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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the, the right spot. otherwise, with the strategic downstream industry on your better tomorrow. the . the hello until mccrae. this is the news. how i live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. thousands on demand. and this is realize for each to northern gauze or for some palestinians to leave, as the military moves in his beloved launches, real good sense of the northern is riley town of k, yet, simona killing. at least 2 people. will families forced onto the streets of diversions as well as prime minister threatens to attend living on into another
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guns? plus we boarded up the windows with the metal heating everything up. people in the us state of florida, brice the hurricane milton l. as before, one of the strongest storms on record makes land for the beginning garza with the license. this riley attacks have killed at least 64 pellets. an instance. don't. on wednesday, the siege of northern garza isn't its 5th day 7 you in school with sheltering disciplines, people have been closed and thousands of sling the 5 thing to you in agency for palestinian refugees. and roy has also shut down. hospitals up is rarely forces ordered people to move south milwaukee, and that is a barren strip of land on the south west coast with no water. electricity will send a taishan surfaces as well says it is trying to sell from us from regrouping in the
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north. i'll just here is on a cell sherry for ports from the straight solve jamalia that the base really military ground operation is ongoing against a bali, a refugee. you can't wear hill and the street pulling up to bali. i'll ballade and jamalia can we work with these really forces shooting any one who moves in the street up system displays people who are trying to leave the streets and to escape the scene. also these riley's of set up a number of barriers. they destroyed the number of citizens home the shuttle in order to close the street leading to devalue. these really military has deployed reinforcements here, and there are a number of dead and wounded in the eastern and northeastern areas of the cap. we can hear the sounds of gunfire. dozens of people have been killed in the streets of
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the account. no one can retrieve the bodies. and as you can see ins, yeah. these really all media shooting at i know the very difficult situation with these riley operation in the area and now into it's successive day. the streets have been bulldozed and these rays of created piles of diarrhea is to prevent any movement between jamalia all ballade and her body account. of the city of the main is rebellious, but i am good. the agency doctors without borders as calling on the as far as the military to home, to its fullest evacuation warnings. the licensed order is affected by 100 javante a and by lock you in the north of the strip, the 10s of thousands of palestinians have been ordered to move south to the so called the mandatory and zone between the own velocity and they all follow a 1000000 people are already living and in human conditions in on the wasi,
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doctors without borders says it's unsafe for civilians and i'd work is because of the ongoing is randy attacks and the charity. we don't to say the latest move to forcefully and violently push thousands of people from northern guns and to the south is turning the north into a life. listen to this as well, aggravating the situation in the south. it says people have been subjected to english displacement and relentless bowman for the past 12 months. the statement ends enough is enough. this must stop now. of these rarely miller trees, forced evacuation or does the pushing tell us indians into areas that are also under attack and withdrawn. struck on the 10th an illness rod. richard you came from central garza kills full members of the same family on wednesday. is there any military has kept moving for the 2000 palestinians since the world again and have a honey mcmurry joins us now from dell by law in central garza. and as we said in
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the north, through us is at 400000 people. the tribes will most likely trying to escape. can you tell us what you're hearing from the people that has been able to get out of the news? tom, we've been following this evolving a story since early hours of this morning. this is the 5th day in a row. the reading monetary carry, now deadly attacks on tribe civilians. in northern part of this tribune is doing it in a, in a manner that it will eventually force people out of the northern part of the fit part of a larger plan of making the entire know their part of the gauze, us for quite uninhabitable by destroying the remains of life that have been somehow supporting their existence, their presence for almost a whole year off of june, inside of the practices in genocide those acts on the ground is really monitors is truly out of this morning has been fertile, the entire jump out of the adapting your body of time to devalue you,
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coming from the eastern part of a lot of the most. definitely, aka, that is in control of all the way through the western part of their valley. it down to apple set of traffic circles leaving, leaving one single exit way out of the out of the jamalia area where you set. 7 check points for people to go through. for the coming a few days. it's intensifying bits of tax across the northern part of this trip, including vit tunnel valia and be lazy to where a targeted evacuation center just in j. d is really military fired missiles at 10 sites and sites and the amount of sight of the hospital that's in giovanni and this particular hospital was pushed out of service at the initial months of this genocide of war and turned into an evacuation suited for the 100 of display palestinians whose homes and residential brothers were completely destroyed, have been shouldering in that area,
