tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera November 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST
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of as a vital lifeline for many in desperate need. your donations can play a crucial role in alleviating suffering. promote and community wellbeing and contributing to the recovery. join ok foundation in its mission to support 11 and during this critical time. full now or visit. okay, adult tool the assignment will campaign push in the us. carmella harris arrives in pennsylvania to swing states with the largest number of electoral college votes. finally, i have campaigning. donald trump also in pennsylvania. he's already been to north carolina and will be in michigan later for his reading. the hello, i'm sammy's a. then this is i'll just hear
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a live from the hall. so coming up, garza's health ministry says is right, the forces seem intent on killing all remaining stuff. that come out on one hospital in northern garza, off through another day of attacks. plus i'm sonia guy jago in chief outside of valencia, for the town is recovering, often amounts of disaster with resilience. the election day in the us is less than 24 hours away, and tens of millions of us has begun to head to the polls. so molten $75000000.00 americans have voted already the candidates that continuing to swing across those battle ground states on the final day of campaigning. kind of the house is now in pennsylvania as she zeros in on the state for her final day of campaigning houses, making offs in the cities of island town and pittsburgh before last big riley and
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philadelphia, the democrats, one, pennsylvania by a slim margin in the 2020 elections many think it could be the tipping point states in this selection. republican candidate donald trump, while he's holding riley's in 3 swing states the day before the us presidential election, he's already been to north carolina now. in reading, pennsylvania, trump will be wrapping off his campaign later in grand rapids, michigan for a mazda feet. come out of that stop or radical left agenda with a land slide. that is too big to rig that is going out to mike. hannah is joining us from philadelphia, one of the cities in pennsylvania where a couple of harris is campaigning. and mike, she's spending, i think, old day in pennsylvania,
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assign of the sentiment of those who say pennsylvania may be the state but the coals. this one. the indeed yes, well both candidates are hitting pennsylvania in the course of the day. donald trump is supposed to be holding a gathering in reading in pennsylvania, as we're supposed to begin from one and a half hours ago. he hasn't started that particular rally yet, but both candidates centering in on pennsylvania because of its crucial importance . yes, it has 19 votes and the electoral college, the biggest of all of the spring states. it has as well a history since 2008 when barracka bama one, every single person who won the presidential race was voted for got the majority in pennsylvania. so that is a significance to the states in terms of the pattern of results. 2020 jo bite and not really wanted 2016 at donald trump and i really want it. so it's actually
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crucial state. it will also give an impetus as the result start coming in from the rest of the country. but this is key here in pennsylvania, which is why harris as well, of course, is spending the entire day here. she's just wrapped up a gathering in scranton, pennsylvania, which is with joe biden, grew up some questioning that is that she's attempting to distance itself from biden back, goes to scranton. the place with he grew up as a child now is rented as well. she didn't just hold a gathering, she also met those campaign workers who be often about pressing people to go to the polls. this has been an absolutely huge operation. we have spend some time with these campuses with these volunteers who go and knock on doors and we were told that $56000000.00 that'd be knocked on in the battle ground save in recent weeks.
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so that's a mess of enterprise that is ongoing here. both parties getting if we, if we both that they possibly can, because pennsylvania is going to be critical, crucial in the results of this race. and mike, they literally met kinetic, right. i think the a lot of the, the polls say that don't tell me i have a raise, a thin lead of like point one percentage points. how different all the strategies to try and squeeze out every last drop of undecided both is yes. so we've seen that tron generally has focused in on that mess, gathering the big rallies where he attempts to file a rep, his base, the democrats. so doing the same. but they've also introduced another element in that and that is as door to door campaigns. getting people wearing that out on the streets, going from a neighborhood to neighborhood to try and press people
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a to boat. and secondly, to vote for the candidates of the choice. but also what we've seen from the democrats as well within pennsylvania, at least, is monk support from the governor of the states. now josh shapiro is a wildly popular governor in pennsylvania. he won the gum and no real election here by 715 points. and he was told to as a running mate to a possible reading made for harris. of course, he didn't become that. but what he did do was throwing his negative machinery behind the campaign. now that is an invaluable assets. somebody tried tested, has run a race within the states now handing over the keys as it were to that operation which produced such tremendous success and the govern, no real campaign. so that as being essential the democrats using every single device that they can get as do the republicans. thanks so much, my callaway covering a very type and crucial race going on in pennsylvania. oh, it took
