tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera November 5, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST
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50 full, right, the world people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world. from here, the the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters and downtime data. you navigate our with our extensive coverage of the us election coming up in the next 60 minutes. america decides polls open in the world's most powerful nation and around an hour. it's one of the closest elections in years. i'm kimberly healthcare in philadelphia, pennsylvania coming up, i'll tell you why cala harris press floss this battle ro state to make the closing arguments of her campaign and for showing pittsburgh pennsylvania. one of donald trump's last campaign stops. and what has been
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a madison 2024 presidential election campaigns. and israel continues its attacks across also, children are among the dads, officer, rich forces, targeted families living in tens, plus small rain in spain, causing folder floods, damage, and the already devastated eastern region. the hello, we begin this news hour in the united states where election day is finally here. tens of millions of votes have already been passed in early voting. but residents of the tiny township of dick's phil notch and new hampshire have kicked off election day, delivering a type of 3 votes each for pamela harris. and donald trump. it's expected to be one of the tightest presidential races in us history. both candidates have made their last minutes pictures to voters,
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campaigning across swing states that could windham the white house. kimberly how could begins our coverage from philadelphia in pennsylvania, where harris is urging people to get to the polls. a good job. yeah, well, the next president of the vice president, connell harris began her final campaign pitch to voters deliberately choosing the philadelphia museum of art. was it psychotic? rocky steps from the 1976 film behind her. and here at these famous steps, a tribute to those who start as the underdog and climb the victory here is believe she started her campaign the same way. she goes into election day with a narrow lead in for national polls over her republican rival. donald trump. this
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could be one of the closest races in history, but 3 other national polls show a statistical tie that makes the outcome of the 2020 for presidential election unpredictable, especially in battle ground pennsylvania. we need everyone to vote in pennsylvania and you will decide the outcome of the selection. pennsylvania harris spent monday 1st crossing the state, making 4 stops over the weekend. her campaign knocked on the doors of 1300000 homes to ensure pennsylvania residents recognize the importance of their vote. all the anxiety and the fear you're feeling. you're feeling that because you sense the danger and you change that with your boat. harris told her supporters, her campaigns been fighting for what she believes the country needs and what she hopes to deliver every as it's next president. and you will decide the outcome of
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this election, pennsylvania. but voters may not know the outcome of the us selection right away. millions of male and ballots from states like pennsylvania be counted until the morning of election day. that means the election results may not be known for hours, days or even weeks. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, philadelphia, pennsylvania. well, donald from finished, whose campaign in michigan, promising to lead america to new heights of glory island fisher reports from pittsburgh in pennsylvania, where it's from pell rallies earlier in the day. i and there's never been a more important $24.00 for donald trump when he becomes us president lose any faces numerous court cases which could then in a prison sentence. so in the final full day of this presidential race,
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the campaign name and hod 1st in north carolina were way leading. oh yeah. then in pennsylvania, i've been waiting for years to this state, both sides. now i believe could decide the white house. republicans trying to sure up is riddled backing, but more importantly for him. latino support of the damaging and controversial comments at a rally just over a week ago. raleigh, have to do is get out and wrote, and we walk away with the greatest political event in history, but much more important. it's going to be the event of saves a country that pittsburgh, with thousands, got an illusion. voice of republican defense stood in protest. i am here to try to plant the seed with fellow republicans and anybody who's listening the trump and those that are in the bag of movement that are enabling and supporting him are not real conservatives. if we went in michigan,
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we went all things all the final valley in grand rapids, michigan. trump repeating the pattern from 20162020 hoping that will bring him luck . after checking the country, donald trump will watch the election results of his home in florida. his team is confident and pennsylvania. we will be in italy in decatur. if donald trump is heading back to the white house or as president, is one and done all in fisher, i'll just say to pittsburgh, pennsylvania. ok. we have a panel with us to discuss this. we have our side has son who is a democratic strategist and founder of con, vague communications. james davis is a republican strategist and presidents of touchstone strategies. welcome thousands, they are on our side. so the polls as we're hearing and as we know currently, so harris and trump pretty much effectively tied right to time to close polls necessarily. mean there will be a close result. likely not necessarily, but what we, it's to the best of our knowledge, our poles,
