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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the i'm james by is this is the algebra news live from washington dc without special coverage of the us selections coming up. donald trump is holding riley's across 3 battleground states. he's already been to north carolina and will be in pennsylvania shortly. coming on. harris is focusing on pennsylvania,
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the swing state with the largest number of electrical folks on the final day of the campaign. and i'm sammy's a dining hall. so i had this news out the off them, off of you as another mass occurring, garza 15 people killed officers, riley strikes, hit 2 houses in beds, not here. this drawing homes and creating buffer zones. new realities riley is trying to create in southern lebanon, and garza the hello and welcome to washington d. c. election day. here in the us is less than 24 hours away. i'm tens of millions of votes as will head to the poles. more than 75000000 americans have voted already the candidates continue to cross the swing states on the final day of campaigning to the public account of donald trump is held. a riley in raleigh, north carolina is the 3rd straight days visited the straits. the states which was
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the only baffled ground one, but he, one in 2020 trump will be holding a rally in pennsylvania in the next hour or so. and wrapping up his campaign in grand rapids in michigan, we must have come, i'll stop a radical left agenda with a landslide that is too big to re meanwhile, his wife all the democratic presidential candidates couple of hours is traveling from the battle ground state of michigan to pennsylvania and other swing state on her final day of campaigning. and she's scheduled to take make stops in the cities of island town and pittsburgh before her last big valley in philadelphia, a policy one, pennsylvania by a slim margin in the 2020 elections. and many think it could be the tipping point states and this election, which is there a has correspondence in locations right across the united states. this how we'll
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speak to rob reynolds in arizona, john holborn, in nevada. mike kinda in pennsylvania, but 1st to fill of out in north carolina. phil trump has been that now by my account, the last 3 days. is he worried about north carolina? yes, 3 days consecutively and another one out, even though weeks that's full times in the space of a week. he is worried. james, i mean not, but donald trump will say he's worried. in fact, joining this riley here in the city of raleigh. he said, i've never lost a and i don't intend to start now. but then again, you can see that there is that concern. and that is because this is a state that donald trump sort of have locked in at the start of the a. he was running against joe biden. his motion and victory had been fairly tight, but he felt confident then come with iris, came up to the ticket and everything changed. and now the poles have got them pretty much neck and neck. they change with the days, but they tend to be around about one or 2 percentage points on most so well within
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that margin of error. and he is clearly concerned. that's why we're saying he has so much. i'm one thing i must tell you, a anecdotally is what we've seen here on the ground bearing in mind that this is a state where he has a lot of support. we turned off, we were here an hour and a half before this radi began on the no lines outside. normally you have thousands of people waiting to get in there where a lot of people that earlier in the day before the door was open. but that normally what happens at these rallies is the doors open and more people arrive and those crowds continue to grow. that did not happen even just before the raleigh started, i went in myself, have a look around. so i shot some footage of my phone. it was 70 hoff full. so despite what you see on these videos where they show you a shot of the portfolio, the president on stage, you can see the crowds around him, most of the seats at the back and very much around the edges. what mc, i'm not going to be a huge concern for him, but of course, that's also not something that the trump companies will ever admit to by spend to some of those people who came out. some people drifted out within about half an hour. some people stay to the end,
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i spoke to them about how they feel the race is going on. there was some resignation from people that this is not a looking for donald trump. they said they do think that he can do it. but when they were asked if they could, it was going to be a land slide. they said they didn't think so i'm still with i was to go, he's got what today. and there's a lot of energy, a lot of positivity, right? patriotism the step down the stage and everything was crazy that when it but he has ever right. never reason to be worried because if he doesn't, if he doesn't carry north carolina, pennsylvania, georgia. he's, he's probably not, he's, he's not going to win. if he doesn't win all, all 3 of those in terms of that. so he points of his riley, it was what you would expect as we've heard about immigration, but he's talked about his level dogs. he talked about the economy. he bloss did
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come with a harris, as he always does. and he so the seats, in case he lose a, is always something we saw last night as, while he is now saying that there is potentially fraud taking place just in case he lose is so that he can continue to say what he said last time, which is that he did not lose, i mean he should not have left the white house. thank you very much, phil of al, let's go now to montana who's in philadelphia. it's one of the cities in pennsylvania where a couple of hours will be campaigning. on monday, mike, she's spending the rest of the day that one assumes, that's because it's the big prize. it's the swing state with more electro coming to college folks and then they, they, others indeed, yes, well, behind me is independence. whole with the constitution was rectified from 240 years ago since then. pennsylvania was one of fine. so if you know original states that ratified the constitution, and it has always been
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a central part of the democratic process within the united states. since 2008, when bulk obama, one pennsylvania has correctly chosen each winning candidates to enter the office. but more importantly than that, 19 votes in the electoral college, that's what's up for grabs, hit. this is possibly the defining state in what is going to be a very tied to the forward struggle and within pennsylvania itself is one group of photos, federal absolutely critical to the chances of the democratic party success. we're ready to drive to get data through the polls. it's not letting us know that was putting me on the door today. right. these get out the vote movement separate. the knocked on more than $56000000.00 in the 2nd round states. a key demographic will come on that harris in particular is women of color. i think black women have shown up for democratic candidate over 90 percent,
