tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera October 26, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST
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the international filmmakers world class. so what's the plan here to that question? the most important part is that we get attention to the climate crisis. bring programs to form an expired on al jazeera, the, a thought rogers really missiles as low as into to around explosions. i heard across the uranium capital and other provinces, the bottom down. jordan, this is obviously are life and also coming up as well says it's not complete to the number of precise strikes against military targets in turnaround. when it sunrise in the rainy and capital, these are pictures of freedom square where life seems normal as
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a country says these radio tax were intercepted in northern gauze, or these randy ministry storms come out at one hospital. the last medical facilities still functioning in the area and conduct mass arrest. the back to back is where the strikes on residential buildings and a southern something that the payment the for the cisco know 400 g m t that 7 30 am in to ron. and israel says it's completed his response to a ron's attack on october. first is ready, minister says that carried out what it called targeted and precise strikes against military targets is not wanting iran again, some new round of retaliation. iran says the spikes we intercepted. i know the minor damage was sustained. whatever on the defense headquarters issued the
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following statement, saying, despite the previous warnings from the officials of, there's dominic republic to the criminal and illegitimate design is wishing to refrain from any adventurous actions. this fake regime launched a preventative attack early this morning, targeting certain military facilities in the provinces of terror on cuz this done, and this aggressive action was successfully intercepted. i'm counted by the countries integrated at defense system through minus the damages were caused in some areas. and the extent of the incident is currently on the investigation next week to our correspondent rachel said, are you joining us live from taylor on rachel? so these readings now say their attacks have been completed, just remind us again of what happened during the night across the country and in particular into around where you obviously well see our entire around gave her a 2 waves off as rally attacks. the 1st one happens has happened, around 2 am, after midnight here local time in to arrive,
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and then 3 hours following that you have heard of the explosions off. the 2nd of these up is ready attacks you run use of course here are saying that they are in the system that the explosions, the phones that were heard were from the running, even fast system being active and, and also interfering. the is riley, they of strikes here. so we have seen that is we have has target a several places across iran. so it was a stand alone. and the terror also means a north of the company, east and the soul of the country. however, the, at the center of the strikes was definitely the wrong capital taylor a man it's, they have tried to attack the, a of the 5 systems of iran and the missiles and throwing bases. however, so far iranians are seeing that they have not achieved the rule. all of these attacks has caused just a limited damage, but now this is daylight. and perhaps in the coming hours that going to see the
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real security law of the damage. and you're going to see whether there are any casualties or not so far. the rental officials are not reporting any casualties. they're seeing that they are the, are the 5 system. and these had created multi legal see of the 5 system has delivered properly and test function properly. i mean be there to pick on it as a success of it when it comes to the public order. so today just now just tell me that go, it was the sunrise, and now people are going to work is the 1st working day of the week. and when we look at the street, the seems that like another organ of the morning into a wrong address will tell us a bit more about the official statements. some of the rain you know, far different how they might respond to this is randy strikes. well, they have said that now you're wrong, preserves the rights to the, to, to, to, to attack israel now, because that has been to consistent position of the iran in the sense tbs, like since the october 1st,
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when you're on the bars nearly to have the ballistic besides on israel, so you around is repeatedly have said that the policy that that runs adopting is tit for tat. it means that if israel attacks are nuclear facilities, we are going to hit their nuclear facilities if has ran, that takes our oil and gas reserves water, especially areas that are going to ship the oil and gas, the desert, and they are very special. they are so they were all these could be that their response is going to be according to the is rarely attack. now, she has the ability to preserve and the right to attack. however, when and how to which the game it's not could be a for now, just let's remember what and despite honey is the 4th and the 4th a bureau chief of how much was assessing aged on july 21st. the law said that it is going to attack israel bucket to nearly 2 months to response. so whether this is going to be the case or not, we do not know yet. however, they have created that they are going to respond. on the other hand,
