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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  December 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am AST

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find out how it's dining bass and this gives growth and extensive mining operations to a scan. corona virus helps left across the world with devastating effects, and it's widely believed to be connected to the legal wildlife place. here in vietnam, we visit a rescue center for some of the world's most threatened animals and joined the call for an end to the global. well, the web space or thrive on algebra. in serious civil war, russia, iran took us to us, an arab states or backing different factions. a swift opposition offensive has come as a shock. so how will these powers react? this is inside story. the hello again on james bay's a lightning attack by opposition fights is in northern syria is left regime forces
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reeling. that's where they were presence at toll with many areas, including a left po, fully without to fight. although highly planned, the offensive is taken most people by surprise, the country civil war from 2011 has been fault with extensive phone involvement. rushes being crucial to president bush upside staying in power. also with the support of a rom, neighboring took here, has backed opposition groups. well, western involvement has been more limited. restrained by the policies of leaders in the us, u. k. and e u a decade ago, much has changed since then as they have in syria in a few days. so how have outside power has been reacting to the events in the country? what they do next? and how could that affect serious people on the reach? and we'll discuss all of this with a pedal of guests in a moment. but 1st, this report from lower con scenes, reminiscent of a flight of serious stuff was, was,
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let's see. mostly frozen since 2020 people being carried from fluids hits by raising the strike fold it live in northern syria. this provence is controlled by hyatt, the sheriff, or h t. s. a group once associated with, i'll call you to the storage the uprooted by turkey and russia in 2020 complaints to treat mostly to eclipse. that's until h t. a spice has led, enlightening offensive on the lecture last week, reveling in the victory of to ration poll says sold is. now it's a bass will to control the duels with h t s leading. felicia isn't seizing a strategic road in star cube in it lip looking ration troops from entry level. hold on with the end of to a cold boy push towards how the mold of the 100 kilometer itself. 3 gene began bolstering troops, not provence. this push to rejoin mazda of control has forced pressing the pressure
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on the outside and his allies to act. rooms for administer, abbas a rock cheese, swiftly pledge to support and travel to damascus to meet a thought before heading to the key of iran. russia and the lebanese fighting group has full a, have supported our thoughts, governments for more than a decade, providing military assistance from the ground and air boat. geo politics in the region are shifting let's say, has below, which is boxed by iran has been weakened by the conflict with israel and 11 on the display to runs. we estimation of support for syria. it may be reluctant to play sold to is on the ground. you don't need to know uh price or buy in different areas that cease fire i have reached in, in, in, in, in live on, which is what i smell. i'm leaving. you don't need anybody. good petition. i'm now this surprising, a fucking in you guys putting it on a very complicated solution which is sparkling in the front front of the same fi.
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israel that's frequently a tech talk. it's the use in syria booth regime underwriting and back to militia. turkey is involved in the current events to which places it back ceasing a town from kurdish lead searing democratic forces or sds, near the border with tucker kit on some day took it wants to drive the cf move in a 100 kilometer is east out across the phrases with us. the us is also involved. it has 900 trips by king dfcs, but to us political responsibilities, how people have being muted and not a lot sort of yes yes. also controls much of dorothy syria, an area with significant oil reserves. us government forces and their allies. we group of the show opposition? defensive russian war planes. happy launching as strikes. a dormant civil war re ignited. but to what extent isn't yet clear,
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it's north homes inside story. i'll just say around me. well let's discuss this further now with our panel of guess and i encourage we have, oh my oh, sky subject. he's director took his studies at the home run center for strategic studies, which focuses on the syrian civil war into ron hassan. i'm down as a professor of the university of toronto specializes in a radian foreign policy. and in moscow we got just left. my twos off is a full russian diplomats and chapman of the russian society of friendship with arab countries. welcome to you all with please. i think that we have a 3 of the most important countries, a reflects heat here, and we'll just joining us from iran, from russia, and from to kia. but we'll discuss many, many other countries. unfair involvements in that say in this, i'd like to start with you, i'm out of the situation was we got to key
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a tell me did took you have any role in this? did it green light this offensive? so 1st of all, it's really nice here to be at this small estimate from that and about the world of to keep this friends the just because it is just explain that to all of us, the smallest on the summit. because these are the countries that have been involved in the diplomatic process that was taking place, both in salt you at one point, but also in a sauna in catholic style. and that was that reference? yes. yes indeed. and the turkey showed here has to be honest with him, despite this offensive, was planned and ready to be executed set when weeks ago the truth half of to it several weeks ago, extra the but that type time to, to teach well, the prevented the serial number but it's from the lunchroom display of the operation. and since then we had seen an increased questionnaire activity. bomb being in the regional feed, live, and fall, so without taking some iep movements and the, the migration waste through us. it took scroll down,