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multiple election cycles now. and if those same black women don't turn out, i think she will have a far more difficult road. statistically, black women are the most loyal of democratic party support is. a recent poll indicates that harris's lead over trump, among white women under the age of 30, is so teen points. but among women of color, under the age of 30, this increases to 55 points. this is clearly not just an important demographic. it's possibly a defining one about the future. the best campuses are those who looked like the people they office waiting to vote because this consistency and because the demographic could be defining for this election is why we want to have people come from those backgrounds and come from those communities actually talking to each other deeply personal story about me and it was not just the message that's important, it's the messenger as well. i'm also a mother of daughters,
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and i realize like right now when we think of all the issues that are on the line and the selection. black women are primarily affected by each and every have, every one of them we have been demand for years. the company a message might be just as important or even way more. so when it comes from your grandmother, when it comes in your model, when it comes from your aunt, when it comes from ms. mary down the street, who always has the barbecue in the summertime. the messenger matters even more so than the actual message to my local community leda. nikki royal and says, black women are fighting for the freedoms of origin does not just the we're not going to return back. so what it was, were going forward with strength and numbers and communicating and connecting. yes with all humanity. as the sign is stuck to in philadelphia commemorates those who fought for freedom and joining the ranks of the soul of the women fighting to ensure that this exercise in democracy does not end in the winter of discontent. by
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kinda i'll just say era. philadelphia, pennsylvania and other swing states in play is nevada. that for us is john hogan joining us from las vegas to on the front. right. the big issue that is the economy . yes, absolutely. right, james. he's got one of the highest unemployment rates in the united states, and that's coupled with a really high use or one of the high some of the states cost of living. so it's a sort of twin pocketbook struggle here for people in nevada. i'm actually here with papa joe, which is this the secretary treasurer of the calorie workers union and local 2 to 6 is really powerful for say we've all my 60000 members to do. you know the vegas inside where we are now. your parents work? tell you what's here in hotels. now you're heading out this union. what are the key issues for the members of the you now?
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thanks, john. the con, our economy was crushed by coven here in las vegas and, and the economies back with bite in harris policies that saved our jobs and saved our economy. and these companies are doing quite well. but the reality is the cost of food gas and housing the just to them i, and that's really the big issue on the doors. we talk to our members and the voters, you the union is inducing cumberland, harris. how do you hug? but she's going to be able to solve these problems. well, the real problem is these massive corporations, big, big oil wall street, landlords price gouging profiteering off the pandemic. the problem is donald trump, he is a wall street landlord. he's a big corporation, he's a owner, he's really with them and the super rich and comma here, this is one of us and she said she's going to fight price gouging. and that plus the ability to protect our ability to fight these big corporations and negotiate good contracts. so we endorse campbell errors,
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but it to really met connec here in nevada. do you understand why people are voting for donald trump, the attraction there as well? well, or donald trump organizes and campaigns on here, and folks are nervous about the cost of living in the cost of their groceries and the ability to pay the rent. but the difference is a comma harris has a real program. she's the only one that has an actual plan to take on these big corporations. take on the costs of living. trump, we don't think he's going to be good for the economy. we think his policies are going to blow up this recovery and it's a really nervous about that. thanks a lot to pep pep to do it to the century treasure the country will cause union local 2 to 6. it's a really close race here in nevada with a lot of undecided voters but 2 times. well, let's continue out to of the swing states from nevada to arizona and live for us in
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tucson is rob reynolds. rob did fill us in on one of the big issues all that well, james, this step swing state has 11 electoral votes and majority of its 3800000 voters have already cast their ballots early. arizona is a traditionally republican state, but joe biden carried it very narrowly by just over 10000 votes back in 2020. this time around. donald trump is in the lead, according to the polls by just a couple of percentage points. well, within the margin of error and as an insightful voter in flagstaff told me the other day holes, don't vote people do. now, there are a couple of special factors that work here. one of them is abortion. there is an arizona ballot initiative that would and swines, a woman's right to abortion in the state constitution. abortion rights have been a major theme of a combat harris's campaign. so she's hoping that that initiative will drive voters
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to the polls who will favor her. another is immigration, this is of course a border states and the campaign of for a former president, trump has been hammering away relentlessly, here and elsewhere over the past several months on the theme of illegal immigration saying that migrants take away jobs from us citizens and are responsible for crime . now, it the boat back in 2020, as i said, was extremely narrow. uh. and there were allegations of fraud from the trump camp this time around, voters voting officials and law enforcement said they're prepared for any disturbances while the votes are being counted. and james, that could take a while trying to rob an arizona, completing a tour of full of the swing sights out, is there a has correspondence in a whole set, but then we keep talking about the swing states. why?
