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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  November 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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the the . ringback the a 30 day deadline to allow more aid and to gaza has come and gone. agencies say israel has failed to act on the demands of its biggest allies. so why isn't the us holding israel to account? and are washington words of concern about the humanitarian crisis and gaza? just work. this is inside the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much i'm june. the united nation special committee says israel's warfare, methods and gaza are consistent with genocide in a new report to you and says, as real as intentionally causing the death of civilians and aid workers using starvation as a weapon of war and inflicting collective punishment on palestinians. human rights watch says 90 percent of gods as people have been forced from their homes and a math displacement drive that rights groups are calling a war crime and ethnic cleansing. us issued an ultimatum to israel allow more aid and the gaza will cut off your supply weapons. but the deadline for that has passed and humanitarian organizations say, the situation is only getting worse. so why doesn't the us act and can anyone else hold is real to account? we'll tackle these issues with our experts in a moment. but 1st, this report from victoria gave me the people of darrow ballot and central garza say supplies. this gas is a key for hours for some of the limited a that gets in the front. yeah. we in guys that
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a stop and nothing reaches us. they said they would bring you to the guys that they've brought on the explosives. and besides the last month, the us government gave israel 30 days to increase the amount of a reaching hungry palestinians in gaza or risk losing minute teresa pool. so the rule, the people here say there's been no improvements. i'm going to tell you the situation is going from bad to worse. it's catastrophic america has the ability to put pressure on the as rarely use and increase the amount of aid, but it chooses not to do us. is deadline expired on tuesday, but washington says israel has made some progress and it won't take any action against its ally warning anymore. we at this time have not made an assessment that they are and the b is realize are in violation of us law. but most importantly, we are going to continue to watch how the steps that they've taken,
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how they are being implemented. this assessment by the us israel largest provider of weapons is in spite of international agencies declaring that israel has failed to increase humanitarian access to gaza. after 13 months of which the entire population is $2300000.00 palestinians is relying on age for survival. in northern garza, food security experts and rights groups won't salmon is imminent. and human rights which is accusing is ready forces if i'm missing rule crimes. by supposedly displacing more than 90 percent of gauze is population. the us secretary of state says he's deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation in gaza. he's urging israel to ended school having in his was accomplished at some of the 3 goals. it was rightly determined to make sure to the best of its ability that october 7th could never happen again. to do that, said that it needed to dismantle the military organization from us and to get the
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leadership that was responsible for october 7th. it's done both of those things. so this should be a time to end the war the you and is struggling to get a to palestinians in lodge caught the close of these rails restrictions. humanitarian group say is where the full series have killed at least 28 work is in gaza in the past months. victoria gates and b l. g 0 for the inside story. all right, let's go ahead and bring in our guests and chiral tomato. i don't know if i smoke person for unreal endo how, how somebody, professor of international affairs at other university and in london, nadia hardman researcher and the refugee and migrant rights division of human rights watch. a very warm welcome to you all and thanks so much for joining us today on inside story tomorrow. let me start with you today. the human special committee to investigate is really practice is issued. a report saying that
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israel's warfare and gaza is consistent with the characteristics of genocide with mass civilian and life threatening conditions intentionally imposed on palestinians there. that's what the report says. it also goes into details about how the extensive bombing campaign and gaza has designated essential services and on least on environmental catastrophe that will have lasting health impacts. i want to ask you, how consistent are these findings with what under what has seen on the ground and got the underwater is and has been since the beginning of this conflict, the largest humanitarian agency again god. and consequently, it has eyes and ears with it in the palestine. if i was thinking of community and god, the most of which has indeed been forcibly displaced repeatedly on average, sometimes once a month for 90 percent of the population on the bombing under low strikes during an increased uh, fluid insecurity that amounts to 5. and we have
