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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  December 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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the people who've made it, here's the most of those left behind are the vulnerable, the young, the elderly and those injured in the attacks. and no way to know if they manage to get to safety elsewhere or even if they're still alive. the opposition forces in syria advance towards major city of homes, also taking control of alaska and come on the this is out just a live from the hall. so coming up relentless attacks on doctors and the patients. it's modeled one hospital in northern gauze that comes under his 85. yes. again, the mounting. i can go in,
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sol days off through the president attempting to impose marshall thousands, the mom, these resignation. and 5 years after being gone by 5, the old lady of congress for pass for a friend, reopening the . it's faulty in 100 g n t. and we begin in syria where opposition sciences quickly advancing on homes, on the largest cities in the country. video shows fights is from hey, it's a heavy of a shame driving in the long convoy through the towns of 10 visa and thrust done in the homes province. that's within less than 20 kilometers from the city of homes itself. comes off to the opposition. 5 is, sees the city of hamil roughly 24 hours ago. they and their supporters have been celebrating on the streets that before the war homes was serious, 3rd largest city and it's on the may on highway 2 devices. opposition forces have
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made significant gains in just a matter of what weak taking control of major towns and cities from government forces. well, this advance council for major supply line for assets, troops between the capital and the tax. yeah. and the northern coast, that's also where russia has an advice. the fights is on now within a 160 kilometers of the capsule. a sol, solved of dollars near the turkey city of kent. it's close to the syrian border. so how does it look this out? what are we looking at a countdown to the full of homes? russell are indeed still the opposite of forces on advancing toward the city of homes and the close or they are getting. of course, the more difficult it is becoming, however that stay but ad was still continuing. and now they're just around 6 to 5 kilometers away from the city of homes. so the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the conflicts is, continues as fighting has continued to all scores of the city and to stop the address of the position. now the city and government is conducting a strike by helicopters and a could opt out of it as of now, it has not been so patient to that to itself isn't enough to stop the address of the position and it's not only the position of the machine towards the saw from the node, but also the goal them is controlled. each child is in the east ending to solve the problem is as well can be used in provence, data zoar. so this for the vision of the city and government, which is one of the most immediate forces of the city and government has left the city and they have left the, the, the aid port as well. the minute today, airport as well to as the city of democratic forces which is mainly made up of the code. this fight is backed by the united states. and now the 4th division is being been directed to the capital damascus. on the other. when you go to the solid of
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the companies that are provence, now we have seen that the position has been capturing several of the soldiers of the city and government, and also the pro, a pro position people are seizing some of the things and also storming the board the gate between syria and georgia. now the city and government has lost the control in the bone, the at the board, the gate with jordan as well. so and the sitting go is room directing. lots of is forces boomers, remote areas to the capitals. the mask is so it's not the only homes, but rather know almost in various parts of the country. government control is seriously being challenged so, so stay with us for a 2nd cuz we've had a statement from the turkish for us. then the probably about of the one these been commenting on this rapid advance by the opposition. let's take a listen to what is had say of the domain name is that wishes that this much in
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syria continues without accidents or disasters through beauty. it said that we made a call to a side, we said come, let's determine the future of syria together. unfortunately, we did not receive a positive response to this to be that. all right, so some clear signals that what does that tell also how is that being interpreted about took is position towards the opposition as well. this is the beginning of this recent crisis. this is a clearer statement for them to, to you as a support, as a message or support for the and for the opposition forces address so far it was quite a big use and people work was what i was curious where i took the stands. i mean, all of these mass now present, add on to how those state is absolutely clearly sending out the support message for the physician. i'm saying that she hopes that does add one. so if the position is
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going to continue without facing any serious damage, an issue or out of course, this is the change of the policy because in the last 3 years they have seen president to add, one of 2 tier has been caught in on present the shadow celia for the recall and city ation for it because the, the because of rate in the policies and we aligning the policies together, you in flight in a guess so comparable resume or some of the separate groups together. but president bush out of a said, has been quite cold when it comes to that. and he was coming up with some of the conditions that for example, took the tribunal is forces 1st from the north of the company. and then she might go see that. but no present ad one seems that is far away from this position or expecting more on dissipating the syrian president to come up to the negotiating table. but rather he's saying that's expressing support to the position and hoping that this address of the position is not going to face any serious issue. all right,
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we'll leave it the thanks so much for sort of thought about. and the leader of, hey, a definitely of a, some of them are coming to the july. they is also been speaking. he's a junior rocky permit, it's free groups not to intervene in the conflict and syria. lisa, so what am i the, this is not a revolution link to what is going on in iraq. we aspired to establish strategic political me economic relations apart from social bonds. these will be further under the post aside, new syria, off to the removal of this criminal regime. we hope the rocky politicians laid by mohammed she also, donnie will steal the country away from these wranglings and prevent the dispatching of popular mobilization forces fighters. it is easy to prevent these forces from meddling and what is going on in syria to support this doomed regime. on the long running syrian civil war involves multiple countries including the united states to key at russia. yvonne and israel. israel is bombed,
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what it calls that has belong, weapon smuggling, roots that attacked, taking place on the syrian side, just across the northern border of lebanon. the crossing is now reported to be out of service crossing had recently undergone repass following previous is really a tax saying a whole that has mall from out a the on the evidence. sylvia border as we are at the i read the border crossing between lebanon, syria, it's just one of many border crossings between these 2 countries is riley strikes, destroyed that it is now not operational. it's not the 1st time this crossing has been hits in the past 10 days or so. there's really army says that has the law is using these crossings to smuggle weapons from syria and to 11 on it doesn't provide any evidence to that. but the is really military campaign really has been about degrading the military capabilities of iran and us allies and syria. syria is
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strategic for iran and its allies. the test run core door runs through syria, it's connected, iran, iraq, syria, and to 11 on. and that's why has blah and, you know, iran as well, of course, has been watching the developments closely in syria as the opposition makes advances, taking territory of from, from the government. because this shift in, in the balance of power would be a major blow to a wrong. is that a for the ellsworth theater or the, the border crossing the turning to knolls and gaza. now where his file has been bombing the battery function and come out of old one hospital, the very forces talks it in ambulance outside the hospital.