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because of the outcome of the race for the white house could come down to those 7 states is out. is there a civil vanya on america's unique electrical system that determines the winner? it is the thing we are all focused on is the results come in the electoral college and each side's road to $270.00 the number of electoral votes needed to win the white house. here's our starting point, 43 states and washington dc. you're either reliably read or reliably blue. that means complet harris can already count on 225 electoral votes, and donald trump on 219. now it's not totally guaranteed, but it's pretty likely on both sides. the election will be decided, therefore, in these 7 swing states, which between them carry $93.00 electoral votes along with the one congressional district in nebraska. the yellow square here will come back to that later. harris's easiest path to victory runs through the so called blue wall. that's wisconsin,
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michigan, pennsylvania right here. turning these 3 states, red is what put donald trump in the white house 8 years ago, turning them back to blue, made joe biden presidents. but because electro votes have been redistributed since the last election reflecting population shifts. those 3 states are no longer quite enough. winning them would put harris at $26091.00 vote sharia victory. she would still need one more state to put her over the top. now trump's road to 70 starts with holding north carolina state. he won last time by just 1.3 points. if trump wins the blue wall and holes north carolina, he's a $279.00. he wins, but lose north carolina and he's up to 63 still, 7 boats. shorts. if he holds north carolina, trump could even lose the biggest swing state of pennsylvania and still make it the 270 by winning either arizona with 11 intellectual votes or georgia with
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16 electoral votes. he would need just one of those states, not both. so let's go back now to that. earlier scenario harris holds the blue wall and trump takes the other 4 swing states. that's what it looks like. that would leave harris at $269.00 and trumpet to $68.00, which brings us back to nebraska. it is one of the just to states main being the other that splits it's electro vote according to who wins each of the states congressional districts now stay with us and this one, since 1992 nebraska to as formerly known, has gone against the rest of the state twice, giving one electro vote to brock obama in 2008, one to jo, buying in 2020. in this scenario, if harris held onto that boat, which is basically the city of oma, she's president. but if trump wins it, then we're tied to $60000000.00 each. if that happens,
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it is the us house of representatives which chooses the next president with each state getting one vote. that is something that hasn't happened in nearly 200 years and well upholding stations. now, i mean just a matter of hours. so let's discuss all of this with our panel of guests today. i'm joined by nor blessing and see a fellow out of the government affairs institute at georgetown university. also mark faithfully is a full, not deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, a global outreach out the white house. and i think many of of you as well know the last part must because it's the plugins who is the host of, i'll just there is weekly show the bottom line. thank you. old of you for being here. right? that's ask you about the polls, and i have a sense job buttons that down in july. the polls are pretty much the same thing. it's absolutely neck and neck. the closest election in terms of the polls, the probably with the scene in history. so i want to get you've got feeling all you
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hearing and the thing the posts dissolved. let's start with you laura. what, what, what do you think? it's impossible to know for sure. i mean, that's the big take away here. um if i had to guess i would. busy say narrow harris when uh, but without unified government in congress. okay, mark, i think ms. harris winds the popular vote. the electoral college show flip a coin. and i'm just, before we move on own steve on that. if it was the other way around. donald trump one the pump for the votes and didn't win the electoral college. i suspect republicans would get fed recently and then they would be calling for and elimination of the electoral college. but i think in the end of the day at 4840, i don't know how donald trump gets above 48 percent in the popular vote. the electoral vote. look at where they are. they're in pennsylvania. miss harris has oprah winfrey and lady ga. gov to superstars. donald trump as well as ending in
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pennsylvania as well as probably hinges on what the keystone state does. okay, steve, you all following things very, very closely here. you speak to campaigns, you speak to posters, are you hearing? and i think the rest of us a, not a lot of people are looking at the weather for the national weather map. i'm not joking. donald trump's numbers don't move to the most resilient in modern political history. he can win the electro college with $46.00 and a half percent of the, of the popular vote. and he did that before. and it doesn't matter what he does. they don't really go up much and they don't go down much. so if the nation is breathing up and more progressively and thinking, you know, maybe calmly harris being something. or maybe i've got to get a brother and aunt or cousin out to, to, to vote because we have a lot of americans who don't vote. and, and so if they can bring a few people on, she might, when there's a lot of rain snow tornadoes, people won't show up, she loses ok. i want to focus now on one poll and we've had so many posts is july, but it is the poll. it seems to be really the tool come to town here in washington . and it's the poll in iowa,
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one poll everyone's like this could actually mean everything else is wrong. let me ask you about this poll because it's from a very reliable post a laurel who, who says that in iowa, which is not considered by most people to swing states anymore, used to be with some harris leads. trump 47 to 44 percent of what would that mean? it is bit with true. i like stress. so those are reliable pulse stuff. it is only one pola out of literally hundreds we've had since july. it's extraordinarily tempting to see many different things in the st. i've seen this in the single pool such as this i'm, it's entirely possible that it becomes, you know, a single data point, but becomes a trend and the. busy advances at harris's one with women in particular in iowa, becomes indicative of the democratic parties, larger performance since a ruby weighed. and we've gotten rid of. all right, so that's entirely one way that you might see this later in the game,
