tv The Bottom Line Al Jazeera December 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST
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saying has comments from miss interpretive propeller plane crashed into a texas highway on wednesday, damaging 3 vehicles i read, the pilot was on board with the school across went down and split into their own. i have a possible city of victoria for people including the pilots were injured. and the close of the clock crash is not clear today to provide drones in the sky over new york and new jersey cruising along the us. defense department says there's no for an enforcement. there's also often no explanation. christian salumi has more more drones. and this guy, it's become almost a nightly occurrence in the skies over new jersey. there are literally dozens of drawn fire spotted by residents and share it on social media. mysterious drones as large as a car would at 1st seemed a local anomaly. now capturing the attention of top military officials at this time, we have no evidence that these activities are coming from
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a foreign entity or the work of an adversary. we're going to continue to monitor what is happening, but um, you know, at no point where our installations threatened when this activity was occurring, dependent on spokes person denying reports, they were launched by around here since there is not any truth to that. there is no ronnie and ship off the coast of the united states and there's no so called mothership launching drones towards the united states or the f b i the f b i is leading the investigation. you're telling me we don't know what the hell these drones are in new jersey are. is that correct? that's right. since opening a tip line more than $3000.00 sidings have been found in the sightings began in new jersey last month about the same time. drones were spotted around for us air bases in the united kingdom. now they're being reported here in new york and pennsylvania as well. in new jersey, local police have launched their own drugs in an attempt to get more information.
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well, local mirrors have called for a stronger state response. right now we just want then, if i would, this is what concerns us mostly is that at this point, nobody's seen any of these units. taking off or landing despite reassurance is they're concerned that recivore is military bases. even president elect donald trump's bed minister, golf club, and home have been under surveillance or worst. the next one will come and the next one and next one. but so far there are more questions than answers. kristin salumi al jazeera new york. and that's it from me, laura kyle: you can always get up to date with all the latest on our website. the sound is there a dot com and the clock cause the news hour ahead. well now to sarah, often the bottom line, the who is lens and live in use. john, mr. chronicles,
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the devastation is more of his country unexpected. his own. simon's struggle for survival becomes pumped as they see for their lives. as camera keeps rolling, offering an intimate, portray anguish and resilience of those displaced by more force to free self 11 on witness on a jersey a hi, i just need clements and i have a question. is real says it's far away from ending as one, gaza and it has full us support to keep going. so is there ever going to be an end game? let's get to the bottom line. the after a year of fighting between hezbollah in lebanon and israel, a truce was finally reached, although it's still really touching, go outgoing. u. s. president joe biden said he would now seize the moment and renew his push for an agreement on gaza, which has been devastated by israel over these last 14 months. but he has
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administration also just be towed as he's by a resolution at the united nations security council last month and recently approved a new $680000000.00 package of weapons to israel. we've seen this story play over and over again. costs proceeds, firewall is real, gets all it needs to keep the destruction going. so which america is it? the one that talks a piece or the one that's funding this endless war? and now what trump promising quote all hell to pay in the middle east. what's coming next? today we're speaking with political science, a stevens, eunice, who teaches us foreign policy and middle east politics at the university of san francisco. stephen, thank you so much for joining us. let me just start with the news of the incoming president. the united states will be sworn in in january. he is tweeted, out onto social, please let this truth serve to represent that if the hostages are not released prior to january 20th, 2025, the date that i probably assume opposites present united states,
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there will be all hell to pay in the middle east. now, president trump present electron by should say, does not mention him us, but he's make very clear who he's talking about. but i'm just interested in how you see this punctuation point in the israel gaza story that we've been seeing. watch unfold for 14 months. what are your views? i think trump is the taking, you know, to the logical conclusion. the way the way us foreign policy is addressed. israel, palestine for years design idea that using as much force as possible against the extremist while refusing to award reward. the moderates, it creates a situation where it just creates more and more he's admitting more and more extreme is, i mean it's hard to imagine a gauze of suffering any more than a has so far in terms of violence, violence made possible by us arms by us vito's by the policies of the democratic
