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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 30, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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ranging from infrastructure to health and education. these initiatives ultimately help to eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development the, [000:00:00;00] the new clock. this is a new life and go home coming up for the next 60 minutes. people in lebanon very some of the 136 people killed since sunday is israel drops, palms, dfcs inside the country a 1000000 forced to flee across 11 civilian search for safety. this is really a tax reduce that communities to revel. a full fire of the city, if
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a data is ready for pain scripts to power plants and deceitful coming, at least for the israel target central and southern guns, or at least full members of one family, a kill leading to children. the so yes, we begin in lebanon, where it's registrants, of killed, at least $136.00 people. in the past 24 us in the southern city of tall families have been thinking graves to bury their loved ones as more for them to see fully thereby on sundays 6 people were killed in the s drive from the city, a relatives of the victims, same most of those killed women and children of actually calling cause which in bailey and we still have people under the rubble, an elderly man, a 70 year old woman,
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a 90 year old man. most of those killed her women and children and 11, these army member, his parents, whose sister in law and his brother were martyred of all the people as well as killing our children and women. they are turning us into 2nd garza. we tell as row, we are not scared by you or your weapons. as long as god is with us. we'll have an item is rarely a strike targeted an apartment block. the central bare route coming 3 people. there is significant damage to the building in the co. the area is really types of killed a 136 people in the past 24 hours on fridays, it killed as well. the lead to something that's relative. let's bring in a hold of the joint just now from co and by root. so is in a more strikes this morning. what's happening now is out of the, this overnighted strikes if it was a significant because of the locations because of the target them because of the message, the location of the hearts of the capital. this is the 1st time its relevance
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carried out. the strike in the capital outside the southern suburbs where has the law has a strong presence. so the message from israel is there is no red line. they're acting with a little restraint in the past as well as a freshman has been. if you have a roots, the capital, we will kind of leave so as well i really under pressure to act in order to restore is it terrance? so is ralph feeling empowered as the target was members of the popular front for the liberation of homicide? this is the time to see the group which has not been involved in this conflict. how the st. andrews have fired rockets across the border, but not the p, f l c. so another message from israel that we are going to go after our enemies in color really has a lot of symbolic meaning in the past of the seventy's and eighty's. this was where as a palestinian leadership, they had a very strong presence. the 11 on this was considered a 3rd base. so israel saying, you know, there are no red lines and the message that the left and these are guessing from
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this strike if that's if, as well as members and fighters lose out of favor the southern suburbs into areas in the heart of the 11 east cap soul of israel will not be reluctant to and will, you know, go after them basically. so this is now the biggest fear this expansion of the scope of operations. yes. now red lines and we've been hearing about the him, ask him under 11, who's been killed in one of the attacks that what more do you know about the yes, the palestinian movements have also said that it's combined or military commander has been killed along with his family, his wife as well as the children in the palestinian refugee camp of bus stop is in the southern cities of tyre. there are quite a number of kind of sit in camps across the country. these are the sentence of people who have fled to palestine in 1948. it's not the 1st time i how about the
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matter or how my member has been killed by israel in 11 months of fighting. but what is significant in the strike is that it happens inside account a densely populated area where, you know, thousands of people live in narrow alley ways. so this is going to cause a loss of concern among those refugees. in the past, the past attacks, we've seen a commanders killed us, they make their way out of the camp or as they, as they tried to make their way back to the cap. so this is the 1st time striking inside upon the city of refuge account that has the law of course, has received blow off the play over the past few weeks is now last it's nice and most of it seen in leadership. so with precisely kind of go from here. well, there is, no doubt has been a lot is under a lot of pressure. in fact, it's supporters are waiting to receive some sort of insurance that it will be able
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to defend them and protect them. this is something i have heard time and time again from people who, who do support the group. but at the end of the day has the last it will likely be able to launch long rapes, besides the hit tell a fever. but what comes after that? we'll respond with carpet bombing. so how strong i really need to calculate its next moles, and there is no doubt this has been weakened by a series of blow is losing their leader a house on the throne or so it may take time for the group to recruit. but what has become clear is that, as well as you know, stated were objective, was to return residents to northern israel for hezbollah to hold the firing. i think we are, we have moved beyond that. it's not even the implementation of un resolutions, 1701 which as well, has been insisting that has, while that pulls it forces back from the border. it seems that as well as now, insisting on a has a lot being dismantled all together. this arms, if you like, according to our resolution, 5059,
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which is part of 1701 with reports coming out from israel. that this is what is really foreign minister has been telling for and dignitaries, now the french foreign minister isn't babies the 1st international of for and dignitary to arrive, since this major escalation began a 2 weeks ago. but the, you know, but the hezbollah is an organization which is known not to surrender and not to accept the fees for executives. office conflict appears to be one of escalation and data zayna for the time being timeframe of some data is in the, in lebanon. or meanwhile, evidence kind of take a prime minister says that the is ready. bombardments is pushing more, more people from the homes, strikes to the past 3 days of hits. they reached the back of valley and the south of the country. now g. mccarthy says a 1000000 people are on the move at least 50000 to flight on foot to neighboring syria, to pick reports now from the 11 syrian or the weight of this conflict is
