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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  October 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:28pm AST

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the, the safe, them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award. denominator here on now the it site trying to stop the sickening cycle. an escalation of that escalation that he was leaving the people of the me of the lease strides over the cliffs. new and it's actually general calls on the security council to try to stop the escalating israel has full context from becoming an oil out for the more a kyle, this is out there alive from doha. also coming up h as rarely soldiers killed in southern lebanon. those fighting intensifies between
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israel and has blocked. it comes off to iran. nonsense. nearly 200 ms. miles of israel over nights us present, joe biden says, toronto will face consequences. ukrainian stronghold of the dog holes to russia around 2 and a half years of fighting the to begin the israel 11 and border which is rarely troops and has full of fights. those have been, looks and intense bottles. and the last several hours he is really on a confirmed the 8 of its soldiers have been killed and on the border. another 7 has been injured under being evacuated. the list of to iran launched nearly 200 missiles and ministry and security talk is in israel on tuesday night. everyone's for him is to says it considers the operation completed. but israel has vowed to
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retaliate or otherwise invited to the regions pumped to the united nations security council. the holes in emergencies fashion, the ones actually general reiterated calls for the escalation civilians are paying a terrible price. we try actively condemn you when as mobilized all its capacities to provide urgency, many teddy and navy 11. and i asked the international community to fully funds, how would it be? so if the aides as well fx on isabel rescued 49 people with over 60000 people displays from their homes is absolutely essential to avoid them all out. what in lab of them, which would have for phones and devastating consequences. hello correspondents, the coverage or angles of this developing story home, the cell who is in a mine and also jabari is in very weak. but 1st,
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let's go to get those on that. he's at the united nations in new york, so i gave, this is a very long meeting. a number of speakers wanted to voice that concerns talk us through the key points that we had as yeah, was a long meeting last year at least 3 hours, emergency meeting that wasn't cold until late tuesday evening. we heard for more than 20 countries, including all 15 of the security council members, many different themes a lot to take in from this meeting. but i guess you can summarize it in one way by saying most of this the, the, the countries that spoke were focused on clearly de escalation and a cease fire and 11 on that seem to be front and center number one. also focusing on guys as well as the algerian ambassador said, really nothing can be solved into uh, into israel's, or on it guys is finally brought to a halt. so certainly
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a lot of different angles here, a lot to take in. but it is real and iran both participated in this meeting and it provided both of them a chance to once again stake out their positions. these scenes, i've not been a witness since the blitz in london before the deliberate attempt was tonight at the very house of our society. the good thing, the most sacred spaces you need, well, what are the sites, mosques, synagogues and judges? the vision is pushing the region to the age of an all out on policy then says, catastrophe is why it has no intention to posting peace or a ceasefire. so typically, the ones that go to call and see has remained for the lies due to the united, the stays of suction, of any effective decision. now,
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there were no decisions made at this meeting. that wasn't the point. there were no resolutions or votes to be had. this was a meeting that every country could to that participated could really layout their diplomatic position, as escalation really continues. now there was a lot of talk about un security council 7. your security council resolution, excuse me, 1701 that was from 2006. and that is a lot of talk about how to really enforce that or even if it can be enforced at this point. given the, the changing dynamics. that resolution of course, called for essentially a demilitarized buffer zone between 11 on and, and israel, and has blocked. it certainly has not been in force for many, many years. now there's really questions on if it can be in force now, who will do that and what the future of that resolution certainly will be. so that
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would be something good watching very closely. i think the secretary general summed it up probably the most to think leave when he said, i just gave a briefing to the security council a week ago about lab and on. and he said in his words, since then things have gone from bad to much, much worse. okay, goes on, the thing is the lines that from the united nations in new york, many things go, let's bring it back to the region now. and how does all he does in jordan's capsule of mine because he has really government his bandages era from reporting in israel . hum. to what more do we know about these as re any casualties in capsule? a mine because he has made a government disband all just there are from reporting in israel. i'm to what more do we know about these as re, any casualties in the border region fight against has pull out in less than a as well. these really army has announced that aid is really soldiers and officers were killed in the 1st day of
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face to face combat between them and his bullfighters. they're saying that 7 others were severely injured and that all of the casualties were evacuated to hospitals in northern israel. that have been on standby since this ground invasion began. but it's also worth mentioning that there has been some 200 rockets fired from southern 11 on into northern israel today. and the army and politicians a like say this is why they have started this ground, evasion into 11 on to restore the balance of power on the border to destroy his bottle as military capabilities. but it's still unclear what the plan is moving forward. we have to remember that several ministers within the government during a security cabinet meeting before this ground operation was getting approved. they voice a lot of concerned because what was these really military going to face on the ground in love and all this is not god, this is not the occupied west bank. this is a different beast. and he's really military has invaded lebanese territory. and his bellow strong holds while they do have supreme powers from the air on the ground
