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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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it was how you were the in countries were, seems they request and even exhibited human remains and that museums restitution. africa stolen episode to which on juicy era the the hello, i'm sort of fight off. this is the news on life from jo. how coming up in the next 16 minutes must go says ukraine is use us, provided missiles inside its territory. prussia also announced as a new nuclear policy a real opportunity to end the war and 11 on us. special envoy speaks positively off the folks with mediators in b routes. the
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phones go off, new to come on large. one hospital in northern garza is ray the soldiers and come us a lot since this fine thing in the area. and we'll have the latest from the nit, may the science of any legal mine and south africa with hundreds of mine is i'll still try and i'm sorry, a smile with the sport. as we're asking adel prepares for his final tournament as a professional tennis player for 22 time. grand slam champion will be in davis cup action for spring. later on tuesday, the we saw this news with the will in ukraine where they've been a number of important developments. russia says ukraine notion of noise. it's high contents. brown's region using 6 us made missiles, debris from one miss self fell on a military facility, causing
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a flag you as president joe biden has recently allows keith to use us, provided miss also strikes inside russian territory. other on tuesday, president blossom a fruits an approved of ton to change the requirement for using nuclear weapons. the kremlin now says most go how's the rights to deployed nuclear arms? if the use of conventional weapons against the old batteries create a critical threat. so it's so frenzy. meanwhile, you defense ministers have been meeting in brussels to discuss the supports food for ukraine. the head of nato. is that and you, cranes, president made an appeal on video link. well, we have several correspondents covering the story for us to have hash them i have borrow. he's at the defense ministers meeting in brussels. i said, bake is in key but fast. let's go to your shopping rollover in moscow. knowledge. usually a bronze you've been looking into this documents raw the, the, the russian has put out the doctrine. what more do we know on that?
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well, let's, let's talk about the brand sc region for us. the russian defense industry has confirmed that the ukranian side indeed talk submitted to facilitate in russia's volta regional brianne squid attack comes missiles. the ministry said that 5 missiles were shot down, and one was damaged. they did it with the s 400. and pon, sir, as a defense systems, russian, sol, so say that a missile fragments fell on the premises of a military facility closing font, which was laid to extinguish. they did not specify kind of ministry facility that was while the ukrainian on a claim that they indeed attacks and munitions that pose in karachi, has in the bronze region. so it's a didn't take long for the ukrainian side to basically to stop using the
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american attack comes missiles, the commission, they received from the fight administration earlier this week on sunday to be precise. so basically they feel like that hands are on tight. and you do, you were looking earlier into this document that the russian president has signed or listening. it's use of nuclear weapons. what more details do you have on that? well basically the legend patient has signed a decree. it's a, it's a renewed rushes, news now, don't turn so according to its aggression against russia or allies like bella roost, bought a new euclid state with the support of a new class stays. it's considered a joint attack, and russia can use nuclear weapons, english polls to the use of weapons of mass destruction, like cruise missile missiles, or a grows against russia or gainst its allies,
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to, according to the documents. the decision to use nuclear weapons is made by the countries president. the document also says that you get the terence as a, as ensuring that's a potential enemy. understand that the, the inevitability of a retaliation from russia and also according to the new doctrine they supply weapons to framed by said, countries kind of, we can see that aggression by these countries against russia, the whole alliance will be well received as well, rushes retaliation and also, it's interesting that according to the credit spokes person to be true for school, the use of western new nuclear missiles by the ukranian on their gaze. russia under the updates of doctrine could lead to new, clint responds as well. so basically at this news is still debate logo right here in rush kind of host where wasting some more analysis his own on our end. okay,
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thanks very much for that. to update from you to that and we'll go, i will not speak to a said vague who joins us live now from keith. i've said russia has accused you cry now, firing these long go range us missile that's comes what more we hearing from that in ukraine. well the ukrainians having to say what they used induct attack now they have said that the targeted uh the city of kind of which of the what they say the 1046 logistics center. and that's 120 kilometers away from the ukranian board. and they said that they was a storage with munition and do a 2nd explosions according to ukrainians. they say that they were 12 explosions that they haven't confirmed what they used in that attack. and it's important to note that the ukraine has hit brianne skits it costs gifts, even toxic must go with drones before. and when your crane ties that those attacks, sometimes it does say we use drones. but in this specific attack,
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where they've been accused of using those along the range missiles that haven't actually search what, what does they use to target the munition site? i can most of you also on what we've been hearing from you earlier. the, when it comes to this, russian nuclear adult certain changes we haven't really had a direct response from ukraine as of yet. but we have to understand that from the beginning of this will, ukraine has operated under the guise of under the threat that russia is a nuclear power, is not the 1st time president putin has mentioned nuclear weapon to the use of them . although he has changed a lot of band results, how russia would use those. but the ukraine continues to operate, considered as this. oh boy, it's been supplied with weston weapons from high mall as to how it says to f sixteens 2 times to shuttle stone. missiles has used them against the russian a targets. it's a talked to the crimea, which russia considered as