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barren gun on or the for the saving children who have never known life and you would accept this country did not return to work on syria, because living alone is no longer safe. the intent is reggie plumbing, and the prospect of a grand invasion has people worried about their safety. and some parents are sending their children away to gel. nothing to do with now have a metal. we were forced to leave syria and came to 11 on where we were received with great hospitality. now we're going back to my country, syria. lebanon is also our country, and we feel sad to leave these release of attacked and destroyed our 2nd country 11 on i cried because of the children who were killed by the israelis, the lebanese government estimates, and the new 1500000 statement refugees are never done, it's a painful good bye for some. they don't know when they will be united. i know that i don't know what i'm from that and see. you are forced to leave the because of the
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way. and now we have forced to live in a. we lived in the book the, and saw the people have come from overlapping on some of the, just based from the size i'm going to the capital bin bay root has bumped of this have come from the deck of valley pots of which is below strong holes. israel has increased its target and go back out. in recent days, dozens of stephen refugees have been killed. according to the un, tens of thousands of people have custody syria. the last few days. i need the, a 5th of the population has been forced from the homes within lebanon, people half here. the country is, i think, closer to, or that for with israel is not just soon found these that are crossing. we've also spoken the lebanese families who are leaving the country. they just don't know how bad it's going to get. or when this will stop aside. baker, i just sarah, from the live in use, even board as well to members of his blood have emerged as possible. success is to
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take over the leadership since it can be and pass on us rather on friday. first up 71 year old 9 because i'm currently serves the groups deputy secretary general. he was appointed in 1991 by then need a bus. i'm a sorry for he was assassinated and then is really attack as him was a co founder principle. and it's one of its chief idols and another possible success that is hash him itself eating. he's a cousin of how something is rela, and he's currently serving as the head of his ball as executive council, as suffocating, has placed ties with around us, and saudi arabia have designated him as a terrorist. all right, let's take all of this on with the risk is the security and political affairs on this drawing does not live from pay rate to an alley. yeah, we're talking about the success of what is it even possible for his blog to a point to success a right now the organization must be just in complete disarray. who's calling the shots? how that communicating at you know, any senior person in his below or is looking to the skies,
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fearing an impending missile at any point how kate rolanda is doing in is indeed yours. a very important point to i think the weather, although by category is a different issue, i think they can choose a date on your successor, but i think that they want to use that to you. that's the main issue they are. has you said the house below the senior ranks? i prefer to be vulnerable to is ready and targeting to is where to get the tax and assess the nations. but the reason the principal would be reluctant to appreciate a name anyone at this stage, it was interesting just saying when there were some media reports, craving gives the, sorry you have been, have been chosen a lot, was a very sweet thing to be showing the segment denying that that it happened. i think that i think that, that, you know, strange how reluctant principal is as i said, to me, i am a successor, given how it's leadership more in the senior ranks of hon. how i even heard from your principal source yesterday saying that it's quite possible that if it's beloved wouldn't be naming anyone for the time being officially. uh so with all
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that in mind, i think that as below is not going to at least officially work on the name, any particular individual, the big it say, the 2nd highest himself. i can dance all safe and i am cautioned because i would make it easier for the is right is to carry out and you assess the nation. and this is where it is more momentum, how difficult was on this is also in this an important point. it also severely even more damaged in monroe, all kinds of the last supporters and follows. i'd say what you say is the latest it will have being rearranged within the ranks of his blog, but they're not making it public for their own safety. so i am saying that it's possible that would have been rearranged. i don't know what else is happening within the organization, but when it comes to has ballasa ability to kind of, you know, i think it can rearrange its ranks right now. i think it's in the process of doing this i have heard as well that has the lowest trying to pick and softball. so we can kind of do that. but for the foreseeable and all the immediate treat shop,
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you're not going to see anything before. i think it's very unlikely that will take place. i think that because of the law is not when the process of learning the lessons from some of the mistakes it has committed. he realizes that israel and has and bossed espionage capabilities. technological, possibly most of human intelligence as well, which is in bold. so hospitalized trying to adapt to this new situation. you have to remember it's being subject to a security intelligence full, which started with the pages at the nation. something which no one in the world is obviously, you know, i think even the most advanced military is in the world. what would have been surprised by these facts? so you're going to see a principal, i think focus on adapting while i'm trying to address the shortcomings the gaps we think was fraction. and we would have to put together a new command structure as soon as possible. but that wouldn't be the class kind of has to do that as soon as possible, by the way. because the more of this is delay then the more has beloved doesn't
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issue whitestone response to the daring it gives rare is going to be in a separation. so i heard what you were discussing with your corresponding now about in your strike, which targeted by route, which is outside the southern side. there's a box here. so the more we see has beloved liking that can link in the chain of command to be showing more responses against israel, the more here's what i was going to escalate. and in this way he believed environment and to be on it's you, right? you raise very interesting points about the human intelligence because it has blood must be looking within themselves because the in the intensity of is reading intelligence has been spectacularly successful, isn't it? and they managed to get into the ranks and they can talk in individuals with impunity. it seems so the view must be that there must be somebody within a look. uh, it's quite possible the barrel, how some mold was inside because of the law. this wouldn't be the 1st time by the way, the to the taskbar is it was really, it was previously for example,