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but it's impossible to tell with a single steve. so it could be an outlaw, a pole that's wrong, codes in your view. all you would be an outlier state or all that some, some of the characteristics that looks and also the other state is this came out something interesting has happened among pollsters. the step and back saying, did we make a mistake? and some of them, particularly those looking at michigan have said, maybe we have under represented women in our poll. and guess what? and i'll tell you something, abortion really matters. abortion politics. and donald trump has out been out there previously, you know, proudly taking credit for stacking the supreme court and rolling back roe v wade. if he had not done that, i think donald trump would be winning with a landslide right now. we have to think about that one issue. so i think they're looking good. they under represent women. are there other things they missed and have they since 2016 been making a mistake of now over representing trump polls and this trump's like a known guy? we all know him,
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but they may be accounting for him too much in their polls. so mark a, as a republican, are you worried about this and particularly about the votes of women and the effects of, of the i'm open to any of robot versus weighed in june 2022. it was pointing out that there was an abortion band that's coming to force in. i would during the summer. yeah, i think is republicans have to be worried about the females. those a woman vote. judy vance, i think, made an attempt in his debate with the governor walls of being maybe a little bit more polite and less meanspirited to many women voters. i don't know. it's probably a little bit too little too late. the economic numbers that came out on friday, i think, were difficult for the, for the democratic candidate. the question is, can they get enough men, enough african american men and hispanic males to come out to offset the loss of the women vote? we don't know what fido tomorrow, steve, you know how campaigns we can,
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how they plan them the last few days with these candidates. so going, we're seeing, you know, some of them focus. what about certainly trump focusing on north carolina? we're not. is this because he likes being in north carolina, is this based on the internal totaling that they get to all day trying to show up the weaknesses that they say? i think it's clear that donald trump sees himself getting a big and surprising went in north carolina. we saw connell, a harris withdraw $50000000.00 of spending an ad buy in north carolina and tried to defend herself in virginia, which was a likely damn state. so i think, but it's interesting because donald trump never behaves like you would see a normal canada. do you think he's got north carolina? so maybe go to pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. the places that he seems a little bit more wildly. but donald trump is interesting because he doesn't seem to care. he doesn't seem to go where that centrist on attached or that voter that still hasn't decided. you know, he goes where he's loved and right now he feels loved in north carolina. interesting that with no choose phil was saying outside that rally when he was
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there a short time ago talking to us live laura. some of trump's comments, the fighting so hard to steal this thing. we've got a bunch of cheaters. those are comments he's made in the, in the, in the last few hours how, what read all you about the fact that he is, again questioning the electrical system and what that could mean going forward off to the post clothes. that's a really important question and it's not just in the past couple of hours. it's a consistent casting of doubt upon the electoral process that he's had as well as a failure to recognize that he lost the 2020 election um, which has been repeated by his running mate. you know, he's cast out on this. i reason i will pull, but you know, so many different things here, and this has the potential to, to so a lot of discontent and, and how to most, who is that may, may become, is really anybody's guess. but, but we will certainly see
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a lot of litigation following this, which of course they have every, every right to, to litigate these things. so we add over 60 separate court cases that he lost last time around. but i think we should also be concerned frankly about concerns of, you know, extra legal, more tools to us a protest here because monk was saying fence is going up here in washington dc. now, i mean, this is irresponsible, isn't it? well, what trump is saying it's, it's good to be in the plywood business, right? i saw the, the sandwich shop that i go to was already ported on the protecting this allow me, i guess and, and what not, that's a real problem. so some of the security vents are being put up, getting ready for the inauguration and all that activity that happens. but i think as well, it's going up as well. for security reasons, don't you think? i mean, i know you are a public, but it's not responsible to be saying some of these things and it doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't put people's place in democracy. this important time for the country
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absolutely terribly. you're responsible and what election workers need to do. republicans and democrats is be transparent about the process, open it up, let civil society in the, the election years. see it 1st hand in the american people, the media, bring them in, run scenarios before hand. so you can see what's going on, what the process is to get all the glitches out of the way. and then the other thing is look out for misinformation and this information that's going to happen both from the political parties and our enemies, such as the iranians, the chinese and the russians. they are going to try. and so that discussion as well in our society. we have to be on the lookout as americans and it citizens and the patriots to make sure that since the election happens in a reasonable, practical, fully outside way. okay, steve, very quickly, you're going to be with me here on election night on out to 0 for view is around the world, given all these legal challenges and the other thing i was wrong. well, what do you think briefly do you think we're gonna have to wait to find out who's won this look i, i think there's any scenario i think you can imagine the case. we've got
