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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  December 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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muscles and even powers the swiftness of the rebels, the violence of the removal of the west side of the other. he took many by surprise, but the reaction of the serial the design. it's to clear this the now the question is what happened is that the thousands of syrians assembled the historic of my and most for the 1st friday for us off to the full of the regime. kyle, this is l 0 life from day. well, also coming up, the future of syria dominates discussions between us exercise, honestly blinking and the talk is present an incorrect view and goals on israel to respect. serious so frontiers this way. the troops pushed deeper into her entire
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train on his way. yeah. so i go to refugee camp in concert, kills at least 30 treat people us as it helps to cease 5 will be agrees in the coming weeks. and georgia's government is preparing to elect any president protests as a demanding a. we run the of october, and then she polls the syrians are attending the 1st friday, pres, since the outside regime was over thrown on sunday at the historic and i had most in the heart of damascus. people of catherine across the country to perform the friday. pres, the leader of hyatt tucker alshaun al sharra, as called the syrians to unite the moment. i congratulate the syrian people on the victor or of the blissful revolution and call on them to take to the streets to
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express the joy over this achievement and without firing bullets in the or allow me the public officer that let's join hands to rebuild the country. and stay in the beginning with god's health, we shall be trying them from the international push for us to move. political transition, sir, is gaining momentum. us actually states on the banking is intech here. pay and present was yep. type of one of discuss the developments on the grounds, the 2 countries back revival opposition groups in parts of syria, chaper tennessee. as this report, us secretary of state met with the target president in ankara at a delicate moment on wednesday us back kurdish forces. so they agreed to assist 5 with truck. is you back flags is in syria, could sofas minutes of region in the countries northeast had come under attack in the immediate officer mazda, besides full helpful and talks with the jordanian king and uncle blinking set. the goal of his trip to the region was to calm the different factions who now seek to
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benefit from the full of the serial regime. i think across the board when it comes to any actors who have real interest in syria. it's also really important that this time that we all try to make sure that we're not sparking any additional template. however lincoln play down the on doing is really invasion and amec sation of portions of syria currently on the way when it comes to action. that is real estate and the stated purpose of those actions really is to try to make sure that equipment is good, advantage terrace extremes, etc. but we'll be talking and we've already talked talking to others about the way it has back up the white house national security specs. when jerome coby insisted that in keeping with lincoln's message to regional power to stay out of
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the syrian power vacuum, the us will stick to it stated mission of fighting. i. so us military presence in the, in syria is predominantly in the east and is designed solely to help us with the counter isis missions. and we're working with the syrian democratic forces to that . and that's why they're there. and that's the only reason that they're, they're the us in the system. it's only which is for an inclusive serial of transition to an accountable and representative government that poses no threat to its neighbors. she every time see alger 0. so this is the live scene just outside fast, non mock. my ad most the in damascus with thousands of people already gathering for friday. perez says that to be in about an hour and a half from now, just to remind you that this is a key moment for the syrians since the full of aside last sunday. first friday, prizes the 1st time they can come together. free of the outside reggie and that's
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bringing russell said that he's all correspondent in damascus. he's also the apps that most wessel just didn't describe for us. the mood that of the holding fee. there is a set of rescue, so the rates remove here. now people more to know more people are arriving despite have is due a couple of hours to the prayer that is not on the people of damascus. people are coming from an apple put them in from the north, in cities, not coming from that us way that from the solid in cities, from data to rock i from the northeast and then eastern cities does not come from homes, from a, from an attack. yeah. from top to bottom, it beware across the country to come in here and going to attend. did you my prayer, and it's not the only the prayer that is who is the important. however, it is the 1st drama that is mocking, that is coming at the end of the full of, of this uh, regina that has built which lies the comfortable over 5 keys. so that
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dictatorship has la, has lost its 4454 years. and the last 10 years of the civil war, the syrians have been blown, having killed had been tortured, have been abused by this brute to redeem over here you're talking about half a 1000000 people. given the lies being killed in the prisons, in the houses by the federal, bombs, by the, the russian to your tribes by the review forces by the maybe she has. however, syrians have not given up on the freedom. and after 13 years of that much of the sacrifice, they finally got the free them. now just leave it here, right, go here, people are chanting god, syria and freedom. so i know more and more people out of coming to here and hoping that these new governments that is not in charge, he's going to build a syria, that they have lumped them about. and that they have 544 over the course of 13