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you run the ins ho repeatedly saying that they are not keen to see a full out region of water as well. that's a great matter of the concert. so whether you random officials here in town or regarding these attacks have happened tonight by israel. our reason for pro put him stronger response from either on or not. we are going to see if that's in the coming days. all right, the rest will set our life for us the entire on russell. thank you for so long ago these randy ministry spokesman daniel had already made the following statement. i cannot confirm that we've completed these randy response to ron's attacks against israel. we carried out targeted and precise strikes against miniature targets any wrong. i'm for the immediate threats to the state of israel. the idea of mission was completed. if the regime and iran makes the mistake and starts a new round of escalation, we will be obliged to respond that spring. and mohammed jump june. he's in jordan's capital of mine because there's where the government has bounded out as they are from reporting inside as well. and in the occupied westbank mohammad,
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these ready spokesman, get it by short statements. and israel's attacks against iran on completed focus through what is really officials that said throughout the night on their operations . that's their 1st. let me mention that we've just seen a new statement posted on twitter or from the as rarely army that adds detail to what had g r e had stated earlier. i'm just going to read you a couple of portions from this new statement. it says that these really army has completed a precision strike against military targets in several areas. and the ron and response to the attacks carried out by the iranian regime, against the state of israel and it citizens over the past months. all of our aircraft return safely to their bases. it goes on to say, air force aircraft, guided by intelligence, have attacked the means of producing missiles, launched, but you're on towards the state of israel over the past year. as these missiles constituted, direct and immediate threats against the citizens of israel,
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iran surface to air missile systems and other air capabilities were also attacked, which were intended to restrict is really air freedom of action in iran. so there you have some more detail, some more clarity. finally from the as really army with regards to the scope of these attacks. obviously confirmed from a gary earlier as well that they have said that these attacks are now over. but also confirming that there were is really aircraft or participating in the strikes and that those aircraft have returned. now the question is, what exactly is going to happen next is real, of course, is threatening iran to not retaliate further. essentially they're saying they consider this matter closed unless the ron were to were to then carry out some type of counter strike. we don't yet know what the wrong plans to do. we are also going to be getting more details from the israelis going forward. we had heard one more thing i should mention or the course of the last several hours is that the is
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really leadership, the cabinet of israel's, and actually approved the strike plan and a phone conversation they had friday evening with this really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and these really defense minister jo off the lot, darren. and what about the home from come on that is ran itself on. whereas the national alert readiness in terms of a defense of civil defense. what does that stand at the moment? as we've heard twice now from the israeli army over the course of the last several hours that the home front command directors had not changed. that means that the is rarely army. the defense establishment is not warning. anybody in israel to take further precaution at this time? now that indicates that israel, for the time being at least feels that they are not under any kind of imminent threat of counter attack from iran. of course, this is a fluid situation. it's a dynamic situation. this can change minute to minutes,
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hour to hour. obviously often times over the course of the past several months you have had, is real, changed the directives day to day when they feel they are under more threat of attack. as of now, since they have retaliated against iran and completed this strike, they have not yet raised the alert level. but obviously the israelis also continue to say that they could change that and change their guidance towards the residents throughout israel at any time during monmouth junction life as the in my model. thank you. well, let's take a look at the critical events that have escalated tensions. between israel and its regional neighbors in april as well conducted a strike on a ron's consulate in damascus. getting 13 people, including to iranian ministry. come on this. 13 days later it wrong last about 300 miss 1000 rooms directly. it is ready territory mocking the 1st time to iran had conducted a direct michelle strike against israel. in july,
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i'm asked political chief smell honey. i was killed in an abstract photography these accommodations into iran. they've talked to place the day off to honey attend to the no variation. so many other ons. new president must who possess scheme in september of thousands of handheld pages and will control cars used by, has blah dramatically exploded across lebanon, syria, in, on his way to attack. getting 42 people is really ministry. them launched on extensive operation and live in a of the 660 strikes against has blocked targets by the end of september. as ballade, secular general has done us while it was killed, is rentals expanded at supper. ations to include a ground offensive into southern living on october 1st, around on another significant attack against israel, firing some $200.00 ballistic miss out to around said it was in response to is really miniature operations in gaza and 11 on as well as the kidding. i've seen him us and has block leadership fitness, splitting the us defense. again, this is the statement saying secular defense lloyd austin spoke with as well as
