tv Inside Story Al Jazeera October 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST
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in dollars or more of the apartment, that was the one was gathering information to see what capabilities they have in case is really redeemed at the full this thing escalation. so now when you see that you might have a fight today to better understand what happened in april and the windings today only fire a very, very, very small proportion of what they have. and by the way, has to has enormous capabilities under brown. i've said this before, over the past few days, has 4 laws and military capabilities are on the top. destination in bay, you twit, because of the nature of the city of baby grand halogens agencies, west the embassies, western and jones. west are somewhat certain journalists and others, they have to be there for decades. it is big, it's always fitness, city, best to be not a score successes, some successes and viewed. but they have not as well as military capability,
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which is underground. and we exist in thousands of kilometers across the country. 100, i'm sorry to do this to you again and respectfully, i'm going to have to interrupt you again because we have a live event. and we're going to go to that, but we will speak to you again a little later. this is the is really military spokesman. i'm told daniel, regardless, listen at some consequences and we will work in a timely manner. i will stay here during this evening in order to inform you and keep you updated. continue to act responsibly. question, do you expect any additional air strikes? as i said, that i always come and talk to you after assessing the situation with a cabinet and with partners in the united states. apparently, we don't see any further, a threats in our air space. that's why we have instructed that you can leave the shelters and we will continue to monitor the situation closely. if,
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if there are any updates, we will keep you informed and i will be here all the evening. question. is the army going to respond or retaliate? as i said, we are fully prepared to defend and to retaliate. and we are currently assessing the situation and we will respond or retaliate in a timely manner. question, do you think we are in a regional war? we are a taken of more, a different phone send. this is not the 1st time that we are being attacked by iran . this air stripe was wide we. they have launched a lot of messiah was in different places. those messiahs have landed but did not cost any interests. thanks to you are responsible behavior and for respect and the instructions and guidelines and also with the help of our partners as they continue to protect our citizens. we will continue to act in the same manner. question is
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the army ready to respond in every child gate? immediately? we are fully prepared and we are conducting attacks in different front. this is a very serious and there will be a retaliation when it in a timely manner. i will get back to you and keep you informed, please call on the citizens to continue to act responsibly. your behavior has been honorable, so continue to do so because you've been listening to these really military spokesman daniel agari. so couple of things. he said there was, he was asked the question, do you expect more airstrikes? and he said, currently we do not see further threats and you can leave the shelter. so that's the clearest indication. there is really that is real,
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feels iran attack is not over. let me cross now 2 oceans here is home, the cell which was in jordan's capital, i'm on because israel has shut down out from 00 inside israel. honda i 1st of all, were you able to hear that from gary cuz we just grabbed it live. i don't wanna ask you questions about something you haven't heard. yes, yes sir. i was listening and okay, so you may have caught the earlier moments of it. maybe we missed something. what did he say? well these really are respects person is saying that there aren't really injuries, but medical authorities have reported at least 2 people who are quite injured from trap. no. we have received videos from the scene of an interception when it happens in the sky, the shrapnel rains down in the barrels from these missiles that were launched from it on are quite large. so they have struck a couple of people. but it's still unclear where exactly those injuries took place,
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but at this time the army is saying that they're not expecting more attacks from it on. but it's worth mentioning that earlier in the day, when these rarely have this intelligence that it on was going to attack soon, they said they were not detecting anything that is really air force jets were patrolling. this guy's all over the middle east and did not detect anything, but nonetheless, that israel is going to respond. this is something these really have been saying for some time, but any sort of attack from any which direction, whether it be don't, yeah, much does. 11 non right off that there will be a response. and we have seen a lot of these really attacks in several places throughout the middle east when certain groups or countries do launch attacks into israel. so the army saying at this time, that's the homefront command. guidelines have changed, meaning that people can weave shelters and not the incident is over. honda in terms of targets being struck. what's the way i don't know if they've collected because they didn't hear a gary say we're still assessing what information do you have on the targets that
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were or were not struck in tel aviv or even elsewhere. and israel slopes still unclear at this time as these really are trying to gather information because this is an attack that one all across the israel and even the occupied palestinian territories. i mean, these rockets were even seen in the skies of guns, but it's important to note that according to american intelligence that was given to the use release. and these officials spoke anonymously. earlier in the day, they said that there were 3 specific targets to military bases. and intelligence headquarters in the central part of the country, it's unclear if they've been hit with these really is the had said that, that intelligence headquarters have been evacuated in preparation. but it is worth mentioning that it's unclear what directly was hit. but when these interceptions happen, again, the shrapnel that falls from them will hit anything in their path. so israel is