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but only after the last i found a summit in which to tier the monday i requested the eh, wanted to launch. i mean to operation against the y p g to go to the dish entity that you can see. so i finish a security trip to russians in the army, and so i checked it. and afterwards, after this assignment from it, the russian suppression, i'm worried to see. we are loving to label the 2 piece presents and see a sample for paying for us and demand that the for the total of took it from syria and the mind at the end of the took the spot for the city and opposite k o position . after this, the toast understood quite clearly that the normalization attends with a soft fate because the ticket tried for almost 2 years now to get a subdivision and to see our position at the table and 2 can reached out that's hands to damascus and run through the audience and solution and see a want to piece and see about unfortunately, that must close was not the way the a knew that you are not a rush show us able to m falls or convinced that must because to be more
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constructive ends to give. finally, the green light and to soon where, but it's at once beyond a once expectation. how sign in toronto is that how it seems inter wrong? that would be plenty of diplomatic overtures, a neighbor or a buffed by a side. and the tucks really have no choice but degree night this. well, if you look at the austin process, and later on the sushi meeting, they boils down to to base 16 search the then doors 20 to 54. there's that lives in security costs are resolution that costs for a ceasefire. secondly, they establish the connection. so was including condenser, the other product, the key. yeah. and, and all those of us since 20 march 2020. when, when the sushi meeting happened, russia to get out of course, give on before that appeared as a guarantor,
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as of the escalation and that parts of the syria for 4 years. this agreement and the arrangements lasted all of a sudden we see a harsh by the series of the brussels backed by check here into other and it, i think from where i hear you enter wrong uh, the lives of this happening now. 5 quite important. the 1st 11 argument is that the syria rebels answer key or sans a weakness of size and access of resistance. yvonne, being preoccupied with all their files, are going to be pushed towards other loses and violation of agreed on agreements. and the 2nd argument, which is even worse, i think uh there, there is this perception that there's a, this is not the copy from what israel is doing. we can the access of resistance
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it's, it goes as to some arguing that it's, it should be coordinated because that's exactly what these are. and once a couple of, uh, guys are from other files in the region and then having the access of resistance to be occupied with other files including is syria. these are the items that are there other than that, i think for the way the ends, the shots as the see areas where because as i said before years they've seen and nothing got the sort p, c and achievable. although there were of course diplomatic differences between 30 and syria and 20 voluntary. busy but that there was, there was a motion for that was more, it didn't occur to them that bestbuy shouldn't happen. otherwise they would have been more wicked and more ready for it. okay, if you have just left in moscow, i would like to ask you one how this is being seen in moscow. how surprised all
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people by the success of this offensive, how people show that i'm, what do you may took took is role here. where from that more school, on my opinion is the vision of situation in not some of the reason that of syria is absolutely clear. if it is in that range and supported a fully and unconditionally. the problem of the talk is government. that's 1st. oh, the 2nd point is that the situation and not see it out, we cannot to look after without the and you're at the end goal then international development in the world policy. what is happening in the world in new britain, in the middle is in progress and so on. this is the bought the well develop on better oh no, no other ways we can see it a this the way it is develop. but on the ad upstate in the mid the least,
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and they add a blog because syria last year were made a great that, but in my opinion, is obsessed by returning to the legal world upstage. first of all, they did it better is that relations was ad upsets of golf in the gulf area and the, or egypt and all the gone through. so i assumed that the developments in there is you and what, what happened to it just the day before before the end or instead of mention the i live, i live it is, it is sign in the agreement in lead bundle is between is riley governments and the i live when he is a representatives are on the on the as be our of a i spy, elva america nibbler diploma. who the search suited to
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bring the table to antonio, which is shows and to sign this agreement between israel and the left button on what is stopping or getting it uh, stopping that more. and that's why i assume that the situation was quiet. oh, go go ahead. and see the drill, the su drait or the news reserve. us guys a was 3, but should do ition. so in exactly right this, that time it begins the new uh, problem, new garages in not seeing. yeah. it has not started 0 and i see that it is a 11 the bought. oh there is reason for development. if you stopped something in the guys i live on on and may be an old grain to because i know grand rush and fosters develop in
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a sex on the on. is that the moment the and and uh huh. well threatening, i'm a is retired, is a or is fired, failing to, to defend the positions. so i think all this, do minds come to the conclusion that the, the situation around that i live for is a one part of this situation in the every area in the brain. somebody let me run again. if i could just bring it over again, that's the focus again on the, on the on, on, on to t is position because the turkish foreign minister, how confidant said he wants to react today each, this a storm, a process that we have been talking about. one assumes now whatever involvement took you had in this offensive, it certainly gives the president of the one much more leverage. what would you say?