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i think probably internal poles as well. so it is very close race. there could be some groups, some parts of the population that turn up in higher than expected amounts, and that might create some surprises for us. how, how key is turned out into selection? absolutely, the skate this election is going to be about turn up. it is really going to be about whose side is turn up more of their voters. and i think less about, you know, a large group of i decide is that if things one way or another, i really do think it's going to be about turning out your voters. do you agree? yeah, i think it is a turn out is key. republicans look like they have some early vote advantages that are over performing, where they have some previous with nolan ballots. but the ground game is going to be essential. and james, i mean, here from georgia, tell us how important georgia is as a swing states because there's a lot of attention on the swing states. the selection isn't there. yeah, georgia in particular, i know we know it slipped in the past, but i have been down there. i've spent some time down there and i feel pretty strongly that trump is going to wind georgia. i don't feel like it's is going to be
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as close as it has been in the past. they still gotta keep an eye on it. so they really kind of focus more on some of the other space like michigan pennsylvania, wisconsin. i think that's where they can make up their ground. okay, hang on a 2nd, the why do you say you feel pretty strongly that? well, there are a couple things there. a couple things there. one is that economically, you know, parts of georgia are really, really bad. or 5 inflation, that energy prices just the cost of living is going up to lodge. additionally, we had hurricane halloween that swept through the state. my family, for example. they were out of water and power for weeks on end. this was really difficult and the federal government was pretty slow to respond. a lot of people are frustrated with that. arshad, how tired of race is it when it comes to the battleground states and, and how important are they with a 7 battleground states and every single one of them. the polling shows that we're essentially tied in every one of those 7. so as we're talking about in terms of
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turn out the way to kind of beat that the way they go through and kind of make the best of your polls as a turn in most to turn out most of your people. what it's giving me hope is that in the early votes that we've seen and just in the energy on the ground, it very much seems like young people, people of color and particularly women are turning out in record numbers. all those demographics are good. good news. good. so how, how important is that demographic of women? enormously important in 2018, 2020, and 2022. women over performed their historic amounts. and those are the years where we had seen democrats have seen big gains even in years. we were one supposed to 2022 was supposed to be a year where republicans swept through, but they didn't. in fact, the democrats who had picked up some seats, some senate seats. the reason for that was very high turn out by young women. and we're seeing that again this year. those kind of turn out numbers are hard for polls to pick up because we don't have a history of voting. you're not consider the likely voter. you might not show up on
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those polls. so that's what we're hoping for. james, one of fee also, or actually i wonder if you can tell us how significant and how important the error of american voters are, especially when it comes to the selection. what we saw also trumpet is one of his final campaign rallies. she praised his most lim, supporters, saying that they could help him win the battle ground state of michigan. how important is that huge, huge population there and you know, you're, you're trying to get every vote you can in these critical swing states. and so, you know, the air population really frustrated with calm la harris and her handling and jo biden's handling of things in gaza. they felt like they've been hung out to dry with a lack of leadership and they're correct in that. they also look back and say, hey, you know what, we didn't have all these born wars during the trump administration. maybe i'll give this guy shot again. or shot your comments on this. i mean, people are pretty upset, the air, but americans at least do it from what we're hearing about to bite and trump,
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and excuse me, harrison's, you know, their legacy on guys how. how much of a threat is this for, for harrison's should turn campaign be really worried? absolutely true, that they are upset, and it's not just posting americans are a lot of these americans. it's a swath within the democratic party, but we have to decide between a 2 very different futures. when trump says he's going to stop the one them at least, what do you suppose that is going to look like? my fear with the ever american vote isn't that they're all going to go over there. trump, he isn't somebody who's their friend. my fear is that people will stay home and not vote. that's still a problem because as we just talking about, this is a turn out election. who's going to turn out there? people. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you so much. our side house on james davis, thanks so much for the time being. so as we've been hearing, swing states are crucial to the result of the us election. and this year, arizona and nevada, georgia, in north carolina, pennsylvania, michigan on wisconsin, are considered the 7 most when states we have correspondence at all 7 locations. we
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start to raise a bow in detroit, michigan. as michigan is a crusoe swing states, donald trump was elected here back in 2016 for only 10000 votes. later on, joe biden defeated him in 2020. so winning here is crucial to make it to the white house. so to talk about the issues affecting the african american community. here is michael harris. mike, you tell me a little bit how you feel about the selection you attended service with cabinet. how is, why do you think this vote is important? is one in the most historic elections of all time? cause have donald trump get in the office, he's going to 9 late the black community. i just believe that the black me and the black people need to vote for kalama. here's one of the things that we're seeing in the polls that, that many african american men are not going to go to vista concern. and why is this happening? a lot of the black men for whatever reason they, it's not
