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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 12, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the . ready ready the other down or kyle, this is to use our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. more rides in the dodge capital, i'm days off to violence involving is there any football fans? is there any forces to get to attend for displaced palestinians and southern gaza at least 7 killed?
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8 people killed and this really as striking know them 11 and this as well as new defense minister ssl be note face 5 commercial flights was hit by gunfire and the haitian capital in the main airport closes ours before a new prime minister is sworn in and in sports, india is cricket board say they'll not travel to pa cosign for next year's champions trophy due to ongoing political tensions. it's expected to be a big financial setback for pockets on crickets with events scheduled to take place in march next year. the, to begin with breaking news out of amsterdam, wyatt so broken out in the dodge capital, thirties of extended a bond on street protests. let's go straight to step boss and she joins us now live from them. so step just in the,
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in the last hour or so we last spoke to police that arrived. it was still a very tense situation with some people hiding in the back streets just explains what you're seeing the now while the finance has actually a more into the openness fills into the street again in the last hour or so, the young people were actually effecting a police of fans. uh they were damaging all kinds of property around this area. this a homeless of use around this area, sketson's around this whole district and i'm to them west. i'm police a sort of definitely going around and trying to contain the situation. but at the moment, the situation is definitely not. it contains a lot of fully expensive also the far to this area because i think it's so risky also for them because the anger's actually also mainly towards police. and the
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reason for this anger and frustration is because that has been this build up since the right it's broke out last thursday surrounding this. so this for to so for my copy a tell if he's with to them use that was he's flashes and the word doesn't. so if for any science interest, but the narrative and the story that was sold by the authorities was that was just amazing. riots and they basically blame most of them from unity, the most of them use and i'm to them for creating, for causing this violence. and that's has really thought a lot of anger here in this part of time. so that way a lot of immigrants left for the last decade so so many of these people use has been born in the novelist and they feel now that they are being blamed and get all the blame for what it's been going on. a very upset about the injuries because police has a and they also have bad these uh, these demonstrations, but they have been defiant as always taking to the street and said that they've
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been punitive arrested for the last few days. he's saying more now at the moment i didn't see any arrest because so people will think of me at a cat and mouse game going on on this race. police will sprang to this 1st people as people were throwing so to people going around with fix. so far i have not seen anyone being the shape. it was mostly the police trying to contain the situ ation here. and i 70 show you a little bit around as far as you can see, that's everywhere. and these formats, you can see people sign big sign as soon as the police and as soon as felicia arrives, the basically a sign, the anger again at police and they throw things at the advance. so the situation is still very much, uh, not under control. yes, that we just got you on the phone and the pictures that we all sing of this fire in a trap. i mean, it looks incredibly violent,
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very unstable situation. yes, i spoke to one of the witnesses who was there from the very beginning and he said, what happened is people of texts from and there was only one person inside. it was the driver and they were throwing stones. and so i'm trying to fire uh fire works with food inside of, from the, from basically burned dogs from inside. there was a bus coming fast. and by also, uh, that was a tech. so that's how it all sided. it's basically in the shopping area here. and i'm so that i'm west with the young people are gathering and basically practicing their anger on everything they see. and especially at me is that this fitness, i'm good, that stuff is off again as well. jesus was on gauze. i mean, it seems to have moved into something much bigger for the underlying tensions that you might be saying that in um them between these immigrant communities or and, and police and those are,
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as he's against police most are as he's yes. exactly. exactly right. what's been happening is been sorry, paula rising for society or in the netherlands, where especially the government in the haze, which is left by the far right body of the freedom party of p, as well as was immediately blaming listening for what was going on last week. i was calling as anti semitic, so that's, that's one of the has suite. so there's a lot of factors. i know a lot of people here in this, in this city. a lot of them are, of course the they are now being named for everything that's going wrong. there's also been talk about possibly even before 10 people, even though they're born here. 1 who has been involved in the file, so it's really 3, are you seeing it a 5? and by using these statements also coming from the mir. and i'm to them even talking about the program against jews that was happening here on the streets. and