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a part of russia. so you probably haven't shied away from talking. russian. russian size, in fact, has pushed the western countries and especially the us to give it permission to strike deeper into russia despite this threat of a nuclear retaliation. okay, thanks very much. uh full. that's the latest update from keith also. they meanwhile, european union defense ministers have gathered for a meeting in brussels, where the crane at the top of the agenda. i'll just there as awesome as far as like for us from the how should you defense ministers meeting? what have they've been discussing so far? basically sat rather meeting today was about how to continue providing a significant committed to assistance to ukraine against the backdrop of the decision of the by the best ration to authorize the use of american to live at long arrangements size to crate. and we're talking about you to be in
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a response. we're talking about 3 key players. how's decision could have a huge impact on the progress of war in ukraine, the germans, the french and the british fronts has said that it would consider authorizing the equating image use is called long arrangement size, and people are waiting to see by that. the okay would follow suit by allowing by for delivering the that long arrange besides the storm shadow to it, the ukraine is what will the eyes was set on, the germans and the defense minister haven, brussels said gemini is not going to deliver those long range. besides, but particularly the tools to the ukraine is which is going to deliver a massive setback for the europeans. have been struggling to put together a strategy in the plan of action for ukraine and how some, one of the other things that's being discussed on the agenda by those businesses is
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the under the c internet cables being sabotaged. yes we're talking about to intend that on the see cables one can between uh finland and german and the other between between the and suite and the german defense. minnesota or as the story is today, he had a brussel, spoke about those attacks and said that they, german of pharmacies, i've lost an investigation. they believe that this was an act of some attach the germans and the finish issue. this join statement saying that they were concerned about those developments which on the school, the volatility for europe and security. and also saying that the incident high lives took issue as pull you basically that the customers from the war in ukraine. and what the describe as a hybrid will fast by
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a rogue august as operating in the area. now why is it crucial? why is it important we have to remind of you, is that the in that same area? so the explosion know they know stream a gas pipelines in 2022 and ever since now to the americans. and many other key players was saying that they believe that the questions that have been between off that spine the ships and also the pricing in those areas. and they believe that the price is what, in a way or another involved in acts of sabotage in the, in, in the baltic area, the nato maritime command, which is markham valley, a v. c, a. save the lives of a 1000000000 people in europe and north america. is on the thrust by what the described is growing acts of sabotaged by the russians. and what are we talking about? the concerns here. we're talking about what the secuity expos states is. a network
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of one know to both systems including a farm wins which have been operating across the baltic sea, sweden houses in the past few months. so these will veto the construction of many with funds in that area because they were concerned that they have some vulnerabilities that could be exploited by the russians to cause more and more damage for the local populations. ok, thanks very much for that. so i don't think that from the, you mean thing? well, let's take a closer look at the situation in ukraine. russia has steadily made gains and ukraine's eastern don't yet sk region throughout this year. and it recently made advances in north eastern khaki region. aiming for coupons because it's ukrainian forces re took 2 years ago. ukraine surprise offensive into russia's cost kurt tree in august is for the north and the main front line wall. russia has regained about hosses the territory at last. the financing, of course,
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is on going on. the invasion is the 1st interruption, tire treat since world war 2. well, let's speak to richard waits, he's a russian rusher, rather security relations specialist and a non resident associate. professor at nato defense college. you joins us live from washington, d. c. thank you very much. all sorts of with the case prime minister saying that's a russian nucleus. threats is the latest example of it's a responsibility. is it as well? this is not the unexpected development of the russian. a government has been changed and has not been unclear, dr. and every few years. and since new crane war started hinting at changes every few months, what they send late, etc, ration is a bit more expensive. talking about the potential escalation from non,
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from nuclear countries. powerline with non nuclear states, such as ukraine, and about more specific about their criteria of a conventional attack. they could trigger a nuclear response. but this, it's a, it's been a standard practice for the russians to say that they will consider nuclear use. not only if there are times with nuclear weapons, but for other purposes, but it's just doctorate and there and you know, this is something that a light can, they can state public play trying to influence opinion, but they're not required to follow it. and it's still unlikely russian with you as nuclear weapons and, and ukraine has your package pointed out, it's pretty much a stalemate and there's not a really good target for that such use. so would you say this is more of flexing of muscles or, and unlikely to actually follow through with this? is this a message that rusher is trying to send, especially at the moment with a lot of changes, certainly in us v to ship and also now with the us supplying,
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allowing ukraine ra that's giving it the green lights to use these long range missiles and as russia has reported it has as right, so that's basically the primary purpose of these kind of the declaratory doctrines, to influence the pinion of other countries. and then you point out there's a transition with a new president coming in the united states and we've got the germans having election and, and the package going out the germans and still has a tend to provide a authorization for the crime. you still use blog arrangement as well, so the russian is, are trying to influence the decision making in the west without actually taking concrete action is just by making their declarations to try and play up. the fear of nuclear escalation has their press to hard and we will have a hearing rather from a hush of our our correspondence has been attending this the defense meeting. he
