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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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there is no limit to how far a dream contains sta in your own adventure. now counter arrange the . ready the hello, this is in use our own algae, 0 for the back. people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. massive deliberate force displacement in gaza leading human rights organization accuses israel of war crimes and crimes against humanity and other logics. frozen hate spain, who southern supper of rafter is really forces issue to stretch for civilians to leave or face small bombing. also this,
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our displaced by mass killings incidence to 0 stage to power military rapids support forces is accused of killing more than 1200 people and us president elect donald trump is 49 controls. both houses of congress completing the republican sweep it into power. i'm joined against real sco with this for us is real simple team prepared for the nation leaking. counselor with front and power slates uh on the types of security and with some purchases cooling for boy on the thank you for joining us. we begin this news hour in guys always been more than $400.00 days since israel long ships genocide. a war human rights watch is accusing is really forces of committing rule crimes by forcibly displacing more than 90 percent of guys population. this is all
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happening within a narrow strip of land where every small area is considered a military target. israel has killed at least 43600 pound a city in 17000 of those killed our children. the entire population is being systematically targeted and has been forcibly displaced several times. the report by human rights watch says is really a so these have a cause massive deliberate and force displacement of palestinian since october 2023 . the right school, the keys is ran as being responsible for war crimes. human rights watch is calling on government is to suspend on see is to israel and impose targeted sanctions. it's also urging the top prosecutor of the international criminal court to investigate is, are as forces basement, as a crime against humanity. i'll just do this topic up was whom has been speaking to palestinian, so been forcibly displaced to central gaza. i am right now,
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and there is about in one of the open at the encampments here. why the situation is critically very dire. we can see that. so, retorts ha, completely unfolding, made shift tens where families are going through really and look truly terrific humanitarian conditions. you can see how flimsy based and so on how families in fact are struggling. i'm a block of all sorts of bags because it just let me fix you know, to take a very close smoking house. civilians are struggling here and displace children are completely struggling in every single day and every single hour in order to so would to, for them every day is a challenge for survive. we can see like they are bringing their gallons of water in order to feel a, to like of the full collapse of this segmentation system. here, we can see like families are building the mix, shift tons close to each other in order to devise. most of them have been displaced from northern gauze, refund them in the line, and we are living in dia conditions among the waste. the no medication of any sort
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was starving, and the few aid supplies we may get all hands on. i'm not sufficient or healthy. i've lost more than 25 killers since the beginning of the war. instead of having a rough visual, we are suffering to get our hands on clean water. only solved to water is available . our main problem is we are flooded with sewage into firewood by mosquitoes. indian 6 has seen officers who think them as winters around the corner mobile full victim to epidemic has above all, we did not have the basic tools like so for detergents to fight these hard conditions. so we all doomed this situation across many areas in the area by that, which is the most densely populated area in the gaza strip is getting day by day much for us. what civilians are cooling the international community to afford them protection, especially in areas that it is what it has announced it to be completely safe humanitarians of power. so by soon i would do the euro, there was, but i personally and it's rarely stepping up. it's
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a tax on the north charing can be heard in the background as jabante. a is fond of . the heavy artillery shunning has also destroyed many homes. he needs a body of refuge account overnight, at least 10 palestinians were killed. and that's why i kind of home, most of those killed where women and children since these are us military operations. the got injured by the end of the knows more than 2000 palestinians have been killed. and 6000 wounded. these are the army has not let up, and it's a tax on all the parts of the strip. at least 6 policy needs have been killed in a joint attack on the all my guys, the refugee camp in central gaza. the injured would take into the nearby over whelmed deadlocks the hospital. early on wednesday, israel bombed palestinians sheltering intents in my y c instead of casa. the sky was sitting peacefully with a group of his friends and his really miss. so took them by surprise. they were all
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killed, all 6 of them. i thank god for what comes our way. we pray for god's mercy, simply because the whole world has abandoned us. not a single person has taken any action in our support. for 14 months, the whole world has been watching hasn't been slaughtered and watch it on live tv screens. our population is being exterminated by the israelis. joining us on how to 0 is our what damon, who is the founder of the international network for age, relief and assistance. the narrow which provides medical and mental health care to children affected by war. why is joining us from dial, blah, in central guys? it's good to have you again on allergies. here are why you've been assisting. i understand people displaced from northern garza of move to the center with medical assistance and a can you tell us 1st, what they've been telling you about the situation in the north and, and what condition they are arriving? and when they reach central cost, it's a complete nightmare, which is something that is hard to comprehend,
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given that everything up until this point has still been a complete nightmare for how it is one, adequately describe a situation where the bombing is relentless, where there has been no humanitarian assistance specifically because we're talking about the northern part of causes and for weeks right now. and there isn't sufficient medical care either the medical evacuations that, you know, do you end up happening from hospitals that are up in the far north? just central guys are, i mean, even those hospitals that exist in central garza and we're not talking about the software i am right now, are partially functional. the ones here personally functional to and what does that actually means? that means if you show up believing at the hospital, someone there is going to try to stop the lead, but do any of those facilities actually have what is needed to ensure that the patient survives? the simple answer is no. and this is not a unique situation. that has emerged right now. people are deeply, deeply traumatized, and part of their reluctance to leave the north is fear of the road that people are
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afraid to be targeted as they are leaving. there are families that are being separated women and children from, you know, men and teenage boys were hearing about, you know, men, father sons being detained as they're trying to make their way back down. this is why actually a lot of the families that are flying from the very north are choosing to stay in gaza city itself. for right now, there's sort of an up to effort to try to provide them with the needed shelter, blankets, mattresses because obviously they have fled with nothing but access to the north. unfortunate man and sharing organizations like mine is extraordinarily difficult because the vast majority of movement, or quests which do go through the israelis, are either tonight or impede and it's an impossible situation, but it has been from the get go. right. and so most of the people who fled the north, as you say, end up in, in faces like gaza city, when they reach casa city, what sort of, how far they are receiving their, what are you able to provide them with?