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i'm, so that's the whole, the whole world was watching this. so people not really feel that they are being satisfied as the perpetrators. i'm actually getting all the blame for this. so this is creating more and more attention, especially because nobody seems to be from the political side trying to bring people together. but they ride are now trying to divide them. i've step boss and reporting that from west to them, what we've been saying, but it's breaking out in the last couple of other heavy police presence. and as you can see, funds breaking out on times the as the right says, continue the streets all somewhat common. now is staff is saying, but we'll leave it back in a moment and check back in with that in the coming out as thanks stuff. the one that's tons of the situation on the ground in guns and now is where the forces
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have talked to the tent for displace palestinians and han eunice in the south of a strip. at least 7 people were killed. several young men were injured in taken to hospital in the box of civilian cause. a letter on monday is ready for his repeatedly bone. the owners are at refugee camp in central garza as strikes of killed at least 20 people there, including 2 children and the gentlest was in fuzzy people but injured under the know of as well as being shelling to come all at one hospital. this force has dropped a grenade at the facilities entrance and the market and goals of 50 has also been targeted coming at least 2 people. that attack was carried out by a drone in the historic city center. this is the guys even though we were sitting peacefully inside our shop and all of a sudden it's just like tuesday, loud explosions on shrapnel flying all over the place. i came out to see dozens killed and injured, including very young children. i don't know what weapons these rallies were pounding us with. we miraculously suffice. i have many children who are fortunate,
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they sleep inside these really occupation forces continue, the killing himself, ation of population that the whole world has lost humanity, have mercy on us and, and this insane was the honey mackwood, joins us out on the phone from darrow butler and how do we sing straight? so they all of the gaza strip tool gets through a little bit about what happened in han, eunice in the south a yes. laura where we aren't at the situation right now. we're one more proof is given to god is across the gods as the trip that is really narrative about evacuation belongs and sees areas. there are nothing but full narrative so far. just certainly are today. it is really monetary, talk about expanding to humanitarian be a zone, and the areas across the guns is truly including an area in the central part pending demo evacuations on and yet will speak within the past hour. this attack on this
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a small cap fee. this is in the middle of the evacuation joint in on last week, and that has been on offering and past been more than entered team and centered towards all the people in the area. people get to this, to fade small coffee shop there to connect to the internet to connect to the outside world. we watch on the big screen of football game of their favorite teams around the world. you have the are deprived from this when a drawn, just fired at least 2 mess. so on this kathy, what people wear a skirt inside and a quarter to an eye witness. it was packed people gathered at the earlier hours this evening to watch their favorite game was playing football. when this strike happened so far from his side nonsense medical, complex 6 of the body to rise to the hospital identified by family members who are also displacing the mach evacuations on the other for the unfortunate state for
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rifles, for, to lost their medical complex with completely disfigured them, that's because of the intensity of the explosion as well as the drawn missiles are packed with nails, packwood, snapshot, no, the pieces of metals and when they explode, be they apply at a high speed and completely cause severe leading to via grading. so at least for this, including a body with the younger child as completely disfigured not being paid, then defy it by family members. there more injuries are still pouring into the hospital man out there, the operating theatre is pack. now with at least 7 people was going undergoing surgery and the doctors talk about difficulties of providing medical care at nonsense hospitality because they've been really busy all day long operating and performing surgeons for the earlier cases from the tech stories we have repeated
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again and again, across the gaza strip. honey mussman, thank you. it's 11 and now well as being new is really attacks and the news on the south, the lebanese ministry of health says strikes of killed at least 8 people in the northern town of anya cru, 15 others are reported the inches, the strikes which are the 1st in that town hit a residential building with a separate is rarely attack in southern lebanon inside on district, until at least 7 people killed the initial reports of 7 of those injured the sales rep for joins us now from february. so charles, what can you tell us about this strike in the knolls because this is a town that has not been hit before. that is right, laura, i think what's interesting about this strike is that it is, as you say, the 1st strike of the further snow. so we've seen any kind of is ready bombing
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targeted assassination attend. this was around 10 kilometers from the syrian border. this town a code. so certainly local authorities are reporting that the syrians may have been amongst the casualties. this is an area that has played host to syrian refugees for use. it is also an area we understand where lebanese have fled to from either of these ready bombing campaign in the south. so in the southern suburbs of baby boots, or indeed an eastern lebanon in the back of valley. so we, we know that is an area where people who have basically been forced to flee that host from both across the board and inside lebanon, have seen sheltering in the matter of fact that we understand that there was no warning given before the strikes would suggest that it was some form of targeted assassination as yet no comment from the is riley army. no comment from it has
