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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  October 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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judging economies counterbalance the us led, weld order, china has announced the measures to stabilize its housing markets. will they work? plus we look at why type giants are increasingly turning 10. you can the energy counting the cost on that, which is 0. the yet another is really are a strike targets of school housing displaced, palestinians in northern gaza at least 8 people are that the, i'm sort of a good to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from the also coming up cross border flyer is really strikes and living on killed at least 8 people in the coastal city of sight. and while has the long targets, northern israel, bolivians government says it will investigate, announced
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a former president to equal morales said his car was shot out over to you to be in front of him in teams. witnessing some prisons, high tension, confusion and chaos. in one case of books stuffy, georgia is governing party is declared the winner of south today's contested election. we'll find out what that means for the nations bid for e u membership. the . so we begin in gaza, we're nearly 50 people have been killed and is really air strikes across the strip since dawn on sunday, at least 8 palestinians were killed, including 3 journalists when israel bomb to school housing displaced people, and the all shot the refugee camp. now that is west of god, the city media on the ground or reporting that israel also killed 20 people, including women and children in a series of air strikes on each of value a refugee camp. all of this says israel continues blah,
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came the entry of 8 supplies into the north. you an agencies say only 4 of the 70 coordination requests to get food 8 into the area. this month has been approved. alpha zeros and her diary is in there about a and central gaza. and let's start with what you've been able to learn about that attack on the l shot, the refugee camp. okay, so it happened in the afternoon where the is where the horses targeted this shelter you and shelter a small, a school where it has dozens of products to me and families. they were at sheltering there, at least 8 thomaston, use were killed. among them is 3 journalist and a 9 year old saying, and food and other palestinians, not only dr. are dozens of others also injured. now what we really need to know is still this point. there are people trapped under the robots, the, our civil defense teams trying to rescue. but according to the civil defense teams,
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they said that the whole ceilings fell over collaborative over the palestinians in there. and they do not have the equipment to remove those ceiling. so there are some people trying to also help us to build on seems to rescue those people under their books. we are waiting for an update from the policy mr. hudson. but we are also expecting the death told to rise due to the people still trapped under the rebel. and also for people who are suffering critical injuries. while there is no medicine across the causal sir. and i know you're trying to do your best to get data information from people who live in the north. they have been getting a little to no food and water for almost 3 weeks. now. tell us about that and how they're coping and surviving. we're receiving a lot of appeal cause from policy and use another and some appeals are talking
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about the fact that they need food and water. they need a medical supplies and the last new appeal we have been hearing from people is the water just an elation sense are not working anymore. there is no water was where people work completely relying on these water was and there is no fuel. so people are not only being displaced from place to another because they have been forced by those where the forces, they also do not have any water food drink. any aid that has been entering, the mother in golf was true sense 3 weeks now. and also the only bakery that was working has been targeted all up to you and shelters, into body has been also targeted. so the is where the forces have been literally wiping off the needs of lives in those areas. now most of the people into a bag is refugee camp. evacuated to big lot. yeah. and to the gulf of cities, that's why we see that the is early forces are mainly concentrating in setting and striking areas in big lab because most of the people were there. so now they're
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trying to not only stop food, a watch or, and also their exist, increasing their aspects. they're increasing their i tell you settings, we don't know if people have been trying to escape, but we know that there is really quite copiers everywhere. we know that there is ready drones everywhere, and we have been receiving those appeals, tiro from families saying that they are on a boat to feed their children there. there are out of stock, they're out of food. so some people are trying to offerings of what stocks they have. they also mentioned that they're entering houses that have been not been with like no one's living. those houses, they're breaking into the house is looking for food, trying their best to keep, keep their children alive. from this part, so our base and we're not only talking about forests are ration, but we're also talking about endless strikes and selling for the one c 3 days now. and that's all very important information that you're reporting not only is the,