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a priority didn't, it is not serious enough. and then they got to understand people died for the right for us to vote. and for whatever reason, these bright mean they need to wake up, black, me hear me right now. vote two's vote for kilometers. vote black mean wake up, invoke. thank you very much. so as you see, there's lots of concerns for members of the african american community to go out and vote. they were present around 13 percent of the voters in the states and pay a crucial role in the upcoming elections. the african american community and the state has struggled with poverty, unemployment, and even segregation. that's why there's lots of concerns of what could happen if someone like donald trump makes it to the presidency. but right now, turn out is crucial for pamela. harry's convincing people to go out and vote to be able to win in this state based. i will just see that detroit, michigan and rob rentals and i'm covering the swing state of arizona in the
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selection. arizona is a closely divided state. it was one by a very narrow margin by joe biden, 4 years ago, but this time around, it's basically a tie between campbell harris and donald trump. arizona is a state with a diverse population ranging from sun seeking retirees to a large and growing younger latino population to a large and significant number of native american voters with the country so closely divided and the race coming down to the wire. there is no question but that arizona is 11 electoral votes hood who. ready the keys to the white house, rob reynolds, l g 0, scottsdale, arizona. so i'm headed to castro and i am in the battle ground state of wisconsin, where the campaigns are sprinting to turn out every last vote. that's what these door knockers with a democratic party arguing. we are in o saki county milwaukee suburb with a lot of republicans,
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but that could swing the other way. this election, camilla harris is trying to appeal to this areas. large population of white college educated voters with her message that donald trump, she says is dangerous to the country. trump has the advantage in the states more rural areas, and he's also trying to peel off support from black and latino voters in urban areas. particularly men with his message that he would be better for the economy. full show a dead heat across wisconsin, between trump and harris. this is a state with 10 electoral votes and we will be watching with bated breath to see who wins them. how to jo, castro alger 0, cedar bird, wisconsin. i'm doing the home in in the battleground, state of nevada, home to las vegas, where everyone comes to think, get their problems, but not me, selection the nation's highest unemployment, crippling inflation and housing shortage. all of the issues here i'm in nevada is
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an increasingly diverse electra is going to be coming out to vote on about 30 percent of the population latino. they're going to be key, sorry to asian americans on the margins, a waste, a thing. this could be the 1st time in 16 is that the silver states turns from democrat blue to republican, red, high stakes, and the biggest game in town. huntsville valley and the bustle ground state of north carolina where the race could not be tied to democrats. feeling increasingly confident in this traditionally republican stronghold. because the poles have both candidates, pretty much neck and neck with a not margin of error. lots to talk about here. everything from a huge evangelical population to a bush and access to roll on the 1st to the response to hurricane haley. 16 electoral college votes up for grabs. they can get pretty crucial to either side if they have any hope of reaching the white house. a mike had on the battle ground state of pennsylvania. it has 19 electro college boats on offer the most of any of
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the swing states. together with michigan on wisconsin, it forms the blue roll of the states which it candidates has got to win if he or she wants to become the next president of the white house and statistics here. instructive back in 2016, donald trump, one both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. with just over 6100000 people voting. then in 2020 joe biden robust it and he won with 6900000 people turning out. looking at the statistics, it would appear clear that there is a direct correlation between the number of people who vote and the chances of the democratic party of winning the selection might kinda i'll just the era pittsburgh, pennsylvania. well, here's what some people have to say ahead of the election in wisconsin, north carolina and georgia. trump. he's got a proven record. we were all living
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a lot better when he was president. we were all living a lot safer. we had a border. we didn't have to worry about criminal days coming up. i really loved the way trump ran his presidency. the economy was high, then everyone enjoyed their jobs. the they got raises. what is that you like or dislike about them? so i'm going to be honest. there is nothing i like dislike, where do i even start? i mean that laundry list is so long. i mean socially, he's the most important person to be in office. this election is not about red or blue. this is about the very life of this republic. ok, so you heard from a voter in georgia there that it's long been considered reliably republican, but then flipped to bite and in 2020 trump's team is hoping to return it to the red fold. 100 reports from atlanta,
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georgia is crucial in this election. not just because it's one of the 7 swing states, it will likely decided, but also because it was the epicenter of the 2020 effort to overturn the presidential election. donald trump and several of ledge co conspirators, now face chargers here in fulton county for trying to do that. trump famously called secretary of state brad rapids, burger, and in a recorded conversation said, just fine v 11780 votes. that's one more than the margin by which joe biden won this state. he was the 1st democrat to do so. since bill clinton in 1992, donald trump hopes to reduce that 2020 performance by winning the state outright. and couple of harris hopes to become the 2nd democrat. to do so in this century, john henry and l u 0, atlanta. so we've been talking a lot about swing states and that's because the outcome could come down to those 7 states here, a serial, then yay. on america's unique electoral college system that determines the winner.
