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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  September 28, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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these did it guess the has what laws come out. and so with that said, i think we have to be to see further complicated situation down the road. iran is, i'm sure, and rest assured that yvonne is sort of a closely monitoring this issue, a situation at the time being and it's just reassessing gives you a political positions to respond. but for the further details, we have to wait. so far. i have not here any options for the statement and respond to the recent reports by these really is we have to wait to see what takes place. okay. uh, to head for now we'll leave it there but, but stay with us because we will come back to you later on on this program as, as it's now hop policy. i just wanna recap. any of you is that might be joining us on breaking news. this owl we have from the is really ministry statement confirming that they have killed house on those rolla the head of his bola. and his statement these already on he says that all the senior members off the group were also killed
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. in addition to has that in this roller, they say that they used to fight to judge to conduct a targeted strike on the central headquarters. off has buller, which it says were located on the ground imbedded under a residential building in the area of dia, in a root. let's go to stephanie deca. she joins us from amman. this is because he's ready to govern his band al jazeera from, from us reporting inside israel. so you can focus through the latest your hearing from these riley ministry, the right. so i'm just checking if any of the political leaders that are on yahoo, or you'll have collaborative said anything, nothing yet from them. so the only statement we have is from these really armies spokesperson, where he confirms views as a nation of hezbollah, sex, you general house on the soil and other leaders of the group in that strike 10 to
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12 deep bunker busting stripes in da here of southern bay route, so these really are certain that he is gone again. we haven't heard from hezbollah as of yet. they've stayed quiet ever since that devastating attack on the southern suburbs. the statement we had from them was confirming that they had fired rockets at south side of the north of as well. but this is the, this is huge. you know, iran has just lost its major asset in the region of mine who has really built the geo politics. for decades that build has been locked into the force that it is today. you are hearing from dana, they are, you know, a lot of hezbollah members wanting to know what's happened. what's going to be the future. i think the day ahead is a big question mark for the region. what is yvonne doing to do is your role in getting to respond? we've had the americans safer on attacks, israel, it will get involved,
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how will has boulder regroup? how will level know react to this many and level known not happy with has by law and many believing that they have to watch this more to their country. there's so many factors at play, but certainly hugely significant for the regions for the world. you know, have something this with all the was a more more than our full figure, if you will, as i mentioned, you know, what? everyone 11 on lucy's to him. they wait for his speech as they analyze his words. they analyze his body language just as to what could be next. he was just as he was caught as much of even if you didn't like him, you still wanted to listen to what he had to say. so certainly these are historic times in the middle east just policy also of assassinations. i think interesting. and we were talking about this with our team. if israel has this amount of intelligence, i mean,
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a huge intelligence breach of this group. they've been taking out leaders bit by bit over the last week or so. couple of now with you, the leader of this group lead to load the page and we'll be talking to the top. how can israel not know where? yes, yes, the more is the, the leader of how much any tiny stress. there's so many question marks, but certainly this is seen as a major victory for benjamin netanyahu. benjamin netanyahu, who almost a year ago thought that his political career was over october. the 7th shattered is really belief, and it's for me and it's security in benjamin netanyahu, who's rhetoric over the decades. but he was the only mine to be able to keep israel safe, well, 1011 months later, at the cost of tens of thousands of palestinians. now lebanese lives he seems to have achieved what he wanted. he is back on track,
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back into the trust of these ready people. and you all, you have been monitoring the is really reaction the is really pay pay papers. how the is there any public view? israel's attack on a southern lebanon and it's re re snacks in a in bay roots give us a sense of what this is going to mean back home in israel. if this is indeed confirm to be true, that has on this role, that has been killed by the is there any military as well? so these raise what their army says is correct. so israel will believe that it has just carried out a major victory intelligence military, electrical victory. israel will be celebrated. i mean, even earlier, we were talking about the headlines of that stripes yesterday. mr. security is back