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who we are right now and broadly speaking about the humanitarian organizations. nowhere near enough because then need is for shelter items so tense. for example, there was an effort to try to bring tense in by the israelis requested that the sort of metal bar's used to set the time to be switched out for plastic ones. so that again creates yet another officer called there's a huge need for hygiene kids now, some of managed to actually get into the north, but it's nowhere near enough. there's a huge need for things like, you know, clothing and blankets and shelter. it gets literally quotes here right now at night you need access to clean water, you need access to food. all of this needs to get reset up to be able to accommodate the tons of thousands. 6 of people have been forcibly displaced to gaza city itself, and that is a scenario against a backdrop, which is the reality here. and that is that no one has what they need, right? not a single person look the the us deadline. the deadline that the us,
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they've given israel was meant to see know, 350 trucks and train gaza a day. we're seeing right now on a good day, maybe 60 or 70 actually getting it right. and we heard the american say this week on was that israel had made some progress towards getting a more aide into the guys history. but that is not the case if things, oh no, no, no, no, and i mean right now, you know, there's a, a severe flower shortage. when we were on our way here, there was a group of people that were demonstrating in front of one of the other i n j o buildings because they want to flower because the bakeries aren't able to produce sufficiently to actually provide for the entire population as i was standing here waiting for this broadcast, a group of mothers came up there begging for flower. they're also asking for, you know, diapers. no, but at the top of the list is actually flower. i mean that the standard it seems by
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which the united states is, is, is willing to allow israel, that the room that it needs to be able to claim improvement is one that is rather forced to call. if we surely look at the numbers in october, for example, there were 30 to 40 trucks coming in right now in november there 60 to 70. is that a slight improvement? yes. but at the same time, it's a very misleading statistic to be going by because it's nowhere near what we know is needed here. and that is at least $350.00 trucks a day. add to all of that. you also have a severe cutting back on commercial trace. so in the past, at times, organizations like my we were able to backfill things like purchasing locally. and yes, prices were absolutely ridiculous, but at least that was an option that existed, that's not an option anymore. mm. hm, and let me just give you this example. i've been here for times. this is a,
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this is the 1st time as i was coming in, that my team was telling me are what there's nothing available on the market even if you can afford it. so make sure you bring in your own food. it's not an issue of money, it's an issue of availability for me. and so everything is being suffocated from every were single aspect. everything that is needed to sustain lights is being eliminated. underwriter created a very desperate situation, no doubt. and we, we can't stress that enough. thank you so much our for speaking to us about the situation in the gaza strip our damon from you not. right? joining us there from down below. i thank you very much for your time. that's not bringing monitor on mastery. who's a media studies professor at the da institute for graduate studies the to have you with us. you heard that i was testimony there about the humanitarian situation in guys a quite difficult to, to understand and to comprehend how people are able to cope with this. i wanted to
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ask you 1st about this human rights watch report about the conduct of these really tubes inside the process trip. human rights watch accusing israel of crimes against humanity and will crimes by forcibly to space ballast displacing palestinians. it's not the 1st report by human rights watch, which is very critical of his ras conduct in guy's eye, which accuses israel of crimes in gaza. but what struck you most about this particular one, where you write that this isn't the 1st report. there have been a string of reports now produced by international bodies in 8 organizations that document not just for crimes and crimes against humanity, but also genocide. um, but i thought one of the things that was interesting about this particular particular report is that it focused on forest displacement, which is maybe one of the things that doesn't get enough as sort of attention, right? you have palestinians who have been displaced in some cases,
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10 or more times. and i was saying in an earlier interview, there are children who have been displaced, know of lost all of their family members, and who are just sort of wondering, just wondering the streets in fact uh, help organize the health authorities and doctors without borders are using a new acronym and i always have to write it down cuz i can never get it right. it's a long acronym, w c n s f, which is one. the child's no surviving family. so there are so many of these kids walking around that they literally had to create a new category for documentation purposes. so it's an absolute catastrophe on every level, right? the question of forcible transfer of a population i, you know, i read that to qualify this as a war crime. it must be proved that this was intentionally carried out. and these relays would argue that they're going to, the protection of civilians are trying to keep civilians out of harm's way. we've
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heard 5 minutes to let you know said that israel has no intention of re occupying the guys or the northern guys this trip. how do you prove in an international court that israel is, in fact, doing this purposely that they're doing this deliberate? yeah, i mean, israel's argument is laughable and that you can't forcibly despise people unless there are very strict conditions and an extreme circumstances. certainly you can't go around destroying an entire society. a 70 percent of infrastructure has been destroyed. all of the universities have been destroyed. most of the schools have been destroyed to help us. the infrastructure has been destroyed and fully one of the things that i think we have to remind everyone of is that this was all by design that is releasing the americans when they give these speeches and interviews . they will tell us that this is all sort of an unfortunate consequence of war, but in fact, the opposite is true, is that this was designed by the israelis your island came out right after october
