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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 3, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the world languages shay come odd award for translation and international understanding is hosting its 10 towards serve. on the 10th of december 2024 in doha guitar, shea come on the award for translation and international understanding from the arabic language to mankind. the. the services in use are on algae 0. i'm fully by people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. south korea's national assembly passes a resolution blocking president june. so gil, from declaring martial law, the opposition democratic party is liter lee. john news says anyone acting under the president's order now is breaking the law as to the problem is being protest me at the parliament against the president martial law and declaration to be live in
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souls with the very like. the thank you for joining us. south korea's national assembly has passed a resolution blocking the martial law and declared by the president, calling it invalid. 190 of its 300 members were able to get access to the building after the military tried to stop people from entering. it would count exceeds as president human, so killed the cad marshal law the 1st time the country has done. so. since 1979, the opposition democratic party leader lead draining, says anyone acting under the president's order is breaking the law off to the parliament's vote. on the south korea as constitution martial law must be lifted when a parliamentary majority demands it. shall i don't mean your open a hit bindix at an emergency marshall in order to defend the free republic of korea
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from the subject of north korean communist forces and to eradicate the shameless criminal and the state forces that pricing on people of that freedom and happiness this measure is necessary to safe called a constitutional or a freedom or something. so non designing due to this martial law, i will rebuild and protect the free republic of korea, which is falling into the depths of national ruin. i will decisively eliminate onto state forces who being wreaking havoc under the main co puts of nations down full. well, this is an unavoidable step to protect our freedoms and safety of the people, as well as to ensure the nation sustainability and security against dionte state forces attempting to over throw off system. we will. and this is a scene in so where it's just after 3 am protest is gathering in large numbers
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against the president's declaration, but also rejoicing at the national assemblies vote. to declare this motion by the president, this decision illegal and blocking it, there was shocking anger on the stories of the soft curry and capitol with some of the protest as gathered outside the national assembly, calling for the president's the rest. let's get the latest with our eunice came who was live from. so eunice, just after 3 am and still lots of people on the streets there outside of national assembly. bring us up to speed with what's been happening. the right, that's right. it is late into the night early morning, wednesday and it's also quite cold outside as we are approaching winter here in the south korea. but that does not seem to have combed the excitement that perhaps that is being felt outside of the national assembly. as at about 1 am local
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time. as you noted, 190 lawmakers were able to get past the police barricades to enter the chamber to unanimously vote for a motion that calls on president use on your to cancel his motion to declare martial law. now we have had a deafening silence from the presidential office. we have not heard from the president since that uh, national address on the state on national television. but we are hearing from us some of his aids through local reports that they did not know this was coming in and the parents of effort to distance themselves from the president. now as well, we are seeing of where unity across political aisles, but it has to be said the national assembly has been very polarized between
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the liberal party and the president's conservative party. but with this surprise and shocking motion to declare martial law, that really nobody saw coming, at least and in the general's fear it. i think it's really united the 2 rival political parties in calling for the president to cancel it, calling it unconstitutional. and that any police and soldiers who take actions in line with the now cancelled martial law by the national assembly would be breaking the law. speaking of, of soldiers and police units. what's the security situation like around the national assembly building? because earlier, they were a soldiers trying to prevent time just on people from getting in front of trying to prevent politicians from getting into the building. and then they later withdrew.