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a comma harris landslide donald trump landslide or something that's so close. and i tell you, we just had a, you know, electro college tour by one of our colleagues. it could tie, i guess what if it ties donald trump wins, cuz it will go in the house of representatives. we're all learning the constitution again. so it could go down, we could be tied up here for a week. so i hope you have a, a good hotel, right. steve clemens modifies the lord blessing. thank you very much for joining us . and as i said, i'll just or we'll have comprehensive, special coverage on election night, make sure you join us 22, g m t on november the 5th. that's 5 pm. east coast time here in the united states will have live coverage from across the country with guess i'm discussion both here in washington, dc. i'm the door and the house where we're going now. now it's back to sammy. thanks james. we'll still ahead here and i'll just sarah. rescue work is in eastern spain such a multi story on the ground cars upon for victims of catastrophic floods in valencia.
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the color of the weather remains a little and settles to pot, solve the middle east. we called this band of cloud. just tell them what the weather then just around the southern section sofa q way to supplement a rock pushing across into central parts of saudi arabia. south is that generally stay dry and settled with the showers. they extend the way up towards the caspian to was a cool to see some of the wintry and nature over the high ground. that'll make his way further east was easing across towards i've got his thoughts pushed farther north. again, the possibility of a few showers around that is the side of the mediterranean gauze 11 on we could see a shower ro to coming through here. for the most part. it will be try and losey try across stuckey. i just noticed the winds coming in from
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a northeast the direction. so just looking ahead on those temperatures that we have across the northeast of africa. conway 26 celsius, typically around 25 degrees. that were awesome. shala's perhaps not as many as with respect across west africa. they all that in place that were extending across into the gulf of skinny and the price of slipping further south as they should do close at this time. if you have those showers just coming down into was, i'm be, i know you some really wet weather just around the east and k for time. and that will flick its way north into south mozambique. the. the latest news, as it breaks, respect was once a reliable wave, but democrats once this time around, the boat will show tumbler hours on the net connect with detail coverage over the past few decades. more than 7000 people have been killed. any insurgency here in southern thailand, from around the world, the reasons that actions have left many oppositions to both his face and the police,
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the electoral commission and the government. in fact that he says he went to war towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been our home for so many years in the final parts of the series. we followed the story of a british age worker as he flees from it live with his family. after being arrested by a powerful village shop. one of the toughest times when they tortured me. state list in syria on now to 0. the
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the all come back, so let's take a look at the headlines now here and i'll just deal with just one day less than so us presidential elections and candidates are having that final rallies in the bid to sway on decided votes is republican candidate donald trump, has held the riley in raleigh, north carolina. it's the sub straight days visits of the state, which was the only box for brown if you want in 2020. meanwhile, his rival camelot harris is a line to the pennsylvania also traveling from the battleground states of michigan . she's scheduled to make stops in the cities of allentown, fits for the full last big valley. and philadelphia news now is right. the forces of killed at least 37 people in attacks across garza, and in the north the armies continuing its months long siege. this is the scene of
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the life is striking by law here where these riley army struck 2 homes, killing at least 15 people. and the health will not come, the director of the nearby come, i loved one hospital, says there isn't a single ambulance left in northern garza, much of the north is being reduced to rubble. palestinians have been cut off from basic necessities. the attack spies right the minute tre on guys have killed molding $33.00 people since the early hours of monday. and they did not have these right. the all me is struck 2 homes in northern gauze, killing at least 15 people among the dead. a palestinian child lost his own father in the 1st days of the war, civilians rushed to the scene to dig for survivors using the bad hands. the,
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the the the, the about
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the little bit i'm having my mood has moved from data by law or according to minute goals, forces that leads to 37 people were killed across the ghost of 25 of them. and the northern part of the survey earlier today to residential home was targeted by this really monitoring by multiple layers rec, leaving 15 people, and the majority of casualties as the pattern of the talk has been going on for almost a year. now, more than a year of the genocide, a were made of women and it shows in earlier this morning this really monetary can do with it's heavy artillery coupled with the talk by the drones on people who were really evacuated from the northern part of, of the body of,
