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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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good news . the ones that are already a, it's good to have you with this. this is the news, our life from doha, coming up in the program today has the law says it has designated explosive devices targeting is really troops in south lebanon. it's really helicopters are in the region, trying to rescue injured soldiers capital under attack parts of central b ruth and it's 7 suburbs, molar. after a new bombardment spies really just the things that are really shocking to me as the repeated hosting and videos of the teenage humiliation, looting, murder and destruction of entire neighborhoods analysis. your investigation reveals
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this really soldiers in legal actions in gaza, which could amount to work for you. k agrees to transfer the sovereignty of the che, goes islands to marissa, south, the decades of disputes over the indian ocean archipelago. the so we'd be doing this news our at the israel living on border where there are reports of fighting between these really ground troops and has blown members as bloss as a designated multiple buttons against is really troops attempting to enter the village of maroon a. russ, end of the explosions caused is really casualties. helicopters have been seen in the area with reports that they are being used to transfer is really soldiers of israel's military. his also bomb, the more areas in the south, the lebanese army says 2 of its soldiers were killed in separate attacks. for
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emergency workers were injured while they were evacuating. the wounded is really army claims as killed. 15 has bullfighters and southern areas of living on on thursday and in the capital. the route is really forces have again bombed a suburb known as a strong hold of hezbollah. dia air strikes targeted, a building used by the groups media office, employees had already evacuated. the building it comes after another nights of is really strikes on the city that killed at least 9 people and wounded several other authorities say israel has killed at least 1974 people, including a 127 children across a level our correspondence are covering this developing story for us, our white house correspondent, kimberly how it get. we'll have the latest reaction from the us doors to jabar using b root. stephanie decker is in amman, jordan 1st though, we go to us a big, he's joining us from the becca valley in eastern living on acid. what can you tell us about the fighting that is currently taking place in southern living on
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now what we're hearing is, according to the lebanese minutes we've got to that explosive device, was exploded by the goods on the brigade. in the village of my room, our russ. now what we're hearing is it has the is radius. have attempted to try to enter that village. the faced stiff resistance from his beloved fight. those who say that they have uh, they have confronted them, that they have use explosive devices. and they claim that is rarely sold as have had casualties on the head cook just currently in the south frontier. evacuate those soldiers. now this is what we were expecting. rent is road mounted this ground, ah grand operation, that his beloved, we're always going to resist. israel does have ariel superior to, but if israel wants to fight the, has to get the ground troops across the board to try to take those villages and
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towns. and what we're seeing at the moment is at least from last night that they are claiming that they are closing casualties on the east rady side. now, the bombing of times in the villages and the side has continued between those images of smoke rising and other along the southern border. but so far what we're hearing is that you have is ready to change that they've killed around 15 years without flight just about his. but i also claiming that is right is not really making the gains that they expected to make. i'd be facing student resistance from his was a flight test. okay. i said, just informing you, it's quite windy, where you are. if you have a way to protect your microphone, maybe just do that. otherwise, don't worry about it. i understand that there's been a strike much closer to where you are in the back of all the what you know about that. well, the prescott value has seen an increase that needs to increase the intensity of strikes across the best auto body with this. right?
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yes, correct, so i'm going to face and a time with the majority of people have left, but this strikes took say, so you understand yesterday evening and what we're hearing is that to a mechanical guy which was hit but also caused damage to the houses and apartments off of the tip of your instead, for people who are injured including a mother and her 3 children age 12 and 13. yes. oh no. where you want to be people across the business side, zip or not. they didn't expect the conflict to reach them in the way that it has, but there is considerable governments. the people have when you speak to them. uh they uh item. and that the many in some of these areas in the back of the are considered, has been lost phone calls. and this supports remain steadfast for his beloved, but also the very, very angry. yesterday i attended a funeral of 11 people, 7 of whom were members of the same family, including 4 children, a full 510, and 11. we understand when we spoke to people there,
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they said that that is right. just claiming the striking in the ministry targets. but actually the killing civilians, people are very, very angry and who the claimant is israel. and they say the west and back is. and that's a, that's the situation here in the best of value with this increase number of strikes, taking place and displacement taking place amongst lebanese people. not only within the bronx. also many crossing the border into syria as a big reporting from the site to the strike in the back of valley. thank you very much for that asset and to your team. let's go now to stephanie decker. stephanie, you're in jordan's capital a month. again, the reminder that you are, they are because b is really government has been dealt with 0 from reporting within israel. what is the, is really army saying about that has been the attack in the south of lebanon and maroon rus of the they're not saying anything because there was a military gag order in place. uh, you know, discussing this yesterday and you so later in the day,
