tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 27, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST
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there is no limit to how far a dream contains sta in your own adventure, no. counter avenues the the times the whole roman you watch me. i'll just that renews on life. my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. and there's really a tuck in northern garza kills at least 35 pallets. jennings, the ministry of health is cooling a take over 6 months ago. one of the last functioning hospitals in northern galls are left in disarray after his id for say, show the building. been rated as the
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goals for that and to further escalation of to is there any spikes on the wrong co, full military personnel has blog loans, people in northern israel to evacuate, saying 25, settlement solve a target. as is right, the troops operating from the plus one more challenge in long day of tension. here with the fall, i on the march and arrivals demonstrations to counsel the welcome to the news. in northern garza, the router is really military as targeted 5 residential buildings in bethlehem, killing at least 35 palestinians, not dozens of others. a wounded on the death toll could rise in the coming hours because of health ministry is calling it to have respect, massacre, goals, and garza has been on the siege for more than 3 weeks to recover. it seems
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a correspondent, indeed about and joins us from central garza tarik. just explain to our international viewers exactly what happened regarding this incident. yes. so hail, in fact, disturbing scenes coming from a big law here town and know that you guys especially after the is a lead through the attack inducted and that, and just few it was a go. but because the beats very fine to get scared out multiple configure to strikes one at 5, getting sleep populated. how's that? you've seen a lot of this town in the north, because the strip has been on the really well. and this is lynette text. from almost more than $22.00 days, according to what it says at least $75.00 kind of city and have been killed and beauteous release from going to be attack. show how. ready is the scale of destruction being left behind these attacks and how people are left leading on did
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have been completely, is come to the ones simply because they did not receive the proper medical care. no one was cute them, especially among the medical. but cuz because we know that he is barely met at 3 has rested a more than say, he maybe colored glasses from somebody at the hospital and that's according to the director of guns of health ministry. and he is really repeated attacks on several different who is who sent an official statement that they are unable to reach the front of destroy and continue to be is a continuation of their own bombardment. we can also understand that these sorts of attacks are incredibly escalating at night hours and every single day. while we're talking about more than $900.00 kind of finance, what killed since the beginning of the current military. the peroration in northern causes the situation has but been sent you to out the videos and image is coming
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from big now. yeah. are quite really pricking for people being on that and aids and it and, and they are unable even to move. and this is a very, pretty creative, cheap result from the pre attacks 1st on the medical sector, which has been widely impacted from the study of military campaign. and secondly, on the comedians who are right now on deep april, even to get the central medical treatment alongside with the ongoing struggle to, to find water sources where at least some of the bread it moving don't stop ation, guys, this really sorry, let me just jump in that topic because obviously one of the biggest problems that palestinians face in the northern part of the street is access because there is no access for them. they all stuck. they are on the siege. and if they try to move out of that, the area that taking their life in their homes. yeah,
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that's completely right. the israeli army has imposed a very crippling blow cadence that you don't civilians who are really a you living in big law here. they tunnel in an old board it towns including also devalue refugee camp the to completely get killed in the streets and the markets and the recreation center. and even like a tax on the homes with no one has been given to those families who by the way to find it not to follow that use that pollution oldest or to can play with some kids because they have to know where else to go. they decided to remain, but despite the very deep shortage of what time, fort supplies in northern garza and i used to play the army has been using these elements like food for to and medical supplies just to, to force people to move from an area to another based on the political and the military objectives that they on the switching to achieve. and we've also had
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multiple statements from families that multiple sentences saying that we will keep we will stay in moving cargo. we would not leave because because of our lab and the all me is trying to and so you know, the other from residents and we would not do so this is a very, very bleed for you and, and see for families and know they've got the i've been not following it is but the oldest it will be killed, they're going to be detained and then you take it on this case location for interrogation or even to be to be to we should by the way, um yeah, that's practically what we so today earlier with the son of the of the doctor, her son was killed and his father has been doing his humanitarian work. and do some of these, by the way, for us to even building the building is really one of the west and big humanitarian crisis ever recorded history. we live with us now. cool. so i continued to follow events for the tower as the night proceed. started covers him,
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the forest and the bella. now this is how i can best le, comes after is really false, is rated, come out loud when hospital us topic just mentioned. now it's one of the last functioning medical facilities in the north of the strip. they detained stuff patients and destroyed much of the sudden to those michael apple reports. hundreds of spent bullied cartridges lit to the floor outside. come all odd one. the hospital in northern gauze is really forces launched an extensive rate on the facility. by saturday morning, the troops had withdrawn but health care work is many especially had been detained . the whereabouts annoying me almost of all in the morning we were surrounded and that was shooting from all directions. they evacuated over those who were sheltering here. they separated men from women and made to choose, it was very committee aging from and since they was stripped to that close by,
