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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  November 13, 2024 1:00am-1:31am AST

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recently assassinated hamas and hezbollah, lead as a reminder of israel's lease to reach. no one knows who else is on these rails fit list, where among palestinian refugees, who are civilians, 11 and the next talk may be the . ready ready i'm going to take you straight to the un security council meeting in new york. they are discussing funding in casa, under the u. n. n g. how soon us on an lloyd's view and speakers for there's funding that for sharing with us this funding in facts about the hold of funding reality over the fed as team people in the guys this to especially in the most of
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them part of the gaza strip by them president, the very set of by the, of hundreds of thousands of palestinians is at stake. notably in northern does. they are being killed. i'm starved to death. move them like cats in from one place to another, from one desk to another. according to the most presented category of age, among those killed out of children, notably from age 5 to 9 and newborns to 40 years old. and there are kids main disabled for life. and today too often starving dramatize there is no the god for the children's lights, the old civilian lives. naughty god for international law,
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or the most basic basic cruise. what was humanity? there is a bruton, but a buddy pool against the palace, teen young people. unrelenting in humane criminal attack against every shred of life and all the requirements of life. and the ghost of this consul met a year ago, and it was already clear what project totally we were on. we knew then that we were on the path that leads from mass killings to genocide, from starvation to famine, from mass bombing, to wanton destruction. from evacuation of those to, for somebody to displacement from so called military operations. to access sion from that is of read. you not an escalation to that to the set of can see over
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aging. and the new of the palestinian people, especially in gaza instead of ending is now coupled with the suffering of our brothers and sisters and 11 on was naughty god for the sanctity of civilian life. and for the sovereign energy of 11, every thing we want against it, but the thing is what it was denied is happening before our eyes. as we are at the last stages of an orchestra, they could plan to empty wide areas of guys from it's about a senior population and to inflict upon the posting and civilian population conditions that would lead to its destruction. if it diffuse to leave.
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let us old pause and understand what it means that motivation guys is facing an outcome and why aid is available and is only a couple of miles away. let us pause and understand what it means that it has decided and implemented simon as a method of war for the purposes of ethnic cleansing and to advance its colonial objectives. is what are those us trucks are entering and crossings? are open, markets are flourishing or blames others for the siege. it is imposing while you n humanitarian ngos and all the states around the world of saying the opposite that it is not allowed in. and when allowed in is prevented from reaching
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the people that need it. that's thought of asian has prevailed by design that forcible displacement. displacement is taking place. who should be believe? when i have a solution? is it a l which has been getting palestinian journalist, 182 of them that we celebrated the other day in geneva, in a conference are getting but a cnn dollars to stop them from reporting on the false pretext. can allow the international media into guys that the report on who is the responsible for what on the conditions and gods and the magnitude of this human made occupation made catastrophe. but it was
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a lot because it knows that what the in the nation and media will report will provoke a motor and political adequate. they come and lie to the media and the stake out outside. but they refuse to allow the media to go and report for it said of the facts and we are grateful for you and the agencies and the brief others who are with us for telling the fact as they are and the lies of the government of is about it and data representative know it is this more through the northern gods . what is the end consider that there are no civilians left and that all those who remain became military targets, justifying killing them and started bring them to death. never before in our international, no best or that had any concrete claim that an entire civilian population,
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children, women, and men was and they did the military thought of it. now that again never happened . madame president, the i c j issue. clear provision of all of those to address what it connect her eyes as that a an imminent risk for that either of the palestinian people to be protected from acts of genocide or gun. anyone around the stable are you? that is the, has not been deliberately and totally in each of these overlaps. what are the implications of such a breach over a months? it seems obvious that what the love in an eminent is then is it thought if i agree i teeth. now what do we need now?