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seeking somehow protection and until they're inside. not anymore because these really monetary days have forced the majority of people inside the hospital, out of it, did you manage to leave there? you talk about haro and testimonies of what the happy to be under running the ran for their life and their he'll be artillery and kind of the ongoing gary strikes and the fact that the really military deploying advanced a pod captors and surveillance a good the chase people as the leave, the areas where they were told or evacuated from, just creating may have a sense of, of intimidation, a sense of fear and concerns. because that has been deepening, defense of permanent, permanent displays, been close to 64 people have been killed in over the past 5 days. we're looking at a little over a 100 people being killed in this ongoing ground operation in northern part of district. and it just stepped through the to that point into highlight just how dangerous it is there. and it will just there a cameraman,
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has also been hit and targeted by in his riley. drone of the world is really monetary is not leaving you any opportunity to target journalist and people are reporting about the ongoing and crime sit deliberately targeting a journalist across the golf street. but for the past couple days, including today's incident, that was you there at arabic camera man, our colleague in northern park district was shut out by the quad. captors is his injury. the quite severe is in the hospital right now is the report that we heard from the hospital and severe bleeding that he is experiencing. and this is not the 1st time we're seeing this happening just 2 days ago. another colleague from algebra was also hit by 2 sharpie strap. know that pierce into his it's called his in critical conditions as bill of leading goose gary, and think severe hunger is right now. that is affecting the branches in the european gaza hoffman. he was
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a transfer from this hospital behind me because there's simply no medical care inside this hospital. and this is the case everywhere across the gaza strip. there's no medical care available for anyone in particular for the critical cases. like, what are the last part of the 0, a camera man who was hit 2 days ago, and he's now into your view and go to the hospital waiting for the proper medical intervention. this has been going on for the past year. all of it's, these really monetary is suppressing every voice of the criticism that reports that documents and talked about the ongoing crimes against humanity is not only that there are no civil rights available here, but also human rights are not available for anyone. people are not entitled to view the human rights, not even journalists, not even the best that they weren't getting protective. i've just been going on for quite a long time. honey, as always, thank you so much for bring escalate us. the honey mac moved in to o bala laraca the tackling the northern is riley town of k,
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yet simona has killed at least 2 people. a civil life. the rocket said buildings closing fires. his ballasa is a target, is a gathering of is ready for the balance of missiles. is there any media side of the military is investigating was defense systems filed into sent the rockets and this being a staffing attack and these are the town of had there in the high for a district in the north is placed at least 6 people injured, to are in critical condition, police side of the perpetrator has been quotes neutralized and the city schools will be closed until the nurses. okay, for more on the spring and know a guy who's in jordan's capital among this because he is really government has banned al jazeera from proposing in the occupied with bank and from the inside as well. no, i understand you're getting more information about the stepping. what more have you been able to find out? so tom, we know that
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b is rarely police, has identified the attacker as a palestinian citizen of israel. the attack happened in 3 different locations and there are injuring more than 9 people. one of them at least as this is described in very critical condition. of course, this is very concerning for the is really security establishment which has gone to great lengths to separate the palestinian is rarely community from palestinians and the occupied westbank is declared as part of its objectives to make sure that there would be no signs of expressions of solidarity, no protest, no rallies, but certainly not any solidarity attacks if you will. and this comes after 2021 when the war, when another war, i'm god that was raging. and there were wide protests and actions all across israel from palo city and is really a citizen. this is the 2nd attack by it is rarely
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a palestinian is really citizen and the minister of national security. if that might been v or was highlighting the importance of his policy of handing out what funds to jewish is rarely citizens so that they can take out such attackers and save as he said human life. can you also just focus through the real good attack that killed 2 people in as well? how do we know exactly what happened there? and, and how concerned is relas about this? these work is actually getting through as defenses or there's a lot of concerned because these rocket attacks, these barrages are increasing in numbers, but also in precision and in a breach. so we've seen today an attack on caveats. money that killed 2 is rarely is about. 2000 civilians remain in that town and now there are calls for them to leave that area and seek shelter elsewhere. and as will be also so a garage hitching the bay of haifa and also injuring 12 people. there are among
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those people also brain injuries in stuff up just in the past hour. so we saw these really military confirming a barrage of about 90 rockets, some of them hitting directly buildings in that city, no injuries reported. but now, you know, we have to keep in mind. these rallies announced their assault on lebanon, as intended to make is really towns in the north, safe to return those who left those towns back to their homes and to normal life. and now what we're seeing is that these rockets are reaching further deeper into israel kind of putting these really governments in a more difficult situation in front of these rarely public, which is extremely frustrated with the events the end date. thank you so much. no, no, a day for us, the in jordan's capital of mine. so here's the laws of rocket attack on k, yet. simona comes just down was off the as well. it strikes on by route something, somebody down here. the license bombardment caused extensive damage to residential
