tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 6, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST
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no limit to how far a dream contains stuck in your own adventure. no. counter avenues. the . the hello, this is the news our it's good to have you with us. i'm sort of any a light from don't. coming up in the program today. opposition fighters in syria or within striking distance of homes, the gateway to the capital. while government forces lose control of their on the south, where the syrian uprising began, the
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is really forces storm northern guns as barely functioning come all at one hospital . several patients are detained, pressure from the streets and his own party lead or south korea as president human . so if your faces growing close to resign and 5 years after being gutted by fire, the old lady of paris prepares for a grand reopening. the we begin this, use our with fast moving developments in syria opposition fighters have made rapid gains in government held territories since launching and offensive 10 days ago. they have so far managed to take control of a level and hama, and they are now on the outskirts of homes, the 3rd largest city in syria. if it falls, the fighters are threatening to push forward on the road to the capitol, damascus, as their input. the charlotte side has threatened to crush the advancing sliders
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and accuses western powers of trying to redraw the map of the region. tens of thousands of people are fleeting homes as the fighters close in. but there have also been celebrations. people in the suburbs of homes gathered in the streets to welcome the opposition forces. the homes is known as the capital of the revolution against assad government that began in 2011. it also has a significant population of government supporters, many of whom, from the l. a wide sick that serious ruling family belongs to. while in the southern city of there are a position groups have a tax, government check points in the western country side in the east government forces, or withdrawing their troops from their results. so we're reporting from across the region and beyond. we are live in bay roots,
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i'm on baghdad around moscow. first still, we had to the turkish syrian border and speak to alpha 0 is my soul sort or in killers or so where does the revel advance stand as we speak of the well, no, the few spices are still taking place at all. secures or of homes the 3rd, the largest city of syria and the position of forces are roughly around 5 to 6 kilometers away from the city. so perhaps you know, or is that the ad which is going to be even getting closer to the, to the all their neighborhoods or of the of this city. now, they have doing an enclave around the city, particularly from the east and part of the city. they are trying to get it to a get into that, into the city, but their address has been continued in the last 24 hours. they roughly have ad was around 40 kilometers from hama to the village that is called,
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that it could be or, and this is just 6 kilometers away from, from, from the, from homes and the redeem forces. the government forces, by conducting a sides, we're trying to bass to stop. the ad ones won't be the bridges and trying to destroy the votes. however, the have failed to do so. and holmes is quite an important to be because when the process in 2011 has was bred to have spread the tour to the homes, then it became a kind of it just because a nation wide the moment. but there's not only what the connections on the happening at those schools of homes for the so sort of the car, but the mass goes in the provenance of better. i may have seen that the position forces todd security in seminole government soldiers and also seizing pegs and the pool position, people storming to the board, the gauge. and also now we see that the government is losing the control in the provenance off that as well, that rotates body please. absolutely, and for the,
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for the position because it was the bush police or what they call the city in revolution. as a result, stay with us. i'm going to go to else, is there a zayna holder who is outside the root in lebanon? so you're actually a short drive away from the syrian capital, damascus. we said holmes is the gateway to damascus. the seat of a science power? do you have any intel on what's happening right now in the capital? well, there is no doubt, there are opponents of the regime. so still live in the syrian capital. and as we have been seeing whether it was in a level or, and how about the army, the syrian army is crumbling. they are not putting up a fight. it's simple. it's because president bush charlie said was not able to rebuild an army that is loyal to his will. i remember we were in that off at the
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start of this pro democracy movement. back in 2011 people took to the streets. it was almost on thinkable in a country where people were scared even to alter anything against the regime. what people were telling us was that they took to the streets in order to re gain dignity. they wanted freedom. they wanted the rule of law justice. they felt that they were discriminated against, they wanted a better life, but soon after the government crackdown on their movements. and then we have this armed conflict which lasted for a so many years. and now the people we've been speaking to are in disbelief. the way that the rebels have advanced these rapid advances, changing the map of syria front lines were frozen for, for so many years. now, people are hopeful that this will bring about a change, but they're also concerned. they are asking questions, you know, whether or not they rebel movement, the rebels. will they be able to govern syria and what kind of resistance will they
