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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  October 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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else has below and needs to equal and decide on how to avenge the killing of exceed the votes of his very soul, just killed and injured in computations with hezbollah flashes on the border with left and on the canal on. there's a problem in this as alger 0 life come to ha, also coming up 7 days, which is formed again, as rarely, military continues to attack. what it says has follow targets. yvonne's foreign minister says it's operation against israel is completed on the pet on has no intention to escalate further off to finally to miss austin. this run on the nice and gaza at least 79 people are killed in
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a series of this way the strikes on shelters and schools including one on an infant inch the . we begin with the israel 11 on border with their abra pool. that is very soldiers have been code and ended in confrontations with hezbollah sizes. on monday is well announced had sent troops across the border. and what's it called limited localized raves against the group. in the past few hours, it's announced more troops adjoining the operation. it's also older people and 25 more lebanese towns to move. that's broken. stephanie deca, she's joining us live from jordan's capital, because that's where the government has bend. ours is 0 fund reporting inside israel. stephanie, what is the latest you're hearing about the reports of israeli soldiers being killed and wounded?
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it is clear that that has been the case wherever there is and is ready military gag order in place. meaning the exact details are not going to be made public until this is how is roll operates. it informs the family members of the dead soldiers. then at some point, i think certainly maybe later in the day we will get the details. what we are seeing is videos posted on social media of 5 since this morning, really had a comforters, evacuating were seeing soldiers running with stretchers evacuating soldiers. they were flown close to high for a lot of ambulances waiting there. and at the time, this is a couple of hours ago now, and 3 hospitals in that area had been put on stand by. so it is clear that there was a deadly incident with is ready soldiers involving hezbollah. now we understand there are active bottles going on since the morning with has butler and his really forces
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. we've had statements from both sides. also rocket fire from has by that fired at is really are me positions. it's not clear whether this incident and there seems to be 1 in the morning, and there also seems to be an active one. now, whether that is due to close combat with the that is due to a rocket strike hitting the gathering of soldiers. but what it does show is what we've been reporting all that for the long. that once israel starts to enter on foot internet and on suffering territory, but it has been the territory, the fight is going to be very different. so far is, are those have the upper hand on the ground doctor will change. stephanie, stay with us. while we look at some diplomatic announcements from israel. israel's foreign minister, as real cat says that the un secretary general antonia gutierrez, is banned from entering the country farm. and is to accuse gutierrez of anti israel bias, as well as long the ledge that the united nations as biased against the country from it as to benjamin. nothing yet lashed out with
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a new one and his address to the general assembly that she was of the will body of treating israel unfairly and worn garza. israel has killed more than 220 you when staff members going back to stephanie and as well as very much being on a campaign against quoterush hasn't touched stephanie ever since. he said shortly off to the october 7th attacks that they did not happen in a vacuum. yes, well do use re lease any time you remind them of the context of the occupation of the palestinians. you are to use mostly of being anti semitic. what the un sector, tech general that you could damage continues to do, is remind israel when he says it started in a vacuum, is that there is an occupation by his role of the palestinian people in palestinian line to so now you have israel cuts and this is not due by the way these readings have long, like use the united nations in the united nations bodies of being anti semitic of
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being against israel. and so this is just the latest and what is a very much ramped up p. r campaign to portray israel as the victim. again, you know, people will charge you october the 7th, and you talked to so many people even policy and they said it was atrocious. there's no, you know, justifying what happened on october the 7th. at the same time, you cannot de couple that from the reality of the people living under occupation. so this is what israel simply will never admit. and that is also why people will tell you, you know, is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't want to cease fire because he doesn't want to create a palestinian state. stephanie, thank you very much for that. stephanie deca with all the license lines. just joining us live from a mom that's bringing him on con, he's joining his live from house by a that's inside of 11 on and run both has the end, the lebanese ami a talking about is really troops on lebanese soil. so
