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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  December 14, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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weeks ago was a tragic political mistake. there was a transitive click on his day by all measures, but he himself believe how firmly that it was the right decision within the power of the presidency in order to save the sailing country. um she as uh, she is a message through the nation which was announced uh, 2 days ago uh, indicated. so the news um, you know, must have's changes of mind to face the challenges. straightforward. that he expected to see what the eventually piece that his best shot would be to prove himself not guilty by the authority made by the cost of ports or so you said the president saw the imposing martial law as a way to save the country. but in a democracy, you don't save
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a country by sending the military into the parliament building and locking members of parliament out of the national assembly in a democracy. if you want to save a country or certainly if you want to save your presidency, you, if you do not have a majority in parliament, you build alliances with the opposition or with the, with any party that you know could agree with you on various pieces of legislation or you wouldn't the ballot box even better. what does it say about south korea that the president didn't do that instead? well, according to the constitution of the republic for you, either president, using title with, you know, 32 to declaring the martial law by which the power of that one of those will be shifted to the emergency. come on that bite on the forces. so he's the estimation of the flip. the conditions in south korea might have been different from the understanding held by substance or a number of substitute incentives and especially the understanding of the operation
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party leaders. uh, that will be one of the critical issue that should be settled in the trials. now, in the 1st note, for the weather, she's due soon to the toyota marshal. war could be justified, as the exercise of that you could fix the power in the interest of the nation. or he was a violation of the constitution and a treating call charges to accuse defense in the card stock points. a trial would be that, as you mentioned, that by his water under forces were deployed to the national assembly and tried to laptop members of the party and most of the members are probably monday, would not vote down the declared to marshall. no, we don't want 50 votes that can be regarded as a gross violation of the constitution because although the president entitle to declare the montreal but position up for the end of spring force of the previous uh
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uh, decisions but clearly stipulate that you cannot shut down the national assembly and recommend national assembly, but was not consulted to previous me by the press on the declaration of roger law would not be constitutional. the impeachment of the president passed in parliament 32 minutes ago as a political analyst. what early lessons are you drawing from this whole sequence of events? the early lessons would be how angry the saucepan citizen, so must be. now of course the south korean society is based 3 to polarize, following the global trans. so in many countries, exercising liberal democracy, but uh 75 percent of the saucepan citizens, according to the reason for legal can use of surveys indicate that they were
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family or support each month the press done, you know, to excited by the whole situation and legally opening the constitution or says the political and more of responsibility for all these uh, i'll tell you the same people create that in the estimate. so there must have been at least 12 members of his own party. the people's potty defected. to catch the balance in favor of seizing each month. is it, is it reasonable to assume that the opposition now is going to be in a very strong position going forward, including for the next elections. and i don't believe their elections schedule soon, but even the next presidential election in 2 and a half years time the, the visual portion of the body was already in the puts no power by come
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in doing a hassle majority in the probably a month. that is one of the reasons why for the news on youtube is gamble to declare the martial law to have it though called of fixing clean slate with show miserably failed in less than 6 hours. so after he's in peace months and he's basically a window across the board, might a rule in favor of his impeachment within the $180.00 days. then the momentum will be continuous to the shifting in favor of the litter of the dental put upon a the biggest and will present party who was defeated by it says on use of the in the previous past, the election. and just before a, just before i let you go, sir, am i right that the prime minister is now as of this moment, the interim presidents and the title is not entering the present,
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but you are correct that the problem used to handle. so, but we'll assume the author of the office of president because of how to read of the present is now officially suspended until the buddy may bite across the court will come out in uh within a 180 days. okay. bonham check, thank you so much for joining us on the else 0 news. our at such short notice 35 minutes after we found out the president was impeached by the national assembly in sold. thank you to our guests and we continue to take in these live pictures. so these are people who just passed by pm closing it on 6 pm now in so, and you see people that's more than 200000 people at this point, holding light torches in the center of sol, just around the apartment building there. as i said 36 minutes ago, more than 200 lawmakers in an assembly of 300 voted to impeach the president as a result against the people who declared martial law briefly less than 2 weeks ago
