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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  October 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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the, the right spot, otherwise concert with the strategic downstream industry on the clock. in the news. your better tomorrow the, [000:00:00;00] the pedal on elizabeth put on and this is all just the or life from coming out for the next 16 minutes. israel says that carried out rates and $711.00 on has bullet denies the event of the territory. explosions are reported in multiple locations across 11 on us as well. continues to drop phones early
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as rarely as strikes had 11 on the largest palestinian refugee camp. $52.00 for the code, including 3 children, the sirens, blair, and tennessee. this has boma 5 rockets into israel. it says this is only the beginning, the that is 11 gmc, 2 pm and 11 on what israel says it's troops have entered the south of the country and what they, according a cross border rate, through those the lebanese on group hezbollah denies. this is randy, mother theresa, it's conducted limited and targeted raids against has bola, also killing the groups. lead to hoss on the slide in an extra link on friday is really solid. is last went into lebanon,
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and 2006 dosage volume begins our coverage from the lebanese capital favorite. the slayers illuminating the skies above the southern 11 on a sign that is really troops were crossing the border. for days israel's military had been mobilizing along the northern border air strikes throughout monday, paved the way. so the ground offensive, which israel says would be limited, localized and targeted against hezbollah sites. we look at the composition of this trend. so pitiful uh is made off mainly the ms side units and the special forces. now these are believe that it had destroyed most of the messiahs where the units will at least 50 to 60 to 70 percent. and now what is right was, is to surround this special poll says israel says it's ground operation is being supported from the air. a striking hit the
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a now has with have your side and the largest tell us the new account in level at the southern suburb of a route, once again targeted in several large strikes. this confident because of recent successes in various assassinations and bombings that they have conducted. but frankly, i think they are over confident if they go in and they think that they can seriously disabled hezbollah on the ground. i think they're in for a few nasty surprises. the airstrikes weren't limited to 11 on siri and st. media set and attack killed several people, including a journalist in the capital of damascus. the door savari alcera. there was a team of correspondents to cover all angles of this developing story in washington, dc, amman, and has that and something devon on. but 1st let's head to be route and bringing
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zayna hall. there she is. joining us from the lebanese capital china has voted on denying that is why any troops have entered levon on and the reports of clashes is really military. they got a limited and targeted ground operation to target, as well as infrastructure along the border. it didn't provide much detail, especially where this incursion happened. this is a 120 kilometer long border has law is denying that is ready to advance and to lebanese territory. and they said that there was no face to face combat. then if it's ready to then cross and 11 on has well, of forces are ready to confront them. united nations to enter in force, which has troops deployed along the southern 11 on and whose job really is to monitor violations along that the border said that they did not record any
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incursion by these really army sources. telling me that there was 4 roddic incursions last night, but he is ready to pull back. now for hezbollah, this would be a, an opportunity really, if indeed, is rarely forces advanced until up and on and operates it inside leaven on because it is in need to erase this image of the feet if you like. in the eyes of its supporters in the if we fit for the morales of its fighters, and really is need to change the balance of power. because right now is real. feels it has the upper hand after dealing blow after blow against culminating really in the assassination of its leader, who has been in power for 30 years. how the lot so really has the feeling confidence, in fact, also one of his last public boards has on us for our last thing. we invite you to come in to 11. and this is a historic opportunity for, i've seen some of the statement by the israeli military,
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they use the word limits. it seems they know that occupying territory in southern lebanon would not be. so it's advantage, at least for the time being. and yet zayna is running attacks elsewhere 11 on our only continuing. it's destroyed. we're getting reports. that is rarely asteroids. have attacks destroyed the headquarters of a tv channel in the southern bay route. this affiliation with hezbollah. yes, we are getting these reports right now. um, it's too early for us to provide more details, but yes, as well as widening the scope of its operations. we are, it's one of the entrances to the southern suburbs of babies and you can see at largely empty streets in the cars that are coming out. they're just, you know, heading back to their homes for a few minutes just to take whatever they can and believe the area. many people here are afraid that you know, this could really be an open ended bath, but last night there were heavy airstrikes, at least the air, air strikes and buildings, residential buildings, collapse, and other buildings,
