tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera November 4, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST
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and it's protesting people's hero for as to how to find an empire on out to 0. there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places the state houses are really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the, [000:00:00;00] the pedal on and that's of a put on them and the system use our life from doha. coming off in the next 60 minutes. i'm james phase in washington, dc. with the latest on the us election campaign trail become a harris's judge of voters to turn the page on hate. and the vision of donald trump
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promises whatever the democratic administration broke. he will fix a wave of as rainy as stripes across the causes trust. at least 35 palestinians have been killed since early sunday. is very full since launched a series of spots on the residential areas in east and then $711.00 on tracking civilians on the buildings. and the outrage on the streets of valencia's famous kings food and by swan victims over the government's response to dissolve. so that killed over $200.00 people, the less than 48 hours, millions of american village as will have to the poles to elect the next president . the candidates and making the final post to one of the voyages and crucial swing states with both the democrats and republicans have significant support. we have
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special election to cover and let's go straight to james phase in washington dc with old alexis james of thanks lives. the 2 main candidates are scrambling across the 7 swing states to boost to and out among the supporters and sway undecided voters. the democratic presidential candidates come a lot. harris has been trying to cool the black american vote on sunday. a short while ago, she visited a bob shop and the majority black city of 20 i can meet you can. that's off to starting off a day with a church service in detroit power. as this company only in michigan today, covering multiple locations here in michigan right now, each of us has an opportunity to make a difference. because in this moment we face a real question. what kind of country do we want to live in? what kind of country do we want for our children and our grandchildren,
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a country of chaos, fear and hate, or a country of freedom, justice, and compassion. meanwhile, republican presidential candidate donald trump has been jumping for 3 critical battleground states. on sunday. this is the city and right now in kingston, north carolina, with trumpet started speaking. he'll be in georgia later today. but he kicked off all the bits in pennsylvania where he focused much of his speech, wants to get on claims. the election is wicked against him. they are fighting so hard to seal is damned, a look at what's going on, look what's going on and use that every day talking about extending hours. so what, whoever heard of this uh, we should have one day voting a day for valid. that was donated from speaking a little earlier. donald trump is speaking right now in north carolina and const
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deluxe. just listening. i said i better let them just get their stuff and i figured fema would do a good job. they did a horrible job under the auspices of this, these 2 people, i gotta say these 2 people. but, and, you know, right now i'm saying who the house running or transfer, you know, but even knows, can you imagine presidency of china or put in, or anybody they want to call. they say, who else running the country. so 1st time we have a country where we don't even know who that who is running it. nobody knows what's called the united states should always speak to. most of them say donald trump, just call donald hi. so this what we're going to bring back to the american dream is going to be brought back at the highest level. and this is all you have to know camelot broke it,
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and i will fix it and then go thank you. so this is the big moment. we have a situation where we do the right thing. we're going to have an america that will be bigger, better boulder, richer, safer, stronger than ever before. if we do the wrong thing, we're going to go home empty and our country is going to fail a country's failure. we're a failing nation. by the way, in case you had any question. hard to believe right to this election is a choice between whether we will have 4 more years of incompetence in failure, or whether we will begin to forward rate is years in the history of our country. and you know, we're starting them from behind. we're like starting on freight from behind the end zone to bring back the football or that we like. but like off the field because of what they've done to this country and for years what they've done to this countries,
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i should be ashamed of them. so this will be america's new golden age, is going to be a golden age. we're going to do it. we're going to, you know, i've done 62 days in a row, doing kinston in north carolina, sounding a little bit to horse and looking perhaps a little bit todd, let's bring an adam fisher who's following the trump campaign. and he's in kingston where that riley is taking place island. he's back in north carolina. does that mean he's perhaps worried about that state a yep, absolutely. no doubt about that. he's got 4 of his last kind of answers over the last 3 days in north carolina, and that's because of the content. let me just show you something really simple. yeah, this is a real good fit. the rule of thumb. take a look at all the things along here now a long time ago. a lot of trump signs that, i mean there, there isn't actually one in any of those. there's a few,
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the trumpet cannot have done this problem and that's the problem. he's got a solid, the north carolina was going to be an absolute certainty for him. in the republican camp. he was going to rack it up as a read state. he did it in 2016. did it in 2020. the fact that he's here again, and we'll be here again on monday, tells us that his team are concerned about the state. they thought they had it when he came here and started talking about the impact of the hurricane. how did the government, it'd been an effect 'till that seemed to get people on his side. but when they look at the pulling in this state, the number of african american voters up to record level is number of hispanic voters up to record levels. the number of women voters up towards record levels. they all tend to vote for democrats as well. so that has put the fear into the trump campaign that i took, the poll that came out on saturday night in iowa. the suggest couple of how this was 3 points up, and donald trump, the trump campaign says that's a no lie. it is no real,
