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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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on the the, and a lot of money in sight. this is the news live from joe ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. human rights watch of jesus israel, of commissioning war crimes. in garza, by full sibling displacing, mold and 90 percent of the population. and you can see how flimsy based and so on how families in fact are struggling with lack of all sorts of bikes. because as we go inside and overwhelmed, comes the display, spin garza web people up leading full protection as well. strong spirit, southern sub, once again, leveling buildings on closing mass instruction escaping mass killings of slicing
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in see john has killed both and 1200 people in 20 states displaced many sewing the seeds of recovery. we looked at one families emission to restore some us for sales atlanta. explain the welcome to this program. we stopped this news hour in gaza when more than $400.00 days have passed since is for a lower interest. it's genocide, a will, human rights watch is accusing it of committing will crimes by forcibly display st . move in 90 percent of causes population. the. this is all happening within a narrow strip of land where every small area is considered
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a military target. moving garza has been on the is riley military siege for more than 40 days. civilians on deliberately being denied the right to that homes. food was a medicine, a little pull by human rights. sports says is rarely authorities have cause massive deliberate and force displacement of palestinian since october of 2023. the rights group accuses israel of being responsible for crimes. human rights watch is cooling on governments to suspend on sales to as well and impose targeted sanctions. it's also judging the top prosecution of the international criminal court to investigate as roles, force displacement as a crime against humanity. the target resume has been speaking to palestinians who have been forcibly displaced in central garza. i'm right now, and there is about in one of the open it and comments here. why the situation is
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critically very dire. we can see that. so retorts ha, completely unfolding, made shift tens where families are going through really and look truly terrific humanitarian conditions. you can see how flimsy based and so on how families in fact, are struggling. i'm a block of all sorts of bags because it's just let me take, you know, to take a very close look on how siblings are struggling here. and displace children are completely struggling in every single day and every single hour in order to so what to for them every day is a challenge. for survivor, we can see like they are bringing their gallons of water in order to fill it in light of the full collapse of this segmentation system. here on your coat, we can see like families are building the make shift tons close to each other in order to devise. most of them have been displaced from northern gauze, refund them on the line, and we are living in dia conditions among the waste. the no medication of any sort was starving. a few aid supplies, we may get all hands on. i'm not sufficient or healthy. i've lost more than 25
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killers since the beginning of the war. instead of having a rough uh visual, we are suffering to get our hands on plain water, only solved to water is available. our main problem is we are flooded with sewage into firewood by mosquitos, and 3, and 6 has seen officers who think them, as one says around the corner mobile full victim. to epidemic has, above all, we did not have the basic tools like soap or detergents to fight these hard conditions. so we all doomed this situation across many areas in the area, but which is the most densely populated area in the gaza strip is getting day by day much for us. what civilians are cooling the international community to afford them protection, especially in areas that it is where the army has announced it to be completely safe humanitarians of power. so by soon i would do the wrong. there was but i personally, this is really on the is not less often. it's a tax on the store. it police 5 palestinians been killed in a drone attack on,
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on the golf. a refugee camp in central garza, the injured would take into the nearby, overwhelmed locks the hospital earlier on wednesday israel bones palestinian sheltering intense in milwaukee in southern gall. so that's good, so honey. my moody joins us from 0 balance. central garza, honeywell, connie and terry, cowboy zoom, showing us just a moment ago. the daily challenges people in gauze are facing the lack of clean water and sanitation, the limits and food and shelter. and of course, old as well. contending with the daily is really strikes of the absolutely and the ongoing air attacks deadly ones across the gauze and said not only the cause further civilian casualties, but it keep forcing people into internal and force displacement everywhere. we're seeing people not only in areas here in there,
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but also in remote areas that are on the highway right here on the la. i'd be enrolled for the eastern part of district in the bridge, right? you can near the close the road, people try to find any area, any pocket of land that is empty and set up their, their tents. and if they are unable to do that, the state in the streets, and on the way here to the broadcasting point, just walking between the trees and the hours of their that are here. we see many of these people, hundreds of them are sleeping in the see because of the ongoing enforce display for just moments that go with the seeing here again and i left the hospital turn into a scene of the tragedies and tiers and sadness, a funeral of the 5 people who were killed in on is really attack yesterday. a drone attack struck 5 people who happened to go to law enforcement, worked as secure delivery with human if you're in a commercial trucks, in defense, from area as on their way to secure a delivery of some of these trucks that were allowed it to the government but they
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were deliberately attacked and killed 5 of the people, and they've been taken one by one into a nearby graveyard for a burial in the northern part of the trip. the, the story is much more challenging and difficult right now for people who are trapped inside their residential homes. not only the lack of proper access to mid, it's in good life saving items, but the fact that there is a sense of victims intimidation. there is as the quad captors, the surveillance where are filling up the skies of the northern positive merely on jet the size of your body are, does that sound and further west? northern western part in the last yes people are the cheese by the quite cap is one eye witness who suffer from death and keep running from one house to another away from the quack. got there as they keep dropping the grenades on them. is describing the scene as more of a video game that is really monetary, is performing against people in the northern parts of the city,