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partially collapse. so hundreds of thousands of people are now in the streets and the people here feel that as well as going to keep up the pressure because it's once has got lots of cave in to its demands. and as well as you know, it's still fighting back. they, they fired a large barrage of this house towards the central israel, north of tennessee. this was really the most significant and minute meaningful response or retaliation from hezbollah. since, since the really the leisure escalation, this new phase of the war began over 2 weeks ago. say no, thank you very much for that. that is a no hold over the nation is she's live and they vote and is rarely as far as have had the talent of mazda june and southern lebanon. and long con was that he sent us this report. the lebanese army engine is now repairing this road. that was hit,
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we think by is really artillery. this is one of the only lifelines that out of merger you, which is now the scene of some fist fight thing. where do you has been sped? most of it, but the towns around it, including sam, have seen intense artillery selling is really strikes. and in the morning there was a barrel of about 20. it has below rock is going into northern is really territory . what we're hearing from the buddha is that is like i say, very intense fighting going on between his beloved and the is ratings. so this is, let me just show you how far this road goes. this traffic time goes. all of these people are waiting to get out. these were people who had remained behind because they thought they were insulated from the rule between as below and israel, because they lived in christian will send the o drew's villages these people. and now,
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leaving this has been going on all night and wrong con out, is there a merging boat is southern lebanon? and ron is joining us, live from hus via in southern lebanon. now in montana is where you are now. and what you're seeing around you as well, where in that has by up in the mountains, in the southern uh, 11 on district. but in the last 15 minutes, we've had an asteroid come in that road that you just sure you just saw in my little report that has now been hit again. the lebanese army engine is actually fixed the road. it was a make shift, patched up a job, but it wasn't something that was going to last for very long time, but it made the road could be opened and then 15 minutes ago, these really struck it again that this sounds like it feels like a b is right, these are trying to cut to offsite entire area,
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but people are still fleeing from that area. there's been an evacuation order, some $32.00 towns and villages, including a, both hockey, which is where a hotel was that we were broadcasting from uh over the last 8 days or so. uh that was included in that list is really saying you'll take place that has the targets you need to leave now and that's products people. that's why we've had this excess of people coming through. now his bullet also sites that they have struck several targets of is really a temporary and so just gathering on the buddha is where the tanks got available in places like much with the and, and most of both like my colleague as idaho, there was just reporting a, there is some confusion as to whether they did cross. his bullet says they didn't across the board of books. what they were suppose the we were getting. and that was reflected in our report, just that it was people's hunting us that they heard intense fighting go. now,
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that could have been the aerial bombardment and the rocket fi getting closer and closer to the buddha as people were just leaving. so it is a bit of a confused picture when it comes to what is actually happening on the border with the israeli troops crossing. now in the last few days, is where the special forces have crossed into the southern lebanese, the territory. they say to knock out uh, has the infrastructure very close to the boat and then they withdrew. that may happen, that may not have happened. certainly these really say they have the band and they are fighting and they are inside lebanese temperature. but that's like i say something his bullet say isn't happening. and around the confusion that you're talking about that must be leading to even more panic around you among the people who are fleeing. while we see pictures of funerals taking place inside and off to some of the pictures of another funeral yesterday and tired
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a this is only a carnes now now the pictures of siding was particularly obsessing cuz that was, is really striking. that killed $45.00 people in one go that included women and children. it took place in a no though it was a very shocking scene for many, many lebanese who just watching this. and once again, they were reminded of goals, and that's the would that keeps coming up, keeps coming up. uh, people are worried, the sudden, the south part of lebanon is simply going to be turned into another gauze. and we have is really as drugs, is there any soldiers coming in? people pushed into a legend, say, fairies and then boomed that as well. people are worried for that lives they leaving here for the 11th, but they don't know where to go normally. that's going to change the governor, it's um, but that's being bummed as well to go to a route that's being boomed as well. people just don't know. they know they need to leave here,