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is really military blocking aid from getting into northern garza. but it has also been targeting and destroying the means of sustenance and survival that existed in the northern part of the strip. him who dory. thank you very much. reporting there from inside the gaza strip. know, 8 people have been killed in and is really strike in 711 on the attack. hit the coastal city of site, in ortiz say at least 25 people were injured in that attack and is really forces launched multiple airstrikes and their roots, southern suburb of da. here the attacks came after israel threatening people in several neighborhoods to leave their homes or face being bombed adults, as you've already has more than that from the lebanese capital. a attack on a residential area in a village near the city of side and now side. and just to give you the idea of where it's located is about 40 kilometers south of where are you having the lebanese capital this attack target? it's a residential building without any warning. we saw the aftermath pictures of
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a number of floors within the building that were completely destroyed at people in and around the area are still going through the rubble as rescue workers continue, efforts to try and dig out any possible survivors. this is an area just south east of side and known as had it side of it is know to be a has will look strong hold. i didn't. it's not the 1st time that has come under attack since october, 8th of last year. but this is one of the deadliest attacks that how it has with this. and of course, uh, according to lebanese health ministry. uh, at least 8 people have been killed so far, which is one of the highest decimals that they have with this in and around this area. it is really army says his bullet has fired at least 75 rockets from lebanon into northern israel. for people were injured 3 seriously. in the town of camera, 2 vehicles were hidden. buildings have been damaged, is really military says, an intercept of some of the rockets is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu
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has faced angry interruptions during a memorial ceremony in western discipline. this is netanyahu being heckled by family members. it is really captives were in the audience. they shouted for the release of their family members. the prime minister stood silently at the podium throat. these protests incident highlights growing pressure on his government over efforts to secure the release of captives still held in gaza. and is really defense minister you of the lots says that there needs to be what he calls painful concessions. if israel wants the release of captive held in gaza, speaking of that very same ceremony that benjamin netanyahu was attending in west jerusalem, she told crowds gathered there that israel's military power alone will not guarantee success. meanwhile, gaza ceasefire, torques have restored in the guitar a capital go home. let's go down to zeros nor dave who joins us now from the
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jordanian capital amman, because the is really government has banned alpha 0 from reporting in the occupied west bank. and from inside israel, nor is there any indication of what exactly go on meant when he said israel may have to make some concessions. well, it's interesting farrell, because the relationship between galandes and these really prime minister has been almost ads or cereals throughout the past year. of war, it's a very interesting to watch the interaction between the 2. but most likely what he meant regarding concessions is the fact that a deal has to be struck, which is something but nothing. yahoo resist talking about a deal not just to you know, to release the captives, would have to involve an agreement about the release of palestinian detainees and prisoners an end to the war. otherwise, as far as all reports are concerned,
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thomas would not be amenable to having a deal that would see the release of captive. so dialogue was talking about that the need to have some sort of horizon passed, the war pass, but destruction past the assertion that is real has all that military power and can and is and has been using it for all those months, nor israel has just announced the death of uh, 6 more soldiers and fighting. also we saw that prime minister being heckled by angry families of captives. i wonder, does this put pressure on israel as the talks for a ceasefire resume? it does. it does to a certain degree because this springs to 23, the number of israeli soldiers killed just in the past week. 17 of them on the northern front in either a bit by rocket attacks,
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from his below or in combat with his bottle of fighters. there is pressure in that direction. what nothing yahoo has tried to do is to buffer himself on his right when coalition with the families of his really captives who are more to the right and who don't believe that any stopping of the war would bring their sons and daughters home. but certainly the voices of the families of fallen is rarely is whether uh from the october 7 attack or the soldiers is mounting up and is pushing towards a ceasefire agreement, which is there is no ro, date reporting from amman. jordan, thank you very much, nor at least 40 people have been injured. 10 of them critically off to a truck crashed into a bus. and the northern suburb of tel aviv is really officials are investigating this happened to the bus stop near the last is really military base. rescue workers say several people were trapped under the truck. around the supreme leader i had