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defense minister. you have go on to receive updates on israel strikes on minute photography and iran austin re offending. i am tied commitment of the us to as well as security and right to self defense. emphasize the need for the united states to defend this personnel and is ready partners across the region. and the us is determination to prevent any active from exposing tensions or expanding the conflict in the regions. let's look at our cost funding. how does your cost structure jones us live from washington dc. heidi so these riley is now saying the strikes i've finished. has it been any more reaction then from the state department, the pentagon on israel's operations every night? what more they say yeah, there's confirmation. now from the senior us administration official that indeed these attacks are over. he said that the u. s. was not directly involved in this military action. of course, we know that president biden and vice president harris have been briefed and have been keeping updated on the situation. and according to the administration, the us has judge. this is really
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a tax to be targeted to be proportional to be low risk to civilians and according to the senior administration official to be effective in terms of what well he said that he believes that this is really attack is effective in deterring the ron and degrading its capabilities to again launch and attack on israel like the one on october. first he said that the u. s. again was not directly involved but is aware of what the targets were in this attack. so he would not divulge that information saying that information was come from those rarely military. and he said that the us believe this is the and the should be v and a fire. and this tit for tat military action between iran and israel and issuing a warning to iran saying that the us will be at israel's defense if there isn't the retaliations from iran and that there will be consequences from the u. s. as far as
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the us and is really coordination for this, they have been in constant touch a while this attack was unfolding. the us have been secretary with austin was on a phone call with your uncle on his counterpart in israel, in which austin reiterated. as you said, that iron clad support from the us for israel's defense. and he also emphasized that the us has sent this anti ballistic mil ballistic missile battery, to israel, along with a 100 us service members to operate at calling this it enhanced force pastor from the us. and of course are still the diplomatic. a question of when this wide or regional wars will end, a secretary of state antony blinking, happened to be landing in washington just as these attacks were on full day. of course he had been coming back from the mid east where he was doing shuttle diplomacy with many of the parties involved. now that by the ministration saying it
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is the this should be the end again, of the tit for tat military exchange between iran and israel. and also that it is that it must happen without delay, be negotiated, diplomatic ending of the war between israel and hezbollah, as well as his real and moss saying that the contours of an agreement are in place and that again, the cease fires and the return of the captives from us must happen without delay. okay, how does that castro live for 7 washington? heidi, thank you. let's bring it down to me. 11 sine. he's the author of the finest on the bar trip book on israel's arms and surveillance industry, who joins us live from sydney. anthony, always good to happy with ourselves. israel says this was a limited, precise operation. it's not finished. what's your assessment of the strikes on iran and what are the chief it was largely performative. and what i mean by that is that is where i was always going to strong key wrong. i'm wearing this at a very dangerous tips. projects process, which obviously has been escalating,
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unlock, minimizing it, but this was not something that i think is wrong with the one to have done. what i mean by that is, and the us now probably put some breaks on what he's around was targeting. my sense is speaking to various people that he's around, would have liked to have gone off the oil facilities, or given nucleotide gets within the ron. israel did not do that, and my sense is that on the anthony blinking or bided or harris, so someone in ministration service is not going to happen a week out from a us selection, which is on a knife edge. and i will go to trump, especially oil prices, suddenly spike in the coming way. so what is it and shave, not much, frankly, from these rails perspective, because the rules of the game have not changed from these rallies, committing absolutely beyond woods, ethnic cleansing, and northern gals, or even just were getting out of them. what i'm hearing is just apocalyptic. the war and guys that continues the southern part of cancer in central 11 and also continue so it tends to be wrong. there is no real interest on the uranium side to
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have full blind will. and i would even argue on these riley side. they do not want full blind won't because they know that with that american support, that will will not be won or even for physically just i'm not some interesting point. you may accounts me because we know the by the ministration has been urging . these are ways to, to limit, to calibrate it's retaliation. i'm not hit as you say, a range of nuclear and or them gas facilities. but on, on sort of broad level how, why, what is the bottom administration about how israel is prosecuting these was, and these direct attacks on the wrong. i mean, on one hand, i wish i could say the same concern son. the fact is with 12 plus mounting to this, everything situation in gas 11 on and beyond. and the u. s. has been israel main ben effect. uh and um, uh, and found us. so yes, they expressed some concern publicly from the state department and even harris. so by didn't know anthony blink, and i mean it's always a, i've concerning sign,