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um that being lifted because the families have been notified seeing 8 soldiers killed throughout the day. well, it looks like another incident. another severe incident for these really is happening on the border hezbollah saying it debts nature's explosives. on the galani brigade, one of the lead brigades fighting on the ground there. we've pieced it together. he's ready. telegram channels are reporting the same thing. saying that how the copies are evacuating many routed, potentially dead up to hospitals, post a high foot in the north of israel. it really is giving a very quick reality check to israel, which has been enjoying a lot of confidence and, and the feeding evicted invincibility. that in its air campaign over the last 2 weeks or so, it is very different, difficult, a diff difference for them on the ground. they do notice every single soldier that goes in to this bottle knows that hezbollah is not have mass. this is a far more formidable trained fighting force,
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and they come obviously on the back of their leader who they loves and revere and respect, has been assassinated. many of their commanders, many of their friends, many of their families, also women and children, their neighborhoods being smashed. they come armed with all of that in the back of their mind and in their chests, so to speak. so it is going to be very difficult, and i think the longer that we're going to have this news that is, is right, the forces are, you know, sustaining a lot of injuries and fatalities. at some point, the tide with public opinion will change already. today you're seeing on those telegram channels, people saying what are we doing? do we have applied? you know, just because we're looking for a tunnel or 2, this is not going to bring the residence of northern israel back to their homes and this is only day 3 of this ground defensive. well, that's really interesting. thanks for bringing that context. stephanie is real,
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is also mulling it's options or it's possible retaliation against the iran after the messiah strikes by ron, against israel, some 200 missiles on television. and 2 days ago, i know is real, hasn't said publicly what they're going to do. we don't have the answer, but do we have an idea of the, the, the options that they are considering? it will be said and this is according to leaks but a very well placed journalist who has a solid sources within these read the establishment. usually what he reports is accurate, but he said they were mulling in the next couple of days a strike against strategic targets, particularly mentioning oil facilities, oil infrastructure. um the americans have made it clear that they do not support israel hitting any of the nuclear science. but i think at this point, whatever the american say to israel, we're gonna have to take that with the pinch of soul because israel is doing pretty much what it wants when it, once i think it is
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a matter of when not if that retaliation is going to come 0 and at the moment it's the jewish new year celebrations at last up until friday. but then you have sure bad which is the end of saturday. so many people saying that they do believe that within the week there will be retaliation. then of course, you know, best are off as to where we go from there. yeah, stephanie, uh, i'm getting messages even as you talk to me. um you just said all bets are off. i, i want to add a little bit to that point and then i get your sense on that. in a range, an official sources told alison 0 something to the effect that unilateral self restraint as and those are the words i'm getting from iran. that the, the time of unilateral self for a strange meeting from iran has ended. that's the message we're getting. now. i beg your, pardon, that message being delivered to washington the guitar. i'm just getting in that information right now. so i'm just going to make it very clear what we're saying.
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and what we're reporting at a range and official sources told alpha 0 that they sent a message to washington via guitar. saying that the time if you're in a lateral self restraint has ended. so just yesterday that ron was saying, we're drawing a line under, on this side of attack against israel. we don't want to go any further. if israel doesn't retaliate, and now we're getting this message, i don't know how that's going to play in his real of the well, the use re, these are on the old bets are off. as i said, campaign, they are invincible. they can do whatever they want. and seemingly don't worried about any potential repercussions because in their eyes, this is all self defense and about their survival, their real regional dangers here. and i think interesting me when you're talking about iran, iran is now struck, is, are all twice 0 once in april and one's 2 nights ago with miss all about ours. and i think, you know,
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so 22 minutes or less. and we were discussing this when we were watching the, the missiles fly over our heads 2 nights ago. but there is certainly going to have been intelligence gathering on behalf of the wrong when the air defense systems of israel kicked it's, it's twice now. so, and as iran says, if is, are all hits at us, we will hit back and it is going to be very different in the grand scheme of things . israel has not been damaged at school really in those 2 strikes. and iran is saying the 3rd time will be very different. okay, stephanie decker reporting from amman. jordan, we're still taking in the significance of potential significance of these lines. thank you very much for those 1st thoughts. as we've mentioned, uranium sources of told else as 0 that iran has sent a message to washington addressing regional tensions just days after it fired nearly 200 ballistic missile. as it is real in that message that we're taking back these of the same lines, we're expanding on them a little bit different on told washington that quote, the face of unilateral self restraint has ended. it says any is really attack will
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be met with another quote. an unconventional response and that includes targeting is really infrastructure. it also emphasize that iran does not want the original war a point. the presidents must have possession, also raised at a media conference inc. a tar earlier on wednesday. us. i'm yes, i'm a security of the region is the security of all muslims, and we do not want any will or bloodshed since i assume the presidency. every speech i've made is emphasized ok, wasteful, peacefulness and security. no nation, all region can prospect in the midst of all we are not in pursuit of war with israel. they promised us peace, but israel hasn't temper rise called guest into ron. during our presidential integration. we want to establish peace. if you disagree policies will not be established as good. our white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare. you're joining us from washington dc just outside the white house. kimberly, so i think you heard what we said and what we can just report this is coming in to