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it is the thing we are all focused on as the results come in the electoral college and each side's road to 270 the number of electoral votes needed to win the white house. here's our starting point, 43 states and washington dc. you're either reliably read or reliably blue. that means complet harris can already count on 225 electoral votes, and donald trump on 219. now it's not totally guaranteed, but it's pretty likely on both sides. the election will be decided, therefore, in these 7 swing states, which between them carry $93.00 electoral votes along with the one congressional district in nebraska. the yellow square here will come back to that later. or harris's easiest pass to victory runs through the so called blue wall. that's wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania right here. turning these 3 states, red is what put donald trump in the white house 8 years ago, turning them back to blue, made joe biden presidents. but because electro volts have been redistributed since
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the last election reflecting population shifts. those 3 states are no longer quite enough. winning them would put harris at $26091.00 vote sharia victory. she would still need one more state to put her over the top. now trump's road to 70 starts with holding north carolina state. he won last time by just 1.3 points. if trump wins the blue wall and holes north carolina, he's a $279.00. he wins, but lose north carolina and he's a 263 still 7 votes choice. if he holds north carolina, trump could even lose the biggest swing state of pennsylvania and still make it the 270 by winning either arizona with 11 electoral votes or georgia with 16 electoral votes. you would need just one of those states, not both. let's go back now to that earlier scenario harris holds the blue wall and
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trump takes the other 4 swing states. that's what it looks like. that would leave harris at $269.00 and trumpet to $68.00, which brings us back to nebraska. it is one of the just 2 states main being the other that splits it's electro vote according to who wins each of the states congressional districts now stay with us and this one, since 1992 nebraska to as formerly known, has gone against the rest of the state twice, giving one electro vote to brock obama in 2000. and $81.00 to jo, buying in 2020 or in this scenario is harris held onto that boat, which is basically the city of oma. she's president. but if trump wins it, then we're tied to $60000000.00 each. if that happens, it is the us house of representatives which chooses the next president with each state getting one vote. that is something that hasn't happened in nearly 200 years . ok, let's bring in our panel once again or so. i have her son who's
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a democratic strategist in the founder of combat communications. james davis is a republican strategist and president of touch down strategies. james. so it's often said that the road to the white house goes to pennsylvania. right. is not the absolutely. yeah. so that explains why both candidates spend so much time there in the past few days. absolutely. trump spent tons of time. i mean, most of his campaign visits had been through pennsylvania and one of the big things that americans were facing the pennsylvanians really know well, is the highest gas prices. the cost of energy has gone up in pennsylvania sets on a wealth of reserves and opportunity for exploration. and that's really important to the voters in pennsylvania. it's also important to voters around the country because if we tap into those reserves, we can use oil domestically, rather than purchasing things from awful dictators and filling their work pockets. okay, i want to talk about the economic plans for both candidates,
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but just allow me for a 2nd because pencil, pennsylvania has a big proportion of the sort of puerto rican and hispanic voters. doesn't have to be ha, the don't think trump managed to appeal to them. you know, i think he's done more to appeal to hispanic voters. it is typically a reliable democratic block, and he has carved off more hispanic votes over time. it'll be interesting to see how that plays out in pennsylvania. i more so, min uh, hispanic men tend to break for donald trump. that's what we saying historically. and i think we'll see that again this time or shut on the economy. do you think carrots has done enough to tell voters or explain to voters in detail what her economic policies and plans are going to be going forward or she's done a good enough job at that. she's released those plans extensively on her, on our website, enrolled them out a few weeks ago, saying we can go and take a look at what those, what those plans are. in particular, one of the things that she brought up that is new is something that people have said calling to care economy, being able to as a, as a big piece of this,
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being able to use medicaid, which is one of our public programs. and to pay for home care. so many families in the united states take care of natalie their kids, but also their parents at home. and this is, this is a huge economic burden. this would allow an economic support on a level and in a way that effects americans all over the country. it's a very real issue. it's very personal and it hits right at home. so this is one of the big innovation look, but a lot of polls tell us that trump is strong on the economy. and what we've also learned from some of the polls is the majority for americans feel worse off today than they did 4 years ago at the last election. how much of the challenges not for harris, do you think and, and could this be an advantage for trump? so that has been traditionally true. it's just kind of been a thing for multiple election cycles. although in the last few weeks we've seen those polls start narrowing so that the republicans don't have the advantage that they've traditionally had on these broader economic issues. and i think that has to do in part with the plans that complet harris has started rolling out. and the fact
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that the economy has started improving substantially in the last few months. and in the last few weeks, it's becoming more evident at a ground level, at a family to family. and it at home level, people are seeing that there are more jobs that their wages are higher. remember, the 4 years ago we were in the depths of one of the deadliest pandemic in the history of, you know, in the last century where we were 4 years ago, most of us couldn't go out to vote because of that, that we pandemic. that was an economic disaster as well because of the way the trump handled it to getting a style check about trumps economy is really to think back even before that, which really is a remnant of a bomb us economy. right now we're seeing the economic recovery and if calmly harris becomes the president in a few months, she'll be residing over not cleaning up a republicans economic mess, but actually presiding over a good direction to james trump is talking about imposing terraces. he takes office, but some economists say, look, this could be inside disasters for the us economy. our voters on board with this
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plan. do you think that americans are thinking this broadly when it comes to the economic issues? i don't support the care, but also our, our democratic colleagues, important the tariffs, they impose massive care, for example, on the, on the bills recently. and i think that they're, they're just impacts on the american people. right. and we, we should forego that and pursue more free market trade. but some voters, particularly in these blue law, states, are open to that message because, tied to it is the idea that it's going to bring jobs back home. now if the threat of a terrorist causes action that promotes more free trade, then yes, it will likely bring more jobs back home. but if it's just got an impact in position of of us tariff, it'll be a tax on american spend on hers. and another message that trump has been pushing, certainly in the past few weeks, james, is that he's putting out a red flags about cheating about the vote, possibly being griggs,