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buildings. a funding has also been reported in southern living on warehouse by his father to re enroll kids at his riley sanchez, people in the liberties capital i'm being forced to flee their homes as low as is where the attacks intensified. many of trying to find refuge on by root straits and beaches. the united nation says a quarter of lebanese territory is on the fullest is ready evacuation threats. cost reflect from the bomb being from the rockets that were coming to our homes were destroyed. the people for display here, they have been civilian, had on the hot. is there anyone not scared of war? especially that we have a child with that? god help us and help the people to to kitchen naval ships have dealt in by read to evacuate turkish citizens from living on hundreds of jewel nationals have gathered at the don't hoping to board the vessels took a shall, 30 side. they're expecting to transport about 2000 people to the coasting town of
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medicine and southern to kia a little more in this go to dosage jabari now who isn't by route for us. and for this, what we just took us through the humanitarian situation that is happening now and by route, i mean many foreign nationals clearly scrambling to get out and others lifted to sleep on the street so or on the beaches. yes. as v for natural se evacuating the country is not a new development for weeks now. many countries have been calling on the citizens to leave 11 on as soon as possible, and the latest being turkey and sending those vessels to evacuate their citizens. but certainly the, it's an option, the lebanese public, the civilian population here that just simply does not have, not only could they not leave the country, they have no work to go with in the country. they've been forced out of their homes according to government figures. 1.2000000 lebanese have now been displaced as
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a result of israel's continuous bombardment. not only from the areas in the southern level, but also from within the capitol itself. in the southern suburb, we've seen a continuous air strikes. heavy at nights of bombardment by is rarely forces on what they claim to be as low as targets with in densely populated areas. a southern suburbs were one's home to about 700000 people. now, according to reports, we're getting it is, it goes south at warehouse those people vaughan. well, most of them are in shelters. and schools that have been targeted shelters by the government, but also many are forced to take shelter wherever they can. on the streets of the woods. we've seen people sleeping in their cars along the coordination outside of mos in public parks. the question now is what will happen to them in coming weeks and months if this conflict continues, which it looks like it's going to really, it's going to be a serious problem for us, or to fearful already are stretched to their limits when it comes to this country's
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infrastructure, so really people are where it's very worried about what they say is whether or not they'll be able to return home if they have a home to return to. certainly it is a, a reference that is what i was using. now this placement being at what time of war, indeed and on top of that, uh, these ready prime minister netanyahu has told the people living on that they should, a full has blocked out all they face. but coming and now the guys and it was 42000 people now didn't guns. i mean how people reacting, they were living on well, people are certainly worried, but so really warnings from the is rarely officials fall on deaf ears here. but if people don't believe the facts, it's not the 1st time they have heard this kind of rhetoric from the officials in israel. now what people are worried about is that the is really officials are seeing a window of opportunity, what they perceive to be a weak moments in this country's history. when it comes to hezbollah,
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who has shown as a result of these attacks that we're seeing today on presidents a number of attacks onto is really territory. but to people here say that if israel thinks that they can use this moment to as sto, division with in the lebanese a population, it's really miscalculated. so the force displacement has made here to re really come together as a community. we've seen civilians opening up their businesses in their homes, setting up kitchens to free. those that have been displaced, really tried to come together to help the people that have been forced out of their homes. so any kind of a time by israel to use this opportunity to, to create unrest with in 11 on is going to be unsuccessful. according to the people we've spoken to so far. thanks so much to us, advisable to get uh, an idea of what it is like the and by root right now until such a binary for us that are and is,
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riley is try calling. serious capital damascus has killed at least 7 people. the defense ministry says women and children are among that that the attack happens in the neighborhood, housing, civil embassies and security headquarters threatening insect media side. the strike target is a building near its embassy, the the one year of israel's war on guns, and the us remains, as well as the biggest deadline launch a supplier of alms had a sprite, widespread condemnation, and critics cooling him, genocide and joe president button stance on his roland is governance, military and financial support remain. steadfast, a white house correspondent, kimberly how could begins l. special coverage of genocide and cancer one year wrong from the moment israel launch counter attack. it gets to mos on october. the 7th,
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there was little doubt about the legions of the ally, the united states. see this is congress for on pressure the support package for users defense at almost $4000000000.00 annually. the u. s. is the largest supplier of weapons to israel. but in the past year, it's approved an additional $40000000000.00, mostly in military assistance. and the much of that are similar, been used to kill tens of thousands of people in gaza. and now thousands more in level not. initially, a narrow majority of the american public supported israel's war to military, a israel across college campuses. and from within biden's own party has been