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bola, but i think it's interesting also because we're beginning to see a pattern here. now this is the 2nd strike in the same amount of days, which is not in a what is often described as has bowl low stronghold, a sheet of mostly and stronghold. we had a strike yesterday that was, i suppose, around 1015 kilometers outside falls, the lebanese capital by route at least 23 people killed in that strike also. so as i say, no warning, what evidence would suggest that they may well be civilian casualties in the strike . meanwhile, um, also a strike in the south of the country earlier today around the city around 15 kilometers from the city of side in that area. that is being repeatedly pummeled by is riley strikes over recent weeks at least 7 people killed in that in that head. meanwhile, it is being a heavy day have
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a real good far in bi hezbollah. also certainly are going to be used by the media. they're saying at least a $150.00 projectiles. we understand. the missiles were launched by has bola into northern israel, and the is ready, the media reporting at least 7 people were injured in those attacks. we understand the majority of those injuries were incurred because the mist solves the project, solves the drivers, whatever they were going to set to and that debris fell on populated areas, test drops. i brings the religious that from that route. many thanks, charles, who are now on the stage with as well as warmed up in a spring in nor a day in the jordanian capital. last because he's really government has found out, is there a from a 14 in the occupied westbank and from inside israel. so know, 1st of all, what do we hearing from is rarely governments about the state of slicing and lebanon, and how long it's likely to last of the police really
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defense minister of as seems to believe that the is really army has the upper hand . he spoke earlier this evening saying that he's really would keep up the fight. that would, it would keep up the pressure that there would be no cease fire until israel is able to just arm and dismantle hezbollah and move it north of the lease on the river. that it would need and require to have the upper hand in enforcing a bond on the re arming of his beloved by its own fire power, cross lebanon, and possibly beyond that. and only then only with that kind of surrender. if you will avoid israel stopped the fighting. of course, we've also been hearing different diplomatic signals if you will, to kind of keep those wheels turning about talking about talking of reaching a ceasefire. deal that coming from the is really the newly appointed is really for administer and the,
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the administer strategic affairs has been dispatched by and that's on yahoo to the united space as states to talk to the outgoing and incoming administration is about 11 on the body. ron and also possibly also about because i know this is what has been going on now for the move in months and yet still is really villages in the north of not being able to return to the homes. what are they feeling about as well? a very important question because really that's what it boils down to. these really government painted a very optimistic picture at the beginning of this offensive. they said that it would take them a short amount of time a few weeks and that the residents would be able to return to the northern communities that have not happened. and the rock gets fired by hezbollah have reached not only the northern communities for about $60000.00 is really is have
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left and many of those areas have been declared closed military zones. but we've seen, she has below rockets reach, further down to suffer than act free in haifa. and even to tell of the will seem the deployment of drones as well, which have been lead. so at times we're seeing attacks from iraq and m on also increase. so it's a bit difficult for these really government to convince the public that its promise is on the way to being fulfilled, given the fact that we see an increase in those salvos. just this evening we saw 90 rockets fired in one time of the high for bay area and military assets in that area . and you have the is really opposition. of course. also say that the government has lied to the public again, that it's interested in talking about a ceasefire and the nonce one, it hasn't been able to fulfill any of the things that promised while ignoring the issue of returning the captives from gauze, nor de joining us from on many thanks,
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no to the arab islamic summit in saudi arabia's capital has wrapped up with leaders . we're finding best support for the palestinian people and i called for an immediate cease fire in garza and an end to as well as a legal occupation of palestinian lands, adult faces by the saudi crown. prince mohammed been selling them in his opening speech. he condemned israel's actions in gaza and 11. i'm sitting the duty we called on the international community to opponents responsibility to maintain international peace and security by immediately ending these really aggression against our brothers and pa, this time and 11 on our countries. i've taken significant steps before the collective international action to condemn, as well as vicious aggression and reaffirm the centrality of the palestinian, the cause of vehicles, re mobilized international consensus to support the rights of palestinian people. demanding at the end of the illegal is really occupation of palestinian territories as well as far right?
