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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  October 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the, the safe, them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now the there on send a message to the us via castle saying the time of unilateral self restraint against israel has ended and wants any is raining, attack will be met with an unconventional response, the kind of them or i, kyle to sit down to 0 live from the halls are coming up, fighting intensifies on the level as well, and for that has the law says is designated explosive devices targeting is where any troops helicopters are in the region. trying to rescue engines, soldiers,
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newest, ready strikes. has the stronghold in favor, disability in desktop, continues to sol as in time neighborhoods to be left in ruins. and the things that are really shocking to me is the repeated hosting of videos of detaining accumulation, looting, mazda and torch. so i'll just say we're an investigation revealed is really soldiers and legal actions in gaza, which could amount to more crimes. the iranian sources have told us era that to one has sent a message to washington via castle, just days off the foreign, nearly 200 ballistic missiles at israel, running and present by sous possess can have been in the hallway. he met the mayor of castle on a pre arranged visit. sources say that tap on told washington that the phase of
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unit lashelle self restraint has ended. it says any is really, it's hot. we met with an unconventional response that includes targeting is really infrastructure. those are emphasized the necessity of cutting israel and was at close it's unbridled madness. the message ended by reminding the us the wrong does not want a regional or us present. joe biden says he does not believe any is ready strikes against iran will happen on the 1st day as a region 10 say a wait, a response to 10 homes missile attack on israel allow. if we don't allow is really the advisors. how's it going to happen? today well the news conference, the us state department remain tight lips about conversations that washington is having with, as well as any potential action against the wrong we are having ongoing conversations,
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is that conversations with them about the options that they are considering. but i'm going to keep everything about those conversations private, but you have clarity on their planning. we have ongoing conversations and i just don't think it's appropriate for me to, to get into any level of detail, even about the types of things they are considering or, or the types of consultations that we're having. have they take a nuclear sites off the table following the friendships knock? i'm just not going to go beyond what i said. oh, out and visual joins as now from washington. so alan, what did we get from the state department briefing of the? well, it's not a great deal that they can actually say as far as the context between the around in the united states has consent. they pointed out that they have received communications from the radius or intermediaries in the past. and there was the suggestion from the podium that if there had been discussions and perhaps the reports and the media might not be too far off the mark. but certainly the united states was very dismissive of the uranium too and suggesting that they didn't want
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to see an escalation pointing out that it's just over 40 hours since they sent more than $200.00 muscles heading into israel to talk now about the escalation doesn't quite ring true and of course that was the earlier attack by a run this year as well. the united states says that they really support what a run is doing. and so do you really support what israel is doing? and they continue to give that level of support. and so the new, the, we know that these discussions are ongoing between the united states and israel as to bite and pointed out they're not allowing israel to do anything or given permission for israel to do anything that advising. they're saying, look, this is what we want, but it's clear that if israel, where to target the nuclear as sites across, around as to what to fight and has said very publicly, that would be a mess of snap for the united states. indeed, the us aware that this could become a bigger operation leave you say,
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i mean you will consent and you remember this been almost a year. know that the united states has been saying that they don't want to see a wider war. and there is a real possibility that this could escalate the say they're continuing these discussions with israel that asking them what's going on. they've said that theater we have is realized, said there are limited incursions on going about the united states. and the state department is also pointing a bit in us going by israel has talked about how to have been limited ink cartridge into 11, and they have resulted in much longer stays. and in one case, a 15 year old corporation. so they're keeping an eye on what israel is saying, but there is no indication that if this does become a much bigger operation, whether united states would withdraw to support. whether there would be communications between them on a much higher diplomatic level. or it continues to be these discussions between the pentagon and these really, maybe to between the state department and these really for ministry, of course,