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witnesses described the incursion into the medical compound way. hundreds of patients and thousands of terrified civilians sheltered the whole at about 5 am on friday, these really show the courtyard. 30 minutes later bulldozers destroyed everything including the tents, housing, the displaced they destroyed the hospitals, pharmacy and riddled the hospital with bullets. they started calling for dr. som, over the loudspeakers. the man in question is doctor, who saw abo, sophia, the director of the facilities, protected under international law lift in a state of ruin. it's part of what the u. n is calling may decide the systematic targeting of health care infrastructure and medical stuff. well, some of the hill, this is the 40 and time the hospital comes under is really fires to detain. our medical staff and many of their families were killed, including doctor, whose son,
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son, a picture. yeah. what's the doctor who some spans and his wife kurt? unmistakably, a doctor. but underneath it, he's just another parent forced to bury his child. mike's level, which is they're both, i'll salute is out the hospital that has been surveying the damage since his right . the troops pull back. you know, i'm talking to a fulton the hospital. so this way the army withdrew from just hospital and this only functioning hospitality, nothing goes through and the surrounding area. and here is the situation here. this is the pharmacy, which is i've been totally destroyed by the way, the army and the other side you to values rise,
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pulling out their relatives from under the rubble of. so there's a tube tvs kill them, allow me to take you inside the house myself to show you how the situation looks like inside the hospitals. hundreds of patients, hundreds of one to be all leaving on the floor was the rug as there was no good for them. that was the sleeping stage here as as we are on these terms, the hospital and a risk, a risk to too many too many of the really kind of stuff have been arrested to as it definitely the see this is the situation people on the floor. this little boy is the only survivor from his somebody. all of his family has been killed by the
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army. this is how the hospital looks like comes of that is it just was a girl from this all the functioning health facility and nothing goes to it. it's totally after service me, the show stuff has been arrested patients, ones that people have been arrested to logic to jersey to come out of the hospital all this time. at least for the people to be reported as either killed or injected and attacked bodies by the forces in garza city, emergency workers and volunteers rushed to the scene after these really military bummed, residential building the cause of city and the northern areas of jamalia, bethlehem. as we've mentioned, have been cut off from the rest of the strip since as roll began, its each mold and 3 weeks ago. every email hardly went to the scene in chief of the ones. i am right now standing above the rubble of one of the houses that has been
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probably get a fight is what any fights are just this evening. and as they're in the area, very close to your values city. and as you can see, this is the scale of instruction inflicted on this with these residential homes. and as they're getting a, we're talking about many killed and tens are still under the rubble. as you can see, civil defense forces are trying to search under the levels to get the traffic millions from beneath this destroyed building and civil defense forces are relaxed and the basic necessities, like the basic equipment to get these simply is from on the album we're talking about the ongoing targeting of civil defense, the crews and black and the vandals ongoing valuable fuel entry into the northern gathers for making the search process extremely difficult to get the crowd civilians. from under the rubble,
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we're talking about the basics would mean say they have nothing to work with to get the civil use. so it's very difficult to save lives due to the ongoing bombardment on northern guns city. and today was the 22nd day of the round invasion give a cap. so the situation is getting much more dire in terms of probably going to residential buildings and residential homes in general. infrastructure here in northern goes to city, abraham and heavy, i to 0, northern gauze, all that is fine. unless you run the is a military and political list enjoys us from brussels money in kentucky with us on the program. again, i mean, the narrative from the is riley is, is always at a mouse, is operating from locations such as hospitals get, they provide very little evidence once we to make of the situation in the north of the street right now where the i've seen these really all trying their best to
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destroy a little old guy and making sure that they have that plan to restore texting and is really set them in, in an old say that at least they make sure that it's going to be very difficult for anyone to live in the area where all the holes are destroyed. no, it's for the hospital, it has to be one that is how the functioning and making sure that it is going to be extremely heavy on that. but is to use a ballpark idea that going to run the future to reconstruct as a, to be on the democracy. all these are these x rays to big data set, their minutes. i mean your in brussels, i mean, you get an idea of perhaps what your things, in, in general terms. but the international community is, is silent. they call seem to do or have any pressure on this trial that allows them to at least get agents. the regional reason,
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talk about to cease fire is that patients with israel wiring staying at the moment where i live? it's not far from the european union main send and the euro crap. and i can tell you that in yours days of very little bit information about what's happening. being got a clause on the 7th of october. and so that days you news about these reading retaliation and a hated against the wrong, but nothing regarding guys that people don't have us of any information about what's happening. and leaders cannot stand and phase and try prime minister in your maintenance and yells and confront of them came with prior inc. problem against your mind to do that, these committees can get that by stalling in populations and getting such a law, number of civilians in terms of opinion and talk your patient. there is