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7th and said one of the objectives for his real should be to create, quote, intense human suffering. he also said that they should aim to create an epidemic of disease. that's a direct quote from your iron. with the top advisor to the former defense minister, you'll have kalonde. you had your kalonde come out and say that we will eliminate everything. he talked about imposing a complete seed. she said there would be no longer, no water, no fuels. so this is all by design, and we can go through a lot of other, other by 3 feet briefly. we've heard donald trump to mention the americans. donald trump saying that he wants to horse and, and a lot of people think that he sincere boxes. do you think the situation of the people of guys i will improve with this new administration coming into the us? it's too early and too difficult to say. there are multiple possibilities. one possibility is that he will try to end to work quickly. he told netanyahu that this was a bad luck, and then he needed to wrap it up. you mentioned that an interview are not too long ago. on the other hand, i can envisage
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a situation which trump actually helps facilitate the kind of ethnic cleansing that you're talking about. and also the annexation of the west bank. we just have to wait and see my middle mastery. always good to hear from you. thank you. so much for joining us on objects here. nice really attacks. i'm not limited to guys i. it's been $45.00 days now since the military launched a ground defensive and 11 on thousands of buildings and residents is across the country has been targeted. is or has army has been threatening civilians to leave their homes or face bombing is displaced. an estimated 1200000 people, 400000 of them children. and these are the armies wanting of further attacks on buildings in the southern suburb of pave who's calling on people to evacuate. it's kind of got multiple strikes in the commercial district of hired take and the bush out by writing in a boat. let's get an update on the situation on the ground in lebanon, and speak to him on con, who's enabled for us to more attacks on the southern suburb of people. talk to us about the aftermath of these attacks. as
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well as the 3rd consecutive day of air strikes against da here, the substance of a of a b roots 12 strikes taking place in a 12 hour period. warnings for uh, for the fullest evacuation orders were given before those strikes actually came in . and in the last 15 minutes. another 1st of occupation order issued by the israelis on 2 buildings and had a headache and uh, in bows out of but as need. uh that a seem to be bearing the brunt of the attack so far. now how about the arctic? as you mentioned is the commercial district people are now going back to the area and seeing that business is completely destroyed. it's not just one building that gets evacuated when those fullest about creation orders issued people from other buildings. also leave is what, remember, this is one of the most densely built up areas of the entire level. it's also no
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one of the most densely populated neighborhoods, but people have left but they all are still going back in to go and check on their houses to go and check on their relatives that may have stayed behind. and to look at will state the businesses in all that places of work. and a lot of times we are now hearing that those things are being completely destroyed . now israel hasn't said what it's striking across these last 3 days. it is just using the words hezbollah in for short to buy his bullet is still able to fire long range medium range rockets into tell a v that did that last night. it's ministry capability is still the non connie beaver was thank you for the update. the, the med center of the world news now and more evident stays emerging in so don of the
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mass killing of civilians and jesse are stage. the power, military rapids support forces accused of killing more than $1200.00 civilians. this latest rhonda violins began, i've turned our stuff commander defected to the army last month. the escalation has led to a huge displacement crisis. that's bringing challenges. here is human morgan who is joining us live from cartoon. he but you've just returned from raven live stage where you spoke to people who escaped, attacks and violence into 0 state. what did they tell you about what's been happening there? and these reports of misgivings? by the process. we've seen dozens of people arriving from various villages, mostly from the eastern parts of dizzy to states in central sedan seeking refuge and d. that's in the northern parts of the country. we spoke to them and some of them say that they have seen horrors, that they have left family members behind,
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especially elderly because they were trying to see for their lives. because the elderly will holding them back and that the movement was low. but they talked about the style and the ways that they are a self attacked some of those villages basic that they are a self. i started reading them, link speech to some villages, forcing people from their homes, losing their property, including the live stuff that they relied on because of low food commodities there and those villages. so they say that they have witnessed quite some horrors, many of them saying that they had to leave with only the clothes on their backs because of the situation. and some of them saying that of course, that they don't know where their families, that's ivers have continues to attack very relative continues to attack, even after they've tried to play. we have against spoken to people who came from reverend allstate, and we've spoken to sources that says this morning just before we left and they say more and more people continue to arrive. interested in deep from eastern just need them of the these people are the latest to arrive here and since the