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what's the security situation like in the vicinity of the national assembly right now? so we are not hearing any reports of physical skirmishes. i am seeing police a big police vans against the backdrop of, of the a crowds that are gathered outside of the national assembly. but these are big police vans that usually show up when there is a big riley or a big gathering of people, which sole is, frankly, a very familiar with. it seems, every weekend on a saturday there are multiple civic groups holding a rally and holding demonstrations. and typically there is a large police presence for crowd control. but as far as any uh, what we saw earlier of of police and soldiers blocking entry to lawmakers, the elected leaders of this land,
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which is really odd site to id because law makers typically have have free flow of access to the parliament building. but so far, things seems to be quite peaceful, although there is a lot of uncertainty still. yeah. a great deal of uncertainty. how much disruption i mean, it happened, of course, in the evening. so, you know, the markets were closed and so on. how much disruption do we expect this to cause? if the crisis continues, if we go into a prolonged crisis, what impact is it going to have on the economy? the financial might walk as a daily life and software you right? that is a concern that many of financial regulators are also dealing with tonight. and there have, i think, is a conversation as far as they even want to open the stock markets tomorrow in order to kind of, uh, you know, ease the hard landing if you will,
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in trading. we are already hearing that the korean one has us dropped 2 levels we have not seen and over 2 years. and of course, south korea is a very export reliant economy. so any, a big shift in, in the currency markets is, is going to deal an impact for traders. but at the moment, um, it is very much a wait and see situation and politically, it looks like, at least on the outside of everybody, is for canceling. the, the, the marshal law announcement, but that is something that only president use honey. i can do so many people will be watching to see his next move since declaring that martial law some 4 hours, 5 and a half, 5 hours ago. yeah. everyone watching closely indeed, because economic repercussions, i say, could be huge as this is,
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asia is 4th largest economy, but also the 12, the largest economy in the world units came in. so thank you very much for the moment. while everyone as unit said that watching the situation unfolding in south korea very closely the united states, which is south korea as close as online the region. cautiously of knowledge, the situation is said, the administration is in contact with the republic of korea as government and is monitoring the situation closely. that's go live to our white house correspondent, kimberly hall kit. kimberly. this is called everyone by surprise, including the white house talk us through the various statements from washington. they've all been very cautious and yeah, and what we're hearing from the deputy secretary of state campbell is that in addition to the fact that the united states is in contact with the officials in south korea, they are watching the events unfold with what he said was grave concern,
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in addition monitoring carefully because the united states has security interest in the region, there are some 30000 us soldiers that are positioned there. and there is a significant, as well as strategic security relationship between the united states, south korea as well as japan. and that there are a number of purposes for being there. there is the need to in the eyes of divided ministration to fend off what it says is north created russian ad. also the growing influence of china, particularly with respect to its influence in the south china sea and with regard to disputes over the as the issue of taiwan. so what we know is that the concern for the buying and ministration is making sure that the relationship that goes far back but has been reaffirmed,
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is recently is just 2 weeks ago when the us uh president as well as the south pre and leader. and the japanese leader as well were meeting on the sidelines of a pack is that they continue to stay in close, quote, communication and cooperation. even if they haven't spoken just in the last day or so, their governments certainly are right. uh, interesting that you say they, they continue to stay in close communication because one of the lines that says just dropping now is that the us just saying that it wasn't notified in advance. so of this of south korean marshall not declaration. talk to us more about the relationship between the 2 governments and more specifically, between president biden and the south korean leader. what, what does it been like that'll be something that will be of concern to the, by the ministration, given the fact that the 2 leaders did need just a couple of weeks ago,
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they did sign up in back in april of 2023 here in washington. a declaration of their re affirming they. 2 for security partnership and their desire to work in a tri lateral arrangements, so to be fly sided is sort of going against that affirmation of that relationship which has been established. so there certainly is the grave concern, but it has been expressed by the deputy secretary state moving forward. we're also in an unusual period of time right now where we are in the transition period between the bible ministration. following the november 5th, the us presidential election, and now that transitioning period to january 20th when there will be the an operation of prizes and president elect donald trump. and so the question becomes, and many in washington have been wondering, would there be some sort of an incident with respect to north korea and whether or
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not there would be any sort of a action taken on the part of north korea to take opportunity of this transition period and that is still the big question mark of washington with respect to if that has any influence on the events taking place. now. kimberly thank you very much for that. kimberly. how catch is our white house correspondent lives they have from washington? well, let's take a closer look at south korea's president tools. popularity has plummeted in recent months. on, on december 18th, 1916 sold softly at june. sockhill grew up in an academic family. he served as a prosecutor for nearly 30 years and became famous for pursuing high profile cases, including investigations, a former residents in march 2022 you and was elected south korea's 13th president in a tightly contested election since taking office has prioritized strengthening alliances with the us addressing what he calls threats from north korea and enhancing south korea's global leadership, particularly in technology and trade. but he's also been drunk by
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a series of scandals including one involving his wife while joining us not to discuss these latest developments. the so jane lame, who's the co director of the international institute of career. i'm studies at the university of central lancaster. she's live from preston in the u. k. and also with us as c one cool. managing editor of the korea expos. a who's in stuttgart, germany. thank you both for being with us on algae or quite astonishing developments in south korea and these last 2 hours. i think a lot of people didn't see this coming. let me ask you 1st about the, the latest developments. so jen lam, uh and this is of course the national assembly voting to block the martial law declaration by the president. how do you think this is going to play out now? how long will this crisis moment last? see think uh, i do not want to how we, uh, to conclude, but uh, starting from the,
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the situation and to what we have had in south korea. we're centrally so far as we know that we've had gatherings in protest and many of the people is the student demanded impingement of the in some, you know, and this was very radical decision by you. and i think that was the only route for him to think as a last resort. so this was this, i think we've become the catalyst, almost the population is south korea. and what this will lead will be probably the impeachment of the prism to now. so you won't grow your thoughts difficult to see what's going to happen. well, the president rescind this declaration and are we likely to seize in the basement? the search in lynn says so it's yeah, the question was, is not sorry to interrupt you. that question was for you in socio i'm sorry. okay.