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of the account into the city of bit la, this is the area where most people at the constant trading since they were forced out of their homes. that yet they are being targeted by unpredictable funding bonds in an attempt to drive everyone out of, of the northern part of this trip when it comes to health care system. the entire northern part of the city left without any proper medical care whatsoever. the injuries are transferred to god was hospitalized or done or allowed the hospital but find no medical care whatsoever, simply because there's very many, they have put all of these medical facilities to do out of service and to the point that they are unable to provide any medical care through the face of large influx of injuries arriving to the hospital. but the die within days of their arrival simply because they don't get the necessary medical care that they need. there's really a monitor also targeted. come on one hospital with the are tell the destroying
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major parts of the facilities and the properties of the hospitals injuring medical, the staff to the point where think about i was one has a right now without any medical stuff. what so ever, the situations continue to evolve, you know, much complex, much more challenging scenario. we're ready displaced the traumatized population across the gaza strip as much as they are from the central layer of the gospel of palestine. now the health ministry and gaza says is right, false is seem intent on killing all remaining sauce and the come out loud one hospital in beta law here. the hospital is being shelled for a 2nd running day attack on sunday damaged life saving medical equipment. the doctor at the hospital tells alj a 0 thousands of childs patients risk dying. as a result of the attacks on the hospital, it comes off the israeli soldiers film that last week and detained. thousands of
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people lied. so by has the director of nursing a come out log one hospitably, joins us now on the phone from those and guys are good to have you with us so. so i understand you've been in touch with the very few people left in the hospital. what are you hearing about just how close they all to being completely put out of service. how i love done that? as a matter of fact, today in the afternoon, we were surprised that the hospitality came on the dining. it is a fire, namely the opposite floor or the center in ward and the incubators. the way pounds is by, is there a war planes as well as that plus cost or drones, as that is on the upper level was damaged. some of the attempt that are not in the
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old born babies where and in addition to that, many of the nursing staff, the word cards, vitality is and even price of the people and doing that is where the nursing staff managed to take that to the, to the lower floors, which is not equivalent to provide then it's a city method, can add things. and namely, the new born baby will require a painter and intensive care unit. those 10 to the 9 new born babies came on. those died by how many uh, one of the children was still going to an urgent surgery. this had, that was surprise to the hosp. the staff, especially that was the hospitality came under attack. only one day
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before. and the major catalyst was detained and many of the, well, if i couldn't stop in here already letting you give us an idea of how many babies out on the verge or at risk of dying right now. as we talk, it's a far the most i'll be and see that the center and the patient and to the one day about 125. the 80 or major has to be babies and the intensive care unit is now over at the and then those have been to the new boards. they require hosted based on base license and can buy oxygen. however, the opposite part of the hospital was damaged as a result of this rain at the time we were forced to take them to the last name, which is known to make women to provide. then it says that
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a good as that is added to the uh these were bind right victims. so this idea, i could also question to help paul international audience to understand you well, well working in come i logged one hoftedler. why can you not go back there? and help, i'm sure you'd like to right as a little special and a lot of consume and you'll get done, you know, for the, uh, what somebody of the large number of that doctor made that kind of stuff. and notices well really be detained by it is a he lives in the past few days. in addition to that, as we speak, the hospitality is totally bc integrated through core dawn drum. so you would even put the magic tell us the doctors were working
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before the on off of many of them had been detained by these are you the soldiers, namely the surgeon and your all of the 10 of somebody, many of the pediatrician, because that is the problem in hospitality is on the stack them up for various view, a number of the major kind of stuff. quite a ticket early for those and see what does better to use and this whole cannot provide any assistance. you may look at things and i made that massive means a lot of the masons and wounded especially able you that the hospital as somebody saw so in case of medical supplies, that it is a new piece of policies that had destroyed the warehouses, housing right. and i think that's up on the farm i see. and many of the
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situation here. thank you so much. thanks for the long run. for explaining the situation to ask, i'm are ready forces of attacks residential homes in southern lebanon, thousands of explosions could be seen in the neighborhoods of mason gibbon. and in the motor, genuine district houses near the hospital, several villages of stuff, and some of the damage since, as well as ground defensive began and loving these, right. the army is released this video monday, and it says it shows soldiers operating in southern lebanon, entering homes and patrolling streets. many people in lebanon and gauze are, are accusing israel of trying to create buffet zones in northern gauze, or in southern lebanon, or correspondence. stephanie deca has more on that research by planet lab shows the extent of destruction israel has inflicted on the border towns and villages in southern lebanon. and now we're going to zoom in on just 3 examples to show you what's happening basically long this border,
