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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  November 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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and this last parts of the documentary series out of there and looks at how the colonial unrest proved sunset to know jerry, a full scale war and indo china flood and his french, the colonized nation on al jazeera, the us, and boy, a must talk stain, hold stokes and 11 long for a 2nd days hoping to make progress on a us broken space. 5 proposal the my money inside the sound. is there a line some don't. so coming up is really a tax across because i have killed at least 20 palestinians since doing. we'll get an update from our correspondent on the grounds. russia condemns the us for allowing ukraine to use anti personnel. land mines,
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accusing it of doing everything to prolong ministry checkpoints, and node western park. a song comes on the top 12 soldiers. the us special envoy, a most hoax. dean is in the lebanese capital, holding tax for a 2nd day. he's hoping to make progress for potential ceasefire. jail between israel and his brother. on tuesday holstein met the lebanese prime minister in the jeep akasha on the speak of the parliament. not being very has full of official says, but any peace still must we flee, and as well as the tax for the 11 on suffered t a model. oh, sorry. oh, really, what hochstein has said from his view point gives us some hope that a cease fire is achievable for focusing on the battlefield. leading negotiations to
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speaker barry. however, we know israel strategy in negotiations with some us putting the blame always on a mass and holding them continuously responsible for the collapse of the whole world knows that nothing yahoo is and has always been undermining any positive outcome that's getting more from a correspondence saying i told her she's in favor with alexis saying a so a most hawk stain back for a 2nd day of tools. what are you hearing? well, we're expecting the us envoy to arrive at the residence of the speaker of parliament and to be very at any minute now he's going to have his 2nd meeting with the parliament speaker in as many days. and he's also expected to make a statement after that meeting. there were talks throughout the night. this is what we understand from sources aids to the speaker. we're meeting the us and boy, they were trying to iron out differences loving on and has belong. welcome to us draft piece proposal which was handed to 11 on last week but they had some concerns
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. a concerning, you know, several clauses in that drop these 5 proposal. now what were understanding is that some progress has been made. the main sticking point has been in the enforcement mechanism of un resolution. 1701, which was adopted following the last major war between is robin has fell out in 2006 the last time hawks and was here. he made it clear to lebanese officials that their commitment to implement this resolution is no longer enough. commitments are not enough that they want to action and they want a new mechanism to be put in place. what we understand is that they're trying to set up or establish a committee and the united states a will have a role in this committee that will oversee the implementation of this the now, is this the only sticking point? no, this really is have been saying that they want a freedom of action to act against any threats that they perceive coming from has
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beloved. even if a cease fire deal is in place, this is something loving on is not accepting. now. has the officials over the past 24 hours, we've been hearing them make statements, they are throwing their support behind the b. but he's saying that we trust him and we know that any deal that he agrees to will ensure and preserve 11 on sovereignty . but we're expected to hear more from has about law because the new secretary general name ask them is expected to speak later today. so we have to wait to hear from us and void it possibly within the next hour. and then from there as well as secretary general, of course hawks then is going to go to israel to night. and as well as position, we still do not know what the position will say now, as you well know, we've been here before, americans have previously projected optimism about a potential sci fi, and then nothing has happened. how seriously should we be taking this
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well, yes, this is what we have been hearing from lab. and these officials saying this is all cautious optimism. but the very fact that there is a proposal on the table is being seen as a sign of progress in itself. both sides really a prolonged war does not serve either sides taken. a in on, for example, more than a 1000000 people are displaced as well, continues to destroy and kill thousands of people have died. thousands of people have injured people, have lost their livelihoods. so there is a need a to, to, to end to end this war at the same time as well. yes, has block continues to fire rockets at at northern israel, central israel all the way to tell a vive, no doubt, the damage they causes pale and comparison to what the israeli military can do. but you know, it disrupts the daily life for tens of thousands of his race and this rate is cannot achieve their aim. so i'm just going to step out of the way because you're