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but it's been very reliable. over the last 7 or 8 selections that have come about how this is a head it, what is a conservative midwest state or the head in elder with that older women voters and female voters over 65. donald trump is in trouble. no, he's not just here in north carolina, he's going to go to georgia liter. and then he'll be in pennsylvania again on monday. and he will be in michigan where he'll end his campaign like you did in 20 . 16 and 20. 20 is suspicious. he's not suspiciously superstitious. he thinks that he can actually, pete, what do you have besides the one of those elections, even though you didn't in 2020? so he's trying to repeat that again. but if north carolina is a concern for the trump campaign, if there is a break in trump, so called red wall, he's in trouble come november. the 5th and the white house just moved a little bit further away. alone. and thank you very much in north carolina. well, to raise a bow, joins me now from michigan,
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detroit. and i'm going to ask you, i think the same question, cuz cumberland harris is spending the whole day back in that state. teresa island says trump might be concerned about north carolina because it keeps going back that all right. harris campaign, concerned about michigan as well. most certainly. and if she wants to make it to the white house, she has to win michigan. that's what many of the democrats that we've been talking to here in the states had been telling us cadillac. this is a crucial swing state to state about donald trump, one with a little over 10000 votes in 2016, and later on, joe biden. was able to the feed him in the state and suddenly carmella, however, is arrived here. she's been appealing to the african american vote earlier today. she went to a church service later on to a barber shop from an american football player. and later on today, she's going to be in a university campus appealing to the youth vote,
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certainly appealing to the african american vote. some post have suggested that she lagging behind among black for men, mostly because people are in a way disenchanted with a traditional politics saying that it's not going to change their lives. however, most of the african americans we have spoken to, i'd say that they would vote for cabinet highways. it's also important to know that had a couple of hours today spoke to the arab americans. here in the states is that the city of dearborn, for example, has the largest arab american population in the country in the united states. and they are important because they're located in a swing states. you spoke about guys about the unnecessary debt civilian deaths that happened right there. the need for a 2 state solution to give the palestinians self determination stability, security among other things. and many arab americans in the states had been saying that they would vote for donald trump because they're saying that cabinet harris has completed with a genocide that is ongoing. and the gas is sweets and with a war 11 on right now. so suddenly this is
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a crucial speed for cameron. the highway is a swing state and nobody really knows what he's going to happen. and that's why it comes to harry's as 2 dates on the streets in a university campus later today at feeling to every vote. because at this point, every vote counts to raise the michigan. thank you very much. but as we said, trump is speaking still in north carolina. now as one of 2 swing states recently batted by hurricane headline. but early voting as being brisk in many affected areas despite major challenges. is there a column like north carolina masses going into election day, both carmella harris. i'm donald trump, a many neck and neck, and a 7 swing states. north carolina is one of them. it has 16, electro bates, one from 4 years ago. like many southern states, it both democrats for a century before swinging to the republicans. in the 19 sixty's population shifts,
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including a lots of people moving in from other states, have made it into a swing states in recent elections. brack obama, carly, north carolina, not really in 2008, but lost it in 2012. since then. it has remained placed with republicans generally having a small advantage. north carolina was the only one to visit his swing states, one by donald trump in 2020. but just by around 1.3 percent. so this time north carolina is very much at play as a crucial swing state. it's tamela harris doesn't need to win north carolina. but any scenario which she does makes her pause to 270 electoral votes on the white house a lot easier for trump peak and also gets to 70 without north carolina. but doing so will be very, very hard. like so many of the swing states, north carolina is a story of a few large and heavily democratic cities. balance against the hensler that has
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bought rural and republican democratic votes as a mainly concentrated in the state capital in raleigh, on the neighboring cities of greensborough. and high point, and then down here in charlotte, the state's largest city is also a small, but significant concentration out here in the west of the state, around ashville. pretty much everywhere else, is republican read. no, every election has a so called october, surprise. this time it's hard, compelling, devastating storm that costs more than 200 people to be killed, catastrophic damage across the southeast and united states. and that includes georgia and north carolina. a bees of the community busted by hurricane lead. and this is a month of a 2020 results. look at these areas in the west. here mostly will mostly white, heavily republican bees, a trump strongholds, except to be little pockets of blue. but i mentioned
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a moment to go around the democratic stronghold of ashville. again, by the affected by the hurricane. now it's unclear how her complaint is going to swim these elections, but it may affect the pace of the accounting process. how the federal government, that's by and i'm paris at the white house on the state government respond to this disaster. and how that perceive to respond could be a key factor for the states votes as, as they had to the pulse. and let's focus on one more of the 7, the sink, splitting the states and donald trump last wisconsin by just on the 20000 bucks and 2020. now the trump powers campaigns of pricing for every last vote that including in areas where they are on pump for the, the strategies to cut into their opponents margins even in the most unlikely of pay places out. as there is heidi joe castro has this report from the bus price of the
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republican party, a 170 years ago, a group of citizens held a meeting inside this little white school house in ripping wisconsin. they opposed the expansion of slavery, and they decided to call themselves the republicans. and that's how the political party was born. david gray is the former mayor of rippin, and a proud descendant of the towns political legacy. had been a republic. i'm forever, but i would describe myself as a modern republic, republicans dominate the local county, or donald trump won the most votes in the last 2 elections. but cala harris came to reuben in october, trying to p. o, off support graces. he and his wife watched the harris rally and weren't impressed . she's tries to walk away from by and but i think she was