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but they don't know where exactly they're going to go and run. thank you. very much for that update that is in mon con, joining us live from has via and southern 11 on that spring. and stephanie deca, she's joining us live from jordan's capital. i'm on because that is where the government has bad out a 0 from reporting and is right. and stephanie, we have very much in the fall, go for now. we would conflicting reports from israel and has bella as well. i don't suppose you've heard anything from israel a since has paula has denied that israeli troops are on lebanese soil. you know nothing. in fact, you know, the statement that we had from the arab medius boats, person of the army, was that there was intense fighting going on along the border. so now as well as saying that is incorrect and they happen across the border. if you look at what happened when they started their ground invasion on gaza,
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they initially started bombarding the territory very heavy with artillery fire, which is what happened overnight. and air strikes, preparing the ground for the troops, then to enter and move forward. it did take a couple of days, were sort of in a similar pattern wondering whether they had actually put boots on the ground. so i think maybe perhaps we're seeing a similar thing. you also have this some forest evacuation, cool by the ministry for around, you know, 30 or so. but it just villages that go all the way pretty much to the tiny river. they're not just close to the border now. israel says that it has given us assurances, even though we don't know what that means these days and whether we can actually take that with any form of truth, but that it's going to be limited in scope along the border unlimited in time. uh but so these evacuation orders, what can we read into them either? you know, they'll be bombarding these areas because israel says there are, you know, has bullet positions,
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hezbollah weaponry. we simply don't know these very unpredictable times. and as any sort of ministry on list will tell you that, you know, once you have certain objective set, things can change once you enter a very active word. so that doesn't seem to have happened yet, as you heard there from enroll and, and also from zane. it's sort of very clear picture as to where we are when it comes to actual face to face fighting on the ground. it seems, according to hezbollah, for sure, and these ratings have been quiet. the last couple of hours pops up isn't in full fledged just yet. and stephanie or something that as well is very welcome to talking about in fact, both hezbollah and as well have been listening the attacks that they've carried out on each other's military assets, across the board to is yes and hezbollah, claiming there was a pretty intensive barge of rockets towards central israel, around the tennessee of area and has the clothing that saying that they targeted israel, spy headquarters, the most side headquarters, just outside of tennessee,
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even though so in other ministry unit and the media splits person for her as well as saying this is just the beginning of that's the expectation. certainly that has been a has despite israel's targeting and significant blow to the group that it still has it for middle weapons arsenal. um and it hasn't really used it yet. their house has been a major impact when it's called a to israel, when it comes to the escalation. if you look at the death toll, for example, there's been no desks in israel since the escalation started. and of course, that is a very different reality inside lebanon. stephanie, thank you very much for that. stephanie deca with all the bases live in a month already a us president joe biden responded to reports about what was then a possible is right across the board. right. and to live in on some media conference in the white house. because ro, maybe now launching a limited operation into 11 on. are you aware of that? are you comfortable with their plan?
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i'm more aware than you might know and i'm comfortable with them stopping. we should have a ceasefire now and lace. the pentagon issued the statement saying, defense secretary lloyd austin, has cooled as really defense minister and the 2 agreed on the need to dismantle attack and for structured along the border to ensure that has bola cannot conduct a type of 7 stall the tax on as well as northern communities is, has a diplomatic resolution is required to ensure that civilians can return safely to their homes on both sides of the border. austin also says they will be serious consequences for iran. if it chooses to launch a direct military attack against israel. send the veil has moved from washington d. c. we is really defensive industry. you'll have kilometers now spoken to his us council part, lloyd austin. we understand the cold was in the early hours of tuesday morning and it follows that previous cool, late on monday night, followed the same path. and there's a lot of talk about the need to make sure that they discuss the ongoing threat
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posed by iran. and they talked about the measures to ensure the return of those people to the poor, the area where israel beets, lebanon. and you'll have to log said he brief, the secretary on the localized on targeted rates that the id f launched overnight against those has blocked targets. this follows that press conference of the white house where joe biden was aust prior to the ground at movements. if you knew they were coming and he said, i know more than you probably think, and that follows weeks of joe biden, effectively being blindsided by these ready prime minister. there repeat a number of occasions where action has been taken by the is ready to turn it afterwards, but spiked people from the pets of the state department of the white house that had to come out and say, we have no prior knowledge of this. we understand that joe biden is, i think this incursion only because he had a conversation with these ready prime minister in which she had to talk him out of a lodge with vision and sway to say that a small, that managed incursion would be