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till the time and a has made his 1st official remarks on his real strikes on the country for rang and military personnel were killed. but there are on insist that there has been limited damage. israel says the strikes were a response to a new ring and miss a lot of attack earlier this month. but in turn, iran says that that attack had been a retaliation for in his really assassination on a ring. and so back in july, is that the shad, ronnie's good 2 nights ago. the cut it out, the malicious. uh, the of course is the rate at which is wrong. but at the same time it shouldn't be, don't play. and either by saying it was insignificant or unimportant, design assumes calculations must be taught. they are making serious mistakes and judgment. they do not understand the iranian people. they have not recognized as trends, capability, creativity and determination of the iranian nation. they must be made to understand these realities and it's up to the country's authorities to determine the
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appropriate response. the best serve as the interest of the nation and the country . i told you most of the us, the democratic presidential candidate to come. a harris has been asked about her message to iran after this latest round of israeli attacks. let's go straight to rosalind jordan, who's in washington dc. so was this wasn't a sit down interview with cbs news. what did the vice president have to say? well, the vice president of basically reminded those who were watching this interview with cbs news that child, she's not just running for president, but that she is also still the sitting vice president in the bite and harris administration. and what com a lot, harris told the interviewer, is something that you will hear her boss as it were joe, by the president say as well. this is pamela harris. the democratic candidate for president of israel launched an attack on iran that has raised for
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years of a whitening conflict in the middle east. what is your message to iran? well, 1st of all, i do not respond. that would be a mistake. and we are prepared to defend israel as we have before we will again. but the critical point is that there must be the escalation in the region. and we are working through diplomatic channels and other channels to ensure that there is a d escalation of the region. is there any indication based on the intelligence that you've seen, that iran wants to respond? i can't speak to that, but we've been very clear as the united states that they should not respond and that it would be a mistake. what are the consequences that they do? i'll keep you posted and it's also worth pointing out that a senior administration official told reporters on friday nights here in the united states after these really air strikes on iran took place. that messages had been
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said through various diplomatic channels from the us to iran. that this should be at the end of the current tensions between it and as well. so we'll see whether or not this is actually how a ron is going to respond was calmer. harris also touched on the fact that donald trump says he's been holding regular conversations with these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. she says that she is not concerned by this to that's right. the democratic presidential candidate just spoke live with reporters in philadelphia in the past hour. and she was specifically asked about these ongoing contacts. because technically, this could be a violation of a law known as the logan act, where he private us citizens aren't supposed to be conducting us foreign policy. and they could be tried for having done so. now obviously the buying harris
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administration isn't going to try to prosecute donald trump on this. it happens that we are within this 30 day, informal period, where the justice department isn't going to take any actions that could be perceived as trying to throw the national election. one way or the other, but that said harris underscore the point that the u. s. has been working to try to and not just the we're on garza but to resolve the conflict between israel and loving on as well. right now. here is rosalyn. jordan, thank you very much. i is still a head on alpha 0. tens of millions go hungry in sedan will hear from the executive director of the world food program who says the warring sides are blocking much needed a the
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hello. we've got a few showers in the full cost for parts of japan now, little more of the way i plow. coming through here, we've got to assess the why the front. it's just lagging and sales folks as well a little further north, which as we go through monday and pump some right up across horseshoe before 10 to ease out into the open waters. a legacy a shout was coming back in behind a few showers the into the korean peninsula. much of charter is looking try temperature's getting up into the high teams, the full beijing. more of the same as we go on into a to stay. now do some whatsoever to the south side. we got some showers. so what's the weather into the fall south of china to tropical storms here because this is try me. now making lab was made land full, just hugging. that's a central coast of vietnam, but the slow moving is not maybe too far, too quickly as trying to make an about to an out into the open water. so it's still more, very heavy and flooding. rain coming through like problems with the weight and spit
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the rain will cost the problems him nitrous a system here come right. that will be a tie soon. by tuesday, we're looking at some west. the weather, heading towards the far north of the philippines towards taiwan. still some showers into the northeast of india are at present, but more so to the south the, the the, there's no limit to how far a dream contains stuck in your own adventure. now, a tom and the