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i remember he's back when there was some senior things that were identified as being members, a, b, c. i mean, it's possible is really all the western intelligence agencies, fucking both sides of the party. this would not be surprised at all. but i think more importantly, i think the biggest challenge for the party use the technological aspects of the espionage. and this is where is, well, clearly it has the upper hand when it comes to these advanced taking multiple means with which to exercise or to do this has to be an option. you might think is a challenge how, how comfortable off the others had done supposed to be nice capabilities box box that only goes so far advanced espionage technical, technological capabilities. although not in the end to eliminate possible law if that case is ready to go. so there are challenges, but i wouldn't count because the law house just in that it was a great to get your perspective appreciate. that's how they were. so speaking just like from pay route ok. let's head over to amman jordan's
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capital and stephanie deckers and issues that because these ready government has been adopted or from importing from as well. so steph, 1st stop these really, governments has rejected any indication of a c sponsor for the yes, this coming from these really foreign minister is, are all cats? he said it a couple of days ago as well when there were rumors of a potential ceasefire. when that 10 yahoo was in new york, he put it on x for many. notice twitter saying there will be no ceasefire in the north. israel is feeling and bolted. israel is feeling invincible. it is, see may may not going only after has been law and have asked that you were mentioning that the strike on ahead of the p, f l. p. the popular funds, the deliberation of palestine. it is not a major palestinian faction. of course it is part of the processing and fabric. but then, you know, we have the striking young men we've had strikes in syria. israel seems to be going
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after a list of targets. not necessarily big. just a has butler and to have mass. and of course, there is a danger to that there is a real danger of regional escalation. the rhetoric coming out of his role is that it's not going to stop and it's not going to be don't know, sees far in the north, no ceasefire in gaza. and it's going to continue the question is, how long is it going to continue? and at what point is there going to be severe retaliation? because we haven't seen that yet. we haven't had hezbollah, you know, give a real strike on as well. remember, back in april, around launched an attack on israel following the targeting of its conflict in did ask us with, you know, multiple cruise missile service, different surface missiles coming from all angles. we've seen nothing of that sort . so, you know, the question mark is how things are going to play out. but certainly, as we've been hearing for my guests and our other correspondence,
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these are very few style and dangerous times. indeed. and the composition of these really, governments is critical to the way and the direction it takes, isn't it? now that the yahoo is announced this weekend? it is full arrival. we'll give you an sar, is joining the cabinet. tell us more about that. oh yes, good. and sir, who vowed never to work with an engine. yeah. who again, the bigger picture rather than enrolling our viewers in the internal issues, it is really politics is that this has strengthened netanyahu's position. we will remember the name of it to more ben chavira, the extreme right wing ultra nationalist administer of national security was various times threatened to bring down the government because of the things that he simply didn't like. well, now it gives you and sorry, this means that ben give years, power are less than that one up at i was reading this morning and these reading media was saying, you know, mission, yahoo never really left us since october the 7th, even though he was badly wounded but he is now firmly and ever back. it really does
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solidify his position in government. and some people will tell you that you will probably only see an expanding of a government of national unity in the, off them off of the events of the last 2 weeks against has by that. but just briefly, giddeons are joining doesn't mean that the right wing ideology gets diluted. getting sar is very much against a ceasefire in garza, so that just gives you a sense of what direction these really government will continue to take steps. thanks for that. that's definitely that could that in a month in jordan, thanks very much to done. you'll levy now who's president of us middle east project and a form is really government negotiate to join just now from london. duncan levy, thanks for joining us here. right now to 0, i just wonder how you assess the mood for rule or not in the is ready leadership right now, how do you assess the calculations getting on within the nothing yahoo administration it's quite clear that the israelis is
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a multi front war. and the extension of the war is law to be a matter of choice. i think we would not be reading correctly. what we're seeing. if we didn't even know all ej that that choice has been made. this is as there was never been of revenge. there was a significant element of seeking to restore a sense old declared central to back in the last year what couldn't be achieved. we've a christian in gauze that getting bogged down of obviously not succeeding with regard to getting back to re lease being held that commodities still that they haven't done this total victory. but now they've moved on light speed from to terrence to an offense, to put on the questions that for become how fault they seek to push this and
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how much capacity is there will be access of resistance side to continue with the push back. and i, that's the question we have to ask ourselves right now. there is a difference between being depleted and degraded. it's very clear that people in particular, has seen it. systems infiltrated, has been very significantly depleted. there was a difference between that and incapacitated where all we all met, spectrum between depletion and incapacitation. not just with regards to his beloved, with regards to the entire axis of resistance forces. number one and number 2. how follow does fuse rel want to push in terms of seizing the initiative? the sense right now it is, it is the attempt to actually move the threat of the axis of resistance to walton. and here i think one goes back. the, the end game is naughty, right?