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earlier, these are the minutes we store the facility on the cover of heavy awfully a machine gun. fine. they detained several patients. the medical direct service described the situation and then around the hospitalized. catastrophic is ready attacks on doctors and the patients to become relentless. the last few hours, thousands of people have been injured in 1st days, ready, drones shot and killed at least 7 pallets inside the hospital. northern gauze that has been on demetrius each more than 60 days. now. a medical team from indonesia was forced to evacuate. the come out allowed one hospital. i have recently arrived to the facility to provide assistance. we just found uh from the one house with uh, uh there is uh, 2 warning uh for us to is a weird from uh, from atlanta supposed to be though and day. he really moving uh the hospital now. and that is a lot of uh mean to go stop vision up there and we will from uh,
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i'm up one until uh, so i was getting the street and the i'm lance already be got us. it's tiny, my fluid isn't data about us in central garza as we have vast the can modeled wind hospitalization, receiving evacuation orders, what sort of impacts have those these radios had on the operations of a hospital or a family out of this mom in the hospital is not operational at all, they really are this morning just reading military after it's a pro supremacy of the hospice under the cover of the our tell her even the quiet cops or events. it's surprising that the very dense levels right now it's, we're out the date to, to get any moving object inside and outside the premise of the hospital, just making it at a brink of collapse right now. further training. the operations inside the hospital
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that's already overwhelmed already struggling on daily basis. and due to the acute shortage of medical supplies and the fact that there is no power generator running low solar panels system is operating, leaving everything in the dark. inside the hospital, we keep receiving more disturbing reports from northern gov. the vicinity of the hospital has many of people who were shot at early hours this morning. when does the military storm the hosp to the are still in the 3? these are the bodies of many of the policy. and if we're taken by the surprise of the attack at the vicinity of the hospital, the intensity of the art dealer's should've did not leave an opportunity for people to evacuate the safety even though there's no safety place at the vicinity of the hospital. the past couple of days is really monetary wasn't stationed at about 500 meters that way and keep sending quite the top. there's a drop renee that have really injured and killed many of the medical staff, many of the injures many of the patients inside the hospital is really monetary
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earlier to also order the only medical mission inside the hospital. this medical mission was organized by the w h o, a group of indonesia and doctors, medical staff, a specialized and special surgeries in the operating theater. theaters were ordered to evacuated immediately, leaving behind many of the patients and injuries who needed an immediate medical intervention on searches. and were left an ard at risk of losing their life is also ordered everyone a by allow the speakers to approach the gate of the hospital to get to go through a check points. and at that particular check point up to 70 people where the 10, including those were critically injured, those patients would have chronic diseases. and some of the medical stuff for also arrested at that a check point just leaving the whole area into further k a caused by the ongoing intense bonding company in the hospital for the past 2 months. despite the ongoing attacks repeated attacks presented only hold for the trap civilian population,
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despite the hardship and the difficulty is to get medical care. and today, these really monetary has pushed it completely out of service. cutting old hopes that is going to get back on track and how many, what are we hearing about strikes fixing on central garza today? what almost non stop. just as we've finished our earlier reports, we're going to clearly hear again one more time as well as to do the heavy artillery isn't it seems to be ideally with you right now, starting early in the morning in the mid of middle of the day as well. and soon enough, we're going to start here in it in the evening hours he'd be our dealers at the eastern part of the gaza strip. and according to eye witnesses look, or rather than so from the eastern part of the central java city that's of the region and night as the on the southern eastern part of their city,
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their testimony is all feed into one thing that is really monetary is expanding the buffer zone, and in order to do that, it's going to use the to destroy remaining buildings. this toys, those agriculture lands pushing people into further internal displacement. this forcible displacement is a really, exacerbating the, the humanitarian crisis across the gaza strip. more attacks in rough i city as more program is permit, it continued to collect bodies of, from districts, from past with tax. and also here, 2 more people were killed as they were walking near their residential home. you know where these records you can live without having my fluids important to us from data. developing garza, the protests in south korea have continued into the nights, demanding the president be impeached. you and so kills all the on choose day to
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impose marshall low plunged the country and it's more forcing him to do a utah and the few hours later you now faces investigation by ministry, prosecutors for his attempt and imposing nothing more. 0 and the south coming in peace protested inside parliaments in sol, demanding the president. the peach protest is gathered outside the building throughout the day ahead of the governing policy. and due to the supporting unit suspension off the opposing is impeachment goes to so now and speak with eunice can lose outside the national assembly and eunice parliament just in the matter of miles from now, we'll need to decide what to do is it look like it's heading for impeachment. that is the big question now, isn't it? sammy 8, is the magic number of conservative law makers needed to pass that impeachment