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administration. and so the incoming republican administration is really hard to imagine of, of getting things not getting much worse. i mean, i think he has is not a sense of this kind of bluster and threats so well, somehow it may come off some more rational and obviously a history is shown that's not, not the case at all. what somebody disturbing, especially since he didn't mentioned any names, is that when he talks about those responsible he could very well be referring to around because they're a lot of people in the us of a foreign policy establishment, especially in the republican. can't see a moss as some kind of a rainy and proxy. now ramp certainly does have proxies in the middle east or low, such as the militia, and the rack and, and syrian and it has very close to allies, which is sort of supported, materially alike, has been a lot like the who these but, but from us, you know they're, they're,
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they're not that close to, uh, around they are on opposite sides in the syrian civil war. and you know, they tend to be a very different um, histories. audiology used to be a logical foundations. but nevertheless, they have received a limited amount of support from some factions within the iranian regime. but for those who are targeting around who are obsessed about around. and that seems to be those and from some circles, trying to tie them to her mouth and therefore use this as an excuse of for increasing tensions there and possibly even going for war. i mean that's, that's one thing. and as the jump out and the about the, about that a tweet. is there any real choice in american politics? is there any substantial difference between the democrats and republicans when it comes to this middle east crisis, the folks that go there are sanders in like they're in holland who are speaking out . the fact that there were a on the 19 of the democratic and the democratic align sanders,
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who we try to block the latest on the shipments to israel and shows, or at least there's some of the set within the democratic party. there seems to be very little the sense within the republican party unfortunately. and i think about live, the legacy, i think is a really important point. i mean, we look at the president in london, johnson the, the civil rights legislation in the great society program on, domestically. he was probably the most progressive president we've ever had. but how did people remember? lyndon johnson is vietnam, i mean, that is his legacy. and i'm guessing that barden, who's that who is end up being, having a more progressive domestic policy than many of us a anticipated when he, when he ran for a for office and in 2020, that the guy that is going to very much hang on his legacy as well. i was going back to the vietnam analogy though. one thing that was really striking in 1969 nixon's 1st year in office, you suddenly saw
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a lot of democrats in congress and allowed a more liberal main stream that had supported the vietnam war when, when johnson was president, when it was a democratic, more and we're finally felt like they could speak out against it. and there was a huge shift during that year and from a newspaper editorials, you know, to the, to the sense of the democratic caucus in congress to come out. and because they felt free to speak out, they did not that they felt uncomfortable about criticizing the president their own party, particularly in the election year. and at this point they, they felt more free to got to listen to the broad public opinion, which is already opposed to the vietnam war, especially among democratic voters, to speak out. and we could see a similar shift. now there's dramatic, i don't think, but by i think, i think we will see a more outspoken criticisms of us policy towards israel, which is up to now been a very bi partisan kind of affair in terms of trump. i mean,
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i think he really doesn't have a vision. i mean almost every president has some, had some kind of vision for foreign policy. trump has no vision. he's purely transactional and, and which has given get, got gotten a lot of criticism from, from the writers as well as from the left. but i think on israel is very clear and he's handing it over, you know, to these really hard line idea logs of these right wing christian, fundamentalists do say god has some kind of cosmic real estate agent that believes the whole region should belong to israel. as well as the most far right within the jewish zionist community. and so things can definitely get worse in that regard. in terms of the policies of the united states in terms of the actual how, how soon you guys are treated, i mean, will there be that much difference between of have present like shots, who opposes palestinian statehood and a present like bite? and he says he supports pals stand in state hood,
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but it's done everything he can from you in details to, to unconditional aid, to of, of, of opposing a recognition of palestine to support. harding trump so called abraham records, do you know, bypass the palestinians and normalization. i mean on a practical level and people in the west bank will probably not feel much difference. and similarly, obviously people in the gallons are not gonna, it's not gonna be, it'd be that that much, it much different. but i think what about trumps extreme is i'm, i think at least he can pretend like buying does that. he is really trying to reach an equitable just piece and again, i think that might lead to a greater activism in greater challenges, both within the beltway and beyond. i am interested in this, this belief. it's beginning to propagated that the palestinians are all terrorist and they all deserve this. and that's, you know, genocide is justified, ethnic cleansing is justified. there we have