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or this is the lebanese border village of yeah. do all this is october of last year . i looked at the right, and that's one year on look how much of it has been destroyed. and then if we move a few kilometers further west, we're heading to 8. the aisle shop. again. going, remember these are homes and lives you're looking at. these were communities just a few kilometers on to them. yeah. the same alter devastation. and again, this shows you the difference over here. and this is how much damage has been done to that. i mean, that's the same village by israel in just the last month. totally gone many unless suggested this is part of israel strategy to establish a buffer zones inside. so the 11 on merits northern border, just as it seems to be doing in northern goal is that this was about yeah, in october and the few remaining palestinians, they are being ordered out by israel. these harrowing and chilling images were
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released by the is really army. a forced displacement of a people as a model on the shower is i'll just here, a city, a political on, let's see, joins us here on the show. now model on, 1st of all, question about these buffers, as is israel succeeding in creating buffers, ends in gaza and 11. and, oh yes, it seems, uh, it is succeeding but kindly that's not courted buffer zones. let's call it what it is. that's called a spade a spade. this is an occupation of lebanese, i'm assuming territories and gaza. it's 3 occupation and debit on a certainty and occupation of large swats of land and 11 on why do i for documentation? because the man, the general, the, is there any general or all the plan for it called the occupation any 2nd, we should be proud of it and it's not
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a crime against humanity. according to him. it certainly is because it's coming on top of the general. so i think guys are on the war crimes and never and on look, this is a part of, i'm sort of a 4 or 5 says process. phase one, it's siege. phase 2, it is a sole face, pretty expulsion. phase 4 is destruction. and phase 5 is occupation. if you remember, when is there an occupied that brings up and solved living on 1982. it's remained there for 18 years and 30. it was basically pushed out by his bundle. 1967 of talk. you find the west bank, it was supposed to be temporary, it stood occupying good, 57 years later. so what design is doing is basically re occupying one chart on guys according to these really general
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b or i line who wrote the original plan. and they're going to be occupying huge amounts of territory in south lebanon. and they're gonna try to maintain that after expanding its population. it's a huge, terrible holistic plan. on top of the general side that's going on. 11, this is coming against the backdrop of elections. presidential elections in the us . we just, i think, hours away at this point will, is a donald trump or kind of how is making a difference to his rails attempts to re shakes the middle east of the, you know, i doubt it, but i think nothing, you know, is already running out of steam, although he thinks he's not on top of his game. he looks like a peacock nowadays, unlike the defeated nothing you know, we saw in october 7, october 8th of 2023. he thinks he's winning the war against has but long time us against 11 on on palestine. and he's now who wants to go towards syria,
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iraq and you want, i don't think either had his or trump would be signing on original war. i think harris is by then light. i did send it to these i in the eyes the few was by then i think had this would be a bit more cautious a bit more careful with israel's war crimes. i think it's with the she would take a bit more distance, although it would maintain the support for his right. i think with tom, it's really a wildcard if you, if you're not this semi, not that of green block nor friedman, nor even his son in law cushion or seems to be on the scene. so it's not clear to us where trump exactly is going to florida and all of this, but there's one thing for, for sure. the last 40 years the united states was not fighting directly in the middle east after the withdrawing from guns time. i think neither harris nor trump
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would be fighting boards. needless to say, for his are as safe in the middle a. so i think is right now is betting on. how does or trump i think you're on, for example, for them. they're not going to be for, i think is right for them that we might be supporting them as they've done the past year. but i don't think either american candidate come present that wouldn't be supportive of our regional award. half that off against on it lock, libya. yeah, minutes or so for all right, thanks so much model on the shot of that smell. rescue teams and nascent spain are looking for victims in a multi story on the ground. cobb park in valencia flash floods in the region, have killed at least 217 people. comp. punk was flooded last week from the country was hit by its was swans in modern history. the government is deployed 7 and a half 1000 soul. just the region while the pharmacy is face increasing criticism. so their response to the disaster. sonya guy go reports from one of the worst hit
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areas in chiva in the province of valencia. almost a week off the, the flash flooding hit the town of chiva just outside of buttons. yeah. and the clear operations are still very much in place. and now if i step to the side, you can see the extent of the destruction that the was so close as it came down the ravine closing immense structural damage. the houses here, in fact, way you see the rubble pulling out of the building. here is how that happened on sunday overnight houses down hed beams too dangerous to enter into, which is why they've been costs are 5 you will far to use a now the results. so the worry that 5 that down stream that so that people who are living in the houses further along that are real, so endangered as well. some of forward has, i've also told certain families who are living in that dangerous and that they have to leave. we spoke to a family who had to vacate that rode home on monday morning. they don't know yet
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where they will sleep this evening. but chiva for all the damage that is surrounding it. here is one of the best of places that is recovering from the aftermath of the flooding. there all the towns just closer to the city of valencia who are formal, which are formal, damaged by the flooding as well. the real simple populated and people that felt the anger and the frustration that people socrates did not come soon enough to be able to helps them when they desperately needed it. most. sonya got jago alta. sarah chiva all set i had on al jazeera, saying good bye to a music legend. we look back at the life and legacy of quincy jones died at the age of 9 to one. the