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incidents are over and i'll see they've come from villages into the, the state and central sedan escaping attacks by the rapids support forces a journey that's used to take hours now takes much longer shut off. i'm a how much has been displaced from here, nadia in the east of dizzy though, at least 400 people were killed there when the paramilitary group attacked them with you on, on the, on the 0. the iris of entered our homes and they started losing and beating people . we sold refuge in mosques because if we stayed at home with get shot, i gave them all my jewelry for them to live in my family. leave it because days to get here with nothing but the codes are not by the way even with it. she's one of thousands who are now living in camps like these. the iris attacks spotted when it's most senior commander defected to the army in a major blow to the group. people here see it triggered a level of violence. they've never seen before. there's no other mazda loving so
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far. when they come onto the effective b. r. i started rating taking everything between the young and the old. they didn't give us a chance to bury the dead. if you tried to take a corpse to bury, you'd be killed too. many of those here say they were barely able to leave. local monitors say more than 50 villages in eastern does the other states have been attacked by the rapids support for assistance late october. these are the villages that are under the armies control their in areas run by the iris staff. but the destruction of the commander has angered the power military force so much. they're taking it out on the residents with at least 1200 killed, more than 155000 displaced in the past 3 weeks alone. some of those displaced thoughts refuge in the east of the country. this puts h provided by the un humanitarian office, shows many desperate for 8 after lea and all their belongings into 0. virginia to
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the east is no easier than the one to send the an aide where of course the menu arrived in poor condition was thousands of people that have been displaced to um, some houses and have come into. did that have uh have come into casala. uh which, as i said, we check in the east and um, they are quite in some deplorable then vulnerable states and uh, really demonstrated to assured that they need the assistance here in cindy. the peace and stability is temporary from the home step known and unsure if they'll ever be able to return. he but morgan, alta 0, shouldn't be so damn us president elect. donald trump has named more top level positions, including many who show loyalty to him by some of his cabinet. nominees have caused concern within the republican party, which now controls the house of representatives and the senate. she advertises a report from capitol hill in washington dc. donald trump is dominated market rubio
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as secretary of states. someone viewed with suspicion by the president elect space, but welcomed by washington's foreign policy establishment. it's a tremendous honor to the present, replace his confidence in me in a position of such importance. it's also a tremendous responsibility. nope, receives a warm lead by the conservative wing of the party trumps nomination of 2 c. gabbert as director of national intelligence and mountain gates is attorney general cabot is criticized for us as involvement and what she calls wasteful foreign was and is confirmed. she will be in charge of putting together the president's daily brief of information on national security issues. gates is a 5 and trump loyalist. he's about to and what he calls the weaponized ation of the justice system. as the attorney general, he will lead to the department of justice over the senate drum tune was elected majority to their part of the establishment wing of the republican party. he's made his peace with donald trump and pledge to carry out the president's alexa agenda. we have a mandate from the american people,
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a mandate not only to clean up the mess left by the highest light in here as humor agenda, but also to deliver on president trump's priorities. but it is notable the food in times to confirm donald trump's cabinet nominees through the senate as quickly as possible. before trump nominated gates, gathered both, i'd like you to face a tough conservation, baffled with some republicans already expressing their opposition to the tier over the house republican leadership, elections incumbent mike johnson was unanimous. the re, i'd like to speak about is probably very the already questions as to whether this unity will hold in to 2025. when the new congress assumes office, we saw the republicans divide themselves even when they were in the minority. and they also did a speaker and had a difficult time replacing them. now that they have the gamble, the question is, will they be able to stick together? but for now, but if the establishment unpopular swings of the republican policy contains some victories. she everytime seattle to 0 capitol hill. well,
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lita is discussing how to pay for the transition away from fossil fuels. delegates that the un kind of conference and as a by john are discussing how to increase investment in green technologies. they also looking at how do we encourage countries to invest in climate adaptation and the role of artificial intelligence or brazil has had a difficult year with fires and drought destroying wetlands and drying up rivers in the amazon. one family passionate about presenting the countries natural environment has been working to restore parts of the atlantic reign for us. 13, at a time. monica not cave has a story from walk us in south pablo state smelly. so they'll get a was and in some ways still is a hunter, but he's reinvented himself instead of stocking game. he now wanders to what's left of preserve atlantic green forest tracking seeds that may bring thousands of trees
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back to life. boston may. so how does this best buy? because it seems the fucking for different people that we don't grow, dial up things and replace them. well, it's no small job. well, preserves, amazon gets most of the attention, the less atlantic sports ones that stretching for 1000000 square kilometers along the countries coast has gone largely overlooked. now only a quarter of it remains. the rest has given way to tattle wrenching and urban development. we tie up, i'll walk you up here to somebody, kilometers from the city of free edition, narrow on what used to be for families farm. i don't want those people from now. these labs have been in my family since the early 19 hundreds. we used to log a plant, coffee, and sugar cane, and reese cattle. it was a very different approach to developing the economy. still were barely any trees left until one day. mikayla's grandfather decided the time so changed,