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i think people are mistaken when they see that is the end game. it runs ease the entry points to an end the day with the palestinians. the school comes back to central and around the palestinians if you us. okay, so the removal the 1st up, so it's just, you know, before we get ahead of ourselves in terms of the, the strategy that's ongoing. and what we're seeing is the, you know, is we're continuing to kick off key monitoring individuals within has but are, and other factions presume me to continue to weaken them for the, the big question of course that everybody is asking is, all, speculation is what happens next. and yeah, and you to take out individuals, but we've seen in history, individuals are replaceable, i think there is a, a legitimate question as to if one removes enough of a layout, then what does that do to come on the control structures, but i think what these ratings are looking at is not just the individuals, it's also the width of stops. so where do they go next?
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i think one can certainly anticipate continued intense arrow for ration bullying, operation 11. and that's what we read. we've seen strikes and serial exchange strikes the yep. and we're seeing the americans, of course, are part of this is america for not just israel as well. so we'll see things from the americans and pulse and syria and to new rock as well. does one bring in iran directly? that's the next question is go into the box and this is a very important question. ease, ease row is moving forward with space. the domestic pressure inside the coalition, inside nothing yahoo will be on. there's no sign is still position to this is the pressure will be finished the job. can you do the the finishing of the job? actual i can you do it without ground troops? right. so that's the point. yeah. so what diagnostic, what, how much appetite is uh, within israel for
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a full scale complex or the full scale invasion? i would not underestimate the combination of appetite. i'm drinking your own cool late. what i mean by that is that people say we can get this done, it's insight. and so you go in and do something which becomes over which, which works against you, which means you interested in delta, a war of attrition because it's not just the question about the type. it's also a question of capacity. it's a question to preserve units available. israel is cuz i have a degree of exhaustion and a depletion in terms of reserve unit being willing to show up. i think there was now mobilization on these really side. they may well be looking at this and say, never will we have a bachelor, judith, the devil, we have a society so willing to go along with this. i don't this never will. we happen to america the 30,
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so we can complete time ready to do our bidding. but certainly they have lot on time that then lead to festival overreach. and you drank yourself into a situation where a symmetric, both that begins to what to do again as it had been garza and secondly, let's not forget you achieve something military or maybe it's a huge success. maybe it's a more modest success. but then how do you translate it into a political way? and you can to be really translated into a political when you have a political vision that is somehow manageable achievable in the region in which you live. israel does not have a political vision that is achievable in the region in which it lives, because that is about the public displacement of the palestinians. and that's why what you're most likely seeing is the creation of a whole new world of low back. and it's not accepted to be as well in that region. all right, i know,
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believe it the appreciate your perspective and analysis. thanks very much indeed. that said, genuinely, the president of the middle east project for making for any government negotiates or thank you, daniel. thank you as well, in addition to the strikes and $1100.00, have these ready ministry is also targeting human an attack on the city if a data on sunday killed at least 4 people port facilities. we also found in russia as mohammed 100 now reports an explosion in the ports to see if the data of israel launch is an attack on human to rescue is and to nearby residents rush to help the wounded and such full survivors to power stations with damaged along with the us, these a seaports. these attack small can escalation between both sides of this role continues its assaults on garza and level. the who sees have repeatedly launched
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drones and dismissal thoughts as well and much and ships in the red sea. and what they describe as an act of sort of directors with color stimulates in gaza. those attack actually will not stop on a bit event or product. and you have many put them attacking the design the state of. is it a or put on a keeping or continuing to support the people from the people in front of site? this is israel, 2nd attack on for they did this year. it's also hits the port city in july that much more. the meaning is clear, those are tried to attack us or home the citizens of is around will pay a very heavy price with them the head they, the strike comes of just a day off to the who these launch the missile towards israel. the all group says they will target thing is roll spring gallery and international airports, where prime minister benjamin netanyahu was landing for data support is a critical entry, points for goods and handles. more than 80 percent of human to mind is heavy and
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the un says much of the population depends on the system. the destruction of that for really could have significant humanitarian consequences for a region struggling with hunger and malnutrition. 18000000 yemenis are relying on food assistance for survival. israel is fighting on multiple fronts, as it refuses international pressure to and it's new year long. war on gaza. mohammed haji alger 0, the still ahead tier announces era, the death toll rises in the southeast united states up to hearken. faleen causes widespread devastation. the paddler, the pretty wild weather, is affecting both the west and east of europe. we've got 2 weather systems. the 1st
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of those is bringing some very heavy rain to ukraine, romania, bulgaria, and to queue. but you can see it swiftly moving towards the black sea behind it. some blustery winds across the adriatic and mediterranean to the likes of italy, croatia, and greece. the skies are much dry when the rolls are opposing an issue across the very north, we've had some warnings out for northern poland and some of the baltic countries as well. but you can see as another nice the weather system and moving across the north west. so heavy rain for person on the island divided into the last 3 wins as well, and that system will eventually work its way further east and leading the low countries of very damp and windy heavy rain as well. will scott its way across the southern pots of from some of that fully in northern areas of spain. but we will see can participate up here in the days ahead of the likes of lisbon. in portugal, madrid in spain. we all going to see something of a cool down. however,