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even before the selection takes place as an american. how concerning is this for you? was you have a president, a potential president who was questioning the electoral process? i think i think it's already heard. some heard some hurt his candidacy, but he's also not the only politician who's done that. hillary clinton denied the election results. stacy abram, it's also in georgia, which is from my home state, did not election results. it's bad for democracy. the process, there's always some amount of, you know, fraud potential fraud in the electoral process. but the question is, is it enough to overturn the, the, the votes from the american people, there are checks and balances there that prevent that. and there is a legal process and which you can go through if you believe there has been fraud so that you can pursue the ultimate vote, count our shots. i have to, hey, yeah, there can be no of equivocation on this. only one candidate insight at an
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insurrection when he refused to accept the results. that is not true of any other candidate running now or running in the past. only one candidate has said and has refused to accept the results of the election. when he was asked in debates ended interviews. that candidate is donald trump, come on, harris has said that she would accept the results of donald trump has not caught donald. trump has threatened other politicians, other elected officials, down from his said he would be a dictator on day one. there is no equivocation between these 2 candidates on whether or not there will be a peaceful handover of power. i'm worried about it should all worry about it and it's a sad state of affairs that is true, james. i was personal. so i agree like it is not great. it's horrible for democracy for me to question the results. and we need to wait because it's going to take a little bit of time. we're not going to have these uh, probably not going to have the results within 72 hours of the election. so we need to go through that process,
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but to say that he is the only person that has continued to reject, that is absolutely patently false. stacy abrams has made the comment even this year . hillary clinton is very confident this year i've, i've said absolutely awful. i agree with you, but what i'm, what i'm, what i'm pointing to is a larger problem, but we have to restore the faith and americans most right. i get a vote, it should count. you get a boat, it should count. winter. i'll shake your hand. that's the way it shouldn't be, that's the half, but i should be ready. 6, would you mention that? yep, absolutely not. great. okay. all right, that that is unacceptable. oh no one candidate has inspired that kind of behavior. if, if you're, if you're, if you're going into the capitol, like that'd be a problem. if you're, if you're having a free speech and you're exercising your right to free speech and protesting something that's totally fine. it needs to be peaceful. that's what makes america great. hopefully we can restore. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you so much for your analysis. a here's what's coming
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up on the, i'll just there are news. our in just a moment will examine what impact the result of the u. s. election could have on israel's war on garza, the it is still raining in spain of it for the north. now in boss to learn about the warnings, the yellow they don't read anymore, most of the rain strings. he's not as great the reason being precious building. now or reactions going on into the atmosphere is actually an area of high pressure, weekly leaking, thinking, the west and mid to eastern europe. so all the weather is going around the side. yes, so be more heavier and i think in portugal and heavy shell is quite posted in the northeast to spain, possibly and door. and then this line stretches out through from today where else is fairly current. you'll notice even the winds, i'm particularly strong hitting weston island. this is
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a winfrey phase trying to move east woods after europe into western russia, giving says no, i think 2 must go at the same time. shells are redeveloping around the body outlets and heading back into these parts of spain. so it's still a place to watch that is quite a fair breeze, not blowing down through north eastern africa, right across the desert, despite the cloud. there's not that much in the way of forecast writing for morocco algae area. we're in the to this year. but the how much and when the season when didn't are picking up as shifty, a drive went off and quite strong, brings loads of dust with it, which tends to press the shares. you'll notice most of west africa is dry of the shooting the doc chapter in the cause of a war. they just took our id, cards, mailed them, they asked him about his name. we killed the prison, the scene of unspeakable horrors. so i saw a pile of bodies. we had
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a lot of questions about how these men come to be dead. echoes of the 2 brothers. i must have shut. those are coming soon enough. josie, your lips torn apart for over a decade. those words don't care about the country. good ideas from the past and the term while. good, 3, sensitive to types. need those urgent them to invest forgiveness. that exploits. join l g 0 world on a historical journey with the poets and a composer. creating an answer them for peace lips. a voice for reconciliation, analogies, 0 of the
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the here with the news our on out to say right here at the top stories. donald trump and kinda le harris have wrapped up their presidential campaigns in his final pitch . and the state of michigan trump promised to fix the american economy and take the country to new heights, the democratic contender, camelot harris, made for a final appeal to voters in the crucial swing state of pennsylvania. she said, america was ready to turn. the page on a decades of division polling stations will soon open across the united states. more than 82000000 people have already cast their ballots in early voting. and it's estimated that the 240000000 americans are eligible. so the
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turning to israel's genocide and gaza where at least 70 palestinians have been killed across the strip in the past day. in the north, the health ministry says is really forces seem intent on killing all the remaining stuff at a besiege hospital and baseline. yeah, the come on odd one. hospital has been shelled for a 2nd. a life saving medical equipment has been damaged. risk in the lives of dozens of babies on children is really sold, restoring the hospital last week and detain dozens of people including stuff. this is really for, since i've also been bombing homes in northern garza, a palestinian child who lost his father in the 1st days of the war is among at least 25 killed and bait lie. yeah. and the number of civilians are still under the rubble. israel prevented ambulances on firefighters from reaching the area. civilians have been on the scene digging for survivors using their bare hands in central gaza. at least 6 palestinians have been killed after is really forces
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targeted there tend to children. 87 on 4 are among the dads, the attack took place and as the way the town in dayton, bella, the mother of one of the victim says they were burns while they were sleeping. the young children, the whole family, to follow the mother of the son and daughter. the boy was only 4 years old. they would charge these ladies kilten. i wish they were only problems, but they were burned. they would charge. oh my god, what did they do? they would piece for the sleeping, the young children was sleeping to make gold band. those responsible. this is a center wherever my grandchildren i want to see them one last time we'll get an update from my correspond attendant for that. a. joining us now from dated by the head central jobs, i had talked to us about the latest this really airstrikes and the roster mouth of the wood video. we just got