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was talking about of the 3 key players dominate fronts and the u. k. whether they will follow in the us foot steps when it comes to allowing ukraine or supplying ukraine with those longer range missiles. um, what is the plan? what does the game time? because germany seems to not go is looking like it won't go with the option fonts potentially s and the u. k has indicated, although it's thing tightly, but it want or right. so the, the, i think that's the breakdown we're going to see a natural way that the british and french have been waiting for the us decision before they would follow through their, the range of their missiles are comparable to those of that and they attacked them . it's something new craniums can use, but it wouldn't really represent a major change from what the u. s. is now allow and then the 2 german nestles a bit different. a tourist is a bit longer range, the german coalitions that that are fragile and divided on the russian question. so
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probably will have to wait the results of the right of the german elections. and if there's a new government, maybe they'll take a firm or stand, but for now i wouldn't dissipate germany. well, not to mine, what i think will be a british and french decision to follow the us way. all of this is, of course costing the nato countries and cost and the western lots of money, especially as people are facing economic difficulty in some of those countries that what's the, what is the protection moving forward? is there some escalation um, is the west trying to real back on those costs as well the, you know, the, the, the economic costs are a challenges that are in fine. so the baby in the us and elsewhere. but the main challenge has been just generating suspicion weapons, the nato countries, after the end of the cold war, thought okay, we don't, you know, we can scale back and,
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and these kind of productions of major tanks and munitions developed may be systems to help defend our forces from terrorist and afghanistan and so on and down the last few years they've had to regenerate all of this. and this is taking them a while. and then the, the risk of, you know, escalation, economic costs, you mention political changes in government. so a whole bunch of factors are inviting deliberations of the the western powers as we enter the 1000 and state of this complex. okay, thanks very much. the rich should wait. speaking to us from washington dc. well, let's thank you live a to rio de janeiro, and that's the russian foreign minister. so i get off of who's speaking live at the g 20 summit light so i can listen to you to lance gets regions ready? gated was by the run depleted. right. alonzo, they even stopped and they do not want us to somebody see these thing, give them go to the very 1st article or do you want to charter some of the stipulations that the user rights must be respected?
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no matter what it raises, what language or religion they adhere to, and the rights of russians vigorous and you frame, they're really just, we're really keeter's name, which is going to get my lot as opposed to crated adopting. but the last set it all let's you sure you as you are because you feel landscapes protecting your theme and values. that's a lot of areas. thank you. what to do to it? is that committed naples kind of introduction, leaving him back the standard, serious with this people for him to, to us take care of the global handles as to whether it's just such change content here and that already. but we go back to the economic agenda, the location of poverty install it. we're speaking about reforming global inclusions, a button to remove some of the delegates since delegates. but in this a little bit about the domination of the western mattresses and what these organization, this was why you switch it to this promoter and them some and they come not to be used except what's known as you to out the code. so give me a raise guess. bad news. secondly, the easiest case you do not do this for you to the right. well that was the that's the russian foreign, minnesota speaking, while i that the g 20 summit. of course,
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all of this as the russian president has signed adult trend when it comes to the use broadening of the use of nuclear weapons. and of course, as the defense ministers on meeting in brussels on top of that agenda is the situation with you. crime the well, you ascend boy almost hochstein, so it's a cx 5 deal can be reached and these ready has been a conflict. hawk seen is 11 on capital they roots and he says, talks on us, trusted c spa have been productive and the deal could happen. in the next couple of days. we have a real opportunity to bring this conflict to an end. this is a moment of decision making. i'm here in bed route to facilitate that decision, but it's ultimately the decision of the party to reach
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a conclusion to this conflict. it is now within our grasp sides. the window is now, i hope the coming days yields a resolute as well as go to alley, hashem, his life for us. and he's been following all these latest developments from the capital of a real good afternoon to to alley. um, what more do we know of what's gotten to part it took place rhonda during that's me saying and as he says, both sides need to make this happen. now the saw today, there are several meetings between the hawk seen and the president to the speech of the following. and then the 5 minutes said that she'd be faulty. and then that would be all the meetings all. so however, it's clear that the liberties on already handed the response to the united states
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to the unbox of the and they were the celebrations, the consultations between hawk cnn, the nobody's officials, is mainly about the living. he is the remarks on the face. that's what we had today from prime minister and the shoot me a faulty reflects the main points and delivery is position plus the for present things anybody. so the so 20 reaching ceasefire, getting people back to the villages. and at the same time, i was trying to prevent is right from attacking the these territories. once again, all these on the aside to which is it was $1701.00 united nations security council resolution. now, with all these being said by the prime minister, also what mr. battery told the how it seems it seems now that the ball is, is really cool. and when mr. hawks in is going to go back to the visa and jessica