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a conversation, certainly in israel about how some would like to permanently occupy north and gauze. that's a real concern. is it for those that of publicly said that gaza should remain intact and in the hands of the palestinians? as we had the american saying that guy, this is not these all the by the control of these rudy's once again. and they refer to the area by of 2005, we're not really sure. on putting out a guy said bit at the end of the day, nobody knew that space folding or be involved as all doing anything to stall prime minister. then you mean that then yeah, and he's far right government that the finance minister visit a smoke church. all the security room is to get mobbing vs stall achieving that dreams. drew re berries, have 3 minutes is really set to imaging. god,
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and they all saying get it back to you. they know hiding in 5 minutes to nothing. yeah. how these won't take me long with that. now if they managed to feed that at to achieve that with me 30, then this is what they go to do. if they say the senior hold on to the wrong and remain in the loop, got that despite all the kidding, the solve ations, then that sounds crazy. so it's at the end of the day, he wouldn't be us to the team. even people to stand with on again to produce a game plan, any plans to know guys a lot of that money a that for us and brussels. thank you for joining us. thank you. now, after weeks of threats, israel has unleashed what it's called and talked it and precise strikes on military sites. across a room full of military personnel were killed in
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the pre dawn ways. but to her own says damage was limited. israel says the strikes and responds for a large scale of rainy and miss all the talked earlier this month, but it all says that it strikes well in retaliation for an assassination on a rainy and soil in july, as well as what other types of military bases on miss all sites, the capital tie wrong causing loud explosions that will also strikes in the western provinces of alarm and cause it's don, province in the border on the border with the rock. israel says facilities in these areas where used by around to carry out the tax on israel. well around, foreign minister has responded to as well as the tax of boss. like not, she says that iran has new limits and defending its territorial integrity. this internal power can be military, economic, political disclose power. iran does not set any boundaries for itself and protecting and defending its interests and territorial integrity. and it's people
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the he, the cd is a writer and specialist in or any of the fat as he's into a problem with more on this. and they're trying to say that this attack was not successful, and they are sort of proud of the air defense system of the country which successfully, according to the chief of the staff office, attract and intercepted the massage launch. but comment to the latest developments we received to import in the statements one coming from the communication center or chief of the office. she felt the staff office saying that the attacks were launched by long drench massage attack. the lift, fenced by uh the is released from the aerospace of the rock under control of the us army. and of course, we see this warning directed by the iran to the united states saying that they are clearly this civilizing the region. and at the same time,
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uranian mission to the united nation, came out with this clear message that the wrong can see there is the united states as an accomplice to this attack. and at the same time, it called in both both 2 statements that'd be received and also other statements from uranium. the officials that erode serves the right to self defense. so at the time being, i think your aunt is trying to practice a sort of a strategy precision when it comes to formulation of it's next to steps down to read is really probably minister benjamin netanyahu has said that targets in iran, which hasn't based on national interests and not dictated to by the us. so let's close eva to a new day who joins us now from the jordanian capital amount. and that's because these really, governments has been dollars that are from reporting and the occupied westbank and from israel. so nothing, you know, he's very clear about who's in the driving seat when it comes to dealing with the wrong and according to him,
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it's not washington. yeah, i mean he had to respond to a lot of criticism that came out about this attack, including a member of the can set from his own party tally. got clear who said that this attack was the coverage elation to the by another administration. he, she said that israel should have struck more strategic assets. they should have struck economic installations in iran. we heard that from several political figures, but we also heard from the is really president and from many guns from the opposition, who said that this was a very important development, a new phase in the confrontation with iran and also both leaders citing the abide and administration for the support they gave to israel in order to facilitate this attack, a lot of the talking israel. so having this concentrating on the kind of strategic
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ads that this strikes achieved for israel, namely at targeting the air defense system in iran, as well as, as its capability to produce ballistic missiles. and they say according to these reports, which are leaked and source to and named security sources that it would take, you run up to 2 years to recover. and that perhaps explains what the spokesperson of these really military said when he at a signal that is relevant now have free reign over the skies in iran, and would strike even harder if he were on sort to retaliate. know, believe it, that's causing him to continue to monitor events, obviously in the regions with you through the evening. thank you. now is present trip. i can wait and on lots of time. so the white house was breached by these riley's ahead of time. meanwhile, advice present kind of hire. so this could be an opportunity to ease tensions like