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still trying to assess the damage of course, of what's going on. but it's still much of a cluster in chaos. intel would be because authorities or responding to a shooting where at least 8 people were killed in the center of the city in the alpha actually. so there is a lot ongoing. there is a lot for as early as already to assess at this point. okay, how does so who thank you very much. we'll be speaking to you a lot throughout the evening. i think that's safe to say thanks for your reporting . and i want to bring you up to speed on some information is coming in thick and fast as you can imagine that we're getting, i want to bring you up to speed. so these really notary spokesman says this attack was serious and will have consequences. that's one of the things, one of the quotes to bear in mind. president joe, by and us president has directed his military to aid israel defense against rang and attacks. iran supreme leader of the sound of ne remains and secure location after missiles were fight. it is real that comes from reuters, the source of senior iranian officials. and israel airports authority says that no
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departures or arrivals at all is really airport. so the is really airports right now have been shot, which is pretty standard. when of course, there are messiah's hoss a miss styles in over the skies of israel. all right, let's bring in a ha, heavier security analyst, and senior associate fellow at carnegie endowment for international peace. you're joining us from kyra. we've spoken before. i'm curious for your analysis on what's transpired over the last hour. thank you very much for having the um and the appreciation to your report is on the ground for boarding on this. um, over the past 1112 months, the calls for the escalation have been constant from uh, not only politicians, but i think experts and to serena precisely because the law of unintended consequences was always there. there was no such thing as a calibrated escalation. that didn't bring about huge risk of spiraling into
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a very dangerous situation. and even when we didn't have those spirals, we still had tons of thousands of civilians dying in garza of the past couple weeks . those escalations have increased. we've seen a lot more recklessness going forward. and impunity meeting, the more recklessness is going to be likely that now we see ourselves, em spiraling even further. um, it's a, it's a very dangerous time. i think that people need to take this very seriously going forward and take all measures necessary in order to de escalate. because what we're on the precipice of is only a few steps away from complete regional war. okay, and that will be to be the benefit of anybody in the region. okay, and i think for anybody who is with this less than an hour ago when these messiahs were seeing that it will seem that footage again. now when these missiles were
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raining down on, tell a v, i think the question going through really anyone's mind at that point was, what is this the beginning of, is this the beginning of the original war and the direct war between israel and iran, that some atlas upset is almost inevitable, or is this perhaps, you know, fostering messaging is dramatic cuz it looks still, fostering and messaging from both sides. you're saying, or we're now super close to that direct war. i'm, i'm, i'm saying that the reality is that nobody knows precisely what's going and going to happen next on the country. what we have is a very unstable situation, where we could see a direct confrontation between israel in the run, break out with other allies of both sides joining in the fray and tremendous destruction in the region. and there's a discourse right now on the rhetoric right now, particularly we see among these raise, but also in washington,
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dc and some western countries and capitals that this is an opportunity to quote, unquote, we shape the region. it's very dangerous to have this sort of rhetoric because it means that people really don't understand that the populations of the region will be the ones that pay the price for this adventurous them, for this recklessness, for the states, right? maybe the plane, this is regarding the re shape the region quote unquote, explain that 4 of us. i've heard that a ton over the last few days. what does that actually involve? so when, when you see a benjamin that's in, you know, for example, talking about, um, you know, you uh, the, the time for jane, i mean, i'm paraphrasing it, but the time for changing it on is very close. i took that as a message to supporters of benjamin's in yahoo, in washington, dc and other english speaking concerts was because of course this message was sent
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to the people of beers on the people of iran are not in good speakers. this wasn't a subtitled in english on the main, the main channel of the prime minister. um it was, it was a message to a supporters in washington and elsewhere saying, you know, we, um, we have an opportunity here to really strike the rain and regime and to bring about a real change. and i think it's a very id listed, not a, a good sense, but just an idealistic sort of a way to think, you know, we, we can re shake things and the reach and we can make sure that is button law is completely neutralized that they ran into a team is completely new choice. there are many good reasons to be incredibly critical of the rainy and regime um, throughout the region at, throughout the gulf, especially in syria and elsewhere. they're very good reasons to be critical of his butler. again, and for the things that have been done in syria is
