people that have been injured. uh 223. he will say talked about the huge number of
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people that are displaced now. the latest because we're guessing it's well over 90000 people displaced. he also gave us a, a hotline number 1787 is the hotline number. if i, if, if anyone who, who needs any help or needs advice within the country, anyone who has displaced can call that number in order to get help. let's go to dosage of vari who is live in pay rates, though. so you were listening to the health minister that talking about clearly the huge amounts of pressure. uh, the ministry is on the uh, uh, the, the pressure on hospitals, the pressure on finding places for these displaced people to stay and was talking there about if you need breastmilk, where to go. if you need maternity care where to go. if, if you go counselor, where do you, where he, where, you know, where do you go for treatment if you're displaced and you have ongoing cancer treatment, i mean, just reminds me of the sheer amount of disruption,
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the people on the going as a result of these latest strikes by the is riley is on levon on yes, certainly disruption that has caused the loss of paddick as exhausted to many people making a long journey from southern lebanon along the border with israel, a try to find shelter in the capital they route, and the health minister for us that'd be as highlighting that the government is doing everything you can given that the vast number of people that have been effected by israel, so continuous bombardments of those villages and towns and cities in the south of the latan, a river. now, we were as a school earlier today at is that is to been turned into a shelter for these families. there was about 250 people there and the family we spoke. some said that they made the journey from their village and south of the
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southern part of levon on a journey that usually takes about an hour and a half drive. and they, it took them 20 hours to reach a route with 5 children. they only managed to escape with their documents, so at very much chaos and confusion panic as long as the people, the heads of 3 very quickly. and the health industry certainly overwhelmed with what they have to do with not only finding temporary housing combination for the displays, but also looking after people that are sick. the health minister says that they are their priority is to look after people that have chronic illnesses and diseases, things that people can call the hotline that's been set up and they will direct them to pharmacies nearby and they can get their medication even if they can't afford it, the government will pay for it, but the question is, where will this money come from? according to many people we spoke to cure the shelters that have been set up in the private schools are being run by local charities. the government hasn't sent them any aid until now, and one of the coordinators that i spoke to at the school that we were out today.
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but i asked him, what help are you getting from the governments? he turned to me and said, what's government gives you a sense of how difficult a task is ahead of them. and of course, you have to remember as the thousands, the people there displaced many of them with many children there using schools as shelter as the school system 11 on is supposed to start in october. the question is, will that even happen? what will happen to the education sector in this country is these internally displaced are still being housed in schools. so there's a lot of questions. there's a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done. as the health ministry certainly try to reassure the public that they are doing this their best. uh yeah. and we also have that from the health minister that 25 to 29 makes shift clinics have been assessed off the legs as big as a in terms of the injuries just today, 223 injured. what are you hearing from the hospitals and adults is and so on how,
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how they, how they coping with the, the growing number of injured well before israel's airstrikes escalated on monday this uh, the country's health care system was already stretched to the limit. that is because israel a tax page or is it walkie talkie devices? they log into as well. members last tuesday and wednesday, during that attack, over a 3000 people were insured. and the healthcare facilities already had cancelled all non immediate surgeries, non urgent surgeries to deal with a number of the wounded in those attacks. and then there's been additional attacks and da, here in the southern suburb, a suburb of a route where has the commanders were targeted and killed by is rarely airstrikes. and since monday there's been over 2000 people that have been injured in these really air strikes across love it on. so we're now talking about the are the 6000 people that have been wounded from various attacks and big countries. health care
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system is overwhelmed. health industry saying that at various clinics have been turned into a mix of hospitals and doctors are working around the clock. they have has ask for help from regional countries and they've received sun, but certainly it's for to be very difficult for them to do with the number of civilian casualties. us. ok, thank you for all those updates. dorset and jabari up at displacements send 10 favorite for us. so let's go to stephanie deca. she's not even amman. jordan, that is the coolest because these rarely governors find out, is there a from reporting in side israel? so stephanie, if you can bring us up to date with all the, the license lines, a you a guessing from israel, i mean, within the last 2 hours or so, we got this update from the is really ministry saying that it was cooling up. it's was that troops along its northern florida. what else of we had yes, it's pulling up 2 bags of reservist as they say to the northern come on to help operational
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activities. i think, you know, a lot of speculation, whether a ground defensive as dividends need to, we need to be cautious, is, are, all does rely a lot on their reserve. is contingencies these days, 11 months, into very active war. and of course, that more than border is now an active wars zone. having said that, they also say that they have hit $280.00 has a bullet targets throughout the day. 60 of those, these ready army is cooling intelligence targets. and they're really working to operate over the last couple of days, according to these really ministry to parts of the husband, the structure, one of them, the real want the rug, one force. these are a lead to come on. those that have been trained to infiltrate is, are all of the 2nd is it's weapons capabilities, missiles and rocket. so this is really the target that they're working on. also interesting me, as we know early this morning for the 1st time, mid range missiles fired at the most. i'd headquarters that support israel. spite
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agency a close to tennessee that was intercepted, but certainly a message from hezbollah that we haven't yet carried out as much damage. certainly, as we can do. but these are of course, very time some very dangerous times. yes, definitely. tell us a bit more about. busy this rockets attack this ballistic missile, uh that it was intercepted earlier this morning by the is right, is a raise, a was fired from southern 11 on. and it's the 1st thought to walk in to, to talk to, to get me is riley sitting to take talking and telling me to this extent, how concerning is it as well. they targeted the most side headquarters as well as says, this is in retaliation for the pagers and we'll be talking explosions. of course, that was a major intelligence operation undertaken by israel's most out. it's by agency now . the missile they used there was just before 7 o'clock in the morning intercepted