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that's absolutely right. what i can piece together from various different sources of that don't this morning is really forces into a d c, into southern lebanese territory where they were ambushed by his bullet fighters who are waiting for the now the all reports that we cannot confirm of the soldiers being injured, but certainly we have seen pictures of soldiers be evacuated into uh, from uh no news ready territory into hospitals within israel. if those 2 things are connected, we don't show that the intense fighting going on along the boat or right now in myrtle and all about that is and is ready ground incursion going on. his bullet fights is a and going off to those. those is right. the soldiers now in the last 20 minutes, very quickly, i want to just bring you up to date with what we've just heard. and what we,
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we are being told by local sources, the road that leads out of merger you, which is the one i traveled on to get to his by when, when's we were told to evacuate? the area has now been boned once again by these ready armies. the 3rd time that that's actually happened in a 48 hour period. now, the 1st time it happened, the lebanese army engineers came and they made, make shift with has, and these riley's bottom, this again, we saw pictures of 2 calls being destroyed and where the inhabitants of those calls actually died as well. but in the last, uh, i also, we all here and then i have to confirm this, that a lebanese army person has been injured in that attack. and i, we hearing from local sources in that area that these right, these hit the ones, but the bottom didn't explode. so they hit again, let certainly,
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what we heard from it around what ever, pushing is incredibly worrying, because you're telling us that wall as well, tells residence in southern lebanon to evacuate. and in fact, issues evacuation orders that it is once again, bombing the road out of southern 11 on this evening as just in the last few hours. it has greatly expanded the midst of townsend villages. it's telling people in the south to leave 51 villages and towns the bombing over a much wide area. know that is 2 things that might be going on. that is role might be clearing the ground full as much as larger invasion. then we perhaps were expecting from that language. remember that has below or expecting something much bigger than these really language of the using, limited, etc. oh, what they doing is what they did in garza, which is just making sure that people are frightened and hurting them out of this
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area to try and get them in to be roots or trying to get them into tier governor as well. lebanese people will tell you, well they doing is what they did in goals. are they taking people in garza to move to the north to go to the south because it's how the site and then they'll bump the cell. now that road i've just been talking to you about it's in kind of that direction is just one of the very few roads as well. the only one is one of the very few roads out, but it is an absolute lifeline. and when it gets bones, you see this huge traffic jam of people panicked because they simply call posts that road that is harassment. that is fade tactics. that is putting people in panic mode and wrong. thank you very much for that. and one calling with all the lice has joining us from hosp plan, southern 11 on it does rain the air strikes us still targeting. they wrote these a lot of pictures from them in his capital way. attacks are focused on the southern
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suburbs of da here. and this is the off them off of, of the nicest by the strikes on the neighborhood of chia and southern bay route. lebanese officials of reporting widespread destruction across areas of the capital, believe to be hezbollah, strong holes, zayna, hold the reports from dave of the please forgive me. i couldn't protect you. he says inconsolable after his wife and daughter were killed. civilian deaths and injuries are mounting as, as rel escalates its operation against has the law. 7 these victims were displaced, people with an air strike destroyed the building, they were in your 11 on southern city of site. then the desk told average is $100.00 a day. the u. n says at least 80 children were killed in the past week alone. there now we had lunch and we were sitting together then came the ready war planes and
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bummed us. i kept telling my daughter not to be afraid because i didn't expect outbuilding to be hit. it's all civilians inside. and what do you want me to say? my whole life changed in the 2nd. israel says it is heading hezbollah sites in areas where the group has a presence, the bombs are causing significant damage, particularly in bed with southern suburbs. yesterday there was a bombing in 4 locations and a residential buildings that was targeted. as you can see, st. got no one was there because people are moving to say for places in between waves of air strikes, people make their way back home to retrieve what they left behind. streets are largely empty. hundreds of thousands of people have left neighborhoods in baby southern suburbs. there's been no less up in israel's air campaign. and now israel has announced a new phase. it says troops were deployed inside lebanese villages. a claim, the un peacekeeping force did not confirm either the state of lebanon in the world