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can you won't see won't cool. can you hear me? sorry that question was for you. my apologies. yes. yes, i hear you sorry. yes. the question comes down to whether you're in so good is. busy law abiding that, i mean, we have heard the opposition, arguing that the declaration of martial law itself was invalid to begin with. not least because it was done without consultation with the national assembly. so it has been and now we have seen the resolution coming from the national assembly calling on the president and to resend the declaration. and um, if he is somebody who has respect for the constitution, then rule of law himself 3 and then he should accept it. but he's interesting is we have heard only a complete silence from the presidential office as we speak. i believe there are about 20 south korean journalist came down in the press room of the president's
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office waiting to see if there's going to be actually any kind of comment coming out. but so far the signs are very unlikely. you know, i think that the mislead is right to say that we're going to see the political landscape moving toward an impeachment against president un. and it should be processed perhaps very quickly. indeed, interesting that he hasn't said anything that we haven't heard anything from him since he made that declaration in that late night tv address. he's opponents so jean lame have accused him of trying to use the military for his own political gains. and we have heard some within the military saying that even with the national assembly blocking the declaration, that it would still hold until the president signs it. um, do you, where do you see the military going with this? which way would it go? does the president have the full support of the military, a unified support of the military?
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this is the very coach co, but at the same time, fairly interesting point for us to look at now because in the past, at the midterm, we, when we were under the military government in stop 3 and 9 to 17, and i did the military power was really, really high at the high amount moment, but now we are having the different generations. even though they do decision makers and military, we are still from the older generation. but at the moment, the young generation, they had the, the main soldiers there, i'm that generation. i don't think we are going to have the same teachers and as in the past. but at the same time, the decision makers in the military members are, well, they have no choice but to follow the present. but i don't think the pregnancy unit will delay this for any long because the he has no other choice but needed to follow the majority of the population in south korea. now, i think he lost the game. i see one cool. uh so generally mention of the young generation. of course, this is not the 1st time that marshall has been declared in
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a soft career. the last time was in the 1980s. but most of the countries young generation, all that experience has been a vibrant democracy. you know, what will they make of this? and, you know, again, the same question to you, which way do you think the military will go with this decision? yes, i mean even for someone like me who was in his forties sort of idea of martial law in south korea. so shocking. and i think this is something that just about everybody in south korea, we say they are just done by the development and even the term itself marshal law. that something that people do not hear very often in the context of self gram politics. when it comes to how the military is acting, or even if they're different and not so a some commentators truly believed that south korean military is not especially well unified. there are different factions within it, and they are probably having discussions as to what to do. some infections may be
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in favor of supporting the president, but others might not be. but when i look at the actual people who are at the very top of the military, who have been instrumental to this declaration, and they are people who are very close connections to the president, gonzalgo. it's the commander who is in charge of carrying out the marshal, lloyd says, and also a minister of defense. he who has when gone to the same high school as the president. and these people have reported the being instrumental in making the events of yesterday, in korea and today or reality. so that dimension cannot be discount to when we think about how the president may be planning his next thoughts. all right. of course, we are waiting to see what his next move is going to be in the meantime, just as you know, pull back in and take a look at the original implications of
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a prolonged political crisis in north korea. we've heard from my correspondent in washington that there is some concern in washington dc, especially with the us being in between 2 administrations right now. so would you name what do you think it is the line of thinking within the us administration right now? do you think they see this as a political dispute with then south korea, or should they be more concerned about what it could mean for the security of the region as a whole? i think it was actually the other way around. the reason why use on your had to, to take these a radical measure is because of the factors that trump is becoming the new presence of the united states. because the trump, himself is someone who we cannot easily expect what she's going to do next time. so use only of may have, does need to take the different direction from the notion she has taken
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a bunch of today because the trunk will probably have a somewhat different from the biden's optimization. and that's also made to make the ends on you're about to really frustrated. so having said that, it will be really about whether the population is out. cool. yeah. will be successful to take visions. i'm, you're down from the ultimate assures me from his office or not defend the united states. really look at it and then we'll see how they can take action afterwards. do you agree with that? i see one code that the, you know, the person might have taken this action because there's a new leader and donald trump coming into the white house. and you know that he's doing that because of that as well. i think at the very least um, it is reasonable to conclude, said yours, i'll go in and pay no regard to the opinions of the guard and by do not ministration. mister vitamins has about 2 months left and this time mr. trump is taking cover very soon, so it's um, when we look at, for example,