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a part of me while trump is trying to stem his losses in parts of wisconsin, that saver democrats. he recently visited madison. the republican party of today is very different than the one that was founded within these 4 walls in 1854. when republicans were the progress is opposed to the status quote. the party today represents conservatives, and there are other differences. the parties of 1854, we're really focused on the policies and the issues surrounding the people of the day. and if you look now at whatever political party you'll see that they're much more focused on the person and the personalities. mandy times gives tours of the little white school house. now a museum run by the non partisan ripping chamber of commerce. it tries to preserve the place as a time capsule and shield it even from today's politics route. and we do believe that the history that happened here can be inspiring for people,
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whether they're whatever political party they're part of. it's just a really good reminder that ordinary people can change the world. and grace says he knows the world is watching how wisconsin voters cast their ballots. he's checking the box for trump, heidi joe castro alger 0 rip in wisconsin. well, that's the summary of the campaigning taking place today at is reached the last minute frantic stage. a lot to discuss, so let's introduce august this uh we have so 11 who is campaigns in political direct to a green new deal network. and eric tom is a political analyst and contribution to the washington diplomat newspaper. let me start with, look at a list with the opinion polls, and i don't want to go into any specific opinion problem because you go all the way back to when biting pulled out of the rice in july. and it's told us that completely economic so close both nationally and in the 7 key swing states. do you believe the polls? eric? no,
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i think now what we need to be doing is looking at what the early votes are telling us. we've gotten nearly half of the total electorate that's already voted on more than $70000000.00 people. and i think that's giving us and even clear indication of what this race is going to have. all those haven't been counted yet. they haven't been counted, but they've been cast. and so we know that where those break down in terms of republicans and democrats and even independents. in fact, i think that's one of the reasons why we're seeing campbell of harris in michigan. because right now even though democrats have cast my. busy vote then republicans, it's showing to it's showing that it's a much closer race than they would like. and i think one of the reasons for that is because the harris campaign has done very little outreach to be ever american community, which we know is very large and se michigan sold you both actually from michigan outlet that stick with michigan. now because you are both experts on it because it's your, it's your home state. what's your take on michigan to do you think there is a big problem for harris? with regard to the arrow, the american folks has given what they feel about the bite and administration and
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it supports israel and is ongoing bombardment as of cause i'm not been in with more than 453000 people that it goes. yeah, absolutely. i think that's a huge challenge for the harris campaign. i have a lot of friends in dearborn and in detroit, but also it's not just the problem is here of american community. a lot of us and jewish community, such as myself and other friends, are horrified about the violence and, and think that it makes everyone less safe. however, when we see the contrast that a lot of young people are seeing between calmer harris who's reached out about it, is talking about the experience of palestinians. and donald trump, who did some of the most divisive things in history. a pointed someone to be the ambassador to israel, who had a financial interest in expanding settlements. we, i think a lot of young people are seeing. pamela harris isn't perfect, but she's someone we can work with in the move and can push this issue forward. and donald trump is as far as you know, out of the question on that issue and far more interested in continuing the sort of
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expansion. or do you agree with that? eric? because she didn't mean that the convention there was no. the speaker on behalf of the palestinians, she hasn't actually being today able to meet the end of the hall to the the, the, out of the american community. when you look at comma la harris over these last $100.00 plus today, she has reached out to every t demographic that will be voting. and this selection from african american men to latino man. and one key audience says she has not touched at all, has been the air american population. i was in chicago for the democratic national convention. and there was a pushed to have someone from the area where can community speak at the convention, and it did not happen. and even while she's in michigan this weekend, she's not actually speaking to anyone, as you said, she's not going to be in dearborn, dearborn heights or any of these communities where you do have a number of ever americans that reside. and it comes across as though she is
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strategically ignoring this community. i'm not saying she's going to lose the air of american vote, but she doesn't seem as though she's aggressively going after it, like she has other key demographics. so when you look at the polls, one of the unknowns, of course, all the people who are voting for the 1st time because we don't know where they're going to go to the young voters. what's your take on what matches for younger votes, just who will be voting for the 1st time in 2024. yeah. you know we work with a lot of young voters. we've been talking to voters. i just spent 10 days in michigan and i was on university of michigan campus in ann arbor. and a lot of young folks are really worried about the ongoing bombardment in guys, an environment on those. and. and they're also worried about climate change. and when you know, when we think about it, my little sister, her 18th birthday party, was actually almost cancel it because of climate induced bad air quality in the state of michigan. and so her and all of her friends are thinking about what's the actual impact now that climate change is affecting our lives today, and who's going to be taking on those issues. and really there's only one party who
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talks about it in a serious way. okay, well look, if you will switch on the media here in the us today. yes, there's talk about speeches of riley's, but it's also talk about appearance and it like nights and skate on a tv comedy show. i have, i have a little listen to this. i'm going to vote for us. right. any chance you are registered in pennsylvania? nope, i am not well that was harris alongside maya rudolph. is the actress who's been impersonating her for weeks on the saturday night live now for people outside the us. it seems like it's just the tv program, but this is an american institution. eric, how do you think that that to parents will come through? it's a relatively small light and i told you it's, but it reverberates on social media. oh, absolutely. it does. in fact, when you're looking at the political season,