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a lot more on the doors place and no, no, no where is safe and god, but no one is safe and increasingly the population has been, but it has been made how great has not had access to adequate humanitarian and medical care. so every thing we have been reporting on for the last year was boils down to a population that is extremely scary and have only be displaced. i'm hungry today. tomorrow i want to also ask you another question with regard to this you in special committee report, it talks about the ongoing smear campaign and other attacks against hon and the you in at large. it says this deliberate silencing of reporting, combined with this information and attacks on humanitarian workers, is a clear strategy to undermine the vital work of the un server, the lifeline of age, still reaching cause and dismantle the international legal order. my question to you, what have the ramifications of all this been for your aid workers there and your
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colleagues? i wanna say that to date 246 of my colleagues have been killed and goes up during this war over this last year. i also want to confirm that since the beginning of this war and that i wouldn't want to campaign primarily rolled out just through social media regularly quoting senior israeli officials, but also a lot of big groups and some very by, as a journalist, the tractors have thought to describe the it's that you, when of large is specially parts of the you when that report on human human rights to many terry and law violations owner. why has been particularly targeted by those different information and this information campaign. we have been
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surrounded by claims that have not been substantiated and we have taken all of the allegations extremely seriously because as i enjoyed the agency, we really, really strive for an impeccable as heroes through the humanitarian principles. but the result is, once we become to the target of a key, our campaign and some of our part there is governments donors and retract their political and their financial support. so for an agency that is still the largest and gaza and that's still around the schools for dallas by refugee children across the region. we cannot afford such a quick reaction by governments, by the donors, by over often, unsubstantiated claims that are you currently out of all the decides ation. nadia human rights watch has a new report out today. it accuses is really forces of committing war crimes by forcibly displacing more than 90 percent of gods as population. your report also
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states the following. the organized force displacement of palestinians and gaza has removed much of the palestinian population from land and specific areas of gaza that for decades and generations have been their home. you believe that the intention of the israeli army is essentially to ensure that these areas remain permanently empty and that this is evidence of ethnic cleansing? correct? yes, thank you. thank you. so that summary um, i mean essentially the, the report also finds evidence of crimes against humanity. i think that's important to highlight that we have found multiple acts of force displacement throughout this conflict that continues to this day. and that because of the systematic nature, because it is underlined by state policy is rarely state policy. it amounts to a crime against humanity and we're recommending that the i, c, c's prosecutor, also investigate for us displacement as a crime against humanity. and prevention has the right to return, i mean,
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this report essentially the bunks and impacts. israel's claim that it is evacuating people safely. we goes through the laws of war on force displacement and demonstrate how the condition to evacuate people that lawfully have not been not have been flagrantly breached evacuation orders have been issued and consistently full of errors. while areas were under a top, you know, there's been a tax on say, sons, we verified them as well as attacks and evacuation roots. the humanitarian situation . an occupying power can only evacuate people if it adheres to strips. conditions people must be allowed to access food, water, shelter, hygiene. and instead we know the israel is using starvation as a weapon of war, but the humanitarian aid is your coverage, has already highlighted, is woefully inadequate to meet the needs of the population. and this is by
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intention and last name, perhaps more quotes and they don't define po is required to facilitate the return of people once the hostilities have and from the areas in which they were evacuated from. and instead, what we seen as the wide spread destruction across casa and in areas intentionally done. so where's really forces have taken control of the area and implemented control, demolitions res, saying and bulldozing? nowhere can we see this more clearly than the buffer zones and the security car doors where we see that palestinians have been estimate to be cleansed from these areas. now the, i'm glad you brought up the issue of evacuation orders because that is something i wanted to ask you more specifically about, you know, we hear a lot about how israel continues to issue these forced evacuation orders. and you mentioned in your report that article 49 of the geneva convention states that civilians should be moved in safety. that the goal of an evacuation system during war time is to protect civilians from the dangers of conflict based on your