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. and he then had to overturn that is no longer a president and his power has now been invested into the hands of the prime minister. he will run this. the constitutional court, according to this process, now has 6 months, up to 6 months to decide whether or not to whether to approve or whether to reject this impeachment. so if they do approve it, then there will have to be a new election. that's where we stand. and so in south korea, at the cell, the, what we get back to syria now where it talks on the country's political transition after the toppling of the assad government are set to get underway in jordan, in the coming hours. our diplomats, as well as the turkish foreign minister and the us secretary of states are expected
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to attend these talks as head to damascus, where it was to sort or join just life result. so all these countries that have either an interest or mistake or leverage over a serious future or getting together in jordan. but you're in damascus. what is playing out like, what is going to happen in syria as a result of the talks playing out, enjoyed a wealth 0. this is the 1st high level meeting or the, the national original actors off, the toppling off by themselves of the collapse of this sub routine that has continued has lots of for more than half a century. so now it's interesting to see the companies that you're seeing over there and the companies that are absence. so there is no sylvia. so there is no russia and there's no one. these were the 2 main backers of both sides. and they
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have invested in the me a lot. now they're not at the table and they're not going to be represented why the news is being built off. well, the other hand, you're seeing that the company is regional and international countries. and do you, any of the blogs are now coming repositioning themselves. one of the major companies you discharge and it is the main back of the position here. and according to many as the main beneficiaries of these revolutions the topple aside regime and on the other end as united states, another major player when it comes to celia and the whole region. so the united states and donkey both are the major airlines. however, they have different approaches to syria for turkey, the prior one of the main priority is not to see any code despite this being equal to any territory in syria on the then making sure that the news the decision is having an international recognition and see as a similar transition for the usa usa is still cautious. they're not labeled in the
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new buttons, vision in city as a kind of i've gotten the sense that i'm not saying that they'll be less than that having a so far, based on the culture of savings coming from the united states. they're not given the full list embassy as well. on the other hand, if you have the golf companies that these are the economy power, houses of the region, they're also there. i want to have a say if news hear me. yeah. i'm originally the neighboring companies like the doors and like you box like egypt. so there's a lot of extremely concerns. so there's a new celia. this is the 1st big table about how the news is going to look like. and from damascus from the united states, and even though they do not have a free shipping, a delegation will officially a representative that is not present in the in jordan. still, there are 2 countries that are extremely close in a close coordination in close communication with this new inspection. and they're both in jordan got out of the church in beads took you today is going to be open if
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i'm busy off the 13 years. why is that important? because the major step for whitening the less them is in the recognition to these ends ration. so i'm just not seeing cut, that is also going to be open that at a, at that number says here. then the original company's rock egypt. jordan, right database. so we're going to be a bit wanted to resume the diplomatic reasons. one of the major european union company is to resume the different magic the mission here. so this region allow me to measure that as more and more than gauge with the new student. and the vision is that sort of thing. and for the, for the, near the vision, the new government, the mass. cuz because they wanted you to holes quickly 1st haven't any too much less them. be seen as the list of, of the representative of cdn, syrians, on the other hand, making sure that the restitution is to move and the order is restored. the reserves are still sort are reporting from the syrian capital damascus. thank you very much
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for. so that was who mentioned that as the new syria and administrator and takes shape, it's going to have to work with several regional international parties and their interest. let's outlined them here for k wants to push back kurdish forces, which anchor considers terrace groups from his border while creating what it calls a safe zone. in northern syria, the us supports curtis groups in eastern syria seeking to secure oil resources. it also wants to counter iso and limit the influence of russia and iran. russia wants to maintain its access to oil and gas, feels as well as his military presence along through his mediterranean coastline. it run 6 to rebuild times with syria and says it is open to working with the new administration. syria has been central to, to her on foreign policy, serving as an important link to allies and living on and as a vital supply card or for his beloved israel. meanwhile, is focused on curbing and runs influence and blocking transfers of advanced weapons to has the law in level. joining us on set to discuss this is rob guys playing full