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. the us selections are finally here. join us on november the 5th as the results come in and we analyze what they will need for the us and the rest of the world. the u. s. selections on ours is 0 of the the us music tights, and quincy jones whose multi decade career re shaped paul and both a nova has died. the age of 91. he collaborated with frank sinatra, ray, charles, and michael jackson making some of the world's most popular tunes. charlie angela as this report. quincy jones was
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a titan and the american music industry. a producer composer, musician, and hit maker, born in chicago and 1933. he 1st made a name for himself as a jazz trumpet to he was soon in demand with every musical stuff. i feel like the most last person on the planet to have come along the path that i came and musically for me, 13 years old. you know, started with right charles of 14, he was 16, i want to talk terry, and they say, and then he thought of everybody fidelity holiday louis armstrong all the way to 50. so let a general collaboration with frank sinatra. really put him in the spot light, but he was not defined by single music rash on he revolutionized funk and pump producing michael jackson's best selling albums in the 1918. james
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was the 1st black vice president of mercury records and his place in the hall of fame. also for the films and tv shows he produced, the list of his awards is lengthy. he's been nominated for 79 grammy's and 127. he's one of i think 20 e got winters in the world. that's the whole the quadrant of awards for anybody doesn't know the any grammy oscar tony. and oh yeah. he also produced the biggest selling album all time. a musical genius, quincy jones leaves an indelible mark on music history. all right, we're almost at the end of this news alva. what ending the show? with a message of resilience from the gaza strip, medical stuff and journalist on defying israel's war for the song.
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the or this video of a groups thinking in a hospital is actually now being on social media. as long as cold, we will live here. it's being described as a non symbol thoughts highlights and resilience. despite the difference. i say for this news, i'm back in a couple of moments. so to stay with us in, in an already follow tom. well, the citizens of israel, we are, we are gonna continue to stay with israel's right. and the united states obviously is going to stick with this really with many desperate for change president by then i did encourage you to get this over with what is the world to expect each other and we are we have to be brave. otherwise, we're not going to have
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a country lives. how will the choice of one nation affect possible the us 2024 elections on out to 0. the a. hello. we have another developing tie started making his way towards the north west pacific world closing on. that's in a moment. i have it flat, but we have got a lot of dry dry and settled weather for. i'm not sure. but china too bad across the creek. police are this feature here that will bring some cooler fresher, have it signs, blustery showers in across a good part of japan, sinking my wife for the southwards and east woods as we go through tuesday and on into widest, isis. and what's the weather coming through here? what scars come back into the korean peninsula? and i think safe a month to charter, it is generally settled. i'm fine. look a little further south. this is a developing tie food company as a tropical storm is making its way very close to the north of the philippines that
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will run between the philippines and the taiwan as we go through the next couple of days, a loss of wet weather coming through here it just gets pushed a little further south. may we, as it just pumps into those ne leave, wins those waves, bringing some wet weather into uh, indo china garages, showers the across southeast asian rush that was to, into southern positive india into shoreline drive with us. i for the northern plains of india, a few showers into the funnel faced into the pool, but hot and dry baptist on the unique perspective, we don't want ahead to well, but we no longer have any private spaces on the incident. that's a scary well on heard voices a year into this genocide, it still remains large. one section connect with our community and tap into conversation as you find elsewhere, but humanity, the number of people who want to stop sending weapons has gone up and up despite
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what they hear in the mainstream media in the united states. the stream on algebra here, it is sure visual and see us in the through boston. and i mean, i was in fear, i shot him dead. a controversial us know, stand your ground. you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, given your statements, the right to kim, we're sending the message that you can just do this. this is ok. i'm denying justice to victims. families. lines investigate, license you on oh geez era. the jet up, the good digital about the bucket, elizabeth or somebody. yes. you see on the vic using glass? i think you have less of that page and looked at the dates or to do this estella so i mean, yeah,
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yeah. did he had he thought about the shop for get active in the next couple months? mostly by law the for me the better than it is. yeah. oh no hope you do to get let me be cheap. the kind of good. the good, you know, you? yes. you can, you know, go, you just got the money, you can move it to a bunch. i'm going to turn this i much that's it was the money,
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the or just with the final campaign pushing the united states. donald trump campaigns in 3 battleground states, also north carolina, he had to pennsylvania. pamela harris is focusing on pennsylvania's swing state with the largest number of electoral votes and the final day of the campaign . the


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