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. these readers were already feeling victorious over the last couple of weeks because of the page, right. and when you told t attacks, because of the way israel seems to have massively compromised, has bolos internal intelligence system. they knew who was where and at what time. so this had given, has, given israel is raise a renewed sense of a victory and a victory that goes out the israel's war on gauze as simply hasn't done, which is why you saw this major backlash from your across society. there's really no one, there's very few in israel that do not support this war, which has butler, and which is why useful benjamin antonio. back track on from what we understand from sources he was on board to possibly discuss a couple of weeks of a temporary cease fire. but then, you know, other leaks were saying that they had their eyes on the house on this that i know that the green lights, according to sources. this is not confirmed, had been given
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a couple of days ago. and then that the green light was given when they had that the vital piece of intelligence is that he was in a certain place at a certain time. those of us watching those pictures yesterday when the explosion happened, and the amount of explosives used, i've been to da here it is, it's, it's so densely populated that there's little alleyways, buildings on top of the buildings. that amount of, of fire power of i munition use not that these ratings particularly seem to care even though they say they do their most to avoid civilian casualties was extraordinary. my 1st reaction was messaging a friend of mine saying, so you should just certainly would be and off here at this point in time when things are so sensitive because this is what it looked like. it looked like these ladies didn't want take any chances. this regardless, like regardless of how many civilians it would take along with that. okay, for now a stephanie deca the for us in a mom last spring and semi l area and he directs the center for small. i'm in
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global fast. it stumbles a university. a saw me, i want to pick pick up on that points, but stephanie was making because the is really ministry. a by kidding knows real life. it is indeed confirmed by has spell the uh, you know, it, it, to them, at least it justifies the indiscriminate killing of ordinary citizens, the bombing, the raising residential buildings of an entire neighborhood in a route. this is okay, they've killed how something is wrong with this fresh caution that this is just that is really the report. nothing has been confirmed from his ballot. of course it's a major sit back for the group. but let's remember also that, that a sort of the himself, when he took over the movement, he came after the 1st 2nd session and also was, was assessing aid advisor back in 1992. so over half of his life has been the 2nd to the general 1.2 was going to depart. and as someone said before,
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this is about the movement, not this thing of the test, and indeed, is it, it doesn't care as well as committed war crimes. every single day, so for them to bomb the civilian neighborhoods of baha in order to kill one person or even a group of people, which is by the way, a, what crime they wouldn't care about that. but is that going to stop the movement? is that going to stop? what this is about? it's remember that we are, and it'd be colonial, okay, this is about a movement that is intent on displacing this post. that's just processing people know for over for over 76 years. so what is what it is don't want to just find to use whatever my apologies has intelligence that it's a scanning from many of the western intelligence agencies in order to support it's, it's colonial colonial project as well as a racist, a supremacist state that's going to use every single item of power at its position in order to further this, this will, but i think at the end,
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the colonial struggles as we've seen throughout history, whether it wasn't of tyria and vietnam in items against the british or even in south africa, i guess the opposite side of the system, there would be this month of that the end. and i think what if i'm missing yahoo and his work criminal of cabinets are going to do today. it's not going to be the end of the story. it's one stage of a sudden uh yeah, it's interesting you took by his father being an ideology. i mean the, the, the sole existence of the group is because of the is rainy's and these right. invasion of 11 on for people. not so familiar with how has fullest off and can you talk to us a little bit about this? exactly right. what is, are they invaded living in order to displace that? but it's genuine factions, back in the, in the eighty's or fighting against the game to gain their, their set it to the end, their independence. one is the out of lebanon. so they invaded, and they had the siege over battle for about $77.00 days. during that time, they bombed bailey with every single day they killed about 17000 for this thing and
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liberties. and out of that ruin came his beloved, is the lowest created out of the experience. that is why it is thought that ok, they are pacified live and now that they can sign it or forced to brother if the street was live in which they did back on may 17th, 1983, which is the resistance at that time forth in order to know about what happened and then over the course of 18 years, there wasn't his right. the occupation so well that it's on the river and bit by bit as below was able to force the is what it is the withdrawal back in 2000. so this is not just didn't come out of the blue, came out of that experience out of the invasion of living on the tennessee of the bombing that the rock and on live on bay. ruth and the whole of south for almost 18 . yes. okay, so i'm a really good to talk to you. you're going to stay here with us. so we can continue our analysis throughout the hour and this morning. but we just want to just take a look back at the type of weaponry that israel says it used to kill vanita of