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finance minister as well as small trip says he hopes to extend his rarely sovereignty into the occupied westbank next year and types. the incoming us administration under donald trump will support and recognize the move of the senior political analyst mom, but shot it says that donald trump's attitude towards sovereignty and the occupied westbank could be informed by the summit in riyadh to 0. he could well do so it depends on what response he's going to get from the balls from those who are competing agree out today the out of been started. majority countries because they are, as we've heard and we are, they are the 2nd largest membership. uh, after the united nations, i mean nobody should really underestimate data, but it's not it for the accept themselves. sometimes you get the sense that they are the ones who are underestimating what they could or should be doing. and that's why you were here. you've heard them uh, you know,
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expressed so much frustration and even despair while or the same time condemning is read for it's genocide in palestine. so i think tom probably would be getting some sort of report about what so would you like the eyes done today, of course. so the main thing is very close relationship with the, with a trump uh, administration then. and now i think something got a gets there. but at the same time, as you know, nothing else spoke with the, with the, with the next president, i think maybe 3 or 4 times already. and he's really expressing how much they see i to, i'm and everything. so really the, the new, the next american president has, has a choice to make really in the end of the day when he recognized that accession of much of the west bank and, and the date. so money and i've been most of the leaders or does he think he can actually take them for granted as he did when he basically defacto,
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i recognize that succession of east jerusalem and the goal on the ceiling, a city the go on heights. it really depends. we're just not clear yet what, what is clear from his various appointments, such as for the united nations having appointed a button to the top to in these uh uh it's going to be quite, quite a rocky rose ago. quite a rocky ride. i should say the commercial air pines being hit by gum fi on its approach to the haitian capital pulls the prints, and the main effort has now shot down as gain violent spikes. it comes with business by the alex video fills them. it was swollen as the country's new prime minister. he's replacing gary cornelia who has only been in the office for 6 months because a nation has not held democratic elections in yes, criminal games control,
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much of the capital. good lives is john less than full make it and as to of hate, see because english edition, he joins us now from new york to speak to get to speak to you. this isn't the problem, is that it's just been sworn in. if he likes to be any more successful than the last one, i don't think so. this is just part of the freefall of this regime. the washington is basically put in place. they made this so 9 member presidential council, which had problems with coney for quite some time. now they finally gave him the old depot and comes alex were digits for so many who is again, a lot like gary coney is basically been in the us for years and is seen as a asian american we could say. and i don't think he's going to be any more
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successful in stabilizing anything in who the been coney was. so the political landscape and america is changing. of course we've gone 5 and on his way out presence like from on his way in what impact isn't that? is that going to have on the situation in hazy as well? i don't again, just think it, it is working in the favor of the forces on the ground, sometimes branded by the main stream. media is criminal games, but we don't see them like that. these are basically poor neighborhoods which have arms themselves and they are looking for revolutionary change in haiti. and so i think the revolutionary change they're looking for, given the problems not only in the haitian government, but in the us political scene of the sports to their advantage. and i think katie may be moving towards some kind of social revolution. i mean, any effort to control the gangs into the political process,
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because one of the key to is jimmy chairs yet has said that he will end the violence if they are involved. yes, they've been asking for dialogue, saying listen, you can't leave the masses of the cities out of the equation which the political class and the hitch and holler garcia, been trying to do as well as washington, canada, and france, the neo colonial masters of 80. and so yeah, we'll see, i don't think so. somebody's gonna do anything else that should be said his father was at one point the guy belong, alex is simic under profile, who did some negotiations with the art in groups and the poor neighborhoods 20 years ago. is he got to take a page from his father, i don't know, but in any case, i doubt very much that we're going to see anything major change. and i think it, we all saying the situation on the ground getting more dangerous. it feels by the dave is extraordinary, that we had
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a commercial airplane funded apple hits by gunfire as it flew over the capital as well. this happens back in february when they were, i would say, r e o. and really the 1st us prime minister puppet that they had in just a couple of weeks ago. you and the helicopter was hit by gunfire. so basically the, the boss um is this combination of farmed groups is called in here, the chevy, towns said they're moving from observer status. yesterday. jimmy shows you said this to action and it looks like uh, as everything is in flux, is everything is sort of fragile. they may begin to make some more energetic moves, and in the past few months, they've mostly just been playing defense, but they may move to off ends. now i'm going to impact if any has the deployment of hundreds of kenyon police hands on the capsule. a very little you'll have to realize these, this is not a un peacekeeping force. it's basically a coalition of the willing, if you will,
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concocted by anthony blinking in washington. and they are essentially mercenary sir. and is market valet told us back in the 16th century mercenaries are the well, hist reliable armed force, you can have the country cuz all they're interested in is the money. they're not going out to put their lives on the line. and these guys are paid 10 times more than a hitch and confirmation copse of the ones who've been doing most of the bad or even though just 2 days ago, we saw a huge and cop basically execute those patients to 1000000000 in cold blood. we published it, i'm here to lubricate and on. so the cops stock is very low. and in many ways i think the situation is unraveling for, for the us, this public government and the in the police and the m. s. s. for says this, the mercenary towards this call, can i,
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it's very good to get your insights on this that's come out of joining us from new york. thank you. thank you. still, i had had on al jazeera and administration stop taking shape us presents like names to more people to is key roles and governments will be live net. donald trump's home in florida and russia mazda thousands of troops on the border region of custom to retake areas sees the volume frame. parts of the sports and incentive goal is counting down the days until it becomes applicable 1st. and then pick coast nation bias here with that story. the had like the threat of unsettled weather continues to linger across southern parts of europe. it has been most settled in the north. the things are going to change.