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between joe biden and benjamin netanyahu. the joe biden said he was going to have a conversation with benjamin netanyahu after the attacks 2 days ago. the so far be new, read out of any sort of conversation between the 2 leaders. i have very uncertain times, a lot of questions. still to be honest with out of many things indeed. meanwhile at the israel 11 and for the israel's ministry has continued its foaming campaign as its troops fight hezbollah members on the ground. and we'll have new capital by routes as well. yes. right, so once again talk to the sump of known as a stronghold of hezbollah. authorized to say israel has now killed at least 1972 people. and it talks a call. as a bank reports from react in lebanon's bank called valley from the side of a recent strike. as we understand in the south of the ban on his beloved flight, as from the goods on the brigade have designated
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a said explosive device. now what we understand it as it is radius tried to take those, those towns and villages. and in this specific case, the village of model of the russ that has belong, use an explosive device and they say that they caused casualties a month is right. the soldiers now be able to also understand the helicopters on site, trying to evacuate some of those casualties to hospitals. now we expected this as israel zone is grand invasion. it's operation. it was going to face a stiff resistance amongst his beloved white as now is read, has continued to strikes, towns and villages across lebanon on southern border, but not just living on southern border here in the far has seen and increasing the intensity of strikes, taking place now i'm in a town called 3. ok. this strike took place yesterday evening. we understand of a to me solve the struck and i have is a mechanical web shop which is surrounded by residential areas. and then another
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side. then another strength of just taking place. just taking place, not far from here. and this is why so many people are being displaced in the best. all of you understand that for people who are injured, a woman and a 2 children age 13 and 14. but as you just heard, there's been an increase on strikes taking place here in back, a deep inside left and on. and that's why many people here feel that it's already a will. i said big data. they are deadlock when that speak now as well, correspondent and loved these capital. they reduce the jabari and also they were seeing a huge number of huge as strikes over the past 24 hours. most the situation then um the well things continued to be very tensor laura, according to these rarely are made. they have carried over at least 15 harris right
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across celebrities capital on thursday alone. now one of the it's, there's 6 of those airstrikes, at least have been in the southern suburbs and of course it was just the suburbs, took the southern suburbs of freight routes that were targeted. but there were also other areas in the capital that were hit as well this morning. the area of the sure district which is about a kilometer away from the parliament's building here in bear woods was target a. according to these riley's, there were targeting military medical facilities affiliated with has the law in the air strikes, is that the building that they targeted was their residential buildings. it's. they are a lot of shopping areas in the capital and in that area strike 9. paramedics were killed that at least 14 other injured. and there was also another uh target that was hits earlier, just outside outside of ferry, which about 25 kilometers south east of the capital. that is where israel targeted
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the telecommunication tower that on into, on our tv, that is hezbollah television station. now from these attacks it has become very clear that israel is no longer just targeting, as well as military institutions and commanders, but also expanding the scope of the strikes to target at the other structures with in as well as the medical facilities and media facilities. so clearly the scope and intensity of is rarely arch as strikes. continue to increase day by day and those the 11 east prime minister will the can take appointments with speaking a little earlier on thursday. what did he say? a yes, nat geo. because a, the caretaker entering the prime minister again, urging unity and restraints he also called on international or countries that have any sway or power and israel to try and bring an end to this conflict. of course, he said that they are going to need a lot of help to deal with what they call now
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a catastrophic humanitarian situation across at 11 on or nearly 2000 people have been killed. a 1000000 and a half of nearly a 1000000 and a half loving use this place that is on top of $500000.00 sitting refugees and 1000000 and a half syrian refugee. so the infrastructure that was already fragile in this country is at a, at it's a breaking point because it's very difficult for the government to deal with the influx of this place that they are now having to do with certainly the intern prime minister, making it very clear that the 11 on needs help as soon as possible. those are jabari brings the relates as that from there were many thanks. tulsa was. we had an offense report has the law says it's designated multiple buttons against as really troops and the village of my regional ross helicopters have been seen in the area with reports, the bidding used to transfer his rarely solo, which is 9 is where the troops have been confirmed that since wednesday and he's