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and the forest should return to its roots. the farm was transformed into the environmental n g o have what? the log family still runs. it now was one of the preserves the largest reforestation projects 20 years ago. these used to be grazing lands filled with horses and cows. now it's filled with trees. 810000 representing 500 species of the atlantic forest, the farm is know, and expanding conservation projects with new lands being bought and reforest it. me . kyla says the project could always succeed by involving the local community. farmers became gardeners, hunters became forest guards and guides for scientists and taurus, students now understand that their future depends on this forest. and i mean that just the students. so there was some processing. these children grew up surrounded by nature. but that doesn't mean they understand its importance when the parents
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work here, when scientists and tourists come looking for rest of the sheets of them, it gives display significance. this year has tested brazil, fires have ravaged the pump demo, leaving scores on the world's largest tropical wetlands. historic drought has drained rivers and the amazon. you had him to have well reserved people keep moving forward. fueled by a simple idea of forest re born one tree at a time money pay and i give all just sierra wipe. yes. 2 bersale still ahead on this vouchers. their news, our oppose. the closing and shock is not parliamentary election. will tell you what said spake, and in sports, cleveland cruise to get another victory to remain on beaten mimi and b, that's coming up later with joe stay with us. the
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we are to see these agencies of legend some clothes ruined the stories of civilizations that market history wants. this is where the story of savannah have stories to tell the the the, the watching the news are on out. just a reminder about top stories, human rights want, chas accuses ralph committing bull cries by force to be displacing more than 90
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percent of guys us population. it's really use evidence accusing israel of deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure. the bombing has not stopped across sky, which strikes across the street and is really drawing a talk, killed at the 6 spanish students in central guy at the all, my gosh, the refuge account families, the secretary gather that unlocks the hospital. i had a funeral procession, and these ready army has issued news, redstone 11 on capital calling on people to evacuate parts of able to southern summer. its carried on multiple strikes on 2 districts. fast, sincerely alice of thursday morning. while to discuss these latest developments, when i joined by gideon levy who's they call them this with these really newspaper harris says live from tennessee. thank you for being with us mr. levy. i want to talk about guys that obviously and this human rights watch report. the slightest one, but let me ask you 1st about 11 on and these reports of riffs between these really
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ami and politicians about the objectives and 11 on how serious are these wrist is confirmed. and what could it mean for the future of the conflict and nothing on? because a week or 2 ago they were report studies rail might be interested in negotiating a sci fi with has well, now what's happened to that? and those are bullets us things. they then even a, those are both today that these are the ones to finish the war limited on, before the drug gets into office as a gesture, i guess the aust boyd and the, the very pools yesterday about the minutes, the defense who knew conditions for a ceasefire they. busy quite a few rare event because the meanest, the defense a new many. so defense a piece right is quite you. busy friends, by the end of the day, those decisions are being made only by benjamin antonio. so is this now?
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we've been interested in a ceasefire now in lebanon. it seems so i wasn't there on tea, but it seems so because that it's totally the taste as we're going to own day of a few black kids in both sides by dozens, every day now including good, quite the fees early. so just any does need to add new where bucks to an agreement . so why, why should someone wait? but you know, get sinks, getting out of control and things get whole complicated with them. of course you get these. so i hope it will be concluded very soon, but there are no guarantees. i believe this is an ill will try to finish these from unlikely. gosh, this must be stressed. okay, own guys precisely, we've got this report now by human rights. watch your latest one by human rights watch accusing israel, of committing crimes against humanity, forcibly displacing palestinians. i just wanted to get a sense,
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1st of how this is being viewed and received in israel. that resume doesn't hit a nerve within is really society to be accused of such a literacy party when your produce a cord to be i didn't even hear about this report because it is a nobody i give this very moment as far as i know, nobody even bothered to publish it when they published for sure knowledge and my name is the but it shows you that the to choose between the frame. there's another i'm to submit, take a document, so revolt against israel and very few people will be this the right. those are reports which are for me, one of the, you know, we don't read human rights watch, it's enough to watch and just you or english or for what, oh and the stand that something terrible is taking place that when the bottle does the unit, the clean sink, there's no other way to call it. i was going to ask you about that. what is this
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house map and plan for guys are in the north in particular, israel son, a perhaps to resettle is really citizens in northern guys are a transfer of its own population to northern costs. so they are very, very dear. every sense is that isn't as knowing fiction to read below the impact of gaza and he does for me that it's mcclin's inc. and they know that part of the godless truth. i would, i'd say, you know, if i was the place for such as jews there until i saw that on the nation. so who knew american de administration in we is the spanish of paper and home, but the was care and nobody will stop is way to be supplements in those in. gotcha, i mean this gatekeeper is no longer a very dr. the january. the twenty's. when did you want ministration,