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is what we need on a long and unconditional immediate cease fire the the say it again, i mean and unconditional to cease fire and immediate entry of life saving assistance especially to the north. we need the release of hostages and of palestinian prisoners. we need that a 10 or people to the areas from which day where the displays alongside the men this effort for immediate relief and reconstruction. we need for is it a aly withdrawn from gaza and initiative stolen? it's an end of a few patients and share peace and security. it should be noted the families of hostages and prisoners and that their beauty, families, palestinian and israeli is out according for
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a ceasefire. because they know it is the only way to save lives. the only way for families to be to united or to be able to more let us lot speak in their name to justify more kidding. let's not speak them their name to justify mode killing. listen to them. let us not use them as pretext for filed another violence and paid them in the united nations for the wrong reasons or violence is an impasse. a lot of the agent has what is enough orders to know more than president 76 years ago? hundreds of thousands of palestinians where the dispossessed and displays finding themselves refugees in tents. they needed every thing,
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food and shelter. but the feds concern of our parents was easy for the kids to come. the lord would speak of the palestinian nation who founded schools intense and gave that agent and the war. one of the most educated people in s, providing teachers to numerous countries and bringing up generations of doctors. an audit as an engineer is in that in the owner. well was and remains crucial in the data. but loss and pain and suffering. a lot of people are enduring today. as the genocide continues unfolding before our eyes with the aim. once again, to approve
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a lot of people. and while hunger and famine are tearing, that all guns apart, our people are still concerned that a generation of palestinians have missed a former school year. and may miss another they take as they see the schools and universities blown up as they understand is that it is destroying their hopes of thought, having destroyed their homes that night. so palestine and refugees go to their status is not subject to the existence of any agency. so f is the things that by trying to destroy on or it can get rid of this issue. it is mistaken. a light totally 10 is a cornerstone of
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a lot of lights and it is due to an international that is that i usually legislation aiming to destroy owner law at the time it is most paid. it is both an attack against the united nations and against the palestine and refugees. it was created to said against the palestinian people, especially in guys who are facing a good best sort of a few minutes ago. the and cost clear thing more to despair attacking the agency that helped refugees free themselves from want will not resolve anything. it will fuel the fire. we are trying desperately to stop by them president. this is it. every thing we fear is here. the only questions that remains is when we do anything differently,
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no somebody that which who has a tendency to spell out clearly what is the policy of the, is the the government is openly advancing annexation, allowing himself to speak to the intentions of the incoming us administration we trust that his assumptions are wrong and that unlawful annexation will be opposed by o as the palestinian people are phased with this, this position and displacement yet again. but once again, they would not disappear. we will not disappear. we are rooted in our land as the art of threes, we call them that all months that are rooted in my work. so only adjust and peaceful. the southern men of the question or better stein would lead to share
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the peace and security in our legion as it today did by the autumn leaders of the islamic stomach. 10 angry on the lot of board has once again shown that it is responding to occupation with the minds for freedom to on accession dog stream is in with them all that ation to war with the initiatives for peace, the opportunity, the position about the up the the opportunity the position adopted by the board offers despite the lunch it should be seized. i'm not even on the, i'm tentative is what we see today. instead of glad is cottage clear out origin and as from was to change this to the editor and given the stakes.
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it is worth it. we've done that i did to work with all of those who wished to put an immediate end to this war. and to the full fledged assault against the palestinian people are all those who want to see an end of the is that i really hope you patient, i'm conflict to allow the middle east to unleash it's through potential for the benefit of all the states and all peoples of the region and the world. but it all starts with stopping the bleeding, and garza enough blood chit enough stuff, hunting and i photos save lives now or we will all have to live with the 10 if i can sequences. thank you very much,
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madame president. i sign the permanent, subside for a fee of service state of palestine for the statement. i now give the floor to the representative of israel. thank you madam president. for over 400 days is all the way to see isabel villa. nice. the more not as an isolated, i've been flinging my the, against the will, hoping something would stick. to days we pulled from the i. p. c. the latest tend for the phone against the will. you the tool mazda class in music information by us and dishonest reporting. so if you take even a moment to examine its claims, rationally, that might slide the valve to the flu, exposing the emptiness and liable. he didn't be nice. even exercising slender. these guys that view many tell you on the concerned diabetes latest the bold echols, the one of the most on the founded slanderous accusations that gave this day to