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ready, military says has pulled as 5 more than $200.00 rockets across the board. us in the morning. many of those rockets were intercepted and no injuries were reported. and the tools that i set it intercepted the drain, flying over something. israel. let's go to him. just tell her she's in jordan's counsel on mine. he's, he's really government has found out. is there a from reporting in israel and a festival? what are we hearing from these really ami a bouts this hezbollah attack and maria now ras? the will. these really army has not released any sort of statements on this attack in which an i e. d, was reportedly detonated. and that's because of military censorship, because of gag orders on attacks like this when they happened, as we saw on wednesday in the attacks in which 9 is really soldiers were killed, the military 1st evacuate solve the casualties. assess is the damage then notifies the families of those who are injured and deceased and then releases the statement
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letting the public know. but at this point on thursday there has still been no word from these really military on that attack. but we have been hearing from the army, chief of staff saying that at least 15 strikes were conducted on the lebanese capital, saying that they were conducted with precise munitions and that they were targeted . but it's important to note that while these are precise munitions that they're using and while these are allegedly targeted strikes, it's not so precise and targeted in a densely populated area of they do it the same way. we have seen this throughout the last year in gaza. additionally, the army chief of staff has said that despite everything that's going on, they are going to continue their advances in southern lebanon and what they're calling limited ground raids, even though it is an invasion into lebanese territory, the army says that they are not going to allow his bola to reestablish anything that is near their southern border and that they're going to continue on with their military operations from the ground and from the air until they say the balance of
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power along the border is restored. well, has by suddenly putting up a fight on the ground offensive and because rain is warning that the group is bringing in weapons across the syrian boulder will communicate to us about that time to as well. these really armies spokesperson in arabic, released a statement saying that the lebanese government should, in fact ensure his vala is not using civilian land crossings for weapons smuggling . the army also said that they have struck other land crossings between lebanon and syria, for that exact reason, but did not provide any proof or evidence for the weapons that they were talking about. and it's important to know that these are claims that have been made by the military throughout the last year in dogs is saying that there are weapons or fighters in homes and civilian areas, and schools in mosques and other infrastructure. and then they proceed to target and strike those areas. but without providing the prove for their claims,
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they say it's based on their own intelligence, but they do not ever provide that evidence to the public. the military is saying, but they are not afraid to continuously act further. and if that means a strike on this land crossing between loving on and syria, it would mean that the 10s of thousands of people who are using it on a daily basis to leave the fighting throughout the country would not be able to do so. nearly 1200000 people and loving on have been displaced because of the ongoing is really a tax comes val who experience the very latest that from on many things. honda, most of that has hair on out as era versus last the african calling me in a historic daily. okay, what tends to try ghosts? trigo silence to maricia spots retains control over key military base the
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the color that we're looking at. so when it's picking out the shemelle, when just picking you up around the eastern side of the array, be and up in ensure that we are looking at a loss. you drive highways, you can see temperature saving doha, still getting up to about city so that you know, in degrees over the next dial. so, oh, is the possibility of a shadow to into that west inside of you? i mean, but again, nothing too much to speak of and look further north, hot and dry, pretty much sums it up, so that is the side of the med last, the samples that we have got plenty of sunshine coming through temperatures around that 30 degree mac. when it's picking up around the pos, processed, we go on through satch, they maybe some what the weather to sliding across the a t and then what was the central part? so from it it's right is just laughing onto coastal fringes. i suspect of action is here. maybe northern areas of algeria also seeing some lavish, have plenty of showers across west africa. look out to the most developing tropical storm here. that will be cold leslie. that's how we can cook out into the more just,
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hopefully, both of those standing out into the promotions over the coming days shall continue across west africa. and they slide the way across the good parts of the tropical belt. and even though to the other side, off the rift valley, it is hot and dry. the south africa the latest news as it breaks or just heard the strikes very close to the school where the display, people are seeking shelter. you can see and the distance with detailed coverage is not just sitting in front of the stack of crossing. we've also spoken to lebanese families for leaving the country from the heart of the story. as road bombing campaign shows, no sign of doubts has below a need to equal the size and how to offense, the killing of exceed the, the