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research. and what you've told me in your previous answer, that's just never been the case and gone right. exactly. and you know what we've done in human rights watch and you know why it's taking a so long to put all this evidence together is because we analyzed evacuation system. we was a 184 evacuation orders across different platforms to really understand the way in which information was being disseminated or not disseminated. i spoke to a woman who used the interactive blog grid to check whether her block was safe or whether she would leave the area. and instead, um, you know, it was, it was marked to face a not slated for evacuation. later that day there was an attack. you know, luckily she survived, but her relatives building and her own building were damaged and destroyed in this attack. how can people rely on a system that doesn't? it doesn't fit its purpose. and so right now with the middle trans funds to the
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north gauze, or of course these concerns remain because we are seeing again, these evacuation orders were nowhere a space to go. people continuously have to move areas are declared on that. so it was one day say, sorry, as another, i'm a wasi humanitarian zone. the israel keeps on telling people to go to has changed its boundaries at least 14 times during this conflict. how's it i want to look at a different aspect to all of this, which is of course the us is continuing, steadfast support of israel and how that's impacting all of this last month. the us government gave his real 30 days to increase the amount of a going into gaza or risk losing military support for the work that us deadline expired on tuesday. but washington says, israel has made some progress and then it won't take any action likely against it's like going forward from your perspective, with israel during this time at all concerned that the us would actually pull military aid that israel might actually face ramifications for not getting more aid
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into gaza or did they just feel comfortable to continue waiting the war and the way that they've been doing as well. thank you. how much for this very important question. i think be ready to government the never took the merick's and demand seriously and nothing you all of them said was saying in one of his interview was absolutely the only one in this one who would manipulate them. i can't ministrations in a way that would serve this way to address. so i've seen this before. you know all these nice where's coming from and bindings and thinking about the war and guys about the need to start with a war about the need to have at a to make a mean, terry and pays and reaching those in need. but when it comes to action, uh, you know, the americans have never followed up and there are what can even invest the threat to these ladies. and for this reason, days rate is a continued or as a huge one. and they hear this one thing that we have to take this in the contents
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of the american domestic politics. these right is realize that the bye didn't was in somehow within that it probably that at he is not in any position to impose anything in his room. and nothing of the just buying fines, so it was, you know, if, if i'm the talk so by then me with all the say the nice thing that he was willing to indoor it provided that is related conditions are met by the same time that he's doing everything possible to, to undermine even the chances of reaching seized by a because the objectives are not align with those of the international. give me the name of the stuff in the war and leave an exchange of prisoners. my husband, let me also ask you about the fact that the us x ray estate anthony blinking just in the past couple of days. he's urged israel once again to end the war on gaza. he said that is real, had accomplished its military goals. um, but the fact of the matter is that blank can travel to israel 11 times since
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october 7, 2023. and most of those diplomatic commissions ended in failure dis, blinking really think it especially now. the biden is leaving office and the trump has been elected again, this is blinking. really believe now that he actually has leverage. i don't think that he genuinely believes that he can't make any difference in what is taking place right now. and we've got this as a job is you know, status, i'm come to the region and find to iron out the differences between different bosses. but i think deep down, he knows that he can make any, any difference, simply because the way it is unwilling to stop the war and is not there by the objectives of the war. and we don't know what, what the objectives of the war on actually be talked about and reducing the hostages. it's possible to deal is not into that t one. so i think can change this. got it for in that. and then last time, particularly together, he's trying to reset the north of guys, right?