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a lot about the swing states and that's because, well, the outcome of the race for the white house will come down to those 7 states. and it's got a lot to do with something called the electoral college system. but don't worry, the good news is out to 0 is 0. vanya is here on america's unique system, to explain it how it will detain the tub in the window. it is the thing we are all focused on as the results come in the electoral college and each side's road to 270 the number of electoral votes needed to win the white house. here's our starting point, 43 states and washington dc. you're either reliably read or reliably blue. that means complet harris can already count on 225 electoral votes, and donald trump on 219. now it's not totally guaranteed, but it's pretty likely on both sides. the election will be decided, therefore, in these 7 swing states,
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which between them carry $93.00 electoral votes along with the one congressional district in nebraska. the yellow square here will come back to that later. harris's easiest pass to victory runs through the so called blue wall. that's wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania right here. turning these 3 states, red is what put donald trump in the white house 8 years ago, turning them back to blue, made joe biden, presidents. but because of the actual votes of being redistributed since the last election reflecting population shifts, those 3 states are no longer quite enough. winning them would put harris at $26091.00 vote shy of victory. she would still need one more state to put her over the top. now trump's roads to 70 starts with holding north carolina state one last time by just 1.3 points. if trump wins the blue wall and holes, north carolina, he's a $279.00. he wins, but louis north carolina, and he's a 263 still 7 votes choice. if he holds north carolina,
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trump could even lose the biggest swing state of pennsylvania and still make it to 270 by winning either arizona with 11 intellectual votes or georgia with 16 electro votes. he would need just one of those states, not both. let's go back now to that. earlier scenario harris holds the blue wall and trump takes the other 4 swing states. that's what it looks like. that would leave harris at $269.00 and trumpet to $68.00, which brings us back to nebraska. it is one of the just 2 states main being the other that splits its electro vote according to who wins each of the states congressional districts now stay with us and this one since 1992 nebraska 2 as formerly known, has gone against the rest of the state twice, giving one electoral vote to brock obama in 2000. and $81.00 to jo button in 2020 in this scenario is harris held onto that boat,
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which is basically the city of oma. she's president. but if trump wins it, then we're tied to $60000000.00 each. if that happens, it is the us house of representatives which chooses the next president with each state getting one vote. that is something that hasn't happened in nearly 200 years . in the united states, the price of homes is far out. stripped income is turned into what both presidential candidates, cool, national housing crisis. and there are few places where it is more acute than the bible ground state of nevada. and that it's a key election issue as you might expect. john holman, explains from las vegas. busy house probably, she's a going up in nevada, not just by little the one who from biased one, an m. e. a. looking at his w. i. city samuels simply, i, it almost about 10 years ago. it was easier to buy
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a house. you now times have changed. personally, i love this one on my salary isn't going to be enough. in this battle ground state from vegas to reno. the rise in brent in the house prizes is an election issue. driving the increased cash rich by is from neighboring welfare, california local wages, just not keeping up the worst affected those at the bottom of the latter part of the fact that it's a lot rosario showing me eviction. what is, she says a room went up by almost 50 percent in 2 years. then you're going to try to kick her in a family. i got like a, every time i saw a court order at my door, it was hugely stressful because i knew i had to find a solution. that's no easy. she cooks and a food truck hunting $2000.00 a month. she doesn't know where she's going to go next. there's a huge deficit of mostly price properties here. housing for low income families is being built in nevada,
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but the mound is really out stripping supply. just right now, the state's lack in about 80000 affordable housing units. meanwhile, moving 2 thirds of low income households here are on the danger line, spending of a 30 percent. their income ran a lot of families of 15 or more folks have been living under the same roof uh to be able to afford rent, or folks who have to pay uh either their groceries or a light bill. and they have to decide on whether which bill to pay a it's a big national problem too. so what are the candidates proposing? we are going to cut red tape and work with the private sector to build 3000000 new homes by the end of my 1st term. and this from donald trump, specifically to nevada. i will work with you governor, to open up new tracks of federal land for large scale housing construction and
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you'll get it from much lower price. many votes is here, a desperate for something to work as the hold on shelter gets more, not less precarious. don't home and out. is it a las vegas? the is there. any forces have killed at least $37.00 people in the tax right across garza and in the north the army is continuing its months long siege the this is the scene of the light is striking. by law here where these really all me strong to homes, killing at least 15 people among the dead. a palestinian child who lost his father . in the 1st days of the war, civilians rushed to the scene to dig for survivors using the bad hands. the
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about the whole, the little bit of a health ministry, and garza says it's right. the forces seem intent on killing all remaining stuff and they come out on one hospital and they fly here. she's currently besieged by is riley soldiers. the hospital is being shelled for a 2nd day running. life saving medical equipment has been damaged, putting thousands of babies and children at risk of death. it comes off. so is why the soul just store them that last week and detain thousands of people including staff members? 8 somebody has the director of nursing, come at old. one hospital, spoke to us on the phone from northern garza. i clicked on