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years. and the rest of them clearly and to all the celebration, but also i want to choose challenges facing the new cuts club ministration. indeed, so the economy in syria is pretty potent, you're talking about any placement rates that is that that's the towards highest rate in the world. so the, the did the unemployment, these are what a 50 percent. so the state i practice this year, the state is a to just, you have been tremendously corrupt and so on. so 1st, preserving the states a state that practice is then running to state affairs here is going to be a huge challenge. recombinant the economy is going to be who challenge. and of course, making a, the cost of years and between people on the stage or so. another huge chat is whether things are moving, know the regional countries, rocks, egypt, jordan. so the, the united adam, i mean these are the resume, the diplomatic data from i think we just need to the,
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one of the major health and human companies positives and just to provide the distributed plastic missions here to, to cut off are going to be open they are, uh, the, the, the embassies here. so syria is reconnecting with the, comes with the regional with the region and with the world. and of course now the 10 government here is coming with new names to build also a cabin. it's a bridge cabinet that's supposed to take the country from disney turn in process for e, for fort mostly to define. we have a permanent government. as i said here, the priority for the government is to preserve the company together to, to secure a cert estimated as ition, but also to bill to confuse assyria that city is how wish ford has dreamed about how far to, and how sacrifice a lot for trans level setup reyes, the nation fat from the middle of damascus. many, thanks indeed, russell. well, that spring and rob guys painful electron peace and security at durham university,
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it fills up at this point just it's, it's passing, completing it just for a moment. i mean, normally, all of this moment full the survey and people as a gather fried, a pres, in a way, they never would have been able to unto the assad raising without fear of being seen as a protest without fear for that lies that they've been broken. off they've been cracks down upon. the feelings of relief must be a men's. oh, absolutely is to be the 1st friday pres where i will, but well as being said in the most by religious leaders or indeed on the floor is not being watched by the regimes feed secret police. so people can actually speak freely and breathe freely and express themselves freely. but i think they'll be all sorts of questions on the, about what to do next. i think this is, this is kind of a movement of not just joy instead of ration, but also attention. you know, we know in the middle east that friday, pres often a time when things come to a head. the people can celebrate, but they can also,
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it can galvanized people into action. so we'll have to see what happens. do i think we're moving from that stage now as initial celebration and jubilation towards add question towards morning, but also questions of what do we do next? lots about everyone that was in power. what about people that works this saturday? i'm down to from traffic policeman to prison administrators. what do we do with that? do we offer it on the state or do we look to pursue venue next? yes. has been very clear about this, saying that they will not allow people to take the lower and throwing hands the ones that crowd forms like this after friday press, then it can take on them and submit. so now let's not forget the h d s is overstretched. and it did a good job governing it live in terms of keeping itself in power and keeping the lower in order. but it's moved many of its policemen from it live into damascus. that on unfamiliar, tough now they don't know what they're dealing with and they've never had to keep bored in a city like damascus before. so this would be an enormous job for them. and a real test of aged yes. as leadership of bands,
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they would just say who it rolls in to help golf and damascus. and then the rest of syria, which groups it's going to reach out to. yes, it was really facing a conflict tier because what it needs to do is basically keep lower in order and get things under control as a pete to stump it so far as the on domestic is and siri as a whole, because people talk about this victory and yes, it was victory mostly on damascus. there was less of military victory, more political victory because the sides troops didn't do much fight to move the runaway haste. yes, is not a big organization. it may be has around $20000.00 fighters. so that can be very much overstretched in terms of maintaining law and order. they also need to stop there will far as the on damascus, which is why they pull a lot of administrators in gear correct and police from it live to damascus because they need to maintain order. but at the same time, they need to include other people. they need to include opposition. figures need to include local. i'm already hearing rumblings of discontent,