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going to see the convoy of the us and boy arriving here at the bodies residents. so both sides, there is an interest to m this for many people here feel that as well will not be able to achieve its military objectives by just continuing to destroy residential buildings and cause death and destruction. but, but we've heard just read the officials, say they will not accept anything that would bring back the status. quotes pres, october 7, because we have to remember hezbollah opened up a front against as well, on october 8th. so this way, these are saying we will not allow hezbollah to be, to be along the border any longer. so both sides really have their demands and 11 on of course, saying that they will not accept anything that would violate the country sovereignty. so we could be at the beginning, but there, there seems to be a process and there is cautious optimism in loveland, on. okay, as an a call to the for us in bay. where is it? as they know, it was saying that that is the convoy of the us special envoy amos hawks day and he
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has just arrived at the house of the lebanese prime minister not to be taught to him, to speak of parliament, not be buried. they will be holding to the and we will be monitoring that situation for you in the meantime. let's get more on this with daniel levy. he's the president of the us middle east project. he's also a form advisor in the is really prime minister's office. he joins us from london. so daniel, uh, we're just monitoring amos hochstein the us and boy, he's just arrived at the we can see the live pictures he sat for 2nd day of talks. uh, what are your thoughts on these latest see spot negotiations with has vall, are you optimistic or well, molly, we have to be to experience from being able to have any optimism regarding took sides during this 5, the ministration anywhere in the region. so certainly we sold the continuous,
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terry, and all of these re positions on the cause of, from the continuous telling us that there were reasons to be optimistic that all we beginning to see is a repeat of that on the left. and then from at least we know that someone like this, the whole scene is unlikely to be around for very long. so if he is going to have a swing at this, this is one of these last efforts to do so, you can make the case. that is rep, if it could disconnect the level of the trucks, elements of the axis, for the resistance to what it is doing dogs that what it continues to, what it has every intention of continuing to do with that function. if it can make that disconnection. if it can get what is called touchy, or look back in an agreement, if it can achieve those mac symbolist goals as well. so if you can
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save it, so going deeper into 2 left on these territories, having to deploy some of those results cetera. strains on demand power use rate, and you all hear these ro is spreading additional threats in the region. there are . so she's telling me that there were threats now being made against. here we are against a rock trying to double down on this pressure to cause a separate, let them deal. you can see that they would be, it's all to choose to, is rarely that how well in order to translate that into a deal you all i even need is to acknowledge that you called it every scene. you will, that's the nature of an agreement to policy. have to agree to parties are going to have to step back from the list positions. that is what is not wanting to do. and if there is no cost for not doing, not because the us will not only continue to package roll with the weapons, but we'll also back these rating narrative web i. if he's ro, is the recalcitrant rejection as policy,
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the us administration will tell us the office, it, they'll say, well you know, the full to the office side. so this is ro can step back from that or has its feet held to the fire. we may be stopped despite the reasons for some cautious optimism in the same cycle. we've been in the as well if you could just focus on kelly mean garza and i, i use that word because i think it's exactly what his writers doing or continuing to make life insufferable for palestinians. then i think they would see advantages in that, but they will have to step back from the maximum is that you will have to ask within a few weeks. this whole thing could be nice because we, we will have a new president impala donald from a. what do you think that's going to mean for the situation in level? so any many state taxes in the world, uh, looking at this and saying, okay from that coming to our especially if it's in the middle east,
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what is this going to mean for us? many, all perhaps per year showing weakness in the face of that, a hobby. israel's, in a different position i think is role perhaps uniquely, is say, well, when it comes to the us, we dictate the terms. so what trump administration are you going to do for us believe in the previous administration date, and they will probably have reason for thinking about that looks like of all the good picture. because as much as the by the administration was absolutely full square behind these ro have pressures from within its own constituency. the republican ecosystem looks different, whether that's the dispensation. this evangelist that extreme pro design is a, whether that's the donor clos, um, whether that's the white christian nation is to see in the design is the best practice in these rather great models. one of the nation misstate looks like so