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the lecture in peace and security during university. thanks for being back with us . and the one thing that really strikes me about what russell described about these diplomatic talks in, in jordan, the new 300 ministration isn't there. all these countries are getting around the table to discuss syria, syria isn't really there. right? and i think part of this is the international communities attempts to kind of grab hold of the narrative and also to access some control over events on the ground. remember that many of the states, like for example, egypt and jordan, will go together to cool for a ceasefire. in this latest round of fighting, just a day before revel falls as much on damascus and the shower and a side go on the plane to russia. so even if many of these countries are not friendly with this, i've received, they will have felt like at this quote, the owner was on surprise and they have little ability to shape events on the ground. so this i think is a way for the international community to basically say, and we're here and we can help you. we can rebuild syria. you, we need,
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you need help to rebuild syria. siri is a bankruptcy country. public said this is a not functioning, it's got 80 percent of his oil traditionally from the ron. is that going to be the same? or maybe for example, kind of the states and the goals step up to help. so the, and there's also a way for these international can, for the investor community in these countries that are being represented to work out exactly what everyone's interest saw and to see if they can come to some sort of consensus as you saw that many of them don't degree and many of them have very, very different interest. but that might be a way to come to a uncomfortable but necessary compromise to allow us to get into the pre, a post complete reconstruction phase in syria. how do these countries that are meeting and jordan today feel about the new story and administration of a allied to as opposed to it of gnostic, neutral wait and see what i think it's fair to say that it's complicated ads offered at h. d. s a wrongly accused of being a turkish proxy, then not at,
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but they have very, very close relation to to do. we knows it to keep ads has helped them in terms of keeping the border open. for example, for trade is have his own troops there around a live kind of shielding, aged yes. from a side regime, a tax and was also indications that take you might have even given them the green light and the slate of offensive, even if they weren't the ones leading it. but then if you look at other powers, for example, the u. s. and the us on many other countries include h t s as a terrorist organization, the bill that was going about that. yeah, there's still technically a $10000000.00, bouncy on of who we once knew is everyone have it alkaline who is now a restarting self. was that out? shara, the well that's, that's his real name. the front of the door and that's his room. exactly. yeah, he's going from revolutionary to states where he stops the transition that he's trying to betray. and the question is whether the us boys, i think the us to saying, you know, it will give you
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a chance to see whether your intentions match your words. the fact that there's been us drones in that, across the series for a long time now. and none of those have targeted him means that they, the jewelry is outs, but they're still waiting to see exactly what it is he's going to do. what wage d as h distance vision for a post roll serial like we still don't know, it is tricky when the, the us, the you in and many western countries of the officially classified labeled h t s. and it's leader who happens now to be the new ruler of syria for lack of better word. and they've labeled him and his organization, terrorist and he's the person. and that's the group that they now have to deal with . aren't they going to have to consider perhaps lifting that label? i think they all, but i think the us is position is that it will not come as a gift. it will come, is there a reward faced? yes, changing its behavior. and it's just demonstrating that they are actually serious
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about building a syria that respects them a little respects, minorities, respect and non mostly, and goods example of less freedom of worship. remember the h d s at the end of the day? yes, it has changed. it is no longer that you have this open eyes ation that it once was, but it once was, the job is to open eyes ation. it was linked to al qaeda. it was linked to i. so i'm out on a himself o o. i was shara, he basically began his political career or military career and the organization fighting in iraq as a forward flight to so there's all sorts of questions about whether haste. yes has and will change whether, you know, change is warping the military golf for a civilian suit is demonstrative of change or if it's just window dressing, does he have any enemies, this new server administration, do they have enemies? you know, who are rooting against them and may be actively working against them. oh plenty. there's no doubts about that. which is why i'm often very skeptical of simply just referring to these groups as the rebels. but you know,