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where to get the, the or defaulted supporters of the settlement project or default of supposed to. so what about the n suisse? bishop restriction is really free, even perception goes. but yes, thank you so much for talking to us as always a good to hear the perspective there from israel. give gideon love economists with the is reading newspaper highways. thank you for your time. thank you. to have the head of the united nations. no fee of watchdogs in yvon, helping to negotiate more corporation on the monitoring of nuclear size. rafael gross, he says a cheating result is vital to avoid. a war proceeds meeting. toppy rainy and officials the wash stock says yvonne has significantly expand that. it's talking to enrich uranium in the past 5 years. yvonne's for administer says talks were constructed by the country, want to negotiate under pressure, intimidation, a message reinforced by yvonne's atomic candidates. we have
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repeatedly announced that any interventionist resolution against the stomach republic of iran will be met with a decisive response. we will not allow them to exert pressure on us and we will continue our nuclear activities within the framework of our national interests. in front of us, we have situation of tension the, the new care program of your on being at the center of that. i am here what we do around try to find adequate solutions to ease tensions, to move forward by finding these solutions. we will of course, avoid preclude the possibilities of war. the possibilities of the tax to facilities. that's good, i have to address here is the results that are in toronto result of crucial meeting between rough have go see and the reading and officials, what are we expecting as well indeed,
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occlusal missing. however, without any page to do so we see that the sticking point steel there, the back of the huge nichols they trust between the 2 parties. and these mistrust is leading the course to a sidewalk. so it's an estimate agency still accrues in your one or not be transparent when it comes to is nuclear activities. seeing that these inspectors are being denied different station. and it's acted that and also they are being limited to having that access to the grounds. nuclear facilities, on the other hand, you're on shoes in the international nuclear, worst of both, a behaving or acting on behalf of his rails have any being pulled the size if it was by d, toward the parties. so the lack of thrust is leaving at that book and without finding a way to build a trust between the two's. it's almost impossible to find
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a way forward. well, i am joined by a bus us money who is a senior research here from the mid of the study center in a test run. and a bus has been following you was nuclear negotiations with western countries a seems year. so a bus take you for joining the program. so what are the ways that these 2 parties can build the trust? again, to paved way for russell, the, the remaining issues between the 2 sides has been one of the important points in cooperation between the ron and the i a this visit the offers a unique you know, for to in a t or a rare opportunity in order to build task against the backdrop of complex international dynamics. for a ron, it could be like working further with the inspectors,
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giving further access the tools and nicholas facilities liked installing further cameras. or it could be uh, you know, measures in relation to remaining, you know, locations which are expected to be a result to iran believes that those issues are very, you know, uh, easily resolvable, depending on provided that there was a political result on the western side. but the, some of the tennessee with groceries visited to iran. we are also hearing death european states as specifically 3 european countries are war king gun tabling, a draft resolution against the rod. so you run expect, expect that the resolution not to be passed unless it should warranty i guess, and it's off spending processes. now there are 2 new adamant, the new one. we have a new government that beautiful miss present position can. and who has been saying that she is ready to re negotiate
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a nuclear deal with the west. and now into nice days we have a president to elect donald trump. i know his 1st term in the white house was not that much necessarily good with your um, but do you think that this time it could be different? donald trump, in his 1st term, this drew from the next a deal, arguing that the deal was an on balance way in favor of you, ron. and he pursued a maximum pressure policy in order to bring to launch a negotiating table to clinton. you one with the terms that he envisioned i backed into ron, was against, and opposed, negotiated read, negotiating, a click on most stays stablish deal. but today we are also hearing from you randy and officials that some terms of that same deal. some clauses are sought. i could be subject to re negotiation because those timelines have expired the past. so this mind creates a small window hold for
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a likely engagement between the 2 sides on the same except the thank you a password to really nice. well, know, particularly digital communication channels being opened as if i felt drawers it has just confirmed is extremely important because there are growing concerns about the regional war than the sort with the concerns or that the wheezing his right. excellent guys, a and levin on quote lead to a 3rd, a conflict between united states and iran, and the recent attacks between iran and israel too. but each other also has deepened sort of deepened these concerns. now that's why ref, as gross ease visits to, to run, she says, is a mean to reduce the attention and hopefully to avoid ever original conflict. thank you very much, right, so original said i live the entire on. we want to show you now the latest pictures we're getting out of 11 on and this is the southern suburb of be with the sky over the southern. some of the fabled way. there's been a new is really s, right?