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either one of them suspects they may be looking at this and say, this will go even better for us wide remich surely for hello, who's our options. however, they might look at it and they say for trump, let's dial down the region and have a free hand with the power stadium. so it can, you can, you can look at it from both sides. ready i think bullying it is clear the for the is really. ringback the real prize is the attempt to publish even move the palestinians from the equation, not just casa westbank as well. i don't think that works out for them, but it may mean they want to focus on that aspect of it. ralph is a no. okay, don't see you and daniel left, the president of the us middle east project speaking to us back from lunch. i'm thank you. thank you. of
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the had stay full $111.00 of as well as one golf on its ministry continues to attack the strip from old corners in the north strikes on residential buildings have killed at least 20 palestinians, including a professor whose family refused to flee the area central golf is riley attacks of engine to palestinian sheltering in missouri. it's refugee county and in the south 2 separate drain attacks that killed at least 2 people in the assessing of rafa. the desk told sounds of 24 people killed since wednesday. and that number is only expected to rise as more injured taken over, but in hospitals. dark out. but i assume has more on the situation in northern dawson. it has been a very rocky night for them. and then most of the strength off as valid as try to
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apply you seeing a supper and neighborhood in the southern sides of kansas city. that the residential building was completely flat sense of the ground while civil defense. what? cuz when targeted, once they have been seen and the sight of this strike, why do you spell it out? so the reason outpatient. a close to the boat is with the israel. we do as far as we know that one palestinian civil defence office almost killed the 3 others were injured and now they are getting medical treatment as a reflection about how he's doing their realities for reduced work. cuz in that the civil defense in gauze as $8.00 to $7.00 of them were killed during the war at oakland. this trip, while we are continue to provide calls on all sides of science of a central a health, especially the areas that considered to be a conflict. so now we know that this is not the only strike that took place in that area. there has been no intensification in other parts of district, especially when residential building that our factory with civilians is
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a valley as well as town rest. multiple story building was completely destroyed. killed and yet still didn't others and the sink under the rubble and you have had from looking for some of the stuff he had the director of come on edge one hospital describing the situation to be incredibly plastic. he commented on that a strike that towards the building saying that we've managed to are going to the hospitals have survived by do so we did not work completely kills and they're unable even to be recovered from under the different building is riley military is carrying out raids in several areas and feel coupon westbank. and since don't at least 5 palestinians, including a child have been arrested and sold just stored in the city of janine on tuesday night. i'm confronted palestinian fighters. they opened fire on destination explosive devices killing at least 2 palestinians rates also happened in hebron and novelist in the jonathan refuge account of the palestinian
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information center is reporting is riley settlers have set fire to causing a village north for mala, secular types, and the occupied westbank have increased since israel's war and gauze and began last october the t u cry now with spain is lee on greece. how follows the us to temporarily close the embassies and key because of intelligence warning of a potential significant our attack by russia on the city. on wednesday, the ukraine's ministry said it's shot down $56.00 drones. i'm myself and an overnight russian attack. russian government says washington is trying to prolong the war and ukraine on to president joe biden. authorize the use of us out the personnel land lines that the 2nd us policy shift on military assistance this week
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. us is not a signal treat to a 1997. also a convention binding them a bite and have pledge to limit they use as a bag as a license from keith on the minute 3 objectives of the use of landlines. these landlines. and i'm sure a mix. yes, but can explain this better than me. they're not meant to kill any more. what they're supposed to do is slow down any advance. so the engine in just sold his knife, your advancing soldier, a soldier and your land to sight. and one of your colleagues has ended by these mines. now your immediate so then is to your come read. what you do is try a toner page, the leg, it's a month which is being blown off and then you try to get them to safety so they can be treated on. so that kind of slows down the advance. and that's what, that's possibly why, why the us has given permission for this because in the east of the country, and especially in the southern eastern part of the country,