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loud and wide spread the siding did pause one shipment of heavy munitions in may, but since then, his support for israel has been unwavering. make no mistake. united states has fully fully, fully supportive this thought with the us presidential election less than a month away. and does the democratic party attempts to hold onto the white house. and the senate analysts argue any cuts to israel's military aid now would be political suicide. in a few weeks before the election candidates are looking for any leverage they can get with any voting block and money group. no one wants to give the other side and on do advantage at all. and god provides israel with a moment of maximum impunity even as the possibility of a conflict between israel and a ron increases. there's little chance the flow of weapons to israel will change,
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regardless of who wins the presidency in november. kimberly held his algebra 0, the white house. the cup is a professor at rutgers university in new brunswick. she says the united states is part of what she called as rounds of genocide and gaza. the u. s. has already shot itself in the foot exposed itself as, as not only supporting is real genocide against the policy and people, but being a primary source of it. this is a us genocide against palestinians. what we're seeing in the expanding waterfront is that this is a us war against air br, james and across the middle east, the continuation of what we saw in the illegitimate illegal attack on iraq in 2003 in that region change. now continuing into the present under the auspices of self defense, but which we must understand as colonial aggression palestinians have not been killed in brutal crossfire. palestinians have been targeted date or the target of
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attack. their destruction is the objective of israel's operation. as much as has been made clear by their deliberate starvation, the attack on the residential buildings, the decapitation of their hospitals, so that they can not even be treated. the denial of safe quarter, the sniping of children twice in the head as we've been tools and they're continuing strangulation. and so the 1st and primary objective must be to end the genocide and none to exact accountability for it. so when we say never again, it means never again for anybody and not just those who exist within european society, as well as us has repeatedly shielded its ally as well. and the un security council living dies into the boy, blocked a resolution. brazil had titled cooling for humanitarian pauses to allow you in agency sites access to gallons of the us say that was prioritizing diplomatic if
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it's on the ground at the time is ready, phone bottom and had killed 3 and a half 1000 palestinians in the same. but it blocked a resolution put forward by the united arab emirates, cooling for an immediate humanitarian se spot of the usa. and this would only plant the seeds for the next 4. 17 and a half 1000 palestinians had been killed. in february, the us rejected a resolution drafted by al jerry a demanding an immediate c spot. instead, it pushed for temporary truce tons of the release of these very captives, i'd say the safe spot i could jeopardize negotiations. now this point is ready, a tax had killed more than $29000.00 palestinians. for more on this, gerald fast on is the form of us invested. it's a human, he joins us now from washington, d. c. thank you very much for being with us. the 1st of all i'm in the us is increasingly facing allegations of complicity and genocide and cools, growing for accountability with how how is it at this point in time to the us to
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continued trying to defend itself and being complicit and what is happening in jobs are and beyond as well. it's a, it's a very good question. it's a question frankly, that divides americans is as well as, uh, as well as the rest of the international community. excuse me. we, we've heard of, you know, the, the allegations we, um, we know what, how strongly divided ministration believes that is correct. not to support israel. and of course we're in the middle of our presidential election campaign that is going to accommodate and about 4 weeks time. and so at this particular junction, i think that the, the administration is committed to continuing on this course. i really doesn't see any alternative to pursuing what happens after the election. i think, well,
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it depends it off a lot on who wins on november 5th. if it was an installation, you would things have been different would button might have pushed back hotter against netanyahu. i think he had a window of opportunity at the end of last year, a couple of months went to the uh to their campaign and gaza, where he could have pressured, the as rallies, harder to agree to a cease fire to agree to an exchange of hostages. for prisoners, but he didn't do that. i think for the, for the calendar turned to 2024. he lost sight that window. whether he psychologically was ever prepared to be the ones who would force the israel or use tobacco off is a, is an open question. i think that an awful lot of wherever we are right now is a reflection of his own history and his own understanding of the region. but uh,
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but in any event, uh for the last, uh, 10 months, we really haven't seen an opportunity where, where he could go, where he could have pressed harder. guessing could have withheld billions of dollars in, in money in military i, that the u. s. has has given as well he kind of done that and again, i think that at the end of last year he had the opportunity to do that. but, but he didn't that it's not entirely clear that withholding assistance. would it have changed the course or what have, of course, put the us in a very different relationship with israel, but whether it would have prevented the israelis from going forward with their, with their operations guys as an open question, of course we'll have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate your inside of this, gerald foster informing us and best of that to human. thank you as well. so