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a new number that 25 policy unions were killed in this house in japan. the most new family and among those 25 are 13 children. but also to this point, civilians are thinking with their bare hands through the rubble, trying to rescue more people and just pull more bodies. this is the 1st, not the 1st time this really forces targets has been big today, especially the fact that there's no ambulances, there's no civil defense beams for the 14th day, an inmate that yeah, not only that, there has been the at least nets for people in baseline yet to evacuate and evacuate using philosophy and we know that there's a check point installed in that area where the is ready for. it is also threatened people. if they take any other routes, they're going to be targeted. now the situation in the nothing god, those trip is undescribable very and we're talking about more than 30 days without
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food, without water, without aids, all appeals and requests from that is really authorities to deliver aid and who in the area are being completely rejected and denied by the is where the courses and not only that, there's no civil defense themes. there's no ambulances. even those who have been targeted in baseline and did not even have an ambulance or a transportation, nor a vehicle to get transported to the hospital. that's only the only hospital that's working right now in, in big la health, which is combined at one. now the situation is also escalating and definitely open . we're talking about more than 30 days. palestinians into bad. yeah. most of them evacuated too big to that. yeah. and that's why we see more air strikes. content are sitting, treated in that area, but according to the family, they're saying that there are dozens of people dropped on their own. their rub of their so trying to figure out how they're going to pull those bodies and, and we're, we just saw the names,
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the names of the families who were targeted. there are more than 6 families, those who are killed, what the mother of the father and the children. so complete youth, thought of comedies, were killed and wiped out in one at night. and not only the people who have their relatives here in the south are very worried, and those who are in the north there are unable to reach them. we have very bad communications in the past couple of days. and especially in the here in the south . it's very hard for us to communicate each other to, but at the same time, there has been no medical resources, there's no medical supplies, people are not receiving aid. so on all aspects of an all levels, the situation is catastrophe, city and pen. thank you so much for that reporting from dated by the hand. central gaza. as we have with us. i'm her mother in law city. he's a media studies professor at the doha institute for graduate studies. thanks for your time. once again. so with the attention now focused on the us selection,
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is there a risk that is real escalates even further on the ground and tightens the siege on northern gaza and pretty much escalates genocide? well, i think we're already, we're already seeing this. there was a really interesting study done in 2015 by the center for economic policy research . i talked to that, talked about when israel escalates its, its attacks on the palestinians attend. those attacks tend to coincide with times that are, you know, major events in the united states like flight elections. so there's actually a long history of israel timing. it's attacks against the palestinians to coincide with major world events, especially major events in the united states. and that's very calculated because they don't want media coverage. and again, this is documented empirically. and so that's what we've seen happen over the past month. and it's not a coincidence that the generals plan has been there, which you all have been speaking about now for the last several weeks, this plan that was put together by your island,
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which is to exterminate palestinians from north guys up to starting to well, yeah. and it's a, it's an ethnic cleansing plan, right. and it's not a coincidence that this was enacted, right? as the us elections sort of heated up. and i think it's worth telling everyone, and i can say it is pretty uh, you know, confidently as somebody who follows american media very closely. there's been very little coverage of israel. israel's atrocities over the past month or so in north guys are. and to the extent that there is coverage, it's sort of buried. we're talking about mainstream media here and i'm talking about main stream american media. yes. right. look, i mean, we saw donald trump recently in michigan, one of his campaign rallies there before election day. he was talking to his muslim, so porters saying that they could help him win the battle ground state of michigan . i mean there is a lot of anger amongst the error of americans when it comes to this us election and the fight in harris campaign and how they're basically over seen this genocide in
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gaza. it's a tough choice for out of americans. this selection isn't. it is a tough choice, it's a very difficult choice. i. there are a lot of arabs who i know that are not gonna vote at all. i'm surprised to be quite honest with you that come out with harris who's doing as well as she's doing the latest polls suggest the air of americans about 42 percent of your medicare, of americans are going to vote for a come out of harris. that's very surprising given, given that she's overseeing this genocide, she's part of the bi administrator and obviously as his, as his running mate does or as his vice president. now, i think what's important to remind everyone is that you know, there isn't that a great deal of difference historically between republicans and democrats when it comes to us foreign policy in general, and specifically policy toward the palestinians. bill clinton used to speak about quote, the central continuity and u. s. foreign policy. and that's one of the reasons why we just don't see these
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drug dramatic differences. the reality is that donald trump and kamala harris are both over whelming lee, pro israel, for reasons that we can perhaps discuss on another you know, another occasion. but, you know, the reality is they're very pro israel and they're very pro genocide. i just, at this point i think we can say we can say that confidently, even in the case of donald trump, even though he's not presiding over the genocide per se. so the bottom line here is that i wouldn't, i don't expect huge differences for the policies on the ground regardless of who wins. okay, how many must we thank you so much for your analysis will not speak to your see belen, who's a former is really just this minister joining us from tel aviv. so in your opinion, what would a harris presidency mean for israel? what i'm really not in this debate of who is better for ease,
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way for me. what is important is the lead to all of the free. well, would it be somebody who did? i can trust and i cannot trust trump. he already was a president. he wasn't also president the was an impossible to lead to all of the free world, and i hope that he would not be a really good stuff. this is way a this a full full is way, is a generally speaking bike policies on. so i don't see that that the big difference as the but a, if a, a come on a, how is these is expected, you know, policy and she is very balanced. if you held him speaking about the suffering of both sides, a lot of it mr. trump is a thought 30 unexpected, so is generally speaking and as a nice and he's, he doesn't want the united states being involved in conflicts of others, right?