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he's trying to even force expansions on the scene. but because i think the objectives and, or have be changing all the time. and you know, depending on what is vacant basement on the ground and nothing you don't understand that they can, there is, there's not the guy who would make the difference. doesn't have the guy who would really put the pressure on, on those ladies every time he comes to the region. he yeah, i didn't find with these ladies names and underscore and demands as we've seen this before. so i think what bank is doing right now is just doing his job is waiting for um, january 20th uh to um, you know, go home to nadia. the human rights watch report urges the international community international actors to do more to apply pressure on israel to stop all of this. um, but that just hasn't been happening. i mean, what needs to happen from your perspective in order to end the war in order to end
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all of his files. mean, we need to see, i mean, public condemnation, immediately. all of these were crimes, the amounts were crime against humanity. i mean, but, you know, meaningful action would be felt in the forms of an immediate association or a suspension of military assistance and weapons, transference, trip, weapons transfers. and if it comes through it by law sort of agreements, you know, as, as you were talking about this one month deadline that has passed through the vitamins ministration gave it passes and there is no consequence. so what kind of message does that set out? we need to focus on what can be done urgently and you know, the friday of suspension of military assistance reading might actually time simply means something. of course, we'd like to see the, the investigation at the international criminal court progress and more cooling on the prosecutors also investigate, forced to force displacement as and the prevention of the right to return on. but really, the kind of message that i think will be felt would be the suspension of mount tre
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assistance tomorrow. 8 organization save the situation in gaza has only deteriorated since the us set that deadline last month. how difficult is it currently getting a into gaza? how much of that is due to his really restrictions and, and currently, what are the logistics like, what are the challenges during aid and 2 garza and excruciating lee? difficult for my own colleagues underwear and especially for my colleagues. these are the name of the face of a population that has the price of safety of food, of clean drinking, long term of medicines, of tens of power, bullying. the printer close. it is extremely difficult to be in a good work during the field responsible and feel completely hand cost. the aid going into gaza has been going in by the trickle. so with
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only one or 2 border crossings open and very cumbersome. logistics for screening for checking once in a convoy is it takes forever to get any aid. and also once the aid is in, on the garza side of the border crossing, there has been increased. lawlessness tells primarily driven by people feeling hungry, a best broke. and therefore, there's also now lack of 60 for the aides, con voice, the drivers and the people who are in charge of receiving the aid and taking it to warehouses. the shelter is having said that the primary reason for the very acute, too many serious situation is the extremely strange time restrictions on the access of a aid has been weaponized during this conflict. people and has been shocked
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out of receiving food, receiving medicine and receiving basic services. and even when they try the shelter and find a un building thinking, but protection of the one slide. many of these buildings, including other as shelters, have been hint, killing people inside them. now the i tell you are reacting just now to what tamara was saying. it looked like you wanted to jump in. so go ahead, if you'd like to, you know, i is just, you know, um, thinking about how these uh, protections that, you know, are part of this dolores on, on force displacement. you know, basically if you evacuate the population, you have to provide for that population. so the idea that these rarely authorities are saying it is, it is not for us to be displacing it as evacuating people safely. it's just, you know, quite overwhelming and listening to, you know, the, the situation for people on the ground to get humanitarian aid and should never be
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this difficult. people are starving. all they want is food and water and survival. and it's possible. but it is being wilfully blocked house. and there is a lot of speculation right now as to what the next steps will be. now that donald trump has been re elected and will be returning to the white house, come january. um, some believe that netanyahu, israel's prime minister, might be willing to in the war in gaza as a gesture to trump, who in the past has indicated he'd like to see that war wind down. my question to you. number one is, do you expect that to happen? and number 2, if that were to happen, would that actually be an into the war, or would it just be, is real saying the war is ended and essentially doing what is most favorable for israel going for i was going to take a moment. i mean, i haven't had big just a goal, so i can see that project was going to happen in the,
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in months to come. but so there's one thing that is struck in that manual was the best interest in perpetuating them is really the stevens and february thing the war because he wants to reach the point where it is what it is. acknowledge that he has one door as clearly and through this moment that a lot of the way it is, we think that he has failed simply because the presidents hospitals, and then the has of the resistance moment. dad, what is what it is actually amazing that the only way to get them back is by assigning it'd be able to deal with the mass of course. so signing indeed would be that kind of bring the end of the war back to and if any of our wouldn't dream vips saying that he is looking for. and we know that if the work comes on in the, probably a tough question would be a reason is and then after the i would, would not be able to answer. and this wouldn't bring him to be even closer to the investigations and the court cases against him and makes his line for you to talk