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kind of how small from washington dc we've heard from you as president joe biden, that he believes that this current round of conflict between iran and israel could now come to an end, if not at least a pause, this is a going members of his government, who believe that the conflict could now de escalate. we also heard from president biden confirmation that the us was informed by israel before the strike, the code, the exact timeline at which the us was informed, has not been made clear. we've also heard from the us, vice president cumberland harris, who says that she feels strongly, that the wrong should stop what it is doing in terms of a threat to the region as she puts it. she also said that it's the opinion of most lead is that they should be a change of the nature of the conflict. it is a consensus among certainly respected
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this be ongoing communication between us officials and is really officials at several levels at the level of the military, political and of course intelligence. we understand that this cooperation, this discussion will be ongoing. mike kinda, i'll just hear a washington as well as the law has at least a video colonial residence of 25 settlements in the notes of as well to immediately evacuate the homes and a message written in hebrew, the group says the settlements have become legitimate targets as that being used by these really military is where the army says a 190 project down. so being 5 by has the law into israel on saturday. dosage already has law from they raise it at one minute video released by hezbollah. they are for the 1st time issuing forth evacuation orders to residents in northern israel. now these are in warnings being issued for at $25.00. it's so the
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settlements in the northern part of israel, ranging from 3 kilometers from the border to 22 kilometers from the border with 11 on this area is home to about 200000 is rarely a citizen. so this is clearly though a tactic that we've seen is really military use in around not only the southern suburb of b routes as that also in other parts of love in on. now for the 1st time, has the lot, using the same tactics to warn about what they're about to launch in terms of attacks. now, this is seen as a nother level of this as you escalation that we've seen from not only as well, but also as role in this conflicts. that's uh, really as escalated in mid september. it has the law on friday, carried out the largest number of operations it goes to is rarely, military 40 eights operations. they claim that they carry it out in the 24 hour
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period. now we also have seen over the past week ever was of a tax in terms of rockets being fired and rose. also northern israel has a lot launching anywhere between $102.00 to $200.00 at rockets and drones across the border and to northern israel. the largest number we've seen on a daily basis since this conflict escal later. so clearly, both hezbollah and israel becoming more entrenched in there as i d, all the jews and their belief that they are going to continue this conflict with, regardless of the costs that we've seen. both sides suffer according to these rarely, military in the past 48 hours, they have lost 10. at least 10 is rarely soldiers has a lot, not sharing the number of fighters that have been killed in the conflict that is currently unfolding in and around the southern parts. as 11 o doors has of already else has 0 barrier. so the lebanese government says it's
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filed a complaint with the un high commissioner for human rights, for it is really strong. that kills region less in the south on friday. and it comes on the same day as a funeral, was held for one such endless loss on the job was a camera man for the baby based abroad concept of my dean. the strength of talk to the building known to house media personnel. they've been covering the conflict between israel and has blocked the time for the turn. this was stay was generally considered safe and that these really minute, 300 feet in homes, of that presence. lebanon's health industries, as a paramedic, has been killed and is really strongly called a health center in southern lebanon. the attack talked to the town a bunch of what i in the district of time, several others were injured. at least $160.00 full paramedics have been killed in level just as well and has belong, they got exchanging cross for the fire last year. and israel protest as have again
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got that in front of a have to demand the immediate release of captives held in gaza weekly values of sort to keep up pressure on these way. the government and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to secure a deal. many are accusing netanyahu of delaying and agreement and sabotaging tools as well. i'm still a head here all the i'll just that i will tell you which parties been celebrating early as results come in from georgia's civil haldeman. treat elections the how i will have a look at the weather across here. if at the moment says let's start with the good news is fine and dry for central and eastern positive here for the nice big area of high pressure keeping it settled. so the, to the west, we have still got bands of cloud and rain more heavy, right, little area of light pressure down towards fonts. it's
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a spike. this every flight pressure still bring you some live, be showers. he missed, we go one through the next couple of days. i won't be quite as heavy or as widespread, but that's still the never. the less our rush just shows. so the western side of the mediterranean, still a few showers into something positive from pushing it towards at least, and what to whether to making its way across the professionals obviously is whether both west england sinks some very heavy rain pushing up into western scotland run his way across into scandinavia and on towards the baltic space a central air was if you are still fine and dry, we have got a few showers still in place across the west side of the met some of them on the shop side. some heavier ones coming in just around the straight of the browser. so some winter weather coming into cost, northern parts of morocco, northern areas of algeria, south of a shout to we'll start creeping its way into what she needs here for the south, where we got the showers, the just hugging the coast of west africa with some heavier down poles to might be area. the
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beams as a content creators have become journalists, rescuers heroes system, the company, and talk, it's fair to us lives in a sofa and a visa cleanser me on. and yet they continue to report that the close of business, the story of just one of the shall be, should be a little bit higher for the love. because on that just the, you know, as the world economy, those struck those with a strong result. indonesia is where such resolve about the right place for your business to get off the ground of grace. otherwise with the strategic downstream industry on the client in your better