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can push his bottle away from our border. we have no choice, but to do it ourselves. i want to make it clear, or i wore it with his bottle. isabel has again issued a warning for residents to leave southern 11 on as it tries to push back his beloved. but the armed group is fighting back launching missiles north of tel aviv, and what has been described as the most serious response since a series of losses in recent weeks. these attacks are important for the morales of its supporters. going back to the front of israel, wants to innovate, let them innovate. know about the tyrants side on every house. there has someone, a gun, a nice, a plate, a fork, meaning that everyone has their own means of defending themselves. how's the bell? it says it is waiting to engage in face to face. combat with is ready troops. it could be an opportunity to change the narrative of the ongoing story of conflict between 2 photos. but as well as a tax on hezbollah are relentless,
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and strikes are now spreading outside the groups areas of influence. this one in the heart of lebanon's capital center for their eligibility to data evolved supreme leda, i the, on the how many has made his 1st appearance onto the country noticed that overnight the solve bash asked israel iran since the operation is completed and it's foreign minister said that on has no intention to escalate further. harmony says as well as the root cause of conflict in the middle east. get them as soon to israel remove the evil from this region. without a doubt, these conflicts, these wars, these classes will disappear completely in the countries of the region can manage themselves, manage their region, and live together in peace on the health and wellbeing. or meanwhile, israel says it will retaliate as homeless sahu reports from the old aiming and capital intel will be, the sound of sirens reverberated throughout the city and explosions lit up the
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night skies overhead. israel's air defenses, intercepting some of the almost $200.00 ballistic missiles, launched by it on towards the country, the projectiles even seen in the jordanian skies over a month. israel's army called it on the actions a serious attack. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu address the nation insisting the attack had failed and vowed it would not go on answered. you're gonna stop. ron made a big mistake tonight and it will pay for it to be still your writing. writing doesn't understand a determination to defend ourselves or our resolve to strike back in. it makes it on the revolutionary guard course, says the attack was in response to the assassinations of his bo leader. hassling, no sort of law. how mass political chief is mine? he yet and to hit on as well as the killings of several it on, in military officials. it owns president masoud possession,
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released the statement saying, based on legitimate rights with the aim of peace and security for it on in the region. a decisive response was given to the aggressions of design is regina. this action was in defense of the it on you and interest and citizens. nothing you all who should know that it on is not war mongering, but it will firmly stand against any threat. this is just a glimpse of our capabilities do not engage in conflict with it on for his partner of us. president joe biden reiterated america's full support for israel. my directions nice is military, actively supported, defensive is, and we're still especially the inside. but based on what we know now, the tech peers to have it defeated and in effect, and this is testing that is relevant military capability and us. i'm also so also a testament to test some planning between united states and israel, alternative fate and defend against praise of attacks and expect. and the question
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now is what comes next in this dangerous cycle of escalation on certain t throughout the region is very much on the rise and fears of a broader conflict throughout the middle east, or at an all time high. and the center with the 0. i'm a of us military officials have consented to naval destroyers, well used to intercept some of the runs the solve for the valve reports from washington, dc. well, us describing this as testament to the capabilities of both the us military. i'm the is ready the military, i'm the us defense secretary lloyd austin, speaking to his is really counterpart late last night saying that this was outrages attack but also putting around on notice saying that it will not hesitate to defend its military assets in the region. remember that the us has a large military presence in that part of the world, and it is growing with more on the way. of course you one that was on the mind, the president biden this morning. we know that he was due to have
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a cold with prime minister netanyahu the fact that iran has now said, that's it. we are done. we have no further attacks plans. you wonder if that is what the president bided will be using to try the tool. prime minister netanyahu down prime minister netanyahu has already set that iran will pay. joe biden was saying that they would be severe consequences. but remember, he said this before he set this back in april, when it run bummed as well. the last time we did send those ms files over following the bombing of it's considered in syria, drove by and then how to wilkes that back. because on his mind there is one, but i'm not is the escalation. the last thing joe 5 needs or wants right now is the us being pulled into a wider will fill of out. i'll just say era. washington. still ahead on knowledge sarah. 10 was less as j, the vance. 34 days before the us selection, we look at how the 2 vice presidential candidates fit and database. the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. what is the possibility to think of a wind, the region to breaking out informed opinions, steering to the children and the elders who don't understand why stacy critical debank space started 1st with fanning women, their rights to reach occasion. and now there was silencing their voices in public inside story, one of the effect. so read the home, the libyan economy. how worrying is on outages era throughout the year of war on because with this follows that got them. how about cisco is the content creator, games convention, or the close of rescue work, or who do i want to get you the most stuff with you? give me a follow up on the child. the devastation visit up on that. and they're going to describe the resilience. because no,