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across more east and areas. temperature is already below the average here, but incorrect and took it only 16 degrees on choose day is really forces seek to silence. the true 50 occupied westbank storming and shutting down houses 00 and romano. the truth must be protected and heard. and stories of real people must be told. this is not just then a task on journalism. it's an attack on the world's right to know. journalism is not of coolant or pressing it is as the world economy, those strikes are those with a strong result. indonesia is where such resolve about the right place for your
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business to get off the ground of grace. otherwise, with this strategic downstream industry on your better tomorrow of the, [000:00:00;00] the are getting what you out 0. and one of our top story is this. and it's really strong because had an apartment block miss central barry kelly, at least 3 people. you're talking, the cold area is the 1st outside the substance of the sub. and so here way is relatives being talk, being seen it has, but i figured i'd as fee is 7,
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is ready. ground evasion increase as products continue to hit, pots of lebanon. more people are fleeing many with only the clothes on that box. and these ready ministry says it's current out as price on the port cd for data, for the heightening phase and expanding conflict. the city is controlled by a round about 3 to 5, just at least 4 people have been killed. let's take an overview of the whole situation. joining me here in students is semi and he's a direct c center for islamic level for as simple as i'm university. send me welcome at israel's not going to stop it. stop the momentum. it's just going to carry on. no, it's not going to stop. obviously after the past 2 weeks, they've been able to think that they have accomplished much of what they are set forth in terms of their objectives and limits. but i think that would be mistaken assumption we. so back in 2006, they had the same successes the 1st few weeks, but once they entered into the ground invasion,
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they couldn't finish the job and they had to withdrawn that you were asking, basically for a stop this war, which many people interpreted as either a stalemate or the faith. busy so is in this thing that you'll see now as suggesting to you that as well as lunches, lessons from 2006. and i'm in process differently. set the, the lessons in terms of intelligence, as below has uh, 4 challenges right now it has an organization to challenge which test to regroup and make sure they have a correct or a, a, a command and control practice. they have a security problem that they have to fix in terms of the many breaches they had the software in the past few weeks. and also admitted that each on it. because even though some of its military capability has been degraded, it has tremendous amount of capacity to respond back. and finally, the strategic challenge, which is the, the image that he's about as well as in the severe,
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the weekend and by extension the wrong. so if they're able to restore back at least some of this military compatibility, if they hit it pretty hard, as many people expect, then obviously we're back to another game, right? but how capable has been a lot of doing that with this? the chain of command is being designated, isn't it? yes, but i think the time to restore it as well as a very strong organization, even though at the top 11. but next, remember that the top of it there, most of the people in the 60s there was a lot of mid and leaders that they probably gonna raise now on their uh, more hard line has done the different the other lead, those that have passed away. so i think they are able to restore this command and control center the next few weeks. we're going to see if we're going to see massive retaliation coming. probably in a way that we haven't seen in the past year. the united states, as it pains to say that we must avoid this moving into a regional conflict. but all we, though already we are under hesitates as part of this. it's,
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it's complicit in everything that is what has been doing at the one. let's provide a with the weapons and the, and the size, but also the intelligence capabilities. so for, for a united states to say that we need to stop this is just go through the, disingenuous to ends case all of this is to what extent iran gets involved. would you concur with that? that's the big question right now because we run has been very reluctant to get into this war. there could be a separate reasons for this. certainly they are not in favor of any kind of agent award. they have to absorb many of the blows. they got the fluid in destination of, in a few months ago on their own soil. they haven't responded yet of so it's either they're trying to avoid totally this, which will further this appearance of weakness of iran, or they're trying to get some sort of a nuclear capability that they are racing against time. which some people suspect that would need some come so that they can do this cause they,
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they've taken the hit themselves and they have information regarding the but i think it's unavoidable, i think, is right now, remote emboldened it, trying to hit everybody lash out everybody. they find to not only affect the resistance inside the but this thing out there that there is the time now with his beloved, with human. and i think eventually they're going to get through it on so long as not able to respond and at least project an image that they will not be deterred by this. they would be the next to it. all right, so we will leave it there for the maybe to more later. thanks very much indeed that i mean i'm ok. thank you. well, over the past few minutes we've been hearing from the writing foreign ministry spokesman. no sir, cannot. he is speaking in the weekly press conference in tara, which is the 1st one since the beginning of, as belinda has on this row. on friday, he decided he is a rushman. specialists in the rating defense joins now live from tyrone, has been listening in a to the specs. one of the foreign ministry tell us more about what we've been hearing is the 1st press conference we've had of its kind since he's destination.