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a we have heard that actually for many decades. i mean this is a, it's certainly the worst. yeah. single, a series of, of atrocities and, and, you know, and, and we're crimes that do indeed to violate the genocide treaty this, this, this idea that they're all terrorist and you can't trust them with the statehood and, and treating the entire palestinian movement as is worst historical components that's been going on for, for many decades. but one thing i want to emphasize though is that this is not the 1st genocide of the united states has supported. all right, and look at indonesia in east timor, for example, pocket stone and bunker dash, uh, back in the 1980 is the guatemalan hunter and the indigenous peoples. and i looked at the, you know, a turkey and, and the curtis population, particularly in the early 19 ninety's, you know, for that matter, saudi arabia's bombing in the m and just a few years ago. so in certain ways,
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i think it's important to, to, to recognize that the united states has been quite willing to support the most horrific crimes if the committed by and how are you know, usually excuse as the anti communism. you know, during the cold war or, or, or, and, and other excuses. uh, but uh, this is in many ways not knew what does make it different i think, is that most of those atrocities are somewhat under the radar. most americans had didn't even hear about each team or even though you know, 150000 or more people died in that small country. but to this, this genocide is unfolding on people cell phones. i mean, there's no denying what's going on. so in certain ways, this makes it even more inexcusable. and i think it's really a, yeah, bringing to a to a, for a certain really important discussions of both on the moral and legal issues. but also, and in terms of, of how united states, as presented in the world. i mean,
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you know, the arkansas don't realize that at least the americans that don't travel abroad. how that, the packers, so you can double standards or of, of, of us policy, or that we can, you know, to correctly criticize the russians for their war crimes for their illegal invasions, occupation, annexation of, of, of neighbors. and you have the united states comes in defense, israel and so there's also just as there's some pragmatic voices within israel saying, hey, this doesn't really support a help israel in the long term. this doesn't, it doesn't lead and live up to the moral values we supposedly believed in. you're starting to see more of these issues, even among main streams, strategic analysts about the consequences of us support for israel. this, let me race 3 features with you that i've seen in the terrain. i watch this conflict as best i can. every day. 3 big features that i think are, are different folks out there. one the,
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the development of permanent basis. what looked like to be a network and permanent basis by israel and gossip, particularly north guys, up to 19 installations. i as i understand it, 2nd thing we're watching is really forces let gains come in and, and basically dismantle and take the aid that's coming in on these trucks. and so that you and convoys that are coming in and trying to move 8 are suspending them because of the israeli forces. not stopping based. gang is coming, which is the 2nd piece. and the 3rd, which is really horrific for b and p are reporting about the sniper drought. so drones that are almost set up as i understand it, almost automatically fire indiscriminately on, on civilians, on people. there are stories of women who walk, you know, go near a window and they'll fire single shots. this is in discriminant, killing, not the targeting of a hamas commander, but someone is just re big features that i'm wondering. where is the outrage?
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where's the concern? because they're all designed to, to remove people and to create it really an ongoing occupation that is real, says it's not up for this is really frightening. of the 1st of all, i don't think these permanent bases are going to have any more success than the 19 permanent bases. the us plan to put in the rack after the invasion. you cannot have a on a board off of reading base and, and that's a hospital, a population of but regarding the, the, the issues of the use of the drones and the other technologies for indiscriminate killing, or is one of the most disturbing aspects of what we've seen over the past of a 14 months, including the, the use of the artificial intelligence. and for example, where they would look at the phone contacts of some oscillator and,
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and go after them, you know, no matter where they are of find the and without the concern about, you know, the fact. and you live in an apartment building with dozens of other families who have nothing to do with a moss. i mean, again, the level of need to work crimes here are even worse than i think most people realize that eventually is just going to come out. i mean, eventually there will be a sort of the kind of questioning about, um, what were you doing, you know, supporting this kind of thing. i mean, i think this is going to be and be something that's going to be debated on, on the, on the, on, on moral level. certainly. and then also, you know, in terms of us are changing level, how did they possibly get away with this, with the support of the, of the united states. and i think it's really, really important that we, we emphasize that we, we can't stop of putting out that the human element and all this and, and that,