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a huge hit on al jazeera, we report from the flooded farmlands of northern bangladesh with thousands of people have lost the hugs. the hello will have a checkup on how we can milton in a moment, but less thought to south america where we're looking at some really any rain just around the plate, putting into southern uruguay, southeast and pos up for sale. pushing across into power requires quite widespread showers on this, the react to the system and that will drive its way southern north with this we go through with the stainless showers fund the storms, they will become increasingly heavy and widespread by that states. most of we are saying somewhat less i'm whether to the west side of a. so you're using up towards the caravan as usual, scattering a showers for the main orleans off the carpet. but it's all eyes on milton. as you
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can see, it's making it's way and we'll face the direction up towards the west side of florida. so we are looking at a major rightful event. and of course, that huge storm search, which could be maybe 3 to me to so that will cause widespread funding. damaging winds, as well as system makes land full sometime late on wednesday already possible. but 1st, a shabby rain comes back in behind. still further down pulls and it punches its way out still as i heart can. so that will be with us for some time to come. big rifle events or a florida a lot of course the west of the us as long as the fine and quiet the the is really forces seek to silence the true affinity occupied westbank storming and shutting down houses 00 and romano. the truth must be protected and heard, and the stories of real people must be told. this is not just in
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a task on journalism. it's an attack on the world's right to know. journalism is not of coolant or pressing it. since its inception, in 1961, the quite fond has been supporting people's livelihoods. and over 100 countries, by funding projects in an array of sectors ranging from infrastructure to health and education. these initiatives ultimately helped eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development of the
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the you're watching out to 0 reminder of how top stories this, how a run could attack on the northern is rarely town. creat shimoda is killed at least 2 people is really media side of the military is investigating why defense systems filed to into 6 the wrong at least 60 full palestinians have been killed in this riley attacks across kansas and stone. on wednesday, this royal siege of northern guns or is into his fist today, saving you in school of sheltering this place. people had been closed in thousands of playing the fire thing. and you as president joe biden is speaking to, is there any problem, mister benjamin netanyahu for the 1st time in weeks about as well as plan to retaliate? i talked to around, carried out the ballistic missile attack on this for us is sending vast amounts of american weapons to israel events allowing it to sustain it's more
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on cancer defense. it is a, it looks good, helpless, takes a look. the united states has been by far the chief support of, of the as well for the war on garza, the numbers a simply staggering washington is allocated over $21000000000.00 worth of military aid to be spent only on american made weapons. in the past few and more than 500000000 chicago plays a 107 ships supplied israel with 75000 artillery shells. 14900 kilogram booms. 6500. 226 kilogram bones. 3000 hill, 4 missiles. 1000 bunker, buster bones. $2600.00 ed dropped small dime. it's a bones to give you an idea of the scale of destruction waltz and the goal is to strip in the last year. let's compare some of the numbers with the events of the 2nd mobile. $15000.00 tons with explosives were dropped on hiroshima $21000.00 tons of nagasaki,
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the bombing of dresden $2700.00 plus the destruction of humbug. at 16000 tons and the 5 bombing of tokyo and 1945 record 1510 tons of explosives. all of which adds up to a total of $56210.00 tons. still nowhere near the staggering 85000 tons of high explosives. israel has dropped from gaza. what are the most densely populated areas on this? and there's no way to go for its people. what's more on this will house and joins us now from london. he's a political economist, olsa, and june list. thanks very much for being with us here. on l just, sarah. first of all, i mean those are extraordinary numbers in the us has approved $40000000000.00, mostly, and military support. i mean, that's an extraordinary amount of money. i mean, how dependent has this real pain on that to carry assets for?
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well, not completely. i mean that's the, that's the really honest truth. i mean they, they are amazing numbers. by the way, i mean they to, to learn that the amounts of a kind of bomb it too much. it weighs the bones drops on guns or exceeds that all those cities during the 2nd world war is really extraordinary. i mean, reading story, right? saga tree, and of course the sky with those inputs for the state loose that are a big but i mean just to put it in context to mean these rate is we'll spend $70000000000.00. it is said of this war uh which the americans are surprised. but 20000000000 and they are very, very substantial. um and essentially if they're red uh, and a huge army and the guy substantial kind of ass last. they have a they, they come to, they could have done what they've done to the degree they've done it without, without us. ok,
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that's the question. but they could have done substantial damage or tournaments they own their own. and that's, that's the reality. i mean, this is a, this is a, it's a 9 and a half 1000000 people. i have a, uh, an 175000 strong on a half a 1000000 reservices. so it's a, it's a, it's a militarized society. it's the middle of charlotte economy. it's just the, the sheer amount of money that's being spent on this, i mean, whose it does anyone actually making money? i mean we, we often talk about the industrial military complex in the united states. so obviously being hugely and pulls into that is people profiting off this, that was to donations to the same what's happening and i mean, there's always in no one's profiting, you know, they live in a know, oh god sort of westbank. these really economy is not going so well. i mean,