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what have you let? this is cindy? yes, it is. the 1st press conference after the summation marker, the secretary general of hezbollah son, natural law, which was a sort of a replaceable, a set distractedly speaking for iran. and he talked about so far. he has talked about the necessity index. agency of consensus, a monk moslem countries tend to be cold for a collective action. this is something that has been already stated by the foreign ministry and the bice, the supreme leader of iran to law, harmony, who puts emphasis on the necessity. a continuation of resistance from this is something that we have been hearing from iran from different political and religious leaders. he also expressed condolences with the families of those who
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lost their beloved, including one of the top military officials. ebay knew enough, he shows that lost his life in baby route. this is very significant point that we should take into consideration. and so far, also, we have heard from him about the necessity of not living is released on cert. whether or not this action is going to be this soon or later remains to be seen so far. we haven't heard about concrete slabs of action from the spokesperson or other officials. it seems that there's no interest to it spilled the beans to just do to be very kind of complicated situation and basically are located. and of course, secrecy is part of this is strategy game that iran is practicing at the time being and added to that is the strategic precision. okay. and iran is pretty much aware of the situation. so any, any miscalculated action runs the risk of further escalation. okay, i will tell you,
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i know you'll keep monitoring you at that press conference of the time being. thanks very much indeed. so he decided to join you from tara as well. let's move on to gaza. web overnight is ready. strikes are killed in these 7 palestinians. one attack talked to the shelter for displace people in the southern city of con eunice . it's brought to major fire and 3 pallets. these killed another attack and there a ballast and central guns, a co full members of the same family. honey, my mood is in the ballot. so tiny, tell us more about these attacks and what you've left the as well. the situation is remaining quite difficult and very tragic for the most part from overnight attacks. and the early hours of this morning we're seeing more people are still dying at a record number. and this time happened to be concentrated in the central area and further southern part of this trip. in the city of han, you and his work have a 3 law enforcement patrolling the area around how much the residential compound.
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they are taking care of the order to maintaining border around with distribution points that they can order and making sure that the things are the situations are, are safe and secure. for 10 sites and for schools that housing i've been housing many of the displays they found they were target inside their vehicle, reported to not their hospitality earlier hours of talk, there's really monetary turned out a deadly attack on a house that belongs to a piece active is that an advocate for palestinians, right then existence for the past year. that's what follow data here and there in ballasa city, the talk resulted in her death as well as her husband until her daughter is one of her daughter is the, is an infant is still very, very young. and it was here at the hospital where she was a amputated her leg was amputated, but didn't, but not survive an hour later, she wasn't pronounced that by the i see you here at the hospital. so this the, the premier, the hours of this morning, the moment we arrived here, we're looking at a funeral. after
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a few nurses here at the courtyard of the hospital, we counted up to 4, if in are those. and there's still more people in the more here waiting for family, for surviving family members to arrive to the hospital, to take them to their final resting place to close at each of their and, but of course the courtney, this is really the seeing right now. another attack on residential building. yeah, this is being the scene of the past 12 months, isn't it? to evacuate the evacuation centers also it consistently a target for israel and another school is being hit inviting here of the this is a. 5 concern and because we're looking at the record numbers of evacuation, then there's being deliberately targeted and hit by these really monitoring. these are deadly attacks carried out by these really air force across the golf street. but looking at 10 evacuation center, then these evacuation centers happens to be the,
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the schools with their honor was schools or public schools that have been turned into shelters for the display of families and all in big la. we're looking at 2 schools and now we'll be looking at what a few hours apart because apparently our hours of the same day yesterday is really military. i've talked to most the time is full. that's in west prince bit la city, an earlier and later on at night the curate out another attack on another school, just deepening the, the, the, the trauma, the psychological word for that. there is no thing go. it's late. favorite place across the golf. there being quoting, the very is schools with are the are honor was school are really marks. there. coordinates are known for this really monitor or public schools that i'm the reason people are taking the, the school and shelter. and because there is nothing lift of their home, their residential locks and buildings in anywhere where they were seeking, safety and security did not exist anymore. the only place that is left for them is the, the school, a sense of safety that has been shattered by the ongoing got tops. okay, honey i,
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thanks for that to update the, the the toilets ton. some of the world news now and the death toll from harkin helene has risen to at least $91.00 in the southeast united states. people in florida are in georgia in south carolina and virginia have been grappling with the destruction enough to most of the still she everytime the report of already say it may take months or even years to recover. this was the strongest storm ever hit florida's big bend region. it struck as a category for hurricane on thursday evening with winds of 225 kilometers now. storms direct was that it only been broken a year ago themselves. now suppose the scenes were sitting around the island, its entire houses are missing or flat,