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motion for a 2 thirds majority required before it moves on to the constitutional course. now, a conservative law makers of the president's people to our party have been locked in meetings all day today, likely debating whether to revise that stance, especially in light of a bit of a bombshell dropped by their leader handling earlier this morning. who said that there was credible evidence confirmed overnight that the president had intended to arrest lawmakers and detained them outside of soul. and that extreme potential, extreme actions, quote, unquote, similar to the martial law declaration is still possible. now, following an hour long meeting that he's held with president you until you're at his invitation. hahn is reportedly said that he was not sorry for his actions and that he had no immediate plans to apologize. now we did see
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a liberal law maker as on the steps of the national assembly earlier today. as there were rumors that the president might make a surprise visit. but the conservative law makers really stuck in a quandary. so the, we know of at least a couple of people, power lawmakers who said that they would support the end piece the motion if we do not hear an apology from the president prior to the printer and view this, we've got protested, be going on all day are they still going strong into the night now? yeah, absolutely. just across wherever from where we are on the other side is that sense? we can hear people chanting in peach, him and peach him. and if you look behind me, you will see that there are actually vehicles based out on this line. uh, and we are told that this is a preventative measure. as there are rumors lingering,
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persisting rumors that there could be a 2nd attempt at a, at a martial law declaration. now concern was so high that the vice defense minister, who is the interim, who's taking on that well right now had to pull a press conference, saying that there are no plans for a 2nd attempt at martial law. but that if there were an order, he would reject it. so lots of pins and needles that south fans are on tonight on, on the eve of a vidal boat. all right, we'll leave that eunice can still a heading out just there as those isn't going to propose a head to the poles on the side today. country solar and cost of living is one of the biggest concerns the
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have a lot of the weather is looking very settled across much of south asia at the moment, which is good news, the southern parts of india that for tropical cycling. earlier in the week, we still got a few showers here and there, but the west of the rain is lingering out to see some of that pushing into the abdomen and nick about islands. we could also see a few showers across southern parts of sri lanka. but sunshine is lucky the order of the day across much of the region now the west of whether it will develop across most central eastern areas on sunday. but it remains a launch the dry across the north of india into bungler dash and further afield. we are expecting some thunder storms to develop a close to the renewals of india as we go into sundays. some of those touching into pockets done as well. a chance of those sun, the phones in the whole despitefully conditions on fact today, it's really going to be hazy,
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sunshine for much of the weekend into the new week. monday, seeing temperature dip down slightly. it will get a little bit cooler. it's also looking cooler across the north of east asia. we've got a wintry bloss blowing its way out of china across the korean peninsula, with wintery features coming into the very south. and they'll be more heavy snow touching into the north of japan, with temperatures coming down on sunday. the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out is the time to recap, ma headlines in serial position 5 is a quickly advancing on the homes. the largest cities in the country video shows a convoy of flights is from hey, it's definitely of the sham driving through the townsend and visa and plus, that comes from that's within less than 20 kilometers from the city of homes itself . in northern gauze or the battery function, economic one hosted is under attack. yet again, the last 2 hours,
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thousands of people have been in just various types of doctors and the patient's of income. relentless. the washington has agreed to send anti personnel land mines to ukraine in an attempt to slow the russian and fonts rights groups are criticizing the decision. crime is now the most mind, the country in the world, but neither of us nor russia, a signatories to the all to a tracy which binds the use of land months. as a bank spoke with villages and ukraine scot active region. living with the consequences of mines left behind by russian forces, the designs of the battle that took place here everywhere. the majority of this village is destroyed after you crank, took it back from russian troops of the sizes, and also people who used to live here on a to remain. and it's clear to see why vested corolla,
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which 1st came here as a young man when he stepped into sophia, submitted free defending the and ended up staying his lived here. most of his life lead the 1st i lost some of those, but all my bones were fragmented and the tears will worried about infection. so they um, put the data to my leg. this village is old invested and his family have along with atlanta and livestock. see how the court are requested to hold the he said it was my birthday. i went to get paid for the couch and i stepped on the line. i screamed, i was calling on the floor and my son heard my screams, and he came to rescue me. both the husband and wife and the teeth showed vessel lost his left leg. tatiana, her right from the other side of the village, alexander. oh god, god stood recovering from his injuries, little affinity to her, but there were a lot of projectiles and a winter showed the mining team where they were. and one of them exploded. and now