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the in delegations by the new syrian government to foreign embassies and following the organizations. then not seeing any opposition figures. the only thing it lives at basically administrate is transplanted from it live to damascus and given these big jobs which makes sense. but at the same time, they have to show that that opens grades in a pluralistic syria and not just taking pals themselves. and they do it after, so it's a syrians that show to the well that they haven't, yes, they being backed by cookie to reach this place, but they also own terrorism, this in the us and the you. so what do they have to do to prove that they all the white people to lead this country? well, this is the thing they've been saying the right thing. you know, we're hearing tool called the respect to minorities have been basically starting to protect the crossteck administration of them playing down things like serial or it is the missed governance and that kind of thing. but i think the west is very much waiting to see if the actions match that would mean that we've seen as soon as that
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lead as well then military fatigues for suits and trump tray. this kind of image of being open to the world full. so like i say the fact that some of those delegations didn't see any opposition figures that was fairly so worked with these technocrats who off and basically is limits. they all, there's new women, for example, there's new minorities involved, those all worrying initial signs. and like i say that there is a logic to this because h d s needs to get everything in order and under control. so it needs to roll out to certain people to do that. but at the same time, there's this absolute urgent need to show that he has is open to building a pluralistic syria and not just repeating the same mistakes of the site. or she may as a little for a lot to look out for real, many things in days for coming in and explaining a little bit of that to us. it's just being watching pictures like pictures from so way to in that syria huge crowds. we can see already coming out celebrations the and that part of the country with things huge crowds coming also in the mass goes
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for friday, pres, i'm are expecting all over the country people to come out celebrating on this day. this 1st friday's is the full of a sad, celebrating the full of the of a shot, a subway team, and the role of the aside family. 12 to move in 50 is so there's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, has soldiers, all pricing and syrian territory. and a buffet in the navy occupied colon heights to protect civilians. it says the collapse of assad government has created a power vacuum on the border. he also confirmed his where a soldiers have taken control of what he's called strategic flights in syria. the sound of savagery for human rights as well as soldiers have seized for months, sorry, and only positions on not time. and at 2800 meters is the highest peak in syria and just 40 kilometers from the capitol. and it's really presence that puts the mask is within range of its all totally fine amounts. and position also allows as well to
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monitor hezbollah, strong holes in eastern lebanon, and conduct surveillance inside syria. as well as also carried out hundreds of strikes across syria since sunday, the united nations has condemned israel's actions is actually the general spokesman told out, so is gabriel is on the violation of serious stuff. warranty for you and says 1100000 people are newly displaced across syria, since opposition forces began their offensive. in late november to our, the side regime. the u. n says they've delivered food assistance to about 700000 people. but he's real as continued a tax on syria are making the situation dangerous. the secretary general is deeply concerned by the resend, an extensive violations of serious sovereignty and territorial integrity. the secretary journalist, particularly concerned over the hundreds of is really air strikes on several
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locations in syria, stressing the need the urgent need to de escalate violence on all fronts throughout the country. israel is claiming that the reason they're continuing this strikes on syria is to prevent weapons getting in the wrong hands. is that any sort of justification for their continued attacks on syria? look, a lot of countries give justification for violating the sovereignty of others. what is clear is that we are concerned about these repeated violations of a serious sovereignty service. here's territorial integrity. at this point, serious need support from its neighbors in order to move towards a, a form of governance that is inclusive, that is democratic, that protects the rights of, of minorities. it is also imperative that those in control in syria ensure that all of all weapons and everything comes under control and is not open to looting or
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disappearance. and to be clear, the secretary general's message to israel right now is stop the attacks on syria. that's correct. and to other countries that may also be using this opportunity. the situation along the israel syria border remains of vala tile as well as is really forces continue to operate beyond the buffer zone that is monitored by the un disengagement observer force known as and off. that to is something that you and officials are concerned and watching closely. and the security council received a closed door briefing about that place on thursday gabriel's onto, i'll just see it at united nations in new york. new administration in damascus is cooling on the millions of syrian refugees to return home to care hosts around 3000000 syrian refugees. many of them say that happy and hopeful for that country's future. definitely deca spoke to surrender himself