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chasing damage from street, the street from colorado to another, from one house to another. just scaring people intimidating them and foot increase the psychological trauma that the, that even in the areas that people thought it was safe. cleaning their homes or the neighbors home or they vac lesions, or they're not even say many of the people reported with severe injuries as these requests got to continue to drop these bombs in earlier talk at 10 people were killed in the late hours of last night. in a residential homes and also at many of them reported missing a trap under drugs. the story continues to evolve in a much more it's selling solution. and again, it's only the tip of the iceberg that we are able to report about. there are much more wars, things happen, and much more graphic thing in the northern part of the script. but due to mass communication falls and ability to get hold of everyone in the northern part of the
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port information. it really gets just a tiny bit of what happened in this is the picture that we have a risk picture indeed, honey. my. maybe that for us in there about a central cost as well as well as a tax and not limited to a golf site. it's been 45 days since it's submitted, treat, launched a ground defensive in 11 on thousands of buildings and residences across the country have been targeted as well as all me has been threatening civilians to leave that homes on face foaming. it's the spice and estimates at 1200000 people, 400000 of them children and is really forces of issued more force displacement orders. threatened to carry out further attacks in the southern some of the favorites. you know me is carried out. multiple arabs, south of the lebanese capital of nights, the 2nd night in a row. the attacks august with the commercial district of howard creek and the
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bulge of raj, not neighborhood. that's good to him. wrong con. he joins us now live from beverage iran to us through the latest strikes across 11 on as well as in i as you just reported, strikes taking place on the 2 key neighborhoods within the here in the southern suburbs. but then early in the morning, 3 key strikes taking place in the same area then off to that 1st of occupation, orders issued against particular buildings with in the dot. yeah. dot yeah. area. so a lot of activity going on, perhaps on surprising given, has bolos attack on. that's how the v and the ministry of defense over night has blessed still having that military capability, the israel says that it actually has destroyed. so that's something to take into consideration when we are talking about the strikes israel. and just a few days ago said that as well as military capability was actually finished.
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clearly not site says has pull up with directions over night. now i have been speaking to people with the in here themselves. they all telling us that there is a lot of severe damage. as a result of all of these extracts, a lot of people's businesses have now simply disappeared. a lot of people's homes had disappeared when israel put caesar forced evacuation, what is on that particular building? it's not just that building, it's all of the buildings around is the also get emptied out and also all hits in the strikes. okay, many things for that update and wrong call them the 1st in favorites. it's the best to notice to john where there is more evidence imaging of the mass killings of civilians into 0 stage monitoring group has found 4 tape move bodies in the village
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of so re huh. it says move in 1200 civilians have been killed by the power military rapids support forces in the past 3 weeks. out as there is hipaa, morgan reports now from cindy with thousands travelled for days to seek refuge of the these people are the latest to arrive here in since the in sedan server. and i'll be, they've come from villages into the, to state and central sedan escaping attacks by the rapids support forces. a journey that's used to take hours now takes much longer. it should off, i'm a how much has been displaced from here. nadia in the east of dizzy, you know, at least 400 people were killed there when the paramilitary group attacked. all of them are going on the i'm on the with the earth, into the homes and they start to loosing and beating people. we sold refuge in muskets because if we stayed at home with get shot, i gave them all my jewelry for them to let my family leave. it's because days to get here with nothing but the codes on the box. yeah,
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hopefully even with it. she's one of thousands who are now living in camps like these. the iris attacks spotted when it's most senior commander expected to the army in a major blow to the group. people here say it triggered a level of violence. they've never seen before. there's no other mazda loving so far, when they come onto the effective b r. i started rating taking everything between the young and the old. they didn't give us a chance to bury the dead. if you tried to take a corpse to bury, you'd be killed too. many of those here say they were barely able to flee. local monitors, say more than 50 villages in eastern does the other states have been attacked by the rapids support for assistance late october. these are the villages that are under the armies control their in areas run by the iris staff. but the deflection of their commander has angered the power military for so much. they're taking it out on the residents with at least $1200.00 killed. i'm more than 135000 displaced
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in the past 3 weeks alone. some of those displays thoughts refuge in the east of the country. this footage provided by the un humanitarian office, shows many desperate for 8. after leaving o their belongings into 0, the jenny to the east is no easier than the one to send, the an aide where occur state many arrived in poor condition. we thousands of people that have been displaced to um, some houses. right. and have come into did that have have come into casala. uh, which is i said, we check in the east and um, they are quite in some deplorable then vulnerable states and uh, really uh, demonstrated to assured that they need assistance here in cindy. the peace and stability is temporary flaw from the home step known. and i'm sure if they'll ever be able to return, he but morgan, alta 0, shouldn't be so down. let's take
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a closer look at what's become the wells with displacement crisis. the international organization for migration says, move, and 14000000 student needs have been forced from that home since april of 2023, driven out launch leaf by the conflict. this includes 11000000 people who are intently displaced in around 3000000 who have fled. the country save the children says more than 5800000 of the displaced all children under the age of 18. and 2800000 or under the age of 5. as united nations as nearly 25000000 all now in need of humanitarian assistance with hosp, the population struggling to get food, clean water and health care. showing me now the seed here is diane stewart. she's head of don't know, relations of the global fund and international financing partnership, which changed and infectious disease. thank you so much for your time today. diane . how guy is the health situation in? see don, what are the biggest challenges?