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another example of where um, south korean government promised to deliver weapons to crane. but now are holding back on the problem is because they are not sure about how this decision will be take processed by the incoming trumpet administration. so yeah, in that same way, i think the influence would be biting a demonstration on south korea at the moment is clearly limited. and we do want to st. come into detail about the reason or security implication of all this and how for the us, what is happening is of course you might be important and that is rather than with regard to north korea. who used to go has been quite instrumental to improving ties with japan. well, which also as a very important american ally. and the reason is some size, a country that us very much one to south korea to be called closer to for
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a long time. and when you and is to be impeached or removed from power, that old dynamic is going to shift no question. and whoever succeeds you in this office is likely to be someone less interested in this relationship. he won't co thank you so much so much in name. thank you both for speaking to us about the situation in software. you would really appreciate your insight and we will have more analysis of the developments inside create laser and then use our thank you to the center of the world news now. and in guys that dozens of palestinians have been killed in is really strikes on tuesday. and gaza city are you in school and sports club sheltering hundreds of display spanish, simians were targeted in separate is really as strikes, multiple deaths and injuries were reported. a mosque in the area was also hit early
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on tuesday and not always really of time targeted jabante, a refugee cam settings, several residential buildings on 5 honey. my hood has the latest dial, blah in central gas, throughout the day, were witnessing a surgeon via tox, particularly on golf, a city where there's really military, within a span of the pos, a few hours here at more deadly attacks are getting rid of dense of buildings, public facility evacuation centers at that school and as they through neighborhoods housing, hundreds of displays, families, truck was this truck with the drawn missed all of these were looking to 6 people reported because right of the spot in many other with various injuries were all transfers out at the hospital on a separate toxins, really military targeted is for the club in what's in part of garza city, killing 4 people and more than 8, with various injuries crit, some of them was reported with the critical injuries also transferred to an over well hospitalized right. now the hospital has been accommodating large numbers of
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injuries for the past few months to the point now it's being pushed to the brink of collapse with insufficient medical staff available right now to provide proper medical care and the acute shortage your medical supply altogether, making it very difficult for the health facilities to operate in a sustainable proper way. also another attack in a shudder, refuge account. this particular refuge account has been relentlessly. vaughn, vita is really monitors is the initial weights of this genocide. those were the vast majority of holes in life. the supporting system across the records you can own means of life have been destroyed or severely damaged and the majority of people have been pushed into further internal displacement. as the work continues, the northern part of the strip of witnessing and increase of the genocide those are couple would be it's miss lindsey activities going on. right now. the systematic
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destruction of demolition of homes as well as the absolutely destruction of all means of life including agriculture. land that being both of those large be in the northern part of the strip. the hospitals have being switched out of service. the entire northern part of the state is running down and one of the regional health facilities that is running at the lowest capacity possible. let's not forget for the past 60 days, the northern part of the state has been without any proper access to water, medical supplies, or any of the life savings and necessarily, and that's, that certainly needed life saving items or resources as the work continues across the javascript and even more out of your data from the central area of the gulf, how the site and syria opposition side to say they are advancing in government town territory and of seize control of several towns in the northwest and province of
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hama. the siri nami, helped by russian forces is responding with as strikes late last month. opposition forces long show offensive from england, aimed at a level a serious 2nd largest city. they rapidly drove out. government forces taking full control in just 4 days. most reports from a level of safety on what every day life is like. they have 4 reservations just days after it was taken over by opposition fighters were here. now in the city of a level, in a phase neighborhood, you just choose to do one of the most, the popular and busy is neighborhoods in the area and famous with its markets and restaurants in the city of other people. as you can see behind me. now the local markets are. busy are slowly and gradually reopening in the city to meet the needs of the people. uh and uh, the pro city. as you can see also over there. uh, one of the most famous restaurants in ali,
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post city. we just talked to the owner. and he told us that uh, they are just trying to cope with the rapid changes that only post city has witness . and the last a few days as the opposition forces are now control of the city and its entirety due to the stub. we're trying to meet the needs of the people on trying to be of service to the residents of a live post city over there. as you can see now the markets are, you know, gradually reopening and people are now coming back to open their markets to open the tray. and now some civilians are expected to the previous days. some sort of a frustration has this sense. but now we felt that this has