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the kind of getting you were watching out is there a has remind you of on top stories this hour. wrong has sent a message to washington the drafting the situation in the middle east speaking through castle to hong, says the phase of unit actual self restraint has ended. that says any is where the attack will be met with an unconventional response that could include targeting is ready infrastructure. but it wrong says it does not seek a regional. as the law says, its destination forms and stuff is ready. troops from entering the village of marino ross and something that happened on is that the explosions killed and injured is really sold as kind of helps us of being seen in the area with reports that being used to transfer. it's really sort of under the lebanese cultural
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barriers is ready as strikes and once again talk to the top of known as a stronghold of hezbollah. although, as you say, as well as now killed at least 1974 people in attacks across the 11th was ready forces of intensify, best strikes across gauze, killing at least 16 palestinians, full of people were killed in a drain strike in the northern city of bay, blah, here it was killed, was collecting wood for cooking. people are known as the red and my gods. the refugee compton central garza of also reported intense totally shelling an overnight his re, new strike killed at least one pass and then to the another in the center of the strip. and it's really helicopter gunship struck a tent, housing displaced people. the shelter was located inside a school hometown and one of the last remaining clinics in the area. i need my food has moved from darrow balance. of the situations can be this 5 as is still
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very challenging and difficult for 50000000000 populations across the javascript. we're talking about ongoing eric socket from over night time, early hours this morning just within the past couple hours. the sound of the art dealer is on the eastern part of the golfing, in the area all the way spread through the western part of the capital. looking to confirm the total death of the overnight attacks and early hours of this $1.16 people in dropbox city. and then the common for the northern part of this trip where there's really a military target at a residential home. and i saw the roof, the cabman for the modern western part of the lion city, where the an era part just targeted a group of people on their way where they have been silver and collecting woods for the purpose of setting a fire and using it for cooking because simply there is no cooking gas and other necessities available for people to confirm guild, in addition to the,
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the tragedy that keeps unfolding because of the 1000 of unexploded ordnance across the suburban areas. with these really monitor, conducted a ground invasion, leaving behind many of these, unexploded orders were 3 kids reported guys, one of them, the right to the hospital, really losing a lab because of the intensity of the explosion that weighs in an area where they are staying with their families, you know, i'm a district, that's the western part of pine unit, city tragedies, even folding further civilian casualties on daily basis as well as the sea level of destruction that is part of the white dominating the seeing right now is read a new area of genes and turns into a waste of time because of the ongoing contents bombing campaigns. and even more from the central area of the gods with how this guy to hello 0 is gabrielle is on the attended a midday briefing at the united nations as it focused on the situation and gaza in
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recent days. at least 6 schools serving and shelters for displays. people have been struck. that's in addition to a deadly strike on all. i'm all institute for our friends yesterday, which has also been serving as a as a shelter in the west of garza city. i'm you mentioned 6 schools that have been turned into shelters that were struck in the last several days, including a, a school that housed orphans struck by who we believe it was from is really a fire. and it's a secretary general concerned or should i say, how concerned is he with all of the attention or much of the attention right now on loving on iran, israel of course that there are still people being killed every single day in gaza.
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listen for from our part, we are continuously doing our best to keep every humanitarian crisis in the world upfront and center. that's our job, that's our advocacy job. all the people who are suffering while the civilians were suffering deserve the world's attention. however, the pos here is rarely soldiers have carried out different actions in the gaza strip. some of it involve looting killing on the demolition of entire neighborhoods, was there was investigative unit to spend months gathering material that reveals his way the forces occurring out a range of illegal activities. joined the war on garza activities that could amount to war crimes. but just on those reports, the videos posted online byte is right. the soldiers in the gaza strip the address there was an investigative unit to identify the soldiers responsible.