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the watching out 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces have killed at least 8 hour students, including 3 during this stuff to be bomb, to school west of got a city, the building. i'll shut the refugee camp, have been housing displaced, people, palestinians in northern guys that are struggling to survive with little to no food in water. the is really army has been preventing the entry of humanitarian supplies for the past 3 weeks. but you and says it has blocked nearly half of all 8 emissions into the north since the beginning of the 8 people have been killed and it is really striking, 711 on the attack, hit the coastal city of sight in authority say at least 25 people were injured. the
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ongoing conflict in sedan has worsened a already severe food crisis, leaving millions hungry and sun on the brink of famine. before the conflict, 14000000 sudanese did not have access to enough food. that number has no surge to 25600000. about half the country's population in zemzem camp and north star for famine has been confirmed. among the 400000 displaced people living there, the world food program ones, the 13 areas ard, severe risk of famine, particularly and or for car to quarter find inches 0 states. and more than 750000 people are facing catastrophic food shortages. putting them at extreme risk of starvation, the conflict has displaced more than 10000000 people who now do not have any access to income or basic resources. well, earlier i spoke to cindy mccain, she's the executive director of the world food program. she's in the coastal city of port sedan, which has become a logistics hub for aid in the country. and i started by asking her about the
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situation in the sam sam camp. and the situation is catastrophic because we have not been able to get in that scale and access has been very difficult. so i'm pleading with the world to help me gain our i. 7 our access within sudan and, and be able to get to people who are suffering from famine and help stop famine. nevertheless, i've been here talking to many of the leaders here within the country, pleading our case with regard to, to access, making sure that we, that we have, we are able to not just gain access, but we have gate crossings that are active, like audrey and others. and, and actually help in the world focus on sudan and not forget about sudan. this is a crisis and we need the dentist do it. multiple parts of the country right now are considered to be at risk assessment. now, just to make this very clear, for viewers them and as measured in the number of people who die of starvation every day, can fab and still be prevented at this point in those areas. if
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we can gain access, i mean access at scale, we can probably preventive but the list of times to time support here we have no, you know, we're not in there. and as in a scale that we should be, we haven't been able to reach the most of the people that we've been trying to reach because of various issues. so it's really important that we, that we gain this access and gain now, so that we can get in there. otherwise, fam, and this could be the largest humanitarian crisis on the planet. if left alone, you've talked about access, you've said that several times. the aid isn't getting everywhere that it needs isn't getting to all the people who need it. uh, not at the speed that they need it, not of the scale that they need it. i know that you and agencies and a groups in general or low to talk about the political situation. however, however, the army and the parent of the true group that they're fighting in sedan have been accused respectively of obstructing access to aid and eluding aid. in the country,
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is that still happening? that is still happening. yes. and so they made it very difficult for us to operate, but we have them left. and for, for the record, deb, he was the 1st one on the spot on this crisis began. we're not going to leave, but it is important that we gain co would that we, that we help politically here not, not many develop people that, but that are diplomats around the world to take a hand in this and help stop it so that we can get the idea of what's it going to take for the aide to get to the people who need it? well we just 1st of all, when i say access, i mean we need to be able to, to travel safely and, and again at full scale. but remember right now she managed parents have been targeted. we are not targets. and the respect for humanitarian law is almost nonexistent. some both of those 2 things combined with our, with
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a inability to be able to get through the roads, get through the process. if the amount of food in that we need to get in is really what we need right now, is there communication going on with the various belligerence? you know, it's as often referred to as d confliction to say where the convoys are going to let them know that those convoys shouldn't be attacked. is all of that happening. mm well, yes. or there's d confliction that you have to remember. remember, communication is very difficult here. we're in the country that, that is, you know, is not set up for broad communications. and if it is not working. so we've asked for communications equipment all also to be brought in so that we can communicate with not just our teams, but the other u. n. teams that are on the ground should certainly can coordinate things, but less for number. what's what we need right now is complete and clear access to these regions who have not been help or not getting any age at all. and large part of this is also what has happened this year is of course climate change. and so the