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reduced a little bit of miles. your coping with the changes that the area uh have uh with this. and they basically told us that we have no choice and we have to adopt these changes. uh because we have to open our re doing, we have to open our markets, we can't shut them forever. however, the opposition for forces have been reassuring safety to go civilians and reassuring to the civilians. telling them that you can go on the street. you can open your establishment, you can, you can go on to work. and if there isn't any more plays i, sir ridge you more plays, you can live your lives normally. and all of that was expressed and issued by the cedar and salvation. a government of the syrian opposition forces,
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however civilians, uh, going to hell, but the show slide to the cations of fear. but now things are changing as people are returning to their lives and their today activities. even in a slow rate. let's get an update on the situation. you never know now with no day losing amman. jordan nor i'm not living on, i should say, syria, israel, admitting in the last hour that is carried out a targeted assassination in syria. what more can you tell us about that's right slowly. these really are me saying that earlier in the day they carried out an error strike against jamal some, some on that these really army identified as his beloved envoy to the syrian army. we haven't heard from his bull on the issue, but this just goes to reiterates,
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remind everybody that as well as it says is on at war on 7 different products. so there is syria, there is 11 on there is the occupied was fine and gaza and beyond those territories as well elsewhere. in addition to this assassination in syria, fully israel also carried out an air strike in the occupied west back into bus, killing 2 people injuring another, chasing after the person who was injured to a hospital in to boss looking for him and not finding him so that war on more than one front continues, even though israel says it is committed to the cease fire would live in on and wants to see it hold in the days and weeks ahead. no, thank you very much for the update. that's no road a life worth it. in amman, jordan a head on and use our another night of demonstrations in georgia. i apologize. so, so angry, a lot of decisions spend,
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talk to join. the european union will be nice. not even the whole team could face this one asian chapter action on the weight of the tele, that is also settled, whether to be found across the middle east and event at the moment. and that is set to continue over the next few days. so lots of sunshine across the gulf temperatures where we expect to see them. laws need twice, guys, with just a few showers coming into places like q 8 and the northeast of saudi arabia. but across that event, we all seen some on sex of whether that is sets to ease as we go into thursday. but behind it you can see some very what and windy weather moving across the north of
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africa. that thanks to unsettled weather, edging its way across the mediterranean. so we'll see some heavy rain for algeria to new z a and eventually libya coupled, you coupled with some very strong winds in the days ahead, is much quieter. i'm room across the north of africa, even hotter across the very south. we got a heat wave conditions blasting into what's one of the gap around seeing 14 degrees celsius, a little bit cooler in cape town with settled weather. you can see the weather, the weather, picking up across eastern areas of south africa, some of those showers, touching into the sue to n. s, which you need as well. but for johanna spoke, we are going to see the mercury rice who were already went above the average with a chance of thunderstorms on 1st day i of the place. and so i go on with say, the press for treated with the color of the media hub and vital vantage point to
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june. the 1st truly televised war from the roof. we could see recreation at the american embassy for the most iconic images of the conflict. and vietnam were transmitted to the world. this was the front row sheet to the final stages of the war cycle and caravel war hotels, oil just here. officer a decade of honoring individuals and institutions working and translation between arabic and 40 other world languages. shay come on. the award for translation and international understanding is hosting. it's 10 towards serve. on the 10th of december 2024 in doha guitar, shea come on the award for translation and international understanding from the arabic language to mankind. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news on, on to 0 reminder on main story. this, our, a soft 3 is national assembly as fast to resolution blocking the martial law declared by the president position is called invalid present use on kill declared martial law. and then kind of bounce late night t. the address on tuesday. the accused the countries main opposition party of sympathizing with north korea and of on tie state activities surprises. antonio joining audi has called on into swiftly lift, marshall long after the parliamentary folks as get more reaction to the situation in south korea and speak to christian salumi. now is life for us at the united nations. a great deal of concern, i imagine pursuing a way you are about these developments in software. yeah,
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especially since the country currently sits on the un security council, a lot of concern, a lot of surprise. it appears not a lot of information about what's happening. and basset, or 1 june cook of south korea, came to work today like it was any other day. as you mentioned, south korea does hold a seat on the security council there and elected member. he walked into the building. i attempted to stop him and ask him a question about the declaration of martial law. he just smiled and kept on walking . he went into the security council chambers. he made his remarks on behalf of south korea about the topic of the day, which was women in peace and security and their role in peace and security. and then he left the meeting early. all right, it's the same reaction we've gotten actually from a lot of ambassadors and un officials who tell us that they are still processing.