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sidney tomatti to impact also on our inside of the word. but you can surprise us and do something which is totally different than what they said, right? right. the 2nd, just on the point that you just raise about harris being balanced. i mean, she's effectively aligned to her policies with jo bite and so far with respect to israel and the ongoing genocide and gaza and a lot of people say, well, the biden's policies are not at all balanced when it comes to palestinians and gaza . but do you think if she were to take on the presidency that could change or she has looked up all deemed any in genocide, there was no general side. there is no general site. and with all due respect, somebody launch this role in a crazy, at that point, you know, send people a you and goal. and in such a situation, the retaliation of is way by definition because of its power was being here and
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is big. to call it a general side is, i believe is, is making cheap this well, well mister, you'll say, i mean the, something that you're going to have to take up with the international court of justice, right. who have called this a plausible genocide. but the conversation right? now our conversation is my question was whether you do, whether you think, whether you're thing that harris, you would say to policies, you're asked me. so you're asking me something about genocide and i don't want to accept the best simply. that's the whole point. it is bad enough with i wasn't asking about genocide, i was asking you whether you think harris has policies with chains and would differ from biden's. if she were to become president. i hope not. why do you say that? i hope that she's the friend of israel and i wanted to be a friend of is why, but you to be a friend, is it doesn't mean to be an enemy of the spin. yes, this is the whole notion taking the both sides. if you think is 00 sum is crazy.
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it is not 0 sum. i bill, i want to have a president and american president. well is the full thing the police doing is we stop bolting is way and who wants to make peace between them and not somebody who is one sided. okay, when it comes to trump and iran specifically, i mean, do you think that it's from when it's from presidency, could push israel to take even bold or steps towards iran in to take more military steps towards iran? i don't know to ask me about the steps of, of a drum is leaky. be too much for me. i really don't know what he wants and i'm sure if he doesn't want doesn't know what humans. but what would it mean for israel on their, on their game? any, see, any of the chicken decide one sees that president thoughtful. be to go full wall.
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oh, the world full apiece. that's the deed, wait, there is no. if the korea use the unexpected. i mean, who expected him to go to north korea and we'll have to be say, a crazy that dictate, told them, but he did. he did not achieve anything by that. and then he left the day a day and 5 plus one agreement a week, the week they run. and you might to repeat something like that. i mean, not having any, any agreement. uh, we do wrong, whole going full in agreement with you. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you so much for joining us. you'll see bill and thanks for your time. you all know that way at least 4 people have been killed and is really military attacks and they occupied westbank. there were is really rates in air strikes and the areas of jeanine until of us on tuesday there had been near a daily raids by is really forces in the occupied westbank since the start of the
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war on god zone. meanwhile, are in bottles are taking place between the is really army and palestinian fighters and to cut them camp in the occupied westbank. a large number of soldiers stormed the area with dozens of military vehicles on bulldozers. they rated a home and they arrested a young palestinian man. the still ahead on the else is there a news our the sports is coming up and another interest set facts for brazilian football stars name on the business. latest the sponsored by intellect. tuck he's real estate consultant. the
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police 13 people have been killed in a village and sometimes just 0 states. that area isn't besieged by the parent military rapids support forces. since late october, residents trapped in mosques have been requesting a safe passage to leave more than a year of violence between the army and the art stuff is this place more than 14000000 people. so north korea was fired with the south korean military size or several short range missiles. they were launched towards the sea of the east coast of the korean peninsula. it comes to those days off to the north korean leader kim jong own supervisor, a test flight for the country's newest intercontinental ballistic missile in spain . morris storms have caused further flooding, damage and disruption to travel rescue teams. and valencia are still looking for victims from last week's flash floods. the number of people known to have died now stands at 217. sonya again go reports from one of the worst hit areas where the
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disaster is pulling communities together like never before. it is a monumental operation providing for a whole town and it's hour of need. but since last tuesday she was residents have been working non stop to help each other food, water, clothing, whichever they require. but there was still enormous challenges earlier in the day . you bet and her family were forced to evacuate that home. the floods had caused too much structural damage, making it too dangerous to stay. we don't know where we're going to sleep tonight, but the people here helping us a lot or was that so is one of the lucky ones. the building housing is families. business has for the most part, state intact. he says it's withstood cost gloves, but not as bad as this most recent one. through the most filled with water and