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being featured on saturday night live is a right of passage. and i think with 48 hours left until the election scene, complet harris on such a popular late night television show. i think it's huge because this is going to be a race that certainly will go down to the wire. any type of outreach at this point is good outreach, particularly on a program like saturday night live. so we heard donald trump, we took a little bit of in light of the wrong. again, he was saying they are fighting so hard to steal this thing. we've got a bunch of cheaters, and of course this is the man who started even before the votes have been counted in 2020, said one and still says he wanted election that he didn't. how much does that? why were you about his questioning of the integrity of the election system? how dangerous is that? at this stage is extremely dangerous. you know, there's a normal thing of trying to prepare for, you know, if we lose, let's make sure that it happened fair and square. and every indication is that the
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trump campaign has been going far beyond that, trying to create uncertainty in doubt so that they can have an opportunity to question the election results in spending a huge amount of time on that in a totally unethical and concerning way. because eric, those know that know that she any proof, is there any voted for whatsoever? and yet there was she which amounts of fake claims on social media of voting irregularities. the fraud is actually the claims of it. no, no, no. any proof of this actually? oh, in fact, we've already seen 165 lawsuit already filed in may. any of those lawsuits were filed even before the 1st votes were cast, so were clearly getting an indication of where this election could go if it doesn't turn out in donald trump's favor. and i think what he is hoping is that this could be an election decided by the courts and not by the people. so is that the worst case scenario sold a, you know what they called no fair?
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or is there an even worse case scenario given what we saw in the city on january the 6? i don't want to get into predictions about the absolute worst case scenario, because donald trump is surprised us before with how bad things can be. but i think we should be extremely concerned about the way that his campaign has been stepping beyond the normal. let's make sure this is fair and active. we trying to undermine some of the general conversations that happen. so eric, how do you think the harris come pain should handle these trump planes? do they confront him every time? i mean, they have to be responsible and how they handle in century claims. do they know? well, that's true, but we've also seen from complement harris are self who has said things like donald trump is on hands. he's a threat to democracy and i think some of that is actually beginning to break through. and so i think what we're seeing here is this has been, i think, over the last 10 days or so a campaign of basically tit for tat. and there's been a lot of negative campaigning as both of these candidates try to close out this
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race. but i think what we're seeing here is cala harris recognizes just how bad this can be based on what we saw a take place just 4 years ago every time. so 11, thank you so much for joining us here on out to 0. and remember how to 0 have comprehensive special coverage on the election night. make sure to join us in 22, g m t on november the 5th. that's 5 pm, east coast time here in the us will have live coverage from across the country with guests and discussion both here in washington, dc. and in doha, that state for now i need to do how i send you now back to this a. james. thank you very much for that for now. said into all the news and gaza, now with is there any minute he has killed at least 35 people on sunday, including 17 in the north and con eunice and southern gaza. at least 8 people, including children, were killed and strike. victoria gazing the reports. paramedics
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perform chest compressions on a boy. he's been critically injured in his really striking northern gauze. as the ambulance races to hospital, relative support shown, hoping and praying, he can be resuscitated. early morning strikes, targeted residential areas in jamalia and bait the he to destruction is a roaming access to major roads is blocked and didn't tie areas or cutoff. amelia and battery. yeah. the grind evasion of the north and the total seat are still in place. the basic necessities are not available. all this is happening in the face of international inaction and the inability of international organizations to fulfill their humanitarian jersey. tex, the innocent people in northern cal is a strict solvent garza was not sped as really a tax only to strike on. han eunice resulting in another wave is injured palestinians arriving into betty functioning hospital. many he are in shock. i'm
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just struggling to comprehend the atrocities the witnessing. the we were sitting down outside. we have no idea where the missiles came from. my brother was killed and many were injured. aside from that, i don't know who died and to survive the attack. so many the agony is too much to be brought to destroy, continue to go with the district. so does the suffering of the teaching unit the entire populace. as soon as northern gauze us is an imminent risk of dying from disease by main or ongoing bombardments victoria gates and b l. g 0. and honeymoon. who was following the situation in the north, from central gaza, close to a 100000 people or less without any health care whatsoever. limited actually,
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close the non boxes do uh, with the water and medicine and, and live saving uh, items of resources across it did. there is a deliberate obstruction of the entry of the humanitarian aid to the northern part of this trip. people are left without any food or water supply the trap inside their home. so as not all the people who are alive now, they are trapped inside home. but we have a so many of the build already gotten missing and a trap under piles of rubble in both big la, there's a body or a few can also just the past couple hours, another a top of residential. i'm another example of the continuation of deliberate tax on families who decided to stay in northern part of the state, more of like a collective punishment of everyone ready who made the decision of staying in the northern part of the strep example of this middle of the family are scattered and on the phone a far between northern part and central part of the strip. earlier this morning we were faced with a very heartbreaking situation where we had a mother who was in northern part of this trip,