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a part of the asset regime and also at 11 on. but one has to be very aware that when you start just, you know, throwing the chess pieces of the board up in the air. you have no idea where they're going to log when they pull down, which is why the escalation negotiation diplomacy. um these may, these tools may be more messy that may take more time. but the, the costs in terms of human lives and destruction is far less. you know, that's an interesting image that you, that you bring up there that you can draw up when you throw the chest pieces up in the air. you don't know where they're gonna fall down. maybe that's something we can all keep in mind this evening. ha, how we are a security and less than senior associate fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace. appreciate your time or let's bring it else is there? is there competitor alex, the populace? alex we so was less than an hour ago. we saw this very dramatic footage, life pictures of the missiles. let what we now know to be
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a rang and besides landing on tell v and you know, i desperately wanted your analysis as it was happening live. can you sort of run us through and we're going to show um, yeah, this is the footage here. that's what we're seeing. these flashes of light, these dots of light. the downward trajectory towards telling me what it's and the input do you lose? they don't look like they're being intercepted. that's for sure. some of them know right the some of them know, but my wife, the, those are the deceptions. some of them are and deceptions, but a lot of those look like actual impact. so it remains to be seen able is targeted, we don't know yet. mean we keep saying to the v, but we don't know what we've been telling these for instance, here's below targeted unit 8200, part of the was sort of technical collection team. um, let's see what they're aiming at here. the last time bases were aimed at bases were
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hits last time. and also there's a much larger sort of force mix. so the movement really seems very sick me sounds well at the moment we're only seeing ballistic missiles this 1st initial flurry. but will that be christmas to you? what will that be on that? i'm sorry to interrupt the can you look at that? how do you interpret that, what we're seeing of this guy? what is that? so those are interceptions definitely in some uh, i mean israel has pretty much the best defense network in the world. it is come back proven it's multi led, is designed to cope with this exact kind of attack. so it's extremely advanced, extremely well tested and is extremely well funded by the way. um, so the money goes into a low level of tax are going to be intercepted by our don't like on got rockets, low levels of media, raise stuff. we're be interested to 5 by rock 8 missiles which is the is really this is the pack for you. it's, it's actually better. and then the high level stuff that's going to be coming over
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like from the wrong line from elsewhere, will be intercepted by the arrow series, arrow 3. so they have this kind of late t, it, depending on the different, depending on the nature of the attack, what is you're going to be looking at uh, you know, sort of as you, as you look for technical information on this attack over the, i don't know if it's hours or days before you and your defense editor before you get that kind of information, but what will you be looking out for? and what are the lessons that can be learned from specialists in this field? you know, in the aftermath of an attack like this one, most of the missiles that couldn't reach israel, or at least medium range, they are usually road launched, which means the lowest or no, but it's quarter towel, a transporter right to launch. as soon as i think transpose to the, it's move by, which means it's hard to spot. they might have set up the wrong which would have given the americans the indication, the americans of the general public and said that something like this was building . so, but mobile launch is a much harder to intercept,
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especially in an area. i say for instance, more build something say a rock rock was relatively flat, relatively locking in any kind of cover. iran isn't as deserts as mountains, as far as extensive road networks. so that can be loose from just to just about anyway. so i'll be looking see how they were launched, often that shows on there going to be any kind of wreckage that slowing around bloss patton's with the the us said, it's about 2 and a half hours ago now that we found out the us, that the iranians are about to launch an imminent ballistic missile attack on israel. and we found out also the israel was preparing for this. but if they have the intelligence that iran is about to attack this not mean necessarily that they can defend themselves against it or not necessarily, you can prepare your defenses once they know that coming, then should i be with you on highlights and that obviously speeds things up,
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but it's to go to enter within radar range. it's still got to be acquired by the system itself. it's gonna shoot to down and then oversee this. me. this is brand new technology, by the way, here, you know, the is really at the, the here and it has this to that event. and you really do, especially the high level stuff. they've only been able to make it work, or anyone on us been able to make it work. within the last few years, the technology is been able to advise me getting a bullet with another bullet. so what we're seeing, what we're seeing right now, these are these a, this was again, this was less than an hour ago. yeah. but we'll see it again in a 2nd. but what you're telling is this is peak military technology being able to intercept these, being a terrific successfully into said absolutely. but also is i'm to salute was saying as well that the wreckage can, can almost as easily. i mean, this has found out, you know, you're talking about a, a tongue plus, you know, we still some fuel left,