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it's an incredibly serious situation. um, we're very concerned because in the conflict, evicted areas of the country, at least 75 percent of the health facilities have been completely destroyed and not unable to treat patients. so provide any kind of services. so. busy we are trying to reach all of the displays populations with services, medicines, and so on. for the 1st time, actually this week we've managed to get a truck through to east dell for with essential medicines, treatments, prevention technologies. and so we're very, we're very pleased that that's able to happen, but that's the 1st time any yeah, the medicines have been able to reach some of those conflict evicted areas. why is that? is it because there's not enough a being to nate it or is there a real issue in terms of guessing it as it being prevented from getting, getting it to the people that need it? it's very difficult for parking is on the ground to access all of the conflict
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effected areas. and it's also, as you've seen, very difficult to know exactly where the populations and moving. so there are populations who have cross borders. they are populations who have moved, not only because of the conflict, but of course, sedan is one of the most have any time that affected countries as well. so they were people moving away from giles infected areas or uncertain grain full. so we've been trying to find out exactly where the people who need these medicines and get them there. but it has been difficult to get access when it comes to was ukraine, gaza, even 11 on. they seem to be guessing all the lime lights. why is the plights of the sydney's been largely under reported? explain extremely frustrating. we are providing 100 percent of the current medicines available to sit in for h i v to the closest malaria and other central medicines. so it really is a neglected situation. we're trying to provide additional funding, especially for the displays populations even in easton, chad,
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many of the sydney's refugees across the border or in southern adopt floor where people have moved. but they needs to be moved funding and that needs to be more attention. the partners on the ground are doing what they can. the communities are doing incredible work, trying to make sure that people have access to those medicines. but we need more and we certainly need aid full malnutrition as well. because the children who are malnourished are much more likely to be severely affected by malaria. and before the war, sedan already had a very heavy malaria the. so what is your advice? you please, if you like to try and stop the suffering, what, what can be done? well, we're hoping to continue to have access the central medicines we provided now in the south of the country should last about 5 months. but we need continued access and we need to be able to rebuild some of those medical facilities before the conflict. we had to invest in an additional $20000000.00 in supporting the
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improvements to health center. so we need to rebuild urgency to make sure that the services can be provided. okay, thank you so much for your time. diane stewart's head of don't know, relations at the global on thank you as well. leaders are discussing how to pay for the transition away from fossil fuels, delegates at the u. n. climate conference in azerbaijan, on discussing how to increase investments in green technologies. and also looking at how to encourage countries to invest in climate adaptation and the role of artificial intelligence. one way to reduce carbon in the atmosphere is to protect the wells for us. more than $10000000.00 hectares of forest areas of being lost around the world. that's according to the united nations, and that means all rain forest could vanish within a century. rapidly expanding agriculture is the main driver of deforestation, particularly cattle ranching, sweeping, foaming,
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and palm oil production. deforestation threatens moving huff of the planets bio diversity. it also is responsible for 15 percent of global carbon emissions, making it also a major drive. the climate change. the new economic losses from deforestation, or estimated at more than a $100000000000.00 or brazil, has had a difficult year with fires and drought destroying wetlands and drawing up rivers in the amazon. one family, passionate about preserving the country's national environment has been working to restore parts of the atlantics reinforce 13 at a time. want to get you on a cave has a story from walk yasu smelly. so we'll get a was and in some ways still is a hunter, but he's reinvented himself instead of stocking game. he now wanders to what's left
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of preserve atlantic green forest tracking seats that might bring thousands of trees back to life. boston may. so how does this best buy? because i've seen a fast saki for different people, that we don't go dial up things and replace them. well, it's no small job. well preserves, amazon gets most of the attention. the lush atlantic sports ones at stretching for 1000000 square kilometers along the countries coast has gone largely overlooked. now, only a porter of that remains, the rest has given way to tattle wrenching and urban development. we tie up, i'll walk you up here to somebody, kilometers from the city, a free edition, narrow on what used to be for families farm. i don't want those people from now. these labs have been in my family since the early 19 hundreds. we used to log a plant, coffee, and sugar cane, and reese cattle by it was a very different approach to developing the economy. or there were barely any trees
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left until one day. mikayla's grandfather decided the time so changed and the forest should return to its roots. the farm was transformed into the environmental n g o had what the lot families still runs. it now was one of brazil's largest reforestation projects 20 years ago. these used to be grazing lands filled with horses and cows. now it's filled with trees. 810000 representing 500 species of the atlantic forest. the farm is know, and expanding conservation projects with new lands being bought and reforest it. me . kyla says the project could always succeed by involving the local community. farmers became gardeners, hunters became forest guards and guides for scientists and taurus. students now understand that their future depends on this forest and i think that this is