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is really response is it's when i really want to know whether there is going to be a ceasefire or that is going to be a tourist, or there's going to be nothing inside of that with this trying to reach it. sci fi, it's coming at the time on the fire and all that. a lot of fire yesterday they worked was a hit in the denied also the southern suburb was hit. and the day after also the cap is on one's head twice. so there's a lot of pressure from the is really side to push the been these for more concessions. all took on the sessions. however we saw solid. so yesterday has will . i'll talk to you some of the, but it's actually may be the 1st time that has will last mid size was making a, an impact insight that that'd be fun. pictures back there for you to show that also a tax on high found today, just a minutes ago has will issue a statement saying that they, i talked to the once again. so there's also
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a fire in general to the sci fi. okay, so a lot of movement there. um military as well as diplomatic feedback, so that latest update finally has some that and beds. so it'd be fun. and the nicest runs for administer has criticize the un for failing supply international pressure on israel to stop. it's warren garza and 11 on our beside rugs. she says, washington is to blame, as it provides it so much. it converts it as well, a sort of c r c. we believe that increasing political and international pressure on the zionist regime is necessary to prevent its crimes. while such pressure has been somehow effective, it has ultimately failed to stop the machines atrocities and gaza lebanon, and attacks and syria. it is truly regrettable that the un security council can not fulfill its primary duty of maintaining global peace, simply because one country the united states uses its full pallet to shield the sinus, presume, and look to any decisive,
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practical actions in international organizations. describe what is certain is that we will use international platforms to voice opposition. the decisive factor in our view is action on the ground and resistance. it shows that, you know, so view and cultural organization is wanting. the rolled heritage sites and 11 on all in danger. it says failure to protect the science would be a serious violation of international law. i'll separate his radiate tax and recent weeks of hitting the ancient roman ruins and by the back and it's higher. well, let's bring in and i'll highlight she's vice president of a root heritage society. thank you so much for joining us from the capital. they were now dozens of heritage slices. we've been seeing 11 on have been concepts of provisional enhanced protection. what does that actually mean or hello uh, presenting. i were just city full size, thats cultural and especially during the cold and dispatch stuff such as the bottom
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the to and the also goes know about the research so and by the culture they have a so we all have on on the answer. why so many civilization over the years and as you know, and live on or as intuitive as intuitive destination and the time is very important. so, and i'm from the source of the heritage tourism campbell's, our, our economy and social. ringback our economy in the bottom, so it's very important to, uh, to see the, the, the side. yeah. mm hm. and my understanding is that this would mean that in house protection means that there's more financing. and i know that you're very active when it comes to looking off to these ancient sites. and what happens when these ancient sites are destroyed? what, what does the finance help with practically speaking. ready let me tell you what
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happens. i live alone during this period. you know, the social media has played a role as a the goal and raising awareness of all the our, the whole, the recent, remember of the she, one of the, involved by the unesco that one had to hatred size and by the, by the i would have culture, i'm gonna assume how much the summer most of the and 2020 be and have been really use that pensions. you 3, those 3, some is i or if i could read area like duties by the same, the same alongside increased bombing activity in the region. but so some, you just love to have become a base for discussion about the attention of our heritage sites. and it highlights the importance of protecting culture, the landmarks during these call during the complex and in the food as invited the
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times in the suit. and about the, uh, uh, and you know, it look when you look at the middle eastern region, there was also fox and iraq that was run during the war. same in syria. and then you have of a c. now, with levin on how important is it to preserve the also facts of the middle east and also, is there any accountability when, when, for example, israel does strike these sites? can this be taken further or escalated a, with a human it with an international quote, for example, this go, i think the, the girl, the 40 and they school the school should, should be the teams to protect and assess the damage. and i would come to you in the middle east to an emergency measure and to see if you got a to see got the,
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the site to google operation with our authorities of the new york cultures and the area. and to ensure that presented the some. and to do the same and such a time. and i would come to the in the amenities in general. and of course all of any of these attacks on these hurts are sides. it actually violates 1964 hague convention is series violations. thank you so much. for joining us that and i'm holiday vice president of a root heritage society and i just sense the ho hospital in northern goal is that has called under a tank which lasted 3 hours taken less than the firing and shedding began his thoughts, his income. i was one hospital in bed last hey, i was substituting
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a. when does mine, hospitals direct to set its roof and off the floors were destroyed and the ice disease suffered serious damage. well in the last 24 hours is ready, forces have kills at least 15 palestinians, and attacks across the strip, the foaming of a house near goals and city kills 7 people and injured all those including children . and 13 months of war is ready, forces and skills needed 44000 how this thing and many of them women and children and face baffles. also have been taking place between his really forces and the on the wing of how much they've been reported in northern and central garza. oh, cassandra gates say's its finances. all confronting is ready. soldiers ends up jamalia and then also the strip israel has confirmed that 5 of its soldiers engines injured while the fight thing has also been reported in bethlehem. and. and what is