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by israel's david slayton system. that is a step up from the iron dove, which we discuss often when we talk about rockets. phoenix intercepted out of garza, but has paula has a far more for miserable arsenal. there are very, very different opponents of israel does recognize that they fired one miss sile today at the most odd headquarters you've seen in the past when there was an escalation list. remember when your role in fired missiles at israel, that there was a barrel charge of rockets, because if you have a barrel of rockets, then the, the, the air defense systems will at some point become over well. so this is where we're at. these rays are 1st concerned when it comes to as well as capability. they are aware that has been, that hasn't shown it's full high and yet i think will. so these really prime minister will be very keen at the moment. his plan still remains in place to head to the un general assembly where he will be putting out his defense if you will, for what they are doing in gaza,
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but also now and 11 on. and so we understand he's been with all this taking place of those plans at the moment, remain in place for netanyahu to address that world stage. stephanie that cause that for us, intimate and thank you 2 guys. and now what israel has also launched a more tax overnight, and these 20 people have been killed since the hours of wednesday. 5 people were killed in 2 strikes on a house and alvarez a refugee come. meanwhile, in the new era, refugee and count the 2 palestinians were killed. when that time was head, find his ready as strike. i was asleep and i woke up to find myself in a holes. i couldn't see anything at all. so i was buried under the rubble. i don't know how i survived. it was a miracle. i came out. i saw nothing around me, but destruction. the whole area was flat. i wonder why we are defenceless civilians . i'm a university student. i studied international humanitarian law. it clearly stipulates
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the protection of civilians, the distinction between armed men and civilians. the whole world pontificate on international law. where are they? where are those who preach human rights where, why not act and have a cease fire? in a few days, the war will enter its 2nd here. how many more should be killed for you to act more than 40000 have been killed, and more than 100000 wounded, living in a disaster, it is misery. wherever the arab states. where are those who preach to have to us? that's 10 now to the united nations general assembly, we were listening. that's a little area to credit as president allowed to me. is the lensky who was asking for most support for as planned, and the war in ukraine. that's bringing theresa bo, she's out the un headquarters in new york. so total cost to us talk to us father about what president lensky had to say. well, that's correct, president of all of the me just a minute silence. he was speaking just until a few minutes ago here at the united nations trying to maintain attention on the
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war in use crane. especially now the, the agenda of these general assembly here at the u. n. has been taking over with what's happening in the release, especially the escalation and live and on right now, we're ready to lensky during a security council meeting on tuesday. she said that she dismissed calls to a negotiated settlement with russia because russia could only be forced into peace earlier just a few minutes ago, savanski was speaking at presenting the risk that russia is for the rest of the world, especially for europe. he also warned about the risk of a nuclear disaster and shot because of the south 40 channel power plants for the next right now on the rushes from solar. he also spoke about how the winter campaign is going to have an impact in ukraine, the russian, a winter campaign that is coming right now when he was very, very specific about what he said was the united nations inability to sol,
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peace and war. because too much we live on the security council. vito power this is something that we have been hearing at the united nations. i last and i'll tony, regarding ukraine, but also on what's happening in the middle east because of the united states veto power because of russia's diesel power. so we saw for lensky here in a way, trying to draw attention to what's happening in ukraine. again, ukraine needs more financial aid, more military aid, the united states collections are coming. and we have heard when donald trump has said that he wins the united states, needs to get out of ukraine. thank you for that. theresa bo at un headquarters in new york, a. okay, one more story before we go. china has testified and into can continental ballistic missile into the pacific ocean. now it is with these tests to be publicly acknowledged and they usually take place in isolates of inland areas rather than a c on the ministry says the move was routine and concise with international law.
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it also said the test was and directed at any country or target. ok you up to days and that's it for me. my name's side and he was continues. also told chapter there the, the color we have yet another tropical system making its way towards japan. this every, the cloud here that says the trouble of depression, that's gonna run up, bring some very heavy, right? not too concerned about the winds, but some fairly heavy rain there, into a southern positive q shoes, se and positive con, show. and eventually we'll see that whatsoever running it across the tokyo as we go through friday and saturday before it gradually clears back for a process. cars behind dry and bright deposit of the cream for an inch. the
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neighbors may be seeing a shower, wrote to show us to towards beijing, but not too much here. some heavy a showers have your best to bring a possibility. dest, around southern china, maybe in to taiwan, as well as you can say, that continues little areas of circulation coming through here, that will bring yet more heavy. right? and as we go through the weekend, because catherine a shout was, meanwhile, across southeast asia, some heavier rain there into philippines. once again, i guess i was there with the bony, i've seen some lobby showers recently into some entre java, to pushing up across the ma peninsula. i'm more of the same as we go on into friday, then still some very heavy right into the northeast of in the i to a band with us and some to pull over the next couple of days. i'm very wet. forced them india. the 19 year old plunged into the 2011 slip the uprising armed with just
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a camera mixed the chaos, but determined to document witness presents an intimate portrayal of conflict and survival. as he looks back on his own shocking archive. tom does diary libya's decade to hold on just a year of the i'm kimberly healthcare at the smithsonian's national portrait gallery in washington dc. this is home to the only complete collection of presidential portraits outside of the white house. these portraits have sure not only the likenesses of some of the most powerful figures in us history, but also their legacy shaped by political, social, and cultural climates of their time. as the us approaches and.


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