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us at algae or headquarters in doha. the iran is sending messages through the us a reminder to our viewers that they do not have diplomatic relations. so these are indirect messages, but they're sending messages to the us. essentially, be careful because we no longer see it as a. uh, let me put some detail around that. individual self restraint does not secure our national security requirements. can you give some context or of yours about, you know, what we know about communications between the us and iran but we know that the tardies are the ones that generally are the in between, between the united states and iran. and so presumably it would be kind of hard that has forwarded this message to the united states, either to the white house or to the secretary state and to me, blanket. now what i can tell you is that behind b, maureen, one is
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a set to take off with us president whether or not the reporters have heard this line and post it to the president. i'm not sure if he's even taking questions, but if that's the case, one would hope we can get some sort of response. it's pretty slim, but you know, fingers crossed having said that, uh, why would i would surmise that perhaps the, this isn't response from the iranians to what president biden said on wednesday. and what all refresh our viewers on is what he said. basically he was saying, but there is a feeling in the united states, the israel has a right to retaliate towards iran for the strikes that it recently received on like what happened in april when ron targeted israel. c the white house caution to israel not to respond. in other words, in april,
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washington said to israel, take the when you intercept of these, you're good. you don't need to do anything. this time the president, 5 and said we spoke with the g 7 leaders and the feel is israel has the right to respond to this time, but make it proportional. in other words, don't hit or runs nuclear sites. so now we have iran responding to that message, saying that the time for self restraint has, and it is, this could be perceived in one of 2 ways. it could be, hey, look, we don't want you to do anything or trying to, to turn that. or it could be a warning, you take action and your was, our response is going to be even bigger as a result. what kimberly, what we're talking about ultimately here is you know, the increasing risk of an all out war involving israel and iran. and if that were to happen, there's every likelihood it would involve israel's biggest ally, the united states, which has massive military assets in the region including near run. so the question
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becomes, you know, what is the level of us appetites, or, or lack there of, for war with iran? well, i can tell you there are 2 different appetites. there's the public appetite, and then there is the, uh, private money, the appetite there is always a hunger from the military industrial complex side. that is the, the north of romans, the, the large companies that are always looking to keep the machinery going and the pre 8 jobs and sell weapons that is ongoing. when one more stops, another one seems to pop up every time for decades. so there's always an appetite for war in the united states. and for some reason the us congress seems to keep feeling that you will hear members of congress and leaders stand in front of the podium, saying that more is good for the economy. i kid you not. if you listen to the whole
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press conferences, they actually say that you can check the transcripts. but i can tell you that is not a shared sentiment of the american taxpayer that sees the public debt spiraling out of control because they're the ones pay for it. there is no a generation of americans born around the 2002001 mark that knows nothing but continue with war and doesn't want to see this continue. and that's why we've had college campuses protesting the israel's war on the. # side and now on lab, and on. very mostly what i can tell you is this is a us president that is cognizant of that one month before an election. they are keenly aware of this is spirals into a broader middle east conflict. something they could try to avoid. this could very well hand the election to their rival, donald trump, something that vice president cala harris does not want. kimberly how get thank you
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very much. that reporting interest outside the white house in washington dc. we're going to bring this conversation to elijah many a military security analyst. you are joining us here on setting go. hi, it's a pleasure. have you? i was going to start with what's going on in 711 on um, but in light of this new information i want to start with is really to run in that part of the story. i'm not sure if you heard us a 2nd ago, but what we're learning now, but a reading an official source has told elsie or that there messaging to the us indirectly, of course, that uh, the time of unilateral self restraint has ended and they no longer see it as being in their national security interest to exercise. so for strange your thoughts. i fully agree with that. iran, e, the weight and then or the size all defeated. and then it's done would come to be attacked or enjoying the back to now before the allies all defeated. this is why it
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would not tolerate any of that even against military facilities or security facilities. because one doesn't consider is ryan in the position to restore the attack, because now they all even but we know through, i don't know how to describe this, but the logic of this escalation, we know that israel is going to respond in some way, shape or form that's again normal it because been, i mean that then yeah, how these really prime minister is a woman. good opening a war and not only against guys a tiny little bit hold on. everybody is using this logic in the region when they are attacked, they need to respond. everybody use this, this logic, whether it's everybody, there is nobody in the region who does not use this logic. if something happens to them, they want to do something worse to their the, the opposite party. i couldn't agree more, because been, i mean, that then, you know, i thought to be rainy and confident in damascus. and then he could, is,