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what has happened to the secretary general is on his way back to new york from overseas, his spokesperson says they're watching very closely with concern about the situation there. but i should point out that because this is an internal matter and south korea is not on the agenda, the security council, it's not the kind of thing that the secretary general will go into a lot of detail on. but there is concern about any instability on the korean peninsula, given the tense relations with north korea. and the fact that north korea is on the agenda, the security council here it is under international sanctions over its ballistic and nuclear missile program. so we know many countries are concerned about instability there, but i spoke to the united states and boston or the french ambassador, the chinese ambassador and the u. k. a basset, or, and i got the same response from all of them. we are still processing what's happening. we're watching the news just like you are. so clearly this took
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a lot of people by surprise. kristin, thank you very much for that question. so mean i for us today at the united nations in new york, one has been decades since martial law was imposed in south korea when the country was actually ruled by military dictatorship. the last declaration of martial law to be made was in october of 1979 after president fox during he was assassinated in may, 1980 general, as shown to one extended martial law nationwide to cease power, sparking the wrong jude democratic uprising. also called them 18 to move into that uprising was met by violent response from the military. hundreds of civilians and students were killed by the late 1980 south korea moved to democracy following major protest free elections and the creation of a new constitution less. now bringing roger bakers, joining us from austin in texas is the executive director of the stratford center for 5 to one of your politics at rain. thank you so much for being with us. they
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had been some rumors recently. that's something what was afoot with some of the appointments the president had made especially in the military, but did you see this coming? no, we didn't see this particular move coming. i do know if you go back and look at the transcripts of the confirmation hearings on the south korean parliament of september. there were some questions raised about the relationship between president you and an incoming defense minister kim, as well as a few other officials as being old highschool cronies and some accusations. but that would be setting the stage for martial law that we, we did not anticipate this particular action coming, particularly at this time. and yeah, it's interesting that you point out the relationship with the military because the president's opponents have accused him of trying to use the military for his own political gains. just as a president who has the extremely unpopular who's been involved in a number of controversies, which way do you think the military will now go? so the military is put in
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a very difficult position to coordinate the constitution. the president has the right to declare martial law. the president must notify the national assembly and the national assembly if it's gas for an end to martial law, the constitution to is the president must comply. however, the martial law declaration in its 1st statement declared the actions of the national assembly nolan void. so the martial law statement says the national assemblies vote doesn't exist, but the military is going to have to determine if they feed to the martial law and the president, or if they see to the constitution of south korea. and we're really going to start seeing that as we get everybody finishing, waking up in south korea to see if elements of the military actively or passively resist this declaration. yeah, it'll be interesting to see what happens, of course, over the next few days, but no doubt that there is a great deal of concern right now in international communities in washington because many of seeing this, especially in the us as
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a potential perhaps when north korea to exploit the situation, this political crisis in the south and use this moment of, of instability to undertake some sort of action to do also worry about the i'm not as worried about that, but certainly this does catch, you know, this probably caught the north koreans off guard and the north koreans you know, have, have now declared that they no longer consider south korea, part of north korea. they're 2 separate countries. unification is not something that's important. um, there are potentials for things to happen in and around the border. mm hm. um, particularly as the south korean air force has gone on, higher alert is run more sorties that may make the north koreans more aware. so we may see some potential cautious there. that said, obviously the south koreans are going to be trying to keep their military focused on internal problems at this moment and maybe not directly try to instigate the north koreans. and what do you think is a thinking right now in the us and the bottom administration, but also in the,
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the incoming trump administration? will they see this as a dress, a political dispute with a north korea or something more serious that they should be involved in? i think the payment ministration is going to be very worried about the rule of law and democracy in this movement. the incoming trump administration maybe not as much, but as we look at many of the people in defense and foreign policy and administration, they're counting on countries like south korea to be part of a much stronger coalition force in the indo pacific and a south korea that's somewhat in political chaos, political turmoil, or an uncertain and unreliable military, is not a very viable ally, its phone, jamaica. thank you so much for talking to us about this. thank you for your insight . thank you, darling use now and we had to georgia web demonstrations a gathering for yet another night of protests. on monday they blocked roles and launch fireworks tech police who responded with