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they've been a number of strikes since early thursday morning and the strikes i've followed proceeded rather by threats to civilians, to leave their homes, all face, this type of forming so far, 1200000 people, 400 of them, of 400000 barrels, say of them children have been displaced by the bombing will bring you the latest from that on as and when you information becomes available. let's had to sri lanka next impulse of clothes there for elections. people have been voting in a snapshot of entry election. the new president is old condiment in september and called an election is national people's power party had only 3 seats in the top, 225 member legislative body. shank, a space and even on the crisis for the past few years and declared bankruptcy in 2022. last year it received a $2900000000.00 bailout from the internationally my international monetary fund and inflation which
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b type 70 percent in 20. 22 has significantly improved. dropping to 0.8 percent last month. live to on correspondence. we now fernandez interlock us capitol colombo sort of falls at close to me. now. how did the voltage go of the yes, that's right. just a few minutes ago. voting ended head angelica for the parliamentary election, 2020, full and from what we're heading. the very early reports from election officials from people on the ground that the vote passed off logs the peacefully now enjoy long curse of election and sort of history. the general election, which has so many candidates, which has even into bodies rivalry between candidates, tends to be so sort of a little bit fraud. sometimes it's violent, sometimes with disputes and things like that. but the larger this election has been peaceful of everything proceeding pretty much, you know,
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smoothly and no particular issues. the, the one thing that many people are waiting to see is voter turnout. sure. like a traditionally has voters will go to the polls, you know, costing up to $75.00 to almost 80 percent in voting this time around, just judging by the cues, ad pulling stations around the country and what we were heading. it does seem that maybe we'll have to and i might be slightly low, but it is very early stages yet pulls of just close and we wait to hear the sort of official numbers in terms of the votes pulled. obviously a crucially election for sure. like a coming literally 67 weeks after a presidential election, which turn things on that head and politically. we have a president from the n b party and never been in government before. and he is asking, he is aust voters to return his body in big numbers to parliament to give prussian to be able to conquer ties, the promises that he's brought to has made to bring change the route that
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corruption and things like that. for many people of corruption, the cost of living the economy was some of the main things going into this election . as i heard from voters throughout the day that we spoke to, let's take a look. as the 1st fall of entry elections and political and economic meltdown. the vote is that taking that job seriously to issues kept coming up among voters hodge as a result to have a sign to the 1 o'clock on face uh and get it up to date. so let me try see, i think that's what i focused on one job. those are not that great the it, the maximum punishment must be given to those involved in corruption and fraud. one did not lose. and in one time, in sort of when there is a feel for corruption and we hope the benefits of people are down to the people and create a better circle and look for us while i look forward to reading on the left is national people's power lines is expected to do well if you lead elected president
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under a commodity sound like a call to vote ahead of schedule in order to consolidate these policies power in parliament. this power is important for the n p p to keep its promises of routing out corruption and bringing in sweeping changes that many of us full automate the suck too much but have done more. we definitely need a strong power in parliament. so on november 14, we must so the parliament with our representatives, thousands of candidates are competing for $225.00 seats in the legislature. most districts need to buy the papers just to fit in the hundreds of names in the free. this is the list for the colombo district, which has the 2nd largest number of candidates, an i watering 966 competing for 18 seats is the 1st time since the crippling economic crisis and angry street demonstrations that voters are choosing who will represent them many say it's time to choose people who
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is of the country above themselves. as sherlock a stands at a crossroads. these election results may will determine its future minute fernandez, which is 0. colombo, still ahead on knowledge as he or i will tell you about the former football that has now made his debut in professional attendance. the business like this to be sponsored by intellect tuck, he's real estate consultant. the
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basement installation has to be sponsored by intellect, kentucky's real estate consultant, the the squarespace, joe foley. thank you very much. $4000.00 police and security staff are being
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deployed around power assistant. the falls at a front says nations league much against israel later. thanks. 3 measures. come a week off, the violence between is riley football funds and policy and support has an answer them on wednesday, purchased as on the streets of the french capital gulf for boys thoughts of the game. do much do love it's. they do much, they love it. it's a much of shame and we're bringing a team here which comes from a tired tree which is currently committing a crime against humanity. a genocide, a much crime ethnic cleansing. front should be boy touching the match. the players shouldn't play to follow what we did to russia, but what we did to south africa, we still have them fighting in the olympics and other sports and competition was good. why not israel? who the pleasure with? well, israel's team trained on wednesday and hope the support is, would still turn out to watch that much despite in security concerns. just 20000 funds are expected to meet a 2000 seen to stadium north of terrace. at the moment, everything is fine. we are feeling safe, and again, i want to thank the friendship,
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governmental for the quite environment to supply for us. and now of course, it's not the ideal thing with india, and this is what it is. and now we are thankfully for the airport so. so the people from the easily the community around is we've come to see what the mission of game it's a would give us a lot of pleasure to be go up, that we have not afraid of anyone, a of clothes to be safe and to a goal must have the game because we have been a good sport. and i hope that everything would pass goods in these game. mike tyson says, there's no way he's going to news against jake. pull the 58 year old for my heavyweight champion is returning to the ring against the youtube who was 31 years younger than him. several states wouldn't sanction the bounce, but texas agrees to assure to 8 to minute round formats and heavier gloves to lessen the power of punching. what would do is to lose these type.