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we're safe on not just the the challenges here where the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out of the me, elizabeth put on until a reminder of on told stories. the challenge is really media is are pushing, one soldier has been killed and several injured and consultations with has fall appliances on the border with 11 on is runs,
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carrying out. would it cause limited localized res against has gone on in the past few hours? it's announced additional sources of joining the operation. iran launch $8200.00 missiles at military and security targets is run all the nights. yvonne's farm and it still says it considers the operation against israel completed. and it said on has no intention to escalate further. that israel has vowed to retaliate and is really strikes and continued in pots of 11 on including the capitol of a nice attacks of hit me of the a polish as well as the southern suburbs of they moved. israel says it targeted has boneless sites and gaza. is really military, significantly increasing its attacks across the strip. cutting at least 79 pallets to the end of the 9th and to wednesday morning it strikes target. head gauze is sitting in the north and on the side of the refugee camp in central garza and the
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ground operation. and con eunice in the south is ready for it was killed at least 53 people. 12 of them from one family, many residential buildings were destroyed while people were still inside medical sol for say that is really ami preventive. paramedics and civil defense teams from reaching the bottom sides. it's that's working on correspondence, hunting, mach moment. he's joining us live from the in central gaza, and hanging over the course of the last few hours that death toll from the ground operation. and con unice has been just increasing after that deadly particularly deadly nice across gaza. yes. so it keeps increasing not only from these bottom sides, but also from those who are right to the different hospitals. whether it's not the hospital or i will die in on the camera last the hospital here. those who are arriving with critical conditions severely leading to transfer wi fi you operating
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theater. some of them should not make it. and just within the few hours, many of them were pronounced it simply because they could not make it. the lack of medical supplies, just make it very difficult for the doctors to intervene medically in a proper way and to save lives that also in addition to the many bodies are being removed from under the rubble of the areas in southern area. pardon, fell upon you and is completely destroyed. these really military use use is a big race level of fire, power to destroy residential buildings. public facilities that just turn it into a huge pile of rubble, civil defense, a group. paramedics were prevented on purpose deliberately. where, where bar to from getting to the bottom sides, that a leader hours of last night to rescue those who might have survived these attacks . then it was not until 5 hours later, everybody was under, rumbles already a they lost their, their life because it was late too late. these did lifted out the door itself of getting under
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a huge pile of rubble and could not be saved to close to the $38.00 people in hon. you and is down at 12 of them. happen to be from one family and we just got a confirmation from north of the hospice of the just one particular family, lots of 12 people. the number, in fact increase the now and that 7 more people followed their other family members who died in early are 8 hours. they were removed from the rubber, the same scenario reputed itself in the central area where there's really military . i conducted a carried out that'd be a tops on 10 sides or inside evacuation centers going to close to $22.00 people. and for the northern part of this trip, dear attacks continue to destroy the majority of the buildings and, and the, the back portion centers including an or finish institute. that's something i most interviewed for or friends in defense or part of the for the past months. this particular facility turned into evacuation centers. it's
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a whole entire complex that not only how the, the, the, or the or finish center, but also a schools at church about oregon. i vision all being ed severely damaged by, by their talk. then just leave it in a sense of chatter, sense of safety for the display of people and families have been moving from one place to another. uh, for the past 12 months. they just getting worse by the hour in, for the northern part of the step in bit layer of the tunnel more people are being removed from under the so the project is keep on folding and in different forms with are directly killed by this very military or removed from a from under the rebels after days or weeks of them being killed. our bond bite is really military, just layers of a trash. it is that misery. keep on holding honey. thank you very much for that. that is honey. my. with the latest live and data a lot on central gaza at least a 100 people to believe to have died in a boat accident in northern nigeria. the ferry was transporting more than 300