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hezbollah is believed israel use one or several so called bunker buster booms. these are also known as ground penetration. munition, these muscles borrowed deep into the ground before they designate they have the power to destroy underground facilities, as well as reinforced concrete buildings. the bowman's way, each one between 20025000 pounds, they can penetrate the teen meters of us. and even 6 meters of concrete and create shock waves that can collapse all the structures. now the geneva convention outlaw was the use of these booms in densely populated areas due to the risk of mass and indiscriminate casualties. so let's go to elijah money, a minute tree and security on this t joins us now from brussels. so elijah,
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so let's start with your reaction to this news that we are guessing from the as rainy ministry. that house on those rolla has been killed in the attack on a route on, on this residential area of the root of the night, just to caution once again. this is not a confirmation from his beloved. this is just still something weird. just hearing from the is really ministry. it is always set up that more than 17 hours all the time. we have no news from has the law, which is highly unlikely. a case the target is the lies. and if they have reach the location where they thought it was, and then at the in case of being alive with the have had a communication from headphone. uh oh,
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voice message for the an announcement by one of the leaders that are possibly gonna come with the organization that say no strong law fees or not. but we haven't had that. i thought since yesterday. 620 and no time. which means that, and it's the most likely people with that, from the size of the crate that was left with all these bombs that could be used. right? the hey, to be $72.00. that no, but be good to have a lot of us. and we also understand that say no strong was today with meeting with the talk about is and the i think they own, received a and why they and they, or change the same destiny. and just looking at another statement coming through from this really is really ministry spokesperson describing has on those are all a,
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as one of the wells most influential terrorist that's according to these really ministry of what more can you tell us about assigning us rella and his role in the organization, what role did he play exactly in the group a sudden or some other joint a long time ago. and before 1982 b i d a n d i d r a g o for the dollar. uh the that. ready was led by say that how many boxes subsidy and then at the the, the basically. busy the uranium resolution and the $197029.00 said, but i'm out of pocket off or he's for the way to joins the mom come in a has so many at that time. and then that was the savings that started. busy in the afternoons and gave the pricing of the um, the branch of the ship and this id, or maybe it stopped to describe it in the country. so when it hadn't been long,
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fast to stop in the operation, the guy, these really who invaded nothing on the pretext i'll be so got it. yeah. and to expand the piano and other organizations, a group of people stood against them. i stopped thinking from kind of the, at the entrance of the room and off of that he joined the um, same organization that decided to find the is really is when a shift. so it finally was selected as this private sector to general a. and then was based by say, the boss knew, so a says save some of the when do you want to study that? they are energy in call. and finally, the assassination. i'll say that besides the bustle, so in 1982 in the south of lebanon, iran asked him to retire and to lead the organization that was
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a big scott to. and he managed to bring it all together along a small group and in the south as that remained with them. and the few of the lease was assassinated in the process today, and then the last few weeks. so this is why i say in the summer game, a strong origin uh among the population. and so in him as a lead to and following the assassination of the, the brigade general custom. so they might need the gc customer gave a lot in january 2020. they say no. some of the change in the the, the, the excess of the resistance that made. uh, yeah, man, iraq, syria, nothing on. and by this time, good bye pulled in a thing with all of these friends and for they did anything with the wrong. and
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this is why he acquired and launch. no, they each full or the case really deals with the members. but also he knew how to deal with the radians and how to be, i know, got involved hope you're on. but at the same time, they allow the interest of the pros, a above and the other interest. keeping in mind that the focus was on by this time, and 5 thing that you actually gemini in the middle east and for that to gain the loss of popularity. and it's going to be extremely hot for the people who believe in the resistance to accept this assassination and the use of these that because there is no other neither of the same curriculum. uh, it's not the leadership but they. pl ridgemont. that's how you enjoy and 11, and so how didn't that lease long ago? so suppose the resistance and imagine what does the fact that a,
