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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  October 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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for confirmation that you saw those mist size in jordanian skies is and i don't know if you remember this, but back in april when a ron the 1st and last time that iran directly attacked israel. right. more than 300 missiles fired from iran on israel. jordan did not want to be even indirectly a part of that attack. it did not want its guys to be used for those missiles and um, and now you're telling us that, well, once again actually it did happen. and it has there been, i know there won't have been a comment from jordan just yet because we're minutes away from what just happened. it happened 20 minutes ago. but do you recall what jordan said last time in april? well, it's not just what they said in april, where they said they are, skies would not be a battle ground for any one enemy or adversary or ally. they had also said just a couple of months ago after is mine. he was killed in it on when it on was bowing
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a retaliation that jordan would not allow those similar circumstances and that they would intercept anything that came into their air space. we have no information or confirmation who was intercepting these, but we do know that the army has intercepted many over the skies of israel, despite those that have made direct hits as we understand it. but the door, danny, and what do you typically have hundreds and whatnot. and know about that into their air space, but it's worth mentioning yes. yes, no, sorry, to jump in because there's so much to take in. what do you know about direct hits? because you've mentioned several times there have been and we did see at least one or 2 that there have been direct hits in or near tell of eve is how it looked to us . what do you know about that? a journalist on the ground in tel aviv the reporting of directed in the central part of the city. there could also be shrapnel that had fallen from the sky. it's important to understand the size and scale of these missiles that are being launched from 8 on these really army and actually put some of them on display
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after they had retrieved them back in april to show the public exactly what kind of weaponry we're talking about. here so these are huge, huge projectiles that when intercepted the barrel of them can still fall and hit anything in its path. while some of these rockets, again, have been intercepted, the interceptor itself along with the projectile, but it has intercepted, produces shrapnel. that's rob note, can rain into the air and kill you, which is why these really military says when there are sirens. it's important to stay in a protected area for upwards of 10 minutes after the siren stops, because you simply do not know what we'll fall from the sky. and then we're looking at the, those of the ladies pictures. these are the strikes over to leave. some of them were intercepted. has there been any mention by either is really authorities or is really media as to casualties fatalities,
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or at least the results of the strikes of the well no, as of just one minute ago. in fact, these really are me. it says the missile fire is still ongoing, saying that there are several impacts that have been made and explosions heard across the country saying, but rockets themselves, rocketing impacts in toby and shrapnel have also been reported in till a bead and in the areas around the dead sea in the occupied west bank, they're saying that they haven't reported any injuries yet, but this is still an ongoing situation across the country. so they're trying to gather as much information as they can. but as you can imagine, this is an emergency. this is something that has the country scrambling, but has authorities scrambling, especially in tell a b where this rocket attacks has been concentrated and they were responding already to an emergency situation of an active shooter where we understand now there have been several people who been killed so it's somewhat of
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a cluster throughout tele vivas, authorities are trying to assess the situation, but telling all people to stay in doors because this event is not over. i'm not. so who's importing from amman? jordan, thank you very much. don't go very far because we will be needing to talk to you very regularly in the coming hours. for now, do i let you go and go to keep a elder who is a political analyst? you're joining us from telling me. thank you again for your patience. it keeps coming back to us. so you're still in your safe room. you yeah, i'm still in my safe room. you know, it's very hard to complain that i'm saying go off and now and it said through the so many is riley's who paid was their lives and the so just no way to solve their level, actually what we're experiencing now is, you know, it's hard to count how many frontiers there is another frontier and is right proper a job by until i believe that uh, you know, bypasses people who are waiting for
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a drain were killed. we. busy uh no looking at age people who were motor. ready in the last hour, um and uh easy. my wife is joining me because uh we uh, uh oh the tuesday. yeah. you will have to close the door. yeah. we appreciate that. you know, maybe maybe the loves it. yeah. no, she brought me some water. um, you know, it is very hard to complain as i said, because relatively we was safe until now for the last year. uh in my neighborhood this is uh, actually the 2nd time, the 1st time that we have the silence was falls. uh and um, what are we showing me that uh, can i to because you said something interesting if you don't mind you said we were safe until the last year. so as of course, you're an analyst, you're a journalist,