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a good answer. there was some processes and these children grew up surrounded by nature. but that doesn't mean they understand its importance. when the parents work here, when scientists and tourists come looking for rest of the sheets of them, it gives display significance. this year has tested brazil, fires have ravaged the pump demo, leaving scores on the world's largest tropical wetlands. historic drought has drained rivers and the amazon. you had him to have well reserved people keep moving forward. fueled by a simple idea of forest re born one tree at a time. monica not give all just sierra web. yes, 2 bersale new storms have hit spain just 2 weeks off to the countries west flooding in modern history. killed more than 220 people. torrential downpours of flooding the streets in the province of malika. the area has been placed under the highest and that level about 3000 people are forced to move in the homes. what
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were you chatting? some pulls now from valencia, one of the west effected areas of the 2 weeks ago. how the was one of the town smashed by spain's west plots. and it's more than history now is preparing for more . and what happens here on the list? tens, would it be better informed? but we're still scared because if it happens again, it's too much. it's hard. the incoming store movie, less intense, but modern debris from october. the 29th is still clothing, so is drains and many roads. making these already back to towns less able to cope with more or united. i definitely, i mean the government, we've tried to get the money out and unblocked some of the sewage systems with us too much and most will need specialist in that or whether it's in catalonia valencia and alicia on the bill, eric highlands. this was malika on wednesday. the old some storms happen when cold
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it meets room of spain's met. it's already in coast, in huge rainfall is dumped on hills above coastal plains climate change is making them more intense. and that's what came up for 2 different. it's not future whether it's current, whether we already have it, we need to take measures of a kinds to reduce the home re forcing hills to slow water runoff is one idea. so or a network of channels, sacrifice areas and underground tanks. the thing is that, well, plans are exactly the sorts of measures drawing up by spanish hydrologist, maybe 20 years ago. what happened to them? well, nothing. they were the victim of years and years of cost cutting. perhaps now, he'll be taken most seriously. but we've got tons, how does 0 but i'm to nearly a 100000 people have been displaced in columbia as north west following torrential rain. president, gustavo petro has declared nationwide states of emergency,
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he says, $300000000.00 is needed for initial aid to the slot effected areas. the still ahead on this island is there a new south also open into the lanka, but not complimentary elections will tell you one of the stake in this show and that trump loyalist malta. rubio has been nominated for the role of americans topped of the month the spragons back in the news for all the wrong reasons. ones that getting the concentration of thunderstorms in southern europe and has been focusing on spain. this. something's not valencia. it is for the western granada, but the red warnings were in the southwest and obviously east coast and the warnings are fading away now. however, there's still going to be more right,
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as you can see, the any front systems in our northern europe. so it's getting cool to have it to something that's probably an improvement. the skies will cease in sunshine, the rain, but the circulation just west of gibraltar will concentrate in southwest in spain, and probably poached, growing next. the side of the shower was becoming lighter. and this part of the matter is raining, but they're still like you said a heavy and possibly it's really more especially west increase and it's cold in effect. but for the noise for the bulk and see some start even maybe in boulder area. more obviously, this is a cold front bring you started through vilnius 3 degrees here. and this great is, is typical of november slow to move hot to see the sunshine unless the breeze picks up. as i mentioned, rock moving further size and across the water from your voltage, you've got morocco. now julia, this is light c and every or sherry, right? not particularly excessive, but they're all the same. otherwise, from the holes of north africa, it's a fairly dry time of the year. the shower was really just coastal. the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines is drums when coming at the was pulse of the time to your informed opinions. saw that the look system was essentially designed with americans in my critical district. we're seeing a mass mortality event, the likes of which we have not seen for, for to get inside story. question is now all these allies willing to stand by has full bono jesse era in the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out, is there a reminder, thoughts of stories based our human rights watch has the keys. this relative commits a new crimes i forcibly displacing more than 90 percent of the office population. the bombing has not stopped with strikes. continuing across the strip, at least testing 3 palestinians were killed on monday. is really on the is again, phones, favorites, something, some of the, in the last hour that was off to the ministry issue,
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new displacement threats repeatedly hit the region of the night. say more evidence is emerging in some donna, from mass killing civilians into 0 states. and want to some papers from or see more bodies in the village of 3 high group says over 1200 civilians have been killed by the rock that support forces in the past 3 weeks ahead of the un nuclear watchdog is currently in iran. he's hoping to negotiate grace at corporation on the monitoring of nuclear sites. rafael gross, he has met with a bronze foreign minister, and a is also expected to meet the new president for the 1st time since his election. the watch dog says iran has significantly expanded its stalk of enriched uranium in the past 5 years. you are p and powers, all seeking new restrictions on tech wrong, which has stepped up as nearly activity in 2019 off to the us pulled out of the