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a much better option, but it really goes to show just the huge devise much the gap, but effectively a cousin that has opened up between the 2 men with joe 5 and largely being kept in the dark. some say that he is now because he is now laid up precedence i'm lists of pointing out that prime minister netanyahu is actually biding his time. there is a strong challenge, but donald trump could become president elect. and just a matter of weeks in november when the election is health, donald trump is a storage supporter, israel and private as the invest in yahoo. and should he become president? it means that prime minister netanyahu is more likely to have cop launched to do what he sees fit and not part of the wealth. fill of out, i'll just say around washington. the last time is really forces crossed into 11 on was an 2006 that conflict lofton 34 days is run launch the operation officer has boulevard, has killed 3 soldiers and took 2 captives. and a raid is already false,
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has pushed the 28 kilometers into lebanese territory. they also carried off and extensive bombing campaign, as well as reported a 158 people were killed. most of them phones is 11 on more than $1100.00 people were killed in the month of slicing most with civilians. i'll need is that because of security and political affairs alice them, he's joining us live from babies. ali firstly, how do you read? what do you make of the conflicting reports from as well and has bola about whether it is rarely troops or 11 on as well. i think both sides have in the interest to say that they are all they have. the money behind hezbollah does not want to give his room any more moments and particularly hopped at the moment and his rambles already achieved, giving us a solution upsetting about something i saw on the other operations. these are all the other hand wants to maintain its government and i think only because really side they are trying to make, you know, say that they did this. i was able to handle the level. and so everybody's
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territories, because i realize that now is the perfect time to further law, the day more all the possible law fighters and the because of the law simple with the so i wouldn't be surprised if this is a client that is ready propaganda in order to follow the we can do more all possible because i think that um should emerge. that gives me on the face for assistance and from what i've heard from has been also says it has should not be declared into the open. the momentum which from which is run has achieved might be somewhat similar to refers. and so i think it comes within the, within the context and as i said, i wouldn't be surprised to get these rates have resulted to this propaganda in order to keep the momentum flowing. and all of you talking about the momentum being on his very side and the has, has bola, you know, the lack of morale, or social needs morale being affected by 2 weeks of unprecedented attacks on the group session to be pushing on
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a brave define phase. we heard from the deputy secretary general yesterday, but just how we can, would you say, has bolas mironda is left alone and it's military capabilities can well, let me clarify. first of all, i think that has been lost. morales has been impacted. but what i was saying in the previous answer is the piece very well thinks that it has built a big blog to the more all the possible law. now, how big a blower that remains to be seen, but so i don't know if it's below soldiers. i've spoken to me and what struck me, does it say what i have just in the past half hour was the turn of optimism that oh that's what surprised me if you look at the shape and i am costing speech yesterday . it was somewhat, there was defiance in that speech, but you could also see those that are the, the, the body language of the hey, seem to me rather. and i, you know, not that spiritual height and mood. it appears that there was some sense that
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hezbollah in the song of the real sent, but you could read that in the body language of chance. 9. what i heard today from the time of the way possible sources spoke now there will be more optimistic and i think that most of the fact that it piece by only is going to have this ground invasion. so what i think that, um, it's possible that because rarely is given because of the law, what it wants all of the setbacks and then are comfortable, isaac, but the trinity to perhaps simple the score somewhat. and there was some heavy blunder. so these ready sort and that's why i think is rarely seen for a very difficult 5, because now it has velocities interest of time right now in order to go to the maximum detroit. and so some of the scores, on the other hand is really strange, but they have to go live up attributing now in order to weaken and get on the look out of that was the last sort of birth science. have these reasons to engage, engage in a piece fighting. that's why i think we're set, they say you want to be, you know,
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more epic battles in modern history. it was like security and political affairs allen, those. thank you very much. i this goes to our a gold book. he is a, is really political commentator and he's joining us live from that of these already . thank you very much for staying with us. we have seen the massive escalation against has been a lot of the past few weeks we've been reporting on or of the reaction from the us to the basis developments. do you think that the is really escalation has anything to do with the fact that there are 5 weeks to go to the us selection? joe biden is seen as the name dot president. the administration is distracted with the election. i'm sure that is on for a minister and it's in the as 9. however, i don't know it's and it's in the out as the vision that exceeds 5 weeks into the future. anyway, i don't think this is a lawyer or