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gas and water cannon. more than 200 full testers have been detained and a 100 police officers injured demonstrators accused of rooting georgia dream party of adopting repressive policies and searing the country away from his full european path. that's go live. 2 ounces here is dimitri method. ankle was in to be see george's capital. so as 69. okay. so dmitri described the scene to us around you. are these protests still going strong? this is the day you say, so, night 6, all these protests that's been happening since november 28th. when the prime minister that i think about the the nouns, the country is suspending all the you, accession tools and the georgia has been a candidate since last year. now it has been a controversial issue, pensions up and building up with the past year because of the you set out
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a roadmap for georgia in order to proceed with the goal of joining the study of the government has been kind of mostly ignoring this robot processing mode which it believes to the which the you believes to be against you. values like are the foreign agents law or the cl gdc q propaganda law. now what's happening right now is we have thousands of people here on the roost of any avenue. gather right? the next to the parliament building, which is as you can see, the police have taken the higher ground that with, with the seals, with the water cannons here. and that it has an occasional fire track of flying in and, you know, exploding through the zooming. and then it say anyone who tries to approach the building is being pushed off in dallas down by these uh what again is that you can speak and see one on the right side of the building just met up in a 2nd ago. now this is like number 6, it's around 2 degrees so close to the freezing temperatures. this i've met this way
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that people from coming in and saying that they're angry with the cost of the country has been taking the risk. doing some of them, the house has been over a 100 people have been injured. hundreds of people being arrested. sometimes it's the both cases, despite warnings coming from the governments, that the that will be rep occassions and there will be persecution full taking part in the spreads, especially anyone who belongs to the state sector. people are still saying they will continue these protests. give me 3, thank you very much for bringing estimates. is that the from to b. c. dmitri med vanco in georgia capital the mayor of cutoff has met king charles on a 2 day state visit to britain shift. i mean, been how it all funny has been honored with a royal salut and a carriage with sessions or in the morning of page and treat in central london. you may have also attend a state banquet at buckingham palace and on wednesday he will meet the you case
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prime minister case summit, 10 downing street top of the agenda, strengthening of diplomatic and economic ties between kata and the. okay, not to india, we're active is sense. survivors are demanding corporate accountability for 2 years since the wells force industrial disaster. it happened here in the indian city, a full pi where a gas leak or a us own pesticide plant, killed thousands of people some while they slipped decades. laser hundreds of thousands of people continue to suffer lifelong injuries and illnesses. and as michael off all the forces still fighting for compensation and justice demonstrates is in the indian city of both paul want. justice determined not to let the world forget the. so it was here in 1994 where it's toxic gas leak at the us own union call by the pesticide factory poisoned,
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an estimated hoffer 1000000 people. thousands died within days, many more in the us to follow. the gas attacking respiratory systems and the ice side. the reports indicate miscarriages, quadrupled, and birth defects skyrockets. one of the lawyers representing victims, believes the number of claimants was gross be misrepresented before the quotes. they came to study one thing that only 3000 people died and more like a 102000 but and that was nearly 600000 claims had been fighting the sentiment even without examining the. ringback velocity, all the claims at the chin gary rehabilitation sense in both all tests. mean bundle plays with a 12 year old son, solomon bone with cerebral palsy. she was 7 years old when the gas leak happened and a struggle to breed ever since the ice side. silent,
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she gets $7.00 per month from the government to help with those sons medical costs . she were you aware that the, you know, since he was born he has had proven issues. he couldn't control his neck, straighten his hands. he's been coming here for the last 11 years and he has had speech therapy for 6 years. testing of ground war 10 bull poll reveals heavy metal concentrations 50 times higher than what to store. it's. he's considered se rashid be another survivor, co funded the to gary trust that operates the rehabilitation center was collazo jago, whatever the water and soil in the area are still poisonous, which leads to disabilities in children. you can see the impacts in the 2nd and 3rd generations of those directly affected by the gas leak. 6 and g o is representing survivors of petitioning the country supreme court, a fridge over the lack of compensation for victor. activist, i'll do this is
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a tragedy. the consequences of which will continue to be felt for generations to come. and that a one sort of payment of $500.00 per victim is an enduring injustice. that must not stand mike level l g 0. a still head on alger, zara, and sports. one of these favors to win. this is asian tompkins lead to the frank
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the the worst case bar fully thank you so much. mohammed sala raised some eyebrows when he
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sent that sunday's game against manchester said he can be the last time he plays the med ends here. liver pull manager arnie slot has responded and it may be up sending to city friends, speculation over sol as future at the club rages on after he scored in there to no victory against the champions. his contract runs out at the end of the season and they remains a stand off on expanding it. flood jokingly said that it will be sol as last game against city at an field because city could get relegated next season. maybe no more mo knows more about the 115 acquisitions that are done so he expects them not to be in the premier league next is uh i do expect them an appointment. you know, i think the boarding answer is always the same. uh, this is not the the place for me to talk about most contracts and maybe upset already too much about the joke i just made. so i'll never forget the headlines.