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a some tech i said you have guys in tech about retaining high all of these men, sled, the war in syria, bringing with them a touch of home carving stone skill and routine. they have perfected over the years. but everything is different now. let me just a little, let me the thought, any of over 50 years past from the father, the son is gone and what else we can believe it. it's like a dream. i cried when i found out it was over. personally, i feel there is a big responsibility to come back and to help. it's been 14 years time. we need to do both everything. now this is a traditional across from a level going back hundreds of years. the owners of this business and most of the workers are from i left, but would jump in years to build this business. but everybody tells us they are determined to return and to start from scratch, to rebuild their city. and the country many tell us that starting over in
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a new country was hard. it's been a long road shoulder, so helpful. so my feeling is indescribable, happiness, happiness, that is beyond the extreme. so now is the time for reconstruction and to prepare for the future that the manager tells us to move will take time, paperwork, needs to be processed. he says that after building a business over 13 years, he colleges drop everything and go, but he will return to syria and soon the other, the men, the highest in color. i'm not afraid of the future because the biggest obstacles the i said, the machine, which wound the entire country has gone. now when we sold the joint operation, entering the cities, they took care of the minorities and they treated them very well. as we are one nation, this is what it's giving us assurances for the future. goes beyond debt posts close to half a 1000000 syrian refugees. many are from a level and everyone we spoke to wants to go home. is that honestly? it's a great victory. i want to go back,
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we need to go back. we've been here 11 years and it's enough. it's time to rebuild their homeland to they tell us time to car about to united and peaceful way. ford, stephanie decker. o g 0. it goes down to south eastern, took you so it has had went to alex's era, how of problems in bangladesh and deal with an engine energy company is under scrutiny of the engine and government struggles to keep the lights on. and some of the most important event in mexico is kind of the catholic church calls for a truce between criminal games. the . so i welcome to look at the international forecast stone grey mission. i put a note to remind myself here that is pretty much somebody off the web across
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a good positive, northern and central year. but that will be a change as we go through the next couple of days. we have high pressure just not doing its way a little further already swears, and that's going to allow west to web up mild weather when do you, whether to just coming to the northwest. so just freshening things up. we've got some wet weather down across the pots of the mediterranean central areas. they're pushing across into it least some areas of front, some snow. i have of the high ground snow to down into the southeast for a time and try to get increasingly slowly to close the pots of finland over the next couple of days. we got wet to weather that just started to creep its way towards scuffling to northern ireland, pushing into west impass of island. temperatures will not show up as we go through friday into sat today. so getting up to around 8 celsius, the full rad alonda. eventually that model by pushing across into weather in the concent, invest that to a wintry, whether they're into finland politic conditions for time, rash of rain, sleet, and snow. down across positively,
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the bulk is pushing across towards grace. meanwhile, across north africa, it is generally dry. a few showers towards the gulf of guinea. the south korea's working population is dwindling. and for an employee, these have become crucial to the country's economy. what's many are variable to exploitation and dangerous conditions? 101 east me. south korea's my points workers on l. g 0, the showcase of this document resumes from across the network on the
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the are getting you are watching onto there. and the reminder of all the top stories this, i'll show you a section of sites and the blinking has met tech has present, which up top of the one to discuss some serious future. both sides say they want a smooth transition, but i don't want insistence. i can, will take measures to secure it's pulled up. and the united nations has condemned as well for carrying out hundreds of strikes across the terrace and seizing formats, syrian army positions, and says the actions are a violation of territory to interpret integrity. and so for into the, i have an ice is really a strike and central gauze that has killed at least 33 percent of students, including several children,
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as many as 80 people were injured. the survivors have been told to, i'll ask the hospital for treatment. they attacked talked and multi story apartment buildings and on this i read refugee come fontes and rescue workers searched through the rubble, putting people to safety pres, of being held that those killed a c a. that's the hot and then we'll have about when these ready, occupation bombs, people in their houses. what do you expect them to do that those injuries are very deep and grave about some people are even amputated or people arrive after losing parts of their body. some of the occupation is violating all humanitarian laws and the keep targeting civilians, relentless to making them to hi name us words is life is don daryl by the in central gauze or so. how do you just describe the scene that off to those overnight strikes in this? all right, well laura, the usual to see and then do use what after math after huge and massive bombing