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might any, when the chief of how much was invited by the iranian government. so these all to hit the wrong hit twice is right and hit twice. they all, even as this logic of tit for tat escalation. and i'm quoting the us extra jo antonio gutierrez here. um, how does it end that end? yeah. is there anyone who can influence the opinion and the will open? you mean that then you know who is self proclaimed as the future leader of the mid eighties, to stop the war, release the is really present a and, and the war in gaza and stuff. he's invasion 11 and he's just stopping let's um, let's put up a map of iran, so we don't know exactly how is real is going to respond to it. runs attack 200 missiles fired a tel aviv this week. but we know they have promised to respond. so what you're
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seeing on the map right now, um, feel free to look at it here is the, the nuclear sites in iran, the know nuclear sites in iran. there are also strategic facilities like sports or refineries. so those are the targets that are there they are, those are the targets that are sort of in the conversation. you know, when you're asking, well, what could israel do in response to iran? none of these know they say no, because 1st of all, israel has a nuclear research center and the do more than they guess the right name is sideway very close to it. but against and f 35 and ministry base, they didn't all bomb the any is really nuclear facility. and these really is also have all the rigs in the me that are in, and they would really fit for them to be destroyed. i wanna make sure i understand the logic you're saying israel can't strike the ring a nuclear sites or
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a ring and refine raise because because then iran would do the same to them. exactly. because if these relays are going to target outside what you are on target to the other day around target only 6 sort of the military objectives. it's, these really is want to step up and take it to infrastructure. i don't see iran hesitating in bombarding these really infrastructure all the nuclear facility. if this is the intention of this right. but you're analyzing this as you should like a military analyst, right? looking at the calculus of each side, this is the same calculus that keeps escalating, escalating, escalating this same sort of rational thinking that you're explaining to us. where, where would that take us if it continues the decision or fall in peace has always been and the pin is in the hands of nathan. yeah. he is the one who can decide to stop or continue the escalation. he had many positive points on his side. he bumped
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the iran, he bombed him and in her data, he bumped 11 and he killed the secretary general. if hes, we'll lock. he could have stopped the war, winning the battle. and then he got enough support domestically to win the forthcoming elections, but he doesn't want you to quit while he was ahead, which was 5 days ago. that's what you're saying. well, that's an intelligent person would be, would do. so. okay, i want to talk about southern level not uh and uh, we may be able to show at the map as well. how is hezbollah doing instead of living on how or is really troops doing in $711.00 on, were showing the areas, the red dots here are the evacuation zone, as those of the villages and towns that is really is have told residents to leave. and that roughly is where some of the fighting has taken place. that's the normal behavior of these really ministry because they want to buy, create everybody. they don't want to be accused, as they have done and guys of kidding as civilians in the large number. secondly,
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they want to make sure that they don't have an ending me behind every ward or every dual. and this is why they are dealing with a completely different topography in the south of webinar. but we can see from all these quotes of the vast creation that this is the area they uh, they have the intention to all could buy. but we still have to see if they can know could buy what information were. both sides have been taken from the last 2 days with this days 3. as far as we can tell of really israel's ground operation, instead of 11 on yesterday, they took casualties. 8 is really officers soldiers were killed today is the last thing it has detonated explosive devices. um, either hurting or killing is really soldiers and is really saying it has killed. 15 has bullfighter. so i assume both sides are for gives me the expression but feeling each other out in the early stages of this ground war. both sides understand one
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another. they are used to fight one against the other since 1982 has one law, not an awful lot from these release as they are the reason of that existence since 1982 without these really invasion, hezbollah would never have existed. but because they, you know, the style of these reviews and the is really understand that has a lot easier for me. the act, the non state acts up. and then what's happening today is to lead to judge. they are going to be heavy casualties on both sides. we are in the 1st days, has been allowed when this more battle is ran one way or another. some more back to the question is, is, is right, capable of releasing these really prisoners in guys, by occupying lebanon? is israel capable of bringing back the all the is really set those to the north of lab of them or know of is read by and luckily is really,
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is one of these really solving israel. yeah. the 60000 people who had left there 60 or 80 all day going to return by pushing testable, 5 to 10 to 20 kilometers, had one of our use of ms side that can reach a longer range and make sure that the set, those would never be done so i see a pause for a 2nd. you're saying that is real. say that again, you're saying that israel can defeat hezbollah in southern lebanon, and that won't change. the fact that is really is really, is living in northern israel, will still be within range of has the laws ms styles, but just massages that are fired from further away 11 on. is that very exact? get the exception of one point. i didn't don't say is there a way to defeat? i say it is right. it's is right. yes, yes. so it is spin to see if these really these are going to be able to defeat. they didn't know they don't have the answer and we've seen already then 10. yeah. who hesitating and changing the goes from being the lead,