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we're gonna see the arrival of more width and windy weather across scan today via that is on choose date. still looking a little bit brighter for the north west. the person on the island divided dry a skies here, but there is that gloomy cloud across most central areas and will see the west weather stripping towards the southwest southern pots of front seen some big bang is over the next few days. as on settled weather conditions, continue for the battery, eric islands for corsica, and saw denny it's sicily and southern parts of greece. we have with warnings out for heavy rain as well here. that southeast corner was seen a bit of a wintry wave move into romania remains locksley dry. but dow, across the northeast, the places like western russia. and we all got to see something of a cool sound across moving parts of central europe. as that with the weather starts to work its way in was blast to re wins as well. so in terms of temperatures, they all going to come down across the north vases like no way as well as sweden,
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and we call me down as well across the iberian pen into the full, the likes of spain. 15 in madrid on choose day. the bony owes rain forests are some of the world's oldest, but they are no match for the deadly fires that increasingly rip through them. in the face of mind made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on that jersey news from i'll just say on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the oregon you're watching out there. as reminder of our top stories, that's our move, right? so broken out and the dumpster capital, i'm down to the trans. that's on file. it comes days up to $300.00 pieces of palestine full of darzy demonstration, were arrested for violating
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a bond on street. protest is where the forces of the times that attend cafe for displaced kind of simmons and connie eunice in the south of the strip of the gaza strip. and these 10 people were killed. several young men were injured and take him to hospital in the box of civilian cause and his be new as rainy attacks and the north and south of 11 and 11 as ministry of health says as strikes have killed at least 8 people. and the northern town of india crew, a set person for any attack in the side on districts, at least 7 people were killed. his presence elect donald trump has been making appointments to his administration, the head of his return to the white house in january next year. he's in full congressman, these eldon, of head of the environmental protection agency for acting us immigration and customs enforcement direct that tom homan has been named as his new board. his all i'm top is also chosen new congress women elise definite full of the jump of us. and by so that to the un, it's been like kind of, he's life was near trump's home state in florida. so like,
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what do you make of these names that are being chosen? the trunk cabinets is what i think you beginning to see the outline of what j trump administration priorities are going to be the announcement of the invest the to the united nations. that leads to phonic, the immigration saw new immigration saw on and, and valve ahead of the environmental protection agency. these elden now with the united nations appointment as to finding is known as a very strong opponents of the united nation. she's in about support of israel that he's going to call something directions within the will body and separately tests us relations with its international partners. in the case of the new board as uh, tom homan, he was acting head of ice back in 2017, when he introduced a separation of families policy which came under much criticism. he has said in recent interviews, it's
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a type of policy that he could reintroduce again. so that is what we are looking forward to with donald trump's new board. as of now these elden, he's a former congressman from new york. he was representing long island at the time when he fought to remove the salts pulled up in a long island and received a lot of praise will that however, his critics contend that he doesn't have much environmental protection agency experience, and that he's voted against a number of both epa tables passed by the by the administration. then we have a, another appointment that has been reported not officially confirmed that of steven miller as deputy chief of staff working together with susie whiles, whose appointment was announced earlier. now miller is also a hard line, n t immigration activist, n t is the most important speech right to for donald trump haven't gone and so far back as to right to the incorporation address in 2016. but with these 1st wave of appointments, we are seeing
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a focus of the trump administration among the areas that have things it needs to deal with as quickly as possible. and like listing the presence like donald trump, putting pressure on the senate, republicans by his social media. why is he so actively posting about this? well, it's just a lot of pressure in d posted the number of treats, insisting that to ever is voted in as the the senate has got to commit to allowing recess appointments. what this means is that appointments through the cabinets, some of them can be made while the senates and recess so that the do not have to go through the time wasting delay of confirmation hearings. now all of those who are leading candidates for the election of the leadership position in the senate, well, absolutely clear that yes, they would go along with that. yes, donald trump is up to get his appointments in place as soon as possible, but it's just an indication of how quickly donald trump wants to move to insist on
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something like recess appointments, which hasn't been done by many previous presidents. and certainly not by either by the end or trump in his 1st. um it is just a clear indication of how quickly he wants to get up and running in this new administration. mike kind of join us that from florida many. thanks mike. well, the, the, the cop $29.00 climate summit have agreed on a set of rules for an international compound market on day one will eventually allow countries to trade credits to meet the climate targets. kind of gets from around the world of meeting and as a by john will discuss a range of critical issues in the fight against climate change. it comes as 2020 for us, that'd be the horses here on record. and the 1st a brief, the 1.5 degrees celsius level was it was environments as the net clock reports from back a very much the sense of the quiet before the storm have we heard from tom bobby, who is the co presidents this year? we'll say from simon still to you in climate she issuing a a cold. so i'm is,