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obama era and euclid deal. let's go to we're, so we'll set a intake round for so a lot at stake. what is the likelihood that the 2 parties are going to come to some sort of agreement the well, the possibilities are quite slow here. so there are major sticking points, and that mr. ross between the 2 parties is quite at to relate to tier. now, the international atomic energy agency is cruising you run off of not dictating some of the size and also some of the nuclear materials. and on the other end, seeing that the cameras in that are installed in these nuclear facilities are not to come to the inspections they have not been working. and also i use that is a cruise in here on or not create patient or it's inspectors when you turn it on is i see in that,
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do i use pull the size of the process and be like acting on behalf of the to it part is particularly on behalf of is while and one is are seeing well, whenever we are about to restrain equity meant there are some documents being provided by it's wrapped. yeah. you and your is coming with the addition of the mines that you want to, not me. so these, back and forth between the 2 parties. would you mistrust is quite having a history. and today we're not expecting these mistrusted to overcome. and we're, so as i was saying the iran has really stepped up. it's a new, clear activity. uh since 2019, just give us some context here on why that's happened and why this visit that for so critical as well as a part of the gc created she stories. nuclear, you have that to assign between the one that the world powers, the 2015 at the each dresser, the material it's useful,
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biased to find some after it's comp today, and also to reduce the new, the uranium enrichment to 3.5 percent. but the 2018 donald trump back then was, was the, the physical device has withdrawn from the deal and then to be called left. so sees fantasy that's yvonne has went up is remember each month. and now it's been met in one is, is well above 60 percent. so for a what time period is enrichment is 90 percent. now the concerns that you have on technically has these capabilities. well, it's a technical issue. this is not as opposed to going to shoot you another technical issue any time you don't want to go to a nuclear weapon. it has that technical to privileges and know the also see and kind of a better need that them. and so, you know, you don't have a need government not by the department president, mr. pisec young. no. yes. if you have a president to elect donald trump and then,
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and also there's a war that's going on in the regions. all of these, the admins are making the caustic a stream of context extremely important. and many people are curious whether the new government and the new administration. yes, they are going to be willing to renegotiate a nuclear view or not. what are you running upon? you run the present has repeatedly said that his company is ready to be negotiating nuclear west. how does that make any sense? they need to see a st. me tuesday is i'm from the watson topic and thank you so much for the update rest. and we'll set of that in time for andras will be monitoring that missing. so russ santa from thank you, i just want to take you back at 211 on take a look at these pictures that are coming through for us. uh there. i also stay where its southern sub, the, uh these, this is off the, the latest forming uh from israel. as you can see that masses of smoke off to the ministry issues, new displacements threats. uh,
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they happened repeatedly hitting the region, including of the night says day is now up and $45.00 days since these randy ministry launched its ground offensive into lab and on this. okay, want to announce these for lanka, people in salon got all voting and snap complementary elections today. the country's new president cool. the election hoping to secure a majority in parliament for lanka has suffered it's west ever economic crisis beginning to years ago, financial recovery and corruption, all the main issues for folks is as close to michelle fernandez. she's live in colombo now. what are we expecting today? so what about uh, just a little pause the half way mark of the voting the here in sherlock uh, um, from what we're heading from the election officials. we're seeing voltage turning out
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a little between sort of 4045 percent on average. now in general or for lumpkins have had a sort of a tendency to take fox pretty actively in elections. usually advertising about 75 to 80 percent of the vote. we've seen that sort of a steady stream of water's coming into polling stations like the one you see behind me. it is also known here. so there's a slight sort of dip in the number sort of queueing up. but again, it's, it's a sort of a city stream today is a working day in the country. so that is also sort of has an effect on the way people come. either they come all the way to the office. the staying at home will come during the course of the day. just one will factor. obviously, the with the that had been heavy show has predicted in about an hour from now something that the election commission is very much conscious of said that they can sort of steps full. but in general, for the waters themselves,
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who we've been speaking to all around in terms of the capitalism and outside a lot of the people talk about corruption. and that's something we're heading over and over again. the needs to root out corruption to clear the system literally just clear the big to and that we are seeing in this election for the 1st time in a long time. that's more than 54. my m p 's have chosen to contest many afraid that they will be voted out of parliament. um some uno, pleading it with us. i'm saying they have a sort of all the personal reasons not to but we're seeing this for the 1st time. something that the president under commodities on like a has sort of taken credit for for his bossy thing. we have brought in a new item code for the political retirement because we have been talking about rooting out corruption, going off to and punishing those wrong to us. and he is hoping that with his victory, which sort of term, the sort of political tables on his head drunk a, has a tendency to go for a sort of