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the ultimate that he's just saying, i want to limit myself only to 2 objective that's all again unachievable. ok, elijah, manually security analyst. it's great to have your own set your in, doha for once. thank you very much. thank you. is alone leo is a former is really diplomat. he says, diplomacy is no longer used as a tool by the is really government and calls that mistake. pretty normal country has to have these 2 abilities, the bass and the global see. and then we don't use the global se, eh, eh, that we have. and this will be my bus, the 3 you, here's the whole world is against us. the whole world news on by sun life, especially the united nations and the,
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the speech of the license nations. first year thing the, the vision and the for use the yes to the house, the secretary general, the united nation as a goes on the so these letters in the way, especially because of the slow gave up on the world. this is a terrible mistake because we will not be able to stabilize the situation and to live here safely, a window, the assistance of the world without the support of the world. and a and i see to a only at the g, the only air force maybe when lead us to a dangerous go on. i think the government as closely as the probably the no, we do the, the size is of our response in our we don't have a chance with
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a low i is a victim of that. and i think maybe all my friends exit implements tried to convince that lisa was, and that was the john g, both song that mary and, but i don't think we have a chance these days this time. so the weather on alpha 0 here is f, as in fox color stopped by checking up on october. 3rd, remember it was a super tie food making its way towards the south of taiwan is now starting to we can, i am pleased to say, but we have seen flooding across the southern half of taiwan weekly because of this large area of high pressure. but should be blocking it off, keeping it up by weight is coming in from over ne, the direction. so just holding it in place as it pushes its way by the north with so she can see gradually diminishing somewhat as we go on through friday, becoming a tropical storm and extra tropical. as we go through the dye, some heavy showers, the enter, the taiwan strait, the flaw south east of china, sing some west to web,
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which was immensely push this way up to will shanghai like to see a shot was coming back in behind, but suddenly a better picture to come for taiwan. fish. i was the average to that, the eastern side of japan's to play. it will around you notice i woman, shall we to request a good pots of southeast asia. i talking pulls away from the philippines, a few showers, the some heavier showers the into southern cost of indo china. so a few showers across the northeast of india into bung with us are we just want is still in force here. but for most, it is somewhat dry with a scattering of showers to the fossa. still ahead on that was a 00 sliding and eastern ukraine. russia strikes hart keys. the day of the most goes, troops took control of a key village. the
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at 1st there is no stranger with theater in the refugee camp occupied by this time . despite indescribable personal trauma, restricted movements and rehearsals wanted by israel, the army incursions director and his budding actors are adamant to tell the story to the world. at one of the toughest times about his time's history. and somehow the c jeanine's freedom theatre. a witness documentary on a jersey to one of the deputies just comes off the 21st century law. so you can just be fine. collect the money of the policy the and the $365.00 days of genocide in gosh, $365.00 days and related to is reading from ball starting from october, the 4th in a week of special reports. how does the remarks one year of genesis in gosh, of
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the the, you're watching else, is there a reminder of our headlines this, our iran has sent a message to washington days after firing nearly 200 ballistic missile as it is real in the message send through guitar to her and says the space of unilateral self or sprint has ended, it says any is really attacked will be met with an unconventional response that could include targeting is really infrastructure. but it run says it does not seek original as the last, as a designated bombs against is really troops attempting to enter the village of my, who no ross in southern lebanon. it said the explosions, pauses, really casualties. helicopters have been seen in the area with reports that they
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are being used to transfer is really soldiers. and in the capital b roots is really forces and again, bonding silver known as a stronghold of his beloved airstrikes. targeted a building used by the groups media office employees had already evacuated the bill . earlier on thursday, israel struck a building near the center of the route, the closest attack to the part of the lebanese capital so far, st. ahold her reports, the favor southern suburbs have been have been really incense of lead hits in a wave of strikes in the past few days in bay city center. the police have been called the people are getting 1st and there's a lot of destruction, but they are targeted in the sense that the military, every one, everything associated with has now what was his was a center, a health center affiliation with 7 power methics kills it. was the 1st time
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members of this, of this organization has been killed in nearly a year of pricing over the past year. so people are air campaign. this is where we live is really military has an advantage, their superior air power and how and what they tried to do in the, in the past with more political leverage against a lot by launching that ground operation. but the very success has pushed them back really works for your husband as an official last night. very different. you know, we are ready for would be an open ended the fees and we were like we did in 2006. so the
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a lot of concern among civilian and especially the air campaign is israel is trying to raise the capabilities of hezbollah, not just 11 on the neighboring syria as well. it's become, you know, part of the fossil fuel strikes in syria. it's safe and cold. there has been since the great the capabilities but at the time this really military hasn't posted on official military located on 11. yes, babies, international airport is still functioning, but it's really military says if it's, if it has any information with labs, then the airport is also issue warnings about a weapons being transferred from syria into 11 on has, has fits crossings, border crossing along border. and it has a strikes in syria in the past 12 hours to strikes in the past week up to 16