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called today is joining us from outside the box, the hospital in data by law that starts off with the come on as one a time. what more do we 9 set up so to manage what has been under continuous of talk sense the siege on the not the ring, gaza strip is targeted. so the last of the top was on the 3rd floor of this hospital come in, and one is the only operating facility. so working in the mentoring got the shape and we know that there's a lot of patients. a lot of children are inside this hospital, it's not only the walk through the times that are on the rooftop of this hospital has also been targeted. and according to the, for some of the, the director of the hospital, he's set that even the entrance, the facility, the courtyard, and the gates of the hospital have been continuously been taught by the is there any forces but not only to manage one also of the use of not just the only
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governmental hospitals in the address has been also been destroyed by that is where the forces and we have been unable to reach the area because that is where the forces have been occupied and verify for more than 6 months now. but it's obvious that there's really forces to have been targeting all the houses that have to use across the gods as true. not just the health facilities, because as been, as we were just saying that more strong strikes across the goals, the strip and also face of financing between these rating forces as well as the how much flights and definitely so we know that that is ready for us to just start getting a group of palestinians in front of a school and big help with them on school. and those palestinians finally find a water truck. so they were lining up to receive and philip gallons of water, a little girl, was killed and 8 others have been injured in this
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a talk. and let me also remind you solder that for more than 40 days. now they're, it's been very hard for politicians and the mother and parts of glasses trip to find food and water. and these, where the authorities have been denying access for all un agencies and international organizations to deliver fluid and water and medicine. an aid in those areas. and also there has been another us talking because of city where policy, new journalists have been killed in all, some of the neighborhoods, or near today. there has been a talk to mr. you got it in the central got district, but sorta it's not only the fact that there's ongoing air strikes laptop to his artillery setting. also the how situation and the terry situation is collapsing, policy muse today are saying that they are on able even want to provide their children with one meal a day. okay, i'm full of the latest of what's happening and the goal is to strip hands on hold 3, the thank you for the update.
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the right, well it's time for the weather, his efforts and folks the color, the weather is pretty quiet now across much of china, be there still have the remnants of arrow tropical system bringing some of the weather into the fall south of the country. but for much of trying to risk generate driving, have high pressure, been charged high pressure to across the korean peninsula. i need to to panel or that will still be a few showers into the eastern side of japan as we go through. why to stay on the cold side that 12 celsius the total time, but just picking up to about where they should be as of right uses away as we go on 3 sides by surprise. us guys when the weather does make his way back to grab nice. i generate dry. northern the central pos are china jen redrawn, not try to down towards the fall south is that route. tropical storm continues to wake and heads towards vietnam, fizzling out in the process, a few showers in to vietnam,
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southern areas of indo china saying some live the south west to where the coming and across them a light punch the southern tie that pushing into by not chasing some raw the weather in the next few days. and why? why the to into the south of india for lanka, ross, i sing some live to showers once again. further north, it is quite so of course, i say quite we have that missed and felt the pool rad quality across the northern plains of india and into pakistan. well, so a heads this all on onto 0. i'm free. i try and i'm reasonable, tries family members, chris size defense, and the single prominence hong kong acts of this sounds or a sweeping security know introduce, find phasing the and find out why tens of thousands of indigenous malady in new zealand have been protesting. they've told them and and that was
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a 1st ever away when. so this tiny or peer nation details on a record breaking noise coming up with ports with far his life the, the, the procedure then this economic growth has cost. the plant is a number of things that threaten all civilization as we know, and that's the next the spend show for us. for us, us is overhauling entrenched economic systems can help robust the damage the mr. from degenerative systems to regenerating the living well, needs to businesses, balancing the books by making the planet as important as perfect. that is that dramatic change for society. are we going to collapse, or are we gonna write these these critical on tuesday, around the latest news as it breaks? while my guide supports us back into all of these communities, here are left with far reaching consequences of the riots with detailed coverage from the late entry into carrier operations. china has moved quickly to catch up
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from the house of the story. it's estimated $2.00 trillion dollars a year is required by developing nations in the fight against climate change. the question is, who's going to pay for it? the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello welcome back. you watching old, is there a reminder about top stories? this? our prussia says, ukraine has fine, 6 us made missiles into its territory. let's go, says one missile destroyed and i'm mission dump in the region of reality. this comes a day off to us present giovanni's and authorize the use of longer range missiles
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and targets within russia. was the russian president vladimir tweaks an approved devoted use of nuclear weapons. the kremlin says moscow has the rights to poignancy, almost as the use of conventional weapons against it or its ally batteries, scripts, the critical threats, sewage sovereignty, us and for it almost hochstein says the seas 5 deal can be reached and the is riley has a lot complex, he says soaks on, us drove to the spot and they have been productive. and the deal could happen in the next couple of days. as well. that state without a top story, the crisis between and ukraine and russia because g 20 lead is on me thing for the final day of assignments being held in brazil. the official agenda includes climates, trades and global governance spots. the issue of ukraine is still being discussed while diplomatic audits a james based his life force in rio de janeiro. james, how's the latest news that we've been hearing from you?