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the is really all me was able to get intelligence on his whereabouts? what does that say about that intelligence gathering capability? not just, just, not just on this, the latest strike, but the recent attacks on all the senior come on does on, has bought a, i mean how some of those were. all that we know was a very, very secrets of mine. he knew that he was on as roles hitler, so it's not like he would have shed his information publicly or his whereabouts publicly. so what does it tell us about the is right and he's capabilities. there are 2 states. there are indeed these are the u. k. for very easy, but there is also a time that this operation to, to identify the saw and then to prepare the several or a private ahead of the exact location back to the house today. but to,
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i'm going to talk about these review case. we're going to do as you asked me. so 1st of all the set of. busy assess before identifying the target and then it gives be all the for the hey and that requires a was that these relays i've been working on since 2006 the 2nd rule and that, and that these are another that adjusted the outcome because it's right when i'm prepared to the will and consider that know that you've been good subject, it was a failure and it has been a lot of consider that as if he used to be. and since then, they were preparing the preparation is not to provide the army only, but to jerome. all, everything that's happening in depth and then including the communication system and gathering human intelligence, electronic intelligence, open source, intelligence alone, j o spatial intelligence that involve satellites. and the stop, in fact,
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information is not only the surveillance and reconnaissance, but also they can, i think they find the location of anything that is the brock and that is something that the stuff that i can offer today and it's advanced capability. so i then define the, hey, didn't fall, but also capability that of a deep on the ground and that with the support of the united states and with this technology. so it is not only be monitoring the more why so because sadness on that, the non move with a mobile phone and also he's by the gods. i've seen them fused on they have is a those are set to communication that connected only to one of us and that they were always present with him in the way where there is no outside interference or
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any frequency that can come out to be received. that for the security, a walk around say no sort of that that was known as it's all big because again, when these are defaulted to solve it every single day of the command, the starting with a slide show, it was then that these really wants to do all the responsible and all the commandments, including 2nd, charlotte, we've seen that in the last page when it was regular set and was nothing lines because that also avoiding the intersection of communication that can be received. and i also like elijah, we're running out of time. we're heading towards the top of the i just one else, one more brief question about the booms that were actually used. uh and. c i understand they were, they were buncombe palms, funk combust booms that we're discussing here. uh that can weigh anywhere between 2005000 pounds penetrates 30 meters of us. we know the geneva
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convention outlaws the use of the sort of bombs in densely populated areas which is where they were used in this particular case. what you know the lizzie is riley, will continue to use the defense. but you know, this is justifiable because they have now managed to kill how something is relevant, nita of hezbollah, who they considered to be a terrorist, but legally all day, just 5, in the sense civilian collateral damage that has come as a result of this as well. first of all, it's important enough to focus on the assassination of say, the shuttle uh, nice theme only. but on the 7 already been doing that well own that have owned disappeared on the ground with all the inhabitants. we talked about several, hundreds of people is absolutely considered as a war crime and crime against them that would be and that are not in any way
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considered as ad for not for damage. the percentage of the people who are in such a ball related and things and yeah, it is justifiable, but we've seen each right. americans covering it. couldn't be single crying from the gas. do you mind me the incentive genocide and the our walk for the eyes and the community works with heis, a guy and in the west bank and the what the, nothing. so therefore, it is not surprising that the, the going to man and the assassination of one demand, rather than some goods of civilians that perish because of these really struck. okay, thank you so much for your time, eliza money, administrative security. i'm a speaking to us that from brussels less return to all correspondence data, although she's in bare roads. and just to recap again for any audience that might be joining us, these really minute treat saying that they have killed the head of how something