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face if indeed they've pushed towards the mask? this is this going to be a prolonged fight? so a lot of answer since he's a heads, but i can tell you that speaking to these people, they are, you know, in shock and, and, and they're happy, especially when they see scenes coming from presence where, where prisoners weren't, weren't kept in in, in jails for years people don't even know their families don't even know if they're alive or dead. some people have been there for decades without a chance, you know, with the lawyer without the due process, tens of thousands of syrians are missing and in, in, in, in force, disappear and so, so all of these people are waiting to see what comes next. will they know the face of their loved ones? so all these mixed emotions are filled with emotions on, on, but it's still too early to say whether or not the opposition will be able to over throw bashar assad. but it's, it's clear that the regime of us are, and i said,
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has never been this vulnerable even in 2015 when the rest of the military had to intervene to say, but hardly says resume. it wasn't as vulnerable as it is today. zayna stay with us . i have a question for you on his blog, but 1st i want to complete the picture of what's happening inside syria. we go back to renewal for that for so everything we've discussed so far is really happening in the western part of the country and southern part of the country with their route. but in the east, there's another story unfolding which fits into the broader picture of, of everything in syria right now. and syrian government forces are losing ground in the east, the kurdish fighters, the s d f. what can you tell us about that? steam beads. so the government's control is not the child is only from the north, but now in south and of course in the east as well. so 2 major cities in the east, north east of the country are mainly of rebecca and data as or we have seen that
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the government forces have been leaving these 2 cities have been withdrawn from these 2 cities and they have lost due positions to ask do you have city and demographic forces which are mainly made off the, the code is why there's that are backed by the united states of america and the so in data zora, particularly that is absolutely important because the data sort they have left for the loss of emanation as well, and the vision that last date is what is called the 4th division. this was the most and the division of the government forces. and they had been there during the fees as times of the syrian simon war and the left. they also left the military a base as well that community aid based has been one of the lifelines of the city and government, particularly controlling the eastern part of the country. now this forces both put on data sold and from a record bill window racked it to the capital,
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the mass goes. and the reason for that is because the city and government is failing to that ends and almost runs from all sides. and maybe this is what the enemies are telling us that they are preparing for a final battle. because as of now, they have failed to really stop the ad news of the position from the north. and now they have a feeling from the east, and they are extremely concerned that these rapid admins, for the position cooled and up in damascus. and when that these happen, when the result in most for a 2nd, because want to be on pre paid. i'm, i'm getting some new information here that the kurdish fighters you were discussing . the s d s. i'm told, have now taken control of the a boo boo come, i'll border crossing it's unconfirmed. at this point we're getting preliminary reports. the dfcs may, will correct that may have taken control of the album come on board of crossing,
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which is between syria and iraq. border crossings, of course, are always procedure. can any conflict because they're controlling roads are controlled, trolling entry ways and exit ways. do you know anything about this? i'm just hearing this right now. absolutely, i will come on wells that has been importing for the course. is that the salt of data sort and you do the data sort and we'll look at all of these 2 cities and the both are gays have been particularly efficient for you, ron. they have been serving to show munitions and also they have been serving as the, the, the, the, the connection for the supply chain from iran then to your rock and full amount will come out and the resort to level and to his will lie now that the city and forces are losing control over their, their hand over in this place is through the crew of these forces back by the united states. if there's absolutely risk, you know, you own supply chain to,
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to his will allow one of the major because of this city and government there. and now what you see in the city that you're seeing now is absolutely radically a different a city at that. you have seen 10 days ago, the status called the kid that has being plays these 2016 is simply shy, but okay, russell, one more, very quick one because i want to start considering the role of regional players, turkey a. obviously one of the major players in the syria conflict, what s torcous president richard piper are the ones that are so you can use the present. oh, i'm sorry. go ahead. as yep. present the ad one for the 1st time since the beginning of these latest prizes. when do a physician on the 27th of november started to add them in the store where the city of ad it for the 2nd largest city in syria to, to has remained quite side and quite. and people were curious about what is truth
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is what, what, what just took is position. what does strictly stand now for the 1st time, how to start the stage? where is it that bad one has said that few ways, the cool position forces and having further ad been seen without facing a serious issue. and this is for the 1st time such a clear message to the position that turkey is supporting the addresses and present level. and also said that the reason that now the regime is folded in a pod is because of the they won't policies they have never been candidly involved and engage in the peace process. so the domain name is that wishes that this much in syria continues without accidents or disasters through via the key. it said that we made a call to a side, we said come, let's determine the future of syria together. unfortunately, we did not receive a positive response to this extent.