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crane being received where you all are the g 20 yeah, well, when you get something like this, and you get foss moving developments is not just the june list looking at them. it's the diplomats because we have the leaders of most of the major countries in the world here right now in rio. and i will be following very, very closely. the developers that are coming right now out of the crate. and the news that the attack comes us a made attack him is miss also be news for the 1st time since president biden is his restrictions on may use into rusher, i think is occupying the minds of many of these world leaders. remember the g 20 includes important powers, china, for example, but specifically with regard to this complex, it didn't, it includes the u. s. president biden is here. and so his key nato allies. but so is russia represented not by pleasant presence. glad to me if it's in uh,
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but by 5 minutes that associate level who's here now we're hearing various reports that this elaborate may be planning a news conference. not clear. if that's going to happen when it's going to happen, or what he's going to say. but also president bite and various meetings he's having and wherever present bite and goes, there is a pool of gentleness and then it just came possibly a moment ago, i think to film and having a meeting they will record his words that i'm sure the 1st question he's going to get cost is about these possibly moving, develop them is not just the use of the attack comes which he is old to rise. it seems, but also the new new, clear doctrine of present polluted, which will, i think, worry some of the less than some of the on the of the us is western allies. and then use that these on the see cables and the voltage, the 2 of us p cables to be caught to that. and the fact that the german foreign, minnesota is now saying that is an act of
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a sabotage old is coming on the one thousands day of the war in ukraine. i think the final day of this summit is going to be old about russia and ukraine, while it might be on about russia and ukraine, but lots of packing in just 2 days with all these top lead is attending this me see what else is being discussed away from russia and ukraine. yeah, because russia and ukraine is what the role of watching on that phones and the following . the developments on they are attending meetings on a different subjects and the theme today is climate. and what is interesting about this is the g 20 is meeting at the same time as those climate negotiations. you remember the call meeting taking place and as about something that hasn't finished yet, but i usually go see actions are on the way. so some, including the un secretary general that has the pressure on the g 20 here in rio will mean a change of position in baku and as a by john the could make substantial progress. here of course everyone is mindful of the fact that there was something very,
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very big happening on the time of the issue. in 2 months time and present trump takes over in the white house, the man who tore up the power climate deal in 2017. and he says he's got to do it again when he takes office and no one has any doubt that he is going to do that. they're looking at ways that they can try and keep the time mentioned going without the full participation of the us in the very near future. yeah. if i could find that. so james, base full, that just, i'm picking that the g 20 summit that's taking place in rio de janeiro is not a high quotes in south for kind of specifying to hearing on the standoff between police and people involved in the legal mining. hundreds of people remain on the ground box authorities say they own subtract. volunteers has made little progress and bringing them to the surface. and the government says it's now planning a professional rescue operation. welcome web reports from still fontaine in the northwest province. a single harness and
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a very long drive release volunteers have the rescue operation. many of the neighbors, a relatives of the minus has been on the ground for more than a month. in recent days, they say they've pulled several minors up from the $210.00 lumens at the soft. some of the mesa and one has been dead. there is enough for this year, but they just come in they're going to be just come in. it has not had to police have been stationed at the top of the tissues, mine shot for weeks, ready to arrest anyone who comes out. it's now being cold and off the reports of the number of people down that vary from hundreds to thousands. it's not clear how many there ah, but it is clear that it's difficult to get them out without more help, most 3 or 4 being bullets out the day. and the longer this goes on, the less likely it is that they will come out alive. the government's turning
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himself enough to administer said last week aid smoke count. the legal mind is please say a professional rescuers operation is being prepared, but it will take days. we add no enforcement. we cannot a gaze our own constitution. so we have to see single fits and the issues of depriving them the basic necessities. it's not quite, it's not clear. if all the mind is wanting to come up and face arrest for if one of them have a choice, not to of south africa's multi $1000000.00 legal mining business, he's controlled by criminal gangs. the community volunteers say please, cutoff food and water supplies for several days last week and the mine is a now to week to come up off to the right, but lowered those below sent me a note requesting medication food and water. no guns common spend one to drop off the top. why the people that i people is that that i live is the liver. i,