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ukrainian or russian has been making a long since. i mean, some places, especially around colorado cover the old most encircled ukrainian positions, the ukranian soldiers a either to an appeal or 2 and a half, cuz i'm interested in either side of them. oh, surrounded by russian troops. and what's the united states wants to do is help slow down this advance, this russian lots. and remember the bite and administration is on its way out and you have a us president elect. donald trump coming to office who has criticize the military industrial complex, who has criticized the us ministry age to ukraine, and also said that he would end the war in a matter of days. and he would inherit this war and what's the current administration possibly wants to do is put ukraine in a very strong position, at least at the very slow down some of those russian advances. so when the on negotiations and tools is put in a more advanced, advantageous position than it is now. still ahead on al jazeera hong kong media and
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local jamie ly testifies and cooled off thousands of permanent activists were given . lindsey present sentences in depth analysis of the days headlines is terms when coming at the was posted the time to your informed opinions saw that the look system was essentially designed with americans in my critical district. we're seeing a mass mortality event, the likes of which we have not seen for, for to get inside story. question is now all these allies willing to stand by has for now just sierra in arabic, the steadfast bone, 5 years before israel okey, by the west pine, otto has spent a lifetime resiliency and peace for the resisting the occupation that confines as
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lights on the road so as a witness follows 25 years of his family's unwavering car rejection monitoring the face of sexual colonialism. rooted in the west side on the jersey to hearing the facts before the nice crime that controls who move here. while the story piece turned a blind guy with seeing this gentleman, this in an in depth coverage out as it was, teens on the ground. when you closer to the faucet, the story the the, you're watching out is there a mind if a top stories this l, a. u, as in boy, a most folks dana's holding tools and 11 on for
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a 2nd day is arrived for another meeting with the speaker of parliament. and i'll be very who is mediation is based upon jail with his mother. this friday ministry says one of his soldiers was killed in bet law here on choose the in a box. so with pablo, city and sciences is 20 full palestinians, have been killed so far across the golf and strip on wednesday. spain is lee on greece. have allowed the us to temporarily close the embassies in keys. the us says it has intelligence warning of a potential significant attack by russia on the city on wednesday that's turned to a resurgence of violence and pocket stone. there's been another attack in the northwest sizes of killed at least 12 soldiers in bond, new in the kind the paternal province vehicle loaded with explosives, hit a security check point on monday at gunpoint left. at least 9 people dead in a nearby valley. come all hides, it has moved from the stomach, but if it is
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a red coordinated attack by the $30.00 bond bug is gone on progress on the military port. the military admitting that credit of their story judge were killed in an overnight attack on a military force in the bundle division, close to the north where they just on board. the navy average was once a strong board of that's a good job on focused on hardware driven out by the military. however, in recent months, they've been a new spike and attacked by that dollar bond focused on earlier. it's always good. we're good. yeah, the avalon bar die and did all, riley this is the hybrid agency, also formerly focused on driver larry. i'd like to go along better the ringing because of the fact that the liberators unami had relative valued gelsburg 710 supplies attacks on security for that as well as getting out are deadly bombing. i was already reputation,
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which claimed over 30 lives. now it is important to know that the progress on a government guard and emergency harder, along with the progress on the military, james to discuss a red forward, they have announced that they are going to launch an operation and below just on. and there are indications that the focus on the military will also be going on the offensive against the dig, a dollar bond focused on and that type of thing. well probably come all the data off. it's on my by the trial a full my homecoming media mogul. jimmy ly has resumed following a months long delay in growing calls for his release repeated hold up. some cases related to anti government protests that took place in 2019 have raised questions about the integrity of the cities, leave the system. some critics have accused authorities of using the judiciary to stifle opposition outs and folk reports now from home. com as another day and the dogs, one of the most recognizable faces of home comes pro democracy movements based off
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building that businessman jimmy live was charged in december. 2020, under the national security law, accused of colluding with foreign forces and conspiring to publish the dishes content. and his role is found to be apple daily newspaper. prosecute has pointed to his meetings of senior us government officials and the identified articles. they said, encouraged people to protest against the government. for the case against the 76 year old has dragged all the trial was meant to get under way 2 years ago. but his face repeated delays these things out of ways in shapes and round about kevin. yeah, i'm is a former hong kong lawyer wanted for national security offences and living in excel . he could be in a similar situation if he ever returns to the city and says lengthy, hold up since such a case of impact just as the you've got a problem with, with a witnesses can still recall things, whether their testimony is reliable and all of that it's far from ideal and in