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quoted said, there's no running water in this village. only the main road has been cleared and is considered safe for they just have come to accept the fact that it will take considerable time to complete the mind this area and the one wrong step, either right or left could result in serious injury or even death. cds, and there are no shops, no post office, villages need anything they have to travel to the nearest town. even the village dogs have become victim to the mines who the to the people have gotten used to the fact that you could lose a foot or a leg here and it's become normal. there's nothing yet. and the mother and wife and children on another place, just so that my daughter can go to school, let them know. we'll study something then we'll just say, oh, do not successive says he has no plans to leave and all success successes. do you have a mind detector? i need to go and work my fields. i start big data coming into hockey region,
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ukraine. the voters in gone ahead to polling stations on saturday to choose a new president and members of parliament. the boat is taking place as the country goes through tough economic times president. not a cool for those 2 terms will expire in january, his deputy and 11 of is looking to replace him, but only the current vice president, my how my doable amir and former president john the how much stand a realistic chance of winning the race reports from the capital across after a frustrating day part time trucks, a driver for saying the delay and his wife, this cost of the rising cost of living and the impact is having one of the family. as these days he says the only thing that pre occupies their mind is for when you wake up in the morning, your pre yeah. is that you get what you think the trees game is no more easy for us . we used to cool morning,
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afternoon and evening this time around with and cook in the evening or the rising cost of living as full as beginnings onto the streets of several locations to demand government action as a local economy struggles waiting down on the economy. a huge debt allegations of risk management at a we can local covers the things that, that's great. i mean cool, cool farmers unhappy because they're cool. marketing system basically has collapsed . you talk to people, young people, unemployment is a big issue for environmental this. however, it is the for you, for all mining activities. active is accused of issues of feeling to take action. that's a reverse on the bottom and poisoned sauce and knocked off and set in voters a gun as economy as possible. so it's tougher still. it in recent history with high inflation and the rising cost of living. but i'm going to say despite having for presidential candidate gun is i likely to hold the same to political parties that
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have run the affairs of this country. since it's return to democracy in 19 while some voters are willing to turn up at pulling stations again, others on enthusiastic your for me as a to the i'm looking for to see that things will go down like taxes and all that sort of thing. i feel like, yeah, or the see if you vote for them like you benefits for me to beckett's, you single residence drive of the same. he says, people from for background, like a 10, no chance of lending a drop in today's gun redwood, a seems to need to. i've been trying try and trying to get employed. i need indication. so i should be a teacher by not in the classroom. and, but it's not easy to get to the jump, something you need to know somebody before you do. and from where i'm coming from. i know nobody is condition metos to the lives of millions of other games for say,
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and he says he will vote anyway. and with that, he drives as bought a car on the city, looking for his next meal. how many degrees? i'll just say that across turning to friends now of presidency manual, my call is promising to appoint a new prime minister in the coming days. and the sheriff vanya was forced to resign, after losing a confidence, folks in parliament on wednesday, less than 5 ride policies united the top of this minority government, they tried to push through a contribution will start the budget. people in paris have been reacting to the political turmoil. let's take a listen to some of what they've been saying. a part from his own sleep in a bad situation that we can't get out of the crohn one for design. so it was stuck . so the next 2 years, let us know about the smoke home and find a new prime minister for sure. he's very competent, a new account and going him to lead for us up to this situation. i hope he'll be up to the task and not disappointing. so i think he'll do what has to be done. and
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frances, not to them, cassandra will officially we open on saturday. the treasure gothic mazda piece went up in flames. 5 years ago, files of policy science have been working to restore the central result cathedral. these all life pictures coming in from paris, you can see what it looks like now. back to its former glory of the zeros and tasha bottle. that has the story from paris. by painting, replicas of moss to pieces. felicia lum, practising says skill as an alt restore in his studio outside of paris. she works on a variety of projects bought for the past 5 years. she's being part of what she calls and experience of a lifetime recreating and reviving some of not for them. cathedrals murals damaged in a devastating fly of 5 years ago. and i think it was the last time, 1st thing,


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