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isn't much different story, but the army has vouch, but these military operations are going to continue until the goals are achieved and 800000 little little over 24 hours since a wrong note, stop attack on israel with almost 200 missiles. rom says the operation is complete, but next to me all here was saying that iran will pay for its mistake. what are we hearing from me as well as well? there was a meeting between us and yahoo, when his top security chiefs and included the army, chief of south, the defense minister, you'll have guidelines and the heads of the most odd and the sion that those are the external and internal security agencies, respectively. they say that there is going to be a retaliation that the dawn has made a huge mistake and there will be a price to pay, but that the retaliation is going to come at a time and place of israel's choosing. it's worth mentioning that it all and has said they're not interested in a bigger escalation,
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but it is real choose is to take it further. they are going to have to respond because this attack wasn't unprovoked. they say it was in direct response to crimes committed by israel, not only on it, on the in soil with the assassination of him as leaders, $900.00 a year. but also the carpet bombing of bay do to assassinate has enough that i love the mass occurs in garza. and now the invasion in let me not, but israel says there is going to be a response and that they are willing and capable to strike any place throughout the middle east. ok, how does how, who bring installations that from a man, thanks very much. i'm the that's now go to the lebanese capital bay route where we can speak to a correspondent to set jabari. those of us were just present on what else we're hearing from hezbollah, about the ongoing bottles on the border to yes, uh the uh, group has issued a statement saying that they've carried out $27.00 operations along the border just
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today alone. and this is the 1st time that we've had confirmation from has spell out that they are now engaged, been face to face. come back with is really troops along the southern, the borders with wind 11 on an israel. there's they would also what on to say that they've carried out a number of operations and that's they have been successful. they have managed to target just rarely takes as repel advancements from israeli forces onto right lebanese villages and towns into inside love it on. now this is a 120 kilometers border, of course. so there are various points that they had the ongoing fighting taking place. today, the hezbollah state would make it very clear that they are now in full control of the situation. they are repelling attacks. they're wounding and killing is rarely forces, and certainly the statement highlighting has well as capabilities that have nots been having to basically reduce it within the southern region of love. and all of
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that they, as, as well as statements, very much geared towards highlighting the strength of the organization. and that is urban warfare within their own territory. these areas are as well as strong holes. they know them very well. and when it comes to ground to come back to this is one of the main strength of the group. and they've had that previous experiences in the world, 2006. so a big, very positive in terms of what they've been able to achieve so far they to of what israel is calling a limited operation. that what we haven't heard from hezbollah is whether or not they've sustain any casualties or a wounded fight, or is that is something that has not been shared by the group as of yet. okay, so that's the hezbollah side. what about the government side? we're moving, hearing from the prime minister and to jump on coffee to yes, the care of particular, a prime minister made a plea yet again for all parties to return to abiding by resolution 70 to one
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united nations security council resolution. that's all an end to the 2006 war between has will on loving on and said that the liberties are me is ready to do with parts. really enforcing that to you and security council resolution that saw the hezbollah fighters and weapons move a way up north above the low tiny river. this is a river that cuz basically divides the south from the rest of love alone at its highest point, is about 35 kilometers. so this is the region that this security council resolution was concerned with. and now as the lebanese caretaker prime minister saying that it, it is time to really return to enforcing this because the humanitarian costs have just been too high for 11 on. okay. those have jabari joining us from very many. thank those. hm. well, it runs presence massive, possess kim has met the mayor of the castle in
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a shuffled visit to the gulf state. this comes a day off to tear on fuzz. nearly 200 miss solves a military and security target then as well. over the past year council has been mediating cx, 5 talks between israel and how much i know. so i thought that he felt a sense mediation is i was strategic option as part of a foreign policy, provided. we reiterate that we will continue to exist in the maximum pressure and our mediation efforts to put an end to the war and concept and have the detained and captains released despite the continued. i look terry escalations by israel either of us can. we also reiterate that a 2 state solution to the establishment of an independent and viable palestinian state, or in the 1967 ford escape, the service the edits. capital is the key to a lasting peace in the region for show. okay. yeah, well the boss goes to james bay's was listening into the to latest news conference here in bo i think it is significant the writing in president given the situation in the region given that we have that attacked by iran in recent town. it's still
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decided to make this pre plan trip to catch all. he made it clear that since he was elected 2 months ago, he's been calling repeatedly for peace, but he says, is route forced. it runs hines, and that's why it had to take action using is the security of the region is the security of o arrows and, and most, some countries we have not wishing fit any will almost, and each and every speech i've made, i've always stated, we are looking for peace and tom, israel is forcing us to respond to react. the president made it clear that he felt that his country had been duped by the international community of to the assassination of the mouse leader, is about how many of that took place rights off to his an organization at the end of july. because they've been told at the time they needed to show restraint so that they could be an immune and see spot deal in cause the cause that deal never materialized. i think it's important, but he's come here to go. ha, they see this,
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i think we radians as an important place for diplomacy because of course counsel has been the center of diplomacy over the last year, along with egypt. and the united states has been the country that's been trying to broke a see spa and garza very hard work and efforts that sofa have come to nothing. james, base out your 0. the us presenter environment has one that iran would face consequences full. it's miss on attack, the things that have to be done obviously, brand has way out of the way off or putting together a joint statement hasn't been done before a few more problems. and the answers, though, i think we'll be discussing it is rarely what they're going to do.