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all the things that to, to the 11 time, assuming the priorities of the return of refugees who are in tokyo, back to syria, to do something about the could the situation so ready to tear which starts hand through the russian. you see line, you can test out, the reasoning was quite confident in the gains, and there's no motivation of that subdivision with the state that has given them the impression that i thought can be normalized without giving any concessions for this, you know, position i was about to catch repeat that they insisted that they needs to be a co fight against terrorism due to dish y p g. that needs to be the pathway forward to a ton of a for g, and it needs to be a positive 4 point to solution. however, none of these touched amounts were accepted by the country we, we have seen the months from to get to withdraw from syria, which is not possible. so, after giving this green light,
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how has the patient change quickly make it to redo it for a while. this and this at the origin of type of product where russia, where i meant to post the area to be clean from the right picture, tara goop is now cleaned from the wipes to tear group the addition to the zip code groups. but not everyone says it's a type of group. yeah, yes. yeah. and the city and branch of the p k. k is the white piece of the crew dish and it's not clean, but there is no much right from this region to lots to get any more interactions faith in protecting them. so this approach from to get has also enabled to do a ton of if you, jeez, now, because most of the way for jason to care for me, i live for. and the only way to see some attempts are for to refrigerate turns. and probably once the security is relatively established, and if we don't say a security clause in and around that level, we can expect that so many refugees would go back to syria that there wouldn't be no, we'd domestic suit you if you g issue a problem,
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any more insight to keep the i do not expect that all of to for just sort of go back but enough that it's manager. but lastly, in terms of the political solution to get we have mentally and from me in these that if there's a new constitution, the transition government and free and fair elections, this is the best outcome for syria. and also for to tier 2 tier ones to elected government and syria and to preach the solution in syria. so far, the leasing side was not willing to discuss anything and in that so in that manner and now with the changing situation on the ground, i hope that the stand on man members in moscow in tucson would use the influence on damascus to convince the mass coast and us have to assume to engage in a meaningful process for, for the to the solution in syria. for us, this is the only way for what for peace. yeah. just love. i know you wanted to get in that. what do you make of those points, particularly the last point. i mean,
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the whole un security council, including russia, voted for resolution $2254.00, which talks about new constitutional arrangements about free and fair elections. those have just been blocks haven't backed by the a side regime. they've found ways to just to delay on, on those and never make them happen. the are the possible to agree that military oppression, again, forces syria took and to and to. busy to accept some conditions suggested by jar, good, and not the united states. no. i didn't get to the strategic mistake over all those politicians who were going to see that we might be able to take action with the just one second. i'll bring you back in your continue, please? yes, just left. well, i think that the,
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it is impossible. it is who is the subject of peaceful negotiations, but not military actions. my brother, the opinion that o a political effort stories set the situation inside serious inside students, not inside talking, not inside their rock, nothing inside the united states. without speaking about student territory. we know that there is such a definition in the international law as the independence of syria, as the estate of the member of the united nations. yes, the so the, so somebody in service or if we go back to that, nobody is probably buddy to go. they'll just look via just very quickly. i want to ask you one more question before i bring it back in. i mean, is there environment in russia about the failure of russia to support what was going on? i see there are reports coming from military blow goes with good links to the defense ministry saying the general in charge of pressing forces in syria has been
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fired. right? absolutely. he failed i, my brother is up in and he is the responsible. who is it is a situation in milk from military angle. how, what does it mean if you will open, how it was possible to, to collect such kind over the command, but a def, so then the own miller militants, who it and that city or where. okay, russian government. okay, we go, you know, we go to the ground, so going to those are covered in the program and then where you will, the is, uh okay. oh my you want to jump exactly, but then i need the need to go back to his. um yeah, i mean i am quite frustrated to see that the restaurant is rejecting what they accepted in the united nation secrete to consider resolution and trust. i agreed to come by russia, and unfortunately, if there is no willingness from the russian and do i mean sides and do authority
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does not change. i am quite skeptical if we would see peaceful syria soon. and if the must go into harm, does not use the implants on a side to foster side, a come to negotiation fee, but with this, you know, position, then we would see much more escalation. see what, okay, and last but not least the so anyway, but it's a celia business, assuming an issue and it wasn't the ceiling and so it turned and it was the children who may have crossed off. i left was 58. okay, cool. that's what i'm looking for. i want to bring day. i want to bring her son in on it runs role now because in the past, along with the russian at power, it rainy and forces raining offices on the ground cost is bowler. hope being absolutely key in helping the side racing. but is it not fair to say that his bullet is seriously degraded? iran has all the things audits. mind right now kindly ron help,
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and this is around last called those pro a writing militia that we think a streaming in now across the border from a rock. well, i see that was the perception. that's how these rather groups in my future get to move to make the move on the, on the, on the internet. i think i'm from what i hear from the turkish side, and it's very much debated to your tech farm as well. does it take keys? basically telling the syrians that run use the russians is what's mine is mine was yours is emotion about $20.00 to $55.00 was not all the about a constitution and elections, which was also about the territorial integrity. if i hear via pharma is saying that we saw certain kitchen courses from north to syria is impossible. why is it, how does that sound surface forces are the on the occupying force now in syria?