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a lead political families and things like that for the, for the 1st time, we have a real of some of the router later as in the north central part of the country being made president. and he's hoping and asking is that the country unites to bring his body the in p b in development so that they can give a sect. and lots of the problem is made the other bodies say they are also sort of capable and fighting this election through. okay, thank you for that middle fernandez that for us in colombo. well, let's take a closer look at what's at stake in shoreline, cause we mentioned the new president is old parliament back in september, and then called a snap election is national people's power policy had only 3 seats in the 225 member legislative body. and so long as face and economic crisis for the past few years, even declaring bankruptcy back in 2022. last year received
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a $2900000000.00 bailout from the international monetary funds. inflation, which picked at 70 percent in 2022 has significantly improved dropping to north point 8 percent last month. so let's get move with his land cut. they've done my use of political economist and senior electra at the university of johnston that he joins me from jeff and northern sure lanka. thank you so much for your time. so let's start with the significance of these elections. how could it affect this and that y'all case, political vision? yeah, this is a crucial election for president because even though he has won the presidency, he only had 3 members of argument. so he needs a majority in parliament to be able to offer any laws. and so that might have you been to cost the budget. so to be able to guide a majority in bottom,
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that is full show and days on the presidential elections be announced upon energy elections. so now uh, today is the day that is going to decide how and how much the whole they have to govern the country. and then as gonna williams was, apologies, i was just gonna ask, i was gonna ask uh, you know what all his johns, this is it guaranteed that he's going to win the seats. he needs who is the up against, as there is a wave towards the president in terms of he's a, he's a kindest magic leader in the election rallies, and the opposition is completely dispersed. now the question is whether all that sort that he's gaming can actually translate into members of parliament because parliamentary elections is different from the presidential elections in that. in each region, people tend to vote. so somebody didn't know. so the,
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the water turned out and to what extent distracted g or v p to try to mobilize, people are all many candidates in the population doesn't know is, is going to decide. and the people have been looking for a system change. they want a complete overall of the system. so in that sense, that is likely to be a really was for them, but you know how that translates into numbers and call them and get to the see. yeah, tell us a bit more about what's at stake here. for ordinary as for lang cans, what they've gone through of the last few years and whether this new government is the onset the, i'm going to the worst economic price is. people are looking for release and, and so a lot is going to depend on what is going to do because expectations are very high . and that will be
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a honeymoon period for perhaps the 1st 6 months. but often that people are going to start demanding changes and but it is gone and they will be able to deliver on that . given that it's really get onto the straight jacket. often i am asked us to rekey program, so how they will be able to grapple with that in terms of the minorities in the hall and not the least, the most great community that has come under attack. there's also expectations that this government would finally stop to address some of the human service. so it isn't on all the in terms of the president and the government and they would have to hold fast. ringback before j. o. as with all these not supporters beginning, then people start charging, if they do not deliver on their promises or any good to get your analysis. a hit on color gone, the political economist and senior electra at the university of johnston. i thank
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you. of the us president elect donald trump has named more top level positions, including many who have shown loyalty to him. in the past, some of his cabinet nominees have cause concern within the republican policy, which now of course controls the house of representatives. the senate chaper sounds, he reports now from capitol hill in washington, dc. donald trump has dominated market rubio as secretary of states. someone viewed with suspicion by the president elect space with welcome to buy washington's foreign policy establishment. it's a tremendous honor to the present replaced with confidence in me in a position of such importance. it's also a tremendous responsibility not received so warmly by the conservative wing of the party from normalization of to see gabbert is director of national intelligence and mountain gates is attorney general gabbert has criticized the us as involvement and watch equals wasteful foreign was and this confirmed she'll be in charge of putting
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together the president's daily brief of information on national security issues. dates is a 5 and trump loyalist. he's about to and what he calls the weaponized ation of the justice system. as the attorney general, he will lead to the department of justice over the senate drum tune was elected majority that they part of the establishment wing of the republican party. he's made his peace with donald trump and pledge to carry out the president's alexa agenda. we have a mandate from the american people mandate, not only to clean up the mass left by the highest light in here as tumor agenda, but also to deliver on president trump's priorities. but it is notable the food in times to confirm donald trump's cabinet nominees through the senate as quickly as possible. before trump nominated gates cabinets. both i'd like you to face a tough conservation, baffled with some republicans already expressing their opposition to the 2 over the house republican leadership elections incumbent mike johnson was unanimously re