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bidding farewell to her son who was killed here in the bridge refuge account. this is what we had seen earlier this morning. and mark had shaved my brother in your time, you had was killed by and he's really thrown in obligation. or if he can, he was working as a drive on the humanitarian aid convoys traveling between the north and the south cause or got stranded in central garza. when these res denied the entrance of age into the north, she stayed in authorize for 6 months away from the last communication we had with these mother, he told her how much she misses her. and he hopes to see who is the ones on the side of the sea. and if he wants to put something on his mother stranded and somebody in cause of such a noise like any mother, she is entitled to grieve over her date. son. i want you to give her
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a chance to pay the final respects to him. yes. i searched for an internet connection of the property. these were very difficult moments. any mother would want to hold her son and say good bye. i wish i was with you. i wish i was killed mixed you. these were who works to him over the phone. this large crowd a lot. so how for the gather this morning to have been for a well for one of the people who were, was killed last night in the evening, as i kind of worried about the account. the reason we're seeing this larger crowd is because is mother isn't gone and not very well for her son. and we relied on internet connection just to connect the mother with the stay in and goes on to say good by the last good bye to her son. who was taken from here from a lot of the house, but of his final resting place in one of the graveyards nearby, in such a heart breaking, seeing,
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we could not very see. and the mother crying so hard on the small camera of the fun as he was bidding farewell to her son. everybody gathered here in support of that mother who just lost here hard hearing in the center of the area anymore. i was just from the central air and they've got to tell us as the head announces 0 cleaning out. so you case, protest is take to the streets of the march for cleanings which weighs the the hello. the weather is lossy fine and dry across much of year it bits and pieces of cloud with chasing hay with high pressure in charge that says the lead on the atmosphere so long as the settled line wins. but we have missed them full problems in the mornings. full some token, you've probably got a little bit of flat,
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just run that is the side of spying around the valley. eric's mount tools west of the big area cloud here had a sub tropical storm patsy, which would eventually run its way towards northern portugal. over the next couple of days, west and past the spring could see some wet weather. but for race to spain, it is grassy, tiny, somewhat dry and bright, to still a few showers around on monday. noticed them what the weather coming into spain and portugal went through with when the other side, if you're, if, as well, just around the black face and then back into that western side of rush. i've been in between last the settled and quite so said with some piece of bits and pieces of low cloud at times. come to stay, still a few showers into the northeast of spain, southwest and pulse of processing a shower would say, we'll see some what to whether they're just coming back in across the porch. cool. so why they're also affecting northwest and pulse of africa, but from much of north africa, but it's dry and quite west africa, few showers around here,
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90 hugging the se on the research chemicals, dangerous new performance enhancing drugs. i was using a bottle of day, which is 5 milligrams because there's no dosing protocols marketed to teenagers by fitness, influenza, as i'm young. and i'm on this. one is very dangerous. it's a while west full times investigates, the lack of regulation to stop their spread. and the too often fake and consequences. and just because you feel, how does it mean they're always muscle, inc, on a jersey a is real, is judaism and judaism is israel. many americans use a raised with a one sided view. what israel, this is our land, that's what was conveyed to us, found in the depths of my family's house. but the tide is shifting as younger. jewish americans learn the reality about these rails treatments of the palestinians . i was never in the palestinian house to live barge into one in the middle of the night. it's
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a military occupation is right. it is every episode to analysis era. the the you're watching on just they are with me, elizabeth put on them and uh huh. a reminder of our top story is the seller, which is 2 days left until the us selection. both presidential candidates come by the house and donald trump are on a tour of the swing states aiming to sway votes. is that a still undecided? harris is in the background state of michigan. well, trump is in north carolina. there's really military has killed at least 35 allison ends and multiple attacks across gaza on sunday as strikes of target with
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residential buildings with instantly displaced people. the sheltering that says that you once children's agency yusef bones the entire population in the imminent risk of dying from disease of feminine goss, as health industry says that as rarely falls as a tightened investigation on health centers in the north, come on ad one's directors. this is really military has bomb, the children's floor, and the area storm water tags, at least 6 people have been injured. the hospital says it's off the world health organization for protection, but their team was also attacked. we spoke to dr. who some of the stuff the earlier about the challenges he's facing. and how let us know if we ship in this war, we've had to learn to do everything, as is really forces during the hospital entertained the entire medical staff member . i, together with my assistant position, were left alone between a rock and a hard place either to give up. we're start doing what we can to save lives. the
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more just the to the high. by any measure it we've had to perform miracles. here. we've been flooded with victim suffering all kinds of injuries far beyond a full fledged hospital capacity. bees in terms of bed capacity to staff, qualifications, skills and capabilities, literal and physical and mental limits. but we were forced to act administered as caesar to a child who was in critical condition. and my colleague opened up his abdomen and stop the bleeding. it was the 1st time i ever performed a surgery. this was totally outside the scope of our specialize ation. we did what we had through to save lives. otherwise, instant victims would die by the grace of god. the child survived and was moved the i see, you know, the senate now it was done. i was in what i have a message to the world, not only to the w h o, the red cross, and the international community, but also to the proponents of international law and all those who pontificate on humanity and human rights and an urgent humanitarian passage must be opened without