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that's part of $20.00 to $54.00 as well. now the syrians have been clear that the turkish forces need to get out of syrian tire 3 for a man to normalize with 30 women knots being an occupying force for the radians back in the us thought process 2255. for the same thing, you cannot have elections, you cannot have before. you cannot have territorial integrity with us forces and we're taking forces on the ground with rivals folding, edited and taking it away from the syrian a top uh, author, any the internal things. so we don't have, we don't know something we don't have much time left. i just would like to, to address that part of my question about what's happening with regard to the buddha from iraq is that both iran is now involved in encouraging fighters to come over from iraq. and do we have any idea of what, what number of flights is it was
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a james, you know, the way it is beautiful. your body's that turkey is creating a situation is there, have to force the learning as their allies in the region to at least to their terms is never do that. usually when they are pushed against been pushed back and that is what type of website they need a new job. and if it's by law, i've already said that there is supporting divisions into syria. i think of the there wouldn't be, was there what would be push back managers pushed back because when cherokee it decides to move on to as long as the to the ground to the feel to push back and then translating into achievement and, and, and then the diplomatic setting in the us on as i come to the office that i think the other side also was not the sky. they could, they would move. and that's what we've seen happen in new areas of sense. their advisors, the rockies have moved in this area and the finds,
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the national defense forces have been active, moving towards them, either other people. they have to be fine to yesterday. and today i think this will continue to push back well with on the i q will, they don't to create or recreate the situation that was before the push back against the advisor. them them to move to the default start out with most, but the 242, and 2, you know, double exports, that certification leverage created, created by this advance is and the 2nd edge i think is the loss of the turkish credibility. it was supposed to oversee those rebels not to basically violate today. we define it. ok. i think you might have to do, but i think i think i think you've made that point. certainly, as i, i might if i could bring you in because we focused rightly on these 3 very important countries. um, can i briefly ask you to discuss,
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there are lots of other countries in the world, particularly the western countries, the us, the you but also the arab lea, a many of those countries at the start of this, of certain civil war. 13 years ago was saying a sad to must go. now it's really noticeable how you today are in comparison with, you know, degree. so 1st of all, let me wish good luck to our friends any wrong and russia in we was in communities patient on to go on. i would like to a mind that the turkish army has nothing to me to create a new direct or it was disagree anywhere, but it's only about okay towards the end. do i know? yeah, i need to. i mean, if you think the question, because we don't have much time yeah, to time. so question i think with the incoming turned back from the station and with the current approach and to find in moscow the to k would be quite interesting in negotiating with trump. and i think the possibility for an agreement between the
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us and to kia on celia has just increased exposure, the must go and the far and continues to the pay the same from the same playbook. okay, well, thank you very much for joining us. all guess today. well, how said i'm on the on the i just love my to solve and, oh, my skis, don't shake. if you came in half way through the program. remember, you can always watch it again on our app for on out a 0 adult calm. sure. once you, we discuss next time on the show. let us know your ideas by using our facebook page . that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. i can also contact us on x. look for at a inside story. that's it for me, james space and the team here though, ha, please stay safe and healthy. i'll see you again here. very soon, bye bye. for now, the
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many in taiwan believe a chinese invasion isn't all to be upfront and some are preparing the military in the island. a 25. you diligently trains of civil defense costs be good to be come back to read for the day. and she hopes would never have austin recently experiencing this winter. i talked to witness divided straits on and just either being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the
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devastating human cost of their decisions working about 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divides us through a decade of ordering individuals and institutions working and translation between arabic and 40 other world languages. shay come on, award for translation and international understanding is hosting it's 10 towards serve. on the 10th of december 2024 in doha, tom shay come on the award for translation and international understanding from the arabic language to mankind. the,
12:00 am
the, the, [000:00:00;00] the clear this is in use our on al jazeera. i'm fully back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. government forces carry out more strikes in syria targeting fight is as they advance towards the country's 4th largest city. he's


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