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all 7 of us 3 have a right to response response of the us state department spokesman said the your said the to the washington is considering most sanctions on iran. this morning in advance of the presence call with the g 7 leaders, the secretary convened to call of the foreign ministers from france, germany, italy, and the united kingdom on that call. he discussed with them working together to coordinate a response to a ron's attack on israel. the g 7 condemns. are ron's attack on israel is working together on our response, including new sections we will continue to discuss is real with israel, what the shape of their response will be. talking to air, all of those discussions privately. but we have made very clear that this was in unprecedented escalation by iran. israel has a right to respond to it and we'll discuss that response with them. we can always
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look to identify the new ways to impose sanctions on our, on ordering increase enforcement of our existing sanctions. and those of measures that we're looking at right now you saw in the present statements. that's what he made clear. we along with the g 7 or considering corresponds in john henry and has more now from washington dc. a cus, response to a runs tuesday attacks on israel appear to be limited the sanctions president joe biden said that he is discussing with g 7 members. new sanctions, us would levy, in addition to those other countries joining together to do the same thing. and there is a limit to the sanctions. the u. s. unilaterally composed because the u. s. has levied sanctions against iran since 1979. so with the us address here at the state department is that those sanctions can be brought in and they can affect more individuals, but that they will be more effective with the entire g 7 group levies. those
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sanctions as well, john henry and l g 0 at the state department is ready. um it has the fall, se of here, but no such problems down anybody else? wherever it's a real prep, a taste of awesome areas of life, pressure rolling in from the atlantics. i want to settle lots of what i'm when the weather to come some heavier. right. they cooled about to was the, the little face houses that are, is pushing is about western side of russia coming down across the west. as i cried, big down pools that could cause some flooding around the past. the bulk easing into the north central areas of f. lease, i some live a foundry showers as we go through the stay up towards the north west, across a spell of weather, at least for a time. you can see where the next system will roll in 1st they going on into friday, showers coming in across on an old, an olive west in pulse of scotland by that state at whatsoever sliding over towards a much if you claim by that state, greece started to see some way whether i'm fund 3 down post roading for
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a much of the night though will be fine and dry as a goal. just sunshine across that eastern side of the met, at least west in areas where we will say a few shows that clipping the far north of algae area pushing across into what she needs. yeah, lots to show us there across the west africa. and if anything, they will kind of further through nigeria right into see a really a the, the, the, there's no limit to how far a dream contains, key stuff in your own adventure. now, counter and wayne the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, again, you'll, what challenges, era has remind you of all top stories this our united nation is actually general. antonio gutierrez has been viewed, his quote for an immediate cease fire, and garza. he also was that the rule or not for them could lead to further escalation. tara said it was time to stop what he called the deputy cycle of tit for top top bonds in the middle east is where the army has confirmed the age of its offices and soldiers have been killed in confrontations with head full of flights. as on the border with less than a what is there any strikes?