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one. so he's actually buying time. but the thing here is that, you know, a default color between him and that, and that from what it's on said that he wants to have. and then the war before he moved forward is going to gratian and probably anthony, i would to combine with that. but he would keep his options open and he would, he would not get there the door and able to reach a settlement with the with, with some ice he went on the app app. probably looking for excuses to renew or the stronger fighting with the seniors. but the think that he can do, i think is, is level. i think he is more in the leading into averaging or dealing with the idea that he knows that by the somehow leading into that to cause one of his suspended laws is lebanese. now that he promised him the $111.00 and, and then in the a deal in 11, it is cheaper, but then a little bit by the way, even given what was taking place over the last month. and then there is
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a way off having got trades off between that of any government. and that is where it is that the situation is to look at the different can gather. i think the is what it is that miss janik machine is the guy got the right point and it's for one different unit or until they achieve, etc. and the definition of victory is the thought of destruction of the palestinians. unless there's a question or on the bottom of the international committee, i didn't think that and that to me i was going to stop and in the coming to a lot, and indeed, 2 months to come. tomorrow after the 13 months of war, almost the entire population of around $2300000.00 policies and gaza is relying on aid for survival. we know that the situation is extremely dire. i want to ask you about this law that was passed by israel's parliament. that's going to bar under was operations going forward. how much worse might that make the already catastrophic situation in guys? what does that mean for the population there? i'm glad they're bringing this up because the passing off the total loss that them
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under off from working and i quote, entire entry under is really slower and see and the quote are on free. so them to this is a precedent. this is a huge in terms of one you, one member state defying the defining the one and the finding what we call in our language. the multi lateral system defines that un charter amplifying international law, including entering outside humanitarian law. so it's all in our work. in a place as a israel considers to be under a sovereignty, it is already extremely difficult, not only and also, but also in the west bank, including east jerusalem. in these laws are truly implemented, then our world will be even more difficult. the suffering of palestinians will go deeper and this survey over the future of palestine, refugees out of their rights will grow bigger again,
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this is truly an extremely dangerous precedent. and speaking of the whole feel on troll system because you just have another really just asked during the show. once more the international community can do. we are in a situation wherever the international humanitarian system is mobilized under multilateral system. the un general assembly, the, the international court of justice was different from 4 tours on the french fries are all mobilized. this is probably one of the most documented conflicts of recent times i, yes, the violations continue. our call for accountability and possibly up or the inquiry rose higher. all right, well, we have run out of time, so we're going to have to leave the conversation there. thanks so much to all of our guests to model other. if i have somebody and nadia hardaman to thank you to for watching, you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just here at com and for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com,
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forward slash age and side story. you can also during the conversation on x r handle is at age and side story for me. how much enjoying the whole thing here, bye for now, the across the globe eco systems under immense trench. this blazers started moving back, it started melting off very quickly in the scrolling tests and we cannot create twice explorers had the loo, is beginning to hold multinational to account or connected s neighbors by those mission. and how the i do is giving nature equal rights is also in our relationship with the planet. this one is sort of a house. it's about ensuring that like one acts planetary justice on now to sierra from the impact of the us selections,
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the escalating conflict in the middle east. and the urgency of climate action upfront sets the stage for serious debate on out the there's no limit to how a dream continue to study in your own event, you know how to average the humanitarian crisis and 11 and calls for immediate and sustained action. ok, foundations loving, an emergency response subs as a vital lifeline for many in desperate need. your donations can play a crucial role in alleviating suffering. promoting community wellbeing and contributing to the recovery, join ok,
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foundation and its mission to support 11 and during this critical time. cool now or visit okay, tool tool the a lot of them are calling doha. these are the top stories on al jazeera and evidence capital has been on boarded by is riley forces for a full day just as a tougher ronnie and official visits favored as being 46 days since they as well began it's offensive against has belong, residential buildings, have been reduced to rubble and barrett something, some of the latest strikes it types came soon after the is ready, military issued evacuation orders to residents in the area. then a honda has this update from the sites of one of as well strikes in the southern supp up of ferret.


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