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that's the kind of missing that, that doesn't capture the variety of different groups of interest here at taste. yes . as for the cna, it's for outcomes either. it's for ice fill it as well. so been previously, as i said, allied to those groups. it's currently and there was also as a tool that they had to develop but wait, hold on. yeah, i know the time i was there like right, well reasoned and, and different interests. but i mean, is there somebody coming for them? wells, that's a good question. i don't think there is the time being because i think the syrian people and these other organizations giving them the benefits of the doubt, the waiting to say that waiting for the dust assess to, to see exactly what happens. but this is also something that happened in iraq, by the way, uh after the 2003 invasion that was initial quiet and optimism. and a lot of these groups didn't go away. they just stopped in the shadows, waiting for them moving. so i will have to opposite the security services. for example, at our shower has said that they are going to be disbanded all they gave him to be disbanded and then sent home, and then they going to radicalized, for example,
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as what happened to the bath. faulty understood, i'm who sites or is there a way to include them and make them feel part of the new government structure without at the same time just having too much of a continuation of the previous regime around the guys tenfold. thank you very much . again, the united nations security council is expected to meet on tuesday and members will also discuss serious political and humanitarian situations ahead of the meeting, the syrian and bass that are sent a letter of criticizing israel strikes on his country gabriel. of his own do has more on this from un headquarters in new york. a serious ambassador to the united nations is a hold over from the aside regime damascus asked him to stay on in his current position and continue his work. and that's exactly what he's doing, representing the new administration in syria and the syrian people more broadly. now, earlier this week, the ambassador sent a letter to the security council, which we have obtained, deploring israel's aggression and breaches of serious sovereignty,
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particularly bombing of military sites, as well as violations of the 1974 disengagement agreement overseen by the un disengagement observer for us now on friday, the secretary general's spokesperson commented about exactly that. since the december, 7th, and off has been observed, has observed a significant increase in israel. defense forces, movements within the ever separation. and along the seas far line where they've been constructing counter mobility obstacles since july 2024. and off confirms that as of 13 december, the idea for mains in the area of separation in multiple locations and offers informed its is really counter parts of the actions constitute a violation of the 1974. this engagement agreement, the letter from serious ambassador calls on the security council to do whatever it can to compel is real, to stop all of its attacks,
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as well as withdrawal from areas immediately. the israel has occupied the past few days. on tuesday, the security council will meet to discuss serious political and humanitarian situation. gabriel is on the, i'll just say the united nations in new york. the new syrian administration says it has found a warehouse storing illegal drugs on the outskirts of damascus. fighters discovered thousands of highly addictive pills. cold capital, gone, many were packed inside electrical equipment or are hidden inside of fruit. the assad government repeatedly denied ties to the international, illegal drug trade, but it was accused of profiteering from the production and sale of capital. got a copy of on for off a for about this is how they wrapped them and send them to countries abroad. these are these drugs they're sending them to saudi arabia to the entire gulf. this is how they're loading trucks with them. the
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us national security advisor jake sullivan is traveling to egypt as part of a final push to reach a ceasefire in gauze before president joe biden leads office. meanwhile, israel has carried out a wave of attacks across the strip targeting a school and buildings, housing displaced, palestinians in jamalia, in northern gauze and rescue workers. pulled bodies from the rubble with their hands is really strikes of killed, at least 50 people in the past 24 hours. israel has laid siege to northern gaza for more than 2 months, blocking the entry of food and medicine while also been boarding the area. the united nations says the military has stopped more than a 100 humanitarian missions into the north since the siege began. us since october 6th, the u. n and our partners have tried to coordinate a 137 missions to those parts of the north. more than 90 percent, that's about
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a $120.00 for planned admission. were denied right. the other 13 were approved but then faced impediments along the way. since monday we submitted 16 requests that's between $3.00 and $5.00 each day. almost all were flat out denied. the only mission to get the green light was prevented from moving into all the areas it set out to reach. ready stresses at once again or humanitarian movements must be facilitated across garza, including areas in the north where thousands of palestinians are facing a book elliptic conditions after almost 10 weeks under siege. the still ahead on now is a 0. george's problem is this picking a new president after october's disputed general election the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on al jazeera,