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read the bill. throughout this conflict. as just a few hours ago, 2 is very civilians will mode by season by them in their latest means. they'll attack after having filed 15000 me says that these various things looked over 8. yet, they will not be debating no condemning that them they'll do is they'll always, you know, we must discuss a base list. so the polt allow me to address all over the is primary liabilities directly. and then layout the facts. first. that'd be c claims. a famine is eminent in northern guys, though that is simply fords. seems earlier. the better is that facilitated the entry of, of a $713.00 tracks of aid to northern gaza, alone with the goal of sustaining a steady flow of 50,
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devout daily. we have delivered, essential food, water, and medical supplies. to areas such as bethlehem and jamalia in northern garza were around $10000.00 c billions remains across the guy to elevate could be that will provision not to put losing massive quantities or bread for the population that the seas claim or famine as no basis seemed to reality, it's only bases isn't fully because by us i want to cli, that'd be seen as own free goes show the situation in guideline, including the noise is the most stable. now that it was the default, the bill. i would, the claim of framing is imminent. what are the same time providing filters or when any improving situation? a 2nd, that if you see a search that you many don't access in guys that is insufficient. once again,
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this is a basically incorrect event of this stablished multiple access points to facilitate the flow of aid. we've done, the tax entering, guys at bailey is to evaluate scores things alone that is east and as west crossing, given those simple, $600.00. weekly 8 also and there was will what's called the night that we've egypt and jordan as well as the via the married time award with us. but both well over to 1000 pallets of a the volume for the u i. e. just last week this morning. but the supreme crossing reopened center garza is jake bundles, closing 2005. it was a reopen this morning. we have new inspections facilities in the olds to ensure a safe passage to view the actions of a state wishing to cause a framing of the the actions of
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a state. tuition for this and in suffering. are these the actions of a nation committed to safeguarding a civilian population, exploited as human shields? they moved to us though, at least so that is the claims that the guy that has food distribution needs, bus voucher leads, failing, as well as being proactive and supporting, gather the food supply chain. with 3000000 people was produced daily. we're having short, stable access to bed for the population. additionally, 6 don killed the cooking gas of using clear until the guys out to sustain essential inputs up to the, the initiatives that both the old boston consistent food aid. but will know the failing system that the city both cleans a false diabetes suggest that the medical facilities are collapse, be collapsing due to lack of supplies. these could not be further from the to us
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over the past few weeks alone, as well as call the they did the entry of over 50000 lead the fuel. 180 units of blood and hundreds of medical supply books is to know that in guys as all spit out of more than 200 patients will evacuated to us without us in this house, with zip all to the w. h o. 5th. that'd be c clings, humanitarian agencies. i will structed individuality that but i was the cause of a delays lays in logistical issues on the guys on the side of the 900 trucks currently seat. i became seldom crossing back to with the aid in a waiting collection by international humanitarian agencies. some of these tracks i've been sitting in empty lots for weeks as the aide right away. we are not working that that's already in gaza. meanwhile,
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he's wireless for actively assisted by enhancing passage for the a deluxe. extending operating i was in creating as 10 with the votes to expand distribution pathways that will just because the ladies mold these verses doing it through the failure of others to take responsibility. the report also, you know, that we did cut a lot of come us, you know, rocketing these agencies having the world full or the people. whoops, us about time us doing those briefings hijacking tracks is building the aid for their own use. finally, that'd be really, both outweighed you to the questions either ask when we come into your military and aid for the students. colleagues, i will actually speak for themselves. these van hoards bailey meetings with you in agencies to ensure that you want it to be a needs met. despite the constant security threats from terrorists just yesterday,
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we again expended. do you want me to tell you on the zone then why syria? we'd small feet lots to be thought of, shows bill, along with the debate up will vision the food, water, medicine, and medical equipment. we have, well, it's sort of just the cut obstacles, improved infrastructure, and by or devised the welfare of guides of civilians. even while i'm those sweats from how much exploding those same civilians as capital for the motive of savings by them president. that'd be silly. both, either unbiased, no impartial, either the lies on sol says with a clue that jen that would be more night. indeed. i do do my visa. well, the soul says include edge of the long island known folder objectivity in covering these well for the previous 2 reports, both of which we have proven forbes is the published beat of the responses. we
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never heard back from the i p. c on any of our concerns. but when you look back at those duly pulse it please. those reports named all over those sources, deflate of the one phase to even disclose organizations which made up the analysis format of the, to with that data. they should tell you that the concerned members, the consumers, buy all it easily, being twisted and distorted. why do we the bait that he pulled over? don't get any vision that the tragically robert itself of any and all this good ability. we avoid the release you with attend. why don't we discuss april said because situation that will not come to pass. we know the 900 bucks collecting data in a lot, you guys are waiting to be distributed by you in agencies. why do we examine that was we budget is still organizations making up so that you vision. we failed to