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what's made was seen all of this is the national security laws, denial of payable for most people who are trash under hong kong, low any unreasonable delay can result in the reduced a sentence, or even in the case being thrown out so altogether for the 6 parameters, what constitutes an unreasonable delay adding to the problem in the home phone right now is a significant backlog of cases related to the 29th and as a government process, police say more than $10000.00 people were arrested during those demonstrations around $7000.00 cases is still under investigation authority say many of them are complex. some of the pace of these probes is justified. as with all types of crime, if the fax is all full could be encrypted, the police do don't simply close the book on various cases. they continue investigations and this new material comes to lights and then they will about
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reassessed the situation. the trial is drawn into national interest, but his prime minister kissed i'm a raised concern about reports of lies, pool health, following a meeting chinese present age and ping on the sidelines of the g. 20 summit in brazil. i didn't coming us president donald trump as pledge to secure lives release . but officials and home kind of want against interference in the cities internal affairs. patrick folks will just 0 home come preparations have been gone for an operation term. they've hundreds of people underground and legal mind in south africa as been tent stand off between police and the men who refused to come to the surface for fear of being arrested. authorities accused of causing all food and supplies and had been to make the work as leave a protest is in georgia holding me, riley's despise a crack down my with demonstrations. i have
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a nice outside to place a state university against the results of last month election. the opposition says the bose is written by the government who is accused as being pro russia. the i'm the united states, a cooper investigation into the allegations of election food allegations space x has launch the 6 test flights. if it's da ship broke, is you as president elect donald trump attended the launch along side space. x found the 8 on mosque as it took off from brownsville and texas launch aims to test the starships capabilities in lights. this point we've been going to have hit a new record high pausing above $94000.00 for the 1st time since the slightly encrypted current. so you've seen
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a major rise since donald trump from the us presidential election, and the investors expect the new administration to introduce policies favorable to the digital currency. that's it from me. my. the inside, the weather is next and inside story looks at what's been achieved at the g 20 the color. the weather is looking pretty quiet now across much of china be they still have some pretty wet weather just into the fall south from the remnants of what is now tropical depression. many that's pulling out of the way. let's look a little further east. this area of low pressure here because of some significant assess, bring some really heavy right into that east, the sides of how to shoot before pulling out into the, from waters of the northwest pacific. so we'll turn a little, try, little bright. so here is a go on through friday where to weather does tech,
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but i came behind the quite i know of leap last things. really freshening up a rattling of wintry showers like they close that western side of japan as we go into the weekend. but try and find for the companies to add also for much of china, not a drive by the 2 across a good parts of india, but not particularly presence in the north. we have 4 paulding smoke holding see unhealthy air up towards the northern plains using right across the odor. protests all the way into punjab, into a good pato buck. the stock, more of the same as we go on in to friday. still some showers down towards the south and stride guessing some live the showers as well. a few show i was into southern parts of the arabian peninsula, but the most destroyed and settled with plenty of hazy sunshine. the. the, the latest news, as it breaks students are list a long to find
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a battle on their own in a sea of uncertainty and unfolding court with detailed coverage. even these hospitality costs can so that's a bit face of a treatment, tend to be a graveyards who displace families from the hoss at the story. hundreds of thousands of people in the north of gauze, i have little if any food, walter, or health care they're facing up so collect to conditions g 20 leaders failed to agree on financing climate change action. however, they have pledged support for multilateral lives in the global self and an open economy. but how would the group enforce all of this? and what will donald trump's return mean for the world order? this is inside story, the .


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