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but i want to speak to you just as an is really for now. and a resident of tell of the, do you feel that the is really government has made use safer or less safe over the last year through his conduct the, you know, uh, she went there is used to say that the agent person has how many in his hand to become a, he believes that every program is enabled. and i think that this is the kind of government that uh uh, we are blessed with it. so goes, um i, i don't see that they have an answer what they would do next. and the will, they were theories and then we'll get into that. busy tech, the d is ready, economy is bankrupting. i think that we are close to chapter 11. and i don't know what will happen the arrows if uh the, uh, is there any government will decide that uh,
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we have to restart it because otherwise we will not detail the arrows and the run your door to out the possibility that this is the scenario that that on the other hand, in mind, in order to at tech, do you want to use nuclear facilities? this would be his ultimate legacy, but uh, explains the knowledge of a valid please explain to us the logic of that. you mean, you mean, create an opportunity to attack uranium facility is an opportunity to expand a war and attack iran directly? is that what you're talking about? yeah, uh, you know, an attorney. oh, it was responsible for the wine in the clear from room to progress. there's a deep since he couldn't based president drought to pull out from the agreement the new day agreement. um one was never so close to the
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ball. so, you know, i think that he has a you know, as a kind of uh of session was the one in nuclear program. and um, i think that uh he wants to create. ready situation that uh, these riley, probably, maybe even the american administration. and the thing while the president is elaine, that may be, this is the, i'll do it a situation for him to do what he was dreaming to do for so many years is to eliminate it. remember that the, the way to the job and the why didn't you follow to the holocaust? so uh i, i believe that he doesn't want to leave american history of what he
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is responsibility to. ready 7, so what they do is was the worst thing that happened to the jewish people say it's the holocaust show. so i believe since he's a sign up for the story and he was likes to leave behind him. something like, you know, ending the iranian nuclear threat. okay. the keeper, thank you very much for your insights from to leave at this hour is just past 8 pm local time for you. if you can give us a bit more patients, i would love for you to stand by. but we've got many people this talk to this hour . so this is the latest information that we have. nearly 250 missiles were launched into israel from iran, according to the is really army radio. let's go to, to who to study writer specialist and they range and affairs are joining us live from here on a couple of moments ago when i, when we talked you said that the i r g c, the
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a rang and the revolution regard core, we're going to make an announcement, have they spoken a yes and the, this is the latest updates from iran and b. c, this statement is coming from uranian i r t c. and i'm quoting that they said that in response to the destination of is my husband, tanya. instead of signing us or law and march or need for sean will not be of any. and i our gc pop off the shows that both assets and aided in the recent attacks and be route we attacked the hearts of the occupied lands and i'm going to clear up translate their list of the statement says that in case design is regina tries to respond to your vein in operation. it will face crushing responses. this is what we have been hearing from our trustees statement so far. and at the same time, on hearing sounds of a lot of watch back from toronto mosques in my background,
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i'm not sure if you can hear that. and the vain end state television said that it was just the 1st wave of attacks that was conducted back after a long periods of wait and a long period after access nation. all these my 10. yeah. into ron, and it was a long expected retaliate yards retaliates reaction that you're seeing tonight from toronto. they didn't deny the possibility of a 2nd drunk. this is one important point. another point was that you've been in state television reported that it's not just to live beads under attack. other parts of the occupied territories are under attack at the time being. they also said this many parts of the occupied territories were under attack, tens of a ballistic massage. according to the reports have been fired and we are waiting for further details. but it was also reported that the current operation has been
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conducted under direct vacation of uranian national security call. so rich from which we had mr on maybe on today that talked about the possibility of retaliation . he said that this is not red the wrong. this is the red suspend cross and the entire residents and moments that has been engaged into this bar. therefore they're not facing for quotes and can single action. with that said, i think we will be waiting for more, more comprehensive actions from the resistance front. in this ours, down the roads. okay, so here's a sadie. thank you very much for all of that that you're bringing us from iran. so the i r g c. the iranian revolution regards corps said, just moments ago, confirming they launched at least $250.00 missiles towards israel. the ones that if israel retaliated to that attacked into hahn's response, would be, quote, more crushing and ruinous. they also said that this was the response to israel's