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a warhead being hit by something else with the go ahead when they do hit their target. and because i'm, i'm 199.9 percent confident when it was happening live that i saw at least one big slash where the mist appear did hit the ground. it's nice. that's what it looked like. it when they hit their target and how much damage are we talking about? depends on the base of the whole head and depends of what it hits it. open space, not so much. if it hits the building, it'll destroy it. so in the home that was also saying the shrapnel can be deleted. absolutely, absolutely. that is something that you know, and this is my early so i think we just missed a bit. so we sometimes see, and let's see if we can catch one. now, what we sometimes, so when this was happening is you have these flash of this and then there's the down with a rapid downward trajectory of, of this flare of light. does that suggest trap? no, it would probably be in your see,
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it might be fully on this. it would be not really on the power. if it's being it, it won't be on the top. it has to be folding. i mean, in physics, it's physics. you know, you can and there's no denying it. so how does this compare to the, from the tax runs attack in april they launched about $300.00 besides yes, i mean $205.00 this time yes, no voting. and last time they gave the united states about 2 days warning that it was going to happen by inference. obviously, israel was born so that it was going to take place as well. so it's a call to despise people, to take cover, accepted that from what we understand now is be no warning whatsoever apart from the lords and upon from the warning the, the united states gave everybody else. so they say if there was no warning, presumably there's a much higher risk from israel's perspective or opportunity from ron's perspective, that the missiles will actually strike their targets. is it now? is that a fair in france? i think that the is really
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a defensive would have been ready. they would've been told 1st before the public would have been told and they would have been ready and they skilled. so if he's just the one power rush, then chances are you're going to be pretty lucky and intercepting most of the problems come when you get multiple multiple levels. so you get cruise missiles, you get drones, which in this case are used in a cheap cruise missile capacity. and you get ballistic missiles as well. lucky time it right. well those things can start to arrive on the once the ballistic for late people like myself and to speak is when i throw you something, you catch it. that thing takes the ballistic off. but a cruise missiles are like pilot less planes, but you always see the, the word ballistic is always included in the headline and the origins. because the in france being that it is that much more dangerous, it takes to knock the medium range to anything broader than that. it's sort of more
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of a range. we'll leave the sap with spears. so once they still, it's kind of rise and buys them really is that easy to spot as well with cruise missiles are designed to sneak in on the radar. at least the top of this. thank you very much for scrambling into the studio to give us all of this, this context and all of this knowledge that social 0 is defense, that it's alex could helpless. thank you. we can go down to 0 as john henry. now john, you're at the pentagon. what are you learning where you are? that's right here. we are expecting a briefing and a little over a half an hour here. but we have heard from the defense secretary lloyd austin, spoke to you after lunch, a is really defense minister awhile ago. we got to read out of that here. and he warned of severe consequences for any this was before. of course, initial attacks for any or rainy in strike on israel. he went on to say that the us as well pastored to defend its personnel and its allies against iran,
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and its proxies went on to say that the us is determined to prevent anyone from exploring or expanding the conflict. now we know from back in april when there were a 100 or so a project house launched from iran to israel, that there was direct american action shooting down some of those project out. we don't know that that is happened in this case, but we are seeing reports that us personnel were involved. and that's important because whenever the us is, is in a region in large numbers as it is now, there are 2 aircraft carrier groups, one there, the, the u. s. s. abraham lincoln's a truman is on its way there are enhanced aircraft there as well. those present a huge target, so while the us passenger is defensive and as we saw in april, it can take action. it is direct. uh and of course, and those forces have the right reserved the right, i should say to protect themselves. so there's always a possibility of the,
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the conflict expanding in drawing the us in, in a way that the us administration wants to avoid. what's the us costs are in the region? because interestingly, they had said, and i forget who, whether it was from the white house or the state department or the pentagon, but they had said that they were increasing their military posture. that's right. so they've held the us as abraham lincoln in the central command area in the middle east, the truman carrier group. this is a whole series of ships around, you know, a battled group that goes together. and so those are, that's a massive amount of force. they've enhanced the num, the fighter jets, they've got their, they've got f sixteens. if 15 is a 10th of $22.00. the important thing to know is it that a lot of aircraft with offensive power in the region. so you've got a huge footprint that has been expanded in the us, the official cost, or is that these are defensive forces. they're not there to take offense of action