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strikes. so what's the only target the supplies in level? make sure how to re, re supply their end goal, of course, is really officials. we've heard this really foreign minister say they would like to see you know how to play it's card score achievement. so mediation efforts appear to be improved. they're negotiating with strikes like this or has well as present as raging ground forces from info tracing until 11 on the the mirror of guitar has called for all parties to come to the table and agree on
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an immediate cease fire in gaza. that's are along with egypt in the us has been mediating indirect negotiations between homeless and israel. speaking of the summits here in the near said, regional piece is not possible without establishing a palestinian state to the customer how all the little for sions, and then it has become very clear. that's what is happening is genocide. additionally, we, because of strep, has been turned into an uninhabitable area. in preparation for displacement is really forces have intensified their strengths across casa killing, at least 9 palestinians. they targeted a house in our shante refugee camp and the north people in on this they were often on the guys the refugee camps in central gaza. have also reported intense for tillery, showing an overnight is really striking, killed at least one person, an injured another in the center of a strip, and is really helicopter gunship struck attend housing displaced people. the shelter was located inside of school compound, near one of the last remaining clinics in the area of the houses here is honey mode
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that is live for us in 0 dollar. that is in the central part of the gaza strip. what's the very latest that you have on it? yes sir. well, these really are me, continues to conduct and carry out ears, strikes the other. describe the are precisely, are limited to targeted. the offer is across the got to but when we're looking on the ground, how these attacks are being carried out. they are designed to cause maximum damage, not only a causing further civilian casualties, but beats the scale and the extent of damage and, and destruction and, and how it will do that because it's very, very high can going to. 9 do what these really statements describe these attacks and overnight attacked. we'll look at a 12 people so far being killed, including the many people right now though we don't know anything about their feet
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right now. and the early mornings of the days, a tie artillery on the eastern part of the gaza strip in as well as the uh, the western part of a new site, right records. you come with these really monks or you're almost on our lead faces right now. if you, once we know why we here give the art galleries that according to eye witnesses and civil defense for preventing it from getting anywhere near the bottom side to describe the horror of many of the people are trapped inside the homes are being targeted. many of these homes are really collapsed on people why there is still inside because they could not leave whether you're in on the refuge account or further west front part of the, of the gauze of the new site, right records. you can do reports of many people are still in the truck and buried under the, the rumbles, but the 12 people have been confirmed. skilled according to health officials here at not at the hospital or the hospital where 5 of them in a residential home in northern part of the district. and i saw the refugee how that
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has been bombed relentlessly since we one of this genocide, the word more than 80 percent of the buildings and the public facility. then for structure of a shuttle. if you cannot be completely destroyed and literally we're looking at a waste land directly as you can once accommodate a large number of palestinians. refugees, it turned into a more of a pile of rubble than a waste of lands right now. but 5 people report including a women and 2 children with 2 more people in almost that rector, you come, one person was building over and i talked here and there is, but i city and i a talk on attends that he was children getting along with his family, there 2 more people buy a drawing to talk here in dropbox city, the northern part of robust city. but what, what's concern is right now is the aftermath of these attacks. and every once in a while we hear about more people are being removed from the robust. for example, the talk yesterday on han you and is the same for your grounding incursion that was
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conducted by this really military, up to just the pos, our civil defense to prove permits are still removing more bodies of one single family. there was a talked inside the residential homes in southern parts of the city, increasing the number in the over 55 from that particular area and close to 25 of that particular families. i've been killed in the top socialist here as honey. my mood reporting from the central part of the gaza strip. thank you very much, honey. looting, killing, and demolition of entire neighborhoods. those are just some of the actions that is really soldiers carry out in gaza. houses here as investigative unit has spent months gathering material that reveals is really force is a carrying out a range of illegal activities during the war on gauze activities that could amount to work with richard sanders reports. so all the
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videos posted online byte is right, the soldiers in the gaza strip the address there was an investigative unit to identify the soldiers responsible. the during the assault on cancer, the troops posted many thousands of photos and videos online. these meetings didn't show a professional omi, they showing only but a times of past, almost completely lack any self discipline. the unit has built up a database of 2 and a half files and social media accounts. and the things that are really shocking to me is the repeated hosting of videos of the teeny humiliation naked palestinian detainee is with headbands and zip ties on their arm was being paraded around, insulted, mistreated, in many cases,