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dad. you must be taken out in south africa's stock and equality has grown even worse since this mine and many others were closed about 55 years ago. relatives of the miners say they risked tool, because there's no other way to make a living here. malcom web address. they're still fontaine, south africa. well that spring and tracy lin feels she's a full professor of nor bits university in south africa and she joins us live from johannesburg. thank you very much. tracy lynn. now, the high quotes in south africa is to spend a hearing on the standoff between police and people involved in a legal mining. is this a source for consent to so the source of concern is that the mind is to attract underground are going to die, which is quite terrific. this is an extremely difficult situation with, oh, sorry t. so trying to impose the root of low on and then this is the gold tray that has
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taken place for decades. and at the same time, to do so in a humane manner that respects the dots to dignity, the box of access to food and water. so it's an extremely difficult situation, but as you could see from the report, the already people who have done that is horrific, of colson. i mean, this clearly, as you said, this lack of regulation of mining has been going on for decades, is less likely to stop thoughts, a problem. where do we move on from this of oversee? there's a really bad monetary situation, but is this enough to stop it? happening again. so mining is regulated until africa, what is not being regulated? well, only very recently as mine closure and this is not unique to south africa is because all over the world. so my enclosure has only recently been regulated and when he had minds closed, the wound stringent regulations about how lines should be closed. and even if they were trying to be closed property, the government hasn't issued
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a full closure certificate. what is not regulated as old is what is called autism, no mining, which is binding using who to make g mining techniques. so there is just absolutely no way of doing that legally in south africa, which is why the goal that is to was by these men who go on the ground. and it's not just them, it's a whole economy of supplies, women who crush the store and they have no choice but to sell it to come in. okay, i was just about stacy, what says the chain in this illegal mining? i mean, a lot of those, the attempts in that mine all day, the ones the just trying to do this for a, you know, because of poverty or all they actually games, alms, gainesville. now what is the, the, how does it work? so the, the, the menu on the ground, you know, they bring the or up they, they posted onto a sophisticated network, provides incentives. and eventually it becomes integrated into the formal legal say
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. on monday the will go counselors really support report titled silence is golden estimate for 20 percent of the world's gold supply comes from this elicit supply chain and that is based on the number of schools go gold mining. so the various runs in that chain, but really the mind is what the bottom are. they are at the bottom of the chain. they are the ones that expire are expected, and for most of them, it is a livelihood strategy. in a, in a context of local, national, and regional structural poverty with climate change impacts already occurring as sweet dos and other other extreme events. okay, thank you very much, tracy. and then field the for explaining all of that to us from johannesburg. well, some of phone calls most prominent sikes of this have been given link, state prison sentences, 45 pro democracy campaigns have been convicted of conspiring to commit some version under and national security though employees buying phasing, they'll spend up to 10 years in prison. the quote said they will be noise and
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actively participated in unauthorized rallies that drew drew more than a 1000000 people to the streets. tens of thousands of people have marsh on new zealand parliament. the protesting against a propos, billed critics. they would overrule the rights of indigenous mallory people. the treaty principles bill would re into, for the countries founding treaty, which british colonizers and mallory cheese signed a 184 years ago. last week. it's post, it's fast reading in parliament. i will still a heads on alice's era violence collision on the ice results in a scary moment for one and 8 shall refrain,
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details came up and support the fall. it's time to spoil his for his smile. thank you so much, tara ruffin. adel has been busy training ahead of the day was kept as he gets ready for the final tournament of his professional career, spring face and netherlands in the quarter finals. later on tuesday with adel scheduled to play in one of the singles matches and the 22 time grand slam check and says he is at, he's with the prospect the vending his time. his career. tom size went, has more. on tuesday, spain will begin the quest for the davis cup title on home ground in malika, but will lose it will be remembered as the last thoughts for one of the spots greatest. it was not best tournament 20 years ago. the raphael on the dial thrust himself into the spotlight. the teenagers victory again sandy brought attending
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spain victory. he's now so t h, his body in mind unable to keep in touch with the play that went on to win 22 grand slams. he vows to bell out the way he started with fashion, with law firm we did the termination to be a us as go with us as possible on the man, not the kind of guy that i will say, no i, i will not change things, but one think i have been so important for me because i want to leave this profession on the door with the calm that done with the personal satisfaction that i, i use my best almost every single moment. and it's difficult to argue with us, and you know, back junk of which has more grand slams. they say records of it to be broken, but his 14 french open titles are unlikely to be surpassed. he's lost just full of his 116 matches. it brayland girls is the best of any plan at any grand slam. and he's won