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tomorrow the book about to watch me, i'll just say it was resolved with me. so rahman in doha, it reminds of all top stories is really military is targeted fine for residential buildings in bethlehem, in northern gauze or killing another 35 pallets, stadiums doesn't small. a wounded causes. health ministry is cooling, it's a holistic mexican. these really military has rated one of the last possibly functioning hospitals and northern garza stuff. the come i lived with hospice and say as well as assault, destroyed the hospitals, oxygen station leading to the death of 2 babies in the intensive care unit in the
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us government schools for 90. 2 escalation of to is a low to tell a 3 strikes against the wrong. they talk to admit that 3 sites across the country, at least 4 minutes, the personnel of being killed. the while with less than 2 weeks to election day, both us presidential candidates capital harris and donald trump of been holding campaigned events in the battleground, states of michigan harris. as being joined by a full with us lady michelle obama. to get out the vote, rally poll shaped both candidates on neck and neck in the states which began to any voting on site today. now the us congress is pricing for an election day at people as leadership in both the house and senate is likely to change hands. the latest polls suggest the republicans could take control of the senate well, debit credit. so looking to traditionally blue states of new york and california to
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help them win a majority in the house as christian sending the reports on sugarloaf village less than a 2 hour drive from manhattan is known for its mostly made arts and crafts. but it's also part of new york seventies congressional district and home to one of the most hotly contested election nation. it's um, still a lot of ads, a lot of signs all over the place. everyone around motors here left to the republic into the house of representatives in the last election. politicians like mike lawler to democrat, he on seated is once again running against him. were you surprised when it was not really? not really. i think things are swinging. that way, for me, that's just my opinion. i'm sure it has a lot to do with donald trump and his influence on politics. it was one of born new york city that democrats lost in 2022 men losing their majority in the house and the process. it's really interesting because the house battle ground does not
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overlap with the typical presidential battle grounds in the senate battle grounds. the cycle and so we have a lot of really competitive races here in the nation's capital control of the house and the senate are both up for grabs. and the next selection both chambers are currently almost evenly divided between democrats and republicans. all 435 seats in the house or up for re election. democrats need to keep the 214. they have in gain for more to win back the majority. they lost deals back the gentleman doing so would put hakim jeffries of new york, and the powerful role of speaker of the house of representatives. and we and 2nd, in the line of credit, central succession behind the vice president. that is what in the senate were democrats have a single seat to their advantage? 34 are up for grabs. and the next election 23 of them currently held by democrats. 11 republicans, the 3rd of the seats that are up for re election are in territory that largely either favors republicans or is purple. and so you have democrats defending seats
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in west virginia and montana and ohio along with all these purple states that are all going to be quite competitive at the presidential level. so the map is just really difficult for them right now, because we're not going to vote for democrats. testers say 3 out of 4 of those races are too close to call a republican, but. well, i should say it was republican. i'm actually registered independent uh the way i really don't like either party right now. both parties are fighting for those middle of the road voters and the results are anything but certain. kristin, so me, me, i'll just 0 new york. so the washington pays newspaper has decided not to endorse us. presidential candidates, the 1st time in 36 years, the decision came from the papers and i believe that jeff bezos, not the move has been criticized by some of the post. most prominent ryan says,
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let's go over to brooklyn. jordan in washington, dc has more on this. and when my space, when it comes to talking to who as a you damned, if you do or you're damned if you don't when it comes to endorsing the candidates. well the thing is considering how close the decision to not issue an endorsement has come in this election cycle. there is a considerable amount of uproar, certainly here in washington, where just about everyone reads the washington post, as well as people who are very politically active across the country. maybe they have served in the us government at some point in their careers, or maybe they're simply very interested in national affairs. and so they subscribe to the newspaper. but this is a situation where in this current media environment in 2024, a newspapers endorsement even one from a paper with such
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a historical legacy as the washington post doesn't have the same impact that it might have had 36 years ago. when the post started, i doing regular presidential endorsements. now it is worth pointing out that tub 18 of the column. this past and current at the washington post have published an open letter condemning the decision of jeff bases. and the c e. o 2 was not publish and endorsement for road the size campaign cycle, and it was widely expected. it would be for comma, la harris, the democratic candidate. there's also the fact that the editor at large, robert kagan, who is really well known here in washington, but isn't really well known, nationwide, took the decision to quit his job and basically give up all of the perks that come with working for one of the most important national newspapers in this country, but is it going to matter to ordinary voters,