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i think the very fact that we, we are in a more diverse society than we used to, that we have a think of a sizable, our american population muslim population that we have a, a and also just a population that is more diverse overall and including the people of color, people who are from the global south. that is hard to dismiss the palestinians and some kind of other, you know that it's a and, and so as a result, i really, really do think that there won't be accountability, sundays, but uh, you know, the question is how many people are going to die in the meantime, i want to ask you, not about the cost is real for this, but the cost of the us brand and the united states in the world. we're not only it's government, but even institutions like the post r somehow, you know, turning a blind eye to many of the atrocities that we're seeing as you said on our iphones,
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as there is, it is quite quite striking. i mean, the icpc is indicted. 67 people, and this is the 1st time ever they have indicted a numbers of a key ally. and then all of a sudden the us opposes the eyes easy. and it says pretty transparent. what this is about the united states believes international criminal court should only go after those from governments. we don't like or from, or from the rebel groups. so, terrorist organizations or whatever we don't like. and i mean that what you know, and this is the country that found itself, you know, on, on the, the, the, the rule of law that we should not distinguish in terms of a, of a person's or politics or, or political alignment in terms of their responsibilities. under the law and you know, for the end and excuses united states use as oh they, they are, there is also not a signatory of the i, c, c o, palestine is and, and, and the court is rule you now is either very, very clear of that and therefore,
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it covers a work crimes committed from palestinian territory or on house to new territory. and furthermore, united states had no objections. when tutoring and other russian officials have been indicted for work crimes related to ukraine, even though neither russia nor ukraine are signatories of the icy say, nor were a number of these african countries where there is more lords and an entire and so i've been indicted previously. i mean, if anything, the icpc has had a, had a pro western biased by the very fact that until of food in less than die of some years ago, every single person and died by the eyes. you see it was an african and certainly of virtually all these of africans indicted. i think deserved to be indicted. but it certainly african does not have a monopoly on, on, on war crimes of, of, of this proportion. so, um, and this is, this is really an old story. well that we've seen before, the same kind of thing where in the united states we'll, we'll talk about the,
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you know, human rights abuses. you know, by uh, by around uh, but down play them by saudi arabia or, or many, many other cases where the united states will repeatedly. and, you know, it acts like a certain international norms regarding human rights regarding international law, you know, should only be used as a tool against. yeah, for political geo, political purposes and not as universal principles. you know, we've been talking to israel guys a little bit maybe and you know, what's been going on with lebanon. but when you've heard of that now move to syria . seems to have a full out civil war going on, raises interesting questions about what iran is real in the united states. one because they seem to be concerned about what happens if a side were to fall in syria, which is a real change of tune. and you've got, i'm just sort of interested in the state of play of a ron's access of resistance, whether that's even a thing anymore, or what i think it's important to recognize as a,
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even though around is opposing us imperialism and western imperialism. it sounds like of an imperialist power itself and, and also a rather reactionary one, frankly. and the only reason that the site is still in power right now, frankly, is because of support. the other ran and, and, and, and, and it, and it has, it has blog rainy and back in group. and of course, the russians. now, the problem right now for the sod regime is out of russia is obviously occupied with preoccupied by the ukraine. or that's where most of their jet fighters and others other than bombing, lenovo and other authorities a and during the earlier phase of the civil war, hang on have had gone as well. actually obviously, you know, has, you know, how much of his leadership killed and, you know, they are struggling to, to rebuild and, and trying to continue to defend loving. and of course, many of their positions in syria were bombed by, uh, you know, by
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a israel as well. and so this is given the opposition groups and opening impacts. so effective some indications that the uh, the strong and the other eval groups were only planning a very limited response to it to an air strikes and killed a bunch of civilians a couple of weeks ago. and when the syrian troops nelson away, they said, hey, let's see how far we can go. and they have continued to, to, to move forward. and so, you know, i think the international dimensions obviously are very important regarding around adult and regarding turkey and, and russia and israel. but all i think is really important distress it ultimately a, this is about the syrians and, and the it is underscore, is that the more important really then the, the less lessening support from outside or is where the regime start is back the sod. regina is typically does not have any, any credibility. this todd regina is,