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elected to speak about his party there. the already questions as to whether this unity will hold em to 2025. when the new congress assumes office, we saw the republicans divide themselves even when they were in the minority. and they also did a speaker and had a difficult time replacing them. now that they have the gamble, the question is, will they be able to stick together? but for now, but if the establishment unpopular swings of the republican policy contains some victories, she everytime see alger 0 capitol hill. so it has all now to sierra on a roxanne volcano, ground slides on the in the nation island of bali. and i'll say, plus a french colonial era. courthouse sent a go transformed into a celebration the
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[000:00:00;00] the several international airlines have grounded slides to the entities and island of bali. a volcano in the nearby on and to flores is erupt, tang spelling clouds of ash into the within 12000 people have had to leave that home since the robinson began on list 2 weeks ago. jessica washington is following the story for us from on the now there are more than 13000 people staying in evacuation shelters. around h. evacuation centers scattered around the vicinity of the volcano. at this point, the exclusion zone is 9 kilometers from the crater in today's it does have more
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than a 100 active volcanoes. so there is a degree of familiarity for these communities that live near the volcanoes in terms of what to do. and this is the, this is not the 1st time that this community living around the mountain level, toby lucky, lucky, has experienced such disruption. earlier in the year, they also evacuated to shelters because of consistent eruptions. this is also having an impact on the other island of bali and the number many flights were cancelled on wednesday to and from valley many of the international. i'm coming from a straight away or to a stray leah because of the ash plumes winds were blowing in a westwood direction, sending ash plumes as high as 4500 meters towards the direction of valley and lumber valleys airport is operating as normal. the airport is not closed, unlike some of the airports closer to the volcano, but we understand that at least 40 flights to and from valley has been canceled. it
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is too soon to say what the impact will be on the tourism industry. we will have to see whether or not the rest, the, the strong eruptions coming from mount label. toby lucky, lucky. jessica, washington out 0. a check. then as the police in the brazilian capital say, one man's been killed off, the call was blowing up and was sources of describing as a suicide attack. it happened outside the supreme court, and brazilian judges and stone had to flee the building off to the bloss strayed union students transport workers in peru have started a 3 day strike against rising crime. it coincides with an international summit for testers, have rejected calls from the president to postpone the action because it could home the country's image money on a sanchez reports from the capital lima, the, the job. and the protesters plaintiff 1st through
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police force them back and try to silence them. this is what the government planned for weeks to prevent demonstrations. during the, a big summit, the government deployed thousands of police and troops to protect the meetings. everyone, the governments that must work from home proceed indeed the ones to present they do as a stable and safe place for investment. around the country, demonstrators set up roadblocks, burn tires, and marched joining a 3 day national strike a be a little smart, several kilometers with her children and nephews. she says her neighborhood is more dangerous than it's ever been the we're getting killed every day and they don't do anything. the president says, all is okay when it's not. so wish it was all children because we need security. demonstrators have chosen the week long international for them to highlight
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people's rice and crime wave. they say several state of emergencies that have been declared around the country are useless. you might be understand what the way i least people that killed every day. how could i worry about our lives? like dictation? yeah. if the motor or the killed we can't have a life, police say more than 2000 people have been killed. and there have been $17000.00 cases of extortion since january alone, with less than 4 percent of approval ratings. we know about this one of the most popular precedents around the world. however, there aren't tens of thousands of protesting against her because many people here think they're afraid of police fire with live rounds. what is under investigation for the depths of 49 peruvians killed by security forces during violent protest when she took office in 2020 to
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demonstrate or say, their protests have nothing to do with a pin and everything to do with their presidents inability to control security again, essentials. i just see that that's been the most straight. valez and hazy is cancelled . pull to prince with many people. afraid to leave that homes and medical charge. the doctors without borders says it's ambulances were attacks. and swishy aghast. eighties, transitional counsel, 5, the intern prime minister, gary condo on sunday, and replace them with the businessman alex, to fill out a full 1000 police and security self of being deployed in paris ahead of francis nations. the match against israel. the extra presence follows violence last week between his riley football fans and palestinian supports as in amsterdam on wednesday that were processed in paris, cooling for a boy because of the match. meanwhile,
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and amsterdam police of detained hundreds of demonstrators who defied the bond on process to riley in support of palestine. so fastened reports, risk and arrest hundreds of palestine solidarity protests to escape to dam square to let their voices heard. since last week's riots, a protest band has been in place and legal efforts to lift this have so far failed as one to speak out against the dentist like, i think it's, it's insane the get like, intimidated. so to be silent. that policy a little bit scared to speak, which is insane. speaking out against genocide, that's why they also put tested against racism and is lemme phobia in parliament in response to what the patients have described as anti semitism during last week's football riots. as the leader of the largest body defies, freedom party wants to withdraw. passports of dutch people from american descent.