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especially when early voting has been underway for more than a month in some parts of the country? i would submit it probably isn't going to make a difference. people have made up their minds were in a country where the electorate is pretty evenly split ad. maybe they might persuade one voter or another that the post didn't take a position, but really, it's in this current environment. there are many other factors that are going to be more important to people who are still trying to decide for whom to vote. it's going to be social media, it's going to be the pod cast that people listen to. it's going to be the very fragmented to media environment online publications that never were in print. and it's really going to come down to what people's friends and neighbors and relatives are saying to them about the campaign between comma la harris and donald trump. so he wants to watch rosalyn jordan left for us in washington dc. thank you. so let me
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resolve. try the judge's reading party is taking the leads and the high stakes parliamentary election with more than 2 thirds of the ballots count of the georgia dream policy has 53 percent of both, but the opposition says it won't accept the results. x of the trouble. there's jubilation at the georgia dream party headquarters. as preliminary results suggests they're set to become 1st and saturdays election of budding george's 1st election using electronic folding to exit polls. the initially painted different pictures of who can form image already both the georgia dream party, which is rule for more than a decade and faces accusations of align with moscow. and then the lines of pro european opposition parties cleans the victory at stake, control of the 150 seats, parliament, and width georgia's future direction. this is already the 4th, the nation. the 4th election effect of the same party can achieve such success and
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such a difficult situation is a good indicator of the talent of the georgian. people have been confident in this opposition victory, and we now see that indeed the george and people have turned up and they have turned up to defend their european future. georgia became a new candidate last december, but brussels has frozen this process, citing democratic back sliding. a controversial for an influence law. the targets groups the government says, are funded by western partners, has particularly alarms georgia's european allies to see everything that's happened over the last few years shows that our country is moving towards russia moving against democracy. and for me, it's not a country i'd like to live in a, but i mean just the government works well, but it has to be better. we don't need not position. i mean, there isn't opposition, let it be. but it does not have to do that. we need to help each other yes. before
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close, close georgia's. the alleged irregularities including valid stuffing and border intimidation. the election observers say they've been attacked while monitoring the process. videos posted on social media show fighting outside polling stations in the capital suburb. as georgia's political divide deepens, the party threatens to band the position if as secure as a strong majority, while its opponents pledge to keep the country on its pro european course. the final outcome, hands into balance as the nation awaits final results, axles i'm which, which is their name. last name is a member of parliament with the georgia dream policy and join us from to blakeslee. good to have you with this miss luxury on the program. you seem to be the driving seats in terms of a potential victory, but it is a room to reconcile with the opposition that not very happy at the moment.
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uh today, um, this was another big treat of georgia people. the choice of for going forward with you working as ation and integration with dignity, what pace and with welfare. so today it was a really like a restaurant and doing all for georgia where the georgia people chose between war and kids. they chose peace and with the peace they will be continuing to integrate to me to your rock in 7, but they will still be a sizable. i'm going to interrupt you that not because there will be a sizable, large part of your population that does not agree with the old position. the opposition have already said that they will not recognize the results of the election. so do you envisage a social problem here? and certainly want in parliament in the days ahead. a hi,
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thank you for the question. so the result is that where they exist, post and all. so we have to also look at these, or you see on the report to the middle, who said that the pre election campaign was coming, cheer and competitive, and peacefully and will be of course, waiting for the final result. but with such a big difference of the victory, 53 percent versus the 2nd largest from the opposition will say, 11 point something. so this, this me said there is a huge difference. so there is no reason the collection bunch. and also there are using most to reason for amount information because this was a digital chevrolet should. okay, technology will not have to ensure that there is no money information. and what we hear from a position was the same with in the previous election. the 2020, and 26 inch. so there is nothing different. of course there will be a lot of course there will be continuing by the i will jump in that again,
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ma'am. yes, you can say that everything was done free and sadly with showing pictures from social media. uh that confirms that it says that some of your supporters intimidated or attacked the election officials, observers up let me finish the question them. it's my job to ask the question, it's your job to, to answer it that basically some of your supporters will bullying election officials or observers, or even those that did not wish to vote for them. i just want to ask you how you're going to investigate those allegations, whether they be true or not. and uh the uh, investigation over uh, has the cool, like we will be waiting 1st of all the uh so it's not me or social media or any one of the subject to it will be independent assessors independent experts who were observing the election. it's always the or do you and involves $2500.00
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the observers were observing to be election. so the final result is done by a bed and the final results will be the reports we still be providing. so it's not me or anyone else will be saying it right. on the other side of the perceptions or anything which is proven on social media. if you look on the lawn, sorry they are talking about. so, you know, by cutting, but on the other side we have the official uh, search official site here is that we had also central election call me t fence, a high reputation. also, in the hardest time, that's with you up to you on the other side of the, towards the old servers who were involved in this process and decided, why don't we have to actually each one. so it will be, uh, not the perception based uh, uh, and the social media and compelling by the final results. okay. so it's always very