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does not have the support of its own people. and it's that, that is why you know that things are collapsing, at least as much as the less than far and support. i'm gonna ask you one last on fair question regarding palestine and israel, which seem to have a lot of enmity for each other, at least of the leadership. right now, how would you advise anyone to get out of the gym loop of the back and forth between israel and palestine? well frankly, i think the most important thing is to change us policy. because israel would not be getting away with what it's doing. that the not with, with the not having the blank check from the world is number one, a super power. when you have this unconditional military, economic and diplomatic support by government, which also claims to be essentially the sole mediator and the conflict. obviously you're not getting very far. i mean, is riley's like any people you have a left in the rightness center. you know, people on the left for
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a form for moral or from pragmatic. reason say, hey, is real, need some, make the necessary compromises for peace on the right for a religious or nationalist or other reasons. i know we can, we can control the whole area we should keep going to war. but most is really, is, are in the middle. and history has shown is when the rare times united states has pressured israel a little bit is really some moves the left in terms of their, uh, their voting patterns and, and, and, and opinions. and when they feel like they have a blank check here, right, we have nothing to lose. you might as well go for broke. they tend to align with the right. and that asymmetry and power will continue until the united states. a part is at least some kind of tough love or whatever it is. we're all saying, you know, we're not going to continue giving you a blank check where you can come, met these atrocities continue the sort of this brutal occupation and, and, and continue policies which are uh, you know, obviously horrific for the palestinians,
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but ultimately don't provide you with the security that you desire, either we'll, we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much for your candor, professor of politics and international relations at the university of san francisco. stevens soonest. really appreciate your time. my pleasure. so what's the bottom line? president elect donald trump has perfected the art of webinar using unpredictability . it works to his advantage everywhere here in the united states and all over the world. so is he going to be a nixon type president who bucks the establishment and goes to china? or is he going to get in line behind this really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, just like his predecessors did because it's easier. and because he likes strong autocratic rulers, don't forget trump reportedly hates victims and hates under dogs and calls them losers. and within days of the outbreak on the war on gospel last year from said quote, b, b, do what you need to do. lending is support to the campaign of devastation against everyone and everything. well, get this instability leads to more instability. just look at syria now,
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and this pass that the us is really insist on good land them somewhere. they don't like. it's like shakespeare said, these violence, the lights have file it and, and that's the bottom line. the the latest news as it breaks the market do not even have the most basic goods. and if they do, they are often do expensive for many families. with detailed coverage, low codes, gain weight here, knowing that trucks, carrying like citing supplies, will pass for gallons of civilly. this row has become a symbol of stolen hope from the heart of the story. 1000. i'm hungry. this way, as people are in front of a baker here, just to get one part of the red in depth analysis of the days headlines. what are we supposed to read the pin?
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so the use of this new miss all by russian informed opinions. finally, after over a year of genocide, the i c. c has come to this decision, critical debate. the difference between china and most of the rest of the world is a china plans long term inside story do conferences and meetings like cop 29 and others make a difference on how to 0. the mama uprising is in um, freedom movement that takes place in can you time being up against the british to monday with tunnel fill on me because if i don't come in. so in the nights on presents colonial past, there is this domestic torture of reign of terror in these count major human rights abuse. how was this happening? the very bridges way of to whichever one tend or need to deny on out is there are several meters underground. this school is called simply the undergrad school. you
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have this built, its location is secret and it doubles up as a bomb shelter. some children have no nothing other than school and more time. i like to study him not above ground because it stays here. this is the only school of its kind in the city. it's cost millions of dollars and the off tends to build more. the idea is not only to create a safe environment and also hasn't one for children. a child psychologist takes care of the children's emotional needs in a school that is doing its best to shelter and protect children. however difficult to task that the, there's no limit to how a dream contains sta in your own adventure,
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no counter. and the the kind of the clock this is in use life instead of coming up in the next 60 surgeons move on with lives off to the full of pressure. all a sudden you enter him 5 minutes of promising them surfaces and stupidity, taking mattresses into their own hands. young syrians take the initiative to clean the streets of the capital to mask these really ministry. it conducts a wave of attacks across the gaza strip. to talk.
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