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hundreds of palestine solid, there with people tacitus came to damned square to let their voices heard. since the protest band has been in place, i just want to speak out against the genocide. they also protested against racism is lemme phobia heard in parliament in response to what petitions have described this anti semitism during last week's football riots. the leader of the fall rights freedom party wants to withdraw passports of dutch people from a rock and descend. he claims a tech is what in the science and kicked them out of the country. we should stop ignoring our problems with immigration. our problems are some of all kinds of problems with the salon. while the government in the hay is trying to limit the democratic rights they, i'm here to define a protest that they say we need to speak out against the genocide and got them after allowing them to protest for our police doctor to detain more than 200
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demonstrate just by one the the, the voting is underway in george's parliament where the governing party is expected to name a fault, right, loyalist as president. it's the 1st time politicians rather than the public will be choosing the president. the move has angry protestors who accuse the governing party of rigging parliamentary elections in october. protests have been held nightly for 2 weeks. current presidents celebrates or basically is refusing to step down until new elections are held. houses 0 is dimitri method. danco sent this update from outside the parliament building and the police see where the vote is being house. well, it's quite clear where it's headed in a presidential election where there's just one candidate and that doesn't seem to pose any kind of hurdles. in terms of the electoral process. we have the central
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election committee inside this parliament with 300 votes. as these members of parliament from georgia in dream or position policies are not present the because they disagree with the parliamentary elections. and basically believe that everything that's happened since is null and void. so that's the empties. and then the, of course, representatives of local governments, in the, uh, having that vote, they've been voting for the past 2 and a half hours. it's expected to finish by 2 o'clock local time. so that's another 2 and a half hours. so let me just show you around in the tell you what it's like here. there's still thousands of people gathered in front of the problem of despite it being so cold as people playing football right over here. for example, like keeping warm plus at the same time that taking a low job at the one presidential candidate who is a me, kyle calculus really is a former football player, also all those who came with
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a prince out of the diploma. so we have, as i can see, team that team here, who's printed out his diploma tenants. and could you just quickly tell us, why did you come with your diploma? yeah, cuz i have one and our future illegitimate president doesn't so so i'll just to so thank you. so that's, that's the, that's a, that's another job at the president who apparently never went to university and people are finding it, outrages here. french president amended and nicole has appointed a centrist ally as prime minister as he tries to end the political crisis, which has lasted for months. possibly the whole scene here on the right place has been shut about in the on the left was ousted in a parliamentary, no confidence votes over his plans for an austerity budget by who has acknowledged that breaking the political deadlock is what he describes as a full himalayan task. that's it for me. so then yeah, i'll be back with you shortly with a another. we'll let you know now 0 that will be at the top of the hour. in 2
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minutes circumstance. the the latest news as it breaks the last test. what was the please of power of president bush chart? a said his role is now over with detailed coverage to know how much time do you say 5 to one to process the women's facebook for disability plug rest of the faithful, the, and the beach from around the world. bruce, the valley avenue is filled with tens of thousands of processes in the 7th consecutive night of pros, as in the georgia and capital thrilling but dangerous, an illegal thief in brazil for fellers a secret community builds hot air. balloons found a way to those surface only to spectacularly release the creation of filmmakers
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as our initiation into a balloon brother. bound through chasing the lights in the sky. witness by no means yet on the just examining the headline. unflinching to him and the sharing postman stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of low task presenting on our to 0 over $27000.00 for inc. photographs, i can't believe till they can do that. as the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis sitting there in the in the 1st of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence, from the seas of files to the lost souls of syria, on al jazeera,
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the colleges. when the, all the jubilation on the streets of south korea's capital. so after parliament votes to impeach president to use of the venue, it's good to have you with us. this is alison 0 live from the also coming up serious road to recovery, humanitarian age, security and reconciliation. top the agenda at a conference in georgia from north to south is really bombardment of the gaza strip,
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has killed more than 50 people, including children in the past 24 hours. and george's parliament is picking a new president's house or october's disputed general election.


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