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home. but if that's the case, that's fine. we'll wait for that report and we appreciate your response to that. how was the a side of the population of george? it does live in the capital. you do have a generational divide, a very large gen z young electorate to have an old, a population who pops an a not so at ease with a close a connection to the e. u. i just wondered if you do officially when this general election, how were you going to bring the older generation on board and explain to them about the positive aspirations that could be achieved but being close it the you and how are you going to achieve the aspirations of the younger generation who want to see jobs, a career and prospect. so then a multi is a very small country, but with potential for them. if they do join the a you to move beyond the boat as of georgia georgian
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aspiration to you is the and the integrating to you is a married to a decision. and we're being looked at to be 12 years of our government. our government has done all the t minus 12, so in order to be part of the rocking good. so all the kid shipments of industrialization, i agree with this, you have to be a visa liberalization. our candidate status is happening with the reforms we is the directors fulfilled by the government. together with these people support squared won't teach the perceptions from 2012. when we came into power to compare to crime to perceptions towards the roughly unions have increased tremendously by 85 percent . when we're saying 85 percent it includes, you know, ration adult gender race. so the country, georgia is very iraq and country and very small just single party officially
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placed. busy there is not a single kind of movement of wire to rush because as we know russia use that coupon to use, i can find our territory. so none of the governments uh, hopefully were running the country. like a bigger tool never started between me. uh, georgia will become pro russians and this is the. yeah, yeah, well, i think we got to juggle just but we'll have to leave it that we're afraid, but of course it will be interesting to see how you do move forward. thank you very much for your patience and so being so frank with us here on out, is that right, thank you. of of thousands of far right protest as well as through central london in a demonstration organized by a detained activist. please. the holding of stephanie yaks. 119 has told me robinson, i had to all of a call to parents on monday. but it's also a count to protest and a large police operation that cut the 2 groups the part row each. hollins was the
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end. the business capital the, the purchased for rights that were on the march. again. this was the biggest show spring since the summer, when anti immigration riots split up in towns and cities across the u. k. the focus of this riley was a man accused of finding the plains of those brides a man conspicuous here by his absence, george moore, the far right active, is known as tell me robinson gave himself up to police on friday, and his being detained on a contempt of court order, he's always like facing a separate charge on to the terrorism act. so all of them guy published good. good boy. we passed the paypal. they told me
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all of it. so this is exactly what i'm telling me. robinson, one of the big show support for me is signaling that need a robinson's detention noticed his sentences handed out to the sum of ross's account for the police. the concern was that this demonstration coincided with accounts of much unions and human rights organizations organize their protest. goals, empty racism de, to oppose the far right. but for the most part, sat today pause calmly and tell me robinson is to you to appear in court on monday, we'll reach out and i'll just say around london, thousands of protest as important will have rallied against racism. none please violent stays off, and off is a shelter and killed. a black man in lisbon. organize is changed to reset the mos through central has been to avoid confrontations of support as of a fall. right. and seeing the gratian coffee. the kidding. last monday, chicken. the days of address on the outskirts of the city,
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please say the 43 year old resident from came fast shots while trying to escape. after attacking officers with a knife, the 20 rolled officer has been charged with men's souls. in july value to the heading to the poles, as we tend to elect mass local councils and regional governors. the left wing presidents approval ratings of full and sharp land. the fall around it is looking to make games a lot to the america, just at least seen the human repulse. now from santiago, just like chillies, national dance, the quicker politics is about the art of seduction. but for these less between candidates campaigning for this week's mid term elections, seducing voters has become an appeal back or something. but i'm showing these candidates, claim, neighbor, medicated crime. in my neighborhood. 5 people have been murdered. we vote for results not slow business presidential elections just a year off. the municipal and gubernatorial elections are regarded as
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a cheated mrs. test for next week. president of the board each was approval ratings have fallen sharply and corruption scandals and charges of effective governance. daniel, at least looks at a sushi restaurant and like many says he's deeply disenchanted. oh god, but yeah. see what the border 40. yes, i voted for the current president for new blood for change, but from day one until today. yeah, nothing has changed to of the biggest criticism. it has been the government's failure to make good on its promises of social reforms and even worse, it's inability to reverse and i'm president and crime wave. as a result, the far right wing republican party has been flourishing its leader. it makes no apologies for having supported chillies, forming military dictatorship or the pursuing us. we're going out to vote on mass and it's clear that voters will ask for radical change. many