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a strategic manipulation. i think it's certainly considered it's annette considers is a good thing and outs for trump presidency, but i don't think that is what the state of this new escalation in. ready asian and potential invasion hinges. and they're saying that the limited what they are cooling, unlimited operation. what do you see as that intentions here? because we've seen attacks all of 11 on and not just in the south of the attempts all over 11 on i think are connected to israel shifting targets off. it's a so called target me i think that's what his other student gets. it was making the most of operational opportunities to present themselves because of the chaos is on his own in the root with a series of assassinations. i see the operation on the. ready order is at least as far as,
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as i was concerned. indeed going to be localized as much as possible. i don't think is our wants rockets. and so the, i don't think is our wants a ground confrontation with this. the fighters on their own terrain. i think israel wants to do this is rose, making these incursions are very specific reason and it wants to make the citizens that evacuated from the north part of the country after october. 17 months makes them. she'll say she wants to make them feel like they can go home and that's what is all the major major. ready problems for permanent students and you know, that i think is israel's name organization. everything else we're seeing 11 on is again, this is very much part for the course. as far as the is early mindset is concerned . this is uh, again taking care of business if you will. and you say that as well doesn't want to say rockets folding on tennessee. we have seen that in the last few hours in his bullet has said that it's on the, the beginning. how do you expect as well to respond to that o,
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a we are already seeing the response? yes, i think it's so it's not locked into a course of action. i don't think we can see or, or expect any other response. and i mean, uh, truthfully what would it matter is what was already committing the criminal actions and 11 on its long lines are killing hundreds of civilians every day. i don't see how it can escalate that as far as the operation on the border, it goes, i think, is all is very careful and very much wants to keep this on the slides and not letting any sort of information about what it is actually doing. very good out for me, that is another indication that the real purpose of this operation is not some kind of strategic or tactical moves against some non target, but much more of a spin slash t. r. movement to show that israel is operating and can make is early citizens, take the government and the military. yet there were just some things i always have
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had difficulties doing after the massive failures of the past year. and already when you talk about you say that as well as committing criminal actions and 11 on that says me something we've already heard today from international law experts as well as being investigated at the international court of justice for genocide, the international criminal court is seeking a rest, lawrence for the prime minister in defense. minnesota does not all of this worry the israeli government, why aren't they detected by this? and that's a very good question. the only explanation i have is i think more in the realm of collective psychologies. and it is all it takes or jo strategy. i think what has happened is over the past year as it was, i'm in but as it embark on his genocidal campaign. and god is it is all his laws, both every sense of proportion to her had and also any kind of regard or concern for the view of the world towards his young, i think is ro is now in the state of the, i think of
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a solid position where the person believes person or with the elective, believe that the only real people on earth that everything else is of production stage for their benefit is, are saying its own game by its own rules. it doesn't expect understanding. it doesn't seek it all. it wants us to get the job, the task it has set itself carried out and done. and that's why as early as ignoring the world, the i, c, c, the i, c j, even it's l, as in washington, this will all come back to font as well. all of these jobs, chicken slow come home to roost. that at the moment is a very, very simply as is evidenced by its complete lack of regard for civilian life is out, doesn't care. all right, thank you so much for your insights on this. we really appreciate it. that is already gold, the live and penalties. thank you for having still ahead on knowledge as they are. i will be life on said on his coverage of the is rarely offensive and 711 on continues
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the had lower that as lots of activity when it comes to the weather in east asia. we've got to type food, and one of those is moving to the east of japan to do it will still give a glancing blow to hon. choose a more than way of wet and windy weather here before moving its way towards the northeast. but it's time soon across and it's going to cause issues for taiwan. they have been preparing for this very powerful and potentially dangerous storm. it's going to bring very large amounts of rain. it's working its way slowly towards


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