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the shop this afternoon and the hospital came under. direct is verify of the children's ward with the incubators were hit by. is there any war plains and quite cop to drugs? the upper floors were damaged and some of the children and newborn babies were injured. joining us, nurses and other medical stuff were also injured by the nurses, took the children to the lower floors. those clothes don't have the equipment needed to pay to the newborns who need incubators and intensive can't do that. those children and newborns came under direct fire and one child was supposed to have emergency surgery. the stuff was shocked by this new attack because we had already come under fire just the day before so that i had on al jazeera, where for the children of war and lebanon, dance, and lives named via, as well as increasing a tax. and saying good bye to a music legend, we look back of the life and legacy of quincy jones died at the age of 91,
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the i to the old woman in the room. the only black person definitely from grassroots activism to the holes of power. a courageous state representative struggle suffice to cease fire resolution before cause but taking center stage was moving against the time takes on waste. is like a ripple, and it keeps people energized to keep fighting for another concerns. i stand up for monday with on jesse to he says he went toward towards syria to provide a lifetime entail was very interesting, but not in the eyes of his government. this has been home for so many years. in the final part of the series. we followed the story of a british age where cursed as he flees from it live with his family after being
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arrested by a powerful village shop. one of the toughest times when they tortured me. date list in syria on now to 0. the us selections are finally here, join us on november the 5th, as the results come in and we analyze what they will need for the us and the rest of the world. the us selections on alice's here with the the, i'll go back, you're watching, i'll just do it. let's take a look at those headlines now. final campaigning as begun with the us selections. now last 24 hours away. donald trump is holding rodney's in 3 swing states,
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including north carolina and pennsylvania. rap copies campaign lights are in grand rapids, michigan. the democrats presidential candidate campbell. the house, meanwhile, is focusing how long stay on the swing states of pensylvania. she's scheduled to make stumps and cities of allentown and pittsburgh full delivery of final branding in philadelphia. the health ministry, and garza says, is right, the forces seem intent on killing all remaining stalls and come on on one hospital invades law. here. hospital is being shelled for a 2nd day running an attack on sunday damage slice say the medical equipment is ready for us is have a tax residential homes in southern lebanon. thousands of explosions could be seen in the neighborhoods of may some devil in the amount of value in district houses on the or a hospital. several villages have suffered similar damage since,
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as well as ground defensive began, and loving. and israel size is trying to avoid civilian casualties by issuing forced evacuation warnings before striking what it says. all has beloved targets in lebanon, but the charges a save, the children says more than $100.00 children that are being killed since the end of september. charles struck the ripples from by ruth when she boned views. you may find some of the images in his report to be disturbing. to your old ivona. slowly recovering from the 3rd degree, burns, she saw fit opportunities really as striking, close to home and self 11, and she saw that extensive bones on her head face an arms followed him. how much says he, and many others never received. these regular evacuation threats because the mobile phone network was down the stairs ought to be. there was a strat close by the house was shaking. i. com. describe it. i someone who could go
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on the balcony. i saw her old black and looking at me because of a child at least from under the rubble following these really as striking because the something level of this is happening everyday. living in the ministry of health says, mold in 1200 children have been injured. nearly $200.00 killed since the beginning of hostilities between his bola and is rounding up toby last year. but since the stats of the escalation, at the end of september, the number of child casualties as increased at the shocking rate for children were among the 18 people killed in this strike strike that israel says was targeting his bola member. but that's full children. of the move in 100 children killed 11 and during a 5 week period, according to the organization, save the children, and that averages moving to children, killed every day. these are some of the mold and full 100000 children. with the
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families have been forced to flee the homes, they receive psychological support. the shelter sets up by the united nations children phone, yulusef by root 11 year old nama and his family narrowly escaped to series. that was really strikes in the southern city of time. that we were on the road, then there was a hit between 2 buildings, and the, when was one of the colleagues here, and the building, the to it was scary. i felt like is paul nama, as mom describes what she felt well trying to protect the children. i think the fear was possible. every parent was holding their children tightly with fear while trying to keep the children calm, the guilt of possibly not protecting them. and of course, crushing yulusef says the psychological soul and children in lebanon is growing as
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all the number of those like ivana, injured and probably disfigured for life. but she liked the growing number of children killed in the school, is at least alive. tells profit which is 0. they route rescue teams in east and spain are looking for victims in a multi story on the ground. cobb park in valencia flash salons in the region. i have killed at least 217 people. the comp hawk was flooded. last week, when the country was hit by its was slots in modern history, the government has deployed 7 and a half 1000 soldiers to the region, while the authorities face increasing criticism for their response to the disaster . sonya guy you go to. busy some one of the worst hit areas in chiva in the province of valencia. almost a week off the, the slash flooding hit the town of chiva, just outside of buttons. yeah. and the clear operations are still very much in