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people in niger states. most of the passages were women and children rescued. things continued to search the horses for survivors, and to recover the dead. as the russian military says, it's capture the town of the dime, ukraine's eastern don. yes, the region russian media release for such strong soldiers waving flags from the city where the dot is on high ground making it strategically important for october . we positions. it is also near the junction of 2 important drugs. the the us as vice presidential candidates faced each other for the only debate before november's election and as expected, the economy abortion and immigration featured heavy. but the debate began with the question on the most recent developments in the middle east. she advertise the reports from new york city where the debate was held. us a gallop poll,
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released on the day of the only vice presidential debate, found that some 4 out of 10 registered voters helped both republican j events. and democrats and bolts were poor candidates. this was a challenge to rectify that. the moderators began to debate by sketching out a mid lease trucking by the nuclear ambitions of iran. should the us as a result of this launch pre emptive strikes against the country. my account of it tries to answer the question. waltz retreated into praising complet harris's qualities. what we've seen out of vice president harris is we've seen steady leadership. we've seen a calmness that is able to be able to draw on the coalitions to bring them together . understanding that our allies matter and development seemed taken by surprise, by the question launched into a description of his family background before eventually settling on this responses . look, it is up to israel, what they think they need to do to keep their country safe. and we should support our allies wherever they are,
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when they're fighting the bad guys. i think that's the right approach to take with you is real question. throughout the debate, funds gave with a more published performance with wells growing more confident over time. but come with ours is running made did have to admit that he'd misspoke could when he said in the past, but he was in chandler, when the squad during the chinese crack down there. i've tried to do the best i can, but i've not been perfect. and i'm a knuckle head at times he had of almost seemed telling the stomach also, but whether joe biden, one of the 2020 election against donald trump, i would just address. did he lose the 2020 election? tim, i'm focused on the future did come. those last 2 exchanges a craving, the biggest headlines after this debates. meanwhile, both candidates being unable to rule out a pre emptive strike on their own on behalf of israel, appears through a policy without control visit. shepherd can't see algebra, neal, and that's it for me. elizabeth put on him, you can keep on stage with all the developments on the stories will cover and on with of sizes which is 0 dot com. we have a quick weather update. next,
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the storage costs as well as ground defensive in till 11 on. and the explanation of the region. thank you for watching the the, how are we looking get some very nice the weather full of taiwan at the moment. wait, our tie food class on that is making its way towards southern parts of taiwan. that's a bit of a warbler. this one is taking its time, getting this thing moving very slowly and as a result of that, that will be extensive flooding. but it can get maybe half and made several more of rain over the next couple of days. that's the stays pit sheet and so you have the right really has cetera and it's stuck. there we go on into a friday, sunny slowly making his way further north with the copious amounts of franco land
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slide smart slides. that really will be a problem, make them as we go on through the next couple of days. thanks a good deal. quads is a full china cream peninsula. some show as long as spells of rain coming into the eastern side of japan, 4 times to very warm and took care with temperatures at around 3 degrees celsius. so, so the temperature we're looking at across the north west of india, pakistan maybe submit a tease here. what's the weather us that in place across the bangladesh to was northwest and paso, me on my will piece. and there was of india cost, a very, very dist, plenty of showers down to was southern parts of india, some showers that just coming in to west ranking for a time. and they will continue it. this saturday is really forces seek to silence the truth. finley occupied westbank storming and shutting down houses. here was bureau and romano,
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the truth must be protected and heard. and the stories of real people must be told . this is not just that a task on journalist. it's an attack on the world's right to know journal. this is not, of course, of pressing it is real has kills much of his faultless leadership. now it says it's carrying out a ground operation inside lebanon. the military says the offensive will be limited and localized for the air raids in the past week of killed hundreds of civilians. how can is real route out as well. this is inside the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much i'm john. israel says it's army has


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