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against anybody. but there's always the possibility that they themselves are targeted, but they might retaliate. and we've seen that in a rock when you're a, been a running proxy attacks on us base is there and do us his exercise restraint in many cases. but it is also struck back on occasion, and that is one of the concerns with us sort of expanding its involvement in this conflict. that's something that the administration here is trying to avoid. but in a case like this, it can be inevitable if there were something like that. what we're hearing is 200 projectiles. into waves striking israel, that's a lot of targets. and again, we are hearing that the us was involved. there are reports, i should say that the us was involved in a targeting some of those project out. so the us involvement is significant. it's pastors officially defensive, but that could change. okay, so the us help what we're learning at the moment with you john, is that the us helps shoot down some of those and it sounds much like it did back
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in april. at the time, iran had shot some 300 missiles at israel, themselves to 0 is john henry reporting from the pentagon in the us. and since we're talking about us military poster, let me run you through some with a major a us military assets in the region. so they have significant fire power in the middle east. the abraham lincoln stripe group is in the arabian sea. it's made up of an aircraft carrier, miss. i will cruiser and destroyers. the wasp marine and cbs group is in the eastern mediterranean. so the other side, it has units of highly trained marines and landing ships that can be used as mobile command centers, as well as for evacuation, for instance, evacuation of civilian populations. there are 3. eric's bid expeditionary wings containing bombers, still fighters and fighter jets. they are based in katara, the united arab emirates, and in kuwait. and the us to fleet is based in boston and it operates in the gulf. it's missile, cruisers and destroyers are able to shoot down messiahs something with sean just
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mentioned. we're going to go to greg stoker, former united states army special operations member. now a geopolitical and list a minute press user joining us from austin, texas. greg greg quick, quick 2nd. if i can, big for one more moment of patience just to let viewers know what we're seeing here on our screens. top right hand corner of our screen is irena and tv. so it's interesting to note what it rains are seeing on their television right now. and you're seeing people celebrating right? seeing the yellow flags, the crowds out in the street, that tracks with what our correspondents and guests have been saying. so people in iran are celebrating this attack and they range and tv is showing a quite dramatic footage of the top attack and missiles hitting their targets. and a 2nd ago, we were also seeing is really tv and in the center of our screen are the pictures that we carry live of that attack iranian missiles over toby. greg, thank you for your patience. your joining us from austin, texas. what do you make of what's happening in the last out?
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well, we've seen a systemic failure of israel's air defense artillery systems. this can come from a number of reasons. one of the things is israel just say it was a failure to well, 1st of all. busy the sheer amount of missiles and orders being fired is like kind of what flood zone. so how, when air defense artillery system works is there's a radar. and then there that feeds information to a control system. and the control systems run by an a i that determines which targets get it. which intercepts happen in which width uh, what is left through. so there's so much ordinance that there is not enough iron, don't munitions to intercept. that means the a control system will have to start making decisions. and so some of the 1st impacts we saw where in kind of lesser inhabitant uninhabited areas, just like we're seeing right now. if you look at the screen, they were flying off outside of the main city center to leave and then one got through. now it looks like they've completely run out of munitions. and so they
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takes a while to reload the iron down, so they're close to the us patriot batteries, which is one of the main air defense system around like the air bases and quade, and other places around them. at least of the certification time to reload those is about 20 to 25 minutes. they are done, can be reloaded, reloaded faster, but it's still around 15 minutes. and you don't keep your ammo next to the battery itself because it's a hazard. so it's all up to a corner, malia to transport it back, so they, they had problems reloading it, they couldn't reload fast enough, and now i'm hearing unconfirmed reports that there's a 2nd wave currently flying over jordan, and that could potentially impact in the near future. okay, uh, greg, i don't know where you're getting that information from. i don't have that information to our correspondent who's in jordan. she actually saw the missiles fly over her moments before they landed in tel aviv. um,
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as for the point you were making essentially that you, you felt it wasn't as really failure. it does seem that they've intercepted beg your pardon. most of the miss aisles. they've now told people that they could leave their shelters, and we're not getting it report of any casualty. so the casualty count appears to be 0 or at least very low so, so that would suggest that these release of actually done a pretty good job of supporting this attack. right. and so we're seeing that a lot of missiles, it looks, state taxes are like what we're seeing from like television channels that are immediately posting these things, multiple angles with the same impacts, but they do seem to be in very like not and city center population dense areas and we have seen unexploded ordnance of uranium missiles targeted concrete. and so some of them is also didn't explode because they don't have a complete a 100 percent success rate. so yes, the control system will let through. they will prioritize targets for where they jo
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