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let on themselves the storm did we can quickly, as it moved inland. nonetheless, as the weather system made its way north enrolled havoc in georgia, the carolinas tennessee, even as far north as virginia. but it wasn't just the wind speeds and schools that made her late and so destructive. widespread flooding was caused by the sheer volume of rain the fall. this was a water storm. this really wasn't a wind storm. i have not seen nearly the wind damage that we've seen and other other parts. rivers reached the banks, was a surge of a dams, houses right. of flooded or swept away. millions have been without power and communication in 6 states. it stores that accounts for the large numbers who been reported missing. they just comp contact their friends and family food water and pep, fools in short supply. it all depends on these gas stations. you're not going to be able to go nowhere. and it's just a scary feeling. search and rescue teams. we're attempting to reach mountainous areas,
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ad drops of an organized to help communities cut off. depending on where you are. this unprecedented storm dropped from 10 to 29 inches of rain across the mountains, causing life threatening floods and land slides. precedent by mobil lube a scalable damages. he returned to washington on sunday for his weekend time helping intensified rapidly due to water being cold reco to near record ocean temperatures in the gulf of mexico, have long been warnings of more frequent and intense us hurricane seasons. as a result of human driven climate change. nonetheless, this us election season, most presidential candidates have tends to keep domestic oil drilling of record highs. so climate scientists expect this will be the new normal she ever times. the
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elder 0. a search and rescue operations are under way in center, in the pool with at least 190 people have died off the heavy floods. dozens of missy and the cat, monday valley web land slides have cut off some areas. felix, now what is this report now? excavators and crews below to pick layers of much with people's homes. one stood there hoping to find survivors. but often a bald douglas reflecting in decades attention has been shifting to recovering bodies. yeah, municipal wastewater, that's on the bottom of the security forces, including the army and the police working together. i'm going if i found 14 bodies yesterday, and 13 more today in the afternoon from the search reparation is continuing to them . in the healey, torino funding district outside the capital buses were swept off roads by paul,
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full month's lights in the valleys below. families. now grieve for the 35 people lost their lives here. some residents are still shocked by nature's brute force, while others try to continue with their lives. agencies say many people are now in dire need and a to risk of disease. there's a lot of challenges um, particularly the ro areas because they're whole communities that remain couple. so out our teams within the southern part of no problem working with upon this week, me government trying to get out to those communities. we have identified multiple communities that require support with food and shelter, and we have started with the support in that area. key roads and the customer and to valley remain cut off by debris. the government has ordered schools the
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shot for 3 days, or whether disasters have claimed more than $260.00 lives in about this year. and exploits on the climate change would make once when the seasons w. each year phoenix knew r. o g, a 0 south korean code, a sentence, a full, the police chief to 3 is in jail for failing to prevent this done. pay that killed more than a 150 people. and so it happened 2 years ago of the people crowded into the capital one neighborhood for halloween festivities, a tens of thousands mast within narrow alleyways. the ex police chief has denied the charges still to come. why frances, fall right, anita,
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marine the pen. dozens of a national rally policy members are about going trial. the
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a news the now 2 fronts where the far right lead the marine, the pen and thousands of members of the national rally policy gang on trial. the accused of misusing and embezzling you funds. the policy has confessed to the judges. natasha butler reports from pers. so really pain has had a good run, a saw or right nation rally penalty. one phone says you election and is now a major force in the french parliament following july. it's not the election, but a full jeans could be about to change the pin and $26.00 members of the national raleigh stand trial on monday. the queues dismiss using you phones to finance the policy in front. they feel like they didn't say this is a case of misappropriation of public funds to the detriment of the european
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parliament. in other words, that to the detriment of all european tax pays the pen was a national riley m e p h is until 2017 prosecute. to say that she and her co accused including her father showing my renewal, and he's you money to pay for assistance. in fact, work for the national riley in front scheme that began in 2004 and the allegedly embezzled more than $7000000000.00. this on t corruption expert says the unclear rules around you called imagery assistance will be at the house of the debate during the trial. the problem is not to work for parliamentary assistant is not properly defined into an assistant works directory for the m e p. but that's a gray area. are they working for the parliament, or are they working for the pots? you that the m e p represent? we're in the pen denies the charges against her and her policy. but if conflicted had a career on presidential ambitions could be pressing, she could face
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a prison sentence all the cool, cuz the sizes she is in middle school for public office. for up to decades, the pen was running out to him. i knew my call in the last 2 presidential elections . the policy says the trial is politically motivated, aim to keeping her out of the least say from the beginning. it is the 1st because presence of this foxy a to say that the only all the ways, the victim of a system to trial, which is expected to last until november could take take the political future before the frogs is most famous politicians. natasha butler. i'll just say we're power in portugal, thousands of supporters of the far right. a shakeup party. i've taken to the streets gains what they say is uncontrolled migration. shake. i is the 3rd largest party in the portuguese parliament and to be pushing for tougher policies of migration. during the box,