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if you're like the main event starting on tuesday with a high level segment, wellesley does are flying in for nature. while i was using paying of united states and china and about the 2 biggest images, they wait to hear this ending representative you in 60 general and 20 gutierrez, he is coming in. no doubt will deliver one of his typically fiery climates at speeches at just things up. main focus. this cope is finance. $2.00 trillion dollars. yeah. needed by developing nations to help baffle climate change expectations be paid back a bit to 120 and all it is still a tremendously large amount of money. if you think about it, up until now, develop nations if any provided $100000000000.00 a year since 2022. this is 10 times that amount. nickel. how does era back who has advised you on the summit? leaders will be checking in on time. it promises that were made in paris many
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a decade ago called and baker has more on whether the meeting those commitments. so when world leaders need to talk about stopping climate change, they talk about one number 1.5 degree celsius of that's the level of global surface warming above pre industrial temperatures. that countries agreed to stay below and 8 years ago in power as they promised to make their own plans to hit that target. but it was never about just turning off the fossil fuel taps. every government made plans to cut emissions across every industry from energy to transportation to land use. these are called the nationally determined contributions or, and the seas. and they're expected to get more ambitious over time. sure. they are on one big map made by climate tracker and notice not a single country is on track yet. now let's look at 2 very different countries, kenya and norway. both made promises in 2016 and now both score almost sufficient. that's the highest of any on the score card. why? what can you,
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it has large for us. it has growing renewable energy supplies itself. carbon offsets and the government is started passing measures. that will reduce emissions . but it's not a country that produces high emissions itself. so can you rank highly because it's reducing just enough of its own while continuing to grow at a rapid pace. norway is a very rich country and its newest plans are among the only in the world that might be on track to achieve the goal of one point. 5 degrees. norwegians use electric cars, heat pumps, renewable power. there's a heavy tax on emissions and that makes new technologies like carbon capture possible. that's where carbon is taken out of the air and buried under the sea. the norway is also one of the world's major fossil fuel extractors. and it's only because that fuel is burned elsewhere, that it isn't counted against norway's goals. a many see this as unfair. these targets are now 8 years old and none are currently ranked compatible with the goal
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. we're a long way from keeping temperatures low 1.5 degrees c. but at the very least because of the efforts of the last decade, we're starting to see real 0 carbon and competitive energy options that are becoming available by 2030. and that at least, is a positive step of the ukraine's friends in front of his landscape says his forces and fighting any $50000.00 soldiers in rushes cost region. the cranes army release. this video, which it says, shows russian troops in the south of the region coming under ukrainian fire. it isn't clear when it was filmed, the country's top, columbus at rush was aiming to retake those territory in the region. inclined in forces to control as parts of the test page. and a few months ago, it was the 1st invasion of russian territory. since world war 2 obviously was
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defense as to others. patropolis has more precious military operations in the cruise region of intensified and recent days. tens of thousands of troops have been brought up to the front lines for the start of a russian offensive to take back territory occupied by ukraine. according to nato, thousands of north korean troops have been sent by king jo and to help russian forces. although there was debate on how effective they would be there trying right now, the russians and the koreans to find ways of a copper a. bu it'd be on the back of a few of which will be not easy. the mercury of the game without any equipment, they're all their equipment, the uniforms that are russian, and they have to learn to use them. this the language barrier because they don't speak. russia. pressure has made slow steady gains in east and ukraine and recently increased, but its losses have been huge. estimated 1200 dead and wounded to day. the russians
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are expending enormous amounts of effort to advance into very small distances. their card humongous casualties at the hands of the dates are supplied. weapon rate is being deployed by the great news on the ukrainians. are strong financing spirits just to effective the new arrivals will be, is debatable. north korea's military has no combat experience, which is one of the reasons why the there to learn ukraine's president below the means zalinski is more concerned with how things will shape up in the future. the, you have some way and then with the most us. but if we do not deploy adequate weapons and political pressure on the russian federation, the next step may be much more extensive use of the north korean contingent to ukraine, though faces. the possibility of singleton is russian defense is on 2 fronts. costs as well as desk where it's slowly but steadily inducing ground. alex could helpless how to 0. but the government has announced that will impose land border controls