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beyond the higher than the height of 3, a call just buildings along the ravine fad was flooding rendering, building structures too dangerous to approach. and just under a week, the town center of cuba has been mostly cleared of a race and lots and lots called down to the residents living here. and the volunteers who came in to help with what ever equipments they have to hand this rule town home is tractors and heavy machinery have been at the forefront of shifting most of the rubble. there is no joke too small for those to come in to help the neighbors the sooner my method. we're doing this for the people who need it. most people have no kitchen. we're all in this together. but it's not like this in of a flow. tate areas, spanish police officers and civil guard units continued searching and the more bill top towns closer to the city of buttons. yeah. there was still hundreds of
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beautiful, missing handles large. he's, one of the death toll will increase as more bodies are uncovered. i'm a torrential rain has not ended as the storms move move over the region of catalonia ok os ensued flights were cancelled as possible and as apple flooded roads too dangerous to drive on. but they were nowhere near as bad as last week's flash floods. the magnitude of which continues to show a country experiencing more extreme weather events. so anybody ever i'll just, sarah cuba, we'll talk 6 small get new delhi has hit severe levels with colder air trapping pollutants and the atmosphere around the indian capital. the smog is measured as 58 times above the world health organizations, air quality guideline, experts, a seasonal pollution like the burning of post harvest remains is worsening. the problem under calling for tighter air quality standards. american workers at boeing
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have voted to accept to pay off or to end their strike action after more than 7 weeks. 59 percent of members agreed to approve the company's 4th offer. it includes a 38 percent pay rise over 4 years. so turning to sports now and brazilian football store name, or it says key folks, his latest injury is nothing more serious event, a cramp, he's only just come back from a year out with a me problem, but lived out of and he lives latest game in the asian champions leave alexander at metro, vist scored a hat trick for the saudi arabian, for time champions as they won their 4th street game to top their group and the european champions league holders the route. and the dread or inaction against ac milan and spain. madrid have had an extra few days to prepare since their mid week game and valencia was press pound because of the floods there. doses potters back to the result of those months, but that's a respect for you guys having those suffering right now. i'll try to keep this
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press conference as simple as possible because i really don't feel like talking about football a tool really printing something. yes, the game is special for me against my old clubs, and i would love to talk about it a lot, but out of respect for everyone, i don't want to speak too much. well, the new manchester united coach, reuben, i'm a room is still serving his notice period at sporting lisbon, but he already has a chance to make his new found happy when supporting take on one of united's biggest rivals, manchester city, and liverpool play. fire lever consent striker, how much the law has added to speculation about this future with a cryptic post on social media suggesting he may leave the egypt international as into the final year of his contract. i don't look at the, at the instagram post on my players, i only talk to them which you can. so that is my, the advantage i have as long as tony keeps hiding them and you can talk to them.
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the only thing is, what for me is how he plays and what he tells me when we have conversations and that's what matters. and that's how you guys into the dates. one of his posts 6 and there was an unexpected winter in the melbourne top, known as the race that stops and basin, australia, and trains worse, knights choice, one a photo finish at odds of 80 to one to claim the 1st prize of nearly $3000000.00 now the world's 1st wooden satellite has been launched into space. the device was sent to the international space station where it will be released into orbit 400 kilometers above the earth. it's an early test of how woods could be used in future exploration of the moon on mars. okay, that's it for the news are thanks for watching a carry johnston's with you in just a moment and he'll have much more of the day's news. and all the latest headlines by the
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historic election, consequential presidents get shot it with the potential to impact the shape of the well we know the were respected before. i will not be upset, tyrants and dictators who are very close to world war 3. and people don't realize that we're closer than we've ever been with many desperate for change. we need to have these long range capability. nato will become a country of military operations against the nuclear state. what is the world to expect? let us know each other in the world we are, we have to be brave, otherwise we're not gonna ever go to the power of the choice of one nation. affect us all the
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the us 2024 elections on now to 0. pod came in to be and say say that your government has repressive policies, respect of human rights. with this most important task, my government facing realities. what you're saying is that you are restricted by the is released in terms of your movements at the time that so i thought that it was the thought provoking on sense, how much mist trip do you think impulse he's right now to ask. it seems to be spreading more easily via the story on talk to how does era to store strong willed challenging, traditional female stereotype in the mail dominate as a site to make a difference. if i go to in the whole families list like the will to is highly contaminate to live in the class, the risk in it all out is in
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the polls open in the wells, most powerful nation. what's expected to be a close context for the pressed the carriage austin, this is all just a lot from day also coming up in our extensive coverage of the us sex. i'm kimberly healthcare in philadelphia, pennsylvania coming up, i'll tell you why cala harris 1st crossed this battle ground stake to make the clothes.
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