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campaign takes the place of looking at that decision and to your level of destruction, the scale of destruction to remain in residential buildings and public facilities in the area just making it very difficult, the data of the people who resided in that area would actually make it back and stay in these homes that just feeds into what these really military intended to do uh, throughout the whole year, no more than a year of the student side, but making jobs, a graduates quite uninhabited uninhabitable with the ongoing, the closure of the board is that it makes it very difficult for any of this stuff to come in to fix whatever it has been has been damaged. but so far, the, the, the heart breaking at story right now is many of the surviving families who are with mild injury the from the hospital, the right spot to the bottom side. and they want to try and find more of their relatives and more of their family members who are trapped and missing under the
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rumbles, in an attempt to, to see if they are still alive or not. but it has been almost 12 hours since the attack happened. and the chances of having any one alive or surviving. these attacks are very slim. as of this moment as the day progresses. we are presented with some of the footage that shows that the vast majority of people killed in the attacks are women and children to use was patterns of attacks and people inside your home. these displays families are from brooklyn, from northern part of district, from more recent from the eastern parts of the central area of winter with last night, hoping to wake up on some good news about the seas. fire of talk that from cairo keeps pouring and with some positive fights about it, but instead they woke up too much of the agony and the sadness and the trauma that keeps increasing. the genocide continues down fold across the gauze as true as honey in my fluid to bring is the latest. on the latest overnight strikes the in
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garza and elders, the red refuge account, honey. thank you for that. update was ready for us as of killed knowles, and galls is only orthopedic surgeon don't to side to the was traveling an ambulance transporting medical supplies to come odd one and out of the hospitals. when it's ready, drain open fire on the vehicle. this video shows the filter announcing the killing of his nephew, and this really attack last month as an image or a pushing his son was also killed. last week was trying to rescue traps. family members around 3000 microns from last in south america or a walking across mexico towards the us. they want to reach the board of a full. the and all gratian of presents elect donald trump next month. most of them venezuela, under his hate and cuba. the making the journey despite trumps promises of mass deportations under crack down on emigration. many say they were forced to leave the
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countries because of political upheaval and economic hardship. i ask republican president, donald trump, to think with his heart because he also has assemblies and we are only going in search of work and to show him who even his words are hard work and people just out of the wound up and say, i want to not to be biased, i never thought i would leave my country. i never had the american dream, but i was forced by the situation at this moment because of the home during government. our basic food is the most expensive in central america. you can't survive anymore. sandra im government and find a dash is looking at ways to revise the economy and then to deal with an indian company, the donnie group is stretching state funds. it was signed during the tenure of the former prime minister. shake se, ma'am. she fights new delhi also bring us it in august. combat chandry has moved from dr. bon with the same folks, nearly 10 percent off. it's electricity from india. most of it is supplied by the
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mountain national identity group under 25 year purchase agreement, signed in 2017 is. but some believe bangladesh been ripped off. the agreement is unfair, and equipped, it did not protect the interest of bangladesh. so i want the government to renegotiate the town, sweet, fair, you quote, and that a post initial interest of bundle this, if other, any does not agree to it. let's cancel their agreement as a whole. to protect the interest of the energy costs are rising and growing demand due to the expanding economy is hard and consumers, their frequent power cuts the spike paying high terrace. what happens to the electricity we're importing from india? where does it go? that's my question to the government. the india band with there's power data was signed in 2017 by prime minister check casino, who was off the during mess demonstration. earlier this year. the bundle dish is
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current energy advisor. phase the arrangement was unnecessary as the country can make its power needs domestically. and the high cost of important energy is draining the government's resources. this part of the that we have a backyard. i have with high data, for example i then he says at 50 percent higher than the average consumer debt is paid by people to as a result of this new project, an on any bob. and also this of the project that with preclude, without the competition, we have this huge subsidy required to pay and doing defend demand is high in bangladesh with many resenting new bill is decision to provide check custody. now with a safe haven the face of the and go through my down need the indian building here at the head of other on the.


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