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so these, no, that's as the, the, the, the, the, the main back cause of the city and government itself losing the ground. all of the major stakeholders in syria and also the position in themselves. one of them is definitely shorter to turkey, has tremendous leverage over the age he has level position that was based in our level. but on the other hand, it has concerns as well. because now the news that are coming out that particularly because that has the app is taking over rack the data zone and has become a that is also a model of concerns for to t a. so in the future, it will be interesting to see that how on cut out on one hand, the support into a position i've been say towards the capital of syria. both on the other hand, expressing concerns of the concerns that the curtis voice is backed by the united states are increasing the control, particularly the eastern part of the country. or a school started our reporting from the turkey syria border. thank you very much
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for that, saying that let's go back to you. i think you heard that we were starting to talk about the regional players here. renewal mentioned the word stakeholder has the law as another stakeholder. they have in the past supported a side, militarily. they have sent men, they have sent weapons, is, has blocked a day in a position. are they able and or willing to support a side warehouse for law has been severely weakened in recent weeks. it's last hundreds, if not the 2000 fighters and its confrontation with as well. yesterday we've heard has fullest secretary general name as some say that has the lot will stand by the side of syria and do whatever it can. but there is a reality how much can, has followed to, even if it sends a few 100 men or a few 1000 men, it will be very difficult to really reverse the rapids. games that are being made by these rebel forces is route continues to pa. 2 military pressure not just on has
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the last, but iran and it's allies in syria in recent weeks. we've seen is rated air force targets, weapons, depose trucks. anything anything that can that they plan to transfer from syria into level not just this morning. one of the border crossings between 11 on and syria, which totally destroyed it's now out of service. so you have this war within a war in syria, we can, in a round, we can in preventing it from entrenching itself militarily in syria. and this is nothing you war. yes, we've seen the escalation in, in the past few weeks, but it started years ago. and really what we saw in 11 on hezbollah, losing its top leadership. and. and in the way the intense is really bombing campaign destroying areas where has, well, it has influence. it's really has a, it needs to pick up the pieces here in 11 on so many really doubt that has, well, a will be able to play an important role like it did in the past. and you mentioned
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that will come out of border crossing between iraq and syria. that was a crossing that was under the control of iran in its allies, very strategic in the sense that this was a border crossing that link that to her on the so called test, ron labs core door from iran, iraq, damascus to baby. so that has been lost, could be supplied with weapons and whatever it's needs from from huron. so hezbollah is on the back foot at the time being, and it is clear that the regime is not receiving the help from its allies like it did in the past. i'd say no, thank you very much. we're going to take this now so nor a day from a mind, nor it will process here because we're going to talk about another border crossing or border crossings. matter, especially when there's a conflict and we are seeing that the live in non syria border crossing was struck today, attacked by and is really a strike. we're seeing that the syria iraq border crossing may have been taken know by kurdish fighters and a jordan has shut its borders with syria. what can you tell us about that?
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well, sterile jordan is a country affected by all the conflicts we are coverage. it is situated right in the middle of it and it has shut down it's border with syria already. this is a country hosting more than 700000 syrian refugees. so it's have been affected by the conflict in syria since the beginning of the conflict since 2011. there are serious concerns in jordan that the security ramifications of what is happening. the full lot of what is happening could infiltrate jordanian territory, and there is some fear, some apprehension that there might be an influx of people fleeing the fighting if there is any in the, in particular. and so a lot of precautions are taken. they're also in line with jordan's policy of trying to protect the country from all those fires raging in in the region. certainly you
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have the war in live in on. you have the war in gaza, you have iran, you have iraq. all of these countries, everything that happens in that region affect jordan and what happens here, and that's why you see all that heightens alerts. another border area is the one between syria and israel. any occupied golden heights. and israel announced that it is increasing its military posture there in the lights of the developments in syria . what are you learning about that? yeah, it's been very interesting to watch the is really analysis of what is happening as early as wednesday is where the media started reporting that the security establishment, their estimates that the threat for the complete collapse of the serial numbers. he is very real. you saw an emergency security consultation meeting on thursday in israel. there is one scheduled for saturday evening and another for sunday evening
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. so syria in israel, taking this very, very at seriously. it's very interesting though, how the stars have a line, because on the one hand, israel stands to benefit from this core door that they noticed when we're talking about of that was supplying weapons and support to the syrian origination, but also to hezbollah and love it on from, from here on, but on the other the is the is really government has some concerns. some questions really more than anything about what are the ramifications of the rebels controlling the goal on area? i remember that is risk. it occupies part of the syrian goal on heights. it wants to know who's going to be on the other side. the serial numbers seem bordered, if it didn't have it relations with as well. but there was a rep for a small between the 2 countries. there, there are no guarantee that this would process, but certainly on the one hand, it's good news or in relation to has baloney or on, on the other,