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place. and now if i step to the side, you can see the extent of the destruction that the was so close as it came down the ravine closing immense structural damage. the houses here, in fact, way you see the rubble pulling out of the building. here is how that happened on sunday overnight houses down head themes too dangerous to enter into, which is why they've been costs are 5 you will far to use a now the result. so the worry that 5 that down stream that so that people who are living in the houses further along that are real, so endangered as well as some authorities. i've also told certain families who are living in that dangerous and that they have to leave. we spoke to a family who had to vacate that rode home on monday morning. they don't know yet where they will sleep this evening. but chiva for all the damage that is surrounding it. here is one of the best of places that is recovering from the aftermath of the flooding. there are all the towns just close that to the city of
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valencia who are formal, which are formal, damaged by the flooding as well. the real simple populated and people that felt the anger and the frustration that people socrates did not come soon enough to be able to help them when they desperately needed it most. sonya got jago alta. zara. chiva, a small dove as presidents as one a 2nd to the facing have pro russian opponents in a crucial run off. my ascend is secured more than 54 percent of the vote by the 43 percent by alexander. so you'll know law son though has pushed for closer times with the west and membership of the european union. the election was overshadowed by obligations of meddling by russia, which moscow denies the will not that will do, but has been under an unprecedented attack in the history of all europe. there are too many illegal votes buying the interference in electoral processes by hostile
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forces from outside the country and by criminal groups spreading lies, sewing, hatred in sphere within our society. oh, people have united and freedom, and the citizens have one piece and hope for a better life. has prevailed. got us music type and quincy jones who's multi decade career re shaped pop and bossa, nova has died. the age of 91, he collaborated with frank sinatra. right, charles and michael jackson making some of the world's most popular tunes. charlie on to the reports. quincy jones was a titan and the american music industry. a producer compose a musician, and hit maker. born in chicago and 1933. he 1st made a name for himself as a jazz trumpeter. he was soon into mont, with every musical stuff. i feel like the most last person on the planet to have come along the path that i came and musically for me. 13 years old, you know,
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started with right child support in he was 16. i want to talk tearing the baby, same linux on everybody, fidelity holiday louis armstrong, all the way to 50. so let a general collaboration with frank, so not to really put him in the spotlight, but he was not defined by a single musical genre he revolutionized funk and pump producing michael jackson's best selling albums. in the 1918, james was the 1st black vice president of mercury records and his place in the hall of fame. also for the films and tv shows he produced. the list of his awards is lengthy. he's been nominated for 79 grammy's and 127. he's one of i think 20 e got winters in the world. that's the whole the quadrant of awards for anybody
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doesn't know the any grammy oscar tony. and know. yeah, he also produced the biggest selling album all time, a musical genius, quincy james leaves an indelible mark on music history. i might say it's a may have this check why the result next then was just one day to go before the selection side story will last who american versus trust. we're back somebody out the whether looking good bad and full rep melvin comp day. we have got some showers clearing away from that is the sort of australia we have got a lot of heat around across mount show of awesome that heat will transfer us way a little further research as we go through tuesday on into wednesdays. 33 celsius that full melvin, we can assemble the temperature into sidney for 1st a lot of hot and dry weather. losey saffel, full of most pompous michelle,
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was just creeping through the bite, edging that way towards the southeast in cold gold and ranges. sing some lively shabbots of his thoughts, a possibility and to the southeast of queensland. these will pull away as we go on through wednesday night to some way to weather, just sliding his way back towards tasmania. and then we'll see some cooler, fresher weather into the southeast as we go through with the stay, with the posts of prospect of some showers extending across that eastern hall of new south wales and running on towards the ceiling. while i do show us too, when too much of time for a time, the sisters making his way out to the white pressure without coming back in behind, one or 2 showers to into that eastern side of the korean peninsula. at least 4 times shells more widespread for japan on wednesday, broad to for the korean peninsula. and for china is lottie tri settled. i'm fine. of the examining the impact of today's headlines. a prolonged conflict for 11 years
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economy would be an absolute death, unflinching gentleness of how many people are in detention. victor, that need be single suffix no, don't be for the help of giving any miracle international filmmakers. well, lots to. and so what's the plan here to that question? the most important part is that we get attention to the climate crisis. bring programs to form an expire on jesse or from the economy to immigration and emotion rights come to a harris and donald trump offered the virgin plants, but who will be american voters trust more particularly on domestic issues. this is inside story. the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much i'm going to can.
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