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have we deep into 11 and have it treat killing at least 11 people in the east. also have bank reports now from brittle and back on volley. it was in the hours of wednesday morning when it is ready to strike struck this town of a 1000 induct off. now you understand. 3 homes were destroyed, 7 people killed, 4 children, and 3 adults can still see children's clothes and books on people's belongings around this area. the plus plus so power for the destroyed homes and the rules across the street and really speak to people. here there's been an increase, at least great intensity of a strikes taking taste that some people decide here and the next time involves big . i know the full people, the co bringing the total to 11. i run your driving to these townsend villages. you see that many people have left and you can also see the destruction caused by it's very strikes and, and around this area. and people didn't expect this, this part of never known as far away from the southern borders where the bulk of
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that conflict has been taking place is where it has been striking, deeper and deeper and deliberately causing large numbers of civilian casualties. so these rallies hit civilians, nothing except civilians, women and children, 54 and 10 years old. they killed civilians. this is a criminal regime and i don't want you to, i don't know. i mean, i know that the enemy claims that sitting military targets, but they're killing women and children and saying this is military. we know that they are killing our women and children, and we know how to eventually american us despite the loss that people have suffered here. when you speak to them, they say that this support for his will and the resistance that they cool, they remain steadfast. but they didn't think that the conflict would reach so far into that, but not that big data. but it does that both. now hey, in the studio is elijah, might be
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a military and political honest with over 35 years of experience covering the middle east. welcome, elijah, great to have you here with us. let's festival look at 11 on the flight on the board of the in the south between hezbollah and the is really ami baez's really casualties that the only a sustaining today shows doesn't fit that the flight on the ground really works and has blogs favor as it does because of 1st of all, the 3 these are facing the special forces of hezbollah and these have been not engaging any back to it. as soon as the 8th of october, they all fresh troops, they have not suffered any damage. only a few commanders way could, but this way, during your meeting, they route line all the forces listed in the south of 7 and there are 2 huge unit south of the dining room and another one as a backup note of the, the time you are with us, so we talking now about the engagement of one small part of the unit that is
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in the ease of the south side of the we thought it with the bottle housing prices only. they have plenty of experience in the serial war. over the past decade. they have plenty of experience in syria and iraq, and they, some of them have been also training in yemen in the past years at the beginning of the war. and they are elite forces who go through at least 2 years of training. they have to have less than 35 years at the 35 year. they are asked to move to another unit and they are. they can do everything they can use drones, they can use on the tank laser guided, besides, they can use midsize they can use rocket. and in fact, after the sub, with dodge attacked, few thousands of these troops were taken from the special forces to other units where they need to fill up the vacuum that has been creating the sabotage of talk.
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you mean the explosions of the pages on the walkie talkies gray as well a couple of weeks ago. i mean, as well as what heart has meant to try to diminish has beloved capabilities before going and, and launching a ground invasion. that is how superior far apart from the uh and is taken out of lots of we understand lots of hezbollah has made it to capabilities, but how much with us know, does the group have left the survey? the question, what we have seen assign and signatures from these readings. what they have been doing in trying to destroy has been last capability. they've taken our 3500 targets, which means that this is the bank of objectives against all the weapons and ammunition that has the law has. according to that information, according to what i know is, has well expected 13000 objectives. which means that is right,
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they don't have really the knowledge of everything. and then if we look for these reduce have done the, they move to attack commanders of the 1st level. and then they stop now with the 2nd level. and now they starting bombarding only the offices that shows that they don't know everything about has will last capability. and there are plenty of places where it has will last. it has including warehouses, offices and the ammunition that is right, there's a new about. and if we look at how many we side they degrade, these are getting every day from hezbollah between 200 to 300. this is somebody has the luck. i maintain every day which showed that at least they can fire between 7 to 10000 mountains with big projection that they have to sustain a fight for a yeah. that leaves us that has been lost. it has at least
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a 100000 very interesting indeed, elijah mcnair. many thanks indeed for joining us. we'll speak to you again in the coming hours. thank you. thank you. of the at least $100.00 people believed to have died in a boat accident in northern nigeria. the ferry was transport single them 300 people in a jew is nisha states, nyja state, most of the passengers, but women and children rescue teams continue to search the waters for survivors and to recover the dead. i feel patients are on the way to find at least 100 missing my grants off the coast of to booty you and migration agencies as much as forced them to jump into the sea of the coast of a bulk of that's a port town. introducing a boat to left from yemen with a total of $310.00 passengers. at least 45 forties have been recovered from the
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incidents. fremont and south africa are accused of getting to black women and hazing the bodies in a pig sty have a pit and a polo quite a quote. the bail hearing has been postponed until next month. harman would pass that reports from outside the court house. rescued soon, so that's a good day. the has a special dog people, somebody, they say it's great issues about abuse of the rules of ascertained right? issues on employment and products. this is the background to the way what happened was that a truck that was the problem and tried to dump its 5 products on the farm. women and other people, the community because of the way to try to solve a, just a course from seas extension on the farm. and 2 of his work has tried to disperse. the 2 women was shot until to to legend that the farm address which has been tried to conceal the party in an enclosure with animals are being kept. the farmers say


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