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a lot of surface security concerns, nor thank you very much for all of that. that social 0 is nor day reporting from amman, jordan, and as opposition fighters continued their advance diplomatic efforts in the region have intensified the foreign ministers of iraq. iran and syria are meeting in baghdad, the head of the meeting, iraq's prime minister mohammed, she also, donnie said his country was pressing diplomatic efforts to contain the crisis and syria due to its queer impact on a rocky security options here as not without the head is in baghdad, what can you tell us about their meeting? what are they talking about, and are there any stated goals of this meeting? will definitely be there is a lot of concern and then coming out of this meeting concerning by the 3 ministers, the airport in minnesota, all the lock city a and a lot. now any lock you have statements by officials that accept press saying, is there a concern, a bit of worry about what is going on at all in city on the official liberal any
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lock officials are worth about this pillow, but over the conflict into it. ok, given the fact that a lock has paid, have a price before due to the conflict in, in city yet. but the city and at, for the administer here today, hosted by iraq, is definitely trying to gather, mobilize it efforts, regional efforts, especially from a major allies like iraq. and it's a hot, on the other hand, you have any like, 2 different views. same other thing, you see the official view, it sees the crisis in city a definitely and directly impacts iraq and they want to evade that. but on the non official 11, you have the groups, they have on a line on the books who act on their own. and in many cases, the government cannot actually rain in them. this voice of the i'm
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a groups said that the want to intervene. you want to get involved with the want to find the position, the city know position and you want to stand by the city and redeem. okay, that's interesting. and it means it's something we're going to have to keep monitoring going forward because we were asking the question earlier about what regional groups and what fighting groups. mainland actual military supports too. but charlotte side and you're saying the iran align groups, any rock want to intervene. so that's something we'll keep watching. the hood of the head reporting from baghdad. thank you very much. now russia is urging its citizens to syria to leave syria on commercial flights. president clinton has been an important ally of the syrian government intervening in the war. in 2015, russia operates a strategic air base and naval facility. you'll your shop of all of the joins us live from moscow. first of all, your, your, what are you learning about this russian authorities telling their nationals to leave the country? yeah, us. that's correct. uh so as you just mentioned, uh,
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the russian authorities and the russian diplomats in particular basically judged the russian citizens to, to, to leave the country due to the shop escalation of the situation on bed vaughan's or the front attack or see were in a position condition to homes and demoss, cruise and the retreat. so b, i sides, government forces. and since the very beginning of this, particularly in surgeons when it began in as well in late snows and the direction of the russian side. actually a box asada as a has always done well. right now, rush result, preparing evacuation slides for citizens from syria, a diploma. lots are asking directions to, to use commercial flights for now to purchase tickets themselves. while russian diploma themselves will continue to work as usual. right now i just did the russian
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diplomats basically issued a similar statement. as you said, russia has been having its ministry basis. it's military presence in syria says 2015. it has rights not to military bases. the naval one in the top twos and the base and main name. and from the very beginning of the civil conflicts in syria, which began back in the spring of 2011. russia has provided diploma. 6 supports to president bashar assad. you, bradley, you'll yeah. what is russia's post you're going to be here? i mean, they're deeply involved in syria. you just mentioned that they have their strategic military assets, naval base, air base. they have supported by charlotte side. they're one of the biggest reasons . he's still in power along with iran. those are the 2 countries that have supported them. how are they handling or going to handle these developments? a lot slightly well to rush off to
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the beginning of the special miniature operation back in february 2022 of course be sewer in front. it's far from being a priority. so many expects that russia wouldn't be able to help. but sure. all of a sudden this time around and uh, we'll be able to fully bought him right now. um, obviously as, as the, the, the prices go if the appliances are taking uh, the city of homes right now that will open them the way for rushes, military bases in may name and in tattoos. and it's going to be quite human. let a sing for russia's course the world. so room is the restaurant on the side flew to moscow with his. busy entire family, one business such as a began, but the official media as well as the russian officials they have never had consigned us. okay,
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that's interesting. also something to watch. then you'll hear something of all of the reporting from must go. thank you very much. let's get more on the iranian reaction from to have a sorry, who is a writer and specialist and a range and affairs. you're joining us from different though. and so we said that russian iran or the 2 biggest foreign backers of the syrian president bashar assad. what is going to be around this posture? ah, well, actually, but we can see here is the fact that the run is very meticulously watching the developments on the ground and with the patient flaring golf to a new level. there are significant concerns for to around regarding these developments for that so you can for other reasons, the reigning foreign minister of boss iraq. she is now in iraq, a capital to hold talks with cvn in or any rocky ok, the shows. and now the to that is the previous business that he paid to on colorado to the mosque goes and talks that he had the, the russian, pres,
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russian foreign minister and the egypt, sin, foreign minister, and other officials. these are all coming in the context that syria plays a very pivotal role into calculations into jo strategists, regional calculations of the country. and for that to be heard a lot of the statements. if i can give you a very summary of, i'd be here from to around regarding these developments and the culture in particular, i can tell you that there are at least 3 important aspects. the 1st aspect is the commitment that iran expresses pertaining to the syria in return, not in return, excuse me, in, in just the fight that they are had the, they having their having a smart to you on coals, reactivated terrace groups. this is one point and the 2nd part is the concern that iran expresses. concerns are 3 fold. first stairs, a concern regarding the, the start of the supply vision of see we have the know that you're on has spend