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this rolla of the head of his bullet house on those roll out. what you hearing zayna. we still not had any confirmation have we from has been on this no, no confirmation, no statements from has been lost since that massive attack late yesterday. where the, where is a series of air strikes, the target to a whole residential block of buildings level to the ground is really army at the time. said that they targeted the command and control headquarters of hezbollah. and they said that it was under ground. so now these really are me saying that they killed, how soon the throttle as well as secretary general. i can tell you that his supporters are worried. we were in bed with southern suburbs. the. the area behind me which was really intensely bombarded a all throughout last night. and this is supporters who were coming out of the area, came up to us and said, do you have any news about about our lead or this as a man,
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really? who has a lot of a lot of support, especially among his const, a constituency. the muslim, she are a community in lebanon. they see him as a father figure. he is not just the head of hezbollah, the secretary general, or of an organization. they see him as a religious leader, they look up to him and they feel that this is a man who has improved their, their standing, if you like, and 11 on this is a deeply divided country with different set sharing power. they see that through, through him they have been given a voice, and this is how really hezbollah has been able to rally so much support, especially among she also is giving this them this sense of, of, of power if you like. but at the same time this, this, this strength has well as arms. the very fact that this is a, this is a non state actor, which is stronger than the lebanese army, and stronger than the lebanese state has earned its enemies among others in lebanon . so in many ways he is loved by some but very much a controversial figure. he,
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he will, he hasn't been in power for 30 decade. so for many people in dublin and this is the only has well, a leader that they have known, it has shifted really the organization in the 1980s. it was very, very different. today, it is a politic coal party, if it has a military wing, it runs institutions, it has members in parliament, it has ministers in government, and really, along with its allies. it holds political power in this country. but it's also important to point out that there are opponents. it has opponents in this country. it believes that has what was wrong to, to, to, to intervene in the conflict. to open up a front against israel to help relieve pressure on garza, they believe that this was a decision the state should have taken. so a very controversial figure. but no doubt, i remember the last time we saw him was last week, following those pager and walkie talkie explosions, where members of has ballasa, whether belonging to civilian institutions or military's institutions. these pages
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and walkie talkie started to explode. he then appears and he, he made an address, but for the 1st time it seemed that it was a live address. yes, he isn't hiding. he doesn't appear in public, but he does give life addresses this time around. it didn't seem to be because israel at the time is really fighter jets broke the sound barrier. over baby was causing large sonic booms that he did not make reference to them. which means that has, well, that was really worried at the time. it seems that they were trying to locate him because in his previous speech, he did make reference to those sonic booms. and i think in the past few, in his past few speeches, he did say something which he's really never said in the past. and that is, if you will see me again, if i am i live in the next time i make an address. so he knew he was being hunted down and he knew that there has been security breaches intelligence breaches. he was the man who appealed to his fighters on the front line, not to use their phones. he told them, throw your phones. this is the way you know,
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these really army is finding you. so still know confirmation, but i can tell you this will be if indeed it is true, a political earthquake and 11 on and what i mean, it is also with making the point isn't as zeta events. one mind has been killed, but at what cost? a israel use is randy ministry using funk a bones, huge bones, $5000.00 pounds worth of phones on a small, dense need populates of neighborhood down here in a root southern bay route in order to kill this one man took us through the repercussions of that well, yes, following those method strikes those multiple explosions that were heard across the capital, they were allowed explosions. the people of the capital were really in shock. there was a lot of fear. we headed to the southern suburbs of bay roots and we really saw tremendous,
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tremendous damage across a wide area and people were nervous. this was very tense. we're just showing you while we speak of the southern cypress, a baby with the smoke blowing in the area. we're hearing the sounds of fire trucks as well as a, as well as ambulances. isabel really has been targeting a baby with southern supp neighborhoods and david southern suburb since sleep last night. it's really since that massive, massive explosion. so we were not able to stay there for long because as you can understand, you know, there was a lot of tension and even, you know, every time an explosion like this happens, some of hezbollah as members are deployed on the ground to, to really to bring to, to, to deal with the chaos, to help with the recovery efforts. and they were in shock and panic as well. and, and one, man, i and one man came to us and said, you know, at the end of the day we are people who have an ideology. we are fighting for what we believe in. but we're also p.


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