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examine the world will come us in hijacking aid, which is a good thing to their machine. of this, it means that we come us as i direct a deluxe. they relatively sol says and use the billions of capital for it still activities. every thought that they wrote that by how much time you have fewer resources for you know, some people yet how much time these kinds of deals dictated to that, to the odyssey. maybe some days. we haven't got those and released mountains of evidence on that. this content and anger among that guys on population directed the come us. i don't know, it means that months when was the last time you be that guy though? or you slept in gaza, or you might someone from gaza. but we can show you footage or the people of guy that really think about come us, video of my, the screaming the come out studeville sounds, man, combine guy with that the,
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these come us. we used to blame for the suffering. we have also released the video footage of how much they'll always torturing guides and civilians violating o concepts of human rights and morality. why the consul discuss are both based on the wall the just these are in named organizations, the people of god that instead of self telling you what must be done to waive the situation, they are crying out to you. listen to them get out of your own way because we simply cannot continue in this mine are these obsession. and with the beauty of finding these well is detached from reality. that, that's the only examine the facts, attend instead of the political agenda that the blog and i will be bates full so long before leaving the chamber today, i wrote each of you to consider the facts,
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look closely at these words, actions on the ground. consider the risks, i will sort of do a state to uphold visas. you want me to tell you on commitments often in the phase of active. so let's recognize that the why the ip c might sling mud easily is walking persistently at the debates. pass our costs to the legal aid in a pull the principle of international law. i concluded that come us if the souls of the situation follow that, cried the guys and people in focus, your energy on the feeding though, to a press of the how much that what we how do we have seen before the agency's focus, eas, bashing is about the, our agencies dedicated to really let me tell you on a woke these consul, i the responsibility to make that distinction and focus on the names. things, those agencies committed to genuine aid nodes. those invested in spreading lights
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or directly. either way, i will continue. it's well to put the activity in lives and for the really want to tell you all over the occasions, despite biased people, it's, it might be put a negative. i think you might. and president, as i sign the representative of israel for the statement, and i know because i never just bring this thing to the is there any envoy to the you and danny? down on before having me had to pass on invite the you and we had months, sol, that ok now addressing and security council meeting was continuing that in new york . following an i p. c. report that found the action must be taken within days to yvette of funding in gone for the spring. and of course, when the gabriel is on the, he's of joining us from the un headquarters in new york and gave but couldn't get to more starkly different speeches on the current situation in gauze or between the as really and the palestinian envoys could we, of the yeah,
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that was really shocking. quite frankly. what you heard there from these really a basset, or if you were to listen to him and you had no idea what was going on and go. so you would think that everything is perfectly fine and there is no famine and everyone has all the food that they could possibly need. clearly, that is not the case. danny dan laid out what his reality or the reality that his government sees through their eyes, at least about saying things such as, there are more than 700 a trucks that went in to guys. so let's look at that. the un says, no, that's not correct. that's not how many aids, much less a guardian. he said that there, you know, plenty of fuel for, for, for hospitals to you and says, no, there is not plenty of fuel for hospitals. and he said there 900 trucks waiting to get into guys. perhaps ethics that might be the case, it might not be the case,
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but the bottom line is the u. n. a is saying, there is not enough aid and this i p c report is an independent us back panel, and that's all they do is look at food in security. they're not a political organization, they don't necessarily have a bias. so that's it. so what we get here is and then your reward vents are actually said something that's pretty important. he said he was foreshadowing what he thought these really bastard would say. and he said, listen, why those in israel just send, let, allow international journalists to go in to gaza to see for themselves. of course out 0 journalists are, they are doing very brave and her heroic work for many months now as well as a few other journalist. but he said, why doesn't he's real just let in international journalist to see themselves report themselves. he said there's a reason because international journalist would report such horrors of what's taking place there. so let's and you start to separate totally separate realities there. but i think we admin, so really laid out the case that, that is real,
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is using hunger and starvation as a weapon of or something that we've seen backed up by many member states that have commented here's what i'm good just to pick up on the.


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