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thank you. i'm not going to lose you save that news. oh the said, i am not going to do here where i say yes q, you know, i feel no man. so i want him to be that old savage mike. he said he's going to kill me. is that, is that what you're going to do, mike? cuz i'm ready, i want that killer. i want the hardest man, it's possible friday night, and i want there to be no excuses from everyone at home when i knocked him out or we spoke to book sing broke costa. and roy took garrath a bees who's in texas with a fight, and he says, interest around the world is huge. netflix is showing it. they believe they're going to go into around $25000000.00, which will break rack holes in america. think the record is 22000000 for super bowl . it's a really big event in sales. and almost as i was at the workouts, just as folks jack pool as well,
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who said that he wakes up some mornings at the moment, wondering, should he have done this? might thompson to set the same, you know, aside the fight and the for i'm, i really doing this is a very special individual that both extraordinary moccasins. and i'll say, as you say, it's kind of marketing events in way this premium, the old and then you to get the all not platform, netflix, the 280000000 subscribers literally. so it's an experiment. so i think on friday, not but whatever you say, it's going to be enormously watched or expecting $90000.00 people in the dallas cowboys. and we must mention on the, on the card is one of the biggest women's flights over time. it will be the most watch between catchy taylor and amanda serrano. we want to all the time grades and women's boxing. it came from tablet as became only the 6 team in m b, a history. so when the 1st a 13 games of the season,
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the latest victory came against the philadelphia 76 is 114 to one i 6. it is the best thought to a season since the 2015 golden state warriors who opened up with a record 20 full game winning street. yeah. and it has to come by grabs and n b, a season high, 59 points was in milwaukee. boston came back from 18 points down to beat the detroit pistons. and overtime is the 9th occasion the 2 time m. p. p has scored more than 50 points in a game box winning 127 to 120 everyone, james can quite get the same numbers is yaneth, but he did finish up with 35 points to this. the consecutive triple double for the lake is james at 14 assistant 12 re bounces the lake is a perfect home between memphis 1st leads 128 to 1. 23 can be a champion, boston celtics relied on jason tatum to help them off to make his place thoughts
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against the brooklyn men face and school 15 of especially 60 points in the 3rd quarter. as the celtics pulled away from the 19114 victory in new york. tough love heritage and the san antonio spurs and pick to win bunny, alma became the 4th young display as a school 50 points in a game. a 20 years and 314 days it hit a career high mounts against the washington wizards. that included $83.00 pointed dispos winning $139.00 to $1.00 1st. but it came on the 9th dispos announced a coach, bread pop of it should suffer to stroke earlier this month. the 75 year old let the suppose to 5 championships and going to the usa basketball team to go to the tokyo lympics in 2021 is teams. so he started rehabilitation. but there's no date set for his return to the sidelines. my thoughts are, of course, you know, i be worried about that, but at the same time i know his, uh, i haven't, i haven't talked to him, but i know what mine's mindset. he's on right now. i'm already so he's working like
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crazy probably. and trying to come back with this as quick as possible. he's doing well. i'm sure. another question will come in. well, what does he said? well, he's going to ask us why we turn the ball over so much. and that's all of you to know cause pop, and that's exactly how he is. so it's been 5 years since diego full and retired for football, but he's now made his debut in professional tennis. the 45 year old was competing at the uruguay open on the piece 2nd to challenge a tool. he was given a wildcard entry for the doubles the last and the 1st round in 47 minutes. the former year required strike, who was named best player in the 2010 woke up. you'll say one of the copper america and places big clubs including mentioned to united. i'd like to come to trades and into milan. all right, that is, are useful for now. i have will feel a to fully so thank you very much for that. that wraps up this news. our own algae
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is 0 for me for the back to and whole thing. thanks for watching. my insight is with you next with more on the days thoughts started. thanks. the how is reported. look at actual information on the ground. looks at the way that this issue is framed in the media. how it's used to justify the escalation for louis clay. i need a new years that are known as the media and they think it's how it is weaponized is this online push has been aimed at the smartphone generation. the 1st ever female let this operational can't do that. what they're trying to sell right now is a full blown genocide. the listening pace because the media on out is era, palestinians who are expelled from there. and then the next couple of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 barrels goes back with the young,
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good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera, the children playing the shadows alone and narrow alley ways, with generations palestinian refugees of played before the lights on the margins of lebanese society. a struggle now made was by i'm not the we can was established by decades ago. the united nations estimates that more than 90 percent of people who are living on the diplomacy lies. it's not just has bullet being targeted. 11 them from us is israel killed the come on to his wife and 2 children in the strike on october. the 5th, when a several targeted assassinations upon us members in lebanon, in recent weeks, posters of recently assassinated hamas and hezbollah, lead as
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a reminder of israel's lease to reach. no one knows who else is on these rails it list. and where among palestinian refugees, who are civilians, 11 and the next talk, it may be the consistent with the characteristics of genocide. a un kamisky condemns israel's devastating war and gaza as a collective punishment of the palestinian people. the main site, this is out, is there a knife from dough? how also coming up number if is really strikes hit, they were southern some of the gulf states, ministry issues, threats for people to leave the area or.


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