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delay, top fuel and medical supplies delivered, and also to allow for a specialized medical staff to come and lend a helping hand. we have been abandoned by the whole world and left to work under unimaginably harsh and horrifying conditions. so as body forces have reportedly employed a civilian companies to flatten the homes and the southern gaza city of with alpha, a video uploaded by an employee shows him boulders and through ruins, with plans to destroy local musk. nicole are the subject of the permission to talk a whole new about getting him into a fair enough people. most of us, i mean based on the found out that email on cheese. so what's the music on the way doing that? daniel levy's, the president of the us middle east project, had a full advisor and is there any problem and it's does office and he says the move shows
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a blazing attempt to profit from will crimes. it's not the 1st time the one sees, a little profit sharing and the one sees must notes. what is unusual is the degree i think of reddish, of ideological, of joy in conducting these will crimes. and this is being done in the cold text, all quite transparent public. where are some plans to continue committing war crimes because the political plant is not a ceasefire. a, by the way, the unique side of these ready prime minister's office, that he very likely violated israel's own little emitting material to try and undermine socal sci fi tools. but this is also part of a longstanding political plan to just destroy stalled. this place as the general's plan is all the things i'm going to have some of these over. with the battery, we're told that it's not just these ready government, the us government,
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the and the rocky government. a part of these times to bring this up contract is that so what we all see is the continuation of intensification. now not just of cost war crimes, not just the subsidized for clients profitable to. ready any anyone for whom displacement has palestinians estimate cleansing and is really settlement is new as a poppy not been paying attention. i'm not just talking about during this period of destruction in garza but full generations for decades because why is the cause of the population? most of the refugee in the 1st place that's, that's not the we've had years of israel threatening a 2nd not. but now what we see is that people are getting the feeling that it is possible a, zach. now i don't think this is what's gonna happen. i don't think the resistance is defeated by the way. what they see is the general plan made public
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a long time ago is really ministerial government talk to it's about removing the population from dawson. they now see that the northern garza, it's being implemented. so you do have to definitely look good party as the main force behind that conference to prepare for reset equity. garza is ready for us, haven't watched a series of attacks across eastern southern never known. at least 3 people were killed and 9 injured in an attack and had it side the near the close to city of side for the south, a strike damage, possibly 15 governmental hospitals. it comes israel issued, forced evacuation one and from the eastern body back region. the armies have its targeting hezbollah sites. meanwhile, the little girl has been pulled in life from the rubble of a collapse building in the town of gaza and self 11 on it was head fine is really a strike on sunday child stratford. his and they wrote more on the attacks on southern lebanon, upon
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a large straw icon of what looks to be uh, a residential, large residential building in the outskirts at the time of the city of upside on an area code. holler at site. uh um, so fall we are here in the ports of at least 3 people killed in that strike. and at least 9 others injured. the siding is being hit at least a couple of times at least twice in the last few days and indication of an escalation for the know then the main for one of the better words say to of operations for these really spell the south. we're also getting drips of information with respect to what's understood to be, to families that are buried underneath the rubble following. and he's ready a strike almost a week ago now in the town of k, um, which is in southern lebanon. and it's understood that there are 21 people that we're missing. we're, we're now hearing certainly
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a couple of hours ago reports that 5 bodies have been recovered at least another 16 still missing. it's highly unlikely. nobody's expecting anybody to, to be still alive. following that attack, but certainly what the local authorities are saying, civil defense and the red cross. the saying what this highlights is the lack of access, the israel is giving them as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it says has forces will push, has bowler beyond the tawny river of weather without 6 fund agreement. that latania is about 50 kilometres from lebanon's border with israel. nothin young who met army officials in northern is round on sunday. he added the only way to ensure lost in peace. that is to prevent, has been left from reopening thousands of his writers have been evacuated from the huns near the border since october. last, you know, 2 days following developments from the jordanian capital a month because that's where the government has bend on to 0 from reporting and is
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right on the occupied west bank. his plan is not really going as well as he'd hoped . first of all, there are, there is no traction when it comes to talks or efforts to reach a ceasefire or even by all accounts and is really media and nothing you know is waiting to figure out who's going to be in the white house come november 5th, and in the meantime, he wants to convince as well, is that what he's doing? well, actually you results that will bring those thousands of people who been asked to move away from their communities in northern israel. it would bring them home. but just as he arrived and while he was in northern, is around, his bowler, reportedly fired around a 100 rockets. in fact, he was supposed to go to lymphoma, which is further in the north, in northern israel. and he canceled that trip because 20 minutes before his arrival, a drone had struck the truth formation in that area. so on the ground, it's a bit difficult for him to make a case,
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but what he's doing will actually get people back to their home. but he needs to be by time until we reach november 6 the the spanish king has been rude and echoed while visiting the flood ravaged region of valencia the can. felipe was visiting the worst effect to towns with prime minister pedro sanchez. sanchez was evacuated by his security team as tension throws. that had been protests against the government's response to that as austin, which has now code at least 214 people. thousands of soldiers and police officers have been deployed to assist and the rescue with it. and spain's the meteor logical agency has issued a reading that for most storms and heavy rain in the valencia region. so when a guy a go has moved from pipe for the invalid and see