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a staggering $135000000.00 in prize money too. but now injuries have had the final say, and this will be his final show down a spain begin the challenge in the quote of finals against benevolence, an adult his self. let's be said, he won't play of his teammates are in better shape. they'll be aiming to reach somebody spinal and a 1st time within 5 years. they're not here for that exam here to try to help them . then it's of course, going to be my, my last week on the, on the professional door. but something that i had been thinking for quite a long time when enough splitting the during the season. but i thought i had always to give me one more chance and this will be his last john's, the 1st of is 90. 2 career titles was the davis cup. he'll be hoping his last one is to tom size and i was a 0. the morocco has secured a 6th straight when an african tubs of nations qualifying the world cup of somebody . finally,
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as his 7 goals against was due to as they build up the hosting next year's event. round the druids brought him, diaz scored a hot tray. is house morocco were guaranteed a spot in the finals? they maintained a perfect record in qualifying regardless the ball or the other team to press out of their group compensations kicks off at the end of 2025. sit down. have defied con, placed in the nation to clinch, replaced and ask con, after attend. school is drawn against angle. what all of their home ties have been played on neutral ground since the countries domestically were suspended in april last year. and then the violence in the region, the draw and ben garza olivia was enough to finish 2nd and progress subsidies to all the world. the bottom rank side san marino had one in a way gain for the 1st time in their history as they beat lichtenstein. 3 want it was just the 3rd time returning your a nation of one of my us to all of them coming against lichtenstein. also the 1st
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time they've scored more than one goal and the competitive match, let alone a free, huge celebrations at full time as it secured them. motion to the 3rd year. i've been to should be fun to say. yeah, well gracious read to the quarter finals after they drew is $11.00 the portugal portugal were already assured of their place. chelsea or for ridge. wow. felix gave them the lease, but croatia equalize through matches or cities a your school of hard deal and that was a point they needed and picture here is mexico head coach. heavier guerra who was struck in the head with a full kind of beer by hun doors. support or at full time on doors have now been ordered to play their next home match behind closed doors due to the incident that occurred after their congress. haven't nations lee court a final 1st leg tie which on doors one to know the return leg is in mexico on
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wednesday the goal sergio garcia is set to rejoin the pga european tours the 2025 season as he aims to qualify for next year's ryder cup garcia, join the sadie back live goals in 2022 and resign from the european tour last year . but in order to rejoin the tour, will have to settle outstanding funds exceeding well over a $1000000.00 that were imposed on him playing live events without permission and write a cap gets under way in new york in september and the nfl jo mixon had 3 touchdowns as a houston texas rash, the dallas cowboys mix and also rushed for a $109.00 yards as he fired his side to their 1st franchise victory at dallas's, h u. n. t stadiums. the 3410. when means the taxes are on top of the f c. so division, while the cowboys of now was 5 in a row of milwaukee bucks left, it lays it managed to beat the houston rockets just in the next time. damien
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lillard scored with just 3.9 seconds left in the games. give milwaukee a come back when of a 101 to 100. lillard scored a total of 18 points in the games of houston's 5 game winning streak with snow. and a jo legend, wayne gretzky is close to having his all time leading goal record broken by alex of etiquette, the washington capitals for it score 2 goals and their game against the utah jazz. on monday, the 39 year old russian now has a 100 and st. career goals and his 20th, and he shall sees it. let's get needs only 27 more to surprises, gretzky's historic record that canadians his health for the last 25 years. and the violet collision result in and this is gary moment. so one of the referees colorado's josh manson slammed to mich dinings sending the referee down to the ice . the game was stopped while he was structured off and taken to hospital. the any child says he is responding well beat that sometimes it doesn't, that is all you support for now. sarah,
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thanks very much for that. so that's it from me sort of side of the season, but on back in a few with more of today's news, the extraordinary men and women who are breaking the moon from the taxi drivers investing everything they have been to their mini bus only to face 6th street danger and the suit seems rough, his tracks to the jump key turned power. magic's saving lives, transporting the sick, and the elderly for medical health was due to were skiing its own own i, which is 0. the latest news, as it breaks, students are less the long to find a battle on their own in a sea of uncertainty and unfolding horror with detail coverage. even these hospital
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costs can so that's a bit face of a treatment, tend to be a graveyard who displaced families from the heart of the story. hundreds of thousands of people in the north of gaza have little if any food, walter, or healthcare they're facing up. so collect to conditions the highly toxic pesticides linked to elevated occurrences of parkinson's disease and the farm. as we used for you ever warned about the health effects of hardware,
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no fault lines exposes how for decades a global chemical giant withheld information. $12000.00 american prophecy actually said he should never put the words per quad parkinson's disease and the same sentence, the pesticide play book on a jersey at the postcard accuses ukraine of using us, provided miss cells inside is tired. treat rusher is cooling, it's an escalation. the, i'm sorry, the height of this is all the 0 live from the holes. so coming up we have a real opportunity to bring this conflict to an end. b, as in boy, a, please also mistake amounts of possible space. 5 between is raylon's physical, off the totes, and then the east,
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the homes go near the,


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