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assassination of is male and the a be then leader of hamas into run that was late july and the response to the israel's assassination of his beloved chief son, the smaller that was just on friday. let's go to uh, also getting notice information. um, now let's go to door. so dorsey jabari is in the 11 east capital bay route for us door. so what do you have on your end? is anything moving? what are you learning? what are you hearing? well, people who are on a celebrating scenario, we've heard over the past 20 minutes since the news broke off iran, the unprecedented attack on israel and non stop on fire and fireworks as being set off across the capital. we have been hearing the sounds of the gunshots and fireworks. we didn't know what they were at 1st and then it, we realized what was happening, the supporters of hezbollah, us celebrating erosions decision to launch. this is their 2nd attack in as long as
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we're public's history since the revolution of 9 to 79, iran and israel certainly, and no friends as a whole long time enemies. now, with this latest move, that must not have been an easy decision fight for iran supreme leader. i totally hominy the man who was ruled the country for over 35 years. he decided last april that have to show it a 3rd country stream. so last time iran attacked as well. uh, it was april 13th and about 12 days after israel chills, 5 members of her owns revolutionary guard. on the radio consulate section in damascus and iran decided they had to respond. but how they responded was. a different of what we're seeing tonight, they threw back channels, warns the united states and western powers to tell israel better, almost gore to carry out that attack. so israel knew it was coming tonight,
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only an hour or so before this attack was launch. israel started to put out a basically signals from the united states that it was waiting for an attack by wrong, very different scenario. and from what we understand the statement from the revolutionary guards that it's not over. you said this is just to start. now, what a wrongs and game is here, other than to show their strength and to draw some red lines of for. and the is rarely officials is not clear at the moment, but what israel has says has said already is that this is now a red line for them that iran has cross and they are going to respond with force iran door salinas attack. that is, so you're saying the response isn't quite clear. i, i want to tell our viewers at this juncture, that you've done a ton of reporting from around us. been a ton of time in fair hon. and you understand is better as well as anybody really how they operate. can you sort of using that knowledge?
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can you walk us through what the calculus is going to be from iran going forward? because i've been told countless times by commentators. they do not want a head on, you know, head on collision with israel. a no, they don't. so i, i still think they don't watch and we have seen over the past few days since the assassination of have something else for our lot is really benjamin netanyahu. pushing iran for this attack and then giving him an excuse to launch what he has always wanted is strikes on her own 6 declared nuclear facilities for israel and the prime minister there, there real gold is going after her mouse and going after has will lies been to get to iran and pushing arrow and all this time to take this step that they have taken tonight to justify any kind of action that we'll be seeing as well take inside iran
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until now. all the assassinations of high ranking officials inside iran and outside are on a tops on airlines nuclear facilities. attacks on iran, nuclear scientists, why israel have never been acknowledged by israel. israel has never claimed any responsibility for those assassinations and attacks and acts of sabotage. but this time is going to be different. benjamin netanyahu put out as a video states went a 3 minute statements a few days ago, addressing the way in people she knows how fragile the system is in iran, in terms of his popularity or on is this society is very, very upset and dissatisfied with the way the country has been running countless sanctions on precedent amounts of economic pressure, most of human rights violations. there is no proof of freedom of the press in the country in terms of what it used to be prior to the death of mass. i mean, in 2022, we saw protests that went on for 4 months. at least
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a protesters executed in iran. so all these events have really put a strain on the society and israel, seeing that this is a moment, possibly a witness for iranian officials in the system and trying to capitalize on it by pressure a loss by assassin. i take arrangement officials outside of iran, in, in the region to try and force their owns hands to do exactly what we're seeing. so nice to induce, quite wrong. good point is because you said something to israel and the occupied territory. you said something that, that i hope you can expand a little bit for us. i think many people will have missed this. you said that benjamin netanyahu addressed the message directly to a ranges, and frankly, unless you follow the twitter account of the office of b as really prime minister, you probably wouldn't. our viewers probably will have missed that message, but he does have that 3 minute message up online and still there where he addresses . it ranges directly. can you, can you tell our viewers what he said?