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a it has been an awful lot of criticism that we've heard here from people about how we will forward to use have dealt with this issue. now, bearing in mind that the risk devolution awful, socrates in spain because you have this central government at 5 minutes to play the center from one hand thoughts imagine c and flooding rescues. all of that comes on to the re, much of the regional government for general, the tops of valencia. they were the ones who were given the information and the response to the deluxe. now what people had told us is that they did not receive and a lot until i was off to the is also struck the town, but loving it. cuts. people said that they had one of a sudden began receiving them on that mobile phones, but it was far too late, especially considering how the water rows of a much the time by up to 2 meters. and of course the recovery process as well. the rescue,
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the clear enough as well in the 1st few days has been taken on by the community, the residents, and also people volunteering, coming in, looking for hours, sometimes to reach a with of most basic of equipment until the other rosara sees the ministry and firefighters were able to come in with heavier equipment in order to be able to pick up the enormous amounts of daybreak and rubble that is pretty much everywhere in the town. pablo called it on martinez as an associate professor of politics and international relations at north east and university london. and he explains why the ankle against the government in flooded areas as being directed at the king. i don't think it was a surprise. it was a shock to see the sort of reaction against the general institutions from the general response of the governments. i suppose at every level, the regional government, the, the central government, the federal government, if you wish. i did not necessarily expect that to be the case against the king necessarily, because traditionally the king is a forcing us
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a figure that trust sense for thanks to some expense. we know that is not necessarily the case in spain, but certainly we just didn't like valencia, which is be with them more towards the center, right on the right. in recent years, i would have imagined would it be that it would be different the reaction of the response and the welcoming or thinking. so that was, that would be surprising. but i suppose the circumstances of the situation that is happening on the grounds explains through a great extent, the amount of anger that is being failed. but it's called easily understandable and i think people are entitled to express a frustration. but i was a little be surprised that the targets of the game for this particular reaction. the situation is unprecedented. some extent this isn't like some other parts of the world, perhaps that are more sort of used to the sort of scenarios. you know, this isn't some country in the caribbean, for example. it is facing she regains here near the seas on president that needs it . he's definitely, uh besides, youth racial is presented itself. but obviously the idea of citizens expect the
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government to be prepared for the sort of issues and happen thing is, is being planned for anything that can happen. nobody actually knows when natural resources are going to strike a bite, there may have to finish it, and that's where the size does. but you do expect the government to have a set into your preparedness. and also you expect the government to be competent when reacting to these things. and i think the issue here is not only that the feeling is that the government has been unable to respond, but rather they've been unwilling to respond in the sense of the go try. it states a lot of politics being played out as well. and there's never a good look. it's, it's like it's 5 microns and refugees have died while trying to reach the canary islands from west africa. emergency services said 17 people were rescued off of a inflexible boat punctured. 80 authors will also move to safety from a 2nd stricken vessel. spanish authorities, by more than 32800 people have crossed to the island from the continent this year.
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for the rest of march through central london, demanding the government take immediate action to end the pollution of u. k. waterways, sewage, agricultural waste and all the chemicals regularly spilled into water across the country, protest of directing the ag at water companies, which were privatized in the 19 ninety's. charlie angela, the reports from london swim is stuff is fisherman. nate to love is. these are the people who revealed the grims stage of the you case walked away, exposing bullshit. companies for illegally pumping, untreated sewage, into rivers, lakes, and seas, leaving not one river free from pollution. this is really important to me as someone who is that the mouth of sewage, polluted rivers. i've swarm across the fluid slicks in the summer time and the winter time. i've got many friends who have been sick with, you know, in those throat infection, stomach upset, or those things because of the property earrings,
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of what the company and the pumping of sewage into our rivers. and i'll say this is the largest demonstration against most of pollution. the u. k. has ever seen the labor government says it shows the public signed. it has created an independent water commission and hoops to pos and you know, giving will to regulate has increased power, has to bind bonuses as environmental stand, adult met make find automatic. i didn't, you were to boss is a person the liable for low breaking these to test is for them to go further. they won't promises the urgency need is an investment to infrastructure is not paid for by the public, but showed it by the shareholders. this process is this is a one sending generation sean. take a break and this is essentially a cautionary tale of privatizing a nice but was there is that britain link and see when they cleaned up in a single cell home in time. but it could take charlie on. so how does
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a lot of to 2 weeks of negotiations, countries at the comp, 16 bio diversity summit and columbia have agreed to establish a permanent body for indigenous peoples. the historic decision will allow them to participate in future decision making on nature conservation and rules on the use of genetic information about the summit, social on a key issue, funding plan to conserve nature. i found that are on the, at the reports from the meeting in cali. indigenous delegations broke into 2 years after columbia environment administer announced that diplomats from more than a 190 countries, reached an historic agreement at the u. n. biodiversity summit to give them a permanent invoice on nature. conservation decisions is the is so now this is an unprecedented event in the history of multilateral agreements on the environmental indigenous groups and the local communities of the world connected to our knowledge