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a lot of years to, let's say empty the country and from the presence of terrorist therefore it's critically important. then the 2nd concern comes, which is the expansion and the possible expansion of actually this situation. chaotic situation to regional countries today be heard this concerned echoed by uranian foreign minister in a rock about the possibility of expansion of these, this, the playstation to iraq utilize. and as well, and the 3rd concern relates to the is really us plan that you're on calls behind the re sent surgeon patients in the region. this is a very wide picture of the developers and uranium poster and that, but the last point that i wanted to add, if i may, egregious, the collective action from uranium perspective. so if you look at these, the statements, you'll see that the radians foreign minister here and there he's talking about a sort the mississippi for building consensus among creature cartridges to deal
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with this escalating situation in syria. iran in presence a couple of days ago. busy and last week, because this guy came out to echo the same thing, calling for a action belmont collective action, the monkeys nomic cartridge to deal with that situation. this is the very just of the posters and statements that'd be here from here on these days. i'm gonna tell who to study in there on. thank you very much for your time. now, i wanted to take a 2nd to take you through some of the scenes that have been recorded really across syria. so listen to this, look at this and see how syria is processing this rapid advance from the opposition fighters. let's start with hama the opposition fighters tearing down the stats. you a former president office of us by charlotte stubbs. father was military, was responsible for that. i'm a massacre in 1982. they killed 40000 people. and
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this was the seat seat of jubilation in the southern city of dera, or anti government protest began back in 2011 the in home city. now, this was the scene is opposition fighters any closer to what was once the beating hearts of the syrian revolution? let's talk to joshua landis, director of the center for me, at least studies at the university of oklahoma. you are joining us from norman in oklahoma. it gets talked to you again, joshua, what are your, at this point? how serious, how existential is the threat to president a subs our it's um, you know, i think many people have coming to the determination that this is the,
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these are the closing days of outsides. government, russia has already, you know, somebody close to the seat of power and russia has told bloomberg just recently that um that there was really very little rush i can do for outside if his army is not willing to fight. and we've seen so far that it has really just it, it's just melted away in front of these rebel forces. syrians don't want to die for this regime, they're exhausted. the regime is done nothing for them. it can't get out of sanctions and can't figure out a way to to, to rebuild the country and the future. look to graham for all syrians under this government the way out into the future. so i think many are are resigning themselves to the fact that it's going to be change even though it, many particularly minorities in the allied minority in particular are very, very careful. i know there's been
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a giant accidents from homes and other cities. people are going back to the coast land out of whites and christians and other minorities are fleeting in front of this rebel army. but many are jubilant. as you see in your videos and get off and areas in the south, there jordans border have begun to rise up because they don't want to be the last people rising up against topside and should. should the rebels take humps serious, 3rd largest city. it's on the road to damascus, the last pearl and this long, there pearls a cities before they get to damascus. that would cut the main highway that goes from damascus on the outskirts of homes, to tar two's and the coastal cities where the hollow whites predominate. and that would, that would be a death. now, i believe for the remaining possibility that the syrian army would consolidate his powers and make a stand. joshua, one thing i don't understand,
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and i know i'm not alone is in the past when opposition fighters have advanced or presented a real threat. you've seen the jets, right? strike them syrian jets russian jets. why has they have they not being a significant factor militarily over the last 10 days? i know there has been a strike on the level with a couple of days ago if i'm not mistaken. how come the work planes are not stopping this rebel events? well, i think everybody's confused in the home of the major air academy and an air base there was taken with plains left in it and, and, and the troops just ran away. i think russia does not want to get out in front and tell a lot of people. russia has lost a 160 airplanes and you frame it's air for is, is much diminished. and although pollutant promised an air lift to our side, he doesn't have a lot of material to send to them. and the syrian army is just incomplete chaos now . um, so there, this is a very bad, sorry,
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if you're outside sitting in your palace drinking, what can i do to stop this? what other fighting groups may come into play? i mean, i can think of 3 and we've asked our correspondence, right? we can think of hezbollah, which supported us out last time. i know there severely weakened. um, we can think of a range in a i r g c forces. and we were speaking to our iraq correspondent who was saying that the iran aligned to malicious in iraq actually want to go in syria and fight for the charlotte side. so that's at least 3 fighting forces. i know some of them have been weakened that could potentially right brings but provide some military to this. if we look at this from a historical perspective, the aloe, it's got to the top of the power train in syria because of the french, the french occupation from the 1st world war through the 2nd world war they left and $46.00,
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but the french helped minorities to the top of the food chain and syria, and that's why so many how the whites volunteered for the french bills army and syria. then when the french left, the aloe white officers in that army were able to take power after a few decades of complete instability and they grabbed power. now the out of whites are, uh, she, i offshoot. and then after the iranian revolution, the out of whites were reinforced by the she, i, revolutionary version, even iran. and then when america, over through the cindy's saddam is saying any rock and put the a catapult of the she, i just the top of your rocky society. there was a lot more support for the us side regime. and we have to remember that from loving on through iraq and this entire 11th region, there are more she writes than their shared arabs. then there are sidney eric's. syria is that a vast majority, sidney or 70 percent?