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the economy is actually flat lining. it may be in a recession of an incredible tensions. i mean, when you have a, you know, was everybody between 18 and 30 is not, has it been cause apple gone through and you know, the, the as a ministry, and that's pay for us that immense kind of loss of kind of manpower more than pi. uh, atrocity is where the economy of some industries are really like like tourism and construction that are people kind of moving out and moving that operations out of israel. so i don't think that you can fairly say that is rather profiting from this . it's got it back against the wall. i mean, i think the worst in question is, how long could it sustain this level of, of, of, of, minute traffic is. i've states the, however, who are supplying this because of the shows on these bones. and the real kits,
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i mean, i presume that that'd be manufactured by private contracts is and i assume that that doing so i'm making a profit and i'm assuming that that production i wouldn't have taken place if this will haven't taken place. and any consequence, they'll be making the 1000000 profits. oh you said they have that. uh, the more interesting question was how long can as well sustain this? what can you on to your own question? i mean, is this just going to continue the noise? i mean, the honest truth is that in rule does that consistent underestimate of people's capacity to both resist bombing um i'm thinking of the, the way the ukrainians. i kind of able to resist extraordinary kind of missed the
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tax on them. and i'm sure the russians and the russians, it's underestimated that an israel, i suspect, may be underestimating the degree of resistance digital encounter both at 11 and not. it hasn't counted in and gaza and, but you can turn it around. i mean, i think that, that, i mean it's very difficult for me, you know, look around and i don't know, it was ever been. so it kind of is right. and you already know what you've read in the brown reports. you see, but i mean the, they have, they are lazy, this is a constant, a generation shots to kind of okay, get jersey. so, i mean, i think that you didn't physically do this for this. we could go on for at least of the 2 years. but couldn't go for longer than that. i doubt it. okay, thank you so much for sending to talk to you. we really appreciate your time. this will pass on the political economist or the engine list. thank you very much. i. the western governments have been accused of hypocrisy with double standards,
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slight bit, and their reactions, as well as war. it stands in stark contrast with washington's approach to russia, and it's for a new crime and has diminished the credibility of what you as administration and vote time. and again, the idea of an international rules based order is that look at some of that contrast. the reason makes clear that there have been atrocities committed by russian forces. we support a range of international investigations into rest of the atrocities in ukraine, including the one conducted by the licensee. united states fundamentally rejects the announcement today from the prosecutor of the international code for that he is applying for arrest warrants for senior is really officials together with warrants for her mazda terrace. the, i believe most of us share many of the same goals. first and foremost,
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we want to see an immediate and sustain cease fire. 3 of those in favor of the director is the original raise their hat. how the extension the speech hard to look at, what she's doing in ukraine. what his forces are doing, any crane and think that any ethical, moral individual to justify that. and being honest about the fact that there have been civilian casualties and that they're likely will be more, is being honest because that's what war it's, it's brutal, it's ugly. it's messy, i've said that before the
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yesterday, cousin 5 and said that in his opinion or crimes have been committed a new thing. personally, i agree intentionally targeting civilians is a wordpress. after all the destruction of the past few weeks, i find it difficult to conclude. the russians are doing the message that i bring israel is this. you may be strong enough on your own to defend yourself, but as long as america exists, you will never ever have to. we will always be there by your side in spring and they'll just hear a senior political analyst now on the shower. he's in london and joins us now. thanks so much for being with us again. by one, i mean this, these, the contrast they had between the us and how it speaks about russia and ukraine and is roland guns are, is a standing ready for the 1st of all. can we just talk
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a little bit about the, the money that the united states has given is around $40000000000.00, mostly in military support. that has an extraordinary amount of money, a given just how small and contain sounds or is yeah, i think uh, is probably quite important for us to understand this by contextualizing just putting it in its historical context for uh, doors around the world who don't really know about the extra of this relationship america does not get this right. the 1st 20 years of its existence between 19471966. hardly any money, even though that's what it is or it was, it's for us. in 1968 minute after the 1967 more. it's america quite doable. it's us. it's military assistance says right in 1968 is i've got far more than the entire 20 years looking for 2 separate and 6 is of and
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from then on after and each and every war. after that, i few seconds before i'm not the 73 war again, for the 1974 across the 1982 invasion of 11 on the side lining of egypt in the cab there is, of course, again, is it as a market it is, are quite rocketed after the law in the context of the war on terror in 2002. i did the american age quite opposite again and such as missing $40000000.00 each 10 years. so this, i started logic if you were to the increasing american, minnesota it is are based on the fact that as is the performs on behalf of israel as a subject assets. it gets a lot of money under charge. it's like a mercenary. you told me about the historical context, obviously, i mean, looking forward, what legacy does this all leave the us with?