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systems on how to take care of life and biodiversity. that was the most important announcement at the end of 2 weeks of often contemptuous negotiations and deep disagreements between the countries to try to stem the dramatic loss of biodiversity in nature by 2030 delegates, for the 1st time adopted the measure to recognize the importance of the role of people of african descent and another one to force corporations to share the benefits on products such as medicine, created using genetic data from a normal implants. but despite these announcements, there was no real progress on the most important issue. major funding to tackle the loss of biodiversity globally billions of dollars are needed, but only $400000000.00 have been pledged. actually the target is 20 per unit. yeah . by 2025. so it's one very good administer said this week. it's like saying that
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the bridge costs 500000000 to restore and you give me 5000000. it's just not going to happen. so we need this money to flow from the global north to the global south as fast as possible. we're looking at that protection crisis, we're looking at a restoration of prizes. we're looking at a situation where it's going to affect all of our lives. but it's not yet taken seriously by the treasuries of all countries in the global know. until that time we're going to continue to say the extinction crisis get was in the end there was a bitter sweet sound that's with a number of undoubtedly important announcements, but that missed the mark in the ever more urgent effort to reverse the accelerating loss have nature and biodiversity something that the delegates will have to continue to tackle next year at the cost charity on climate change in brazil, and 2 years from now and the next comp 17 in armenia. i listened that i'm get the address to your colleagues to the election in moldova and with 93 percent
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of the votes counted president my son who has taken the lead receiving of the 50 percent of the vote. president sandy wants the country to join. the issue was appointing, and tyler vander staiano is seeking close the times with russia. the central electoral commissions has more than one point. 6000000 people costs the ballots. some sports news and manchester cities last vote. and let us as well as a surprise, the faithful also has allowed little pulls a capitalize at the top of the standings. tom size length is more golden. we run the 10 games into the premier league season, but this could go down as the moment this will austin's type of hopes fade away for the title challenges of off after one new to speak to new call. so it was then over to manchester city, i'm livable to strength, mcclain's. but a 30 to master run was on the threat for pep called you or the side going behind
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for the 6th time the season. well, i'm live a poor, can see that against bryce and to the sides, occupying the leaks top 3 positions on costs for the feats but then came in a minute period, but changed everything ever. nelson typing in boardman the 2nd and the double strike from code to get to put, i'm itself put lives in front. the city only spoke back to like go and then this from erling holland. but it's a 1st defeat since december last year for gaudio the and now 2 points behind that rivals and difficult was to know. but the, if you want to handle this team, you are still, you will feel that you have an open and close to your 90 minutes across close close . is that it was? did you have to be strong? yes. do we need,
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do you have to do these kind of situations and then too they were not able to do it . sometimes it's sometimes openings are better, so i have to accept it. so i know the winds on the slope side on the davis. so his closest competitors for the type miss outs? not because of the fact that they last. but what i do like a lot is that last week we 2 times we game one goal behind against arsenal. 1000000 to one. and 2 times we were able to fight ourselves back into the game. and in this game we were one about half time, then uh, to come back to way we did that gives me a lot of confidence for the rest of the season. was the loudest class since i've been here. i think we need them again to make sure we stop play like this from the start and defense kind of help us from the start pulling city face off on the 1st of december and match, but could now carry a lot more meaning tom size and i was a 0 and to some cricket history of new zealand beat india to complete
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a 3 no series sweep. india have never lost 3 mill on homes solely before and meeting a 147 months of victory. they felt 25 runs short mumble, high born, i asked the town was the stuff and new zealand to spend a taking 6 look at the complete the feat to stay with us on al jazeera. we're back in just a couple of minutes. thank you for watching. unique perspective, we don't want to head to well, but we no longer have any private spaces on the incident. that's a scary well on heard voices a year into this genocide, it still remains large. one section connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, but humanity, the number of people who want to stop sending weapons has gone up and up despite what they hear in the mainstream media in the united states. the stream on out to 0 . what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through here to 0. we believe everyone has
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a story we're hearing on to join this past fishing feature. evidence of human rights abuses is widespread trafficking wage. the code on the black people starving death on land. it's a legs we goes a forced to work in c food processing units, obligations. china denied one. 0, one east investigating some china slaves. fiction. oh no. just the historic election, consequential presidents get shot with the potential to impact the shape of the world we were respected before. i will not be upset, tyrants and dictators who are very close to world war 3. and people don't realize that we're closer than we've ever been with many desperate for change. we need to have these long range capability. nato will become a country of military operations against the nuclear states. what is the world to expect?
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let us know each other in the world we we have to be brave, otherwise we're not going to ever go to the power of the choice of one nation, affect us all the, the us 2020 solver elections. on al jazeera, the u. s. presidential candidates make 11 pallet of hills to voters is coming to harris for just them to turn the page on donald trump, who drops down his anti migrant rhetoric, the hello on and then on. and then this is alger 0, live from the coming up and going reason guys us powers to me is more children
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