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one entity, blink and get sent back to the middle a. so you always know that violence is going to go out. that's been the case. mountains off the mount optima. i mean, i think the us does not want to have full blind war in the middle east because it's about to be us selection. but even if there was an election done since despite the last 12 months that washington actually wants to be alongside these relative full blind, well with the right, even though they don't particularly like the rulers into wrong. so in some ways it's almost like israel is the unruly child that the us has no interest in writing me. and it's often the case that i've asked in the last 12 months, who exactly is a sick that now here it is. these are out or is it the us because often it feels like israel is the one in shots. let me get a final thoughts from you and somebody. um this is most of like a personal anecdote with them in israel is not in direct confrontation, as you pointed out with iran in addition to which was in gaza. it's more 11 on his
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railways and jewish people around the world feel much safer as a result of all this conflict. to look into a really good question, i'm going to guess i would cite of in which jews you're asking. i mean, certainly from my perspective as someone who is jewish, and i think a sizable proportion to do use in the diaspora. we feel dispatch that this is making full of us and the main people in general not just use that far less safe. i mean, these are out of the lease is around a completely, with that restrained the d. d. humanize ation was saying the racism is displayed by is really actions. he's terrific. and did you ask me to how to res rarely use feel about it again, how to generalize that many support? what he's riley's doing, i mean it's in yahoo if it was an election now, he would likely when with a fall right coalition. now, of course, the resilient j to oppose what he's doing, that that's hopefully true, because i think you have to not forget the minis. riley's, do not want to see what he's real,
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he's doing in gaza. okay. will be on the media is not to bring them and they're not curious to find out so, but many jews including made destroys beyond belief taylor and then always got to get your thoughts and you and honestly sounds great. thank you very much indeed for talking to us. thank you. i was supposed to come here and i'll just say we're including more than 430000 people across the border from 11 on to syria. that the majority of the room said the decade long civil war for a better life. and 11, more in that state, the culture we've got a little bit of cool and damp weather across the middle east. at the moment you see this line of cloud, just the most of us here in casa very heavy, right? and i think that will cause some flooding into central parts of saudi arabia, maybe to the north of re add some live. it shows to just around the red sea coast
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temperatures, disappointing q weights just $23.00 degrees and i to 9 degrees below the seasonal average. killed enough in baghdad as well to pick up and q weights as we go one into sunday. still a few showers full central saudi. think we should just about stay dry here. little breezy in concept temperatures around $32.00 degrees, somewhere, whether between the black sea and the caspian sea, so winfrey, weather as well across the cool pacific. see where the heaviest, right and snow is lottie. to pay much ducky, i will be dr. settled. the brisk went into the eastern side of the mad, which ways off as we go on into next week. meanwhile, of a sort of mediterranean weston area saying some outbreaks of fried so heavy rain coming in across northern algeria. northern parts of morocco slipping further south with the seasonal showers about where they should be across the central bound. meanwhile, we'll see some wet and cooler weather coming into the far south of south africa.
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the interrogate. the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the jens, a challenge the rhetoric. yes. say lisa. correct. but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without the the
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book i'm actually watching out. is there a quick reminder on top stories here this out as well says it's completed his response to ron's attack on october. first is really ministry says it carried out what it cool targeted emphasized strikes against miniature targets. it's not wanting around against a new round of retaliation. mean on iran says the strikes with intercepted i know the mine of damage occurred. officials condemned the attack as aggressive and provocative as dodge in the public to maintain com, the, to northern gauze on where the health minister says is ready forces of storm the come out of the one hospital depending hundreds of stuff. patients and despise people. but you insert as deeply disturbed reports of the right and the last functioning hospital in the north is ready forces have repeatedly attacked hospitals across, gone. so since the war began, leaving behind the dozens of mass graves, obviously it was funny my, who report some data about in central guns. it's
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a recurring horror for palestinians. some of the last images from canada when hospital in northern god, hard to distinguish where the wounded on the floor becomes a debt. this was the last minute go facility for nearly 400000 deceased palestinians. on friday, as regular troops, the over activist se meant on some boys were rounded up for us to undress, interrogated and arrested. a patter on repeat across the hospitals in garza for $385.00 days during grim choices. be bombed in their homes or risk being shot if they tried to flee. 1000 have been forced to move yet again. once the largest rep is you coming, garza knows your value is a desolate graveyard where body is light in the streets. is really bombings, have disfigured the roads,