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so the only way that the aloe whites and the minorities could clean the power was because of their reinforcement from the sidney majority, iraq, excuse me, that she, i, majority iraq and the she liked militias there, as well as his bow off, which dominated and 11 on both came to the aid of our side as well as that, ron, and that bolstered him against the sidney majority today because of what is real has done collaborative as well and 11 on hit iran badly. and now with america sitting at the board are not allowing you, rocky, she writes to come across it or at least inhibiting them along those highways as well as israel striking them when they came across and tried to resupply for his below the, those she icon hours that we, wrapping up the machine are gone, and our side is all alone, and a sidney majority is on the march. there, there are a great many factors as you've just laid out that are coming into play single
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tenuously. it kind of makes your head spin, but we're doing our best exp, 1st of all, understand it, and then explain it. a joshua land is director of the center for me, at least studies at the university of oklahoma. thank you very much. pleasure. or as a leader of hyatt to hurry, or i'll some h t s, a boom, hama, i will. mohammed al, gilani is urging rocky power military groups. the ones that joshua was just talking about not to intervene in the conflict in syria. listen to this lisa. so what am i, the, this is not a revolution link to what is going on in iraq. we aspired to establish strategic politically economic relations apart from social bonds. these will be further under the post aside, new syria, off to the removal of this criminal regime. we hope the rocky politicians laid by mohammed she also, donnie will see of the country away from these wranglings and prevent the dispatching of popular mobilization forces fights, as it is easy to prevent these forces from meddling and what is going on in syria
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to support this doomed regime. okay, i'm harland. i'm going to ask you to pause for a 2nd because i understand, um we, we will go to, i guess harland on monday and i understand we have a press conference by the foreign ministers of syria, iraq and iran. let's listen. it brothers has excellent see the photo, minnesota of the gulf city, a bus. i'm a sub of my brother. i bought a bus that actually the far in minnesota of the is that my trip optical play around? i welcome them warmly too much. and once again, i thank you for waiting for us, and i thank them for paying this visit and convening a number of successive meetings. we had bilateral meetings for coming
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with you for has excellent see president top bill up to you for us said i you said was that i am a shots and the prime minister mohammed. yeah. so danny, and also most of us had any of them come in on we the ministers had by lads were out of meetings. and today is afternoon. we had a try lateral meeting together on an order. and as i see you in mobile, there is no doubt the t issue is packed into the harsh and i are conditions unfolding in syria. i'm gonna push it to the box. so what i shouldn't have said the conditions were put to extensive discussion . this grave security situation and well and the report cushions
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of these who conditions on the neighboring countries. namely, you do all of a rock, there is a clear emphasis. i'm with, i'm the that and the security of syria is a little spin, month from the to the security of that age. and then the security of the agent is hands upon the lays on the neighboring guns surrounding countries which are all hands on the security of syria, as well as the security of a ride as we speak. and we didn't want him to have a lot to suit. he made it to the offensive are taking place and a number of preferences in city of had you on that we in the rock turned them in a t. i not, these are offensive, these old place. it is, and we also condemned that terrorist organizations which have been labeled and
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listed internationally according to the un security council, and we couldn't them all know federalist organizations would. that would accept since we and iraq our satellite as the where victims to terrorism. and we continue to stand up to and 5 top that is in the international global kotis. and we have have a full fighting dinner is and was established in the 1st place for fighting terrorism in iraq. and a rock stands as one of the co founder of this up at the global coalition. the do an idea, the coalition went on fighting terrorism and a number of other states, the rocks, the position is about please. and as i stated earlier, i'm the most of the security of i'm in don't let syria was and the security of the
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rock are intertwined and it is on the security of the agent is hang up on our respective security. i got, hey my secondly, we emphasize what of that and i'll be the rocky territories and the rocky balls the lions should be mounted per tech date and iraq. so can not be part of any terrorist attacks or any war academics or the head that i pay days the duty of the rocky armed forces of all the divisions on pause. he didn't want to have the time. and when i speak of old they should add up the vision. i mean, the rocky already the army, lots of the popular my a mobilization forces. i mean by somebody's forces. i'm on the security policies they are. we're head meyer today in total
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a load then went through the bed to protect our boat allies and to protect the rocky people. no, no, no. okay. we, i like to emphasize that we will support the city and people are southern side by way of dispatching the humanitarian a to the city and people with it and as a have namely the displays syrians above that. so to while go to bed, when take the initiative to why go to my house and when you might be quick, either they may not do it to hold a meeting with a number of states either the media do it if you're talking about where as lee more guns threaten, so would it be convened in baghdad in order to discuss the city and a fed and the buyer situation unfolding in that country. so when