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he claims as text is what a li funds and kicked them out of the country. take hold of people. i have been think for 20 years we should stop ignoring our problems with immigration, all the problems with americans, our problems was it's a lot we were never allowed to mention this, the opposition that uses willis and disco relation, part as of adding fuel to the fire we need responsible leadership to bring people more together and to make sure that our society stays a free as a site for everyone taking away people's passport. you cannot say a fight and by some it isn't with racism. this is really wrong to do. while the government in the hay is trying to limit the democratic rights that i'm here to define a protest that we need and we want to speak out genocide in gotcha. after allowing them to protest for our police,
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started to clear the central square and detain more than $200.00 demonstrators, one by one stop fast and l just era, i've said them building with a dog paused, has been transformed into haven. so office incentive goals council, the colonial era courthouse, and coldwell give visits as you'll put unity to examine the cost. i'm the present through office work exercise reports from deka in downtown the car in the band in building halted by its past. the french colonial era court house was built to intimidate its african subjects, the b now young creators time at the jump has opened its imposing doors to contemporary artists. i was afraid that says, i think as a curator, this building is a monster. part is, have taken over the courts delivering a form of justice that was absent from the premises. and perhaps still elusive to this day, i think out will take you to think about what's happening to all well,
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allow you to, to feel a curious sometimes where we crowd walks from chamber to chamber in this carefully orchestrated exhibition, the dungeons where the innocent were left to die brought back to life by a legendary artist is young man, not that gay. she's transformed a wing of the building into her living quarters for the be and all this is like a new thing to me as a whole scene like this room and it's uh on start off with the same scene. how self an x rays, you know, safe on the walls? her pioneering work in under glass painting. it is a window, it appears like a broken future. she says, this is planet earth, and this is the ocean. a mirror for all of humanity. catching a fracture of light, if that's mirror or could speak, what would it say about those? this theme of the be and all the wake serves both to mourn and to wake it
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for african american order. sarah clark. it's a way to confront the enduring legacy of slavery. a call to revive a shared ancestral language woven through strands of african hair. she calls the twists script. we're all african, just some of us and more recently than other this is split. it's clearly curly curly, like minus. right? this is the only thing that is different, right? um. so yes, the prize in are here because the pride in our hair is the pride in our ancestors. and so to deny how your hair grows and to deny what we do with this is to deny that in festal, archive it'd be, you know, confronting that goes of the past and stripping away complexities to capture the essence of our shared humanity in what appears to be increasingly fractured. and so real world nicholas hawk elgin's here at the car. okay, that's it for me. my name,
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sorry for this nice. i'll be back. so in just a moment, much more. today's the, the trump has captured, the popular vote. says look, what happened is this, the fault lines looks back at the election year. huge part of it undeniably is that you can't fund a genocide with you know, what if you want to win. otherwise, i'm speaking an honest what this means for the future of us on this stuff. on the pretty extreme level, the return of the drum on a jersey or the latest news greece has the longest coastline in the med, with thousands of violence surrounded by c. u. that is sustained, the so long with detailed coverage, which one is an early test for the labor government in
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a country large parts of which groups buy leads from the house of the story, the extent to which north career and russia has been cooperating militarily, was highlighted by intelligence officials, the south koreans will make cuz academic democratic nations just deprived this kind of behaviors, colorado, the average has collateral damage. that's why we all team is leading to what we're seeing. that will allow me to push back for a moment as a new assistant. corporate is real effective. it's mobile friendly from the impact of the us selections. the escalating conflict in the middle east of the urgency of
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climate action upfront sets the stage for serious debate on out jersey or the of the massive deliberative force displacement in gaza, leading human rights squared for cheeses. this are all of new crimes and crimes against humanity or money inside the sound. is there


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