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and the attempt to crack down on migration. officials from the migration ministry and say the controls come into effect from december 9th. i would last for 6 months . they cover the dashboard, us with belgium and germany, despite being positive, a use board, a free zone. family and friends also have similar controls in place. most of us will have a new leader off to prime minister, proven deafness conceded defeat, and sundays parliamentary election jumped off of let the smoke african island nation for 7 years, but told his the lines that they were heading towards a big defeat. the final results all yet to be released, but opposition lead and the vin from google is set to take over the premiership. the campaign and the run up to the election was overshadowed by a one topic scandal. depends parliament has voted to keep. she go as cheap as prime minister in special session took place off the issue of governing pots. he lost his majority and last month stop election. build a piece of it as west election lost in more than a decades. a 9 day,
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$250.00 colombo to protest, smotts has begun in new zealand opposing a bill that would we define the countries funding document. it's the latest display of defiance against the right wing coalition. government governance policies affects condition as mary. the bill aims to change legal interpretations at the treaty of why tony an agreement science between the crown and marriage shapes in 1840 organizes expect 40000 people to join the protest. the spain has announced $4000000000.00 in new age for the reconstruction efforts and its flood had r. as in the east. the governments has been on the scripts need for his response to last month disaster, which killed at least $2222.00 people. but a devastation has also sparked a wave of solidarity across spain. really challenge reports and the hottest has down of pipe pool. so green shoots, the growing on the wreckage of pipe poor to remind us that life finds
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a way back off that is often. but also of how long this clean up is taking a nitty 2 weeks off to the flood. there is still so much to do. health has come from all over spain and beyond military, fire brigade, civil god, but mostly volunteers clearing, never ending oceans of mud is the main task both above ground and the dang basements that became death traps. when the water is put in a poor, k is a dentist in normal life. but when i finish my work, i day a week, i mean, i think i though with my girlfriend and i read the code that there, we need to come here to help you. hilda is a journalist at the end of the day when you see that a you will have, you know, the working and you see that everything is going to be better. maybe you will basically the, the, the yes,
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the army is here for there are other types of armies. this is off the has chasing the faith that many is funny. it's have in local and national government, but it's also boosted the confidence that they have. and what they themselves can do when they come together. so many people toiling and sewage contaminated conditions. mean disease is a real concern. i mean the, somebody with we're helping with is mostly ones on casey. so of course the date is because many ones are contaminated. we've seen them against the tunnels and give them antibiotics to avoid infection. the scale of this catastrophe and the human decisions not taking that could have less than did have less people angry and grieving for their volunteer ami. the solidarity of a shed purpose provide some consolation will reach out and i'll just say era. i bought this pain. so my head here on out is there was a show opening to feed for this full time grand slam champion at the atp final
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interview. the,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the room was on his laura, laura, thank you so much. india has told crickets world governing body. they won't be travelling to park a fund for the upcoming champions trophy that's according to the house nation. were due to stage of a tournament in march of next year, ongoing political tensions mean india having played in pockets on for 16 years.
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forget bosses are now in discussions about a possible solution including a hybrid tournament. but can see india play their games elsewhere. will sports generalize ruesch at home that the says this would be a huge setback for pockets on his cricket board. they were unable to host cricket events in the country between 292019 due to security threats. and i've already said they'll refuse the possibility of a hybrid tournaments as this is going on for too long. really, i mean, focused on is always responded positively during the rest of and they have all the pockets on. so i mean it's off high dime that either in the changes thoughts or focused on groups on stringent measures because part is done in the ticket. it's julie hughes is the, is the biggest showing up, not even australia, and even getting back to sign of excitement and viewership. i'm in the viewership,
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rather billions of people across the world. that is, of course, a major go to the rock cost is also, but as far as you find something good, uh because uh yes, that'd be the be a major then that that'd be the, it's very important football to san to cost this jack is dropping. you because uh you remember that after the 2009 uh, attack on the street, lincoln dean. uh there was a hiring beautiful more than denny is. almost any. is that a noise? and that's what the bus isn't focused on. so since then, all of the leading international teams have $200.00 of song a straight. yeah. and glen, sought the forgotten using it and didn't have no objection playing it focused on the perfectly satisfied over the security conditions. the facilities provided to them. the hotel accommodations, etc. and even this time, uh for the tech install fee, all the rest of the dns, the $7.00 of these, these are gonna be, they have expressed uh no reservations that like they have uh, that price. happy to play gears a mattress united's new couch. ruben,
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a more em says he's ready to take on the biggest challenge of his career on sunday, and more than one. his final game in charge of portuguese club sporting. he's leaving the lisbon side, top of their domestic league after 11 straight wins last week. the 39 year old guided the team to will for one when over man city and the champions league. i feel ready for the new challenge. i'm not naive. i, i, i know that the is going to be very, very different, very tough. but i feel that i'm ready. i mean, piece, now i can focus on my new job. you have to start with the structure chart that, that, that you know, and then you will adopt um, with the players that you have some injuries or no injuries. what kind of players um the ability is to defend to attack, i will discover that. and in the next few weeks. meanwhile,