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the during the assault on cancer, the troops, many thousands of photos and videos online. these meetings didn't show up professional on me. they showed all me but a times of past, almost completely lack any self discipline. the unit has built up a database of 2 and a half 1000 social media accounts. and the things that are really shocking to me is the repeated hosting of videos of the teenage humiliation. naked palestinian detainee is with headbands and zip ties on their arm was being paraded around, insulted, mistreated, in many cases, really blatant violations of international law. and yet they keep being posted by the perpetrators. it's really astonishing video to show the intentional destruction
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civilian property. they also show potentially the most serious crimes smart because shooting 3 on on demand, just because the civilian is walking in an area where combat is going on, does not make them say again, it's potentially imagine that the international criminal court would want to look at this is extraordinary fact, but he put based on some video release based on huge, cheap to me, is as kind of quite extraordinary the degree of impunity. a legal experts say the evidence, the unit collected would be of interest to prosecute, as it is a treasure trove, which is very seldom come across such a have that is something which i think prosecutors will be taking a little upset. the investigative unit reached out to his right, the officials for response to the findings. we did not receive one. richard
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saunders was era. the russians, right attack on a gas delivery truck has killed 3 people in ukraine. a drunk exploded, setting several nearby buildings on fire. and happened to new frames trying his legion in the middle of a child was amongst those killed russians. rice also has an apartment building and call she's in easton ukraine, enjoying a nice 10 people. rescue operation is on the way to recover those traps onto the russell cookies as 30 kilometers away from the russian border and has been tugs and frequently since the invasion began to move in 2 years ago. and recently, a pointed nato chief mot, bertha is in chief, what he's been holding towards when the cranium present. for them is lensky with the pharmacy, with pharmacy alliance, his commitments to eventually making ukraine a member says,
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get causing his allies to allow him to use western weapons. the deep strikes into russian territory is present terabyte and then vice president, cala harris, have been visiting. some of the air is affected by her compelling. well, then a 180 people were killed across 6 states. this almost damage could stretch into billions of dollars. 5 and blamed climate change for the extreme weather conditions . and tens of thousands of people in north carolina was still without running water off the almost a week off to the hurricane made landfill. so severe flooding has destroyed pipelines, damage water plants, and costs of power. for at least 87 people have died in the democratic republic of congo after the boot. they were travelling in comp size. the accident happened on lake keys in the eastern part of the country. the owner of the boat is under arrest island. what county has moved from the scene where the ports of the people not far
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from the neighboring area, also go my yeah, the comfortable city or the probably something of people. this is the press. well, they're both doesn't over time this morning when he was trying to reach the portal with hundreds of people you decide. do we have been trying to get the exact number from different people? yeah, they don't know about sauces from what it is. yeah. saying it on the 700 people with reduced started before the arrival of the quote here, from the village or from the nova. well, it's comes of from then, no one of those the cause of this actually that about many people here where the printing for the fact that this is the only possibility of people to the level between the puppies of loved people. they nibbled and put a visual focus even before the village is along the lake here because many roads are closed due to the fighting between the, the, obviously, i mean, the and the m 23 variables. this is why the merchandise and even the populace on themselves to travel. all of them before in majority to using the boats from the fritz area here long be select to travel through the different areas through what
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political board. so we do have the coming over. we were here waiting for our relatives from the nova village in the boat. a few minutes before the accident, the boat crew cooled the migration service and said they were having issues with a boat and a few minutes late to it capsized really quickly, right? it wasn't silence because, you know, i thought a, we have just seen how the about the topic of a really fast. and they went on to the lake. people risk each one of this boat or just a few. and most of them are still trapped under the like. for now we have also been discussing with some people doors away, most of the rest of the team here. the thing that's many people on to em all the definitely i've seen some bodies being taken even with on the left is here from sort of us even from different or jumping us just from the hospital where the cost is due to the number of the victims from this ok, see that here, but for now we have been waiting for your thought it is to give do free so free goes of the victims into dollars wherever you under the treatments of why to know
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all in wake on the oh does it all goma the democratic republic of the okay has agreed to hand the controller bit lost the african calling the off to a decades long dispute. the chair goes, items have been seated to maricia spots. it needs many questions from former residents who were forcibly removed to make way for join to us educate base during the whole report from crawley and the u. k. for years the people of the che goes islands have petitioned to be heard in will courts and that the un they've asked for the right to determine the future. nope. for the 1st time the british government has done it for them. we've been stopping the bar by the beach is government digging over the question of self determination. immunization very important. the take also islands were occupied by person in the lift gate. richard sits independence in 1968. the indigenous to go. seasons became refugee.


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