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a home be it's a lot in the room. i say we will and it shade diplomatic communication all not in order to reach certain understandings with the representatives of the country. how do you do in these states as in their novel? yeah. home part to avoid the fees to my son are members of the stan industry. my meeting, however, not really the conference we wish to convey and that will be a bad bad day and then will a meeting, a simple you for that. isn't that the situation in syria is important about us and can says positive we the 3 of us to by not examined, discussed the so possible scenarios as well as 40 the
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threats be it with then how will that the city in both of those modules or overseas which are of consent to the rocky community on other neighboring countries we when yeah, similarly you as our fellow the folder in minnesota all the, i'll probably go syria. we similar language be that we started with coding for a meeting for the eagle 5 states. i knew the convene up immediately and we will put in to accent or the diplomatic that the tools and all the codes see a lot of sweetie, ad throughs. it's a sudden and let's say it in a fast a model id with someone else have already initiated communication with the number of federal ministers, foreign ministers of turkey. well, try to g,
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it's the new model and his name. all right, see what counterparts. so the ravia and the zip sent out that pause, as well as a photo and ministers of some western and european states. we would continue with these communication with norman model and all of the to work together. uh, do a lot a closely with how did you do, what do you my, what are your counterparts in iran? well, does that mean he was he or how did you get, as well as well? yeah. and syria and older to co ordinate and how did finally, i took them to my see our moves within all these diplomatic efforts i have these and what i once again i will come my fellow for ministers in baghdad and i thank them dogwood for the discussions important discuss is we have had which,
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or you want to still canada for the month of the, to the benefits of the most of a high security and disability of the agent. so as well as their respective interest and the of what comes in. but that is my holy and i do as always, i mean allow me to invite my colleagues to the minnesota. but um, how does he make homes to address you? would you had nobody can convey the view, applying to all of the city and government and the 1st place. and then i will ask him by the, my another fellow for in minnesota to download this at our best and also to convey his now i give him the flow. she cringes, he then as ease, thank you. my brother, the flat jose and as
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a matter of fact this morning i had a number of meetings with the rob kids top leader said the president, the prime minister and the speaker of the parliamentary. and i also had discussions with my was rocky and iranian counterparts. how this had been hung, these discussions are all important and they would all centered on the latest developments unfolding in syria as that is level of the terrorist attack. and it's about how you launched by most of the and sadly brace and fronts together with a number of yeah. and then we'll have status groups on a late pool. would you want it live? how about today on pumps and that you've done that. let me check these operations
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with totally and strongly condemned with that with any big unity as okay, you've been listening to the press conference set and here we have it again. i'm also delighted to see the government efforts in order to secure the necessity, basic services and other basic needs. and the areas that went out of control. i emphasized and rates rated that the city and national army are fulfilling
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their bits for you to do it to use is standing up and saying that is off base terrorist attacks. however, these then nobody seems weird proportional to the native of tactics and the deployment. seeing that is it is also a rated that the national army will continue to fulfill their duty. again, it's all those who may think to undermine see areas. security oldest ability. yvonne, i reiterated to my fellow ministers that the lowest behind restricted in these fittest operations. he did one leg guarantee via the united nation is elusive as default with respect to the fight. think that or is it that also violating other agreements the it's on the stand, the track either in the it does also i also emphasize that this grave debt it is
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today i'm the, is not only the stability and security of syria but also to the stability and security of the threes and the states. i openly and candidly explained to my fellow ministers, i hold the the days and then they measured the and the heavy, the flat bed. that's an extra one most. okay. you've been listening to a press conference, a joint press, conference of the foreign ministers of iraq, syria, and iran. were going to bring in orlando mind senior advisor, the atlanta council chairman of the kilbourne group here joining us from washington, dc. first of all, our lawn. thank you for your patience because i see you in my monitor. you've been with us for about 40 minutes and then we have this press conference and you've been
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waiting very patiently we, we value your insights. so thanks for your patience and what we wanted to talk to you in partly about this meeting and partly about the iraq militias that may or may not go and lend support to the charlotte side in syria. let's start there. the rocky foreign minister did not say one way or another, whether they would allow their rocky militias to cross the border into syria to go and support a side you want to come in on that? yeah, i want, i want to take on that because my understanding is this could be a little a key piece of the equation of the regional puzzle. let me put this in in broader geostrategic terms. if i may make up the said the a 3 to 2