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heavy rains was a debilitating factor. the, the flooding was a debilitating factor. so it's been a kind of a perfect storm of problems i would for with regards to being able to get in. the shots are reported to have been fired at a convoy carrying bolivia as former president eva morales. he says he's now safe. morales posted a video online, which appears to show his driver being injured in an attack. it happens in a small town there should hold in central bolivia, pensions between morales and believe you as the current president, we are say, have led to violent protests between their supporters. daniel swindler has more from neighboring argentina. well, we know that so saw it when what all this was in a call heading to a tv station in his stronghold of the cultural band region where he used to be the leader of the coke of lease growing union,
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a very strong support that and as he approached the tv station, a 3 cause i paid a full team, shots were fired, wounded, his drivers like a wounded, able morales himself with hood saying that firing shots, let's get out of here and move quickly. they managed to escape and he went on tv shortly afterwards to denounce what he said was an attempt to own his life or do it by the government. all socrates, somebody immediately afterwards from the government's security ministry has gone on there to deny any kind of responsibility and suggest that this was perhaps a move by 8 or more dollars to elicit sympathy, a mock attempts on his lights to elicit a sympathy among his simple which is still shrouded in some confusion, but certainly it seems. shots were fired. i have one of these has escaped on the scale. voters in uruguay are heading to the polls deluxe, their next president. opinion polls suggest the opposition central left candidate has the lead against incumbent was a conservative security and poverty,
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or the main issues in the south american country run office schedules the late november if neither candidate gets 50 percent of the vote to georgia. now where the election commission has announced the governing party, one saturday's vote with more than 99 percent of val, it's counted, the georgia dream party has 54 percent of the vote. but the opposition is refusing to accept the results calling it a constitutional cool election observers say, trusting the outcome and fairness of the vote was undermined by a string of violations over here to be on the bottom and teams. witness in some presents high tension confusion and chaos. in one case by the book stuffing physical sort of service attempting to report on violations of server and media removal. from porting the station. steering up of service, complaint, intimidation of voters inside and outside of 40, in your stations, precedence of multiple body obligated of servers, boasting
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a citizen of service. furthermore, bolting secrecy was not always a sure unless you have or tanya and is a regional security expert for the south caucasus region. she says the georgia dream party has moved the country closer to moscow. and the integration with the west has become basically the only option for georgia scenes. it's deepening crisis and then the, and the word that it had were rushing towards an aide since then seems russia in way to georgia info's an age and recognize these to break away regions. georgia was less effectively. there's no other option but to get closer to the west. and what we have been seeing in the recent months is a very surprising uterine led by the car in georgia and leadership. that is now propagating something that the stuff that has the potential to distance the country from the west has to do with the georgia dream itself. we saw the political party
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has been in power for over 12 years and you know, people to get bored. we've made these things, you know, when you are in the power for such a long time, every next election has been more difficult for the georgia dream recently. and then what has been happening is the georgia dream has been having and receiving from any more questions coming through from the west related to the elections related to the democratic institutions to the need to have for elections judiciary mc like that is a georgia dream where to go that way, most probably they would have many more problems with winning the elections. and what has been happening is that we have been seeing the georgia dream, basically started distancing himself. and the moment i would say that the you, the turning point will steal the russian invasion of ukraine when the georgia leadership had to decide which side they are taking. the exit polls in japan say
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the ruling coalition may lose its majority in the lower house in the parliament. prime minister, she gave her it was she called the election after he took charge of the liberal democratic party. earlier this month, his party has been facing multiple corruption scandals and the cost of living crisis. b l d. p is rule japan for almost all of its post world war 2 history. incentive goal, more than 80 percent of historic sent him as an theater is lie, a band and in the capital. but now the countries film industry is pushing back with the launch of an acting school. because hack reports from the car. in an alley way in a decor suburb in a small open air, send him a club lights up the night. it's blowing an old african classic cellar. the story of a powerful type crude who has become a cursed, desperate to lift this bell, he becomes blowing to is own greed and those he's wrong.


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