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really blatant violations of international law. and yet they keep being posted by the perpetrators. it's really astonishing videos show the intentional destruction of civilian property. they also should have potentially most serious crimes. smartphones shooting 3 on a man, just because their civilian is walking in an area where combat is going on. does not make them for a game. it's potentially imagine that the international criminal court would want to look at a. this is extraordinary, but he put based on some video. so at least based on you, cheap to me is as kind of quite extraordinary the degree of impunity. legal experts say the evidence, the unit collected would be of interest to prosecute, as it is a treasure trove, which is very seldom come across. so to have that is something which i think prosecutors will be taking
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a little upset. the investigative unit reached out to his right. the officials for spawns to the findings. we did not receive one, richard saunders, i was just there. i think the germany, thousands of people have joined a peace rally in berlin and they are demanding that the german government stop sending weapons to israel. step boston is there in the crowd. you're at the rally step. this is in berlin. tell us what's going on around you on the 31st anniversary of the navigation between as uh, east and west germany that are really unifying, coming together, calling for fees. it's very unlikely coalition of from so we have these uh groups. here we have 3 audience here. we have migrant organizations here under calling both for and the had the warren, your brain, and the, the war and the my lease and the war in guys had to warn, in liberal around that, that calling on their own government. not supplying weapons raised for out so many
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is the 2nd largest supplier joyce route. until recently, it was nearly the fact that the problem was received from germany if we're talking about administrative support. so people who are actively, and they're also very much concerned about the navigation, also an escalation, talking about in the us to, to position as a media media. this house here in germany which cost russia and press the national right side. that's what retaliate, that's also a great concern here. it's a very, fairly broad correlation. i show you a little bit around. we have please estimates, but it was a long hall pro processing and was here as well. so it's somebody who's got the right here on this big square here in the middle of the building step. so you say germany is a large supplier of arms to israel, more broadly. what has been,
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but we understand it's a, they're there. what has been their position in this conflict? we understand that the position of support broadly for israel. what can you tell us? what more about germany? it has been a lot, conditionally, some more. thank you. yes. around change. the war is gone. so escalades and lost the worst of solving, but basically what the government has asked that the existence of your existence of its route is also connect to the existence of germany and historic reason to take back the call. so what happened during world war to the has made a lot of pressure, also same to them on the truck and government. so saw some of this fab smoking and of course the atrocities happening in got so you can see that the government is now slightly more moderate in their statements,
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and especially looking now at what's happening in lebanon. the government has really calling on the c swire. and really trying to de escalate the situation just so you can see a little shift. and the last day about germany is still one of the style and she has supports as a base route, globally. okay. it's interesting to take that in there, or they have somewhat motivated the statements of support for israel, still a very large supplier of arms. however, we're hearing that or we're hearing those, the songs behind you in berlin that sells you 0 step boss. and thank you very much the, the russian strike his, his an apartment building and heart even eastern ukraine, killing at least 3 people and injuring more than 30. that operation is under way to rescue those trapped under the rubble parky this 30 kilometers away from the russian border and has been targeted frequently since the invasion began. more than
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2 years ago, russia is taking the strategic town of bull adar in eastern ukraine forces have been advancing on multiple fronts in the don't yet region, bullet doors on high ground, and that makes it important for tillery positions. ukraine defended it for more than 2 years, but chose to retreat in order to minimize casualties. in the u. k. has announced that it will give up sovereignty of the strategically important shake, also islands in the indian ocean. the historic deal will see the territory handed over to marcia's, which was sought sovereignty over those islands, extensive gained independence from britain more than 50 years ago. between 19671973, the population of che gus was forcibly moved in order to build a joint us u. k. military base. the british government says that a deal has now been reached to continue using that base. the prime minister of marshes said that the move march, the completion of the process of the colonized nation, the man leading the case against former us president donald trump for trying to
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overturn the 2020 election results has outlined his quote, sweeping and increasingly desperate efforts to cling to power in a new $165.00 page filing special council, jack smith says trump lied to the public to election officials and even to his own vice president, ellen official reports from washington. donald trump has consistently insisted the legal cases against him. our lives indic keeping him from returning to the white tufts. i did nothing wrong. special cancel. jack smith is we the new evidence about trump's actions after the 2020 presidential election. it's not a beat on sealed by the court in washington. the 165 page document says from the days before the election told his closest advisors that he would simply declare victory before all ballots were counted. and any window was projected. and you did that at the white house in the early hours after the election. we will win this and