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well, this is you were talking earlier about the international rules based border, right, which is very different by the way from international law. but what is the dimensions of who's based on what does that we're talking about when it comes to ukraine and as rise? well to put briefly, it's american rules. as america rules, you saw a medical device doing woods for the world as america dominates the world. but they call it international based tools that set that up. in fact, america has devised a new system by the international law on the united nations, where america and it's all lies, would be basically, is decreasing what is right and wrong around the world. enhance the russian invasion and occupation of you play is wrong is really occupational find a sign is right. it's as simple as that, right?
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so a month, i think it's what struck and what's wrong. it's ok for these radius to can more than 40000 palestinians and some 20000 children. it's not ok for us to get a single new queen. they decide what is right and what is wrong. that's this just my one is it was fascinating to talk to you. thank you so much for giving us the advice. so content smile on the sharp edges. here is a senior political analyst. well, since the side of the world gaza, thousands of jewish american activists across the u. s. have been cooling for us, the spot and advocating the palestinian liberation that we spoke the on the a student activist, and found the of columbia university's jews for cx. 5, this is his story. my name is avalon garter, and i'm a student activist at columbia university. my family moved to the west bank when i was 13 years old. it was
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a very different environment. california. my process for re evaluating my own movies with a gradual one, but truly i would say the marks for turn when from move the end, the seafront ality tourism was the berries pivotal turning point for me. as i was able to see what was effectively of people protests that with a tremendous amount of violence from is really if you're ready for it, i was unwillingly drafted into the idea in 2020. i contacted the objected. so read off to the 2021 is our gaza work. i spend 4 months over the course of, uh, a for marshals and 6 imprisonment in military detention in the wake of october 7th, i honestly remember very little. i was pulling my family every day and i was trying to live in my grief also realized that their feel like
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a place for me authentically organized on campus is the language that i want the message that i wanted to look forward. i participated in the cabinet last spring, despite not aligned the use of many of the people who were, who were in a because i believe that those were goals that were, were fighting for it. i saw that when things are quiet, nothing on a founder and lead organizer in columbia university. if these were the fire, we are an organization that is fighting for a collective of race. and of all people, especially as rarely palestinians who are suffering under the current is really government and under israeli occupation of the west bank and gaza. and i believe in the jewish community is ability to recognize that this is authentically a better way forward for everyone. because piece and and in
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a strong bayver are things that are better for, we've been warned. so hit hit on to 0 in mozambique folks, and the presidential election man could see the ruling policy extend its 49 years in pounds. the business latest is sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination in dubai. the
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business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the, the us state of florida are as pricing for the 2nd hurricane in just 2 weeks. our can. milton is moving toward florida, gulf coast and is expected to make land full later on wednesday, with intense winds and
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a life threatening storm surge. we have hundreds of state search and rescue personnel on hand $26.00 total teams. they are currently imbedded in the potential impacts sites along the west coast to begin immediate rescue operations. as soon as the storm passes, the national guard is deploying 6000 florida national guardsmen as well as 3000 national guardsmen from other states. and we have 500 tactical vehicles, including a 180 high water vehicles, aerial water, and ground national guard search and rescue teams. this is the largest florida national guard search and rescue mobilization and the entire history of the state of florida. as a correspondent and heidi jar, castro is in florida with more and how people are preparing debris from the last hurricane helene, that struck less than 2 weeks ago, still litters this template neighborhood workers are raising to remove that to for
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hurricane milton arrives in terms of these shards of damage homes into projectiles . milton is predicted to be the biggest storm to hit tampa in a 100 years with winds likely topping 200 kilometers an hour when it makes land fall late wednesday. heather rolston, liz minutes from the day she and her family watched as the leaves flood waters rose to her kitchen counter. we've got water up to about here. so our house is somewhat destroyed, but that's okay. when we build, she says at least she hadn't started renovations yet. that makes leaving a head of milton a little less painful. well i have a house to come back to. obviously we prep everything is off the floors. so hopefully it will be salvageable. all of this area is under a mandatory evacuation order, along with 1000000 people across the gulf coast. in the state of florida,
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the highways out towards the coast were packed with people, leaving in the opposite direction. president joe biden approved an emergency declaration for the state and cancelled a planned trip to germany to wait out. the storm under evacuation or order is issued evacuated now. now now you should have already evacuate. it's a matter of life and it's a matter of life. and the rescue workers are especially concerned about an expected storm surge of 3 and a half meters. we will have before landfall 8000 national guard for the state of florida that will be activated. we have already on hand 34 different search and rescue aircraft. we've never were had this many resources prior to a storm. people across florida have become accustomed to filling sandbags to protect their homes from a growing number of intense hurricanes, fueled by record warm waters in climate change, hydro, castro elders 0, tampa,