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little too late, the battle of homes will be determinative. and i think what most of your commentators have said that the assad regime is intensive care and the chances of it leaving intensive care alive or slim to not put this even in a broader perspective. this is not very much different except in geography from the balkans crisis in 1914, this could explode with regional consequences that could lead to i'm not suggesting a world war, but instability we haven't seen in a very, very, very long time. for those of you viewers who are old enough, where i've seen the movie, lawrence of arabia, the last scene after the arabs have moved into damascus is really telling. because the varies our drives, who have been assigned to the various ministries from water to electricity to health simply can't get along. and my concern is that if the opposition wins, what will be the position in syria? what will serial look like in my, my guess is it will be almost as ungovernable as it possibly could be. i hope i'm wrong. but all the makings of a,
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of an impending crisis are really there. about the rock militias. we don't know whether they may or may not be sent. it's not clear from what the rock foreign minister is saying. could they play an important role in defending us? oh, clear in what way? no, i think he said they're not counting. well, we wouldn't be fine. yeah. okay, fair enough. what he said was that they, along with the rocky army and he said the push americans, which are the turkish fighters, are going to be used to defend iraq. so that may your interpretation of that is they're not going to serious. of course not. look, i shouldn't say of course not from their perspective. they see that the battle is going towards the opposition. and the last thing they want to do is commit their people to a failing cause. supposing they do send in, they are malicious and the saw police to moscow or something like that. and the regime collapses. it's too great a risk. and so my guess is that's very,
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very unlikely. and if the battle of homes is, is concluded fairly quickly, we'll see, then the road to damascus is wide open. so who's the, who's the port assad militarily? then because our correspondent and lebanon was telling us, has the law is, doesn't really have the strength to do it right now. you're telling us the wrong people issues aren't going, is too risky. and our rush, a correspondent, we were discussing earlier with russia, hasn't really been involved so far. they haven't been doing much militarily. well, they've been on the margins. and as you may or may not know, the russian commander and syria has been fired. the reports are all correct, russia has nothing to give their wasting. i shouldn't say they are wasting people and, and you currently know that a daily basis that they cannot afford. and i think of sides army is not particularly well trained. so i don't think there's really many people who are going to be supporting saw, and if there was in, collapses as quickly as it appears to be. then there's going to be chaos if you want another analogy. think about what happened. they've gotten a stance after we evacuated in august of 2022 regime 2021. the receive collapse
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almost immediately when we never expected that there is every sign that this is going to happen to a saw it in damascus. you can see the regime fold and that's the case. what happens next is something that remains to be seen. but i don't know that there's any mechanism in the u. n. or any the arab league or anything else that's going to be able to put in place a truce or anything that will lead to a stable government. and my concern is that the situation, syria, if the opposition wins, could be even worse than it is today. it's a highland omen. i have to run because we're gonna have to take a very short break before a come back at the top of the hour. it's been great talking to you. thank you very much for your insights. thank you again for your patience and i do hope we'll get to talk to you again. all right, that wraps up this news hour. we're going to be back in 2 minutes. so for more and we'll recap all the developments very fast moving developments out of syria. this our, the rebel advanced that took a level serious 2nd largest city few days ago. then the took hama yesterday is now
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possibly on the verge of taking home. that's the question mark for now. we'll bring you more on all of that. when we come back on out here the, the latest news i did as more of an $18000000.00 flo titles portfolio. and also 1000000 were just the companies in this country, less than 200000 with detailed coverage for like this top secret both products across different areas from the heart of the story. this has been a c activists say that in a well what and a quality is why this could lead to some feelings of pressure that the lives of simply too much of a button pod came in to be so it could be interim head for 4 years which is pretty much an electrical terms. now. i didn't say that that would be for 40 years facing realities. what does donald trump's re election? mean pretty tough. it is most important that we focus on how to work with president
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trump thought provoking on self. and your wife is dealing with the climate crisis is a crisis of crisis good times. but so it's not just one price is up via the story on talk to how does era no place. and so i go on with say, the press for treated with the car about a media, how and vital vantage point to doing the 1st truly televised war from the roof. we could see the factory that the american embassy for the most iconic images of the conflict and vietnam were transmitted to the world. this was the front row sheet to the final stages of the war cycle and caravel war hotels, oil just here. fueling the combination of violent war and the heavy rain creating a respiratory for more suffering for palestinians asking questions. what are the challenges in helping girls that are seeing this within these conflict,
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refusing for the action a lot of the rates are really, really big. we've seen this done this in an in depth coverage, so i'll just say it was teens on the ground when you closer to the heart of the story. the opposition fighters in syria or within striking distance of homes, the gateway to the capital. while government forces use control of the syrian uprising began the pennsylvania, it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 light from the also coming up.
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