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but it was a joke. i repeat, it was a joke. well let her pull our 9 points clear of our smell and chelsea at the top of the standings. chelsea head coach, enzo maurice, kansas. they're not going to title race despite sitting in joint seconds. but he expects his side to be a forced to be reckoned with in the years to come because over the age, because i would describe it for me just in the next 510. yes. we'd be one of the team or the team that is going to dominate english 4. this is what they said to the club the 1st time i met them, no matter what, would it be the manage it for the next 510 years because of the age and because of this good. you can dominate english 4 and a still. i still think accept them to the same say former playing rates are about to go head to head and the last 16 of the german cap. chubby alonzo is buyer laboratories in taking off against vincent companies,
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barn unix shortly lever to st. are the cab holders, while byron have won the title a record 20 times as a coach. so now i'd like to thing that the result of being here is um, as a result of how it works like anybody else. um, but of course um i would say one of the advantages i do with taking my day to days because you're, you mentioned about being young coaches. so um, but indiana, i think in my case there's no many situations i've seen so far the season that i haven't lived many, many times through my career a big win for japanese side, yokohama f marino's hes taking them to the brink of the knock out rounds and the asian champions league last season's runners out but beat australia is a central coast mariners for now. it was jo. com as forth when from 6 games, with just one points to their name, the mariners have lost their chance of progressing po, hung
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a steelers move closer to the knockout stages as they handed this will coby, their 1st defeat of campaign. it was a gift that sent the south koreans side on their way a free taking the box for pass back to the goalkeeper on a john he doing the rest 31 the final score against the japanese champions. a while and i might be the defending champions. but they are yet to register when in the west region standings they do 11 with suspects on champions. the car islands crucial equalizers, and 49 minutes roo sophia. and for see me, they have 2 points from 6 matches ahead of african football, patrice, most deputy has expressed his profound sorrel following the depths of more than 50 people out of match and guinea spectators before at least started throwing stones onto the page during the club game on sunday, security forces used tear gas causing panic. victims were apparently crushed as
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they attempted to leave the stadium. we've been talking to football, broadcaster sure, come a geisha about some of the long standing problems facing the game and the west african country. you get the feeling that the people are also tired really. oh, but i need those who are not able to just to do the simple basics. you know, think of basis can even be a to convince the country and the governments to make sure that they have football facilities, but even to go down to things like organizing a well functioning professionally in 2014 gimme was given the hosting rights of by the after a couple of nations for 2020 c, which was held this year in the ivory costs. but unfortunately this was taken away from them because the one not ready. and also allows me because the cats had decided to increase the number of games from 16 to 24 and couple of course being the configuration of african football. now we're with that in mind knowing that
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we're not ready to host the biggest tournaments on the african continent, but also lodge the into these points. they don't have even one homework gated stadium that can host africa a couple of nations and woke up a qualify as in the country. in fact, uh for the just concluded the addition of the qualify as do a planning and neighboring ivory coast, which is of course a huge concern for the funds that eventually led them to not qualified for the applicant, which is a beach disaster for the football. for tennessee, i had a bad night for the bron james and the alley lakers, as the team hit their lowest score since he joined the franchise in 2018. james is now miss 19 consecutive 3 pointers and the lakers slipped to a $109.00 to $80.00 to feed against the minnesota timber was the 39 year old target claim an o 80 to regular. wow. okay, and that is all you support for now? fully bye. right. thank you very much for the best fit for this news. our own ouch
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is here and that's it for me for the vegetables stay with us. jessica washington will be with you in just a few minutes. so now she's here with mazda based on the stories. thanks so much the i'm the like of odds in the south of india to find out how a tiny bass in this case, gross and extensive mining operations to a scan. corona virus helps west across the world with devastating effects, and it's widely believed to be connected to the legal wildlife place. here in vietnam, we visit a rescue center for some of the world's most threatened animals and joined the call for an end to the global worldwide. today's 1st drive on algebra. that was the time when the archipelago river flowed through enough to sustain life in the northern colour, harry deserts all year round. 2 without changing waste $23.00 men in different
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parts of the i'll come and go down to the bay face drowned wild animals and men made right in the constant. fine. what's the bible risk in it all? books one out just once you reach this displacement cap and send the incidence river and i'll stage samuel hums of thought it would not only mean breaching safety, but also a re union to are a separated village in the morning and kept firing shots until night came my brother, after the theme was hit on his legs. we escaped, but because of his injuries, he couldn't catch up with us. despite those villages being under our self control, local monitors say at least 50 villages were rated with more than 1200 killed. those who have been reported missing are those who have relatives who successfully escaped. there are entire families who lost each other as they tried to get away from the village,
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a thing to 0 with no one managing to reach safety. people who made it. here's the most of those left behind are the button above the young, the elderly, and those injured in the rest of the attacks. and no way to know if they manage to get to safety elsewhere or even if they're still alive. the south korea's column and rejects the president's declaration of i'm not sure who troops are on the streets. what happens next is on clear the this is live from to ha also coming up no less up to israel's attack on guns. thousands are killed in it. strikes since june on tuesday,


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