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they fought with counts of demonstrators supporting immigrants. at least 9 people have died and 48 and missing. after boat carrying migrant sank of the spanish canary islands. 84 people on board relating to if it's winter, which has more scouring the sea, the spanish coast guard is searching for dozens of missing migrants. that boat sang during a rescue operation of the coast of the canary islands. but the chance of survival is, let me see if the, if all the predictions of those who were in the boat become a reality, it will be the biggest crisis we have experienced over the last 30 years. and the canaries survivors have been brought to this camp. they came from molly mauritania and san a goal. with many people fleeing conflict in molly, the number of those traveling from africa to the canary islands had searched the caea. that powerless johnny often undertaken in boats like these flimsy fishing
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vessels, lying discarded on the beach by those lucky enough to have survived of the many have died. see the settlement that this is only the tip of the iceberg of humanitarian crisis. there are many people who are left in the middle of the sea and remain anonymous without the commitment of all the institutions, including the spanish state. i'm the european union that can be no solution to this human crisis. patrol boats continue looking for those missing. the hopes of finding any of them alive, affecting, you know, that was the need to reach out to 0. official professional results from austria is general election suggest that the far right freedom party is one of the most sites that have confirmed. it would still need to form a coalition. i just have it shows more now from vienna. for these protesters us, we as election results came as a shock of you in for the insights of i am horrified by the election results. we
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will see what happens next, but i am disappointed. so useful and freedom. patsy was founded by nazis and for not seeing that by the war criminals. they are proud of that tradition was get a see a longer least on suspend the freedom parties manifesto is close to national socialism . i have read the s t o election manifesto which contains a number of terms would very strongly indicate national socialism. because despite their position that nearly at that of voters chose the far right freedom party, or if bo it's lee there is now hoping to become austria's next chancellor. you will not be off to boston. so we have opened the door to a new era. now really going to write a new chapter in austrian history together. you have internalized the idea that people come fast and then the trump, the austrian parliament has 183 seats. the freedom party is set to have between 55 and 6 pm p's. just by 20,
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the largest number of the freedom party of austria hasn't won an absolute majority . that means it's really a partner to govern the governing conservative allstream people's policy came in seconds in depaul, having growth around 11 percent of their support. it does not want to join the coalition with kiko as a lead to any 2nd. i'll give you in my view. what applies before the election must also apply after the election. i've never ruled out. the po is a posse. as a democrat, i don't think that's right, but i've always said that you cannot reasonably and responsibly run a state with hope. it tickled a man who believed in conspiracy theories and that accused the w white show of being the next world government and the world economic forum of being a preparatory meeting for world domination. and i still stand by that all the parties, including the social democrats, liberals and screens are also ruling out working with a freedom party and hope to form a correlation without them. f. b, o is an entering immigration, and you are a skeptic. pots you close to russia,
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as cortex, believe it is reluctance to distance itself from its not the roots in the days and weeks ahead, forming a stable coalition with or without the f, b o is set to be a major challenge. are you to do to, to reach out to 0, being a space, ex caps, fuel on a mission to bring home to strong. the best results has done to the international space station. i booked with more than city williams, who have been stuck in space since june. of to the building start line to come see what was being done fit to return them to us. the to will head home in february alongside nasa is nick haig and the russian esther north, alexandra alex and i had a smooth ride up here. and so it 1st off, i just want to say thank you to the teams. they've got us ready to fly, freedom to the station and. and it was a awesome ride and coming through the hatch and seeing all the smiles. and as much as i've laughed and cried in the last 10 minutes,
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i know it's going to be an amazing expedition. so i'm really looking forward to get him to work up here. as i said, for meeting the clock service dues up and i'll be back in a couple minutes and i have the hey, get an idea of the french republic system for claims, which is what is more than from in a full pot theory. the big picture takes an in depth, not from the same size. the concluding episode analogy is there is really forces seek to silence the truth and be occupied, westbank storming and shutting down houses 00 in ramallah is targeting of done is
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the r as in years, a few minutes the beginning of the done as well as seen in donors live and he's done it is i'll just, you, i don't, and it's another example of journalists not being allowed to do their work in this concept. big waters, me that doesn't list the text. everything is being undermined by government entails who are there any 3rd grade to tear with use of to that address even to authoration has read. journalism is not a crime or pressing. it is hard to get him into the space. say that your government has repressive policies, respect of human rights. it is most important task might go with them in facing realities. what you're saying is that you're restricted by the, it's really, it's in terms of your movements at the time. that's right. to tell you restrictive thought provoking nonsense, how much with the trip do you think impulse he's right now to ask. it seems to be
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spreading more easily. he of the story on talk to how does era the challenges with the all the people and 11 and berries. some of the $136.00 people killed since sunday is israel dropped from fever and started to countries the that on the clock. this is out, is there a life and go home without continuing coverage of the israel has but i will also come in


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