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red van nestle royce spent with united, is coming to an end. it was announced a day after the dutchman, the legends team, 2, a 3 know when against lester, a former united player joined as air town hogs assistant manager in july, before taking over. as in her manager, you have expressed interest in staying on but has not been given a role under the new manager. a 4 time grand slam champion, carlos out the red separate a shop defeats and his 1st match of the atp fondles and tore in. the spaniard was beaten by norway as caspar rude in straight sets for it as lost all 4 of his previous meetings without perez, the defeat is a big blow to the 21 year olds. hopes of winning the you're entitled for the 1st time in history years. the tournament follows a round robin format with the top 2 players, each group advancing to the semi finals it's only one match,
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but it's definitely one of the best winds of the season for me. in terms of uh who i'm playing uh is level is ranking and all this stuff. so i feel very happy. of course i think we will see and carlos play better tennis edited today, but i took care of my chances in this morning. i feel uncomfortable. you know, in the industry so much and i couldn't, you know, after the long valley today, i couldn't, i couldn't figure well and so i didn't wanna, i don't want to, you know, say uh, because you don't want you to just sound like an excuse, but uh, you know, if i say the bought i said by to senegal is counting the days until it becomes asked cuz 1st olympic house nation, these olympics will take place in the country in 2026 with ambitions to leave more than just sporting memories behind. and the richardson reports set, a goal has been getting a taste of what's coming its way in 2 years time. the capital co, well,
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how's the 2026 used to lympics. it will be the 1st olympic event to be held in africa to host the event here in africa is very symbolic. think it's very powerful and gives a tons of hope for any future events being doing thing games or other properties being one championships or why not. the other games themselves on the continent, a multi sports event athletes, aged $15.00 to $18.00. the used to live picks will last held in origin. tina's cap 2 point is aries in 2018. cynical has long had a global reputation for producing title, winning football as its hope. these games will open up more options in different sports. in the past, i don't think those things that happen. so i think for the people who are actually here it,
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let them know that web is 303 basketball or crowdy or whatever. all of those things can be assessed or promoting health and wellbeing through school to use the wide message of the games. while legacy projects would include an academy providing training in sports and event management's report or district. we put the integrity in for the 6 hundreds. get into sports when testing . yeah. at that level will go and no way in terms of making them to be is global citizens, full files and ambitious young athletes will be in senegal. when the games begin in october 2026 on the richardson l g 0 and the kansas city chiefs had made it 9 a straight wins in the nfl. they came close to ending their run though the 2 times defending super bowl champions locked in. denver broncos feel gold and the final 2nd to escape was a 16 to 14. okay, and that is all you support for now? laura? back to you. all right,
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thanks very much. oh call. spinning and drifting is growing in popularity in southern africa. it was born on street corners, but it's now legal as an arena, sport, and zimbabwe. but more events now being held home. acosta reports from but away of the, the smell of burning rubber and the reading of engine excise dictates this isn't bobby's taking city value. these drivers just introduce tional output, a spinning we have mechanics, we love kind of in spinning. this gets to the end of the streets and away from drugs. cost spinning originally started out as legal, racing in streets, but is above what it's now legal. and it's becoming popular, it drive suite b,
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but need, so that does do that as people love. so where we've decided i decided i'd send it to a beautiful bond specifically to take these guys off the, the street is not what they call the people, the discipline and communities since then it's serious business. it basically involves drivers looking, they call into a spin performing moves and poses cold. but now, how does this mean that tells you what would be telling me you're making digital and it's getting poppy that it's, you know, the southern f as in countries to like writing in our local stuff. but
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with the all wheel drive is described. spinning is he also controlling tail the they see the 1st step is learning how to make the cost and then just step in and feel the part of the task out loud. is it for me or kyle full? this means all right, we'll be back in just a moment with more of a days and use for you the a nose ring far as some of the world's oldest. but they are no match for the deputy fires that increasingly ripped through them. in the face of man made deforestation an unforgiving climate change. a young indigenous leader makes all the plans to protect their village. fire beneath a witness documentary on that jersey in india. illegal mining is having
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a devastating impact on an ancient mountain range and don't local residence. tiffany: look at how much dust there is everywhere. my father is during the phase one. 0, one east travels to india to investigate mining. gimme a ralph as he mounted on tuesday and there is no channel that covers the world news like we do, we revisit faces. the state houses are really invested in that and that's a privilege. as a journalist, these cultures solutions that gives us know for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education,
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we want to go. because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not so nice all a to we are human beings in this area to be trees and the coins we are working in their thoughts. that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the visions, keywords you of the ruts in the hall to old amsterdam the ducks calculated old age days of to violence involving is really football fans the


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