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and what was the general gist of it? because he had this, he had this mysterious quote at the time, wasn't it about something along the lines of you know, you, you will be free sooner. the 3 sooner than you think. yes, benjamin netanyahu in this message with our see self titles as says basically his fight is not with the iranian people. he does not want the country to what he said was perish in the hands of this regime. he said that with that soon, they will be able to be free within their own country. he is selling himself as the savior, as somebody who can help the rain, a nation gets rid of the, the establishment that's been in power, the clerical establishments. that's been in power since 1979. really setting himself up for whatever is about to happen in iran, by israel. and that's really the officials and the establishment. and they don't
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want the people to fear what is going to happen. and also he said he needs their help, that he's going to, you need them to really use whatever powers that they have to turn against the system. his is actually calling for the raining people to overthrow the regime as he himself is positioning his own powers that he has has someone that can bring the what he calls democracy. now this is a very dangerous cost to get on the radio in a nation of nearly 86 people may not necessarily understand the nuances of what benjamin at yahoo is trying to do. but it's at a time when they need to hear someone make some promises to alleviate some of the strains they have been on. now, it's certainly it's not ideal that this message is coming from and it's really prime minister. but at a time when iran is witnessing unprecedented blow after blow after blow it smell,
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and yet being the latest one ends the capital in the hearts of terror on, in those tyrone, in a secure revolutionary guard house. he is assassinated in the middle of the night. it breaks the question, how much as controls that regime have within their own intelligence, alvarado says, all these highlighted to the societies and the weight is really feeling like when iran is under pressure, when it comes to its foreign policy, they, they put more pressure on the the country itself on the domestic front, so really has message coming at a very critical time and very telling of what we're going to see in the next few days at the door. so thank you very much. i actually looked up the quote, so i found it for you funded for of yours. benjamin netanyahu said in that little speech quote, when iran is finally free and that moment will come a lot sooner than you, than people think. everything will be different and quote. so i, i, so i think was 2 days ago and probably like you, i thought what does it mean?
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you know, it could be something could be nothing um it dosage of already. thank you very much for your reporting for your explanations. when you've got something new, just raise your hand. we'll come right back to you. thank you very much store. so let's bring it announces, here is alan's fisher, who's joining us now from the us state department in one sentence, and what are you hearing on your end? well obviously the united states will be concerned about what is happening has happened in the last hour because they had been talking about the escalating tension in the area. something that they've been going on about since october last year, worried about there could be a wider war, and this is exactly the sort of thing that could well spark a great a conflict. it's just 24 hours since the state department said that they believe that maybe perhaps israel's military involvement in lebanon could for some level of diplomacy. but they were always aware that the uranium could launch
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a retaliatory strike. and that seems to what happened in the last hour, simply the us meet the people aware that they thought this was coming, that intelligence suggested it was eminent within the hour of got a nice smooth being made. we saw those missiles being fired into israel, into jerusalem. and to tell a v as well. now, there will be moves going on behind the scenes here to try and limit what is going on. you'll remember that emily is issue when the unions launched an attack against israel. the united states built up a coalition of out of countries to help take down some of the drawings and cruise missiles that were 5. and they where cruise missiles and to inspire because they take slightly longer to get to israel from iran. and that was seen as a move by the iranians to perhaps give the feelings more time that this was some sort of symbolic attack rather than something that was due to inflict a great deal of damage. the fact that the 5 ballistic missiles means that this is
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a different kind of attack. and so the ground under the feet of the state department has been changed markedly as well. all of this coming as if it onto the blinking, the secretary of state published an article in foreign policy magazine just to dates, talking about how it's the strategy of renewal. as it rebuilt american leadership, including in the middle east, the course of and heating since october and november the us saying that they don't want to see this conflict escalate. the pressure on the release at various points from trying to not move into rafa. think guys that in any greek numbers, to put more aide into a guy, so during the offensive, they to try and cut the number of civilian casualties in rafa to arch. this really is not to move in to the root into southern lebanon. they said that they wanted to not see any sort of ground in carson, believing that that could increase the tension. and at no point does appear that