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and these rings soldier have toward you and run schools. and everyone who could offer help is a target or until the emergency services have stopped completing the northern gauze is tripped up on the screen, the occupation forcing supported civil defense crews, environment expenses operation with the northern gods. the 1000 of a starving palestinians can't leave because nowhere in gauze i see the 3 weeks age of the north means food, water and medicine have all run out of the of the most civil equipment. i want to feed the children the pregnant quilt with a lot of different each one a full time, so i can feed them again in the evening. what was that? so they can sleep on the hall from 2 stomach rather than going to sleep hungry. this is a survey struggle, the ocean of football. it's not just the north, the entire is through the is under attack by is really miss old fighter jets and a drones had the means united. so this is what is left of the silver families home
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and han, you and 3 members are still buried as their relative use, their hands to dig through concrete rubble for some support. she had the lives in the silver, who volunteer for doctors without borders is among the missing. they found his vessel. and in this sheet a remains of someone have blown up by is really bonds. on friday, a verbal mosque and a saw the he mosque were also destroyed. so no structure is left to provide refuge . parents called this war on children as almost half of his real victims are some of the youngest palestinians. those who were survived struggling to cry as the war continues to take everything from them. tiny my mode. oh, just the. 2 house, i mean it all to you in human rights, she says is really involved in some guys that represents a serious violation of international humanitarian. no. today,
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one of the darkest moments of the gauze, a conflict is unfolding in the north of the strip as we speak. these rarely military is subjecting an entire population to bumping siege and starvation, as well as being for us to choose between mass displacement and being trapped in an active conflict on the is riley government's policies and practices, risk emptying the area of or palestinians. we are facing what could amount to atrocity crimes, including potentially extending 2 crimes against humanity to live on on that where israel has intensified. it's a sold on residential buildings and by a root southern summer. several consecutive strikes have targeted to how to track and voyage and a brushing of neighborhoods. residents had been told to evacuate or risk being, quote in the bombing on friday morning, as well as the deadly assault and the southern town passed by a getting 3 journalist correspondent charles, struck for it has more from the lebanese capital favorites. another knowledge of
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his radio strikes on the southern suburbs of they root. they came off to israel issued for the vacuum. ation warnings telling people to leave the 2 areas of the southern suburbs, no reports of casualties yet, but to be inconceivable to think, but are not technically hundreds of homes have been destroyed in the strikes. as is often the case we've seen in the past large residential blocks containing many flats, completely levels by a times a single me so strikes it's impossible to know how many people are still living in that area of something by root. we do know that before these crises started, they had a population of around 700000. what we do know, though, according to the lebanese government, is the since the scrunch of solitude already escalated in the last month. also,
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1400000 people at least have been forced to flee the homes. many of them are living on the streets of the capital, the lebanese capital here, my names, i'm staying with the family and friends, and in hotels. the liberty states really struggling to accommodate the needs of the lebanese government. already saying that it needs around $250000000.00 a months just to accommodate that. and these are saying currently only about 20 percent of what these people actually need is being supplied to them. international donors yesterday and paris page $800000000.00. but of course, nobody knows how long this is really going to treat campaign is going to continue for one thing is special, but they are going to be many, many more people tomorrow morning whose homes and livelihoods would have been destroyed, catastrophic which is 0. they wrote united nations peacekeepers in southern 11 on
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the sides writing so just 5 of the opposite ation post a day or on tuesday. i say they withdrew from the line of fire to avoid being shot . and i've since return to the base of the members of unit feel have described the moment on his riley tank. open fire on their watchtower in the quarter, 2 weeks ago, 2 in the nation. peacekeepers were injured since recovered and return to duty. this is where the army has confirmed. 10 soldiers have been killed and battles, and 11 on over the past 24 hours has been heavy fighting between is where the troops on has blocked fighters in southern lebanon. at least $34.00 is very soldiers have been killed in southern lebanon since israel began his ground operation early this month. and of these 2, his writers have been killed and several injured. doctor rook, it's far from living on, hit nobody's rail. rescue workers are the victims when they shamira area of western you in reference to agency says 430000 people have cost them.
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