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we as far as i'm concerned, we already have the filing ads. when the defendant lost the 2020 presidential election, he resorted to crimes to try to stay in office with private co conspirators. the defendant launched a series of increasingly desperate plans to overturn the legitimate election results. as us supreme court has ruled that some of donald trump actions as to the election may be immune from prosecution. but smith rights did score. the defendant scheme was a private criminal effort. in his capacity as a candidate, he goes to seek to target every stage of the electoral process. one is the one social media platform. trump posted the release of this fall, sued, written on constitutional j 6 brief, immediately following to most as disastrous debate performance and stuff to 3 days before the most important election in the history of our country is another obvious attempt by the hottest spite and regime to undermine an weaponized american
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democracy and into fear in the 2024 presidential election. the judge tanya took couldn't, was no rule if the case can go ahead. if the answer is yes, trump will appeal all the way to the supreme court. this means there is no chance the case will go to trial before november's election. and if trump is re elected, no chance the case survives island, fisher, i'll just say to washington, the still ahead on alex's 0, the, the fight to keep free education university students and staff in argentina, challenge the government's plans for slash, funding the
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the at least 23 people in the democratic republic of congo have died after the boat. they were travelling in sink. the boat capsized on lake keeper when the eastern part of the d. r. c. 10 people survived the accident and were taken to the local hospitals, or it's the 2nd deadly. both accidents in the d. r. c. unless these 4 months, a boat capsized in june near the capital can shots are killing more than 80 people . us president joe biden. and vice president, complet harris have been visiting some of the areas affected by hurricane helen. more than a $180.00 p for killed across 6 states. the storms damage could stretch into billions of dollars, bite and blamed climate change could extreme weather conditions, powers flu separately to the 7 state of georgia. one of the 7,
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the swing states that couldn't decide november's presidential election and tens of thousands of people in north carolina are still without running water. almost a week of the hurricane helen mainland, for a severe flooding, has destroyed pipelines, damaged water plants and cut off power. president biden has directed the pentagon to send up to up to a 1000 troops to assist the north carolina national guard with delivering to my food crass and his made land full into my one hitting the port city of co, shown a storm, broad torrential rains and fierce winds of more than a 160 kilometers per hour to southern taiwan. schools and government offices have been shut across the country for at least 2 days. locals have been wanting to stay indoors in origin. tina, tens of thousands of university staff and students are protesting against cuts the funding for higher education. you will stare with the measures are part of the far
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right president. have your malays plans to slash public spending and control inflation? daniels find the reports from the capital windows side us the use of the cities across out and seen a bunch of stuff. and students say they are engaged in the past or to save public education, which is free and generations of origin, simians are proud of it. should be a minute, but if we surely little enough, these accounts diminish the quality of that education we offer. and now public universities, which we've always given, which is recognized around the world. some university say they cannot pay their electricity bills and stuff. wages of slow eating many own oh, below the poverty line. this is the 2nd major protest of the hundreds of thousands took to the streets in april. we believe that a country needs to have educated people. it's very important to advance and develop . we'll send the, i'm a professor, i believe the top education middle save,
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all people save our country. president covey. emily took off his last december, promising to come public spending and bring the origin to in the economy of annual inflation at 230 percent under control. he believes universities costs too much, then not just demonstrating here again, budget costs many fit for the future of the free, a much respected university system itself. a system of synthetic, rated, sometimes angrily, by president heavy emulates. with the 2 sides fairly to king and the protest growing education is now the halt of all position to the middle. a governments from the route to 0. 1 is iris. so that's it for this news hour. we're going to take a very quick break and we'll be back in just a moment. we're continuing coverage of very rapid developments across the middle east to stay with the
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from the narrative to media was from propaganda to the changing face of journalism . i have never seen a leave media consensus change so quickly. questioning what is reported and what is known. the videos further reinforce a discourse. it is coming out of every sector. a, b is rarely official machinery. they're all palestinians are the enemy said listening post. the codes the media or that just in depth analysis of the days headlines. what is the possibility to think of a wind, the region to breaking out informed opinions, steering to the children and the elders who don't understand why this case is critical? did they start at 1st with banning women their rights to reach occasion and now there is silence seeing their voices in public inside story one of the effect. so read the home, the libyan economy. how while reading is on our josie era,
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the us is always of inside 50 for the world. people pay attention to this one here . and i'll just leave this very good that bringing the news to the world from here . the, the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption excellence award, nominator here on now. the
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iran sends a message to the us via guitar that runs, says the time of unilateral self restraint against israel has ended and warns any is really a task will be met with an unconventional response. i'm so venue, it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life and also coming up, here's the law says it has designated explosive devices targeting is really troops in south lebanon. is really helicopters are in the region trying to rescue injured soldiers capital under attack parts of central the routes and its southern suburb smolder.


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