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the release of taking any action. one final thing to see here just on the back of a benjamin netanyahu, his speech talking to the reading people, of course, the united nations general assembly ended just last week. and a few years ago, benjamin netanyahu address the u. n. g and the american particular. and the said that if the critique code the bad mind, india, then things in the middle east would be so much better. it would be in that neighborhood. that bad, bad man was saddam hussein. the war against the rock was launch. not long after that. and these are seen they, the middle east is not a bad neighborhood despite benjamin netanyahu has predictions of the, at the time. thank you for the thank you for the historical context there i think is going to be necessary. and i'm going to keep in mind this ellen fisher quote, the ground and the feet of the state department has changed. massively. ellen, i think it's fair to expect that the us are going to have to respond to officially pretty quickly. it's probably going to come in waves as soon as you have something
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on your end, please let us know. thank you very much. that's officer was allen fisher. mohammed randi is a professor at the university of there. ron, you joins us by skype from the root mohammed, your thoughts? i think it's the 1st time. know it is when we last spoke to this attack, hadn't yet happened. in fact, i had to interrupt you because there was a gun attack in tell a beef. and now of course everything has changed and we're seeing why on our screens because iran has now fired within 200 missiles. it is real, your 1st thoughts, as well as i said many times before, the running and response was to happen when the machine carried out this fascination into it was simply my own excited this time after time. and now we see the results. it says raising strikes 0, it's a trying escalated to get it back to the car. so the revision
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by the extent that move that it was made. and i do want to say that was a bit surprised at some of the things to be stable country legitimacy. there were no executions or protest. only people who murder other people were executed. we have a switch in the country, i think right now to go to look at the footage. people are celebrating across the country on the street. the street and there's fun pena's assignment for public human watching says it's hard for supporting the thomas and all of the sections to manage their policies with regards to composition. design is not enough to anything else, but the departments is redeem
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a new rules that page one earphones problem has been. and until now the miners have shown vacations. the finance did not respond it to many complications in the past because he does not want the original. however, as i said earlier, he pushes we couldn't move in that direction. in the marriage, therefore nothing your wife's original more. but if there is a region or that means that oil and gas installations can be destroyed, receive on tape abilities. this is not, this is the tip of the iceberg. so i think the mapping should be very careful and not to take the more because the rod will defend the sovereignty added as shown just now to learn how to do it. first of all, it goes without saying that we stand by the reporting of our team, but that's not really the, the, the issue this, our,
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my question is iran and the i r g c specifically have said this is the 1st part of our response. they have left open the door, which is not exactly surprising. it's in character. they have left open the door to, you know, but who knows, in fact, who knows what they've left the door open to. but basically they've said we have started and we don't know how much further this might go from the i r g c. what do you, what is the runs and go here? the turn. remember, we were discussing earlier about the initial strikes that the wrong turns out. i was explaining the amount of whole drugs and some older miss us to create insurance. but the real law side was not only to defeat the american and the x ray here, it depends system cause $2000000000.00 more of the apartment. that was the one was
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gathering information to see what capabilities they have in case is really redeemed at the full this thing escalation. so now you see that you might have a spike today to better understand what happened in april and the windings today on the fire, a very, very, very small portion of what they have. and by the way, has for the has enormous capabilities. and i've sent people over the past few days as well as the military capabilities are on the tires. the assassinations in beirut, where because of the nature of the city of baby grand halogens agencies, west embassies, western and jones, west turn, or something. when a certain journalist says they have to be there for decades, it is big is always fitness, city has to be not a score. success is some successes and viewed, but they have not as well as military capability,
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which is underground. and we exist in thousands of kilometers across the country.


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