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a concern that chile could move to the radical right. a phenomenon already seen in neighboring argentina and other parts of the world. i guess what concerns us the most thought the values of democracy and respect for human rights being questioned . this could become acceptable for large majority of us citizens. all this good signal, the beginning of a seismic political shift in a country that for decades represented stable continuity in this region known for its instability. to see and human al jazeera santiago, pensions are running high and most of the cost of the governing party was declared the winner of the disputed presidential election. the capital, the theater is reading from violence street protests organized by all positions of bolt, has an internet. blackouts. now the opposition accuse is the ruling policy for lima of fraud. after that, kenzie daniel champ, i was declared the winner with 71 percent of the vote. 8 hold them,
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say is it all say at least 50 people have been killed and 200 injured in a single attack by the power of military rapids support forces. they say they are assess, has besieged and rated whole villages and just a real estate. and the last 3 days, at least 120 people were reported the kills of the power military forces. and the sudanese army have been fighting for more than a year. the conflict incident has brought the country's health system to a standstill with 80 percent of the facilities out of action. united nation says, mold a 1200000 pregnant and breast feeding women like health care is that to a 15 percent increase in the maternal mortality rates with move of half a 1000000 women. missing. as the conflict continues in the philippines, at least 81 people have died as tropical storm try me, slums. the northern coast will forward, he st. mold and a 150000 people have fled the home since wednesday,
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with heavy rains and winds hitting several provinces. the thailand has appointed a new negotiate for in peace talks to resolve the interest in the south. the conflict between malay separate is seeking succession and the government takes back maybe 20 years. tiny trying to pull so from southern thailand, fires lights up the night. the off the month of a truck from 10, the southern time that the state that's doing breaks the force of the explosion is clear. the transmission act. so a few ponds remain. the rest scattered in the blast. investigate to sift through the wreckage. but they know who's behind these latest attacks. so hanging fall guy used to be an active member of the virus on revolution. us, you know, will be, are in the main separatist group in southern time. and now he acts as a go between with the time military. while he's keen to see the piece talks resume,
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rebels have one simple go. it's, i'm likely to be met the i, the guy on deal if they're not going to be the only thing that the be are in once is independent. my. if we don't have an independent state, we will continue to fight. but when we get tired of fighting, we stop and when we get stronger again, we will come up and continue to fight on a remote jungle of road in the south a. ty, ordinance, disposal team designates upon attacks like this remain coming. that's a problem to the tenants. new piece, negotiate to a veteran soldier with years of experience in the deep. so one of his 1st proposals is to drastically reduce the number of trips in the region. but there are conditions been pan. we have a plan to reform and reduce security, which works on the concept of different levels folder criterias. i meant, then we can remove the trips. but if the requirements not met, so we have to reevaluate the 3 provinces of 7 thailand had been under marshal or
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emergency decree for more than 20 is a source of resentment to many who lived there over the past 2 decades. more than 7000 people have been killed in search and see here in southern thailand. but even during periods of relative peace and tranquility like the last 12 months, security remains incredibly high. and that's a severe disruption to everyday life. the other major issue lies in the capital bank of recent political tomo and the appointment of a new prime minister have left the tiny government's position without play goes what direction? to me, this is a good development for the talks, but dialogue doesn't have any clear picture of what it wants from the docs. that's why the peace process hasn't done any further. you expect changes in the south overnight. but if the government can open a dialogue with the separatist, it might to leave you at the tensions that have been building for years. so
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anything else has era there out what? 7 times? probably lots of long use of the other side of the right to stay with us. the pilot size perspective losing we have only 10 minutes to take our belongings and leave the office so they can shut it down. really for the victory for the government. get this one of those containing refugees, the coming the actions of israel's government. the military detention has been described as the closing of the unique perspective. we don't want ahead to well, but we no longer have any private spaces on the internet. that's a scary well on heard voices a year into this genocide, it still remains large, one section to connect with our community and tap into conversation that you find
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elsewhere. but humanity. the number of people who want to stop sending weapons has gone up and up, despite what they hear in the mainstream media in the united states. the stream on out to 0. despite healthy, young workers perishing and the heat. florida has blocked protections by outdoor workers. they are not allowed to take regular rest of the seats to pull down their findings. there's this kind of mentality that if you're a person of color, you can handle it. he felt lines investigates deadly. he why would you ask for the governor to do the analogies? even examining the impact of today's headlines, a prolonged conflict, the lebanese economy would be an absolute death, unflinching gentleness, and how many people are in detention. victor that may be philosophically know, don't be from the sort of giving any miracle international filmmakers well clause.
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so what's the plan here to that question? the most important part is that we get attention to the climate crisis, bring programs to form an expire on how jesse are or the other nasa in northern garza is really strikes it, residential buildings coming at least 35 palestinians. the colored. so rahman, what you all just they were like, well, headquarters here in the also coming up the estimates of it is really right on one of the last functioning hospitals. in northern garza, the world health organization says is really troops detained. faulty full health work has has belong.
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