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florida, media or ologist. davidson phonics, explains now what residents in florida can expect. it, we can see the size of mil to look how big fat is it, is at least the same length, the same breath as much of florida. so it is a ring full event, a rice across florida, and is continues to drive its way in that general ne, the direction clearly picking out the i was full that as it runs across the gulf of mexico, picking up those weights to around 260 kilometers per hour, a category 5 stall, and then heavy rain flooding a life threatening storm. such a storm search could be around 3 to 5 meters. we're looking at an excess of a $300.00 millimeters. the frame is that the system continues to run across the west coast. so i have a night's wednesday to the 1st day that was the pitch as you slowly might make his way further northwards and a swift, widespread,
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heavy rain for many punches its way for us to go through us the stay still a hurricane. i cannot a category 5 just to have them land for incidentally, it's likely to just dip a little by then it will push the damaging waves, the flooding, right right across the southeastern corner. grassy coming back in this we go on for friday, brought us guys coming in, but quite a rush. i was still a brisk when i'm students that still a concern for the east coast of florida. a larger than most. and baker choosing a new presidents in parliament and an election that's expected to extend the ruling potties 5 decades in power. and the poll is mike the end of president phillip. nice these 2 terms and office is really not a pod. he has put forward daniel chapa as has potential success, and the electro commission says it's running a free and 5th or the best disputed by right scripts can with, has moved from mos and takes capital here in the food side. vices of wasted it fast in pouring rain lights up in human heat. coming cost said the names
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a check on the elect to register. right, great. i'm the physician says full of problems like groups say, really a 1000000 guys votes is on it. he things exist. and they say that the moving freely, my policy controls the electoral commission, the police on the cool for lima. i'm the election commission to deny it. and i'm from commission says it's running a free in fact, whole 3 nights failed and it's young. you have a candidate to try and extend its full c 9. yeah. room sunny traffic has tried to distance himself from for lima, cost corruption, scandal election. i'm at least say opposition candidates. the non c. i'm on go on a present. the greatest challenge for lee. my room, people are waiting to see if mozambique many young people will accept the results that are now. malcolm web out to 0, the to say mozambie 50 ryans have triggered slash funds and lend slides in northern
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bangladesh. at least 8 people have been killed so far, but that number is likely to rise. thousands of taking refuge in government run shelters is risky. will patients continue to have that challenging reports from northern bangladesh? just as the water begin to restate in the country south is a new city or flooded. the country is not displacing tens of thousands across several districts. many are reluctant to leave their homes and help is slow to come . but most of course, we don't have any fresh water for drinking, nor can we cook food under this condition. we are just barely living on dry suit. it is stuff for us of the region is familiar with flash floods, but this is one of the worst thing over 30 years. turbo and rivers swollen by heavy rain and water from upstream india bridge several flood production and bergman causing widespread flooding in northern bangladesh. thousands of people are forced
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to move homes and farm land, severely damaged. members of the armed forces with the help of volunteers are leading, rescue and relief efforts in flood damaged areas of his groups. people told them today we faced real difficulty and rescuing people as that was too much water and on the car. and most of us hello to people here kind of distributing relief. and there was not much help coming from other sources. recovery for our many rural farmers could take months or even years. but even if there's a home good, bad, the damage and all the crops that are prompted got washed away, it's a total loss. there is nothing left for us. climate experts, one the changing rainfall happens in the himalayan region, could lead to even more devastating natural disasters in bangladesh. tunbridge audrey, i'll just say the shepherd, northern bangladesh, of all that. so for me, tell them the credit for this news. how there's plenty more use the on our website
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did sound 0, don't com. i'll be back in just a moment though with more of the days use to stay with us the through centuries of expulsion and persecution, an ideology was form that was appropriate. jewish identity facilitate the creation of israel and fragments within the western world. order. in the 3 part series, the big picture charts, the rise of the still religious states from an imperial proxy to an indispensable copy of the west and examines how this alliance has granted design this project, global and punitive. civic picture. how israel won the west part one on the jersey a they tell us that he's waiting for says do not differentiate between palestinians and your you're probably the west bank at international activists. majesty rooms, weights and areas on the floor was of dollars as possible on your own side.
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500000 is realise rally utilities for deal to bring back the remaining is really captive. the ones as continues in many tell us that this stream from the cells where it goes up, prisoners were held to tungsten every single person, these exhausted, sick and long passed the limits of their in doing the, the, the safe,
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them even come in as an international insight corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the thousands on the move is israel lays siege to northern guns are forcing palestinians to leave as the middle tree moves in the, until mccrae, this is al, just here alive from talk will. so coming up is belie, launches rockets into the northern is riley town. it's k up shimoda killing at least 2 people. us president joe bonding and it's funny. prime minister benjamin netanyahu hold the 1st phone cooling weeks.


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